• Published 2nd Nov 2016
  • 10,804 Views, 574 Comments

The Tale Of A Lost Wolf - Solaris Night

While preforming a new spell, Twilight accidentally summons a being, unlike anypony has ever seen, to Equestria. Can she and the rest of the girls befriend him and teach him the values of friendship?

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Chapter 11: Canterlot Wedding Part 2: Canterlot Invaded; Warrior Beast Vs. Changeling Queen

Trider rolled over in his sleep, as his body was trying to manually find a pleasant sleeping position. However his rolling was stopped by a large mass that was lying next to him. His mind still half asleep, he placed one of his arms over the mass and squeezed it closer to his body. "Hmm, warm." he mumbled, as he gripped the newfound warmth even tighter.

"Well you're a gutsy one, aren't you?" said a voice, that sounded like it was right next to him. Slowly opening one of his eyes to see where the voice came from, he got an eyeful of red and white. But what really struck out were a pair of dark brown eyes that were looking directly looking into his own. "Good morning wolfie."

"Holy shit!!!" Adrenalin suddenly shot through the Kanisars system, as he jumped out of his bed and landed face first onto the ground. Quickly scrambling he got back onto his feet and faced the bed, ready to fight the unwanted occupant. However once he realised who it was that gave him such an unwanted awakening, he lowered his guard and looked at the mare on his bed in bewilderment and annoyance. "Rose? What the fuck, dude? Why did you do that?"

The mare giggled as she scooted to the edge of the bed and got up on her hooves. "I just wanted to thank you for carrying me back to the barracks, after I cut loose last night." A smirk then spread across her face as she continued. "Also you looked so adorable when you slept that I just wanted to cuddle you myself, but then you took the charge."

Trider could only sigh, he couldn't be mad at her, she meant no harm to him and it was his own fault for getting so startled. He looked out the window and saw that the sun has just risen over the horizon. He then looked at a clock that hung on the wall and it showed eight o'clock. "What's up with you ponies and getting up early. Don't you guys ever sleep in?"

"When you're in the military, you have no such privilige. Even if you're of the highest of ranks." She walked across the room and stood in front of a mirror. "Besides we have a lot of things to do today or have you forgotten about the plans we made yesterday?" she asked the Kanisar as he straightened her clothes, trying to get rid of the wrinkles.

"Oh yeah, we're supposed to meet up with Blueblood and Charming so you can show me some of the more 'priviliged' parts of the city." he said as he remembered their plans for today. "So, where's the pipsqueak?"

"You mean Dynamism?" Rose asked to which Trider nodded. "She is getting ready in the barracks and should be finished very soon. She said she'll wait for us at the castle entrance."

"Good." He looked at her and the clothes she was wearing. Unlike yesterday, today she wore a pair of jeans and a plain grey shirt with a turtle neck. The shirt had a symbol of a sword overgrown with a small rose bush, located in the bottom right corner of the dress. "Even when you dress so plainly you look outstanding. I would look like a lazy slob if I tried that."

"Thank you. It's all thanks to my mother. She taught me how to bring elegance and beauty to anything I wear." She looke at Trider and scanned his body, as her eyes went lower and lower, until they fell onto his crotch area. "Even if you do have a bad fashion sense, I certainly hope you're not planning on going out like that." She said as she lidded her eyes and smiled.

Trider didn't even have to look at himself to know what she meant. He always liked to sleep in his underware and this time was no exception. He continued to stand there, almost naked, in the room as he crossed his arms and gave the mare a grin. "Why not? I'm sure the ponies would enjoy the show I could give them."

"Wouldn't be much of show by the looks of it."

The Kanisar could actually feel his pride shatter at that statement. "Damn you don't hold back do you?" he said as he headed towards a chair where he left his clothes from yesterday.

"You have no idea." she said as she headed for the door, with a little sway in her hips. "You coming or what?"

"Yeah, yeah miss Burn." He started to walk to the door while he was still putting his sleeveless hoodie on. "Where'll we be going first?"

Rose put a finger to her chin a she thought about their options. "Probably we'll go to a diner, since I presume you would only complain if we didn't put any food inside of you before we start our tour."

"You know me so well." The two laughed and chatted as they were making their way down the castles corridors. Soon they ran into the Mane 6 and Spike. "Hey guys, where are you going?"

"We're going to the wedding rehearsal. Princess Cadances previous bridesmaids were apperantly just there to take advantage to get close to royalty or some other bullshit, so we took over their role. Isn't that cool?" said the rainbow maned mare as she hovered next to her friends.

"So where are ya two headed today?" asked Applejack.

"We're going to meet up with Blueblood and Charming so they can show me around the city a bit more." Trider explained.

