• Published 30th Jun 2012
  • 7,941 Views, 602 Comments

Wishing Well - Nobrains

[2nd Person] Making a wish, you find out just how far it can take you.

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Book Two: Chapter Five

Book Two: Chapter Five

No more words were said after that. Shining swallowed harshly and led you, Twilight and Cadence out of the crowd. You hoped that Blues and his father were okay. After what had happened, you were sure Spry was only going to get into more trouble.

The crowd surprisingly did not follow as you went down the street you had came in from, breaking from the road when Shining seemed to find the place he was looking for. It was a shabby side house, built into the side of a much larger lodging. A fair place for a temporary stay.

As Shining pulled the door open with magic, he gestured for everyone to follow him in. You obliged along with the others, but you felt like you were separated from the rest in some strange fashion. Even Twilight, as close as ever, seemed to be a mile away from you.

Inside it was just as modest as it was outside. A single bed laid out in the far corner, a shelf from the wall hanging above it. A large table sat in the middle of the meager home, where Shining and Cadence likely had their meals. For the crowd that had surrounded them, you didn't think they'd be staying in a place like this.

The door shut behind you after Shining trailed in. He seemed to be under a great deal of stress all of a sudden. He opened his mouth to speak, but didn't say anything, as if he couldn't find the words for it.

Twilight appeared to be confused as to why the sudden change in her brother's attitude had occurred. You had a hunch yourself, but you couldn't be sure until it was brought up.

“Why was there such a big crowd around you both?” Twilight finally asked. You suddenly felt sorry for her. She was oblivious to the brooding mood that had been set upon the home since you had arrived.

“I didn't really want to be recognized...” Shining began, shifting uncomfortably. “It's just that when your wife is an Alicorn, it's hard to stay inconspicuous. I suppose that was my fault, I shouldn't have let her come out with me.” He sighed, moving towards the table. He finally seemed ready to speak.

“What's wrong? Aren't you glad to see me? I was so worried about you...” Twilight came up to him, her eyes glittering with emotion.

“It's not that. I'm so very glad to see you... I just had to get away. I knew I had to be here.” The noble unicorn brought a hoof up to his forehead, rubbing it gently.

Twilight's mouth pursed. “What do you mean?”

Shining Armor waved the question away. “Later, okay? I'm sorry, Twiley.”

Twilight pressed no further but hugged her brother again. Was that what it looked when you and her hugged? No, you knew it was more awkward between you two, yet you knew she held you much closer than what you were seeing. Two different kinds of love garnered two different types of affection.

Shining's eyes focused on you again. It was evident that whatever was going through his mind about you and Twilight wasn't sitting well enough with him, but he didn't speak again.

Twilight seemed to notice this and gestured for you to do something friendly. It was worth a shot, you supposed. You took a few nervous steps to the table and smiled. You assumed you looked like a complete idiot, but you went with it regardless. “So, how long have you been he-”

“Long enough.” Shining Armor cut you off rather coldly. “What does it matter?”

“I was just curious was all. I didn't mean for it to be-”

“Well it did.”

“Shining!” Cadence scolded him, joining in on the inelegant conversation that was unfolding. “You just met him! He brought your sister to you!”

“I'm sure that's not all he did with my sister...” He muttered, causing Cadence to roast him once more.

“What's wrong?!” Twilight still wasn't seeing why her brother was treating you so coldly.

“It's nothing, Twilight.” Cadence tried her best to paint a reassuring smile on her face, but with her concern focusing on her husband, it was hard to keep it sincere.

“It's something. It's him.” Shining pointed at you with a hoof, anger flaring.

“What's wrong with him? He's been nothing but kind to me! He's been there for me!” Suddenly Twilight was getting defensive, and you were still contributing to this heated colloquy in the most minimal of ways. You weren't sure you'd do anything but make it worse.

“You barely know him! He may be some sort of hero because he helped us with whatever was attacking us this past while, but he's still not one of us.”

That seemed to tear at Twilight a bit, her eyes flashing with a hint of pain. She shook her head and trotted over to you quickly, pressing up against your hip. “I know him better than anypony! And he knows me just as well...” You both exchanged a look of understanding and compassion.

“Just great.” Shining Armor left his spot to stand in front of both of you.

“Shining! Give him a chance! Are you really so quick to disapprove? Don't you trust your own sister?” Cadence was becoming more and more irate, making you wonder who was really going to take the brunt force of the heat.

