• Published 24th Jun 2012
  • 15,437 Views, 270 Comments

A Doorway to Another Place - Java Joe

A magical doorway opens a whole new world for Twilight Sparkle.

  • ...

The Morning After

The next day Rick woke up to an unfamiliar sensation, there was a warm body in bed with him. It took a moment but the memories of what happened last night came flooding back to him and admittedly for a moment, he felt a little weird. After all, he spent a good portion of last night having sex with a pony. This is not something that happens every day and it's definitely not something you update on Facebook. But it wasn't bestiality, at least not in the classical sense. Twilight Sparkle was sapient, had a fantastic mind, an inquisitive nature, could philosophise and besides she was cute as hell. He had always been a sucker for the intelligent, slightly nerdy librarian types. Seriously, he thought if she was human he'd have been all over her a long time ago. Yes it was weird, but that didn't necessarily mean it was wrong.

Look at sci-fi shows. There were always people getting it on with aliens. Captain Kirk himself practically screwed his way through the entire Federation on Star Trek and he's practically a god to some people. So yeah, once you got past the part where she was a pony it wasn't any different than sex with an alien. Or maybe he was just trying to make excuses. In the end it didn't matter, he felt good with it. Rolling over, he put an arm around her, hugged her and lay his head back down on the pillow before closing his eyes and drifting back to sleep.

Twilight Sparkle was just drifting in that moment between sleep and being awake when she felt Rick pull her close. She opened her eyes and beheld his face, seeing him completely at peace made her smile. She snuggled in closer to him, feeling the warmth coming off his naked body and made her think back to last night.

In truth, she was a little surprised by what happened. When he had said they needed to talk she feared the worse and that he was going to ask her go away and never come back. There was no way she would allow that to happen, not now, not when she felt this way about him. She had never felt this way for any pony before. He was the first and he wasn't even a pony which made her confused for a moment. He wasn't a pony, but was still a fine example of a male. He was smart, funny, a little unconventional but then he was a human after all so it's not like that wasn't to be expected. At that point, she had to kiss him. There simply was no other option and if she didn't do this now, maybe she'd never have the chance to do it again.

Luckily for her, he felt the same way, one thing led to another and here she was feeling almost deliriously happy. She reached up and kissed him lightly on the lips. She heard him chuckle lightly, he hugged her strongly for a moment then opened his eyes. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw the love there, the acceptance and possibly a spark of mischief.

"Mornin' you. How'd you sleep?" he asked.

"Mmmmm, I slept great" she responded stretching languorously. "I was totally worn out after last night thanks to you."

"I guess a thank you is in order but you definitely deserve some of the credit yourself." he said."But I also want you to know that I don't make it a habit of trying to make out with every single pony that comes over to watch the stars. You were just a special case."

"What? You mean there have been others?" she said in mock outrage. The normally introverted Twilight had come out of her shell since this tall, strange human appeared. One thing he had introduced her to was sarcasm which seemed to comprise half of his normal dialogue when you got to know him. He and Rainbow Dash would go at it for a while, throwing "zingers" as he called them back and forth. Often times it ended in one or the other either laughing or admitting defeat and

followed with hoof bump. She still only felt comfortable using it around him however.

"Oh yeah, there have been plenty others. First I took Rainbow Dash but she was too interested in just making out. Then there was Pinkie Pie but she just giggled and made funny songs about the names of the stars and constellations. Applejack was next but she was more interested in what kind of apple trees there were up there. Fluttershy spent the whole evening trying to track down little woodland creatures and Rarity wouldn't even go because she felt the dirt would get in her mane, " he said with a smile that only got broader as he listed off pony after pony. "But you, my dear Twilight Sparkle, had something that the rest of them lacked."

Twilight Sparkle, a sweet blush on her cheeks waited to hear the words that set her apart from the other ponies in Ponyville. She just hoped it would be sweet instead of him turning it into a joke. "And what would that be?" she asked sweetly.

"You said yes" he said deadpan but couldn't keep a straight face as he did so. She nudged him in the ribs and said, "that's not nice and you know it".

He chuckled a bit more and said, "you're right. I was just teasing" as he leaned in and kissed her. "The actual reason is, they just don't interest me in any way more than just being friends or acquaintances. You on the other hand have got it all going on. You've got the brains, the nerdy charm and purple has always been one of my favourite colours."

She sighed, luxuriating in the feeling of being next to him as he slowly ran his hand across her flank. She also became aware of something else a little further down which was slowly pressing into her. A quick look revealed that Rick was starting to get a little heated up, which was good as she was as well. She gave him a sultry look, pressing her body up against his and alternately nibbling gently and kissing him on the chest, then moving the shoulder, the neck and finally the lips. They kissed more passionately as their desire took over.