"Blueblood?" Rarity suddenly excaimed. "Why would that good for nothing, self-centered, idiotic excuse for a gentlecolt want to show you the city, when he can't eve treat a lady like he should?" Her face was red from her anger towards the stallion and Trider could swear he saw steam escaping from her.

"Wow Rarity, what did he do earn your wrath?" Trider said, completely caught off guard by her outburst.

Rarity raised her nose as she humphed. "I would rather not talk about that night. It is too painful to speak of."

Trider looked at rest of the girls, knowing they won't have such a hard time telling him what happened. "It happened durin the Grand Gallopin Gala, we already told you what happened when we attended it, and she wanted tah meet the prince." Applejack began to explain as Rarity tried to stop her, but was held back by Rainbow. "When she did meet him, he acted like a complete douche and made Rarity do all of these unlady-like things. At the end of the night however he used her as a livin shield to block a cake that flew towards them. The cake splatered all over Rarity and she went berserk."

Rarity covered her face, as shame descended upon her in a form of a blush. Trider however was rolling on the floor, laughing so loud he could be heard across in the nearby parts of the castle. "Oh god, th-thats priceless." he said as he tried to catch his breath. "He just made my good guy list."

Rarity wanted to smack the Kanisar over the head, but stopped when she remembered something that he said earlier. "Wait, who's Charming?"

"He's Bluebloods brother." Raritys eyes twinkled when she heard that, but before she could say anything, Trider cut her off. "Don't even try, he's an even bigger douche than Blueblood. Heck, even I can't stand the guy." he lied. The mares expression deflated, as she mumbled something to herself as she headed to the ceremony area. The others said their goodbyes and followed the mare and once they were all gone, Rose and Trider started to head to the entrance once again.

A few hours later

The group was making it's way down the street, passing by numerous shops and restaurants. "So, what did you think about the show Trider?" asked Dynamism, as she floated around. "Wasn't it amazing?" They have just come from the Canterlot Aerial Stadium, where a Wonderbolt show has just ended.

"Hell yeah, all those moves they did. I didn't think it was possible to do them. Man I wish I could fly myself." Trider said in excitement, as he began to daydream about soaring over the vast skies, above the clouds. "I can see now why Dash wants to be part of them."

"She has a long way to go before she is actually part of them though." Charming interjected. "The Wonderbolts aren't just a show act, they're the most elite group of the Solar Guard Pegasus Division, meaning only the best of the best can get in."

"Although just from Captain Spitfire told me I think she has a lot of potential, though her attitude would need some adjustments." argued Blueblood.

Even though he only knew them for a day, the two stallions really grew on Trider. Despite them being brothers, the two were like night and day. Blueblood was a fairly tall unicorn stallion, with a bulky build, hidden beneath his signature white tuxedo. His mane is a golden blonde color and slicked back, while his eyes are light blue.

Charming Heart on the other hand was shorter than his brother, although he was the older of the two and had a skinny appearence. He usually wore a long brown coat over his dress shirt and black pants. He sometimes also carried a book with him that he read even while walking. It surprised Trider he never once ran into someone or something. Like his brother, he too was a unicorn, but his coat was dark blue, although lighter than Luna's, while his mane was light grey, almost white and it cascaded over one of his dark green eyes.

"Well I hope she gets in, cause I've never seen a better flier than her." he scratched his head as he stopped. "Although I've never met that many pegasi to begin with." The group exchanged a chuckle as they got ready to head to their next destination. They were however stopped when someone called out to them.

"Rose? Is that you honey?" The group turned towards the source of the voice and saw a stallion and a mare standing a few feet away from them. "Oh, it is you." said the mare as she closed the distance and hugged the crimson maned mare.

"Mom, dad it's so good to see you two." Rose said with glee as she hugged her mother back.

"Indeed, you should drop by home more often. Your mother keeps nagging how lonely it is without you." said the stallion as he himself got closer and embraced his daughter.

"Good afternoon Miss De Lis, Mr. Fancy." greeted the princes. Fancy Pants stopped hugging his daughter to look at the two stallions.

"Blueblood, Charming. It's good to see you two. How have you been?"

"Never better Mr. Fancy." replied Charming.

"Ahem." the group stopped greeting each other to look at the Kanisar and the dragon-pony hybrid, who were standing on the sides. "Mind introducing us, so we don't feel so left out?" Trider said with a slightly annoyed tone.

"Oh right, excuse me." Rose apologized. "Mom, dad this are Private Dynamism." she said as she pointed to the mare.

Dynamism fidgeted as she looked at the pair. "Miss De Lis it's an honor to meet you, I am a huge fan."

"The pleasure is all mine and please call me Fleur, no friend of my daughters will call me with honorifics."

"And this is Trider. He's an alien from another planet and it's my mission to look over him while he's here in Canterlot." Rose introduced the Kanisar.


