• Published 2nd Nov 2016
  • 10,804 Views, 574 Comments

The Tale Of A Lost Wolf - Solaris Night

While preforming a new spell, Twilight accidentally summons a being, unlike anypony has ever seen, to Equestria. Can she and the rest of the girls befriend him and teach him the values of friendship?

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Chapter 21: Forgiveness

Trider laid on the grass patch in the middle of nowhere and observed the starry sky above him. He watched as the two moons drifted across the sky, illuminating the surrouding scenery. He heard the sounds of hoofsteps, but didn't turn around, since he knew exactly who it was.

"How is the dream?" Luna asked as she sat down next to him.

"It's tranquil and soothing. Reminds me of the times before the war broke out." Trider replied, without averting his eyes from the stars. "But it also fills me with sorrow, since I'll never be able to see my planet again... Or learn what happened to my people."

Luna gave him a pittied look, regreting creating such a dream. "Trider I am truly sorry, if I knew it would make you feel this way I would have..."

"Shhhhhhh." Trider stopped her by putting a finger on her lips. "Don't worry Lu, I'm not angry or sad, I'm happy actually." he soothed her. "This is the only way I'll ever see my planet and the people I left behind. And that is no reason to be unhappy, right?"

The moon princess smiled and nodded. They then returned to watching the sky and the many stars that littered it. Eventually Luna decided to speak up.

"Is something bothering you Trider?" she asked.

The Kanisar gave her a wondering look. "Beside the PTSD? The only thing I can think of are the fleas I had not too long ago. Those things need to be put out of our misery." he answered, his voice oozing with sarcasm.

Luna rolled her eyes and lightly smacked his chest. "Do you always have to joke?" she said while giggling. However her expression became serious again. "But I am serious. Has something been troubling your mind recently?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Lately your nightmares have become more intense than before. You are no longer haunted by just the ponies you... hurt, but also by some unclear individuals." she explained. "Do you have any idea why that might be?" she inquired.

Trider pretended to be in deep thought, but in reality he knew exactly why he would feel anxious. He got into a sitting position and casted his gaze into the distance. "I do." he stated, gaining Lunas full attention.

"What is it?" she asked.

"It probably has something to do with the public apology I'm supposed to deliver in the Crystal Empire." When he said that Luna immediatelly realised what has been bothering him.

"You're afraid aren't you?" she stated. "Afraid of facing the ponies you hurt and their families."

"OK, afraid is a bit of a stretch, it's more like... unnerving." Trider said with a annoyed tone. His expression turned gloomy as he lowered his head. "I don't know what I can say to them. I mean, how can you say sorry to someone after you've taken the life of someone close to them. There is none."

Luna placed a hand on his shoulder and looked him in the eyes. "I know it is hard, believe me, but the best way to do it is to just say you're sorry. It is then up to them if they are willing to forgive you or not." she soothed him. "But what you have to remember is that your apology has to be sincere, otherwise there is no point in actually doing it." Trider nodded and Luna smiled. "When is this event supposed to take place anyway?" she asked.

"Today." Trider replied quickly. The mare merely stared at him.


"In fact I'm riding the train there right now."

Luna simply placed a hand on her forehead and sighed. "Truly, only you would be able to sleep right before such an important event."

The Kanisar simply shrugged. "Everyone's got their way of dealing with stress. Mine is sleeping."

"Well I think you've had enough of it." Luna said as she and the dreamscape began to deteriorate. "Until next time Trider."

"See ya later."


Trider slowly opened his eyes and saw the familiar sight of his carts ceiling. Lifting himself upward he sat into the seat and looked around. His eyes stopped on the lavender mare that was reading a book.

"What'ya readin there Twi?" he asked innocently.

Twilight stopped her reading to look at the Kanisar. "Oh Trider you're awake." she said as she placed the book into her lap. "Nothing major, just a little novel that Rarity let me borrow."

"Uh-huh." Trider nodded, a mischevious smirk stretching across his face. "But I am impressed that you're able to read it upside-down with such ease. I'm barely able to read it rightside-up."

The mares eyes widened and she looked down onto her book and true to his words, the book was facing the wrong way. "I-I can explain this." she stammered, trying to come up with an excuse.

