• Published 2nd Nov 2016
  • 10,804 Views, 574 Comments

The Tale Of A Lost Wolf - Solaris Night

While preforming a new spell, Twilight accidentally summons a being, unlike anypony has ever seen, to Equestria. Can she and the rest of the girls befriend him and teach him the values of friendship?

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Chapter 40: Canterlot War Part 1: Shadows Strike

Author's Note:

Yeah, yeah I know what I said, but now I got a job and I don't have that much time for writing and so I'll release each chapter individually, otherwise you wouldn't get new chapters in several months. Maybe.
Anyway hope you enjoyed.

Rain fell down onto the ground, turning the cobble road into a puddle mine field. Ponies ran all over the place, despite the foul weather, trying to go about their business. The same went for Trider and Rose who leisurly strolled through the streets.

"Where exactly are we going?" Trider asked, stepping over a small puddle in his way.

"Didn't I tell you?" Rose asked curiously, tightening her grip on the Kanisar's hand.

"No. As soon as we arrived at the castle, you grabbed me and began to drag me through Canterlot." Trider explained.

Rose blushed slightly at her own mistake. "Sorry." she apologized. The two turned a corner and were now walking through a little less grandiose part of the city. "The reason why I dragged you out in such a hurry is because I wanted you to meet my papa as soon as possible."

Trider shot her a confused look, before he spoke. "Your dad? Didn't I meet him already? And your mom? Y'know during the Changeling invasion?"

Rose chuckled lightly. "Yes you've met my foster parents. But who I'm about to introduce you to is someone I consider my real family." She paused for a second, seeing as Trider didn't understand what she meant. "You know I was in an orphanage before my parents adopted me, right?"


"After my real prarents abandoned me my papa took care of me and my sisters." A heartfelt smile adorned her face and her whole face brightened. "He is a great pony. No one can equal him. He took such great care of us, that we slowly began to recognize him as our parent. And even after we were adopted we still feel the same way. All of us orphans, not just me."

"He sounds like a great guy. Can't wait to meet him." Trider smiled as well, her story putting a spring in his step.

"You won't have to wait long." she said, before they stopped in front of a large colorfully painted building. The place looked as if kids had painted the exterior and it was probably so. As he continued to observe it, Trider noticed a sign that said 'Storm Haven Orphanage'. "C'mon lets go." Rose prompted him by tugging his arm. Trider chuckledat her antic as they approached.

As they approached they heard child laughter and screaming. It reminded Trider of the time he spent in Trottingham and the kids he played with there. He was brought out of his memories when Rose called his name. "Now then Trider, before you meet him, there is one thing I have to tell you." she said in a worried tone.

"What?" he asked slightly unsure where this was going.

"Papa can appear scary and he is not very fond of other guys. Not since I was last dumped." she said with a nervous chuckle. "But don't worry, I'm sure he'll like you."

Trider face-palmed and sighed. "Rose. Next time warn somebody and not just charge in without thinking." he said, his voice showing hints of annoyance.

"Sorry." she apologized. Before anyone of them could say another word the doors opened.

In front of them stood a pony who was taller than any pony Trider had seen before, even taller than Celestia. His tight fitting T-shirt revealed the well toned body that was hidden benath it, conveying the message he was not someone you'd want to mess with. What made him different from other ponies was also his light brown fur, that was much longer than other pony's, giving him a fluffy appearance. His black, which showed hints of grey, mane was so long that if it wasn't tied up in multiple braids, it would most definetly cover his entire face. But one thing that drew Trider's attention was his mighty beard and moustache, which were also braided.

As he continued to stare at the stallion, the giant stared back. He then shifted his gaze towards Rose and when they landed on her, his cold glare turned to a warm and cheerful one.

"Rosey!" he shouted, his booming voice almost shaknig the ground beneath him.

"Papa!" Rose shouted back and the two hugged each other. The stallion picked her up and the two spun around, their laughters mixing in with the rain.

Eventually they stopped and the giant looked at the mare in his arms. "You finally came." he spoke in a very thick accent. "Oh I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too." she replied. "Can you put me down now. There is somepony I want you to meet." The stallion placed her back on the ground and Rose walked over to Trider. She locked her arms with his and planted a small kiss on his cheek. "This is my coltfriend Trider. He's an alien from another planet." she said, before looking at the Kanisar. "Trider this is my papa Storm Shield."

