• Published 7th Jul 2017
  • 5,806 Views, 351 Comments

Spider-Man: Web of Magic - MetalJrock

Peter Parker must juggle being a normal teenager, Spider-Man, and a mentor when threats appear from the woodworks.

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Issue #11: Rooftop Discussion

May heard the sound of knocking on her door and walked over to answer it. She was expecting Peter, Ned, and Trixie again after another late night. And once she opened the door, she realized she guessed two out of three, seeing Ned and Trixie on the other side. "Hey, Mrs. Parker... Um, Peter's still out doing his thing..."

The woman sighed, "Come in... I take it something happened?"

Trixie nodded and folded her arms as the two kids walked into the apartment, "You have no idea. Some nutcase came wandering in to challenge Spider-Man or some junk. The girls are waiting outside the school for Sunset, who stupidly decided to follow Peter even though we told her otherwise. Hopefully that numbskull didn't reveal his identity to her."

Ned added, "Yeah, and I have to be the computer chair guy again. To make sure he didn't get himself into anymore trouble."

May inhaled, "Fine. I just wished he didn't do things like this so hastily. I didn't even know he had his costume with him. Get the laptop."

Twilight paced right outside the statue worriedly and glanced back at her phone, "I hope Sunset knows what she's doing..." she gulped, "And we still don't know where Peter went."

Rainbow climbed onto the base of the statue, "Come on, Twi. You gotta give Sunset more credit. I think she could handle herself. Peter on the other hand..."

Twilight gulped again and Rarity shotted the prismatic-haired girl a quick glare, causing her to retract her previous statement, "Oh, uh, I mean, I'm sure he's fine too. Yeah, that's what I meant."

Applejack rolled her eyes, "Nice save..." she muttered sarcastically. "What the heck did Sunset just text ya anyhow? Ah know she said that Spider-Man had that creep taken care of."

Lowering her gaze back to her phone, Twilight reread the message, "She said she's going to check something eerie out before heading back here." she said.

Fluttershy said, "Oh dear... I hope everything's fine."

Matt and Frank panted, clearly worn out from their brief duel. Castle gave Daredevil a sneer once he noticed the street covered in red and blue lights. The Devil also noticed the sound of sirens coming from a distance and strapped his billy clubs to his sides. "Red... You knew they were comin'..." wheezed Punisher.

Daredevil silently nodded.

"I could'a ended him... Rid the world of another worthless douchebag..." Punisher growled.

"That's not how I operate." Matt simply stated. "He'll serve his time. I'll be sure of it."

Frank lowered his head, "Can't be too sure of that... Fisk is up to something..."

"What do you mean...?"

On the side of the building was the crawling Spider-Man overhearing the conversation. Once he heard silence he flipped on the ledge and landed perfectly on his feet, "Okay, enough of that!" he said, looking over the two vigilantes. "...Whoa."

Daredevil and Punisher passed a glance before looking at the kid, "Um... I never thought this would ever happen..." Spider-Man muttered once he saw Daredevil.

"The hell are you wearing?" Castle asked.

Spider-Man raised a finger, "Hey! Don't diss the clothes! All you have a skull on your shirt..." he paused as he pondered his next choice of words once he took a closer look at the older man, "...Oh crap, you're the Punisher." he realized with a dropped jaw.

Despite his stoic attitude, Punisher managed a thin smirk, "Better watch your mouth, kid."

"And you're Daredevil, right?" Spider-Man asked. The Devil responded with a firm nod. "I never thought we would cross paths. W-What are you doing here?"

Daredevil glared at Castle and spoke, "He was about to execute that criminal you were fighting and I made sure he got the trial he deserved without shedding any blood." he answered, "Nice job down there, by the way with Gargan."

'D-Did Daredevil just compliment me?' Peter thought, "Uh... Thanks... So, uh. How's this for a New York superhero meet huh?" he tried to lighten the mood with a quip, but Matt and Frank didn't respond. "Wow. Tough crowd."

Punisher put his arms to his sides, "You have no business being here, kid."

