• Published 2nd Nov 2016
  • 10,804 Views, 574 Comments

The Tale Of A Lost Wolf - Solaris Night

While preforming a new spell, Twilight accidentally summons a being, unlike anypony has ever seen, to Equestria. Can she and the rest of the girls befriend him and teach him the values of friendship?

  • ...

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Chapter 31: A Little Bit of Chaos in Your Life

Groggily Trider opened his eyes the light burning his eyes. He hissed in pain as his eyes tried to adjust to the brightness, while at the same time supressing the slight headache that rocked his head.

"What the hell happened?" he mumbled and slowly stood up. Only when he was standing did he notice the bizare environment he was in. The sky was black with wisps of purple running across it. He was currently located on a small island that floated in the void. There were other similar patches of land all around and they were all connected by some form of bridge, rope and even a snake.

Trider continued to observe the scenery, completely confused. Only when a meowing pig with wings on his butt flew by, did he say something.

"What the fuck?" he murmured astonished. "Where and how did I end up here?" He sat back down on the ground and began to remember what had happened yesterday.

"I came back to Ponyville, I had a fight with Spike, then Pinkie dragged us off to her party, at the party we, well partied and I was having a drink with Rainbow." he recalled, but that didn't help him in figuring out what actually happened to him or why he had this headache and feeling of grogginess.

"Headache? Grogginess?" he thought, clearly remembering that he had experienced this before, only worse. And then it clicked, as he remembered the last detail.

"Oh yeah I asked Pinkie to give me a small piece of a chocolate muffin, so I could get smashed." he said aloud. "But I can't remember anything after that. Not what I did or how I ended up in this senseless place."

"Oh but what fun is there in making sense?"

Trider jumped at the voice, quickly raising his hands and got ready to fight. "Who's there? Show yourself!" he shouted at nothingness.

"You called?" the voice suddenly spoke up from behind him. Startled the Kanisar leaped away and looked at the one who was talking with him.

"OK I know I'm repeating myself, but what the fuck?" The creature that stood before him was almost twice his height. It's entire body was comprised out of parts of different animals. It's yellow eyes with red irises looked over him, like it was inspecting him.

They continued to stare at one another, until the creature smirked. "Well I am waiting." it said, tapping one of it's feet on the ground.

"Waiting for what?" Trider asked confused.

"For you to greet me, duh." it said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Oh, um sorry, my name is Tri-" Before he could finish he caught himself and glared at the creature. "Wait just a fucking second, why am I introducing myself to you?"

"Because you're the one visiting my wonderful domain, little pup." the creature replied, it's voice laced with mirth.

"You call this mess wonderful? It looks like something a kindergardener drew for arts and crafts, puked over it and then somebody decided to actually create it." Trider said bluntly. "And seeing that you're calling it your domain it seems fitting."

The creature looked at him with an unamused look, before it shook it's head. "It appears Fluttershy wasn't overexaggerating when she said you have a foul mouth."

"Wait, how do you know Flutes? But before you answer that, who and what the fuck are you?" Trider demanded, pointing a finger at the creature.

"Oh fine." the creature sighed, before giving a slight bow. "My name is Discord, spirit of chaos and disharmony." As soon as he introduced himself a bunch of fireworks went off, revealing a neon sign that said 'Discord' and below it was the portrait of him. "Well what do you think? I was hoping I could flare up my introduction a bit, by adding a little flare." the portait spoke.

Trider was at a loss for words. "So your name's Discord?" he asked, to which the chaos being nodded. "Neat, my name's Trider." he said and offered him his hand.

Discord raised one of his eyebrows, before sighing and shaking the Kanisar's hand. "You ruined the mood completely, y'know." he grumbled, before releasing his grip.

"Like I care." Trider rebuted. "So where is this place exactly and how did I get here?"

"Glad you asked." Discord responded and snapped his fingers, creating a table and a couple of chairs. He sat down in one of them and prompted Trider to do the same. Gingerly the Kanisar sat down and Discord summoned up a pot and a couple of tea cups.

"You're currently in my own personal pocket dimension, over which I have absolute control over. As for how you got here, I just found you lying in the middle of nowhere and decided to bring you here." he explained and waited for the tea pot to pour itself into his cup. "Tea?" he offered, the pot hovering slightly over Trider's cup.