"Nice to meet ya." he said and extended his arm. Storm looked at him for a few seconds, silently judging him, before he took his arm and shook it. Trider felt how he tightened his grip, like he wanted to crush his hand, but he wasn't going to let up. He too squeezed his hand harder and the two were locked in a silent match.

"Alright break it up." Rose jumped in between the two, having had enough. "Why don't we go inside and get warm?"

"Yes, come in." Storm said and moving out of the way, so they could enter. They walked through the house and along the way greeted by many children. Each one stopped them so they could say hi to Rose. Eventually they made their way to the dinning room, where a meal was waiting for them.

"Take a seat." Storm offered, which they kindly accepted. "I hope you're hungry. I've preapred my homeland's specialty, just for you." he said. Rose laughed nervously as she silently watched her covered plate.

"Thank you, you shouldn't have." he chuckled said gingerly revealed her meal. Trider and Storm did the same and they were greeted by a horrible looking food that smelled almost as bad.

"Don't hesitate. Dig right in." Storm said, slamming his hand across Trider's back, almost knocking him out of the chair. Trider watched his supper, but not before having a look around.

"Won't the children eat as well?" he asked.

"They've already eaten. I wanted to have some time alone with you two, so we can talk about more private stuff." the stallion explained, as he took a large chunk of his meal and placed it in his mouth.

Trider slowly switched his gaze to his food, observing it skeptically, before looking at Rose. She looked like she was going to puke just from smelling it. Reluctantly Trider placed his fork into his food and took out a sizeable part. Slowly he brought it closer to his mouth, before putting it in. Storm and Rose curiously watched him to see what his impression was.

"This is good." the Kanisar said, before taking another bite and then another and another, until it was all gone.

Rose and Storm looked at him with bewildred expressions. "Well would you look at that." the stallion chuckled. "I told there were other ponies out there who enjoyed my domača pokuha." he said, giving Rose a victorious smirk.

"Trider is an alien, so it doesn't count." she countered. The two went into an arguement and Trider just watched as he helped himself to Rose's share. Eventually they stopped and they noticed that Trider watched them, a huge grin on his face and three empty plates in front of him.

"Hungry fella aren't ya?" Stormshield chuckled.

"You don't know the half of it." the Kanisar replied, letting out a loud belch. "Mind if I borrow the recipe?" he asked the stallion.

"Certainly." he laughed. He walked over to a cabinet and took out a piece of papaer and a pencil. He sat back down and began to write. "Trider." he said in the middle of his writing. The Kanisar turned his head to listen to what he had to say. "I've heard a little bit about you from Octy and Vinny, and they told me you're a Royal Guard like my Rosey. Tell me who was your drill instructor?"

"Green Fortune and Blaze Fury." he replied. Storm suddenly stopped his writing and gave Trider a surprised look.

"Blaze?" he asked a smile stretching across his face. "That old coot is still teaching there?" Trider nodded and Storm let out a booming laugh. "He must've been a pain to deal with, am I right?"

"A little bit." Trider shrugged. "But he was nowhere close to Greenie. The bastard threw us in a hole."

"The Trust Hole? They still do that?" the stallion was slightly surprised by what he heard. "You are really fortunate to make it out of there, me and my group nearly became it's victims."

After saying that he returned back to writing, but was interrupted when Trider spoke up. "How do you know Blaze?"

He once again halted his task as he reminiscenced his past. "Me and old Blaze were teammates." he said a warm smile on his face. "But we were more than just teammates, we were friends and rivals. Every time we got the chance we tried to outdo one another. And because of that our other friends called us the Fire and Ice Duo."

"So you were in the guards as well?" Trider wondered.

"Yeah, but I am retired now." he said, before returning to the piece of paper in front of him. For a couple of minutes the room was quiet, as only the sound of scribbling could be heard. "There ya go." Storm said and handed the recipe over to Trider. He thanked him and put away the paper. "So what exactly brings you two to Canterlot?" he asked, eyeing them both. "It certainly can't be just to drop by, I mean you both must be busy with guard stuff, right?"