"Greetings Mr. Trider, it is a pleasure to talk with someone who traveled across stars, just to visit our humble planet." Fancy Pants said as he extended his arm to shake it with him.

Trider took his hand and gave it a powerful squeeze. "Don't misuderstand, I was brought here against my will and am stuck until further notice."

A sad look spread across the couples faces at what he told them. "I am so sorry to hear that. You must be really homesick." said Fleur.

"A little, yeah."

"Well, enough about that. What were you kids doing before we interrupted you?" asked Fancy, trying to change the topic.

"We were about to go and get something to eat." answered Charming. "Would you like to join us?"

"We would love to." Fleur said in a happy tone. With that said, the group began to walk towards a nearby restaurant. Once they arrived and ordered their food they began to chat. Trider learned that Fancy was the CEO of a large business, responsible to supply all of the Equestrias household with magical crystal that powered up most of the machines located in them. He was in fact one of the richest nobles in Canterlot, right behind Blueblood and Charming. Fleur however was once in the royal guard, but later left it so she could become one of the best and most famous models in Equestria. Trider now knew where Rose got her looks and fashion sense from. The conversation continued late in the afternoon and it didn't seem it would stop any time soon.

Suddenly Triders jumped out of his chair, his instincts telling him danger was near. "Trider what's wrong? Why did you-?" But Rose didn't have time to finish her sentence as the Kanisar ran out the door into the open. The others were confused at his strange behaviour and decided to follow him to see if something was wrong. When they got out they saw Trider standing in the middle of the road, turning his head in every direction, while sniffing the air. His actions were attracting the nearby bystanders, who were wondering what he was and what he was doing. Dynamism approached the Kanisar and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Trider what's gotten into you? You're acting strange." she said, concern clear in her voice.

"Get ready." he said as he looked at his friends. "It's coming."

"What's coming?"

She never received her answer as the dome shield over the city shattered and an object fell into the city in a burst of green flame. When it landed onto the ground it left behind a small crater and once the smoke disappeared, they could see what crash landed. There before them stood a creature unlike any of them had ever seen. It had a body of a pony, except with no mane, it had both bug like wings and a jagged horn. It's black coat reminded them more of a bugs chitin than a fur coat the ponies have. Through it's arms and legs it had numerous holes. But what really made the ponies and Kanisar shiver were the soulless blue eyes. The creature looked at them and hissed, revealing it's sharp fangs. Without hesitation Trider closed the distance between him and the creature and punched directly in the face. It flew for a few feet before it landed on it's back, knocked out.

Trider looked at it one more time to make sure it was down for good, then he looked at the shocked ponies. "Ok, what in the name of all that is holy, is this thing?"

The ponies didn't answer, as they were still trying to comprehend what they just saw. "It... it's-" Charming stuttered, trying to form a sentence. "I've never read anything about any creature that looked like that before." His eyes sparkled at the thought of encoutering a new specimen. "We should study it so we can better know what it is. I just wish there were more of them so we could study them better."

"Be careful what you wish for." Trider said as he pointed to the sky. The rest followed his finger and their eyes shrunk at what they saw. Hunderds upon hundreds of green projectiles headed towards Canterlot, each landing in a different part of the city.

"This is an invasion." Dynamism said in awe and terror, at what she saw. Just then another one of the creatures fell right next to her and she instinctively kicked it, but not hard enough to make it stay down. It slowly got up and tried to attack, but was unable to as Rose shot a blast at it. The ponies who were in the streets began to scream and flee, creating mass chaos all around.

"We need to get the civilians to safety, that is our most important task at the moment." Blueblood commanded. A creature tried to jump him thinking he was distracted, but the stallion raised a force field and deflected his assailant. He looked around himself, trying to spot a good place where the residents could seek shelter. In the end he found that the restaurant they were in before was probably their best bet, as it was located between two buildings therefore had only one way from where the creatures could attack. "Citizens." he bellowed, using his magic to amplify his voice. "Please evacuate to the SeaShell Delight. Me and a couple of the royal guards will make sure to rptect you from the invading threat." The ponies heeded his call and immediatelly went to the restaurant and away from danger that quickly grew in numbers. Soon the only ones left in the street was Triders group.

"Good job Blueblood." commended Fancy. The prince looked athim with a stern gaze, clearly unhappy.

"When I said civilians, that ment you and your wife as well." Fancy looked hurt at the way he said it, but he understood they would just be in the way. Silently he grabbed his wife by the hand and went into the restaurant. Happy that everyone was safe he turned back to the creatures. While he was busy in evacuating the ponies, the creatures grew in numbers and had them encircled.

"Hey Blue." Trider called out to the prince, gaining his attention. "Do I have your permission, seeing as you're prince and all, to end these motherfuckers lifes if necessary."

Blueblood smiled as a ring that rested on his middle finger began to glow. The glow grew in intensity, until a sword rested in the stallions hands. "These 'things' dared to attack my home and threaten it's ponies. By all means, make teach them a lesson."