"You were watching me sleep, weren't you?" Trider asked, already knowing the answer to his question.

Twilights eyes shifted from side to side, trying to find a good distraction, but unfortunatelly for her, there were none. Sighing she buried her head into her hands as she blushed. "Yeah." she admitted.

Chuckling lightly, Trider reached over and patted her head. "It's OK Twi, I ain't mad."

The mare gave him a light smile, as she leaned into his hand, sighing happily. Once Trider was done petting her, she slightly whimpered, disappointed that it had already ended.

"But I do have to ask, why were you watching me?" he inquired.

"You looked like you were having a nightmare, but then you seemed to settle down, however I couldn't help but be worried, I guess." Twilight explained. There was another reason why she did it, but she could never tell him, that she enjoyed watching his peaceful, slumbering face.

While Twilight was lost in her thoughts, Trider looked around the cart, noticing that others weren't present. "Where did the others go?" he asked.

Shaking out of her thoughts the mare looked at him. "Oh well, they went to the foodcart to get something to eat." As soon as she uttered that sentence Triders stomach began to growl. The two excahnged a silent look, before the Kanisar stood up.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea, I could go for a sandwich or a dozen." he said.

Twilight simply rolled her eyes, before she too stood up and the two of them went after their friends into the foodcart. As they were making their way, the mare looked at Trider with concern. Eventually she decided to speak up.

"Trider, are you feeling alright?" she asked meekly.

"I'm fine Twi." Trider sighed. "I've already had a talk with Lu about this and she helped me calm down a bit." She seemed to be content with his answer and said nothing as they entered the next cart.


"Hold still darling, otherwise I won't be able to cover it up." Rarity complained as she levitated a brush and applied some make up onto Triders face.

"Yeah, yeah." was his only response as he settled down and allowed the fashionista to continue with her work undisturbed.

"I still can't believe that you let that guy wail on you like that." Dash said as she and others watched Rarity cover up Triders black eye and bruises on his face.

"I told you already it's fine, this is the least I deserve." Trider said with a monotone voice.

When they arrived into the city, they immediatelly headed for the castle to meet up with Cadance and Shining Armor. When their meet and greet was over they began their trek across the Empire to visit every family of the ones Trider had killed in his rampage and personally apologise. The Kanisar thought that the ponies would be unforgiving, but contrary to belief a lot of them were understanding. They forgave him and even consoled him, telling him it wasn't his fault.

But not everyone was so understanding however. Some of them kicked him out of their homes, others simply shut their doors on him and one of them even spitted in his face. But that was still mild to what Trider was expecting. Even the encounter with the father of a colt he had murdered, ended up with him in the shape he was currently in, and nothing worse, despite thinking he deserved much worse.

"Even so, you could've at least let us help you." Applejack said and others nodded.

"No, it's better this way." Trider disagreed.

"All done." then said Rarity and handed the Kanisar a mirror. "It was a pain, but I think I outdid myself, if I say so myself." she boasted.

Giving a quick look Trider saw she did an outstanding job. "Thanks Rarity." he said. "So, when is the public apology supposed to take place?"

"Right now." Their attention was averted towards the rooms door and beneath the door frame stood Shining Armor. "If you're done that is?"

"All good." Trider confirmed. "Let's go guys." They all stood up and one by one they each left the room. Trider was the last to leave, but was stopped by Shining. "Something the matter?" he asked the stallion.

"I just want to have a quick word with you." he said. "I'll be frank, I don't like you."

"Join the club."

"And honestly I think you're too dangerous to be kept around without being under constant surveilance. Not to mention you're rude and an overall loose cannon." Shining continued to rattle off.

"Ugh, can you just get to the point?" Trider moaned.

"Anyway, what I want to say is that despite the many flaws you have, I have to commend you for going through this. Not many would be able to do what you're doing. And I can respect that. I can also see that you're fairly close to my sister, her friends and the princesses, so I was thinking." He then extended his arm. "What do you say if we try to get along from now on?"

Trider looked at his curiously and then he smiled. "No way." He said and walked past the stallion, leaving him behind.

"What?" Shining asked confused. "What do you mean 'no way'?"