Spider-Man said, "I kinda did. I heard some noises going on up here and decided to check it out to make sure Scorpion didn't have any side goons trying to assassinate me. At least I was half-right with the assassination part. You should be in jail with Gargan from what I heard." he pointed an accusing finger at the Punisher.

"Please. I'm doin' you all a favor." Punisher responded.

Matt raised his head to inhale, "Frank, so help me..."

"Anyway, kid. I ain't a criminal. I don't hurt anyone who doesn't deserve it. My crosshairs are always on the scumbags who don't deserve the right to breathe." Punisher revealed.

"Just because you kill criminals doesn't mean the act to execute is right just because they're evil." Daredevil insisted, a little louder than usual. "There's always a sliver of redemption, Castle. We've been over this time and again."

"I agree with Daredevil." Spider-Man said, "I don't condone killing. It doesn't make you any better than the ones you decide to target." he sounded proud of himself, but the sight of Punisher walking close to him made him shrink in his spot. "...Uh, hi?"

Punisher glared at Peter, "Don't ever compare me to the scum that walk on this planet. Look, I've heard of you. What you do in this city. You try to be a friendly-neighborhood hero... But you really don't know just how terrible the neighborhood is in the shadows. You're off tryin' to be a low-budget Avenger who deal with the crazy shit. But you don't know of the consequences down here in the streets."

Scowling, Spider-Man spat, "I'm trying to help the little guy. But I don't kill anyone to do so. I save lives! Not end them! Here I thought someone like you would know that." Castle sneered at that.

"Easy, Castle." Matt tried to ease the dispute.

"You ain't the boss'a me, Red. This kid's thinkin' in black and white. He should know that sometimes the solution is to pull the trigger." Punisher boasted with a hiss.

Spider-Man inhaled sharply, "I don't work like that." he webbed up the pistol in Frank's arms, "I should just turn you in right now for all the lives you taken." he decided at last.

Frank managed a light chuckle, "Funny." then he decked Spider-Man in the face, catching the wall-crawler off-guard. Spidey staggered backwards and held his nose. "I ain't goin' behind bars. Doesn't suit me." he denied firmly.

Daredevil lunged forward and gave Punisher a right hook, "That's enough, you two. Frank, explain what you were talking about before I finish what Spider-Man started."

"W-What? But he's a killer! How can you trust him?" Spider-Man wondered in disbelief, "And he punched me in the face!"

The Devil shared a glance with the webslinger, "He has some important information I'd like to hear. Killer or not, he's still on our side. He just piss-poor at keeping fatalities to a minimum." Punisher scowled at that comment, but chose not to respond.

Castle yanked the webbing off his hand and looked at the two, "...Why the hell should I tell the kid?"

"This is my city too, Punisher. Like it or not, I'm helping. Well, helping Daredevil mostly..." Spider-Man corrected himself.

Daredevil raised a brow under his cowl, "You're still new to this, I don't think you should get involved with my affairs."

The wallcrawler pointed at himself, "I can take care of myself. I stood side-by-side with the Avengers and some X-Men and took down a Vulture with alien tech. Plus, Scorpion was after me, and I'd like to figure out why so it's my battle now too." he said, 'I'm also hoping this could get me closer to bringing down Tombstone's empire.'

"Hmph. Alright then. I heard that Fisk bought himself out of prison and caught wind of the wall-crawler tryin' to take down thr Big Man's empire and now wants him gone as well just in case. Got some intel from one of his bribed officials on my way here." Frank explained. "Chose to do things the hard way too."

Matt was confused, "Why would Fisk want Spider-Man dead? He would want less competition for power in the city."

Punisher frowned, "I don't idea why the hell he thought it was a good idea. But that's all I know. Said somethin' about testing him."

"Oh great, I'm just a punching bag for supervillains." Spider-Man groaned.

The Devil was about to respond, but his senses picked something up nearby, "Be quiet..." he halted the conversation and hesrd some light metal clanging. A fire escape and he said, "...The three of us aren't alone here."