"I'm sure you already know why." Rose said.

Storm nodded, as a wide smile stretched across his face. "Ah yeah, that boy Charming is getting married." he said in a merry tone. "They grow up so fast. I can still remember when the two of you would spend all afternoon reading books about heroes and adventurers." His smile then disappeared, as it swtiched with a more serious expression. "I just hope it won't be repeat of what happened last time."

"Don't worry." Rose assured him by placing her hand on top of his. "That's why they called us. Or ratehr Trider."

Storm looked at the Kanisar, expecting an explanation. Trider grinned and tapped his nose. "I can smell if someone's a changeling and I've already met the bride. She's clean." he said triumphantly.

"I see." Storm sighed, relaxing his form. "Since we're already on the subject of romance, how long have you two been a thing?" he asked, putting emphasis on the last part.

"Well Trider proposed to me and the other girls several months ago-"

"Proposed?" Storm suddenly shouted so loudly his voice could be heard far into the city. "You two are getting married?"

"Eh, no." Trider replied. The stallion was confused by his answer, so he looked to his daughter for an explanation.

"Trider is not really fond of marriage." she explained.


"For one they're boring as hell." Trider spoke up. "I didn't attend Shining's wedding and I also wouldn't attend this one, but I don't really have a say in the matter this time, since I was also invited." he said, trying to avoid Rose's glare.

"And tell me boy, how do you plan to prove your love to my daughter, without holding a ceremony?" Storm asked, his eyes tightening into a cold glare.

"Don't worry papa." Rose jumped in quickly. She lifted up her arm and showed him her bracelet. "He gave me this. It's called and Eternia or Soul Ring, and on his planet this is the greast display of love anypony can show." she reassured her father, trying to difuse the situation.

"Yeah. And I have hers as well." Trider said, showing the three bracelets on his left arm, each one glowing in a different color and having a different symbol on them. "Besides we've already fucked, so what more do you need?"

At that moment the room went quiet. Rose stared into the distance, her cheeks bright red and her mind trying to comprehend what he just said. Storm's expression on the other hand was very hard to read.

"Oh my goddess." Rose groaned. She shifted her gaze towards the stallion. "Don't mind him, he sometimes blurts out things before he even thinks." she said, desperatly trying to calm her father down.

Storm however began to laugh, his voice almost shaknig the windows of the room. Rose and Trider stared at him with varying expression, but they were both confused in certain manner.

"I can see why she fell for you boy." he said once he stopped laughing. "You're strong, trustworthy and most importantly, honset." He stood up and walked over to him and patted his back, almost knocking him out of the chair. "You have my respect and my support."

"Does that mean?" Rose asked in a beaming tone.

"Yes." Storm nodded. "I am alright with him being your special somepony." Rose jumped out of her seat and lunged herself at Trider, showering him with hugs and kisses. "However." Rose stopped so she and Trider could look at him. "I am not happy that there will be no wedding. So I came up with a compromise." He walked in between the two, a smug smile on his face. "You two will be wed right here and now, by yours truly."

The two didn't know how to respond to his state ment. "Can you even do that?" Trider asked skeptically.

"Of course, I was a General after all. I think I'm one of the most qualified ponies to do this." he said proudly.

"What do you say Trider?" Rose asked, her expression showing how much she wanted for him to say yes.

"Do I really have to? I mean once AJ and Twi find out, they'll want ot have one too." He was met with harsh glare from Storm and a saddenedface of Rose. He sighed as he caved in. "Ah who the hell cares. Just keep it short will ya?"

"Can do." Trider and Rose stood up and they both walked over to Storm, each standing on the other side of the huge stallion, their hand intertwined. The stallion cleared his throat before he started.

"Trider, do you take Rose for your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do."

"Rose, do you take Trider for your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Without hesitation Trider kissed Rose and the two melted in each other embrace, while Storm cried his eyes out.

"You know, I think I prefer this kind of wedding over the one Charming is going to have." Rose said dreamfully.

"Told ya." Trider smirked, as he planted another kiss on her lips. Once they were done with their display of affection, they all sat back down and chatted late into the night.


Bright rays of sun showered the city of Canterlot in it's warm embrace, a perfect day for a wedding many would say. A long line of ponies stretched from the castle entrance, all of them wanting to be present in the room when the Prince and his bride would exchange their vows.