A huge smile spread across the Kanisars face, as he got ready to fight. "Sweet." He used his Ki to form Wolf Spirit Claws and got ready to fight. The mares followed his lead. Rose drew her sword and got into a battle stance, while Dynamisms braces glowed in golden aura. Soon instead of braces, she had gauntlets covering her arms, all the way to her elbows. Each gauntlet also had a set of three blades protruding from the palms, making it look like she had metal claws, that could cleave any enemy in half.

"Wait, where's Charming?" asked Dynamism, as she looked around. The others too noticed that they were one short.

"He probably went back to his room to protect his collection." speculated Blueblood. He saw that Trider and Dynamism looked disgruntled at their fleeing comrade. "Don't blame him, despite his vast knowledge of spells, he is no fighter and he might just get in our way." The mare and Kanisar were still unhappy, but they shook their head, signaling they understood.

"Alright then you guys ready?" asked Trider. Each one nodded slightly and got ready. "Then let's get'em!"

In unison each one charged in their direction. Rose took the ones on the left, Blueblood attacked the right, Trider went in the middle, while Dynamism took to the skies, as she was the only one who could fly. Immediatelly the creatures began to fall under each of their assault. Blueblood and Rose gracefully glided across the battlefield, almost like they were dancing, while Dynamism and Triders way of fighting was less refined.

Blueblood was thrusting his blade into any creature that dared to get close and was succesful in doing so. Sensing someone approaching him from behind he swung his sword ready to behead whoever it was. Right before his blade struck however, he stopped his attack. "Rose? Sweet Celestia, don't approach me from behind like that, I nearly chopped your head off."

The mare looked at him apologetically as she spoke. "Sorry. Guess I should be more aware of my surroudings." Blueblood nodded and repeled another attacker. But while his back was turned, he didn't see Rose raising her blade, ready to slash at the stallion. She was stopped however when a ball of energy connected with her face. An explosion sounded off as her limp body fell to the ground. Blueblood, hearing the bang, turned around and saw the mare lying on the floor, limp nad her face badly burned. He looked at the Kanisar in rage.

"What in the name of Celestia are you doing, attacking your comrade?" he shouted, ready to gut him.

"Look again Blue." Trider called out over the changelings that assaulted him. Blueblood looked at the body, but where was once Rose now laid one of those cratures. Confused he looked at Trider, expecting an explanation. "This things can morph into anyone they see. They're shapeshifters." he said. As if on cue all the surrouding creatures changed into one of their friends, amking the battlefield much more colorful. "Rose you stay as far on the left as you can, while Blue you stay on the right. Dyna keep in the air, while I'll keep pushing in the middle. This way we won't get mixed in with the fakes and accidentally end up killing each other." The others heeded his words and kept to their respected sides.

Each one attacked the invaders in a relentless assault, making them drop like flies. However for each one they took down, three more took their place and they were slowly being pushed back or got surrounded. Blueblood was soon pinned against a wall of a nearby building, while numerous creatures surrounded him. "You insects are pathetically weak. The only thing you've got going for yourself are your numbers." The creatures slowly closed in, being cautious as they knew the stallion was still very dangerous even if cornered. Blueblood sighed as he channeled his magic through his body. "I guess I'll actually have to make some effort if I want to protect the city and the ponies who live in it." As soon as he said that, the things jumped him expecting to overpower him. However the prince dissapeared from their sights, the only thing remaining was a trail of blue energy. Blueblood reappeared in front of another group of creatures, that followed closely behind the one that attacked the prince. He resheathed his sword and the creatures looked on in horror as their brethren were suddenly cut into pieces by an invisible force. Green blood spilled everywhere as Blueblood looked at the group unimpressed. "Sakura Sword Style. Whispering Breeze." he said just under a whisper. He drew his sword once again and faced the remaining attackers. "Who wants to taste my blade next?"

On the other side Rose was struggling with the mass of creatures as well. She chopped a head of one of them and got ready for the next one, but was tackled to the floor. She looked at the one who was pressing her into the floor and saw herself. "Do I really have that much makeup on?" she asked her doppleganger. The clones eyes glowed green and it hissed at Rose. The mare however kicked it off herself and got right back up. The creatures were slowly tightening the circle around her as the mare saw she had no room to escape. "You think you have the advantage, just because you have me surrounded." she smirked. She pointed her sword in front of her, while placing her other hand over the guard. "That just means I can attack in all directions at once." The blade of her sword began to glow red and the creatures halted their advancement, not sure what the mare was doing. "Scatter." she said in a whisper. The blade suddenly broke off into five pieces and each piece was now floating around her. The pieces then each took a form of a sword and Rose pointed them in different direction towards the creatures. "Sakura Sword Style. Blossoming Ring." She looked around herself and smiled. "You're finished." The blades flew out and began to slash at each of the creatures, while Rose calmly stood in the middle, not moving a single inch. The creatures had no chance of getting close to her, because as soon as they got close they would get intercepted by a blade. While she massacred the creatures, she looked into the sky and saw her fellow guard trying to outmanuver her opponents.

