• Published 2nd Nov 2016
  • 10,804 Views, 574 Comments

The Tale Of A Lost Wolf - Solaris Night

While preforming a new spell, Twilight accidentally summons a being, unlike anypony has ever seen, to Equestria. Can she and the rest of the girls befriend him and teach him the values of friendship?

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Chapter 1: First Fight, First Impressions; A Visitor From Another Planet

2 weeks since Triders arrival

It was a quiet night, quiet enough that the only thing you could hear was only the sound of the wind and the leaves it rustled. In between those trees a sole rabbit was making its way to small clearing. As it was coming closer to the end of the treeline it stopped and stood up. It began to sniff the air and turned its head in every direction, to make sure no predators were nearby. Once it was certain that it was by itself the rabbit proceeded to the clearing, but still close enough to the edge in case it was attacked.

As it was eating the plants that it found on the clearings floor, a pair of eyes were staring at it from the top of trees on the opposite side of the clearing. Suddenly a twig snapped and the rabbit rose in alarm. It again began to look everywhere, prepared to flee at the slightest sound. Then it heard a swooshing sound coming from its side, but before it could react a small stone hit it in the head with massive force and rabbit fell fell to the ground bleeding.

As it hit the ground a shadow jumped out of trees and landed in the middle of the clearing.

"Strike." Trider said smiling, while he made his way to his prey. He picked it up by the ears and his smile grew even wider. "You'll make a decent dinner my friend."

He turned around and began to head to the small camp he made in a nearby cave. As he walked he began to think about all the things that happened since he fell from the sky.

"Damn, after wanderning in that stupid desert for three days, I finally make it out, only to get enveloped by this fucking forest." He began to glance around himself, to inspect the trees and to make sure he wasn't being stalked by other predators.

"If I didn't know any better I would say I've been walking in circles, but I've been heading north for all this time. I'm sure of it"

He decided to stop at a nearby tree and he gave it a good look. Once he spotted the moss he nodded to himslef. "Yeah, I've been heading north all this time and yet I'm still not out." he spoke. "How big can a forest be? I mean seriously, nearly two weeks and still no sign of ending." he grumbled.

He began to walk again as another thought came to him. "Now that I think about it, I've never seen half of the creatures I encountered in this forest." He chuckled. "Okay I'm no animal expert, but I'm certain that neither chicken-snakes, nor wood-wolves exist on Inu."

"But like I said I'm no Inus animal expert, so they maybe exist in some of the more tropical regions." He jumped over a tall root. "However I'm absolutely positive that there shouldn't have been only one moon in the sky for so long." He cast his gaze towards the sky as he spoke. "Having only one moon isn't unusual, it happens, but not for two fucking weeks. So either one of our moons suddenly vanished or..."

The next few minutes he spent in silence and away from his thoughts, until he reached his camp. He went inside the small cave, dropped off his food and began to set wood for his campfire. He ignited the wood by using one of his Ki blasts, he concentrated energy to the palm of his hand. It immediatelly began to glow and when he released it a small ball of energy hit the wood and it ignited.

As fire began to build up, Trider cut up and skinned the rabbit using his claws. Once he was done he put the pieces of meat on a few sticks and put those over the fire.

After he ate, he went outside to a small stream that ran near the cave. As he sated his thirst he gazed into the surface of the stream, seeing his reflection.

He had jet black hair, which he hadn't combed ever since he was a child. Like his hair, his thick eyebrows, which he adored, were also jet black and were sitting above his bright green eyes. His then looked at the small scar he had on his right cheek. He remembered the time when he got it, that time before he became part of the resistance, before his people lost everything, before he...

He shook his head as he tried to not think about that. He cupped some water and splashed it onto his face, using some of it to wet his hair and wolf ears. As he stood up he could see his entire frame in the reflection.

He stood at around 5'9, kinda small for his kind and he always got teased for it by his peers. But what he lacked in height he made up in strenght. He had muscles to spare and he happily showed them off whenever he could. Another thing he was extremley proud of was his black tail. He considered it the softest of all the Kanisar, because he constantly brushed and washed it. Now however it looked rugged and it annoyed Trider to no end. Before he headed back, he took a sniff at himself and his clothes. He only washed himself three times since his arrival and the last time was four days ago. He tried to clean his clothes as well, but after multiple attempts he decided it was impossible.

He wore the same garments he had since he came to this place, minus the helmet and the jacket which he got rid of back in the desert. He only wore a dark blue tight fitting T-shirt, which sleeves he ripped of when he got it, dark brown cargo pants and black combat boots.

After he finished sniffing himself, he thought he smelled well enough not to make anyone gag. With that done he finally laid down in the cave, he rested his head onto a pile of leaves and began doze off.

Next day

Apple Bloom was making her way down the road, heading to Zecora, to pick up a plant from her which she needed for her school project. She asked the Zebra if she could pick it up for her since the flower could only be found in the deepest parts of the Everfree Forest. She agreed to help the young filly, telling her to come by the next day to pick it up from her. She wanted to pick the flower by herself, but her sister was strongly against it, saying that even going to Zecoras might be dangerous. And Apple Bloom couldn't argue. This was the most dangerous forest in Equestria they were talking about. As she was walking along she saw something that caught her attention.

