• Published 7th Jul 2017
  • 5,803 Views, 351 Comments

Spider-Man: Web of Magic - MetalJrock

Peter Parker must juggle being a normal teenager, Spider-Man, and a mentor when threats appear from the woodworks.

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Issue #7: Avengers Tower

Perched on a billboard was the Vulture, binoculars held in front of his helmet, seeing Avengers Tower across the street. "Empty. It's time to enact our heist." he ordered, seeing Shocker on his way to the door. With his arms out, he broke through and walked inside the empty building, destroying any camera to allow Toomes inside without a problem. Schultz aimed his gauntlets in any direction, assuring that access was easier to handle without Stark's security system.

'All clear, Toomes.' Shocker said.

The Vulture put his hands on his knees, "Finally." his wings were activated and he hovered, flying towards the tower.

However, behind him was a certain webslinger, his hoodie costume dirty and his mask still dusty. 'There he is. I got the element of surprise on him this time.' he noticed, swinging forward from a distance where Toomes didn't notice him.

Spider-Man aimed his webshooter, placing a line of webbing on Vukture's talons unknowingly to the villain. 'Let's hitch a ride.' he thought, holding on as tight as he could as Vulture continued flying without noticing his hated enemy,

Vulture ascended, bringing Peter up woth him, the spider holding back a gasp from the sudden movement. Spider-Man noticed Vulture flying over the enlarged 'A' of the building as he landed on the roof, where Spidey finally made his drop.

"Sorry, I thought that was the flight to Jersey." quipped Peter, finally revealing himself.

Upon hearing the youthful voice, Vulture turned around, annoyed that Spider-Man had found him, "You... I thought I rid of you for good." he announced.

Spider-Man jumped forward and drove his fist right into Toomes' helmet, denting it slightly, "I don't give up easily, Toomes!" he shouted, performing a handstand and kicking back the older man, seeing him flinch slightly as a result.

Vulture put a hand to his ear, "Schultz. Take what you have and leave. It seems we have an interloper."

'What about you?'

Toomes slapped Peter back with his metal wing, launching him across the rooftop. "I'll finish him for good. The Big Man needs that equipment supply!" he demanded. "He will be too focused on me to pay you any mind."


Spider-Man webbed himself upwards and somersaulted back on his feet swiftly. "Gotta do better than that, Vulty!" he boasted, aiming a line of webbing forward and slinging himself ahead, ready to attack Toomes once again.

As he did this, however, Vulture activated his wings again and took flight, intending to take down Spider-Man from the sky. Peter noticed this and aimed a webline upward to Toomes' talons, shooting himself into the air as well. Peter was performing a backflip, his feet connecting with Vulture's chin. But as he turned upright, his leg was grabbed by Vulture and he was slammed onto the roof, the force of his body falling creating small cracks on the surface.

"Ow..." groaned Peter, holding his chest then back as he sat upright, his body now sore again.

The bird-themed villain used his metal blade wings in order to hold down Peter's shoulders, the blades driving themselves into the vloth, pinning the wall-crawler down on the ground from the force of their movement. "Stay down, Spider. If you know what's good for you." he warned, seeing Peter barely able to move.

As Vulture was about to enter the tower, Spider-Man turned his head and yanked the blade off his hoodie, feeling lucky that they didn't stab right through his shoulders. He gripped the projectile tightly and then threw it forward, driving it directly towards Vulture's wings, jamming one of the jet thrusters. Toomes noticed this and immediately glared, "What... Did you do?!" he shouted.

Spider-Man grabbed the other blade and threw it at Vulture, the villain catching this one and reapplying it directly into the harness where it came from. He noticed his left wing acting more jittery than usual as Peter spoke. "Tampered with one of your little jet thrusters. You're not gonna be flying straight for a while."

Adrian cracked his knuckles, "You... brat..." he growled.

"Aw, what's wrong? All out of clever insults, you buzzard?" Peter teased, leaping above Vulture's wings. "Face it, Toomes! It's over! You forgot your weapons, you destroyed your base, I'm here to stop you, and one of your precious wings is broken. And you're all alone! I have to say the odds are against you!" Peter announced.