"Yeah, sure." Trider shrugged and watched as the liquid ran into the cup. He took a sip and immediatelly spat out the concoction. "The hell is this shit?!" he exclaimed and wiped his mouth of the horrid brew.

"Well of course it's going to taste nasty if you drink it wrong." Discord said and took a sip as well. However instead of drinking the tea he instead drank the cup and once it was all gone he threw the tea behind him and it exploded with a loud honk.

Trider looked at his cup again and pondered if he should try to do what Discord did, but in the end he decided against it. "You still haven't told me why you brought me here." he said, shooting a glare at the spirit of chaos. "And I'm pretty sure it wasn't an act of good will, you don't strike me as that type of character."

Discord grinned before he flashed out of exsitence and popping back behind the Kanisar. "You'd be correct. The reason I brought you here is because of all the work you've been doing for the past few months."


"Yes. Ever since you arrived in our world you've had a great impact on both the land and it's residents. And frankly, you've caught my eye." His grin grew even wider, to the point where it seemed like it would rip his face in half. "In a thousand years since my stone imprisonment, never have I met someone who could spread chaos like you have."

"Stone imprisonment? Chaos?" Trider repeated to himself, until he remembered something. "Wait! You're the guy that the girls told me about. The one who almost plunged the world into chaos. Twice."

"Oh you do know me." Discord cooed. "Thank goodness, I thought I'd have to tell you my story and as much as I like to talk about myself, I'd rather spend those few precious moments doing something productive." He disappeared in a flash and reappeared wearing a business suit. "After all, chaos doesn't happen by itself."

Once the draconequus looked at the Kanisar he saw how he was holding an orb of energy in his hands and was aiming straight at him. "Don't move a muscle freak!" Trider threatened, keeping his gaze on him.

"Seriously?" Discord asked with a deadpanned expression. "You're even more hostile than the mares."

"For a reason. I've heard enough about you from Twilight and the rest, especially Luna." Trider responded, still glaring at him. "I don't know how you escaped, but I'll make sure you're put down for good."

Discord sighed and shook his head. "You really are as impulsive as they say you are." he said in a grumbling tone. "Alright allow me to explain a few things. One, I didn't escape, rather I was set free by Celestia, Twilight and the rest of the cast."

"Yeah right, why in hell would they do that, Celestia especially?" Trider stated his doubt.

"Simple, they thought I could use my magic for good instead of spreading chaos with it." Discord replied nonchalantly and crossed his arms. "So they set me free and I'm currently being reformed."

"Uh-huh. Highly doubt it. There is no way that someone like you would just sit down and do what he was told."

"Well, at first I did try to trick them, but in the end thanks to Fluttershy's efforts I saw the error of my ways and am now on the side of good." Discord replied, a halo now floating above his head.

Trider took a second to ponder what he was told, but in the end he didn't believe him. "Yeah, no. You'll have to do better than that buster."

"Alright." Discord shrugged and took a small step forward. "Then let me tell you another reason why what you're doing is a bad idea."

"Enlighten me." Trider challenged. Suddenly an arm came from behind him and with the tips of it's thumb and index finger, it extinguished the orb. Trider quickly turned around and his eyes met with Discord's.

"What?" he mumbled and looked back to where Discord stood before and saw he was still standing there. He looked back and forth to confirm there were two of him.

"Reason two. You are right now faced with someone whose power exceeds even those of the royal princess's. You could say I'm nigh omnipotent." Discord said with a smirk.

Trider didn't know how to reply, he had heard from the girls and Luna about Discord and all of them told him that the only reason he was ever defeated was thanks to the Elements of Harmony. Luna also told him that she challenged Discord to a duel in the past and she had no chance at victory whatsoever.

Discord saw he had finally calmed down and he smiled. "Good. I'm glad you're finally ready to listen." he said, sitting in mid-air, using his tail as support. "And now we come to reason number three and also the reason as to why you're here." Trider remained quiet, so Discord decided to proceed. "I want to be friends with you."

An eerie sience fell over the two. "Say what?" Trider asked.