A little off the path she saw another plant she needed for her project. Deciding to pick it now before she forgot about it, she headed towards it. As she got close, she saw it was stuck between two rocks at the edge of a steep slope. The filly dropped her backpack and began to move the two rocks. She slowly progressed, but at last she got the rocks out of the way. She reached for the flower, but then she heard something cracking.

She looked at her hooves and before she could blink, she was tumbling down the slope. When she reached the bottom, pain flared across her body. Slowly she got up and looked over herself. She had cuts and bruises all over her body, her clothes were also torn and dirty.

"Gosh darn it. Why did the ground have to give up like that?" she moaned, clutching her bruised knee.

Suddenly she heard movement in a nearby brush, her breath halting and her ears perking up. Her eyes turned to pinpricks when she saw a stallion sized manticore come out of its hiding spot.

The manticore stared at the scared filly with a hungry look. Before it even stepped forward, Apple Bloom was already running in the opposite direction, the beast following soon after.

The filly ran as fast as her hooves could carry her, jumping over numerous roots and scraping against the trees, screaming. She tried to throw the manticore of her track by going through as dense the bushes and trees she could manage, but the predator didn't even slow down.

Apple Bloom tried to find a spot where she could hide or escape, but nothing came up. Just then the path ended, all that was in front of her was a massive rock wall. She quickly turned her head to see how far away her pursuer was, seeing it slowed down as the beast too realised she had nowhere to run.

The filly tried to climb the wall, but the rocks just crumbled away as she grabbed them. The manticore was only a few feet away now and the filly realising she was doomed, collapsed to the floor, prepared to become the beasts food.

The manticore punced towards its helpless prey, claws and fangs splayed, focused on killing it fast. Before it could reach the filly however, a shadow descended from the top of the wall. It struck the manticore on the top of its head, halting its jump and pumelling it into the ground.

Dazed and confused, the beast focused its attention on the assailant. There stood ponyshaped figure, with no fur, bloody red eyes and an ominous dark aura surrouding it. It tried to attack the strange being, but as it stepped forward it stopped, cold running through its veins. This furless pony radiated weird and powerful energy, but what really got to the manticore was the killing intent that this creature directed towards it.

All of its instincts and muscles, yelled to run away. It began to backpedal and slowly turn around, prepared to run for its life.

"Too slow."

That was all Trider said before he leaped at the retreating manticore, faster than anyone could blink. He struck the beast with his right fist sending the giant creature reeling. Before it could fall onto its side he delivered another punch, this time with his other hand. Manticore fell to the ground after the second strike and was trying to get up, but was too dazed from the attack only managing to support itself with its front paws.

Trider smiled at the struggling beast, showing his sharp fangs. He walked over to it and grabbed it by its tail.

"Time to put you out of your misery."

With that he tugged at the manticores tail, with monstrous power and sending it flying towards one of the trees. When the body collided with the trunk, all that could be heard was a sickening crunch and the beast fell for good.

Seeing the beast seized its movements, the Kanisar turned toward the staring filly. The aura that surrounded him dissipated and his eyes turned to normal. He began to walk towards Apple Bloom raising his arm and he spoke in a chipper tone.

"Hey there, little one. Now I'm gonna have you do me a favor and-"

Before he could finish the filly fainted, the adrenalin seizing to course through her body.

"-not scream." He gave her a deadpanned look. "Well, better than screaming I guess. But how am I supposed to get out of here with my only guide out cold?"

An idea then came to his head. He leaned toward the strange horse-person and took a sniff. He then stood up and began to sniff the surouding area as well. When he caught her scent he started following it.

After a few steps he stopped and turned around to look at the sleeping filly again. He began to scratch his head as his conscience gnawed at him.

"AH, FINE." he yelled before going over to the kid and picking her up and putting her under his arm.

"But only because you are kinda cute and you sort of helped me get out of this hellhole." With that he started to walk towards, what he hoped was an exit. As he began to walk he gave the child under his arm another look-over.

He was certain that it was female, based on her physique and her voice when he heard her scream. He couldn't exactly determine what she was, but he decided that she was him in terms of body shape, except she was more horse like, had fur covering her and she had hooves instead of feet. She had red hair tied with a large pink bow and a tail of same color, while her fur was pale yellow. On her was a simple white T-shirt and a pair of jeans.

"You're a weird one" he thought. "But who am I to talk, I'm probably just as strange to you as you are to me. I just hope you're also peaceful. I wouldn't wanna hurt anyone."

"At leas not unintentionally." He smirked.


The marketplace was crowded with ponies who went to and fro from stall to stall. The children were playing, while the grown ups were either relaxing, buying groceries or going around their job. One of those ponies was also the stetson wearing mare Applejack. At the moment she was setting up her own stall so she could sell another batch of apples from her familys farm.