Although Dynamism was capable of flight, she didn't posses the same agility as pegasi. Her huge dragon wings are better suited for endurance, than complicated in flight manuvers. But despite that she gave it her all as she flew from enemy to enemy while all the while avoiding their attacks. One of them was chasing behind her and blasted green balls of energy at her. It has been doing that for the past couple of minutes and it was slowly getting on her nerves. She tried everything to shake it off or to counterattack, but it was for naught. "Goddammit, can't you just buzz off already." she exclaimed as she slashed on of the creatures she flew past into pieces. One of the blasts flew right by her right ear and singed some of it. Dynamism hissed in pain as she decided for a gutsy move. With all of her might she extended her wings and suddenly halted herself, while straining her appendages in the process. A few more shots flew past her, as she formed a fire in her mouth. Then without warning she unleashed a massive fireball that connected with her pursuer and incinirated it as well as few of those that were close enough to get caught in the blast. The mare however didn't have time to gloat in her victory, as even more blasts flew by her. "Ok, that's it." she said, her nerves finally snapping. She began to spin around, her speed drastically increasing. Then she began to breathe fire, as it flew in every direction. From the bottom it looked like the sky itself was engulfed in the burning inferno, that burned away all of the flying atackers. The fire eventually ceased and the mare stopped her spinning. "Ugh, never doing that again." she said as her face turned a shade greener and she was ready to throw up.

"Good job, twerp." Trider called out from the ground as he beat the creatures down, one by one like they were on an assembly line. To him this was no problem, even despite the numbers. He was actually enjoying it, having relieved his pent up anger and stress on the helpless bug ponies. The creatures tried everything to take the alien down, but everytime they tried it seemed like he only grew stronger. Trider bashed one of the creatures heads into the ground and then looked at the remaining. "You guys picked the wrong guy to mess with." he said with a sadistic glee. The bug ponies saw they were no match for him and began to slowly back off. But Trider gave them no chance to retreat. He jumped directly into the middle of them and punched away.

All of sudden a blast came out of nowhere and blasted the creature, that the Kanisar was about to demolish, away. "Alright which motherfucker had the guts to take my kill?" he asked. His eyes then fell onto a group of ponies, clad in golden armor as they were making their way to them. The creatures saw them too and began to retreat, sensing this was a lost battle. Once all the bug ponies were out of the area did the group have room to breathe. But they immediatelly raised their guard when the guards approached them.

"Halt." commanded Blueblood making all of them stop in their tracks. "Identify yourselves."

One of the guards stepped forward, a mare and saluted. "Sergeant Comet Trail of the Earth Pony Thrid Divison with backup, general sir." she said a serious tone. Blueblood looked at her skeptically,keeping his sword raised.

"How do we know you or some of your guards are not one of those things we just fought." he asked, ready to attack if necessary. The mare looked at him, then at the guards, unable to confirm her claim.

"Well, I guess... Maybe-" She was cut of when Trider charged at one of the guards and plunged his hand straight through his chest. Everyone looked at him horror at what he did, but before anone could say anything the guard changed back to it's bug pony form and fell to the ground lifeless.

"That's all of them." he said as he wiped his hand in his hoodie, which was soaked in green blood. "Rarity will skin me for this."

"How did you know that one was one of them?" Rose asked once she collected herself.

"All of them have this distinct sour smell to them." Trider said as he tapped his nose. "Kinda like... Sour milk." It then clicked in his head, he knew exactly where he should head next. "I need to get to the ceremony hall." he said as he looked at the castle.

"Why?" asked Dynamism, clearly confused at what he was talking about.

"Princess Bitch had the same scent on her, meaning she is one of them, if not their leader." A smile spread across his face as he thought about the pssobility she might give him a real challenge. "And I'm going there."

Blueblood stepped to him and placed a hand over his shoulder. "It's a long way from here, it will take an hour to get there and that is not accounting all the creatures you'll meet on the way." He then looked at the other ponies as a plan began to formulate in his head. "Dynamism you'll fly Trider to the ceremony hall, while some of the pegasus guard will protect your flank. Once you're done you'll come back here to help Rose and the rest of the guard to defend the civilians inside the restaurant."

"And what will you do?" asked the dragon-pony.

"I'll go around the city to see if there are any squads or civilians that require my assistance."

"Sounds like a plan to me." Trider said as he cracked his knuckles. "Let's do this then."

