• Published 7th Jul 2017
  • 5,803 Views, 351 Comments

Spider-Man: Web of Magic - MetalJrock

Peter Parker must juggle being a normal teenager, Spider-Man, and a mentor when threats appear from the woodworks.

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Issue #26: Put to the Test

Darkness. That was all Peter saw when he opened his eyes. He was dizzy, on the verge of vomiting. The boy held it in though and sighed in relief once he realized his mask was still on. ‘What happened to me? Last thing I remember was... Mysterio. He did something to me.’ he struggled to move his arms to no avail. ‘And whatever he did was still working. Now I gotta figure out what to do.’

Spider-Man heard footsteps and his Spider-Sense pounded his cranium. He clenched his eyes shut while shaking his aching head, knowing he was unable to react to his sixth sense. “Who’s there?”

“You know who it is.”

Mysterio warped in and leaned forward to face the Spider-Man through his lenses, which narrowed. “I must admit you fell faster than I anticipated. Such a shame our first encounter ended in your defeat, but that is irrelevant now. You may have fallen, but the one who humiliated Mysterio will be next.”

Spider-Man spat, “Leave her out of this, Mysterio. This is between you and me...”

Mysterio scoffed, “You fool, it’s no longer just about our upcoming rivalry. She made a mockery of me last time and I intend to change that. Be grateful though, she is the very reason you are still breathing. I left her a message. If she doesn’t find you by tomorrow, you will be unmasked and die by my hand live for the city to see.”

“Heh... Am I supposed to be intimidated by a looney wizard cosplaying as Sandy Cheeks?” Peter managed to quip.

Mysterio huffed and slapped Spider-Man, “Your jokes will cease once your partner fails. Do not attempt to escape, for as long as I wear this helmet, you are powerless.”

Peter continued to struggled in his chair. He needed to find a way out. And if that couldn’t happen, he knew that Sunset would find her. It was time he put his faith in his partner more than ever. He wanted to get home to tell his friends and especially Aunt May that was everything was going to be alright.

“Where were you?!”

May Parker screamed this at Sunset, who knew that this was definitely not a good impression. The woman held the ripped piece of Peter’s costume. Sunset didn’t blame her for reacting like that. Ned and Trixie recoiled at May’s sudden raise of tone. “You were supposed to be watching Peter’s back and helping him! But instead you let him get kidnapped! What kind of partner are you supposed to be!” she cried out.

Leaning on a wall, May exhaled, “I knew I shouldn’t have let him keep being Spider-Man. I should’ve put my foot down. He keeps getting hurt and now he could die...”

“Peter’s gonna be fine, Mrs. Parker. We’ll find him.” Ned assured the woman.

Trixie rubbed her head, “I should’ve stayed to help. Maybe I could’ve helped him.”

“No, you could have gotten hurt. Or worse.” Sunset told Trixie. “This is all on me. Peter thought Mysterio was going to be an easy threat, but something clearly went wrong. I should’ve went with him anyway to fight even if it was his idea for me to stay back. I swore to be watch his back, and I failed. Now he’s suffering because of me. And I intend to fix that mistake no matter what.” she promised.

Ned said, “I’ll be with you every step of the way from here. I won’t be of much use on the frontlines anyway.”

“Count me in. Trixie couldn’t bear the thought of this being Peter’s fate.” Trixie decided.

May wiped her eyes, removing a few stray tears, “Just... find my nephew. Please, Sunset. All I want is to see him safe and sound here.”

Sunset looked at May sternly and said, “I promise he’ll be home before Monday, Mrs. Parker. There’s a lot of city to scour unfortunately, but I’m not resting until he’s saved and Mysterio is behind bars where he belongs.”

Much to Sunset’s surprise, May managed a smile, “Thank you.”

Ned cracked his knuckles, “I’ll set up the laptop and comms. The Search for Spider-Man begins now!”

And so the Solar Eclipse began her search for her partner and mentor. She had to stop any crime along the way of course, but those were handled instantly. The hero searched every rooftop, every building, as much of Canterlot City as she possibly could. Of course she had Ned, Trixie, and May guiding her along the way a she was still new in traversing like Peter was and normally she’d just follow him.