"Hello Applejack, darling. It's another beautiful day, wouldn't you say."

The mare turned and came eye to eye with one of her friends. "Ya bet yer hat it is. The weather team sure outdid themselves this time."

"Oh yes, it is simply divine, no sane pony would want to stay indoors." She made a little pause and then she continued. "Well nopony besides Twilight, that is."

Applejack gave a chuckle and said. "Yer darn right, that girl really needs to go out more. Maybe we should make a picnic or somethin and just hang out, just the six of us. Oh and of course Spike as well."

"I agree." Responded the unicorn mare. "However we should do it after the dragon migration, you know how much twilight looked formward to observing the dragons and how they behave more up close."

"Yeah I know." She put her hand to her chin as she thought of when it would be the best time to do so. "How about we make it on-"

She was iterrupted as a pink mare with a blonde mane ran up to them gasping for air. "Applejack, Rarity thank Celestia I found you."

"Lily, what in tarnation is wrong?"

"A-a-a m-mo-monster!" Lily yelled in the mares face.

"Now hold on there fer a minute Lily, are yer sure it's a monster and not one of Fluttershys critters, like what happened last week?"

"Or the week before that?" Piped in Rarity.

Lily gave them a glare before her fear settled in again. "No it's not, I'm not the only one that saw it. Bon Bon was there as well and when we saw it approach town we both ran to get some help. Well I did while Bon Bon ran to Celestia knows where." Before she could trail off she shook her head and continued. "But that isn't important, Applejack it has Apple Bloom."


Immediatelly Applejack ran in the direction Lily told them she saw the creature, while Rarity followed as fast as her heels would allow. In less then a minute Applejack came close to the towns edge, where nopony was present, all probably hiding from the monster. When she turned a corner her eyes almost fell out at the sight that was before her.

About a hundred feet away was a creature the likes of which the mare has never seen. It looked a lot like a pony, except it had no fur and it's ears and tail resembled that of a dog or a wolf, than that of a pony. But what made Applejack most terrified of it was what it had in its hands. There hanging by her T-shirt was her little sister thrashing and screaming at the monster who held her captive. Her fear and anger boiled inside of her, clouding her judgement, all that was important was saving her sister. She reached inside her vests pocket and pulled out a single apple, which she was saving for snack.

Perspective change: Trider and Apple Bloom

"Halp! Somepony please halp me!"

"Will you quit screaming for fucks sake. You already made everyone run and hide for no good reason. I'm not gonna hurt you." He told her. "Though I'm seriously reconsidering that, if you don't stop hitting me."

It didn't last a single second since he came into the settlement, before the filly woke up and began to cause a ruckus, that made everyone run and hide while shouting 'Monster', 'It's gonna eat us' or his favorite 'The end is nigh, all hope is lost', some pink coated, green maned female screamed that, before she fainted and someone else had to drag her away.

He returned his attention back to the problem in hand. He grabbed her arms wih his other hand and brought her closer to his face so they were looking into each others eyes. "Now listen here you little runt, if you don't calm down in the next second, I'm gonna take that bow off yours and shove it-"

He couldn't finish as a red projectile hit him straight in the head making him fall on the ground, while dropping the filly. Apple Bloom looked at him, with worry he might be acting or something, until she heard a familiar voice.

"Apple Bloom over here, quickly."

She looked towards where the voice came from and saw her big sister waving at her to some to her. She quickly got up and ran towards Applejack. When she about halfway there, Trider got back on his feet, massaging the spot where the apple hit him. He looked at the fleeing filly and then his eyes fell onto the one responsible for his less than graceful fall.

Just like the kid, she too looked like a Kanisar except with horse features. Unlike the runt however she had an orange coat and blonde hair and tail, which were both tied in a ponytail, of all things. She wore a stetson hat, the kind all cowboys in human movies wore, she also had a checkered shirt, with sleeves rolled up to her elbows, on and over it she wore a brown vest. Like the filly she too had a pair of jeans on her.

Once he looked over his assailant he gave her a glare and shouted towards her. "Was that really necessary?"

The mare returned his glare as she was hugging her sister. "Yer darn tootin and there's plenty more where that came from!"

"Good that will make this all the more enjoyable." Trider replied with a dark grin.

Just then Rarity arrived as well, completely out of breath. "Ah, Applejack finally caught up to you and I see Apple Bloom is safe and sound" She said while catching her breath."But really darling, did you really have to run so fast, I'm sure Lily only exaggerated when she said-" She trailed off when her eyes caught sight of the Kanisar.

"Sweet Celestia what is that abomination." She shrieked.

"Hey, I have feelings you know." Trider replied.

"I wasn't talking about you, I was talking about those drapes you are wearing. They are simply repulsive." The mare gagged when she said that.

"That. Bitch." Trider never really cared much about what he wore, as long as it wasn't too girly, but somehow this mare made him feel as insulted, when she talked about his wears, as when he thought that she directly insulted him.

