• Published 30th Jun 2012
  • 7,940 Views, 602 Comments

Wishing Well - Nobrains

[2nd Person] Making a wish, you find out just how far it can take you.

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Chapter One

Chapter One

You fell to your knees panting, desperate for air. Your whole body was aching from the sprint you had to take to get away. You dug your fingers into the dirt, tears falling from your face. It was everything you knew was gone.

Who could have done such a thing? Your house was no more, burned down, along with everything in it. You knew it wasn't an accident, for the fire had started outside of your home... near the screen door, but the very thought that someone would go out of their way to put you in harm's way and take everything you ever had made you sick to your stomach.

You blinked violently, trying to fight back the tears. It didn't do much as your vision still blurred and you eventually collapsed on the ground, sobbing. It wasn't fair, it just wasn't fair. You were scared for your life and had no where to turn, you hoped that whoever did that wasn't still after you.

You had run down streets and off the road into the wilderness, hoping that you could wait there for a a short while until you thought it was safe to return and try to salvage anything. You eventually stopped your self pity a brief instant and simply laid there, contemplating all that had happened. The chirping of birds was fluttering all around you bouncing off the trees.

Funny how everything could seem so normal, so maintained, even when you had just experienced the worst thing in your life. It made you angry at first, how dare they ignore your anguish! You didn't deserve their ignorance, you deserved some sort of penance! But your anger died down as you realized that no one really cared about you at this point.

The police were probably searching the burnt remains of your home right now, thinking you had died in the fire. They probably wouldn't send out a search party, even if they didn't find a body, that's how much the world cared about you right now.

You were just going to lay here and wither away. It was the best solution, the only solution in your eyes. There wasn't a point in doing anything anymore, your life was ruined, shattered and forgotten. No more happiness, no more computer, no more video games. You wouldn't have any money after this, everything was rock bottom now.

There was more things that you would likely never enjoy again, but your mind went to a strange place, one place you hadn't thought you would be going to at this time.

You were a brony, and in most cases that did not involve actual in-person contact, you were proud of it, but it was never something you would tell anyone you knew in real life, it just didn't seem like anyone around you would accept you because you enjoyed something so... out of your character.

The loss of something so personal to you was extremely devastating, more painful than it should have been. You felt like breaking into tears again, but did not find the energy or will to do so. You laid there, watching your fingers drag across the dirt of the grass floor, listening to the trees above you sway as the wind hit them.

Your eyes became heavy, as mental and physical exhaustion began to overtake you. You were slowly slipping away from consciousness, memories of what you once had flashing through you like jolts of mental lightning, always stopping on that show that meant everything to you.

Make a wish...

“Huh?” You quickly sat up, wiping the drool from your mouth. You were scared for your life. “Who's there?”

Go and make a wish...

You stood up, thinking that something horrible was going to happen. What wish could you make? That crap wasn't real, it never had been. The sun was falling behind below the horizon, and you could see that twilight was blanketing the land, causing or sort of mix between the dusky orange glow you were accustomed to, and a purple haze throughout the sky that was visible above the trees.

You began walking, something was compelling you to continue the walk through the forest. All the life that had once seemed to be teeming in the wilderness was gone, replaced with a sense of stillness, as if death had washed over everything. You didn't want to keep going, but your legs were moving of their own accord at this point.

Trees and foliage finally gave way to a huge field, illuminated by the majority of the dusky haze, as you could no longer find the purple haze that was in the sky previously. In the middle of the field, a particularly large group of crows were surrounding something so out of place it didn't make sense.

There was a well, in the middle of the field. Who used those anymore? With all the pipes and technology these days, you didn't expect to see a well anywhere, even in such a low populated area as this.

Curiosity was getting the better of you as you began to walk slowly across the field, watching the crows around the well slowly fly away, one by one, as you closed in on their rest. You felt like you were dragging your legs at this point, for your energy was drained that you did not feel like you could move your body with full effort anymore.