Trider stopped and twisted his head so he was looking at the stallion. "If we try to get along then that would mean we'd have to pretned we're best buddies, and quite frankly, I'd hate that." He once again began to walk away. "Besides, I have this mentality that people get closer to each other if they're honest with one another, instead of acting like there is nothing wrong." Shining was left speechless. He didn't expect him to say something like that. Smiling to himself he followed the Kanisar.


Trider and the group were stnading on the castles balcony that overlooked the city. Ponies began to gather beneath the building, since they were told that there would be a public announcment.

"You sure you can do this Trider? I know I wouldn't be able to." asked Fluttershy as she peeked over the ledge, before quickly retreating.

"I'm sure." he said as he took a couple of deep breaths.

"Ready when you are." said Cadance as she held the microphone. Trider simply nodded and the princess of love approached the ledge.

"Crystal ponies." she spoke into the microphone, her booming voice gaining everyones attention. "As you may remember, several weeks ago King Sombra has been defeated, thanks to the effort of Spike the Brave and his friends." As soon as she said his name the audience began to clap, making the drake blush. "However." Cadance continued. "Before the Crystal Empire was freed, King Sombra tried to stop our attempts at finding the Crystal Heart and he did so by corrupting a close friend of ours." The ponies began to murmur as they weren't sure where this was going. "When he did this vile act, he sent our friend on a rampage through the city, against his will, which ended in several lost lives." When she said that the crowd went silent. "Today this friend is here to apologise to everypony for the act he had been forced to do, by his own wish." Cadance walked towards Trider and handed him the mic. "They're all yours."

Gingerly he approached the railing and looked down at the ponies gathered. A lump formed in his throat and he could barely breathe. He looked back and saw all of his friends giving him thumbs up and other encouraging gestures. Taking a deep breath he raised the microphone and spoke.

"H-hi. You probably don't know me and are even wondering what the hell I am. So it's only polite to first introduce myself. My name is Trider Lykosgrothia and I'm a Kanisar from planet Inu." At his statement the crowd began to buzz even louder. "Yes I know it sounds ridiculous, but we're not here so you could argue if what I'm saying is true or not. No, we're here because I have something to say." He took a quick pause to gather his nerves before he continued. "I've been told by all of my friends, acquaintaces, that it wasn't my fault for what I did. But I don't see it that way.

"Those lives were taken by my hands and no matter how much I wash them, the blood wil remain there. I've been having nightmares about the event, every single night and if it wasn't for Luna I'd probably have gone insane. And that is the reason why I'm standing here today, speaking to you. To calm my mind, but not just becasue of that. No. You see, I know what it's like to lose someone close to you. I lost my parents when I was young and so I know how many of you feel, and I know that you have the right to hear what I'm about to tell you."

He took another pause and then continued. "I am truly sorry. Because of me some of you have suffered a great tragedy, that no matter how hard I try, can ever be undone. I'm not asking for your forgiveness, I'm just happy that you got to hear me out. Thank you."

Everything was quiet, nobody made a sound and it was slowly beginning to make Trider feel anxious. He knew this was coming, he was prepared for this, but at the same time, he wasn't. Just then the sound of clapping could be heard and was soon followed by even more clapping. Very soon the whole crowd was clapping and cheering for the Kanisar. His friends surrounded him and made him the center of their group hug.

"That was an excelent apology." Twilight said as she embraced him.

"Imagine if I had prepared myself for it though." he joked as he sank into the hug. The weight was lifted off his shoulders and he felt at ease. These ponies were something else entirely. He was beginning to feel glad he was dragged here. If anypony took a closer look at him, they'd see tears welling in the corner of his eyes, but Trider would undoubtedly deny it.

Author's Note:

Nobody expects the fanfiction inquisition.
I bet many of you thought there wouldn't be another chapter for a while. Well joke's on you.
Anyway I have some good news and maybe some bad news.
Good news: only one more chapter before we return to the story. (up until now would've been considered filler if it was anime)
Possible bad news: SCHOOL!!! I have a lot of stuff to do in the next week and I can't say when the next chapter will be out. Why is this a 'possible' bad news? Weeeeeeeeell, maybe I'll find some time to write it, maybe not. Who knows?
So until next time dear readers.

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