Their lovemaking was different than the night before, it didn't feel rushed or awkward but just seemed to flow naturally. He had learned what made her feel good, like the massaging of her horn when she was aroused and how the base of was rather sensitive. Or how she liked little love bites on the back of her neck. She also learned about human anatomy and typically where he liked to be rubbed, stroked or nibbled. There was no need for words, just one pleasurable sensation after another.

Basking in the afterglow, they just lay there side by side. Her shoulder nestled in the crook of his arm, her head lying on his chest listening to his heart beat out a steady rhythm. She heard him chuckle a bit, looked up and asked him what was so funny?

"I was just thinking that if we keep doing this, we'll have no time to do anything else today. Not that I'm complaining or anything or the thought of making love to you over and over is bad thing. But eventually we will need to get up or we'll just wind up getting all tired and going to sleep again." He however made no effort to move and neither did she, both were simply too comfortable where they were. However things don't always turn out the way you want them to as a rumble came from Twilight's belly, followed rather surprisingly from Rick's as well. They both giggled a bit at this and decided it was time to get up if for no other reason than to get something to eat. But first, they needed a shower.

"Wanna join me?" Rick asked with a leer. "I've got room in there for two."

"Some other time. We'd just wind up having sex in there anyway. I'll meet you in the library when you're done and bring the coffee." Twilight responded as she sashayed out of the room, giving her flanks a little more wiggle than usual because she knew Rick would be staring at her. A quick look over her shoulder showed she was right. She blew him a kiss then disappeared around the corner into her washroom. Rick sighed with a goofy little smile on his face, climbed out through the window and made his way to his own bathroom to take a quick shower.

Refreshed, cleaned and smelling like a combination of Irish Spring and Head and Shoulders Rick sauntered through the door carrying two cups of coffee. He placed one in front of Twilight, gave her a quick kiss and sat down opposite her to have breakfast. There was a lot of goofy staring back and forth between the new lovers and a lot of casual touching of the hand and hoof but very little needed to be said. The looks and touching said it all. In fact it was so obvious and so intense that neither one noticed when the main door opened and Rainbow Dash came in.

She stared in disbelief at the sight before her. Here was one of her best friends, Twilight Sparkle and that human making goo goo eyes at each other and he was actually *touching* her with those fingers of his. But the worst part was she didn't seem to mind him doing this. "What in the name of Celestia is going on here!?" she cried.

Both Twilight and Rick gave a start on hearing this, having been lost in each other's eyes and both looked a little guilty but knew that the proverbial cat was out of the bag. "Should we tell her?" Twilight asked looking at Rick for confirmation.

"I don't think we have much choice in the matter. She's got us dead to rights so either we tell her or we'll need to start to think where to dump the body, " he said with a wink. The last thing they needed now was a misunderstanding.

"Well... you see Rainbow Dash... it's a little like... me and Rick..." Twilight stumbled through the words, not sure of what to say. But Rick stepped up to the challenge and came to her aid. "We're seeing each other. She's my fillyfriend and I love her." he turned to Twilight as he said this, and took her hoof in his hand. She smiled and felt a deep love for this human so strong that it almost bordered on an ache.

Dash, her mouth hanging open, looked at Twilight Sparkle for reassurance and seemed to deflate a bit when Twilight said that Rick was her coltfriend and added with a shy smile that they had just spent the night together. Again, the two lovers shared a smile and one of those looks before turning back to the cerulean pegasus.

"Rainbow Dash, please keep this to yourself for now. We'll tell the others soon, but we don't want everypony to know until we're ready. Okay?" Twilight asked her friend.

Rainbow Dash just nodded dumbly then turned around and walked out the door.

"Do you think she'll be okay with this?" Rick asked.

"I'm sure she'll come around to it once she gets to know you better. And don't worry about her telling anypony, she's able to keep her mouth closed."

Breakfast was done, they cleaned up and came the big question what they were going to do for the rest of the day. They really wanted to spend it together, but as Rick was still a virtual unknown in Ponyville and Twilight was an actual unknown on Earth there wasn't much they could do that didn't involve hanging in the library or hanging at Rick's place. It was Saturday back home and this was the day that Rick normally did his errands for the week, also he needed to clean up the apartment after last night. Twilight said that she needed to do some studying considering she put if off last night to watch the movies and didn't get back here until morning. Again, she blushed slightly thinking about last night as she looked up at her human lover. She reared up on her hind legs and hooked her forelegs over his shoulders. The result was twofold. It helped her to balance but also brought her face up closer to his so they could share a kiss.

When they broke their embrace Rick said "So tell you what. I should be done all this by the mid-afternoon maybe around 3ish. If you want, we can have dinner at my place or not. I don't want to push anything or make you feel like you have..." he was unable to finish his sentence as Twilight leaned in for another kiss in part because she wanted to but also to stop him from babbling.

"I'd love to have dinner with you tonight. What are you making?"

