• Published 30th Jun 2012
  • 7,941 Views, 602 Comments

Wishing Well - Nobrains

[2nd Person] Making a wish, you find out just how far it can take you.

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Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty

You were told to stay back against every fiber of your being as Twilight and her friends stood before the ever growing masses of the demonic spawn you had brought into this world. You wanted to cover your eyes, but knew you couldn't. At this point, it was an obligation now that you were constantly involved even if you were simply watching from behind the element bearers.

The hellspawn suddenly stopped before them, curious looks crossing their complexions. They were obviously waiting to see what was going to be put up against them. Some whispered too each other, but their gazes never left the element bearers.

Twilight and her friends looked to be prepared for the worst, but surprise took them when they noticed the hellspawn weren't going to attack. If it was anyone else, you might have thought that the hellspawn had just sealed their fate giving Twilight and the rest a chance to utilize the elements, but with these creatures, you just prayed that they would regret their decision.

The ponies all nodded to each other, the elements seemingly beginning to come alive. Each pony took to the air lightly and you were struck with a sense of awe. The sight was always a spectacle, no matter the place or the circumstances.

The last one to begin their ascent was Twilight, her eyes slowly losing their pupils and a burning white light was now escaping from the orifices. That light expanded, not only coming from her eyes now, but from the other ponies.

It soon became too much to bear, and you fell back to a wall, bringing an arm up to your eyes, trying to keep your eyes on the colors that had just begun to engulf the majority of the hall.

The hellspawn didn't even flinch. They watched the swirling rainbow that was beginning to touchdown and spin around the six element bearers. Why, they didn't seem intimidated in the least! Were they really that resilient?

Then the torrent shot forth, hitting the majority of them point blank. The were immediately obscured behind the rainbow that did not cease to shower upon them, only black silhouettes could be seen blotching and breaking from the otherwise bright colors.

One thing was causing you to hold you breath, though. No matter how long the torrent continued to cascade down upon the hellspawn caught in its fire, the silhouette's didn't seem to falter in the least bit or seem to react, simply staying stationary.

Then came the words that brought everything to a screeching halt.

They came as an essence, easily audible to all those around as it carried down the hallways of the castle. “What is this? Some pitiful attempt at ending an invasion? An emotional bond and the supposed 'friendship' you preach of isn't going to save you from an unshakable fate. Putting your hopes into this pathetic and useless sentiment was foolish.” The silhouettes finally began to move, and to your dismay, it was forward towards the element bearers.

Is there nothing else? Is this where it ends for you all? Very well.” The hellspawn's words cut through your resolve like a knife through butter, and you broke from your place against the wall, keeping your eyes slightly out the direct line of the light.

You shouted to get them down, anything to stop this. They were too exposed in the air, if they lingered for too long, the creatures would claw them down without a second thought.

“Get down! Stop it! Stop using the elements!” You called out as loud as you could. As far as you could notice, though, it did not do a thing.

Regret fills your heart. We can all feel it, human. Watch as the bit of sentience you were able to scrounge out of this doomed world becomes undone.

You gritted your teeth. Celestia had been right, this had all just been a waste of time, but if she was right about this, then there was a favorable chance that you would still have the chance to do whatever she meant to end this threat once and for all.

At this point, her words were the only thing you could act on now. You jumped up, grabbing Twilight by her hind-leg. The phase she was in was finally beginning to break and she yelped from the surprise of the contact.

You pulled her down, hoping that she wouldn't hate you for this. She fell into your arms as you both came back down to the floor. The phase broke for the other ponies as well, unfortunately, you were unable to ensure a soft landing for the others and they came down hard on their behinds or sides.

Twilight shook her head, the pupils in her eyes coming back into existence. Those eyes focused on you and fear and horror reflected off of them, likely mirroring the image you were sure you had over your face.

“It didn't work...” She trailed off. “What do we do now? There's nothing we can do!”

You placed her down on the ground gently and brought a weary gaze to the contingent of hellspawn that had once again stopped, curious to see what you would do in your final minutes. The wanted to make the dread last as long as they could, they were in no rush without a challenge.

“Twi! What in tarnation is going on? The elements didn't work one bit!” Applejack said aloud, trying to reset her stetson upon her head.

“This wasn't suppose to happen! Why are they still here?!” She questioned, panicking and extremely temperamental. It hurt you inside to see her this way, but you weren't sure you would be able to do anything for her after that failure. So, against every fiber in your being, you brought yourself forth towards the horde before you.

You took a step forward, you eyes keeping low, praying that the hellspawn wouldn't come down upon you right then and there. Then you heard Twilight calling out as expected. You shook your head, only giving her a glance, hoping that was enough to tell her you were doing this for a reason.

You finally stopped and looked up at the hellspawn that seemed to tower above you. You did your best not to look that intimidated, but you were already beginning to worry that your choice in how to precede the element's failure would turn out for the worst.