Vulture removed his helmet and threw it on the ground, "Do not... Call me... A buzzard!" he screamed, intending to attack Peter, he moved humself forward enough to tackle Spider-Man and pin him back down. His Spider-Sense triggered, but the speed of the remaining thruster was too fast to react appropriately.

Peter grunted and kicked both of his legs upward, knocking Vulture right off of him, his wings covering his small descent as he landed hard on his back, sparks flying off the metal as a result. "Dumbass kid..." Vulture hissed to himself, noticing Peter getting back up.

Using what resources he had left, Vulture ascended again, and used his talons to grab Peter, taking to the skies. "Oh, your element, huh, Vulty? Trying to even the playing field..." muttered Spidey. "Well, guess what?" he aimed a hand upward and shot a thin webball, hitting the broken jet thruster, much to Vulture's surprise.

"You fool! You'll kill us both from this height!" Toomes shouted, his voice barely heard through the clouds.

Peter smirked under his mask, "I'm not that stupid."

As Vulture's flight course became a lot more shakey, he decided to not risk anything and descend. As they neared Avengers Tower again, Peter shot a webline back onto the building, slinging them back to where they first started, their bodies tumbling. Toomes was the first to stand up, and was about to throw his foot down, but Peter backflipped, avoiding the stomp. "Ooh! Missed, Toomes! You must be getting slow in your old age!" he quipped, jumping back onto his feet.

"You won't be laughing once I destroy everything you hold dear, like Osborn did with me!" Vulture declared loudly, getting desperate as he was running out of options. He lunged after Parker, unable to respond as the wallcrawler dished out a kick to knock him back.

Spider-Man watched as Vulture staggered back, "See? That's where you made a mistake. You threatened my friends, my family. I don't take that stuff lightly!" he revealed, webbing up Toomes' fists before sliding underneath his legs, tripping him in the process. "And I'm still really sore, so I want to end this soon."

Vulture hissed in pain, his face colliding with the roof. "Damn it!" he punched the ground and activated his metal feathers, using them to distract Spider-Man.

"What the--?" he dodged each one with ease, but was too distracted and unfocused to notice Vulture coming towards him and kicking him, the blades reaching back into the harness. He punched Peter's chest as he was knocked down and stomped on it, causing him to lose breath as Vulture let out all his rage. Again. Again. And Again.

Peter struggled unable to move as Toomes smacked him with his wings, his face possibly cut now. He panted and felt Toomes grip his mask, removing it once again, revealing his bruised face, drops of blood dripped from a recent cut. "There. I wanna see the look on your face once the time comes." Toomes purred.

He removed his metal talons from Peter's chest and used his wings to hold his body up by the hood. Toomes smirked as he saw Parker's saddened, worn out face. "It's over, kid. We got what we came for, and now you'll have to watch as everything you've loved falls apart." he insulted.

However, Peter opened his eyes upon smelling smoke. His Spider-Sense went off again and noticed the smoke coming off of Vulture's harness, emitting into a small flame. "Oh crap..." he muttered, realizing they both could die as the jets and gas would emit a bigger explosion than expected. The jammed blade in the thruster was what was causing the growing flame, the kid noticed.

Without any hesitation, he webbed Toomes' mouth, kicked himself off of his blades, tearing his costume again and he flipped over his back. He shouted, "T-Toomes...! Y-Your harness!" he shouted, noticing the flame getting bigger. He tried to yank it off, but his arms were too tired to even budge it. He grunted, pulling back as hard as he could to no avail, and he sighed, his body aching beyond belief.

Realizing that the kid was right, Toomes activated his wings and took to the skies high enough to the clouds, with Peter still holding onto him. The two were sent upward before Toomes ejected himself from the harness. Peter nearly blacked out the higher he got and his eyes closed. But he took one look at Toomes' falling form, 'So... tired... Weak...' he thought, barely able to move as he too fell.

'N-N-No...' groaned Peter, realizing that Toomes wouldn't survive, 'I-I'm not letting him die. When I'm around... no one dies. I can't let Uncle Ben down!' he declared in his head, forcing his body down as fast as he could, trying to catch up with Adrian. At last, he caught Toomes' unconscious body and wrapped an arm around his back. 'Okay... Okay... I got him... I have to aim this just right...'