Shining looked at his wife and his disposition wavered. “I... see your point.” He backed off for a second, making you believe that the exchange was over for now until he came back and jabbed a hoof into your chest. “I trust my sister, but I don't trust you.”

“Yet.” Twilight added in, suddenly vexed herself. She had this look in her eye, though. It must have begun the second he poked his hoof into your abdomen. It was as if a inferno had begun. Was her love for you so intense that she would undo everything you came here for?

After that, Shining stomped back his original place behind the table, keeping his eyes off of everyone. Cadence took his spot in front of you and put a hoof on Twilight's shoulder, looking rather flushed after that. “He's been through a lot, you have to understand. He just needs time.”

“He just needs to give him a chance,” Twilight uttered. “I know he'd like him.”

“He will, Twilight. Why don't you go see how he's doing?” Cadence gestured towards the upset figure, still groveling near the table.

She nodded and went over to her brother while you and Cadence watched them both breathlessly. You crossed your fingers as they began to exchange words once more. They were, to your relief, less heated than before.

“Shining... can you please tell me what led you here?” For a moment, she was just his sister again, and you were just watching. Just for a moment.

Shining began to grind his teeth as he lapsed into deep thought. It seemed as if he was uncomfortable talking about such a thing, but eventually he did answer to his sister. “After Cadence saved me from... that... fall, something, like a gut feeling, told me I should be in the north. I told her how about my sudden impulsion. I knew she'd be by my side no matter what.” He smiled at the Alicorn next you warmly. He returned his focus to his sister shortly after to complete the tale.

“So we went north, intent on Saddleworth, the largest city in the north. If nothing happened, well... we'd be back in the Crystal Empire anyways soon after. I didn't really want to stick out, but you saw how well that did me after awhile.” He gestured gruffly towards you, “and then you two came. I was happy to see you, but him... Why?”

Twilight ignored his question, instead focusing on another thing he mentioned. “You came all the way up here, just because you had some feeling you needed to be here?”

“No, not like that. Something is telling me to stay here in the north, Twilight. Something is telling me.” For a second Shining Armor seemed to look simply strung out, as if he was battling much more than just a bit of stress.

“I do. But why then, do you not choose to believe me when I say that he-” she pointed to you, the subject now back to you, oh boy “-is honest, and truly amazing?”

“It's not the same thing!” Shining growled.

“You're asking me to take a chance in believing you, so why can't I?” You knew you were smiling like an idiot now. Not even her own kin could stand between you two in protest. You put a hand up to your mouth to hide your pleasure. It was a tense moment, and you didn't want your own reaction towards Twilight's words heating things up.

“So that's it then? Him over all else?” He seemed to be finally backing off.

“Isn't that how you feel about Cadence?” That was the left hook.

“.......” He looked at all of you, a bitter anger in his eyes, but that anger was doused with the waters of defeat.

“Shining...?” Cadence went, looking awfully concerned now.

“I just... I just need some time to myself. Can I have that?”

“Of course, dear. How long would you need?”

“Enough time to think, please.”

Cadence looked hurt, but gestured for you and Twilight to follow her out. You felt truly awful. Everything you feared was coming true, and there was little you could do about it. You felt more out of place than ever before. You made this choice, though. You had to stick with it.

Exiting the small building brought you back onto the streets of Saddleworth, which were now populated with ponies walking this way and that. It didn't seem like it took them that long to forget about everything that had been happening.

“You'd think they'd be surrounding this place.” You commented as you three watched the ponies go this way and that.

“Only if you were to stir something up. Shining and I were backed up to the tips of our hooves before you came. He shouldn't have started shouting.”

“Why was he shouting?” Twilight asked.

“They put their hooves on me...” She seemed pained to say such a thing. “They were just curious and a bit too pushy, and he got mad.”

“And then there was a scene.” You added, feeling rather dry.

You stood there quietly for a long while, wondering exactly how the rest of this day was going to go. When you were about to speak to them both about what they were actually planning on doing here, a familiar voice broke the silence instead of your own.

“Oh, thank Celestia!” Blues busted forth from the crowd to greet you. He seemed frantic and couldn't stop shaking.

“What's the problem?” You asked, looking around to see where Spry could be. “Where's your father?”

“That's just it! I don't know! He could be anywhere in this city! Or worse, he could be out in the wilderness! Oh why does he have to be like this?!” The earth pony was nearly running around in circles in obvious irritation.

“Okay, calm down. He couldn't have gone far.” Twilight began taking control of the situation immediately. Something you couldn't hope to do right now.