Trider and the rest of the group were already seated in their seats and were waiting for the rest of the guests to arrive. They were all seated close to each other and Trider was struggling with his tie.

"Damn. Stupid. Mother-" he grunted as he tried and tried to tie it properly. Eventually he stopped his struggles and looked at Twilight with a sheepish smile. "A little help please." he asked.

The mare's horn glew and the tie was enveloped in a purple aura. Soon it was properly tied, but as a final touch Twilight tightened it a little bit too much, choking the Kanisar. "There!" she huffed, turning her head away with a pout.

Trider loosened the tie and sighed. "You still angry about what happened yesterday?" he asked, but received no answer, only a glare. He turned his head away and looked at Rose. He shot her a nasty glare and she mouthed 'sorry'.

"Don't mind her Trider. She just has a slight case of jealousy." Rarity assured him. "But I can understand why she's upset. I mean you did go and got married to only Rose, behind her and Applejack's back."

"I told you already." he sighed. "I had no idea that would happen and there was nothing I could've done." he tried to defend himself, but to no avail. He put his hand onto his forehead and dragged it down his face, before taking a deep breath. "How about this? Once all this is over I'll have a small wedding with both Twilight and Applejack as well. Does that sound fair?"

Twilight pondered his offer and eventually she smiled. "Fine." she said, releiving the Kanisar. "However I want my whole family included. Cadance as well."

Trider growled, but he knew he couldn't refuse. "Don't worry bout' mine sugarcube." Applejack said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Ah'll convince Granny to keep it small. Somehow."

"Oh I can't wait to throw you a wedding party." Pinkie screeched ecsatically.

"Pinkie." Trider stopped her, placing a finger on her mouth. "No party. You know I hate weddings." The mare's expression and mane deflated. "However I don't mind if it's an afterparty though." Instantly her expression turned cheery again and she pulled out a notebook and began to scribble down things she would need.

The group then conversed on various things until the doors to the hall opened up and in walked the bride. The music played, as she approached the altar, behind which stood Luna. Charming was standing on her left side, along with Blueblood who was his best man and Celestia watched from the sidelines.

Once she reached the altar the music stopped and Charming lifted her veil, revealing her lime green coat and ocean blue mane. They both smiled and faced Luna.

The princess looked at both of them before she began to speak. "Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to unite Prince Charming Hearts and Ocean Blossom in holy matrimony. They will now exchange their vows."

The two faced each other. "Ocean Blossom." Charming started. "From the day that I met you I knew that we would have a bright and wonderful relationship in our future. Without you I wouldn't be where I am now and for that I am grateful. You are somepony I respect and I hope we can continue towards our dreams."

Most of the audience was swept away by the wedding, with the exception of Rose, who felt that something was wrong. And as if feeling her discomfort Trider fidgeted in his seat, while Frost began to shift her eyes all over the room.

"Ocean Blossom, if you would?" Luna prompted.

"Of course." the mare quickly nodded, before looking back at her groom. "My sweetheart. When you found me I was on the rock bottom, but you helped me out and for the first time in forever I truly fell in love." she started, but her voice carried and eerie tone that began to unnerve everyone in the room. "The first thing you told when we met was that you'd give me the one thing I wished at the time and I still want." Suddenly the floor beneath them glowed and a magical rune circle formed around the two and Luna.

Everyone was caught off guard by the sudden development and their surprise quickly turned to horror as they saw how Ocean Blossom was enveloped in green flames, right before revealing her true form. "Revenge!" The Changeling Queen proclaimed as the circle began to glow brighter and brighter.

"Holy shit! That Changeling bitch is still alive!" a random pony in the audience shouted, to which everyone reacted with hysteria.

"Stop them!" a guard shouted. In a single moment everyone reacted. Trider jumped out of his seat and charged Chrysalis with lightning speed, while Frost and Rose jumped towards the prince. Celestia too acted by pushing her sister out of the circle. Trider clashed with the Changeling Queen and they both crashed through the wall and fell outside the castle. But while the two of them were falling, Charming, Celestia, as well Frost and Rose, who just barely made it inside the circle, were enveloped in a bright flash before they disappeared.

