• Published 2nd Nov 2016
  • 10,804 Views, 574 Comments

The Tale Of A Lost Wolf - Solaris Night

While preforming a new spell, Twilight accidentally summons a being, unlike anypony has ever seen, to Equestria. Can she and the rest of the girls befriend him and teach him the values of friendship?

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Chapter 17: Through the Eyes of the Beast

The Sun has just risen over the horizon, basking the land in its light. The ponies slowly began to wake ready for another day. But while they lazily tried to escape the confines of their beds, a lone Kanisar was making his way through the town of Ponyville. After wandering for nearly an hour, Trider finally found his way back and was slowly walking towards his home.

During his walk he recounted the encounter with the Night Princess and what she told him. Despite all that she said to relieve his worries, he was still doubtful. Multiple scenarios ran through his mind, none of them ending well. Shaking his head he put them all to the back of his mind.

"C'mon Trider, pull yourself together." he mentally berated himself. "They are your friends. They will forgive you... Hopefully." he gulped, as he continued his trek. With some of his courage renewed, he sped up his step and soon he stood in front of the librarys door.

He reached out his hand to grab the knob, but stopped halfway. He began to doubt himself yet again, but like before he ignored his thoughts and took a deep breath. Grabbing the knob, he slowly twisted it and opened the door.

The sound of opening doors drew the attention of everyone in the room, as they casted their gaze towards it. In the doorway stood heavily bandaged Trider, who wished he hadn't opened them. No one knew what to do or say to the Kanisar. Twilight however stood up and marched up to him, her eyes filled with rage.

Before anyone could stop her, she raised her hand and she slapped him across the face. Everyone looked at her in shock. "You idiot!" the mare hissed as she slapped him across his other cheek. "You self-centered idiot!" Her expression slowly changed from angry to saddened, as tears began to well in her eyes. "Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!" she repeated over and over again as she struck his chest with her fist, each consecutive hit having less power than the previous one.

While all this was happening the Kanisar just stood still and took the mares assault. Soon she stopped her attack and began to cry into his chest. "You are an idiot." she sobbed, while Trider rubbed her head.

"I know." he said as he tried to calm the crying mare. Eventually she stopped and she locked eyes with him.

"Do you have any idea how much you had us worried? We thought you were going to die."

Trider just smiled. "It'll take more than that to make me kick the bucket." he replied.

"Are you sure you're fine?" asked concerned Fluttershy. "The doctors said that-"

"That I won't be able to walk again? Well they never had to deal with my kind. We are very stubborn when we want to be."

"Even so it was very stupid of you to just walk out of the hospital, right after you woke up." said Rose as she glared at him.

The Kanisar smiled sheepishly and scratched his head. "Yeah, sorry 'bout that. I had to clear my head for a bit." Saying that Twilight broke away from his embrace and the two went to the others. As they approached Celestia decided to speak up.

"Luna said that you wanted to talk to us about something important." she spoke with a commanding tone.

Trider nodded. "Yup. After all that's happened, it's only fair I do so." Taking a look around he saw that all of his friends were present, but one. "Where's Dyna?" he asked.

Everyone looked at each other with concern. "She... She didn't want to participate in this." answered Applejack.

"What? Why not?" he asked, confused.

"We're not sure. Ever since we defeated Sombra she has been avoiding everypony. And when Luna came to tell us that you were fine and that you wanted to talk to us, she just ran away and hid herself in the basement." explained Twilight.

With a grunt Trider stood up and began to walk towrds the basement doors. "Where are you goin' sugarcube?" asked Applejack.

"I'm gonna go talk to her. I don't wanna talk about myself if she isn't present. She has to hear about this." he said with determination. "It's the least I can do." he finished the last part under his breath.

Slowly he opened the door and began to descend the stairs. As he went deeper he heard quiet sobs. When he reached the bottom he saw the two beds the guardmares used and saw that one of them had a huge lump on it. His footsteps echoed across the room as he approached the bed of his dragon-pony friend.

"Go away! Leave me alone!" Dynamism said in between hiccups.

"Is that any way to greet someone when they get out of the hospital, after they got their asses handed to them?" Trider rebuted with a smile.

At the sound of his voice the form on the bed rose up and the covers fell off, revealing the mare. When her eyes fell onto the Kanisar, she began to cry even more. Quickly jumping out of bed she ran over to him and nearly tackled him to the ground. With immense strength she hugged her friend, which elicited a small yelp from him. She bawled into his chest as she held the embrace.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." she repeated.

"Jeez, if this continues I'll sooner drown than succumb to my injuries." he thought as he hugged the mare back. "There, there. It's Ok."

"No it's not!" she shouted back at him. "You almost died!"

"Emphasis on almost."

The mare glared at him through her teary eyes. "Don't joke about something like that. If you had died I could never forgive myself."

Sensing she had a lot on her mind, Trider began to lead her back to her bed and the two sat onto it. "What do you mean by that?"

