• Published 30th Jun 2012
  • 7,940 Views, 602 Comments

Wishing Well - Nobrains

[2nd Person] Making a wish, you find out just how far it can take you.

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Chapter Two

Chapter Two

Your free fall was bound to come to an end. That is if you were falling. You must not have been dead, since you were hearing those voices talking about your fate. They spoke of letting you live so you were expecting a somewhat soft landing whenever it came.

Holy crap were you wrong. The darkness surrounding you gave way to bright vibrant colors as you felt air flowing in between your clothes, indicating that you weren't falling from any kind of well now, you were free falling from the sky.

The change in sensation got your brain working once more and you began to scream, rolling around in the air as the earth span around your head. You caught sight of buildings, strange looking buildings, like they weren't of this world at all, but it wasn't something you could really focus on since you were still falling from the air.

You steadied yourself, trying to stop the barreling so you could get a better sight of where you were going. For a second, it was working. But then you finally met a hard surface, the collision didn't knock you out, but it sent pain signals all throughout your body. But you couldn't even worry about that, cause you were rolling down the slope of whatever surface you hit.

Then you were falling again, this time you could see plainly where you were going, it was a cobblestone street, closing in further and further each second. Before you hit the ground, you blacked out.


“What the heck is this thing?”

“I don't know, but I think he should be brought to the princess immediately.”

“Nonsense! This creature needs medical attention!”

“Very well. Send for the nurse.”

Your mind swam in foggy grayness for what seemed like an eternity. Conversations between unseen people would sometimes wash over your senses, and you would struggle to grasp what they were speaking about.

“Do you think its dangerous?”

“I doubt it. I mean look at it, how could it hurt anything in this state alone?”

“Very well. But I don't think we should take it back anytime soon.”

“What does it matter? Everypony already knows of its existence now.”

“Which is why we need to keep it away from the public. Perhaps when it has proven that it means no harm, then we will see about returning to the general public.”

The voices began to fade out as the thick grayness swirling around your head overwhelmed you once more, easing you into bliss.


Something was making you tense. You couldn't understand it, since you were still under the gray veil, but it was nagging at you now. You felt like a balloon with too much air, you needed to let out some of the pressure. You were going to burst.

It kept poking and prodding at the back of your mind until you felt like you couldn't take it anymore. It was horrible. You struggled against the veil now, begging for it to let you wake up, to let you finally see where you were. You knew you weren't dead anymore, and you needed to get out of all this haze.

You threw yourself up, throwing blankets and pillows out your way, screaming. You calmed down for a second to study where you had ended up. It looked like a medical tent, with all sorts of tables containing scalpels and needles. The fall must have been worse than it felt initially. You looked down at yourself and saw the bandages wrapped around your abdomen and legs.

“Sweet Celestia, it's waking up!” a voice cried.

What had the voice said? Celestia? What the hell? Your eyes focused further, searching for the source of the voice. To your utter disbelief it was a pony, standing behind a nearby table in nurse regalia.

That couldn't be right. These ponies don't exist, no way this could be real. What had the doctors done to you then to seeing things like this? Everything looked so cartoony, you must have been high off your ass from whatever the doctors pumped into your veins. The real question was why you were seeing ponies from this, though.

You began to slide your legs off the side of the bed, but were met with incredible pain as you brought them to the ground at the side of your small bed.

“Careful!” The nurse from your hallucination shouted. “You shouldn't be out and about for a couple more days!”

That didn't stop you, though. Why would you listen to something that wasn't real? You put your weight on your legs, finally standing up. That lasted for less then a second before they gave out and you were on the ground.

“Oh!” The nurse scurried over to see if you were okay.

You brushed her off with a swipe of the hand. “Get away! I don't need help from something that isn't real!”

“What do you mean? I am very real, I assure you!” The pony said, trying to bring a reassuring hoof to your side.

“No!” You swiped, knocking her hoof back. They felt very real, light coat of fur and all. That only made you worry further on what kind of substance was flowing through you. You struggled to your knees, and began crawling to the crevice in the tent, where people would enter and depart.

“Somepony, help me with this!” The nurse called.

You heard other voices but were too intent on reaching the exit of the tent to pay attention. The voices began to surround you and you looked to your sides to see that hooves were steadily following your ginger crawl towards the tent.

“Stay away...” you warned.

“Should we start pulling it back?” A voice asked.

“It's okay, maybe it needs to see this.”

The hooves left your sides as you breathed a sigh of relief finally coming to the tent's opening. You pushed through, closing your eyes as you felt sunlight beating upon your face. You felt like you hadn't experienced this for quite sometime, and were glad to feel the warmth once more.