The ponies stared at the empty place in front of them before they began to panic. Meanwhile the Mane 6, Spike, Ace, Dynamism and Whip made their way over to Luna, who was dazingly staring at the place where her sister stood just a moment before.

"What in the name of Celestia happened? Where did they go?" Rainbow yelled over the screaming of the crowd.

"I'm pretty certain that was a mass teleportation spell they performed." Twilight pondered as she tried to grasp the situation.

Luna immediatelly broke out of her stupor and she regained her composition. "All of you." she said looking at everyone in front of her. "You have to retrieve the Elements immediatelly."

"Why? We managed to kick their flanks last time without them just fine." Rainbow stated and the others nodded in agreement.

"While that may be true." Luna said, drawing a deep breath. "I have an eerie feeling that this time it is something far more sinister. It is like they say 'Better have it and not need it, than not have it and need it.'"

"Alright Princess, we're on it." Twilight said and all of them began to head out. Luna then turned to Ace, Whip, Dynamism and Spike.

"You four make sure that they are safe." she said in a commanding tone. "I am certain that our enemy is not foolish this time around and they will send somepony after to stop them."

"As you command." Ace saluted.

"Didn't have to tell me twice." Spike confidently proclaimed.

"And what about you your highness?" Whip asked curiously.

"Seeing as how Trider is engaged with Chrysalis, I will go after Celestia and our nephew. I can sense they are not far." she said, spreading her wings wide. "Now go."

Without another word they all went their way, determined to protect the city with all of their strength.


Celestia slowly opened her eyes, as they adjusted to the change in brightness. Once they were fully opened she looked around herself. She recognized some of the buildings around her and she determined she was still in Canterlot. As she continued to scan her surroudings, her eyes eventually reached someone she knew.

"Charming!" she called out to her nephew. Hearing her call out to him, he looked her way, as a relieved expression fell upon his face.

"Auntie!" he called back. The two ran towards each other and embraced in a hug.

"I'm so glad you're fine." the princess said. "I don't know what Chrysalis's plan is by teleporting us here, but you can rest easy that I'll protect you."

"Good grief." Celestia freezed, as a cold shiver ran down her spine. "That naïve character of yours is really annoying."

"What are you-?" her question was stopped when a shocking sensation ran over her body. Her body tensed before she collapsed to the ground. She looked up and saw Charming standing over her, but now there was another pony beside him now.


"I'm sure you have many questions Celestia. And I'll gladly anwer them all. But before that..." he stopped and looked at the robed mare. "I'm certain that we'll have some uninvited guests very soon. Why don't you be a dear and make sure that my talk with the Princess is uninterrupted."

"Yes master." the she said removing the hood of her cloak, revealing long red and yellow, flame like mane. Celestia's eyes widened when she recognized the her.

"Sunset Shimmer?" she gasped. She continue to stare at her previous student, as she noticed her now green and red eyes, with purple smoke escaping from them. "What happened to you? Why are you here?" she then looked at Charming with a dumbfounded expression. "What is going on?"

"As I said, all will be explained." he chuckled. "Now then Sunny, hop to it."

Sunset silently bowed and before she left she looked at Celestia, shooting her both a venomous and a triumphiant glare. She encompassed herself in her magic and levitated herself up. Soon afterwards a black dome erected itself over the prince and princess.

"Now then, I'm certain the first you want to ask me is who I am, as well as what I did to your dear nephew and what is it that I want, right?" he asked, to which Celestia only responded with a glare. "Fine, be like that." he scoffed, before he made a curt bow. "I am known by a lot of names, but my companions refer to me as Mastermind."

"Never heard of you." Celestia said.

"Of course you didn't, because I didn't intend it. But believe it or not, we have met before." he kneeled down so he was looking Celestia directly in the face. "Salutations my sunray Princess."

As soon as he said those words Celestia's eyes widened in both surprise and terror. "Comet Trail?" she said, just slightly above a whisper. The prince grinned sinisterly, before he stood back up.

"I'm glad you remember me even after 700 years." he chuckled.

"How? How are still alive?"