This female had a snow white coat and it accentuated her deep violet hair and tail, which were done in some sort of swirl. Unlike all the other horse people he saw until now she also had a horn protruding out of her head. He could also see this mare really cared about her looks as she wore tons of make-up and perfume which he could smell all the way from there. She had a light blue dress on, which went all the way to her knees and on her head sat a giant hat adorned with feathers.

"Look here I wanna do this without resulting to violence, so if-"

"Yeah right, you come to our town terrorize the ponies and assault my sis and then want to talk it out?" interjected Applejack.

"Hey now I didn't attack anyone since-"

It was Raritys turn to stop his explanation. "Sweet Celestia he hurt Apple Bloom?"

Applejack nodded and Rarity just gasped. "That barbarian."

"Ok if you could just let me finish-"

"He said if I didn't keep quiet he would do something to me." When Apple Bloom said this the two mares just locked eyes with Kanisar.

He tried to explain himself again. "Ok, yeah I did say that, but-"

"I think we heard enough." Said the cow-mare reaching behind her back to get something. "Rares, get Apple Bloom somewhere safe, while I deal with the pest."

"Very well, make sure to teach that badly dressed ruffian a good lesson."

Trider had just about enough of insults and getting cut off. "Argh, if you would just let me finish what I-" Suddenly he felt something fall down his form. When he looked at his legs he saw a rope around his ankles and before he could say another word, the stetson mare pulled with all her might and tripped the man, making his back collide with the dirt.

Slowly she began to approach the downed foe, but before she could reach him he cut the rope using his claws. As he got up he began to dust himself off. His eyes filled with malevolance as he gazed upon the mare.

"That's it. I tried to be nice." He growled. "But now at least I get to have a good brawl."

Applejack prepared to try and tie him once again, but he quickly closed the distance between the two. Instinctively she raised arms to defend herself, just in time to block a punch from the attacker. Pain seared through her forearms as she skidded a few inches backwards. As she lowered her arms she caught sight of the Kanisar smirking.

"You're tough I'll give you that. Not many can take one of my punches and still stand."

The mare however didn't want to hear anything he had to say, she only knew that he was dangerous and she had to beat him and drag him out of town,before he could hurt anypony. With her resolve she charged at him raising her right arm to hopefully hit him. Trider saw her coming and dodged her and immediatelly brought his elbow down onto her back. The stirke made her stagger a bit, but it didn't deter her from her target. Before the man could land another blow, the mare grabbed him around the waist and lifted him off the ground. As he reached his highest point, Applejack bent her back backwards and brought the man head first into the ground behind her. When she let go his body collapsed onto the ground and she stood up and turned around so she was facing him again. She was sure he had to be out for the count.

Adjusting her stetson she began to head back to her friend and sister.

"Applejack watch out!" But it was too late. As she turned around a powerful punch connected with her stomach that sucked all air out of her lungs. Trider however wasn't finished. Before she fell on her knees he grabbed her by the head and delivered his knee straight to her face. He then let the mare fall face first into the dirt he laied in not too long ago.

"You talk big, but in the end you're just a show-off." He walked around her for a bit before squatting down and grabbing her by the mane and lifted her head so he could see her eyes. "Next time don't mess with me if you know-"

Again he was cut, this time however a rock hit him straight in the forehead and he stumbled backwards, away from Applejack.

"Applejack are you alright?" the concerned Rarity asked her downed friend. Her horn was glowing and several small rocks levitated around her, ready to be hurled at their target. Applejack tried to get up, but she was still dazed from Triders last attack.

"Ah'll live." she muttered. "Where's Apple Bloom?"

"She is safe. I hid her in one of the houses, so you don't hav to worry about her."

Reassured Applejack got to her knees and wiped her face with her forearm. There were traces of blood present and she knew she was very badly hurt. Just then they heard Trider growl and saw him walking towards the two with pure rage in his eyes.

"That fucking hurt you bitch." he yelled at them. "I thought you would just go and hide like a coward you are, but I guess even a prissy whore like yourself has some backbone to show." He rubbed his forehead where the stone hit him and cringed at the bump. "You dare interfere with my fight, just for that I will-"

Another stone flew at him, but this time he caught it in his hand and crushed it into dust. Rarity gulped at what he did to the rock, thinking what he might do to her. "WOULD YOU LET ME FINISH AT LEAST ONE FUCKING SENTENCE YOU PIECES OF SHIT OR I SWEAR I'LL TEAR YOU FROM LIMB TO LIMB AND THEN-" This time he stopped himself, took a deep breath and shook his head. "You know what, I'm done talking. let me just show you what happens when you anger me."

When he said that he charged at the unicorn mare. Rarity tried to stop his advancment by throwing all the rocks she had at him, but he succesfully dodged them all. Applejack tried to get up and help her friend, but her legs still weren't listening to her. She knew that if he hit Rarity with same force as he did her, Rarity might not get up again. She reached out her hand and yelled.


Images flashed before Raritys eyes, as the man pounced on her, ready to deliver a devastating blow. However right before he could connect, a rainbow blur came out of nowhere and sent Trider flying. Rarity fell on her knees, as she gazed at her cyan savior.