"It was my fault you got possesed by Sombra and it was because of me that you got hurt so badly."

Raising his eyebrow, Trider looked at her confused. "Ok, what? You lost me there, squirt."

"It's because I wasn't strong enough, you got through me and fought Sombra and then got controlled and then... and then..." she trailed off, as tears returned. Trider just looked at her for a couple of seconds, before he started to chuckle.

"You can't be serious, right?" he asked. Her glare was all the answer he needed to his question. "Oh, you are." Getting serious he looked her in the eyes and spoke.

"Is that why you've been avoiding everyone? Because you thought you were the one to blame for what happened?" he asked, concerned. Dynamism just nodded as she pressed her legs to her chest. With a sigh Trider put his hand onto her shoulder and rubbed it. "Listen to me Dynamism the only one to blame for all of what happened in the Empire, is me. I'm the one who betrayed our friendship and I'm the one who was so stubborn to not heed your advice, so stop blaming yourself for something you didn't do."

The mare wiped away some of her tears and took a deep breath. "Even so, I shouldn't have been so hesitant to stop you. If I had been more determined and stronger I could've saved you and not fail like I did with..." she trailed, which gained Kanisars attention.

"What do you mean?" he inquired. Dynamisms expression changed from sad to hurt and Trider knew he was touching a sensitive subject. "If you don't want to-"

"Do you know what it's like, being a half-breed?" she cut him off. "Especially a dragon half-breed? Everywhere I go, ponies either stare at me or talk behind my back. And since dragons are known for their cruel nature I get even more judgement from other ponies. Because of this I don't have many friends." Her eyes were filled with mixtures of anger, sadness and pain. "My father hailed from a dragon clan where they belived dragons were the master race. And because he had a child with a pony they gave him two options. Either kill the mother and his child or he was to be executed."

She gave a small smile as she fidgeted with her fingers. "Although I've never met him, I'm extremely proud of my father."

"That's what parents do, they sacrifice themselves so their children can have a bright future." Trider agreed.

"Me and my mother lived in a small village, where she was born. But despite being one of them, the villagers didn't like the fact she had a child with a dragon. Although they pretended they were fine with it, they still ostracized us." Her expression turned grim as she continued. "One day mother caught an incurable disease and passed away just a few days after. When she died the villagers kicked me out, saying I was nothing more than a nuisance."

Trider was gritting his teeth at that point, thinking up all possible way how he would make those assholes pay. Seeing that Dynamism placed a hand onto the back of his palm and rubbed it with her thumb. "It's Ok Trider. I have completely forgotten about them, so I don't care anymore." He clamed down a bit, but he was still fuming. "I was fifteen at the time when I was exiled and I traveled across Equestria in search of a new home. But no matter where I went, ponies were afraid of me and my dragon lineage, so they didn't dare approach me. And I was fine with it."

"Then I arrived to Canterlot. And that is where I met her." she said with a light smile. "She was a pegasus mare by the name of Calm Heart. She was only a couple of years older than me, yet seemed like an adult. I met her when she approached me in a nearby park. I can still remember what she first said."

"Oh my goddess!" a shrill voice reached Dynamisms ears, as she looked towards the source of the unpleasant shriek. Her eyes soon fell onto a rose colored mare with a yellow mane. "I can't belive it. You are a dragon. Or well at least half dragon. Hey can you breath fire? Can you fly with those huge wings of yours? Are your claws really sharp as diamonds? Oh, oh is it true-?"

She was cut off when Dynamism placed a finger onto her lips to silence her. "Ok, first of all, who in bucking blazes are you?"

The pegasus mares eyes widened. "Oh my... How rude of me. My name is Calm Heart. I'm so sorry for just bombarding you with all these questions, I just got so excited when I saw you I couldn't help myself." she said as she smiled sheepishly.

"Dynamism." the dragon-mare introduced herself. "Aren't you afraid of me?"

Calm looked at her like she grew a second head. "Afraid? Why in the name of sweet Celestia would I be afraid of someone as awesome looking as you? I mean you don't see everyday a dragon-pony walking through the streets. Your dad must've had quite the balls to bone a motherfucking dragon."

Dynamism blushed both from her praise as well as her vulgarity. "It was actually my mother that was the pony."

"Even more epic." Calm said with even more excitement.

"After that we continued to talk with one another about many different things." said the mare, as a wide grin rested on her face. "For the first time I had a friend and I realised how lonely I've truly been."

"She sounds like she meant the world to you."

"She did and more. We shared many interests. We both liked spicy foods, liked the same groups, cheered for same teams and more. It was because of her that I even became a guard." she counted with an excited tone. "She was like a sister I never had."

"But something happened, right?" Trider asked.

The mare nodded solemnly as she began to remember. "It was about a year after I became part of the Royal Guards. Calm Heart and I were on the same squad. We were on a mission to discover about weapon trafficking on a small island and gather necessary information. But we were soon discovered. As we fled most of our squad members were either captured or killed until it was just me and Calm."