You opened up your eyes, taking in a huge breath. What you saw shook you to your very core. The pastel world that laid before you was breathtaking enough, but it wasn't just any bright and vibrant world, it was Equestria. You, a human from earth, were kneeling upon the very grass of the world you had seen only on television and the internet.

Beautiful grassy hills only gave way to forest or mountain as you searched the land far and wide with your gaze. You already recognized certain landmarks you had known from the show, including the Everfree forest. You looked up towards the large mountain in the distance, and saw the breathtaking city that was the capital of this land, Canterlot. Water ran down from its roost high above, falling into the large lake below.

Your first thought was that of utter joy, but soon you remembered what was the likely scenario playing out here. You were high, but could anyone high even see something so vivid? You didn't think so, for you felt and breathed in every image that came before you. It had to be real.

But why? Why was this real? What the hell was going on?!

“I hope this helped you.” A voice to your side said.

You looked and it was clearly a doctor, for he wore a white coat and simply carried the air of authority that was necessary with being in control of people's lives. This was the first time you had gotten a good look at a pony since you were here and he looked just like a colt would on the show.

“Why am I here?” You asked.

“None of us know. I was hoping you did, but now I clearly see you are just as lost as us.” He was looking out into the beauty of the world too.

“I can't believe it..” You muttered.

“Can't believe what?” He asked.

“I'm in Equestria...”

He gave a laugh. “Yes, but far away from any major population of Equestria.”

“Why?” You asked.

“Why, we don't know anything about you. Like what kind of creature you are, or your intentions.”

You suddenly began blurting information about yourself. Telling him your name and your race and what your life was like.

“Whoa, calm down there.” He laughed. “Don't overload me with all that information right now. All I needed was to know what you were and what your intentions were. You have graciously already provided me with both, human. No need to go further into detail about yourself.”

You nodded, your heart still skipping beats within your chest from this mind shattering revelation.

“Why don't you come back in and rest?” he suggested.

You struggled back in and retook your position upon the bed. It was surprising to find that it fit your height so well. You thought with the ponies and whatnot your legs would be dangling off the end of the bed. You asked the doctor how long you would be forced to remain within bed until you able to be mobile again.

“Hmm..” He tapped his chin. “After that little act, human, I'd say perhaps a week at the least.”

Good enough for you. The doctor made sure everything was in order before slipping out of sight within another section of the tent. Nurses came by on occasion, asking if you needed assistance or anything of the like.

You politely refused their assistance and offers of food, for you know what they ate and you weren't sure you were ready for a daisy sandwich just yet, but you were getting hungry and wondered what they must have fed you when you were unconscious.

Most of all though, you wanted some time to collect your thoughts. If you were here, then your wish came true. You made a mental note to thank whatever force brought you here away from that fire back on earth.

It was funny to think about at first. You were in Equestria! The beautiful land that so many had only dreamed of crossing into. Why you were so lucky you didn't know, but you weren't complaining. Now you could enjoy a perfect life, away from all the crap back on earth and free to do whatever you want in this fantasy world.

You thought about meeting the mane six, the stars of the show back on earth, but you felt a surge of nervous tension rise in you. It was like meeting a celebrity back on earth, you don't if you actually had the guts to do anything like that. Maybe you would stay out of the way, maybe go to some other place besides where they lived? But what would that do for you? You would still need to find some way to survive in this world, you couldn't just wander about without direction in this world too.

The doctor eventually came to check up on you himself, making sure everything was still working the way it should. You asked him what was going to happen when you were fully recovered.

“I suppose I should tell you.” He coughed. “After you're back into your normal healthy self, I believe it would be most wise to present you to Celestia.”

Your stomach lurched. “W-what?”

“What's wrong?” The doctor asked. “It should be quite an honor. You seem to know quite a bit about this land.”

“Uhmm yeah..” Your mind was brought to all those hours spent watching all of the mane six's adventures through Ponyville and sometimes beyond.

“So you should have no problem with presenting yourself to the princess.” He gave you a pat on the shoulder. “We'll be there too to report all the technical stuff regarding you anyways. So you won't be alone, human.”

“Okay..” You replied.

He left after that, leaving you to stew over the new bit of information. You were going to meet Celestia, and as awesome as that seemed, you were nervous out of your mind. You were still overwhelmed by all of this, to even be here, and then they were sending you to meet the highest of all royalty after your recovery. You didn't know if your poor head could take so much at one time.

You laid back on your bed, finally deciding that perhaps resting was the best thing you could be doing at this time. There was only one problem, and that was you were too excited to sleep. So as day finally gave way to night, you still rolled around in your bed, careful not to agitate any place where you had sustained damage.

“That's just great..” you grumbled. “I need rest and all this crap going through my head won't let me enjoy a minute of it.”

You soon fell asleep without even knowing it, as was the case with most fits of slumber.