• Published 30th Jun 2012
  • 7,940 Views, 602 Comments

Wishing Well - Nobrains

[2nd Person] Making a wish, you find out just how far it can take you.

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Chapter Twelve

*Yet another thanks to TheArcher20 for his magical help in proofreading this one.

Chapter Twelve

You poked your head outside of the door to the Carousel Boutique. You couldn't believe you were doing this; you would've preferred to hold up in here and hope it would end soon. Sadly, you couldn't find yourself able to do that after all the convincing Twilight had to do to get the other mare's to calm themselves down.

In a very commanding manner, she had explained the plan to everyone within the back room in the boutique. You could almost predict every word that came out of her mouth, but that did nothing to take away from the inspiration behind each word. You felt like she really believed in everything she said.

Huh, you never thought words could ever have such an effect on you before, but here you were, eating up everything she was saying. Must have been the 'in person' effect that it had when actually meeting a person. Something else was also buzzing in the back of your head, however that wasn't about the speech you had paid witness too.

It was about a pit of guilt lingering in your stomach. You had caused all this, even without looking outside you had already felt the dread that loomed over everything in Ponyville. You should have kept your ass up in the real world and just burned to death. Maybe you were dead, and this was just some weird afterlife you had ended up in.

Well, all you could do now was fight for this world that you were in now. Apparently one little purple unicorn expected great things out of you, even though you were just as convinced you were nothing more than a weakling.

The plan was simple enough and one you had already guessed: get the six element bearers and work your way up to Canterlot to get to the elements of harmony. What you could do, you didn't know, but Twilight wanted you here with them through the whole thing. She was already proving to be a better friend than you could ever have hoped to have.

It left another weird feeling in your gut to think of how much she expected from you and that she already considered you part of her little group of friends. It was almost an honor and you would've lingered and mulled over the realization in your mind more if you weren't busy trying to show Twilight you could be useful in the hopes that you wouldn't let her down.

You still didn't know why you were going out first really, but that's how the line went when you all headed down the hallway. The sky wasn't looking any better, and the streets were barren. Something kept you looking up at the sky though, something was telling you that the majority of your attention should be focused on it.

You stepped out and felt an ungodly wind blow gently against your neck. It sent a shiver through your nervous system and it was almost enough for you to consider retreating back into the boutique. At this point, it wasn't an option as you saw Fluttershy being forced out of the building with the force of both unicorns. At least you were coping with the current situation better than someone.

You were shocked to see that Canterlot was no longer in sight; it's roost upon the mountain far in the distance was blanketed in a veil of darkness. It was constantly swirling and looking as unnatural as you would've expected something from hell to look like.

Was the plan going to change now? Twilight hadn't noticed it yet for she was still trying to get the mortified pegasus out the boutique's door. You'd be sure to point that out when they were done, or better yet, help them with their current dilemma.

Rushing over to the two that were trying desperately to dispel Fluttershy's retreat back into the boutique, you asked if they needed any type of assistance. They immediately accepted it and you found yourself trying gently pry off the yellow hooves that held the pegasus immovable in the doorway.

With a sudden yelp, you heard the pegasus' grip break and you were falling back while she flew over you. You landed on the cobblestone street with a 'thud' and looked around to make sure you hadn't hurt anybody with your loss of footing.

Before you could do anything, though, Twilight was at your side and fussing over you. Obviously concerned for your well being, you felt your limbs brought up one by one and looked over by her. What the heck? This was kind of weird, but you were caught way too off guard to really react to it.

“You need to be more careful; you seem to overexert yourself way too often.” She said, lifting your arm up for inspection.

You didn't know what to say and you simply sat there for a moment, your back still sore from the impact and Twilight still inspecting you. Fluttershy seemed to be fine and was looking around, even if she was still in a reserved state.

Suddenly, you were floating in the air, and found yourself standing once again. You looked yourself over and then back to the only unicorn that would have done that for you. With a simple nod, you indicated your appreciation. You were afraid if you thanked her verbally she would have had another moment of bashful laconism.

Now was as good of a time as any to point out the current state of the nation's capital. With a word and a point of a finger, you directed all their gazes towards the swirling mass that was Canterlot at the moment. Rarity looked shocked, Fluttershy terrified, and Twilight simply calculating.

“Well that does spell out some problems for us. I might have a solution, an old secret Celestia once told me. But for now, we should really see about getting to Sugarcube Corner. We're going to need Pinkie Pie if we're going to use the elements of harmony.