Tears returned to her eyes as she recounted what happened on that day. "We had made it to a protal room through which the weapon dealers were trafficking them. We decided to escape through one of them."

"This one seems like a good one!" Dynamism said as she pointed towards one of them. While she went over to it, so she could activate it, Calm Heart barricaded the door so thier pursuers couldn't follow.

"Than get it started already, this door won't hold forever!" Sounds of angry yells resonated throught the doors, as they slowly began to give in.

"Almost have it... And done!" Dynamism shouted in victorious tone. The portal hummed to life and the pathway was soon opened. "C'mon let's go!" she said to te other mare as she made her way to the portal.

Calm Heart however didn't budge and just stood in the middle of the room, a solemn look on her face. "I can't." she said.

Dynamism looked at her confused. "What do you mean?! Get over here before they bust the door open!" she begged as she stepped closer.

"Dyna... If we both leave they will just follow us through and capture us on the other side." she explained to the youger mare. "One of us has to stay behind to destroy the portal, so the goons can't follow the other."

Slowly realising what she meant, Dynamisms eyes began to fill with determination. "I'm not leaving without you!" she proclaimed. "I'd rather die than let you sacrifice yourself!"

Calm Heart smiled as she stepped towards her friend and hugged her. "You are the best little sister a mare could ask for." she said as tears began to fall down her cheeks. "I love you."

As soon as she said that she pushed the dragon-mare through the portal. Dynamism didn't have time to utter a single word before she landed in a swamp. Quickly getting up she ran towards the portal. "Calm!!!" she shouted with her arm outreached, but it was too late. The portal closed in front of her and she fell into the swampy water.

"Calm why?" she said as she got on all four. "Whyyyyyyyyyy?"

Trider looked at his friend with grief. He knew too well what it was like to lose someone close to you, especially when they sacrificed themselves for you. "What heppened afterwards?" he asked.

"I went back to my old life of solitude. I never made any friends beside Calm. Although I did socialize with other guards, I couldn't consider them my friends." She looked at the Kanisar as a smile stretched across her face. "But then you came along. You were like me, an outsider living in a world of prejudice. You were and outcast by society, yet you didn't care about who or what you were."

"When I was assigned to be your babysitter, I was sort of happy, because I thought that maybe I could befriend you and I did." Trider smiled as well and even blushed a little. "But as I got to know you better I realised you were so much like Calm Heart. Brave, adventurous, vulgar..."

"If you continue to butter me up so much, I might just slip off this bed."

Dynamism giggled at his remark. "When you went to fight Sombra and when you were sent to the hospital I thought I had lost you, and I couldn't bare to see losing someone else, because I couldn't do jack-shit."

"Hey, hey. I told you it wasn't your fault. I'm just an insensitive jerk who can't think about anything else but himself." Trider consoled Dynamism. "And I'm sure Calm Heart or anyone else blames you for what happened to her. In fact I think you're making her sad by thinking it's your fault in any way." He turned the mares head so he could look her in her eyes. "You can't do everything Dyna. Sometimes things happen that are out of our control and we can't do anything to fix them."

The mare broke down in crying, but this time they weren't tears of sadness. "You're right." she said in between sobs. She continued to cry her heart out, but eventually she stopped. "We better join the others, I'm sure they must be worried."

"True that." Trider agreed. The two stood up from the bed and walked over to the stairs. As they slowly climbed up, Dynamism looked at the Kanisar.

"Hey Trider?"


"Is it Ok, if..." she trailed off as she gathered her nerves. "If I call you my big brother?"

Her request surprised Trider, but he just smiled and nodded. "Sure, but only if I can call you sis."


Reaching the top of the staircase they opened the door and entered the room. The others looked at the two and smiled.

"Took you long enough." Rainbow sniped.

"Sorry 'bout that. We just had a lot to talk about." Trider apologized, as Dynamism took a seat next to Rose.

"I'm sure you did." said Celestia.

"So what exactly did you want to talk to us about Trider? All that Princess Luna said was that it was urgent and important." asked Rarity.

"Yeah, we'll get to that in a sec, but there is something I must do first." He went down on his knees and then placed his head onto the floor with his arms beside his head. The group looked at him in confusion. "I AM TRULY SORRY!!!" Trider shouted, catching everyone off guard.

Twilight raised her hands and waved them. "Trider, you don't have to apologise. What happened wasn't-"

"It doesn't matter if what happened was my fault or not. What I did was inexcusable and it's only right that the least I can do is bow my head and apologise." he said, with his head still on the ground. "I don't mind if you forgive me or not. But I can't call myself a friend if don't even apologise for the actions that I made, voluntarily or not."

The mares and Spike looked at him with respect. Not once ever since they met him, has he ever degraded himself so much, as to bow his head to them.