“You don't get it! The last time this happened, he was miles away in Fillydelphia, playing bar games with all sorts of shady characters! He could literally be anywhere as of right now! It's already been twenty minutes!” Blues was nearly hyperventilating now, pacing about and about.

Even Cadence's face grew concerned after that. “That sounds bad.”

“Oh, you have no idea... please! You've got to help me!”

“We will, don't worry. Let's spread out so we can cover more ground.” Twilight declared. She pointed down the street, indicating which way each of you would take. “Blues, you'll go down the street there. Cadence, you can search the rooftops, and-” she tried to sound as nonchalant about what was going to be said next as possible, suggesting that you both take to searching the walls of the city, which rewarded you both with a scowl from Blues and a disapproving frown from the Alicorn who followed Twilight's lead without question.

“I-I mean... I'll search the walls, and you can check town square.” Twilight was flaring red after that. It made you want to hold her and tell her that what they thought didn't matter, but that would only further her embarrassment.

With that settled, and avoiding anything else that could create further problems for Twilight's fading independence ever since meeting you, everyone took their designated paths.

It was nice to have something occupying your mind, otherwise you'd more than likely continue berating yourself with how poorly your meeting with Shining went. If only Twilight hadn't been so quick to declare you her special somepony, then perhaps you could have started off on a better foot.

Your focus now was on finding Spry though, and the way Blues had described how his father was during these absences, he could be in any nook and cranny in this monstrous city of the north, or in some far off country, by Blues’ logic.

You felt eyes on you wherever you went, but unlike with the crowd that had surrounded Twilight's elder brother and Cadence, no questions were thrown in your direction, but instead curious whispers to one another buzzed around you with every step towards the center of the city. It was only a matter of time before the question came.

This wasn't going to change anytime soon. You were just going to have to live with it. Once you told yourself that, it would always get easier. Then again, you could just be telling yourself that, too.

The town square seemed to be no more notable than the one in Ponyville. With a heavy concentration of outgoing citizens centered around an empty, but still marvelous fountain. Town hall was in sight as well, a much more rugged version of the one in Ponyville for sure, as was expected in a place like this.

Now was the time to start looking. You began asking ponies if they had seen anybody with Spry's description, but you were either met with gapped mouths, or torrents of questions that didn't seem to stop until you backed away or politely told them to cease their inquiries. When you were given a straight answer, however, it was always 'no.'

An hour passed with the same results. A single question asked by you, hundreds asked by the other, and you having to walk away or risk getting a headache. It seemed like your search would only continue to be fruitless, but you kept asking and looking anyways.

Eventually, you found yourself sitting at the rim of the empty fountain, grumbling about your bad luck. Spry was more than likely in some dragon's roost at this point rather than anywhere near where you were. Crazy old people were kept in retirement homes for a reason, you supposed.

“Hey! I found him!” You heard a voice shout. From the sky, came princess Mi Amore Cadenza, who looked hopefully, which quickly brought your spirits.

“Where?” You asked, getting up from the fountain as she landed next you. From the peripheral of your vision, you could see ponies starting to surround you with whispers of 'human' and 'princess.' It would be best if you cleared the premises quickly.

“He's on one of the roofs near the eastern end of town. Everypony else is already over there.” She began to take flight once more, prepared to lead you to where the old stallion was.

You followed the flying alicorn down the main street leading to what you guessed was the eastern gate. Hopefully whoever was suppose to look after the entrances to the city was back in their post. Otherwise those walls the city had were basically useless outside of mild intimidation.

This was an older part of the city. The cobblestone turned to dirt all too quickly and you felt like you were running through a much more deprived setting. This was Old Town, but it was also the poorest part of the city. A shame that the most historically rich part of the town was left in such an impoverished state.

In front of a large abandoned estate, you saw Blues calling out to the figure that was undoubtedly Spry, zooming back and forth along the large roof that laid atop the manor. By the worried son was an even more worried Twilight, who scanned the streets left and right, waiting to see you.

Once you had caught their eye, Twilight ran to you, while Blues gestured wildly for you to join him in his attempts at coaxing his father down.

“How long has this been going on for?” You asked, watching the banter from Blues towards his father continue.

“At least ten minutes.” Twilight said coolly. She seemed to be having just as much fun out of it as you had expected, which was to say none.

You all met up with Blues who was standing in the dead grass of the rather large estate. Who nearly cried out in frustration, forcing his attention upon you and the others who were not dancing about on the roof. “This is driving me crazy,” Blues groaned through clenched teeth. “He won't even listen to me. He just dances up there laughing and talking about his life.”