Seeing the tower come closer, Spidey finally shot a webline to its side, halting his momentum as he swung himself and Toomes upward landing back onto the rooftop safely. He dropped the criminal's body and looked to the sky, seeing an explosion. Noticing that it was over, he kneeled, a smile forming on his face.

"H-Huh...?" he heard a groan, noticing Toomes wake up. "The hell...? You saved me...?"

Peter slowly nodded, "Yeah... I-I did... No matter what... I'm nit letting anyone die on my watch... not even a scumbag like you, Toomes." announced the wallcrawler.

Toomes gave Peter a thin smirk, "Heh. Not bad... I owe you one..." he muttered, collapsing when Peter punched him in the face, knocking him unconscious for good. He then used the remaining webfluid he had to tie Toomes up.

"You better..." moaned Peter as he placed his mask back on his head and raised his hood, his body dropping as well, his chest heaving from exhaustion.

A moment later, Spider-Man heard metal clanging and sat up. Standing across from him was a red and gold suit of armor, holding a briefcase in his hand. A figure that he looked up to, "M-Mister Stark?" he asked through a gasp.

Iron Man looked around, "Uh, hey, kid. I see you've been rather busy here."

"Y-Yeah, I have. This guy was selling crazy Avengers weapons on the black market and I had to stop him and I... think I did. Why are you here though?" Peter asked.

Iron Man raised his faceplate, revealing the face of Tony Stark, "My systems detected a break-in to the tower and came here as soon as I could, but I see you have everything taken care of..." a scowl formed on his face, "Even though it was entirely reckless to handle this situation by yourself. You could have gotten yourself killed, you know." he scolded the wallcrawler.

Peter sighed in disappointment, "I'm sorry, Mister Stark. But they were handing these weapons around and giving them to common criminals! If you weren't around, then who was going to stop them?!" he was nearly shouting, "I was the only one with the knowledge about this scheme! You weren't around, Happy took forever to get to you, the Avengers are fractured, and I don't know if others like Daredevil or Luke Cage are even aware of this market that's been starting!"

Spider-Man continued, "Toomes was ready to kill Norman Osborn, they were robbing banks..." Peter continued, seeing Tony's stoic expression, "I told you when we met, I'm looking out for the little guy. I wasn't going to stand back while knowing this was happening." he inhaled, "I had to do something, otherwise someone may have had to lose someone like I did Uncle Ben because of my inaction."

"I'm sorry... But it's my responsibility to help anyone and stop the bad guys from hurting those who don't deserve it... Even if you don't agree to how I go against your orders."

Tony's eyes narrowed as he pondered the kid's words, "You know what? You're right. I told you to be a Friendly-Neighborhood Spider-Man." he realized, "I... guess I didn't realize that the neighborhood was changing. And you did handle the situation without putting anyone in risk." he noticed, looking around. He chuckled, "Though I'll have to charge you for the stuff that was already taken."

"Yeah... The other guy got away. But I planted a tracker on him when we last met and I intend to figure out where he's heading." Peter apologizd again, "But I found the main dealer, Adrian Toomes."

Tony smiled, "Not bad, kid. You got guts.." he patted Peter on the shoulder, earning a smile from the teen hero. "I see I made the right decision to give your suit a few minor modifications when I repaired it into shape."

"Y-You did?"

Stark nodded, "Yeah, I did. But that's up to you to find out. Now get some rest. I'll take it from here." he ordered. "Just know that I'll be checking in on you every now and then. Happy has been keeping me updated." he said.

Spider-Man nodded, holding the briefcase as he readied to head home after a brutal night. He knew that although Vulture was taken care of, he had Shocker and the Big Man to worry about. And with Iron Man's approval, he was more than willing to solve it.

But first, he had a concerned aunt to talk with.

Author's Note:

And so ends the Vulture arc, next chapter's the epilogue and then the next arc will commence right after.

Expect a flashback interlude after Issue #13; but I'm still wondering which to do: this universe's Airport Battle or Peter and Twilight's first encounter?