"Your apology is accepted." said Celestia. "And I think I speak for all of us." The others nodded and Trider couldn't help, but smile.

"Thank you." was all he could say.

"However I am still displeased that you went against what we told you and got ponies hurt. But we can leave that for after you tell us what you have to say."

"I understand." Trider said with a nod. "Now then, let's get started." The mares and drake attention was solely on the Kanisar as they waited for what he had to tell them. "The thing I had to talk to you about was me and my planet."

"Why? You already told us so much about it already." Spike asked.

"I did, but most of them were lies." When he said that some of the mares gasped, while others gave him a disapproving look.

"But why?" asked Pinkie who looked like someone had punched her in the gut.

"Because I thought you had no reason to know about it and also because of what was happening when I left it." he exlplained.

"What do you mean?" asked Twilight.

"My planet, when I left, was at war." Everyones eyes widened at what he said.

"How horrible." said Fluttershy, aghast.

"It was." Trider said with a sigh. He looked towards Luna as a thought came to him. "Hey Luna?" he called out to her.


"Is there any way for them to see the images of my past, like you did with my dreams?"

"There is." she confirmed his statement. "Why do you ask?"

"I think it would be better if I didn't just tell them, but also showed them. I'm not that great at telling stories." he explained.

"Very well." the mare said as she stepped towards him. "If you would lie down, please." she begged him and he obliged. As he laid on the floor, Lunas horn began to glow.

"So, what exactly are going to do?" he asked, a bit concerned.

"I will put you to sleep and once that is done, me and the rest shall enter your mind and experience your past first-hand." she explained. "It will be like you are dreaming, only you'll have full control of what you dream and we will also be present, but beside that it will not be any different."

Satisfied with her explanation, Trider nodded and closed his eyes. "This will be a breeze then, sleeping is the third best thing I'm good at." he boasted.

"What are the first two?" asked Dynamism.

"Fighting and eating." he said with a shit eating grin. The others either groaned or facepalmed at his remark, while Luna finished her spell.

A dark blue mist fell over Triders face and he began to feel drowsy. Soon all that filled the quiet library was the sound of the Kanisars snoring. Facing the rest, Luna extended her hand, offering it to Twilight.

"Grab hold of my hand and others grab each others." Doing as she said, everyone made a long chain as they grabbed each other. "Make sure you don't let go." she warned before her horn began to glow. They were all enveloped by her magic and were sucked into Triders head.

Once they got their bearings, they looked around and saw nothing. Just darkness.

"It' so... Spacious." remarked Dynamism.

"Not a big surprise there." sniped Rarity.

"ECHO!" screamed Pinkie as she listened for the inevitable repeat.



"Hehehehehehe!" The sound of menacing laughter suddenly filled the void and made everyone jump in surprise.

"Pinkie?" called out Applejack. "Please tell me that was you?"


The laughter grew louder and suddenly a figure appeared before them. The mans face was covered by a dusty old fedora, he wore a red and green striped sweater, old trousers, but what made the ponies wary of him was the glove that had a knife on each of his fingers.

"W-who is that?" asked shivering Fluttershy.

"I don't know, but if he doesn't stop doing... whatever he's doing I'm gonna sock him in the face." Rainbow said as she cracked her knuckles.

The man however continued to approach. Once he was close enough the mares could see that he had no face whatsoever. "You sure about that?" he said.

"What in the name of Celestia are you?" asked flabergasted Twilight.

"Nevermind what he is, those clothes are what is most horrifying on him!" exclaimed the fashionista.

"You dare to insult my clothes?" spoke the man, now with a horribly scarred face. "You will be the first to go bitch."

The mare gulped as she stepped closer to Celestia. While the others got ready to brawl with the apparition, Luna stepped forward and faced the man.

"That is quite enough Trider, I think you've had your fun." As soon as she said that the mans appearance began to change and took on the form of their alien friend.

"Party pooper." the Kanisar said in mock anger.

"Dude what the fuck?" exclaimed Spike. "You scared us shitless."

"That was payback for taking your sweet time getting here. What the fuck were you doing for two hours?"

Everypony looked at each other in confusion. "Trider, it's been less than twenty seconds since you were put to sleep. How could two hours pass?"

"Allow me to explain." Luna interjected. "Time in the dream world passes differently than in the real world, a couple of seconds out there can last a little under an hour here."

"Ah is that so." Trider said as he looked at everyone sheepishly. "Sorry 'bout that, my bad." The mares however glared at him and it made him feel uncomfortable.

"Let's just continue on." suggested Celestia. "We are here for a reason after all."

"Most certainly." agreed Luna. "Now Trider, in order for you to control your dreams you have to visualize-"

"Ya mean like this?" he said as he snapped his fingers. Suddenly the blackness was shattered and the group was floating through space. Everyone looked around in awe, while Trider just smiled smugly.

The princess of the night looked at him with shock. "How did you-?"

"Do you have any idea how bored I was in those two hours I waited? If I had another one I might've solved world hunger."