You were in front of the leading hellspawn, he had watched you approach without any emotion. He was likely just waiting to see what words you would speak in defiance before throwing yourself to the dogs.

The creature laughed lightly, snorting and blowing a torrent of hot air right into your face in an attempt at coercion. “You stand before us. Is this some sort of heroic gesture? Or are you looking for an exchange of words?

You didn't say anything, but stared the hellspawn in the face. You weren't sure why you were doing it, but you tried to look as impassive as possible, hoping that it would trigger some sort of nettled behavior across the mass.

You were answered with another snort of air in your face, followed by a question. “You try to look undeterred, but we know what you're feeling; we've seen it all before. There is-” A claw came upon the hellspawn's shoulder, pulling him around.

The one that had been just recently snorting air into your face exchange a few words with the one that had got his attention before turning back to you, an amused grin coming across his face.

It seems that... 'he' wishes to speak to you.” The group of hellspawn parted in two different ways, creating a strip of walkable ground in between the diverge.

You took a step forward and felt a shove in your back, the leading hellspawn chuckled lightly. “Go on, what else were you waiting for just staring at me? Oh, what's this?

You turned around to see what the creature was referring too. He was staring down at a certain unicorn that had hate and fire in her eyes.

“What do you think you're doing? Who are you taking him to, and why only him?!” Twilight questioned the head hellspawn.

The hellspawn knelt down before her, still just as amused as before. Its eyes studied her questioning expression and playfully brought a clawed hand to her eyes. “I don't have to answer a single question you ask, but then I think: 'What's the harm in a bit of rhetoric?' So I'll humor you, since you seem to care so deeply for the trailblazer of your world's destruction.

He dropped his claw down to the tiled floor and dragged it along its surface, irritating all those around. “It seems the one who orchestrated this attack has finally decided to make a visit to the capital of the lands he has just conquered, and he wishes to speak with the human that made this all possible.” He pointed a finger towards you.

You sighed in response. At this point, you knew what you had caused, it was all just a broken record now.

“I'm going with him.” She stated crudely. You weren't sure how to react, but you weren't surprised at this development.

So you'd leave the others to be with the human? Is that what you're saying?” The creature chuckled. “Did you even think before making that declaration?

Her eyes shifted just a bit and her mouth pursed, realizing the seemingly bold assumption her words had just made. “I didn't mean that...” Her voice was shaky now.

Then what did you mean? It sounded pretty clear to me.” The hellspawn countered in a concerned and mocking tone.

“I just don't want him to be...” She clenched her eyes clothes and retreated slightly. She was trying to defend her words in front of her friends.

It seems the friendship with your companions is playing second fiddle to the human here. It is so amusing to hear you preach about the power of it all when you yourself don't seem to abide by these beliefs.

You could tell she was beginning to really lose her composure on a much more personal level now. The hellspawn had found the most sensitive area and were attempting expose it for their own gratification.

You came back to them, even as claws from both sides of the crowd attempted to dissuade this action. They weren't going to scare you, you were better than that.

You pushed in between the two and came to Twilight's aid with a reassuring hand on her back. The hellspawn stood back up and stepped backwards, scoffing in response.

You're only inflaming her turmoil further with attempts at comfort.” It folded its arms, giving you a deplorable look. “You sure know how to stir up emotions, human.

“Just shut up!” You bellowed at the creature.

Including your own.

You were afraid you were going to bite off your own tongue you were so mad right now, but that wasn't what was important right now. Twilight was having a hard time keeping a hold on her emotions and personal feelings.

In just a second, you were forced to withdrawal in sudden fear, noticing Twilight shaking from an unexplainable and suddenly visible surge of magic surrounding her. Streams of raw energy seem to pop up around her, similar to a solar flare, which didn't spell out anything good for any near her at the moment.

What had happened? Had the stress suddenly placed on her triggered some sort of dormant cache of energy within her body? This was going to be devastating considering the amount of magic she controlled already.

You quickly fell back to where the other mane six had been watching the whole thing unfold. Praying that this wasn't going to be equivalent to an atom bomb of genocidal proportions.

The sudden change in Twilight even caused some of the hellspawn to back off, muttering to each other and wondering if this was going to do anything to them this time. The leading hellspawn certainly didn't think so, folding his arms in front of him.

Let's see where this leads us.” He said flatly.

One thing you had never heard before rocked the very halls with such tenacity, it made almost everyone cover up their ears. You with your hands, the other mane six with their hooves.

Twilight cried out at the top of her lungs, the magic around her circling her and lashing out at any of the hellspawn that were near. Some were knocked off their feet and sent reeling into others that were suddenly acting a bit nervous from the burst in violence from the seemingly cool and collected unicorn.

The magic around her continued to lash out, smashing through the lines, and only then was when true concern finally began to break through the ranks. Even the lead hellspawn retreated slightly, but was eventually thrown into a nearby wall.

Twilight had seemed to lose all of conscious behavior and was no longer aware of what was going around herself. If she knew what she was doing, maybe she would have ceased, but for now, you were just glad that the fire was focused upon your enemies, for you weren't sure if friendly fire was a possibility or not.