"Sup, heard you guys were dealing with some monster and decided to crash the party."


Then out of nowhere came the pink madness herself, Pinkie Pie, bouncing up and down and looking in all directions.

"Not that kind of party Pinks, what I meant was..." She trailed off as she saw that her friend already brought out her infamous party cannon. "You know what forget it. More importantly how are you guys doing?"

Rarity picked herself off the ground and began to dust her dress off. "Just dreadful darling. We were having such a beautiful day, great job on that by the way, when that thing came to town and began to scare the ponies and he almost hurt Apple Bloom as well."

"A bully, eh? We'll teach him a lesson or two right Pinkie?" She said, as she looked at her pink friend.

"Yeah, we'll show that meanie what for." Saying that she shoved her extra streamers into the party cannon and then she locked and loaded it.

"Hold up just a minute you two." Applejack approached the group. Her nose and mouth were bleeding and she had a nasty bruise on her cheek. "That feller is quite tough, I managed to suplex him straight into the ground and he just got up like nothing happened."

Rarity decided to throw her few bits in as well. "Indeed, I also threw a rock at him and it didn't even daze him. In fact it just made him angrier. Then I threw another rock and he just caught and crushed it into dust."

"Oooookay so maybe it won't be so easy, but now there are four of us against one of him. So lets do this shit." She pumped her arm into the air, the rest following soon. Their cheering was however interrupted by a loud scream. They cast their gaze towards the source of the scream, thinking someony got hurt, but their eyes landed on something far worse. There in the middle of the street stood Trider, breathing heavily and litterally fuming.


One of them was a short female, with unkempt hair and tail, with color of the whole rainbow. Her coat on the other hand was a cyan blue. She sported a dark blue jacket, over a black tank top and her legs were covered by tight black sweatpants. He could also spot a pair of cyan wings on her back.

The other was pink. That was all Trider could see. Pink coat, with darker pink hair and tail. However what really grabbed his attention were the giant jugs on her chest. They were as big as his head. "Damn girl, you packin." he thought. She wore a light blue T-shirt which barely contained those giant breasts and bright yellow pants. It didn't help that she kept on bouncing making those humongous knockers jump as well. (Did I mention she has big tits?) Another discerning feature about the girl was her smell, she smelled of sugar and honey. It made the Kanisars teeth hurt.

"Hey watch your language, just cause we're rated Teen doesn't mean you can just curse at every single moment." Everyone just stared at the pink mare in confusion.

Brushing off her friends remark, the cyan flier pointed her finger at Trider. "Anyway, we're taking your ass down big guy, one way or another, so make this easy for you and just give up. I mean you are clearly outnumbered."

The man only laughed. They looked at him even more confused than they did with Pinkie. "What's so funny partner?" asked Applejack.

Trider began to settle down and wiped a small tear from his eye. "You think, that just because you have more guys you have a chance of winning." He gave another chuckle then continued. "Bring an entire army, cause if everyone is as strong as you are, then I don't have nothing to fear."

Rainbow glared at him and responded with her own threat. "We'll make you eat those words."

"Then what are you waiting for?"

Saying that Trider lunged towards the group. The mares split up each going in their own direction while Dash too to the sky. The Kanisar went for the one he thought was currently most vulnerable, but at the same time most dangerous, Applejack. The mare prepared to defend herself, by lowering her stance and extending her arms to intercept him. Trider however dropped to the ground and slid under the mare, quickly standing up on the other side, lifting his arm to strike in the back of the head. He had to stop however when a stone flew past his face. Due to the distraction, Applejack was able to face her attacker, deliveringher own blow. The attack managed to graze the man and he jumped away, to distance himself from the mare. While in midair however, he was sitting duck for Pinkie and her cannon.

"Say cheese." She smiled and pressed the trigger.

All Trider was able to see was tons upon tons of conffeti and streamers, before he plummeted to the ground, covered in a colorful party mess. As he was getting rid of all the junk, he failed to notice the rainbow maned flier who descended onto him. She grabbed him by the shoulders and quickly hoisted him into the air.

"Let go of me!" he yelled.

"As you wish." She smirked and dropped him.

Trider saw the ground quickly approaching and braced himself for impact. He hit the ground with tremendous force, but despite that he stood up yet again and prepared for another round.

Dash landed beside Applejack, huffing. "This guy doesn't know when to give up."

"Ya said it sugarcube, but at least now we have'im on the ropes." She looked towards Pinkie shouting to her. "Pinkie, go get Twilight in case we need help to beat this guy or to at least contain him somehow. We can handle him by ourselves, but leave the party cannon just in case."

The pink mare vigirously nodded. "Okie dokie lokie." And with that she left in a puff of Pinkie shaped pink smoke.

Turning their attention back to the man they saw he once again charged at them.

"Here we go again." The two mares split up again, Rainbow taking to the sky.

Applejack expecting for the Kanisar to attack her again raised her arms to defend. However Trider immediatelly stopped and crouched, then he launched himself into the sky towards the ascending Rainbow.