"This is fun. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" shrieked Pinkie as she soared through space.

"This is unbelievable." spoke Twilight in awe. "I didn't know you had such vast knowledge of space and how it looks like. Heck, I've never even seen you read a book about space."

"Maybe not in Equestria." Trider said with a smile as he spun around.

The others turned as well and their eyes fell onto the planet that was in front of them. Its lavish green lands and sparkly blue oceans left them wordless. But what really caught their attention were the two moons that circled around the planet.

Applejack mustered up some words as she spoke to the Kanisar. "Trider is this...?"

"Yup. Welcome to Inu."

"It's so beautiful." said Fluttershy in admiration.

"It is. Or was. Until they came."

"Who came?" asked Dynamism. As if on cue a large vessel flew over their head. The mares watched in awe and were stunned by its sheer size. Soon several more cruised by each as big as the other.

"What are these things?" wondered Twiight.

"Spaceships. Large vehicles capable of transporting large amounts of cargo and passengers across space." explained Trider. Everyone turned their attention away from the spacecrafts and focused on the Kanisar. "This is where it all started. Fourty years before I was born, humans arrived to Inu after their planet became inhabitable. At first my people were wary of them, but eventually we allowed them to come to our planet and integrate with our society."

"And what do these humans look like?" asked Rose.

The image of space began to blur and it was replaced by a sub-urban neighbourhood. All around them kids and adults were going about their business. The group looked around and pretty soon they began to notice some of them were different from the rest.

"Those Kanisars are missing their tails and ears." observed Spike.

"Those aren't Kanisars, they're humans." explained Trider. "Their resemblance to our race was a major factor in letting them stay on our planet. But while we were similar, we were also very different."

"Like how?"

"Besides the ears and tail, they were a race that didn't seek thrill in combat. They were physically weaker than us and also couldn't control Ki. But what they lacked in strength, they made up with their intellect. Their technology outclassed ours by centuries." He continued as he leisurly began to walk, the others following him. "They gladly shared their inventions with us and made our lives better."

"They don't sound so bad to me, in fact they seem awesome." commented Rainbow.

"Yeah, we thought so too. Then came Crimson Night." In a flash the scenery changed once again. They were now standing in front of a movie theater.

"What are we doin' here?" asked Applejack.

Trider didn't answer as he just stared at the entrance to the theater. The others looked at it as well and waited. Soon the doors opened and a mass of people exited it. But all of them were faceless and dull grey, with the exception of a couple and their child.

"Did you enjoy the movie son?" asked the father.

"Sure did." replied the child.

"Well I'm glad, cause I sure didn't. I don't get it why there must be so much needless explosions." complained the woman. "Seriously how can a soup can blow up like that?"

"It's fiction Zuriel, it's meant to be unrealistic."

"I know Vesdore, but I can draw the line only so far."

"Hey let's go to Gobble Land, I'm starving." suggested the kid.

"Sure thing bud. We're hungry as well."

Every member of the family was a Kanisar. The father was tall, easily as tall as Luna. He had black hair, which were turning white at the sides. Even while wearing the grey suit the group could tell he was bulky. His face was also adorned with a properly trimmed beard.

The woman on the other hand was almost an exact opposite. Her long orange hair were a stark contrast to her husband and son and she barely reached Vesdores shoulder. Her supermodel like figure was hidden behind a bright blue dress.

The child was holding onto his parents hands and had a wide smile on his face. His messy black messy hair stopped just short of his eyes. he wore a simple dress shirt and shorts.

"Who are these people?" asked Twilight.

"Can't you tell?" asked Trider.

"Oh my goddess!" gasped Rarity. "Is that you Trider?"


The group continued to look between the two and soon saw all the similarities. "Sweet Celestia, you're right." agreed Rainbow. "Dude, you looked like a wimp."

"I think he looks adorable." said Fluttershy. Pinkie on the other hand ran towards the child and jumped at him, to give him a hug. But instead she just passed through.

"Ah poopie."

"Why exactly are you showing us this?" wondered Celestia.

Trider didn't answer as he continued to stare at his past self and his parents. Concerned Twilight approached him and put a hand onto his shoulder. The gesture brought Trider out of his daydreaming.

"Are you alright?" she asked, concerned.

"Y-yeah." he said with a quick nod. "Just... enjoying the memory while I can."

"What do you mean?" the mare questioned.

"You'll see." he said ominously. The scenery switched again, this time they stood in an empty alleyway, with the family walking in front of them. The others watched in quiet, waiting for what would happen next. All of a sudden a group of armed men jumped into the alley. they raised their guns at the family.

"Freeze!" shouted one of the men. The family stopped in their tracks.

"What is the meaning of this?" yelled Vesdore.

"You are hereby under arrest, by the decree of His royal majesty." said one of the men, clearly in charge.

"What? Is this some kind of joke?" asked Vesdore, clearly confused.

