• Published 30th Jun 2012
  • 7,941 Views, 602 Comments

Wishing Well - Nobrains

[2nd Person] Making a wish, you find out just how far it can take you.

  • ...

Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine

It was beginning to heat up steadily as the sun rose higher in the sky. For some reason, you couldn't help but take in the fresh air in huge breathes. It had been a while since you had really relaxed enough to enjoy the little things like this. Thoughts of the climb up to Canterlot with the doctor who's name you never knew flooded into your mind.

You were so enraptured, that you almost didn't notice when Twilight warned you that you were about to miss a step and fall. You thanked her for watching out for you and told her just how much you were enjoying everything now.

“It's nice to see you not so stressed out for once.” She said. “Ever since I met you, you were always so concerned about those dreams you were having.”

“Heck,” Applejack said, “It's just nice to see you talk for once.”

You gave a huff. This wasn't the kind of impression you wanted to make on Twilight's friends, but you suppose it was better than them not liking you.

You were heading back down the trail that lead you up to Sweet Apple Acres, and birds were chirping in the trees along the road. You were sure not to lose yourself once again or risk another episode, giving another impression you weren't as sharp as you really were.

Ponyville was once again in sight and for once, you felt more excited than nervous; a welcomed substitute to what you had been feeling previously since you had got here. Perhaps with this new found optimism, you could make a better impression on whoever you met next? You sure hoped so.

Enjoying yourself, I see.

Oh no. No.

What's wrong? You don't like a little company here inside your head? Heh. Get used to it, we're all in each other's conscious.

“Oh god.” You stopped walking and the two mares continued on without you, chatting happily. The voices were only suppose to be here when you slept. What were they doing invading your mind now?

It's just a little check up. Oh, and don't worry about us; we're doing just fine here in Canterlot.

So you were right. You would've let out a triumphant 'hooray' or something, but you suddenly felt sick to your stomach. Soon after, you were plagued with a horrible pain erupting from your temples. You cried out and fell to your knees on the road. It was as if someone had thrown darts into each side of your head.

Oh, I'm sorry.” The voice laughed in the back of your head. “I tend to make a mess wherever I am; even if it is another's mind.

You gasped for breath as you realized you were choking. You could hear Twilight's voice, filled with utter concern. They sounded like distant echoes, though, as the world began to take a dark haze along the hinges of your vision.

The dark haze began to blur your entire vision and all you could hear was the cackling. That damned cackling.


You pulled into the driveway, sighing. The crap you put up with everyday wasn't worth the pay you got. You needed a new job, that was for sure. All they did was yell at you when you didn't even do anything wrong.

You took the keys out of the ignition and pushed the car door open, hearing that annoying little beeping that you had come to hate so much. You slid out and slammed the car door shut; anything to get that thing to shut up.

You looked down at yourself. Your shirt was ragged and your pants were torn. You didn't remember that happening while you were at work, dammit.

You looked at your lawn and sighed; it had been way too long since you had mowed it. The late afternoon sun beat down on you horribly, though, and instead of taking action, you simply shuffled along towards the door to your house.

It was funny that you had a house and you were living alone, but you really couldn't complain at the price you had got it for. Your grandparents had lived here before they had finally went to the retirement home. They did not want their property of past falling into an unknown's possession and you had just got your first job, so it only made sense that you would inherit the property they had. Besides, your parents had insisted on it.

You put the key in the doorknob and turned it, unlocking it. You really wish you had a garage, it would be so much more simpler for you everyday.

The door opened and you stepped inside. Stuffy air greeted you and you grumbled as you closed the door behind you. As soon as the door closed, you thought you heard something tip over. You wait and listened for only a second, and simply dismissed it for your cat; he always was doing stupid acts and knocking your stuff over.

You walked through the living room to the kitchen and threw your keys on the counter. Next, you instinctively went to the fridge to see what you could eat. You weren't any sort of glutton, but you loved your food.

You slammed the fridge doors shut as you found nothing appealing. Oh well, maybe you didn't need anything for the rest of the day. The sound you had heard earlier, like something was being knocked over, vibrated through the house.

“Stop it!” You called out to the unseen feline. For Christ's sake, you didn't know why you kept that cat.