"My Spider-Sense isn't picking up any danger." Peter replied, "So, I don't know who else is here." he said, 'Unless... Crap. I thought I told her to leave once she cleared everyone.' he moaned in his mind. "Uh, can you pause this for a minute?" he asked, running to the fire escape where thr three heard the sound.

Crouching down, Peter saw a familiar red-and-yellow haired girl trying to climb, "I thought I told you to head home!" he hissed at the girl, surprising her.

Sunset looked up, "I wasn't going to leave you behind. What's going on up there? And do you know where Peter's at? No one has any idea where he went to."

"Look, Peter's fine. He's just... At the Stark Internship. Yeah, that's right, he had a last minute change on his way home and had to head to work. He said it as he left after talking to me." Spider-Man lied. "So, can you go home? Please? Before you get hurt?"

Sunset tilted her head and gave the wall-crawler a deadpan stare, as if she didn't believe him. Peter hoped she did, but she started speaking again, "No. Not until I figure this mess out too. I want to make sure that whoever sent that creep gets put away." she insisted.

"Ugh. Come on!" Peter whined.

"...I'm not taking no for an answer." Sunset decided, finishing the climb and stood up next to Spider-Man.

Daredevil and Castle looked at the girl in confusion and Frank was the first to break the silence, "She your girlfriend, kid? I thought you worked alone."

"...She's not my girlfriend!" Spider-Man responded defensively, "And I wished she stayed out of this personally." he added, 'I really wish she did. This might be something out of her league. The criminal underworld isn't something magic can solve.'

Daredevil glanced at her, "Who are you supposed to be?"

"Uh... Equestria Girl?" Sunset answered. Spider-Man groaned and facepalmed at that. "...It's the best I have. I'm sorta new to this."

"This city and its freaks, I swear." Castle muttered, "Look, I'd be willin' to tell Red and the kid about what's happenin', but you have no business bein' here."

Daredevil nodded, "Spider-Man I can understand since he's proven that he can handle this and Scorpion was after him. But we've literally never heard of you until right now. This isn't something you should just jump into. So I agree with Castle."

Sunset tilted her head, "Castle? As in Frank Castle? Why would you be willing to work with him?"

"Because he knows who sent the Scorpion and why." Spider-Man explained, "I don't like it anymore than you do. But it's the best we have to stop this. But go home, Sun- I mean, Equestria Girl."

Sunset scowled, "No, Scorpion nearly hurt my friends. I can't sit by anymore while I have my magic abilities to do something about it. I want to make a difference in this city like you." her hands glowed to demonstrate this.

Spider-Man raised his arms once he recalled her magical abilities and said, "...Fine, you have that. Whatever. Just stay close to us and listen to whatever Daredevil says. He and Punisher are more experienced at this than we are."

Punisher spoke up, "Wilson Fisk hired Gargan to kill Spider-Man before he became a hinderence to his own empire as rumors surfaced of you doing something about the Big Man and his weapons trade. We gotta take the fight to Fisk before it escalates into a war against him and Tombstone now that he's out of prison."

"How did he get out with clear incriminating evidence against him?" Daredevil asked.

"Money talks, Red. He already ruled the prison. It was only a matter of time until he got out with a well-paid trial in his favor." Frank replied with an elaboration.

"He could do that?" Sunset wondered.

Murdock responded, "He's a powerful figure in the city and nearly ruled it until I tore down everything he's built. We have to stop him before he rises again."

Peter shook his head, "I can't believe this. After all that... Alright, let's get this over with." he said. "But can I make a call first? It's important."

"Me too." added Sunset.

Frank rolled his eyes, "Kids... Fine. Make it quick, before Fisk figures out we're onto him. He has eyes all over the city now that he has some officers under his thumb."

"Thanks." Sunset climbed down the fire escape to text her friends that she may be running later than usual.

Spider-Man leaped a building over and put his fingers to his ear, turning on his bluetooth once he landed, "You rang?" he asked.

'Peter! Thank God you're alright!' May said from the other line.