The soliders didn't answer, instead they aimed their guns at them and the Lykosgrothias took a step backwards. Vesdore stood in front of the two, shielding them.

"Please put your guns down. There must've been some sort of misunderstanding." he begged. The soliders exchanged a quick look between each other, before they began to chuckle.

"There is no misunderstanding, you mutt." the leader spat. "The king has commanded all troops to arrest every Kanisar, not just you."

Vesdores and Zuriels eyes widened at his implication. "But why? What have we done to earn such punishment?"

"We have no obligation to explain anything to you. Now let me give you a little warning. We have orders to capture as many of you dogs as we can, but should you resist, we have permission to kill." the human said maliciously. "So what will it be?"

Vesdore looked at his wife, who was hugging her child. He had a clear picture of what was to happen to them should they surrender. Without a second thought he went into his Feral Unleashing, his body now enveloped in a dark aura.

"GET BEHIND ME!" he yelled and charged at the humans. The guns went off and the noise made the mares cover their ears. Their eyes widened as they saw how Vesdores body fell to the floor a small puddle of blood forming beneath him. They continued to watch as the soliders gave chase to Zuriel and Trider.

A deadly silence fell over the group as they processed what they just saw. All eyes fell onto their Kanisar friend who just stared at the body of his deceased father, eyes deviod of any emotion.

"Trider..." Twilight said as she approached him.

"This is just the beginning." he said as he turned around. "There's more that happened on that day."

Before anyone had time to question him, the environment shifted again. Now they were standing on top of a rooftop. They looked around to see where they were exactly. What tthey saw however made them pause. Leaning on the wall of the structure was Zuriel and kneeling next to her was young Trider. They immediatelly knew something wasn't right as they saw womans bloody clothes and Triders teary face. They were too far to hear what they were saying, but they had a very good idea of what was being said. They watched as Zuriels eyes closed and her hand fell next to her.

Some of the mares tried to hold back their own tears as they saw heard their friend cry out in anguish over the loss of his mother, while others openly cried with the child.

"How?" asked Rainbow, wiping away any traces of her tears. "How could they do such a thing?"

"Because humans are like that. They consider themselves above all other creatures and try to stnad above everyone else." Trider explained as he tried to hide his pained face. "We call this day Crimson Night because on that night most of Kanisar population was either killed or enslaved."

The mares looked at him with looks of disbelief, but saw he was serious. "But you said that you Kanisars were stronger than humans. How could you have lost?" asked Dynamism.

"I already told you that humans, while physically weak, had highly advanced technology. They used weapons we Kanisars have never encountered before, genetically enhanced super soliders and robots. Add in the element of surprise and..." he trailed off, leaving the mares to figure the rest out themselves. Taking a deep breath Trider began to change the scenerey.

"There is one more thing I have to show you that happened on that day, but I won't show what happened to other Kanisars." he said as he formed the next segment of his memories. "It's better that way."

The group was now standing in an alleyway where they saw young Trider facing off against a group of soliders. They watched as he unleashed his Feral form and attacked.

"When I saw what was happening to other Kanisars my rage took over and I went into my Feral Unleashing for the very first time." he narrated as the fight continued in the background. "I wanted nothing more, but to kill all of them. However I was still just a child."

As he said that one of the men knocked young Trider into a wall and delivered a powerfull kick into his gut. The mares watched in pain and anticipation of what was going to happen next. Suddenly a shadow jumped from a roof above and knocked out every guard out with its sword. When it was done it approached the child and offered him its hand.

"Who's that?" wondered Pinkie.

"That is Richard Shepherd. He is the leader of the resistance, a group with the goal of freeing every Kanisar and bringing the human king to justice." Trider explained as they watched the man and boy walk off into the distance.

"Did you see how he handled those guys? It was awesome!" Rainbow fangirled, while others agreed with her.

"I thought so too. He defeated all of those soliders with ease and it inspired me to become just as skilled a fighter as he was." Trider said as the group was once again engulfed in darkness.

"What happened to you afterwards?" questioned Spike.

"Shepherd took me in and made me part of the resistance." explained the Kanisar, as multitudes of frames of memory flew past the group. "He watched over me, made sure I had all the necessary things a kid needed. Food, shelter, he even taught me how to fight, outside of Ki manipulation that is." As he said that, numerous memories began to float around depicting Triders time spent with Shepherd.

"You didn't tell us you can use a sword." Rose stated as she pointed at one of the memories, in which Trider was sword sparring with Richard.

The Kanisar chuckled. "Well I'm no sword master like you. I can swing it properly, but that's about it."

"You look very happy in all of these memories." Celestia pointed out. "Didn't you say you hated humans? How come you are enjoying spending time with one?"

"Becasue Richard took care of me ever since he saved me. With each day I grew closer to him, up until the point where I began to see him as my second father." Trider reminiscenced. "He was kind to everyone, but it seemed he was especially focused on me. At that point I was avoiding humans as much as I could and Shepherd wasn't happy with that. He kept telling me to forgive his kind, saying that not all of them were as malicious as the ones who killed and enslaved my kind."