Unfortunately Saturday came and went and they found nothing. Sunset continued searching well into the night and into Sunday morning. Everyone told her to get some rest, but she denied. She made a promise to May and she was going to keep it, even if it wore her out.

“Come on, Sunset. You can’t keep going like this.” May told her.

“Not yet.” Sunset rejected again.

“Seriously, Shimmer. By the time you find him, you’ll be too exhausted to fight Mysterio.” Trixie warned.

Sunset was partially focused at the fact that Trixie was showing concern for Peter and even her. The two of them never really spoke, but Sunset always viewed Trixie as a narcassist. She realized that befriending Peter and Ned must’ve helped mellow her out after the Battle of the Bands. And even then she never took her for someone who wanted anyone else to be seriously harmed. The last time they hung out turned out alright she admitted, minus the part when Gargan showed up.

“I’ll be fine, Trixie. The good news is that there’s less city to cover. Mysterio will be stopped by the time school starts tomorrow.” Sunset said with a yawn.

“You’re about as stubborn as Parker.” Trixie muttered.

Sunset smirked, “Guess he’s an influence.”

Solar Eclipse followed the directions of her friends for the rest of the day. The only breaks they took were to eat. Even Sunset decided to buy a quick bite to eat. She rubbed her forehead and sighed. While everyone else was busy, she decided to focus her thoughts on where Mysterio could be hiding. She assumed that he’d be hiding in an abandoned warehouse, but even those turned out to be empty. It was though Mysterio was a ghost.

“Ugh...” Sunset groaned as she chewed on a sandwich, “Where the hell are they? No way Mysterio can turn invisible and vanish off the face of the Earth.”

Then Sunset heard a sound. It was as though someone was on the same rooftop as her. Paranoid, she turnd around and raised an arm, her palm glowing with her magic. “Easy. I’m not gonna hurt you.” said a deep voice. A voice that Sunset surprisingly recognized.

Standing behind her was a man clad in black and red armor, billy clubs strapped to his sides, and a cowl with devil horns on he top. The Solar Eclipse knew this man. She stood up and lowered her guard, able to trust the vigilante. “Daredevil?” she asked the older hero.

Daredevil lowered his own arms, focusing. “I thought you were familiar. You’re Spider-Man’s friend, aren’t you?”

“I am. What are you doing here?” The Eclipse wondered.

“I noticed you here. You seem to be stressed.” Daredevil told her.

Sunset raised a brow, “How can you tell?”

The Devil of Canterlot City folded his arms, “Let’s just say that you have your powers and I have mine and leave it at that. I’ve noticed that Spider-Man hasn’t been seen or heard from yesterday and today, which is unlike him. Does his absence relate to your current state of mind?”

With a sigh, Sunset said, “Yes. A crook named Mysterio detained him and now he’s defenseless. If I don’t hurry he’ll be killed by tomorrow morning.”

Daredevil nodded in understanding, “I see... If you want I can take some time to help search with you. The kid doesn’t deserve this kind of fate.”

“I appreciate the offer, Daredevil. But I’ve already searched the city and found nothing. I have no idea where he could be held prisoner at.” Solar Eclipse explained to Daredevil.

Dsredevil turned his head, “Have you really searched everywhere?”

Sunset tilted her head, “What do you mean? I just told you I checked every inch of Canterlot.”

“Sometimes you have to think outside the box. Mysterio’s location may not be noticable to the naked eye, but perhaps you can figure out through other means.” Daredevil explained.

A lightbulb went off in the Solar Eclipse’s head, “Oh! I see what you mean now. Hopefully Mysterio didn’t think ahead in this regard.” she put a finger to her ear to make a call, “Guy in the Chair. Are you uh... finished dinner?”

Ned replied, “Yeah, I am. Did you just call me Guy in the Chair? Finally!”

“I had to, Daredevil’s next to me and I don’t want to compromise any identities.” Sunset explained. Daredevil nodded in understanding, having his own identity and group of friends to protect.

“Whoa. Seriously?! That’s awesome! T-Tell him I’m a huge fan.” Ned exclaimed. Sunset lifted her gaze to the vigilante, but he smiled, as though he heard what Ned just said.