"Why wouldn't I be, May? Gargan was nothing to worry about. But, uh, there's something more to this than I thought."

'What is it?' Ned asked. 'An evil mastermind?'

Peter shrugged, "Yeah, basically. Wilson Fisk. He heard about me challenging the Big Man and wanted to take me down before I targeted him or something... It's complicated."

Trixie groaned, 'Well it's nothing simple with you. Where's Sunset Shimmer? The others are worried sick about her and won't stop texting us. It's driving me nuts.'

"Uh, she's kinda with me..."

'What?!' gasped Aunt May. 'Peter, what are you thinking?!'

"Oh... D-Don't worry. I probably shouldn't tell you this, but she actually has magic abilities that could help us. Please, don't let that information out anywhere past this conversation. She probably would've followed me without me knowing and that probably would've made matters worse I think."

'Us?' Ned asked, 'I thought it was just the two of you.'

Spider-Man sighed, "We're getting help from Daredevil and the Punisher since they know more about Fisk than me and were right outside the restaurant." he said.

'Awesome! You know Daredevil now? He's so cool!' Ned said.

'The freaking Punisher? As in the serial killer? I think you've finally gone mad, Parker.' Trixie groaned.

"I don't like it too, Trixie. Believe me. His methods are too extreme. But Daredevil's with me and Sunset, so if he were to try anything funny, we'd stop him in no time." Spidey assured his friends. "He has the information we need, and I'll make sure he doesn't shed any blood."

'Just be careful out there, Peter. For yours and Sunset's sakes.' May warned. 'It's just not you this time.

"I promise Aunt May." Peter assured. "I'll keep in touch if I need anything." he hung up the call for the moment and looked at Daredevil and Punisher, waiting for him and Sunset. He breathed in, ready for yet another long night ahead.

"Let's go."

Within Fisk Tower, the man himself sat facing his window, his large hands folded across his chest and over his legs, looking over at the night sky and the city below him. The door opening made him snap out of his thoughts and he heard a voice, "Mister Fisk."

"Yes, Leland?" Fisk replied.

"I have reports that Gargan was apprehended by Spider-Man to the authorities. Shall I have him freed at once?" Leland asked, the elder man adjusting his glasses at the suggestion.

Fisk shook his head, "No. He failed, and he deserves to pay the consequences for doing so."

Leland nodded, "Very well. Let me know if you need anything."

"Thank you, Owlsley."

The door closed and Wilson Fisk stood up, his calm demeanor changing into a scowl. Despite his large body, he turned around as fast as he could and his face instantly changed to that of rage. "Grah!" he ahouted, raising his arms and flipping the desk over with one swift movement, allowing anything on it to fall on the floor. A loud thud echoed across the room as Fisk's heavy breathing slowly became the only sound.

Another scream escaped him. He just couldn't contain his rage anymore and he needed a way to vent his frustrations. This was the only way he ever knew how.

Fisk looked at the mess and he inhaled, still annoyed. He exhaled, calming down and he sat back down in his chair, awaiting for someone to come in and ask about the mess. Like always.

Then, the door opened creaked open again, revealing Leland having heard everything, "...Everything okay, Mister Fisk?"

Wilson Fisk inhaled, "I'm fine, Mister Owlsley. I just... need someone to clean up the mess is all."

Leland spoke up, "Very well, and I shall alert your men not to free Mister Gargan just in case. I presume you are in no desirable mood to see him after the news." he closed the door and leaned on it.

Fisk's behavior was something he was used to. Yet, it bothered him. Besides Wilson's wife Vanessa, who was at an art show, and Wesley's passing, it usually left him to deal with the powerful figure.

Gargan was a disappointment, that much was certain and he knew it. Why kill someone who could end your competition? He wondered. With the Big Man gone, that would mean more power over the city. And Fisk loved having it as he believed to be saving Canterlot.

Leland groaned and looked to the men paid under their Fisk. Maybe if these vigilantes ever became more of a nuisance, he'd bring up the marksman hitman he hired a few times to do the job.