"It's funny, really. Twilight here was suspicious of my behavior all along." Chrysalis said as she lifted Twilight's head with her hand. "Too bad the rest of you were too caught up in your wedding planning to realize those suspicions were correct!" she gloated to the group of ponies that have been captured by her.

When the queen was finally revealed for who she really was, Celestia tried to defeat her by herself, but she was still exhausted by her fight with the dragon so Chrysalis was able to overpower her. Seeing no other option the girls went to go fetch the elements, while Spike tried to hold off the queen by himself, for as long as his damaged body would allow him. When the girls reached the room where the elements were stored it, the changelings already swarmed the city and castle as well. Outnumbered the Mane 6 had no other option, but to surrender. When they were brought back to the ceremony hall, the shapeshifter encased their limbs in a sticky green fluid, preventing them from moving. Cadance and Spike were given the same treatment, although Spike was also badly beaten up, while Celestia was trapped inside a green cocoon that hung from the ceiling. Shining Armor while unrestrained, was still under Chrysalis's mind control and couldn't do anything.

"Sorry, Twi. We should've listened to ya." Applejack aplogised to her friend in everyones name.

"It's not your fault." the mare said as she tried to reassure the cow-mare. Her gaze then hardened as she glared at the changeling queen. "She fooled everypony."

"Hmm, I did, didn't I?" Chrysalis continued to revel in her glory. She walked to a window as she gazed upon the city and the destruction her subjects were causing. "How long have I waited for this moment. The day when I would finally-"

All of a sudden the window on the opposite wall shatered as Trider rolled across the floor and stopped in the middle of the room. "Did anyone call for an exterminator, cause I see you have a bug problem." he said as he stood up.

Everyones eyes lit up, at the sight of their friend who came to their aid. "Trider!!!" they called out, happy to see him. The Kanisar looked around the room to look at the situation. Once he got the gist of it he turned to the queen and whistled.

"Damn, you're even uglier than old man Flainhart from back home. And he made an onion cry."

Chrysalis looked at him unamused. "Well, well if it isn't Twilights loyal pet, crawling to it's masters aid, like a dog would." she taunted. "You came here to surrender in person?"

"Exact opposite actually." Trider said as he stretched his arms. "I'm here to kick your ass."

The changeling queen began to laugh. "You honestly think you can defeat me?" She pointed a finger at Celestia as her smile grew. "I defeated Celestia, a pony powerful enough to move the sun itself. And you claim that you, a lowly mutt, can defeat me?" She received her answer in a form of fist to her face, as skidded across the floor.

"Won't know till I try it."

Chrysalis wiped her thumb across her lower lip and saw traces of blood on it. "You'll pay for that you worm."

"What is it now? Dog or worm, make up your mind woman." he taunted. Having enough of his wise-cracks she prepared a spell to blast him away. Trider anticipating it prepared to dodge and then counter attack. As she unleashed her spell Trider jumped out of it's way and immediatelly charged at her. He reared his arm and got ready to deliver a blow to her gut. Chrysalis however intercepted his fist and stopping it in it's tracks. Trider looked her in the eyes as he realised he fucked up. "Uh oh." was all he said before the mare threw him across the room. His back hit the wall so hard that a part of it collapsed onto him. The queen clapped her hands as she looked at the rubble that Trider was burried under.

"A valiant attempt, but it is clear who has the advantage." The Kanisar pushed the rubble off of him and slowly got up. He spit some of his blood onto the floor as he popped his shoulder back into it's place. "Why don't you just surrender? I might spare you if you do."

Trider smiled, his teeth now covered in blood. "Surrender? Sorry, but my kind don't know the meaning of that word." he got ready to fight Chrysalis once again. "We only know to try, till you die. Plus now that I know you're strong I don't have to hold back so much." With that said the Kanisar enveloped himself in a dark aura, as his hair grew longer and his eyes turned red. "I'll show you what a Kanisar is capable of, you shapeshifting-bug-bitch."

He attacked the queen again. Chrysalis was surprised at his suddenly increased speed and strenght, as she blocked his attack with her shield. Not leaving her any chance to breathe, Trider continued his assault, this time with Spirit Claws. He slashed at her shield in hopes it would soon crack, but it remained sturdy. Chrysalis forced her shield forward, pushing the Kanisar off of her. She saw a chance and fired another spell at him. The blast hit, but it didn't have the same effect it had before. Trider stood his ground as he shook off the daze the blast caused. "This is impossible. How are you so powerful all of a sudden?" she shouted exasperated.

"Heh, this is nothing. Let me show you what I can really do." as he said that he began to gather his Ki into his palm as a small ball began to form. "Take this! Wailing Nova Sphere!" he screamed as he shot the ball at the mare. The queen raised her shield once again, preapred to stop the blast. When the ball and the shield connected a bright flash, accompanied by a loud explosion, formed in the room, blinding and deafening everyone in it. Once the flash subsided, Trider looked at where the queen once stood. His eyes nearly fell out of his sockets. There stood Chrysalis, inside a crater, surrounded by singe marks unharmed.