"I'll tell you, it wasn't easy. Especially after what you did to me." Comet spoke coldly, his expression turning dark. "At that time I was angry at you for not killing me, but now I'm actually happy, since I can exact my revenge and fulfill my dreams."

"How are you still alive?"

"How you ask?" he asked coyly. "Well after you exiled me, you tried to hunt down all of my followers, but you were unsuccessfull. Those few who managed to escape followed me and tried to help me. For thirty years we searched for a way to reverse what you did to me, but to no avail." A dark smirk stretched across his face. "That is until we stumbled upon some ancient ruins and upon one of them we found a spell that turned my predicament around." He lifted his shirt to reveal his torso which was covered in runic marks. "Sublapsa referri corpus. A spell to transfer one's spirit inside another body."

"No." the princess breathed out as she realized what that meant.

"Yes. Your precious little nephew is no more. He vanished months ago. But don't worry I'm taking good care of his body." he cackled, unaware of a stray tear running down Celestia's cheek.

She started to struggle against her magical restraints, but every time she tried, it just got heavier and tighter. "Why?" she sobbed out. "Why are you doing this?"

"Didn't I tell you? To finish what I started 700 years ago."

"You failed back then, so what makes you think you'll be successful this time?" she countered.

"True, back then I was foolish. But now I have at my side powerful allies, with whom I'll conquer all of Equestria. Nay, Equis." he claimed, his eyes full of ambition.

"Why would anypony follow the likes of you?"

Comet shot her a condescending look. "Because they have similar goals like me. Take your ex-student for example. After you dumped her, she went out in search of power and I just happened to stumble upon her. After I told her she would get her revenge as well as power, she was immediatelly aboard."

"That may be so, but even with your allies you have no chance of defeating all of us." Celestia argued triumphantly. "My ponies will stand up to you and they will take you down. They've done so with much greater threats than yourself."

Instead of the reaction she was expecting, Comet began to laugh like a madman. After a while he stopped and spoke. "Do you know why we came here to Canterlot? For two things. One is an artefact that is kept in the castle's highly guarded vault. Since we weren't able to retrieve it before we decided to do it now. But the second thing is the main reason why we attacked." His horn beagn to glow and a large cilinder appeared in his hand. It's content was mostly green liquid, but flowing inside the liquid was a black mass that seemed fluid, yet solid at the same time.

"You know what this is Celestia?" Comet asked sarcastically. Before she could even open her mouth he answered. "This right here is your downfall. I present to you Nightmare Moon."

"What?!" Celestia shouted.

"I know it's hard to believe, but it's true." Comet affirmed, grasping the container with both hands. "After her return and defeat I gathered waht was left of her and tried to bring her back to life. I was semi-successful. Right now she is just a cumulation of magic with no body. But once it comes in contact with a suitable host it will take over, infusing them with Nightmare's darkness." He then casted his gaze upwards, toward the dome seemingly looking at something behind it. "And she has been fighting our dear Sunset for all the while we were talking."

Celestia's ears drooped. "Luna." she breathed out. "You can't do that to her. Not again."

"Oh but I will." he exclaimed. "I will turn her back to Nightmare Moon and have her destroy you. Your own sisterr will be your demise."

"Not if we have anything to say about it." someone suddenly shouted. Two figures jumped out of the shadows of the buildings and charged at the stallion. He managed to erect a shield just in time to stop a sabre and a battleaxe from slicing him apart.

"You finally decided to show yourselves." Comet said disdainly. Rose and Frost struggled against his barrier, in hopes they would manage to shatter it. Comet however pushed them away by pouring more magic into his shield.

"So you knew we were here?" Rose asked as she and Frost reentered their stances.

"Of course. You are talking to somepony who has centuries of experience on his side." he replied in a monotone voice.

"Experience or not, you're up against the two of us." Frost taunted.

"I wouldn't be if Chrysalis wasn't jumped by that mutt." he growled. "But if there is one thing I've learned in all these years is that if plans don't go the way you want, you have to improvise, adapt and overcome."

"You'll pay for what you've done to Charming, you bastard." Rose stated in a cold tone.

"Then come at me." Without another word the two unicorns attacked the stallion their fight began. Comet struggled against both of them, seeing as their coordination was near perfect. However he managed to either avoid or block nearly every attack they threw at him.