You shuffled out of the kitchen and found yourself back in the living room. You looked at your television and noticed the series of cords that had been strung out in front of it. You really need to hook everything up again, you knew, but you never got around to it since you had moved the furniture around once more.

Along with the cords, you saw your Xbox simply sitting there by the television. You can't remember the last time you had taken the time to play it. Oh well, you suppose it was for the better.

Something was nagging at you, though. You wanted to check to see if your cat was alright and to see what exactly he had used to cause all that racket. You left the living room and stepped into the back room where the sliding glass door leading to your backyard laid.

You were shocked to see that nothing was out of place. All the boxes containing your possessions that you never opened still laid there, untouched. You scratched your chin, wondering what caused the sound if it wasn't your cat.

You opened up the sliding door and looked out into your backyard. Nothing was out of the ordinary out here either. Weird. You must have been hearing things then, probably a sign that your job was way too taxing on your mental stability.

You closed the door and made your way to the stairs back in the living room. You took a single step onto the staircase and what sounded like whispering entered your eardrums. You stopped in an instant and waited to hear if there was more to be heard.

After a long moment, you sighed and drudged the rest of the way up the stairs. You sure didn't hope you were going crazy or something. The last thing you wanted was to end up screaming some weird stuff and beating pans in the kitchen like a crazed psycho by the end of the night.

You walked down the hallway into your bedroom with a single king sized bed. Kind of useless considering you were by yourself. At least it was a lot of room. As for the rest of the room, nothing looked as tempting as the computer that sat on the meager desk on the far side of the room.

You walked over to it and sat down in your office chair. Man it was good to have something like this, just your little outlet to get away. You remembered when you did little but spend time in front of the computer. Of course, that had to change as you took on the responsibilities of being an adult but you still found time to browse the internet and such.

As soon as you turned on your computer, a wave of exhaustion over took you. Of course it was going to have to be as soon as you relaxed. You looked at your bed; oh how tempting it looked to just take a nap. You felt like you were suffering from Asthenia or something.

You stood, suddenly noticing your legs were wobbly. Weird, you were even more tired than you thought. You stepped across the room, one foot in front of the other. It felt like you were moving in slow motion. Eh, it had to just be you looking to deeply into this, you were almost certain rest was what you needed. It was just rest. Rest.

You fell onto the bed, its embrace was much more comforting than you remembered it ever being prior to your sudden sapped state. You hummed a familiar tune as you drifted off into the deepest of slumbers.


There it was again. That damn sound. You pushed yourself up off the bed, reluctant to leave behind the blissful slumber you had been under. At least you didn't feel so feeble anymore.

You staggered the first few steps as you made your way to the doorway leading back out into the hall. You were bombarded by the smell of smoke as you stepped out. Whoa, what the hell? You began to panic and run down the stairs, nearly falling.

The sound of glass shattering broke through the smokey air, So much was going through your mind. Why weren't the smoke detectors going off? What the hell had happened? Why was this happening to you?

You took a turn once you reached the end of the staircase and ran for the backroom. When you entered, you could only stare in horror as everything was left in ruin.

The sliding class door was shattered, and the glass was sparkling red and orange in the carpet as it reflected the light from the flames that singed and burned the curtains that laid in front of the opening to your backyard. The red and orange lights were on the verge of distracting you, but you knew better. You stepped back, hearing voices from outside.

They were only whispers, however, and you couldn't make out what they were saying. You didn't even what to know; the only thing that you knew now was that whoever this was, they wanted you gone. But what had you done? You were just one guy with a horrible job and a modest life. You don't remember making enemies with anyone ever.

You turned and ran, looking back only for a second as you entered the living room. The flames were spreading at an uncanny rate. They crawled along the walls as if they were nothing but oil. Jesus, you needed to get out.

You pulled the front door open and ran out, nearly screaming from the adrenaline that flowed through your veins. You hopped off the porch and practically felt the heat of the flames lick against your back as you fell into the front yard.

You thought you were out of the rough now until the grass at your finger tips ignited. You rolled onto your side and quickly stood up, looking down at the fire that seemed to wrap around you in the grass. Fire didn't work like that, it was too precise, too controlled.

You ran onto the street, narrowly missing a car that was driving buy, the driver gave you a strange look and then turned to look at your house that was now engulfed in flames.