"Watch out Dash."

Rainbow quickly redirected her flight path, but Trider still managed to scratch her leg with his claws. The pegasus yelped in pain and it caused her to lose some altitude. Suddenly a brage of stones came towards the airborn man. As soon as she saw an opportunity, Rarity launched all of her rocks at her opponent. This time however Trider saw the attack coming. He blocked majority of the rocks, but he managed to snatch some of them. He retaliated, by throwing the caught rocks at the three mares. Applejack and Rarity easily avoided them, the rocks lodging themselves into the dirt, while some broke through the support beam of one of the houses Rarity was nearby. Rainbow wasn't so lucky. She succesfully dodged on of the stones heading towards her wings, but that left her wide open for the other rock which hit hit her directly into the collar bone.

The pain was so unbearable, she lost control of herself and began falling to the ground. Right before her face was introduced to the dirt, Applejack caught her and gently laid her on the street. Rainbow hissed in pain as she reached for the spot where she was hit, a large bruise begining to form.

"That son of a bitch." she cursed.

Rarity ran over to the two, clearly exhausted from using so much magic. "We better finish this quickly, before anypony else gets hurt."

"We would, but the feller is tougher than an iron nut. We need ta hit him with everythin we got at tha same time."

Rainbow slowly lifted herself minding the injury. "Yeah, well right now I can't land a very good hit with a busted collarbone."

Applejack began to think and quickly came up with an idea. "Then if you can't use your arms, use your hooves."

"Sounds like you have a plan." smirked the pegasus.

"Maybe, but we will have to time ourselves extremly precisely. Now listen up." She began to whisper the plan to the other two.

Meanwhile Trider simply watched, amused at how they were trying to come up with a way to take him down. "That's right struggle, it makes this so much more fun." he thought.

When they were done planing the mares stood up and began to go into their positions. Rarity then looked at Trider and spoke. "I guess you can be a gentlecolt as well, letting us prepare and such."

The man just chuckled. "Me? A gentleman? Nah. I just like to see my opponents struggle while I beat them to a pulp."

The unicorn winced. "Actually, you know what, I retract my previous statement." Saying that she began to levitate another bunch of stones.

"Like I care."

As soon as their conversation was over Rarity lunged the rocks at Trider. He began to dodge and block them like they were nothing. As he avoided her assault, he noticed that her attack was becoming less intense.

"Running out of fuel bitch?"

"Maybe." She said as she launched couple more rocks. "But it doesn't matter as they weren't supposed to hit you anyway. They were just supposed to distract you."

After hearing that, Trider frantically looked around himself for possible sneak attack. However the only thing that came into view was the pink mares cannon. He realised a second too late he was set up. Using her magic, Rarity triggered the cannon and it exploded. It had just enough ammo to send the man flying through the air, towards Applejack who charged forward. When they close enough to each other, Applejack turned around and crouched. She planted her legs into the dirt and bucked the Kanisar with all the might her legs possessed.

"Have a taste of Sweet Apple Acre applebuckin, ya vermin."

Trider was launched upwards into the air. Before he could realise what happened, a cyan hoof connected with his side with incredible speed.

"And here is Rainbow Dash Sonic Kick."

All Trider could see was a nearby house, before he crashed through the wall and was buried under the rubble of the wall. As the dust settled the mares stopped to catch their breath and got ready in case he was still conscious. Couple of minutes passed and there were still no movements from the pile. Finally they were able to relax and rest for a bit.

"That was a lot tougher than I expected." said Rainbow.

"I agree, I can't wait until I get home and clean myself and my dress, I mean look at me I look like a mess."

"Don't ya fret too much Rares, we just have to wait for Pinkie and Twi, so she can contain this guy and then we can have our well deserved-"

Applejack was cut off as the pile began to shift. They looked at it in terror and couldn't belive their eyes as the Kanisar pushed of the rubble and stood up yet again.

"No. Freaking. Way."

"What in tarnation is this fella made of?"

"How could anypony still walk after so much?"

Trider limped out of the now damaged house, smiling and showing off his fangs. Despite the calm demeanor he showed, it was clear he was in a lot of pain. His face was covered in blood, he had several bruises and gashes on his body, and he was clutching at his side where Rainbow kicked him. His clothes as well suffered from the onslaught. His T-shirt was ripped in half, now showing his well developed muscles and his pants were missing its left sleeve.

He continued on his march, until he was just several feet away from them, then he stopped. He began to cough violently, blood spurting each time he coughed. Wiping away the blood that was now around his mouth, he directed his gaze at the terrified mares.

"You look like you've just seen a ghost. Is it really that surprising that I'm still standing?" He licked the blood that was on his hand and smirked. "But honestly, that was a good try, I'm actually impressed you managed to damage me so badly. Guess I shouldn't have underestimated you so much." He lowered both of his arms to his sides and bent his knees so he was semi-crouching. "But now I'm done playing around, from this point on I will fight seriously."