“Okay, he knows. Listen, Mysterio sent a message through Captain Wantanabe’s phone yesterday. That must mean he has some serious tech wherever he’s hiding. On top of that, Spider-Man’s lenses could very well still be active, meaning that it should be connected to a satellite by Stark or whatever. Do you think you can check to see if either Mysterio or Spidey left some sort of signal?” Sunset asked.

She heard typing on the keyboard and light humming. “Aha!” Ned cheered, “There’s a huge spike at Warehouse 13 at the pier. Spider-Man and Mysterio should be there.”

“Thanks, I’ll check it out.” Sunset said before hanging up.

“Warehouse 13?”

Sunset blinked, “How did you—“

Daredevil sighed, “Not important. But my offer still stands. I’ll help you find Spider-Man, this doesn’t look like something a rookie should handle alone.”

Sunset said, “You can lead me to the warehouse, but I think Mysterio wants to face me alone for making him look bad last time we met. I’d rather not risk Spider-Man’s life by bringing an ally in there with me.”

“That’s understandable.” Daredevil replied while turning around, “Follow me.”

The Solar Eclipse and Daredevil finally arrived at Warehouse 13. It was as empty and barren as Sunset remembered the last time she checked it. Curious, the two vigilantes kicked open the doors. Solar Eclipse followed her new ally and stopped when he did. He raised a hand, “I hear something. Groans... under this floor. There’s a secret room beneath us.”

It didn’t take long for the Solar Eclipse to figure out who those sounds belonged to. Wasting no time, she used her magic to move as many of the storage crates as she could in hopes of finding an entrance. She noticed something strange on the floor underneath one, a tile with scuff marks on it. She dropped the crates in a separate spot away from it and stepped her foot on it, causing the floor to lift and reveal a staircase. She inhaled and muttered nervously, “Here goes...” she faced Daredevil, “Thanks for your help again, Daredevil.”

Daredevil gave a thin smile, “You’re welcome. Remember, if you need help, find me. Same thing goes for Spider-Man. I’ve never had guidance so the least I can do is offer it to you since you’re still green.” he was not much for making allies

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Sunset said before walking down the stairs. Daredevil gave a nod of approval and left, going back to focusing on protecting the city while Mysterio was being dealt with.

The room was dark as expected, so the Solar Eclipse raised a hand and used her magic to create a glow bright enough for her to see. Besides the sound of her aura, it was awfully quiet too. She bit her lip nervously, wondering if Mysterio was waiting to strike at any moment. She heard gagging and ran. Sunset found herself in another room, one with a camera, a light and...

“Spider-Man!” Sunset called out.

She used her magic to remove the bindings on Peter’s arms and legs. “Heh. I knew you’d show up eventually... Ow, it even hurts to shake the numbness off my feet.”

“You’ll be back in shape in no time once I stop Mysterio.” Solar Eclipse told him.

Peter corrected her, “You mean when we stop Mysterio.”

Sunset retorted, “We? You’re barely able to stand. I’d rather you not put yourself in greater risk than you already are. This is something I have to handle myself.” Peter cringed in pain as Sunset wrapped an arm around him for support as he was that severely weakened.

Peter inhaled and relented, “Fine... That gas Mysterio used on me is gone, but it’s gonna take me a while to recover anyway... But just a warning, Eclipse. He has magic...”

“He does? How?!”

Every light in the room suddenly turned on and blinded the heroes. “A magician does not reveal their secrets, Solar Eclipse. It is about time you arrived, for your end is at hand!” the heroes gritted their teeth upon hearing the echoing voice, “You will pay for making a mockery of Mysterio in our last encounter!”

Appearing in a puff of smoke was Mysterio, who pushed open a door to a larger room. Spider-Man sat back down as Sunset chased after Mysterio, the door closing behind him. He screamed in pain as his Spider-Sense suddenly tingled, “Crap! Now you decide to react?” he told it off. “What is it now?”

Robots suddenly appeared out of some secret entrances in the walls, the same ones Mysterio had at the theater. Peter sighed while forcing himself to stand. “Wonderful. Guess I’m fighting after all...” he stumbled on his feet and held his side, “Eclipse better not take long, because I could use some help now...”

Author's Note:

Next Time: The Solar Eclipse confronts Mysterio in order to protect her friend. Meanwhile Spider-Man, despite being exhausted, is pitted against some of Tinkerer’s robots.