“Hey! Hey buddy!” He called out from the driver's window.

You turned to see the driver who was calling you. He seemed concerned, but it didn't matter, he could do nothing. You turned and ran down the street, trying to get as far away as possible from those unnatural flames.

“Wait!” he cried out. You simply ignored him.

You passed several other suburban streets, not knowing exactly where you were going. You saw a small canal and a parallel path cutting through a nearby thicket in a break between the endless pattern of homes. You suddenly broke in the direction of the path near the canal leading to the thicket. At first you felt like you were an idiot for running towards something as flammable as the trees, but you reasoned with yourself that you were being followed and this might be the least likely place they would find you.

Whatever, it was too late now. You broke into the wilderness, running down the path until it eventually broke away from the waters of the canal and went in its on direction.

You kept running, until you fell to your knees, panting. Desperate for air.


You awoke in the dark, gasping and wiping the cold sweat from your brow, trying to sit up. Holy shit, that was a horrible dream. The worst part was that it actually happened. You began to hyperventilate, thinking about those damned flames. What was wrong with those things? Dammit. Dammit. Dammit.

You suddenly felt two hooves wrap around your arms gingerly, trying to softly press you back down into your resting place. Your initial reaction was to thrash out, but you felt so weak.

“It's okay now. Shh...”

“No! No it's not!” You nearly sobbed.

After nearly a minute of just hearing yourself breathe as you slowly laid back down, you were showered in the purple light that could only come from one source.

Twilight watched you with caring eyes as you eventually reverted back to a calmer manner. You didn't look back at her, though, you were too caught up in the horrors you had faced not so long ago.

You finally focused in on your surroundings. You don't remember ever seeing this on your tour of Ponyville; then again, you didn't get too far if you remembered correctly.

It all seemed a tad bit... natural to you. Like this was a place where nature came and thrived in harmony with architecture. There was only one place you remembered ever giving you that sense. Still, you had to ask.

“Wh-where are we?” You managed to get out, finally giving Twilight a glance.

“We're at Fluttershy's cottage. When you collapsed, I thought maybe she would have the best knowledge as to how to deal with you, since she's so capable with other creatures.”

“Ah...” You said, trying to sit up again. You were met with another hoof from Twilight, however.

“I'm good. I promise.” You assured her.

She reluctantly brought her hoof of your chest as you sat up. Leaning against the wall at the bed's back. You let out a huge breathe, feeling pressure easing out of you as you shifted your weight.

“We were so worried.” Twilight said after a moment, giving that gawky smile you had seen before with a tinge of melancholy.

“I-I'm okay.”

“I wish I could take your word for that, I really do.”

“Really, I'm oka-”

“Oh! He's awake.. Is he okay?” You heard gentle voice call from the shadows.

“He says so, but I'm not sure.” Twilight answered.

“Let me take a look..”

From the shadows emerged a yellow pegasus with light pink mane. You gave a gulp as you knew who it was, and to meet her on these circumstances was a tad bit embarrassing.

She looked you up and down with an inquisitive eye before finally turning to you. You stared at her for what felt like an eternity as you two were obviously both tied up in the binds of nervousness. Surprisingly enough, you heard Twilight give a chuckle at you both as you continued to just stare at each other.

“Uhmm.. hi.” You finally said, looking away.

“Hi..” she returned, mimicking your diverting gaze.

“You weren't so shy when he wasn't conscious, Fluttershy.” Twilight said with a smile.

“I.. I know..” Fluttershy said, her gaze still diverted.

“And what's with you?” She asked you. “You weren't so timid when you met me.”

“Yeah...” You said with a cough.

“Well, you two should be getting along just fine. I don't see what's the big deal, you both seem to be acting similar right now.”

Fluttershy didn't say anything but reluctantly turned her gaze back on you. You gritted your teeth as the nervous tension cut into you. You didn't want to be scared anymore, for god's sake it's just a talking pony. A colorful talking pony.

“So.. is everything in order?” You asked her, looking over yourself. You knew that you were fine, but you wanted to at least get her focused on something that you both could stand on common ground with.

“Yes.. You must have passed out from exhaustion.” She looked you over one last time, before walking further up to you.