Suddenly the air around them began to grow cold and the mares shivered at what they were feeling. The man who just a minute ago didn't seem like such a great threat, began to emit dark energy which made them back off. All of a sudden his body began to change, his muscles became slightly larger, his hair also grew a bit, the fangs and claws became a lot more noticable and his eye color changed to blood red. but all that was nothing compared to the now dark aura that now surrounded Trider. The way he looked he was more like a beast than a man.

"Let's do this."

The mares didn't even have time to retaliate as he immediatelly closed the distance between them. When he was close enough he swinged his right arm at the unicorn mare and slashed through her dress and left nasty claw marks on her stomach. He wanted to continue, but Applejack rushed into him and pushed him away from her friend. Trider however wasn't impressed, he immediatelly halted the orange mares advancment and he locked arms with her and they each began to struggle to overpower the other. Applejack used all of her earth pony magic to try and subdue the man, but it was futile as it seemed they were at a deadlock. "Is that all you have? Pathetic." said the Kanisar.

"Hold him right there AJ!" shouted Rainbow as she skydived towards her friend and her opponent.

Seeing this Trider increased his grip on the mares hand and quickly yanked it in the opposite direction. There was a sickening snap as the man broke the mares hand. She let go of him and before she could express her pain, a bolt of energy was shot into her stomach, which pushed her away. After dealing with the cow-mare, Trider immediatelly ducked as to avoid the pegasus's attack. As she was flying over him, he quickly reached up and grabbed one of her hooves. He pulled her backwards with all he had and slammed her directly into the ground. Before she could do anything else, he landed a strong kick into her gut. Rainbow tried to fight the darkness taht began to envelop her, but ultimately she lost and fell unconscious. Satisfied Trider turned to the two remaining mares, when he a rock hit him in the head. This time however he didn't even flinch, which unsettled Rarity as she saw her attack was useless. She began to launch rock after rock at him, but not even a single one did anything to the man. He lifted one of his arms and it began to glow in light blue color.

"He can use magic as well." she thought, before trider unleashed his Ki blast at the mare. Far too weak from the wound and using too much magic, Rarity was unable to dodge the attack. Right before it hit her however, a purple dome covered her and absorbed the blast. Confused she looked around and then spotted Pinkie and Twilight not too far away from here.

"Are you ok Rarity? You're not too hurt are you?" she spoke in a concerned tone. Rarity released the breath she was unknowingly holding and replied.

"I'm fine Twilight, just a little roughed up. It's Applejack and Rainbow we should worry about."

At that twilight and Pinkie looked at their other two friends. They gasped at what they saw. Applejack was leaning on a nearby wall, cradling her hand which was bent at unusual angle and her stomach was singed. Rainbow was the worst however. She wasn't moving whatsoever and she was bleeding badly, probably having internal bleeding as well.

"Great. More people who want to fight." sighed the man, garnering the attention of the mares.

When they looked at him they saw that he as well was severly hurt, but didn't show it. He looked like a feral beast from Tartarus, with the fangs, eyes and the dark aura around him. It made the two mares gulp. "This what you were fighting with?" she asked, while Rarity could only nod.

Trider looked at the newcomer and wasn't impressed. "This is who they sent the pink female to get. You've got to be kidding me." he thought. The mare had a deep dark purple hair, with two streaks of pink and violet mixed in, the same went for her tail. Her coat was a lavneder color and on her head was a horn, just like the one the white mare has. She wast wearing a white blouse and over it was a lavender vest, she also had a pair of black jeans on as well.

"I'm putting a stop to this, before you hurt anypony else." Twilight said as she pointed an arm at the man.

He only chuckled before he replied. "And pray tell how are gonna do-" He stopped as a lavender aura enveloped him and seized his movement. He struggled against it, but it just restriced him more.

"Don't even think about it. this spell is strong enough to hold down several of manticores. There is no way you could-" She halted her speech as Trider began to fight against her spell with all of his strenght. Twilight began to focus more and more, to try and keep him contained. With a loud roar and a burst of adrenalin, he broke through the mares spell and the lashback from it being broken made Twilight fall on her knees clutching her head.

"T-that's impossible. How could you break it so easily?" she questioned as he began to approach her.

"You have no idea how strong I am compared to you, now if you know what's good for you, you will stay down while I finish what I came here to do."

As he began to head off Applejack came behind him and grabbed him under his arms and put him in a grab lock.

"Twi blast him while ah can still hold him!" she yelled.

Twilight tried to argue. "But Applejack i might-"

"No buts Twi just do it, ah'll be fine." the mare tried to reassure her friend.

"Like I'll let that happen." When he said that he propelled himself over the mare and landed behind her. Caught by surprise Applejack lost her grip on Trider and was suddenly being choked by him. "You've been a pain in my ass for too long, Ishould just put you out of your misery." He raised his hand and began to channel a Ki blast to finish off the mare.

"Let go of my sis you big meanie."