"Honestly I don't know, I never plan these things out in advance. I usually just go to the market and see what looks good." He stopped for a moment, a thought running through his head. "Twi, I know ponies don't eat meat so obviously I'm not going to make any of that for you, but what can you eat? I know you're okay with dairy and eggs but is there anything other than those or veggies you can eat? Can you eat fish or seafood? I know back home in certain countries they feed this to horses as part of their feed. Not that you're like a horse or anything..." Again, she leaned in for a kiss. She liked this when he started to babble, it was fun.

"Yes, we can although it's not something we do very often. Why? Are you planning on making some?"

"Not really, but it depends on what they have. I just don't want to limit myself if it's not necessary. Okay, so I'll get going and see you this evening." He pulled her close, they kissed and Rick walked back to his world. Twilight sighed, after he left and just stared at the closed door. She missed him already, but had things to do today. Shaking herself back to reality she trotted over to her workspace, pulled out a book and started taking notes.

As all of this was happening in the library, Spike was coming back from Rarity's place where he had recently started to spend the night since Rick showed up. Twilight had gone on a "date" with that human, he felt a little lonely so had gone over to her house. She agreed to let him stay if he helped her to clean up her workshop which he did as he'd do anything for that filly. All he got for his troubles was a quick peck on the cheek as she said goodnight, but if that was all she was willing to give him at this point, he'd take it.

"Morning Rainbow Dash!" he called out as the pegasus walked by him. She barely acknowledged his presence and just gave a half-hearted wave as she walked by. This was odd simply because unless she had to, Rainbow Dash flew everywhere. He was about to ask her what was wrong when he belched green fire and a scroll popped out of his mouth. Breaking the seal he read a few lines then ran to the library as fast as he could. Twilight Sparkle needed to know this right away.

"TWILIGHT!" Spike called as he ran into the library looking frantically for the pony.

"Spike? What's the matter?" she responded from her perch.

"It's the princess! She'll be here this afternoon and wants to speak to you about something. What are we going to do?"

Twi bit her lip and thought for a moment, she desperately didn't want to panic but how couldn't she? If the princess showed up and found out about her coltfriend she might get really angry, or worse. No, she needed to think about how to get through this.

"Okay, Rick's gone for the day and shouldn't be back until mid-afternoon but he won't come see me until the evening. The princess should be gone by then so they won't meet and nothing bad will happen. But something still needs to be done with that doorway, " she said glancing over at the plain white door. She thought for another moment and asked, "Spike? How well can you paint?"

Later that afternoon, the princess was finishing up her visit with Twilight. She had noticed that her student was acting a little more nervous than usual, but she thought that might just have to do with her informal visit. She was on her way to Fillydelphia and since Ponyville was on the way, there was no harm in stopping off for a few hours to visit and catch up. The weekly letters were nice, but when it came down to it you couldn't beat the face to face method.

"Again, please forgive us for stopping by with such little notice, " the princess said.

"Oh! No problem your highness. I always look forward to your visits, so does Spike, " Twilight said a little too cheerfully as she indicated Spike who was currently painting on a large canvas which had been stretched over the door thus hiding it's true purpose.

"Your painting is lovely Spike. We'd really like to see it when you're finished."

"O-o-of course your highness. I know it's not very good, but I'm still learning." he stammered.

And just then as she was still looking at the canvas, it moved... inwards and a voice called out, "Hey Twi, I'm done all my shopping so I wondered if you wanted to join me for... " he trailed off as he came face to face with a rather large white winged unicorn who he knew from speaking to Twilight had to be the princess. Everybody froze in place not knowing what to do next. They didn't get much time to think as the princess lowered her horn, and pawed at the ground as if getting ready to charge.

Rick tried to dart out of the way, seeing a large pointy horn being pointed at you is not something you want. Having the same horn in front of several hundred pounds of angry pony ready to rush you is really something you don't want. Unfortunately he couldn't move, there was a nimbus of white light surrounding him holding him fast. The Princess charged, time seemed to slow down, he looked at Twilight, wanting to tell her one last time how he felt, his lips moved but no sound came out.

In a flash, Twilight streaked forward, and threw herself in front of Rick, ready to either die with him at the end of Celestia's horn or at the very least spare his life in the process.

Celestia threw herself back, her hooves skidding on the floor and her wings thrown out to slow herself down. The two lovers closed their eyes, not wanting to see what happened next. Twilight whispered, "I love you" into his ear as she hugged him, he mouthed the same words as he still couldn't make a sound. Only when the noise had stopped and neither one of them were dead did they dare to look. The only thing they saw was a slightly ruffled Celestia looking back at them. Her horn glowed for a moment and Rick found himself able to move once again. He took Twilight in his arms and hugged her tight as she started sobbing slightly. He soothed her as best he could and enjoying the feeling of not only her in his arms but the fact that they were both still alive.

"We believe the two of you have some explaining to do."