He looked at Luna and smiled lightly. "He must've seen my anger and tried to prevent it from escalating, like how you tried to do the same."

"Did you heed his words?" wondered Luna.

"Surprisingly I have. I tried to get closer to the humans, but it was difficult." he said, as memories continued to pass them by. "It took a few years, but I slowly began to open up to the humans, who were fighting with the resistance."

"Wait if you forgave the humans, then how come you were trying so hard to kill us when you saw us as them?" Rainbow asked what was on everyones mind.

Triders eyes darkened and everyone realised that they were about to get their answer. "That's because of what happened on one of my missions."

As he said that the darkness dispersed and the memories faded away, making room for the environment to change. They now stood in front of a large mansion, which was illuminated by a few spotlights. Several guards patrolled the vicinity and there was a huge wall surrounding the place.

"What is this place?" asked Dynamism as the mares gawked at the size of the building.

"This was the residence of one of the most influental human families. Our mission was to infiltrate it and rescue any Kanisar that was held within the mansion." As if on cue several figures began to approach the walls from different directions.

"Oh oh. This like one of those action movies that Fluttershy enjoys." Pinkie chimed in. Everyone in the group looked at the butter yellow mare with looks of disbelief. The mare tried to make herself as small as possible, in hopes to completely disappear.

"Anyway." Trider continued. "I had a solo task of checking out an outhouse near the mansion and see what was kept in it." He closed his eyes and grimaced. "I wish I hadn't though."

Without anyone noticing they now stood in front of the said shed and watched as a single person approached from the shadows. Trider wore a black helmet, which covered its face, a black leather jacket and black pants. The Kanisar reached inside one of his pockets and pulled out a small gadget. After a few seconds of fumbling with it he placed it inside the keyhole and the doors opened.

Raising his hand to his helmet and pressed a button. "Trider to Alpha team. I'm in." He waited for a moment, receiving conformation from the other side. Once they answered he went in.

The group followed after him, through a long hallway. The only illumination came from the moon that shone through the windows. After what felt like hours they finally reached the end and what they saw made them terrified and sick.

In the small room there were numerous cages in which rested the Kanisars or what was left of them. Their bodies were bloody, bruised and mangled. Some were barely breathing, while others were lying dead in puddles of their own blood and excrement.

At the sight many mares wanted to do what the young Trider was doing, throwing up. After gaining his composure the black dressed Kanisar stepped deeper into the room and looked around. "Alpha team, I've found some of them. But they... They're..." he couldn't finish the sentence as he threw up again.

After completely emptying his stomachh he began to walk and look around trying to see how many were still alive. As he walked around his eyes fell onto a female in one of the cages and he ran to it.

"Sersy? Sersy is that you?" he shouted as he arrived to the cage. The girl was chained to the wall of her cage and she like others was bloody all over. Her once brown hair was now a dirty mess, her eyes were blank and bloodshot.

"Who is that? Do you know her?" asked Twilight as they watched as young Trider pulled the cages doors off.

"She was my cousin." Trider replied. The others looked at him with shock. He never mentioned he had any other family beside his parents.

Their shock was broken when they heard Trider cry out. They looked at the cage and saw that he was holding Sersy close to his chest crying. Suddenly the cries began to grow louder and louder and the room began to shake. With a thunderous bang it shattered and they were once again in darkness.

"What happened?" asked Rose as they tried to comprehend what they had just saw.

"I went berserk." Trider answered gaining everyones attention. "When Sersy died in my arms I lost control over myself and went on a rampage, like in the Crystal Empire. When I woke up I was lying in bed of our infirmary. They told me that I killed most of the guards and fellow resistance fighters in my onslaught."

"I didn't remember much from that night, but when we interrogated the survivors from the mansion, I immediatelly remembered why I went out of control." He took a deep breath, before he continued. "Apparently the family was a bunch of sick bastards. They tormented Kanisar in that room, to the point where they were completely broken. Many of them commited suicide. And those were lucky ones."

Everyone couldn't believe what he was telling them. To think that anyone would find joy in torturing others, it was incomprehensible. "My cousin was put through a lot and just when I had found her, the last remaining member of family, I was too late. On that day I no longer cared what happened to humans, even those that were in the resistance I wanted to kill. I couldn't forgive them."

His voice began to crack as he tried to hold back his sorrow. Suddenly he was hugged by all of his friends and he enjoyed the feeling. "Thank you." he said.

"Is there anything else you wanted to show us?" asked Luna, once the group hug ended.

"No. That's all there is ." replied Trider.

"Very well. Then it is time we return back." She began to charge her magic as she and the rest were transported out of the dream world.

Groggily opening his eyes, Trider saw that he was still lying on the library floor. Lifting his body up he came face to face with the mares. They all looked at him with sympathy, while Applejack helped him get up.