Ah yes, you almost forgot about the pink party pony in the midst of the meetings between the other members of the mane six. She was the one you should never have forgotten. With an attitude so bombastic, she was hard to shake from one's thoughts at anytime simply because she stuck out so much.

You all followed Twilight's lead as you walked through the now dead streets of Ponyville. That wind was still blowing ever so slightly against you all, and you felt your resolve falter just a bit. It was like a scary movie; you were afraid something was going to pop out around a corner and attack you all with an unnatural zeal.

Nothing happened though, and you were beginning to think that perhaps the conquest of the unseen creatures had somehow been delayed. How they had done all this was beyond you, but if they could effect the world around you, then they shouldn't require the need of staying in reclusion any longer.

A whistling sound suddenly shot into your eardrums. You looked around, but only found that your companions were doing the same thing. You eventually pulled your head up, wondering if it was perhaps a bird that had not gotten the memo on the whole 'annexation attempt' thing.

You found the source of the sound, but it was no bird. Balls of flame were falling from the sky, some hitting the clouds and burning right through them, other simply crashed against the mountain's and others falling out of sight to land in some unseen clearing.

You watched them with a fixed stare as the light from the flames nearly brought you into a trance. You almost didn't notice they were also threatening to rain down upon the buildings of Ponyville until Twilight's voice brought you out of your engrossed state.

“We need to get to Sugarcube Corner, and fast!” The urgency in her voice telling you how much of a threat these things were becoming.

The first one smashed into a building across town, even from where you were, you could hear the building's foundation crack and give way. A shock wave was also felt, causing you to break your step for just a second. You all recovered quickly, however, and you all picked up the pace further as you rounded the street corners.

Now they were hitting everywhere and everything. You just hoped there wasn't any ponies currently in the homes and buildings that were getting hit. The whole time you were praying that Sugarcube Corner had not gotten hit by one of the balls of fire, for that would void all your efforts immediately.

“There it is! We're almost there!” Twilight called out, continuing the fast pace. You couldn't help but remember following her around Canterlot castle in a less urgent, but similar manner. Why couldn't it be like that again? Where you lead yourselves into trouble, but at least it wasn't life threatening.

You didn't bother trying to really look for Sugarcube Corner, you knew it was going to look different than you remembered, it wasn't worth the brainpower wasted at the moment. Then again, it did look like a giant sweet treat itself if you remembered it correctly, maybe that would be the distinguishing factor for you in the future.

Twilight stopped in front of the parlor's door and knocked upon the surface for a good minute. You could hear something shuffling around inside, but no answer at the door was given. You all knew it was a bad time, but you'd think they would've offered shelter to anyone caught out in the open.

She looked back at you all with a worried look on her face. But then a light of an epiphany brightened her sour look. She gave you a nod and spoke two words that she knew you would remember.

“Teleportation spell..” You both mouthed.

You instinctively backed along with the others to give Twilight some room to attempt the jump. You just hoped there was nothing in there that was keeping Pinkie Pie or her landowners from answering the door.

With a familiar pop and purple sparks, she was gone from your sight, leaving you three out in the exposed. Each second you were out there with Fluttershy and Rarity felt more like a minute as you waited anxiously for any sign that Twilight was on the other end.

With a click and the sound of a tumbler giving way, the door to the interior gave way and you breathed a sigh of relief as Twilight looked back at you all. Unfortunately, she had a look of dissatisfaction about her. Obviously your plan had worked in regards to getting in, but it seemed like there was no success in finding anyone within the home.

“They might be hiding somewhere, and we need to get away from all that fire. If I had to take a guess, they might be in the cellar.”

You entered Sugarcube Corner and were disgruntled to find a lack of visibility. For the sake of all you, however, Twilight and Rarity channeled light from their own horns respectively. Without that, you would've all been left in the dark for something was covering every window in the parlor.

You began searching, just to make sure Twilight hadn't overlooked anything and then decided that you four would split up. Rarity and Fluttershy would take the upstairs while you and Twilight would take the cellar. Rarity insisted that Twilight should have went with Fluttershy since she was more capable of handling her if she had another panic attack, but Twilight wasn't having any of it. If it was anything, it was Rarity and Fluttershy and you and her.