“What a life it was!!” Spry hooted down, bouncing about wildly, his mustache keeping the rhythm of his body. “Oh, if I could only show you what it was like! You'd be just as happy as me!”

You rubbed your face with your hand, an exasperated grunt of annoyance followed soon after. “Have you tried catching him up there, Cadence?” You asked the princess.

“I have, but he's quick. I suppose that's why his name his Spry.” Cadence admitted with an awkward laugh. It did little to alleviate anyone's stress.

You studied the estate with an inquisitive eye. It was heavy with mural work. Some were painted art, while others were carved right into what appeared to be marble walling. Engraved ponies in cloaks standing against the harsh winter winds were the majority of the images seen. You wondered why anyone would leave such an alluring home. Then again, this was the poor district.

“You all should come up and join me! The sights from up here are amazing!” Spry cried down with a toothy grin. He was really testing all your patience.

“Are you being serious right now?!?” Blues bellowed in fury. It seemed like the last bit of worry had subsided and was replaced with an anger towards his father. “Get down here, father! I cannot believe you!”

“Join me first!” Spry laughed, hopping up and down. His bag was flinging this way and that, slapping his sides as he only jumped faster and higher. “Come on! You've got to-whoa!!” Spry suddenly disappeared from your vision, falling through the roof and into the abandoned estate.

Blues' anger receded back into conscientious worriment. “Father!” He cried, running up to the large wooden doors of estate, bashing his shoulder into them in a frantic attempt to get inside.

The other three of you trailed after him slowly, telling him to calm down. Spry was more than likely hopping around somewhere inside, with no end in sight to his antics. That didn't stop him, though, and Twilight gently pulled him back with her magic, allowing you to come up to the door.

You could definitely bash it in, but you weren't sure how well that would sit with the rest of the city, even in this poverty stricken part of town. Locked doors weren't you or Twilight's problem though and with a single nod between you two, the tried and true technique of teleporting to the other side was exercised right in front of you, the princess, and a brooding Blues.

Once the door opened with Twilight looking very accomplished on the other side, you all entered. You were quick to praise her with all the kind words you had. She blushed heavily and hurried to your side, trying to hide her pleasure from the other two by burying her face into your hip. It was painfully cute to say the least.

The place wasn't as rundown within as you thought. White drapes covered almost all of the furniture as ghostly white light broke through the frosted glass windows that lined all the walls of the extraordinary estate. It all managed to maintain the rugged charm of the homes this far up north, however, which blended surprisingly well as the mural work seemed to spread into the interior of the manor.

Dust seemed to avoid most of the exposed display tables and the gallant chandeliers that hung above the main hall. This expensive home seemed to challenge even Canterlot Castle in elegance. You had never been in a mansion before in your time, with your financial state always bearing down on your shoulders back in your past life.

It was funny to think that your penniless self now was standing inside one that inspired such awe. Being you had its benefits, even if you had barely survived an invasion of demonic beings and falling from harrowing heights, it was worth it to share it all with Twilight.

While the others continued to take in the aesthetics of the home, you decided to break the silence. “So we're splitting up again, right?”

“Err-yeah,” Twilight said, obvious disappointment in her voice. The others didn't seem notice what you were saying, though, and kept looking about.

You took that time to kneel down and whisper into Twilight's ear, suggesting an idea that had formed in your head. She took to it immediately and nearly kissed you out of compulsion. You didn't let her, though. Things like that could wait.

“Alright,” Twilight said aloud, her voice booming through the large entrance hall. “Blues, you'll head up those stairs there,” she pointed a hoof towards a flight of steps leading up to the next floor, which laid right at the side of the hall. “Cadence, could you see where the hole in the roof leads? I can almost guarantee that Spry isn't anywhere near there, but it's worth checking. You might even meet up with Blues.” Cadence seemed a bit surprised by the suggestion, but quickly recovered and nodded, heading back out the front door while Blues followed the previous order. He was muttering the whole way as he climbed the steps.

“You-” she began with a shameless smile, “-will take the cellar if they have one... and I-” she put a hoof to her chest to emphasize that she was indeed speaking of herself, “-will get the ground floor here.”

You looked around to make sure that the others were out of earshot. “Hmm,” you put a finger to your chin. “Looks like we'll have to head in the same direction for a bit.”

“It looks like it.” Her voice was full of arrant delight.

Once you were sure you were in the clear, you both headed straight towards the checkered doors ahead, ready for anything. Nothing could stop you two when you were together. This would never get old.