"Hope you guys now understand what my life was like, before I came to Equestria." he said as he gave them a small smile.

"We do." said Twilight as she looked at her friends. "And we are all sorry for all the things you had to endure."

"It's ok Twi, I'm more or less over them." He looked the mare in the eyes and saw nothing but sympathy. "I also have to thank you."

"What for?" she asked, confused.

"On the day you brought me here, you saved my life. I was facing a whole squad of soliders and would have surely died. So, thank you." He said sincerely as he hugged her. The mare was stunned from his show of affection, but she immediatelly melted in his embrace. When he was done hugging her, Trider turned to Celestia. "We still have things to talk about. Don't we?"

"Indeed we do." She said as she extended her wings. "Trider Lykosgrothia. After showing me your past I have decided on how you will repay for what you did."

"For starters, Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor have demanded that you publicly apologise to the citizens of the Empire."

Trider nodded as he listened to her demands. "Can do. But can I just make one small alteration." The princess nodded, telling him she was listening. "Beside apologising publicly, I also want to apologise to the families of the deceased, personally."

Everyone looked at him with shock not expecting such a request from him. "And why would you want to do that?"

"Because I know how they feel. They deserve this. It's the least I can do after what happened." Trider explained.

Celestia gave a small smile. "Very well. I shall make it so." However the smile quickly disappeared as she became serious yet again. "While you are not held accountable for your actions in the Crystal Empire, there is still the matter of going against my orders and your promise." Trider gulped as he felt her gaze bore into his ver being. He felt he would collapse from the sheer pressure the mare was exuding. "I pondered for many days as to how to make sure, that something like that might not repeat again. I came to a conclusion that you lack discipline and there is only one way, that I know of, for you to learn it."

"Trider I want you to enroll in the Royal Guard Academy and become part of our Royal Guards."

You could hear a pin drop, it was so quiet after her proclamation. "Is that all?" asked Trider. The princess nodded and the Kanisar scoffed. "You've got yourself a deal then."

Celestia smiled and retrackted her wings. "I am happy to hear you agree with my demand. You will be enrolled as soon as your body is fully healed."

"You sure about this Trider? The Academy isn't a piece of cake." said Dynamism, with slight concern.

"Eh, the resistance was more or less a looser form of military training. How bad can it be?" he said nonchalantly. "Although I want to know how long this training will take."

"It usually takes about three months, before you become a private." Rose answered.

"Only? Heck this really will be a piece of cake. Speaking of which..." he looked towards Pinkie, a smirk plastered on his face. "I could really use a part right now, after all this gloomy stuff we went through."

The mares face brightened as she began to jump in place. "You got it fam." And in a blink of an eye she was gone. The others looked between each other as they began to laugh.

"We better get goin'. That mare is probably already finished preparin'." said Applejack. The others agreed and they began to head to Sugarcube Corner.

"Then we shall take our leave. We have royal duties to attend to after all." said Celestia as she prepared to teleport to Canterlot. "Coming Luna?"

Before the mare of the night could reply, Trider grabbed her wrist and stopping her. "She'll come after you. I have something that I need to talk to her in private."

The others nodded as they left the room, leaving Luna and Trider alone. The mare looked at the Kanisar as she wondered what he wanted.

"Hey, uh, Luna?"

"Yes." she urged him to continue.

"First I want to thank you for everything you did for me up to this point. And also thank you for waking me from my nightmare today." he said as he rubbed his forearm.

The mare gave him a gentle smile, before she replied. "You are quite welcome."

Trider gave her a smile as well, but then took a deep breath. "And I also want you to..." he trailed off. "What I want to say is..." He gritted his teeth in frustration as he tried to say what he wanted to say. "Ah goddamit all to hell." He looked Luna in the eye and gathered his courage. "Luna could you please look over my dreams again?"

"Come again?" the mare said, completely confused at Triders action.

"What I mean is... I'll probably have many more nightmares like the ones I had tonight and I'm not sure I can deal with them." he explained as he fidgeted with his fingers. "So I want you to forget what I told you in your room and watch over my dreams yet again."

The mare blinked a few times before she began to giggle. Her gentle laughter made Trider blush, he really didn't enjoy showing others his weakness. After she was done laughing, Luna closed her eyes and nodded. "I'll be more than happy to do so."

Relieved Trider smiled. "Thanks."

The mare then casted her gaze towards the door. "You shouldn't keep your friends waiting."

"You can come as well, after all it was thanks to you this party is even happening." offered Trider, but Luna just shook her head.

"No, it is fine. I too have duties I have to attend to." she excused herself and began to charge her horn.

"I'll see you tonight then I guess."

She didn't answer, just smiled. In a flash she was gone and Trider shrugged, before he too went ot th Sugarcube Corner, to join his friends.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the longer wait this time.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Also please check out my blog as I have an important announcment to make.
Until next time.

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