“I don't know about that. It was those voices again.” You explained.

“Really?” Twilight asked, obviously perturbed at the mention of those again.

You explained what they had said before you had collapsed, down to every single word you could remember. It wasn't fun to pry back into your mind for that information, but you thought that it would help if you conceded this.

“I really hope this isn't going to become a chronic issue.” Twilight said after a moment.

“That sounds just awful...” Fluttershy muttered.

You suddenly remembered exactly what you were planning on doing before this whole mess had begun. You wondered how much of the day and Twilight's time you had wasted with your issues.

You suddenly felt extremely flattered that Twilight had went of her way to help you and stay with you through this night by your bedside. You also took into consideration how Fluttershy had helped you, even though she didn't know you at all. You felt grateful to know that some people cared about you, even if you thought they weren't real at one point in your life.

“Thanks, you guys.” You said after a long moment of contemplation. “You both didn't have to do this.”

“Oh, nonsense.” Twilight said, patting your arm softly. “I even got your book that you dropped.”

You were elated to see the the book Twilight had mentioned slowly gliding through the air, enveloped in her purple magic, giving off a sound similar to wind chimes or the such. You softly grabbed the book from the air and brought it into your lap.

“Thank you so much.” You said to Twilight as sincerely as possible. You felt surprisingly well cared for, even more so than what your parents had provided all that you needed when you were younger.

Twilight gave a nervous cough at your praise and simply brushed it off. “Ha, ha.. It was nothing.. Yeah.. uhmm..”

Fluttershy began to giggle at Twilight's sudden chagrin. She sent a glare in the pegasus' direction, obviously upset that the tables had been turned on her, but it failed to stem the tide. Soon you were sitting there patting the book awkwardly while Twilight just blushed and Fluttershy giggled softly. All in all, you felt a bit out of place all of a sudden.

Eventually Fluttershy stopped and you were all blanketed in an awkward silence. It seemed like that was all you got here lately.

“I missed the party, didn't I?” You asked.

“Who told you about the party? Was it Spike?” Twilight suddenly asked, mortified that you were aware of a celebration you had guessed was planned to celebrate your arrival in Ponyville.

“Uhmm... yeah.” You said hesitantly. Jesus, you're gonna blow it one of these days. You wondered what Pinkie Pie had done upon the knowledge that you were incapacitated and unable to attend your party.

“He really needs to learn some manners and how to keep secrets.” Twilight grumbled.

“Oh well.” You said, giving the book in your lap another pat.

“Don't worry. I'm sure they'll be another chance for a party.” She said with an encouraging smile. “But for now, maybe you should get some more rest.”

“What about you, huh?” You countered, you weren't tired anymore and didn't want to lay back down. There was too much going on. “You've been up all night looking after me. Both of you.”

“He does have a point...” Fluttershy pointed out.

“Well I'm not very tired.” Twilight said stubbornly.

“Well, neither am I!” You said, folding your arms.

“Well, I'm very tired.” Fluttershy said, retreating. “I think I'm going to go take a nap.”

“You do that.” Twilight said, upset that she was being left alone with you.

Fluttershy went out of sight and you were left alone with Twilight, who stole glances at you nervously as you tapped your fingers on the book's hard cover. Great. Just great.

After a moment, a question manifested itself within your mind and you couldn't help but find yourself asking Twilight.

“How did you get me over here? Did you just float me along over here?”

“Yes, well.. kind of.”

“What do you mean?” You pried.

“Well I magicked you half of the way, then Applejack insisted you ride on her back. Of course she seemed a bit small for your stature and you tended, to well... fall off. So in the end, I brought you over here through the air. I'm not particularly sure why Applejack insisted on assisting in your transportation, but I'm sure it was just to be polite and helpful.”

You grimaced as you imagined your body falling onto the ground like a rag doll. You were a good foot and half taller than they were on all fours and you imagined your feet and finger tips dragging against the ground as Applejack attempted to escort your limp figure to Fluttershy's. Just.. ouch.

“Don't worry, you were fine. I promise.” she assured you.

“I think I'll be the judge of that.”

She just laughed.

“What? What's so funny?”

“Nothing, nothing.” She said, a sly grin crossing her face.

It went on like this until light cracked through the windows of the cottage.