Lowering her arms she breathed and then cackled. "If that is all you have to show, then I have nothing to fear. You are still weaker then me it seems." Trider stood there in shock, unable to believe she was able to survive his most powerful technique unharmed. "Yes, I can feel your despair emanate from you. You finally know there is no hope for you. Soon you'll-" Her monologing was stopped whe she heard the Kanisar laugh. "Poor dog, the thought of imminent demise made him go insane it seems." she said in faux sympathy.

"As if." Trider said as he looked at the mare. "It's just that, ever since I came to this planet not a single one of the guys I fought ever gave me the thrill I'm experiencing now." A smile spread across his face as determiantion settled into his eyes. "Thanks to you I can finally enjoy a real battle." He clenched his hands into fists as he lowered his stance. "And because of that I can finally try out a new move I've been working on." He closed his eyes as he began to concentrate. He felt his Ki flow through his body. The dark aura around him slowly bean to diminish in size, while still present. Suddenly his entire body pulsed, as energy surged through it. With each pulse his body created, his muscles grew in size. it continued to do so for some time, until the dark aura was nothing but a thin veil across his form and his muscles were nearly twice in size. Everyone in the room looked at the Kanisar in awe.

Finally opening his eyes Trider flexed his muscles. "Like what you see?" he asked no one in particular.

"Dude what did you do?" asked Rainbow, as she stared at his rippling muscles.

"Nothing much, I just used my Ki I gain from unlocking Feral Unleashing, to increase my strengh and speed." he explained while flexing his biceps. "Although it comes at a price. While in this form I can't use any of my other techniques, but that shouldn't be a problem." He looked at Chrysalis and grinned. "Ready for a beatdown bitch?"

She didn't respond as she fired a blast the Kanisar. The spell barely left a mark on the Kanisar and the queen looked at him in terror. "My turn." Trider said as he jumped at her. The mare barely had time to raise her shield, when his fist came flying at her. The impact was so powerful it shattered her arrier and sent her flying inot a wall. Seeing her form now lodged in the wall, Trider smiled as he cracked his neck. "Ready to give up?" he asked in mock voice.

Chrysalis dislodged herself from the hole she created and fell onto the ground. "Never, never, never." she said, increasing her voice with every word she said. "I'll never loose to a mutt like you." she screamed at the top of her lungs. Channeling her magic through her body she repaired the damage the Kanisar caused her. "You're not the only one who can channel their energy to power-up." she said in a cackle.
Green veins began to form on her body as her eyes turned white. She immediatelly closed the distance between the two and unleashed a flurry of punches on the Kanisar. Trider blocked most of her attacks, but some managed to slip through. Having enough he began to retaliate, adrenalin surging through him, as he began to enjoy the battle more and more.

"That's it. This is what I've been looking for." he thought, as he relished every hit dealt or received. Unbeknownst to him, the aura surrouding him was slowly turning from ptich black to grey and then to white, while his eyes turned bright blue.

While the battle was going on, Twilight used her magic to remove the goo from her body and she silently crawled to Cadance. Once she reached her she freed her as well and pointed to Shining armor. "Quick, go to him while you still have a chance." she told her. Heeding her words Cadance walked over to the stallion of her dreams. Once she got close however she saw he was still under Chrysalis's influence. Seeing that her eyes watered as tears flowed down her cheeks. She embraced the stallion, hoping she would get a reaction out of him. Her horn began to glow and an ethereal heart popped out of it. It flew to Shinings head and popped on contact with it. His eyes turned back to their blue color and shook his head.

"Wha– where... huh? Is...is the wedding over?" he asked confused, not knowing what was going on. He then heard a loud crack and saw Trider having his head repeatedly slammed into the ground by the changeling queen. "What's going on?"

"No time for that now Shiny!" Twilight said as she approached the couple. "Your spell! Preform your spell!"

The stallion tried to focus his magic into his horn, but he was barely able to lit the tip of it. "No! My power is useless now. I don't have the strength to repel them."

Cadance hugged him again as she spoke. "My love will give you strength." Shining hugged her back and began to channel his magic again. This time however Cadance channeled hers as well and when their horns touched their bodies were surrounded by pink aura. the power continued to grown until they began to float in mid-air. The commotion caused the two combatants to stop their fighting and look at the spectacle. The couples bodies were suddenly engulfed in a bright flash. A wave of enrgy bursted from them and blasted the changeling queen and all of her hive out of Canterlot.

"Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!" Chrysalis screamed as she was launched through the air into the parts unknown.

The rest of the girls, Spike and Celestia were freed by the blast as well and Twilight went to her mentors side. She helped her get up as the princess spoke. "Don't worry about me. I'm just glad nopony was seriously injured."