Everyones gaze fell onto the filly who was standing in the room of the house whose wall was brought down by the fight. Behind her stood two mares one mint green with white hair, while the other was cream colored with dark blue and pink toned mane. Trider shifted his gaze between the filly, the mares he fought and Applejack. Sighing he disabled his blast and released the mare who fell i+on the ground.

"What the hell am I doing going into fights with stupid horse people." he said under his breath. "Maybe Shepherd was right, maybe I do get easily angered."

While he was consuling with his thoughts, Twilight levitated Applejack towards her and used some of her magic to relive the pain on her throat. The cow-mare began to cough violently and she looked at Trider. "Why did he let go of me? Didn't he want to finish me off?" she thought. "Could it be he doesn't want to fight anymore? Now that ah think bout it, he did say he just wanted to talk in the beginning?"

She was brought out of her thoughts by Twilight. "Applejack are you ok?"

"Ah'll be fine Twi. Listen, ah know this might sound crazy, but I think we should fighting him and try to talk."

Twilight looked at her like she just grew a secnd head, before she voiced her thoughts. "You're right you do sound crazy. Applejack he hurt our friends and threatened your sister. How can you possibly think he would just stop to try and talk?"

"Look I know what ya mean, but maybe we should just try and see what happens. I have a feeling he-"

She got cut off when sounds of rumbling and creaking reached her ears. She looked towards the source and saw it was coming from the ceiling of the room Apple Bloom and the two mares were.

"Everypony get outta there, the ceiling is bout to collapse." she screamed.

The group looked upwards and saw she was right. However before they could move the ceiling collapsed and burying them all beneath the rubble.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Applejack cried out, when she saw they were too late.

As the dust began to settle, she expected to see the corpse of her beloved sister. But what she saw made her stare in shock and amazment. trider stood over the filly and the mares holding up a large chunk of debris. The mares and filly were huddled together shaking in fear.

"Will you guys get the fuck out of here already, I can't hold this up forever." said Trider in a strained voice. The group looked up at him and quickly did as he told them to. When they were far enough, the Kanisar focused the last bits of his strengh into his hands and unleashed a blast so powerful it incinirated the debris he was holding up as well as some of the room and the upper floor. Breathing heavily he fell onto one knee, his dark aura and beastial features dissipating.

Everypony began to gather around the man looking at him with amazment and caution.

Apple Bloom was the first to speak. "You saved me. Thanks."

"You're welcome. Again." Trider replied.

She gave him a confused look. "What do ya mean again?"

He chuckled as he gave her 'are you shitting me' look. "Don't you remember when you were in that forest and were chased by some giant lion abomination?"

"You mean a manticore?" asked the librarian.

"Yeah, lets go with that." He focused on the filly again. "I heard you screaming as I was walking through the forest, when I came to you were cornered by it and it was just about to pounce on you when I intervened." He tried to stand up, but his side flared up and he fell back down. "I beat the living hell out of it and when I tried to ask you how to get out of the forest you fainted and I had to carry you all the way back here."

"But wait, if you were lost, then how did you find your way to the town?" asked confused Rarity.

He gave a small smile and replied. "I just followed her scent. I have a very good nose." He tapped the nose with his index finger.

"But when you came here you were threatening mah sister, weren't ya?"

Trider cringed, before speaking. "Ok, yeah, I did. She was causing unnecessary ruckus, making everyone run and hide. I guess I got annoyed and just said the first thing that came to my mind." He gave and awkward smile to the mare. "Let me just tell you that I would never hurt your sister. At least not without a VERY good reason."

Applejack just looked at him skeptically before she sighed. "Ah guess yer tellin the truth. I'm sorry for attacking you without a good reason."

"I guess we all are." Twilight spoke for everypony. They all nodded.

Satisfied for the moment, Trider wanted to say something before a new wave of pain washed over him. Grunting in pain, he just now realised how badly he had been wounded.

Giving concerned look Twilight spoke up. "We should get all of you to the hospital, before we continue with our talks." Using her magic she lifted the limp form of Rainbow Dash and began to levitate her towards their destiantion.

Gritting his teeth Trider tried to get up before an orange hand presented itself to him. "Need a hand partner?"

He smacked the hand away and forced himself standing. "Don't get me wrong, I'm still angry at each and every one of you. A simple 'I'm sorry' won't cut it for me." He began to limp behind the lavender mare. "I can take care of myself, you just show me where i have to go. Understood?"

Huffing, Applejack made her way to her sister who supported her, while Pinkie helped Rarity, all the way to the hospital.

Author's Note:

On another note, I apologize to anyone who waited for the next chapter to come, for so long. I had a lot of stuff to do. I started to write on last Thursday, on Friday I had a field trip for school, I took a day off for Saturday, on Sunday I took a couple of hours to continue and finished on Monday morning. So yeah I've been busy.
Again constructive critisim is welcomed. I f there are any errors of spelling mistakes I'll be happy if you pointed them out.
That is all for now, until next time.

Oh almost forgot, next chapter might come even later than this one due to a Geology test I have on Monday, so I'll have to study. Don't worry though I have the best mentor to help me with it.

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