“What is happening to her?!” Applejack asked you while slowly backing away from the scene even further.

“I don't know! They really upset her, though!” Was all you could answer with since you had already been asking yourself the same question.

The leading hellspawn had finally recovered from being thrown and was now taking an aggressive stance against the out of control Twilight. “The last bit of stubborn opposition seems to have finally reared its head. At least we can find enjoyment in finally snuffing you all out.” The creature pointed once more to you. “Don't worry, human. You'll still be seeing 'him' in a short time.

You barely paid attention to that last remark, your eyes were too busy watching the destruction that Twilight was causing. She was practically wiping the floor with what had seemed like an insurmountable force without even being aware that she was doing so.

The creatures attempted to jump at Twilight, but were simply thrown aside. It was funny to think that this counter was more devastating than the elements of harmony, but you weren't complaining under the circumstances.

It was like watching an armored beast take on a group of attacking wimps, which left almost everyone in awe. Were you sure you were going to have to make a sacrifice when Twilight alone was stopping the invaders with ease? Each moment that passed by made you think that this was going to be the end of it all, and you were just going to be a simple onlooker to the act that would create liberation?

This continued for several minutes, the sights and sounds you paid witness to were quite... well, sobering. Some hellspawn were slammed against the wall repeatedly, or thrown out the shattered windows to fall to their presumed death. They seemed less tough with each second that passed.

Eventually, the routing seemed to be over with, as no more attackers could even make their way towards the unicorn who still had not eased from the state she was in.

The magic continued to churn and lash out violently, knocking the hellspawn that laid idle on the ground and knocking them across the ground this way and that.

“Is she ever going to stop?!” Rainbow asked against the roaring torrent.

“Somepony's gonna have to get her to stop! Otherwise, I don't know when this thing will end!” Applejack said desperately.

All eyes were on you. You looked around, honestly confused by the abrupt alteration in focus. “What? You want me?! She's known you all longer than me!” You reasoned.

“Oh, cut it! If we know how she feels about you, then you sure as heck do!” Rainbow called out irritatingly.

You brought up your hands in a defensive gesture, trying to feign inattentiveness regarding the subject. “I have no idea what you're talking about...”

Everyone around you shook their heads, even Fluttershy seemed a bit disappointed in your handling of the validity of it all.

“Now's not the time to be playing all benighted!” Rarity chimed in, trying desperately to keep her composure despite all the destruction and defilement around her. “She cares about you, darling! You're the one that can get to her!”

“I... I...” You slumped your shoulders. You were to run up to a preponderance of destruction, to trying to shake a unicorn that loved you from her current state before something horrible happens.

“Please, you must!” Rarity begged.

“Okay! Okay, dammit!” You stepped from the rest and turned towards the one that needed you right now.

“Be careful!” You heard from behind you. What great help that would be.

It seemed to be only getting worse from here on out with Twilight. The tendrils were scraping at the walls and literally chipping off pieces of it from the force of the whip alone. If you got hit, you weren't sure you'd be able to walk away from this one.

You called out her name, hoping to get through to troubled unicorn, but that went as well as expected, with nothing letting up in the least. You moved a bit closer, but quickly hopped back as a stream of magic smashed into the ground before you, cracking the tiled floor.

You swallowed harshly and wiped the sweat from your forehead. Even in this short lived victory, your life was on the line.

It was all a matter of timing. Without even thinking, you rushed in, still calling Twilight's name. At first, you weren't sure it was doing anything, but as you closed in within a split second, you could tell she had at least reacted to something.

She pulled her head up, but her eyes had not opened. You were going to have to get her to see you before you ended up running right into her because now that you were in the fracas, you couldn't stop moving lest you wanted to breathe your last breath.

“Listen, please! It's me!” You were just about to run into her.

She opened her eyes exhaustively, looking at you for a moment without recognition. They soon focused in comprehension, and you thought you had finally gotten through to her. Sadly, it seemed that even though she knew you were there, she couldn't stop the torrent, at least not immediately, and you soon found yourself flying back.

The air whipped by you and you could see you legs and arms in front of you, flung back by the force of drag. You expected to be crushed against a wall, but instead, the interior of the desecrated halls of Canterlot gave way to exterior of what might have been the courtyard outside. You had been thrown out one of the shattered windows it seemed.

Towers and the darkness that seemed to be growing more and more enervated by the second were the only things you could see now. The ivory towers stretched and grew taller as you continued to descend, and you were wondering when you finally going to hit the grounds of the courtyard below.

She had not meant to do this, you told yourself. What difference did that make, though? A lot, it seemed.

You weren't afraid anymore; what was going to happen, would happen.

You finally made contact with the grassy surface that was littered throughout the majority of the courtyard. The air was knocked out of you, and you did not black out immediately, but seconds before you did, you could see dark claws approaching you.

“Finally isolated. Excellent.