You and her... hmm... Before you could think about the meaning of those two words together, you were heading down creaky wooden steps, the only light was from Twilight's horn. It was considerably cooler down here than upstairs and you could see dust falling from the wooden ceiling as the vibrations from the fireballs shook the foundation of the building.

Eventually you could hear breathing that wasn't yours or Twilight's. It was ragged and panicked, they must have been aware of your approaching presence. No surprise considering the racket you two had made upon descending the wooden stairs.

“Hello? Anypony here?” Twilight called out, surveying the stone floor and walls of the cellar. A whimper emanated from a table that had been turned on its side in the corner under the wooden stairs.

Twilight hesitated and looked back at you. She was expecting you to take point with this one you realized. With a quick step, you crossed the cellar and slowly looked over the flipped table. Please don't be a demon or anything trying to eat your face, please don't be.

What you found was two ponies holding two young ones that were obviously not in the right state of mind. Twilight came closer to provide more light for you, and you both recognized who it was.

“Mr. and Mrs. Cake.” she said, trying to get their attention. It didn't seem to be working, though. They were obviously traumatized beyond any help at the moment. At least they all seemed to be intact and unharmed. One last thing caught both of your eyes, however.

Beyond the two and their crying children, was a shadow that seemed to be struggling and unable to speak. Twilight shined light beyond the Cakes in an attempt to distinguish just exactly who this pony was.

You were both shocked to see it was Pinkie Pie, gagged and all, trying to speak, even beyond the thick cloth that was held in place within her mouth. When she saw you both, her blues eyes lit up and she tried to move forward beyond the Cakes but was unable to, for in addition to being gagged, her front hooves were bounded.

Why would anypony do that to the pink pony? It did not seem plausible to do such a thing to such a friendly being as Pinkie Pie. Twilight seemed to have the same thought as she magically brought the gag out of her mouth and gently threw it to the side.

Almost instantly you were bombarded with an enthusiastic voice that was drowning out even the rumbling of the fireball's impact. “Oh hi! Thanks for that, my mouth was getting a little dry! Can you believe all the stuff that's going on outside?!”

“Pinkie, calm down for a second. Who did this to you, and why weren't the Cakes helping you?” Twilight asked, surprised that Pinkie was still in a cheerful attitude after her circumscribed state.

Pinkie began to speak as Twilight freed her of the rest of her bondage. “Oh! Well... that was them. They said I was too loud for them to hide, so they did all that to me! It's okay, I could understand, no worries with me!”

Weird, but you guessed that sort of made sense. If you really wanted to play the stealth game effectively, then perhaps a Pinkie Pie on the loose wouldn't be the best thing to take a chance on. This all must have taken place before the fireballs had begun to fall, for the Cakes did not look like they were capable of pinning a pony like Pinkie Pie down and bounding her fore-hooves anymore.

After giving you a look, Pinkie nearly hopped on top of you in an excited scream. Twilight's magic was the only thing holding her at bay as she floated harmlessly in front of you with outstretched hooves.

“I remember you! You were that sleepy head who was napping when I came over to Twilight's! I was going to throw you a super cool party but then it was canceled because Twilight said you weren't feeling very good..” She frowned for just a second, but quickly the grin came back, bigger than ever. “It's okay though! We'll throw you one soon so you can make all sorts of new friends, like me!”

“Pinkie, we need you right now. We'll have a party for him after all of this is cleared up.”

“Alrighty!” Twilight finally placed her back down, sure she wasn't going to try jumping on you again.

Twilight looked back at the Cakes who were still in their sequestered state. “Do you think they'll be okay down here?” She asked you both.

“They sure are acting strange, huh?” Pinkie said, tapping her chin and looking them over. “But I've seen worse! I think they'll be fine; what do you think, new friend?” She looked at you expectantly.

“Uhmm...” You were no psychiatrist, why would they be asking you anything about them? “I suppose they're fine. They just seemed really scared and out of it.” You were sounding stupid, you just knew it.

“I think you're right..” Twilight said, giving one final huff. “Anyways, we have no time to worry about this anymore. We need to meet up with Rarity and Fluttershy and start heading to Sweet Apple Acres.”

“Oh we're all getting together! Oh this is going to be so much fun! We have a new friend and he's nice and friendly and-” Pinkie droned on and on and on.

With a raised eyebrow, you looked over to Twilight and she just gestured for you all to start heading back up the stairs. At least the feeling of ominous dread would be drowned out in Pinkie's avidity now. You were sure that was going to count for something during all of this.