"I said I want us to be friends." Discord repeated.

"No, no I heard you loud and clear. I'm asking why in the hell would you want to be friends with me?" he questioned.

"For one, because both Celestia and Fluttershy want me to make more friends." he said in way that it seemed like he wanted to throw up. "Also because I think, I won't have a dull moment with you aaand..." he dragged on. "You and I are so much alike." he finished with a dark grin.

"Like hell we are. You wanted to plunge the world into chaos and your entire being screams of villain." Trider argued.

"Hmmm, you've got a point." Discord said, scratching his goatee. "But while I may have brought chaos onto Equestria, I have never taken a single life, unlike you." he said and shot Trider a victorious smirk. "And I'm being honest here. Not once has anyone lost their lives due to my actions. So if we compare ourselves which one of us is the bigger villain?"

"Shut it!" Trider said.

"Oh what's wrong, can't handle the truth?" Discord asked in a mocking tone. "You preach about justice and yet you fail to notice your own sins. Isn't that hypocritical?"

"I said shut it!" Trider exclaimed louder this time.

"And you even have the gall to justify your actions by claiming that it's only fair. Y'know eye for an eye." Discord continued his rant, while Trider could only listen to him. "And so what if you lost your parents? If you ask me you're just being a huge-"

"SHUT UP!!!" Trider screamed, as he transformed. Without hesitation he blasted Discord with a Ki blast. As the debris fell into the abyss, the Kanisar panted, glaring at where the draconequus once stood.

"Well that was a surprise." the spirit said from behind Trider, but he didn't even flinch at his response. "I heard it from Luna, but seeing it in person is a whole different experience. Thank godess for near omnipotency." He continued to watch Trider as his breathing began to calm and his hair returned back to it's black color. "Better now?"

"Yeah." the Kanisar sighed and sat onto the floor. "Why did you do that?"

"Because I thought it'd be fun and because I wanted to prove my point." Discord replied, as he sat down next to him. "Like I said, you and I have much in common. We're both the types that don't like to play by the rules, we both like to cause chaos, advertently or inadvertetly, we both like to do what we want and we are both now in shackles that Celestia put on us."

"I guess you have a point." Trider said as he stared into the distance. "But that doesn't excuse you for what you said earlier."

"Ugh, fine." Discord said and stood up. "I'm... Sorry." he said in a forced tone. "There, is that better?"

"It's a start." Trider smirked. Discord waited for a bit, until he coughed, gaining his attention. "What?"

"Well, won't you apologise?" the draconequus asked.

"Only if you beg me." Discord shot him a nasty glare, but his scowl soon turned into a grin.

"I can see we'll get along just fine." he said and snapped his fongers. Suddenly a camera appeared and Discord pulled Trider in closer. "Say anarchy." A bright flash blinded the Kanisar and after a few seconds of rubbing his eyes he could see a framed picture of him and the spirit floating in front of him. "Oh my it seems you had your eyes closed." Discord pointed out. "It's perfect."

"That's dandy and all, but I'd really like to get back. I'm sure Twilight is flipping the town over, trying to find me." Trider said, thinking about the scolding he was going to receive from the mare.

"Leaving so soon?" Discord asked in a fake sad voice. "But I thought we'd spend some leisure time together."

"And what exactly will we be doing?"

"How about we pay Celestia a visit and cover her entire castle with toilette paper." Discord suggested, holding a roll in his hands.

"You serious?" Trider asked with a deadpanned expression, which made Discord put on a genuine hurt face. "TP-ing her castle is amateur. I was thinking more along the lines of making her castle be like jelly, Y'know bouncy and squishy."

A giant grin strechted across Discord's face, as he placed an arm across Trider's shoulder. "I like the way you think." he said before he snapped his fingers and the two disappeared in a flash.

On that day Celestia created a new law that prohibited Trider and Discord to hang out together, without supervision from a third party.

Author's Note:

Hey, sorry for the long wait. I was caught up in the summer laziness and just didn't have the will to write. But to atone for that, here is the new chapter, as well as the surprise that I promised you guys way back in Test Your Might Part 1. I'm sure you can figure out what I'm refering to.
Until next time.

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