You eventually made it to the well, and automatically began leaning upon its stony structure looking down into its depths, taking a breather. What was the practicality in placing something like this in the middle of a field?

The thing was old and there was no bucket or rope for anyone to use to obtain the water that was in there. You weren't so sure there was water in there at all actually as it was too dark to see any sort of liquid within the well, you couldn't even see the walls of the well after a few feet.

You felt a single warm wind brush against your neck, causing you to jump. You turned to find the strangest phenomenon you had ever seen in your life. The field you were standing in had somehow caught fire. Your first thought was that it was the same individuals that burned down your house, but you weren't sure, for you had been guessing the whole time. The fire was quickly spreading as you noticed that it was on all sides of the field now.

The sky was only complimenting the orange flames as they grew and spread towards you from all angles. How were you going to get out of this one? The fire was coming from all angles and it wasn't like you had anything that could protect you from the dangerous element.

You began to fall to your knees as hopelessness washed over you once more. So you were going to die in a fire right after you escaped one? How frustratingly unexpected. You were at least hoping you'd die in something that the news wouldn't just report as a 'brush fire.'

Well this is how it would end. You simply hung there on your knees waiting for the stinging agony of the fire to take you.

Go and make a wish...

You stood up, realizing that it was that strange voice from before. You looked at the well, remembering how some would sometimes throw change into its depths, making a wish that would never come true.

You laughed bitterly as you dug your hand into your pocket, producing a single penny. All you had after all this pain and loss. You stood over the well looking down into its dark confides. You looked at the penny in your hand, and placed your hand over the well's opening.

“I wish you could take me away from this hell-hole.” You took a moment to think for a second, the heat from the flames carrying across the air, beating upon your body. You dropped the coin, and it fell out of sight, not hitting any resistance.

You thought of My Little Pony once more, and this time you felt like it would be a fitting thing to say as your last words, alone as always. “Take me away from this place, and drop me in a world like Equestria...”

You laughed hysterically. What a clichè and impossible thing for you to hope for. All those stories you read online, telling of the human that would somehow end up in Equestria, and living happily ever after, only after passing a single obstacle. You were definitely going to die, oh how bad it was going to hurt to be burnt to a crisp as the flames bathed your body.

Your eyes were still looking down the well, your mind trying to grasp a better way out. Perhaps a fall was a better way to go? Maybe there was even water in the well? You never really confirmed whether or not there was.

You looked back to see that the fire was nearly upon you and the well. The well was more than likely going to be fine after this, only suffering damage to its wooden frame, but you on the other hand were going to in for it.

You took a breath, and made up your mind. You threw your legs over the well's mouth and began sliding down, your grip stopping at the mouth as your feet dug into the well's uneven side. Your fingers were already screaming in agony as you cursed yourself for not being more physically fit.

After a few moments you couldn't keep it up anymore, and let go. Your back hit the other side of the well and you were in a free fall, hoping that you didn't hit the wall again. You were waiting for the bone shattering crunch that would indicate that you had met the well's end, but it seemed to never come, and you just kept falling.

You didn't know if you were even conscious at this point. You only felt the lurch in your stomach that came with a fall. Maybe you had already died, and this is what it was like, living through the means that killed you again over and over in an endless limbo.

But suddenly, voices were surrounding you. You didn't know who they belonged to and you weren't sure they were even from this world as they seemed to come from demonic and unholy throats.

“So the human breaks the seal..”


“Do we leave him to die? It would seem fitting with the path of conquest he has just given us...”

“I would prefer not to. He seems to have earned his moment of reprieve in this pastel world, even if he will eventually only see it in flames...”

“Very well... I believe he couldn't have chosen a better place for us all to go...”

You didn't know what you were hearing, but it sounded evil. You had broken some sort of gate or something, preventing these unseen voices from entering whatever land they were speaking of. You still were confused but you suddenly felt like you had done something bad. Really bad.