"Just keep going at him." Rose shouted and Frost nodded. Comet however didn't seem to be impressed.

"This is foolish." he said as he blocked another attack from the mares. "Charming, while not combat trained, had vast amounts of magic. If he were to train he could've easily outmatch any opponent. However with my knowledge that is no longer a problem."

His horn glew even brighter and by his side appeared several etheral armoured ponies. He commanded them and they attacked Frost and Rose. They had no toher choice, but to abandon their current target and swtich to the knights. While they were successful in fighting them off, they just kept coming back.

"There's just no end to them." Frost grunted. "We should just end this in one go."

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Rose asked.

"Oh yeah." Forst grinned. She dispelled her weapon and clasped her hands, as magic began to surge around her. Meanwhile Rose split her sword in five pieces, as she proceeded to fight all the knight at the same time. Comet watched them struggle, confident about his victory.

"Anytime soon?" Rose asked in a ragged breath.

"Just a few more seconds." Frost replied as she concentrated on her spell. Rose groaned, but she returned her attention back to the knights. After a few more seconds of charging her magic Frost opened her eyes and shouted to her friend. "Now!!!"

Rose immediately jumped towards her and the knights followed her. "Razor Storm!" But before they could reach them the sky was covered in hundreds of weapons and they all shot down, destroying the knights and all nearby surroudings. After a couple of seconds it stopped and Comet looked at the destruction from behind his shield.

"Impressive magic. But alas it was-" he didn't have time to finish his sentence as he spotted Rose and the spell she was preparing.

"As the flow of crimson river, my strikes are calm and fierce. All those who dare to challenge me, I shall pierce. My sword is sharp and my hand is steady, so with determination I am ready. To bring down all the evils of this world. So blades heed my word and do as you're told!" she chanted quickly as her swords spun in front of her. "Sakura Sword Style: Divine Crimson Flash!!!"

She released her blast directly at Comet and he had little to no time to protect himself. It hit him head on, but just in the nick of time he managed to raise his shield again. He struggled against the immense power and he could see how his shield was cracking before him. But very soon the blast diminished and once it was over he dropped his shield and looked at the two exhausted mares.

"Valiant effort. But you'd have to be better than that." he mocked them as he basked in his victory.

Rose and Frost didn't look defeated however, instead they were smiling. "We'll I would've done better, but I needed one of my swords for something else." Rose said.

"Something else? And what that would be?" His answer came when he heard something behind him. But before he even had the chance to glance, a bright red object passed by him and stopped by Rose's side. Thenext thing he knew he felt sharp pain flare through his arm and when he looked he saw his hand was severd by the sword. Coincidentally he was also holding the cilinder in that arm and he couldn't do anything but watch as it shattered against the floor.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" he screamed to the top of his lungs, as the liquid spilled across the ground.

"Our aim was never you." Rose proclaimed triumphantly.

"Yeah, we just wanted to destroy that little pet project of yours." Frost taunted as well, shooting him the middle finger. "Sucks to be you."

Comet said nothing as he stared at his creation. All of a sudden he snapped his head towards the two mares, his eyes burning with rage. Without a word he raised his hand as it and his horn began to glow. Frost and Rose had no time to react as their bodies suddenly became heavier and they collapes to the ground.

They struggled to stand up, but it was to no avail as the pressure just continued to increase. "I'll crush both of you for messing with me." Comet growled as he slowly walked over to teh two. "I'll take my time in ensuring that you suffer before you meet your maker."

The two mares could barely breathe at this point and their vision began to grow cloudy, as their counscience slipped away. Comet watched them with a sadistic glee. Suddenly a loud cry interrupted him and he stopped the spell. The two mares gasped for air and they looked up to see what had happened. They saw that Comet was watching something and they casted their gazes towards where he was looking.

What they saw nearly made their eyes jump out. In place where Celestia was before there was a mass of blacka nd golden energy that swirled around, like a chaotic storm. It continued to grow in intensity and power until it was too much and it exploded.

The three of them shielded their eyes from the blinding light and once they could see again they looked back to where the phenomenon happened. They couldn't believe what they saw standing in front of them.

"C-Celestia?" Rose asked completely frightened.

"No." the flaming mare said. "I am Daybreaker."

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