"Yeah, and it's all thanks to Trider."

All eyes fell onto the Kanisar, who was now back to normal. He looked at the group and grinned. "That. Was. The. Best. Wedding. Ever." he said as he pumped his arms into the air. "Let's do it again!" Everyone looked at him, not amused by his statement. "What?" he asked in confusion.

The fireworks were going off and the music was blaring, while Trider stood to the side lines eating his muffin. The real wedding went off without a hitch and while Trider didn't attend it, he was more than happy to participate in the celebration that followed it. As he was enjoying his treat, he sensed a presence approaching him. "What do you want?" he asked.

"I merely wish to speak with you." Celestia said as she stood next to the Kanisar. "I want to thank you for saving me, my subjects and potentially all of Equestria from the changeling threat."

"You're welcome." Trider said as he took another bite out of his muffin. "If that's all you wanted to say you can just leave you know? No point in both of suffering one another."

Celestia giggled at his remark. "Blunt as always I see." She looked at him and her gaze became more official. "I am also here to talk to you about your punishment."

Trider gave her an 'are you kidding me' look and groaned. "Seriously? You're still on about that. Didn't you just say I saved everyone? Doesn't that count as an instant pardon for my past transgressions?"

The princess shook her head as she sighed. "Unfortunately no. You are still a wildcard Trider and I can't leave you unchecked like that." A smile then grew on her face as she continued. "But I am willing to lessen it however."

"Lessen how exactly?"

"You'll see." she said as she walked off with a mischevious grin.

"Stupid Celestia with her cryptic bullshit talking." He looked at his half eaten muffin and shrugged. "Eh, how bad could it be?" he said to himself as he ate his treat in a single bite.

Somewhere far away

Chrysalis tried to stand up, but her injuries wouldn't let her. Her subjects surrounded her trying to help her. "Those stupid ponies and that insolent mutt. I swear I'll have my revenge." she said through her teeth as she slammed a fist into the ground, creating a small hole.

"Maybe I can help you with that?"

Chrysalis turned to where the voice originated from and saw two figures standing several feet away. Without thinking she ordered her soliders to attack the newcomers. A white aura surrounded the attacking changelings and they suddenly exploded. Chrysalis utterly flabbergasted, just laid there awaiting her imminent demise. "Just end it already." she said in despair.

"Maybe you didn't hear me Changleing Queen. I came here to offer you a chance at revenge." said one of the figures as it stepped closer. Chrysalis looked at the two figures who were now close enough to see how they looked like.

One of them, the one who spoke to her, was completely covered in his cloak, unable to make out anything. The other one however wasn't even a pony, in fact it was anything she had ever seen and she had seen nearly every creature on the planet. It's skin was sickly green and it was so skinny you could see it's bones. It had large pointy ears and it's eyes were small and black, like two marbles. On it's back were a pair of bat like wings. It only reached to the cloaked persons waist, but it was kneeling and slouching, so if it stood up it was clearly taller than her or the other guy.

"So what will it be?" asked the cloaked figure.

"Why would you want my help? What do you get out of this?"

"For my plans to succed I need powerful allies. And you fit the bill." the figure extended his arm. "Do you accept?" Chrysalis hesitated, but she evetually took his hand and he helped her to get up. "Rafel take her to our hideout and make sure she gets treated properly." he commanded to the strange creature.

"Yes master." it said in a raspy voice. It waved it hand and a portal opened up leading ot parts unknown. "Follow me." Rafel said to the mare.

"Before I leave, answer me this. Who are you and what are your plans exactly?" she asked the cloaked figure.

"Just call me Mastermind. And as for my plans..." He turned around as he began to walk off. "I want every creature on this planet to bow before me." he said, his voice laced with unsettling mirth, that made the queen shiver.

Author's Note:

And so the first arc ends and a new one begins.
What kind of punishment awaits our hero? Who is this mysterious figure? What are his plans exactly? Will the author ever make a chapter without an author's note?
Probably not.
I hope you guys have enjoyed the story so far, if you have then expect more chapters in the future.
Now for more business oriented stuff. I have been planning to write this story for years, but never had the means to do so. I got my laptop just this year. But despite that I never actually thought about the story in depth. I have the general idea how the story will progress and how it will end, but I don't know how the story should go until hten. So I'm asking all those of you out there who are willing to help me with writing my story by contributing to filling out the gaps between each major event or giving ideas for filler chapters. Be warned though, the story will be spoiled for you if you decide to participate. With that said I hope some of you are willing to help out.
On another note I just wanted to show you how Rafel looks like, since I think I didn't give a good enough descritpion. (Click here to see the freak.)
Until next time.
EDIT: I'm currently looking for a proof reader. If any of you are willing PM me.

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