• Published 7th Jul 2017
  • 5,805 Views, 351 Comments

Spider-Man: Web of Magic - MetalJrock

Peter Parker must juggle being a normal teenager, Spider-Man, and a mentor when threats appear from the woodworks.

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Issue #13: Green is the Goblin

'This wasn't how I thought the night was gonna go.'

Spider-Man jumped out of the broken window, shooting a strand of webbing to a building, beginning his swinging to give chase. The culprit in question was someone standing on a flying glider moving at a surprising speed. The person wore a purple tunic, and looked to be a green troll, his face curving with an unnerving grin that sent shudders down Peter's spine.

The figure laughed maniacally, his voice echoing across the skyline, Peter getting closer to him. 'Yep. I'm chasing some kind of Emerald Elf across the city after a supposed calm night. I hope Twilight, Harry and Sunset aren't worried about my disappearance. And I pray that Twilight can keep Sunset from jumping in. After the Kingpin fiasco, I do not want anyone by my side yet. Not until I figure things out.'

'In the meantime, I gotta catch this Goblin guy before he wreaks anymore havok.'


After another long day, Peter Parker finally returned to his apartment, where his aunt waited after her own day, "Hi, May." he dropped his schoolbag on the floor.

"Peter? I thought you'd be out... You know." May commented.

The boy waved a hand, "I will, I know how you worry sometimes, so I thought I'd stop by first. School was pretty 'eh' as usual, and Ned and Trixie probably won't be here for a while. They got some things to worry about on their own."

May nodded, "Alright. Just so you know, there's a small charity ball hosted by FEAST tomorrow which I took part in organizing including food. I can probably get you a ticket for yourself and maybe someone else if I'm able to."

"No thanks, May. You know I'm not into that formal stuff."

His aunt smirked, "Yes, I'm well aware you still wear underoos in daylight." she said playfully. "At least you wear a mask."

"May..." huffed Peter. 'If I go, I can probably keep tabs on Tombstone and Fisk if they're there. See if I can learn a thing or two about them and their organizations. Plus, May and I haven't done anything together in a while. I can't believe I might be agreeing to this...'

"Oh, I'm just teasing Peter. Are you sure you don't want to come? Not even someone special you'd be willing to take? I thought'd be a nice way to take a small break from being the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. I know we both could relieve some stress that comes with it." May asked, Peter's face turning slightly red at the thought.

"...No. No one. I swear. I'll probably go alone if you want me to though." Peter dismissed. "I, uh, gotta go Spider-Manning now. I'll be back! Love you!" he ran into his room to change, leaving the woman to shake her head.

"Peter, you never were a good liar."

"You really gotta stop being late for school."

Peter slammed his head on the cafeteria table, a thud heard, after hearing Ned's words. "Ugh. I know. But some crooks were holding up a bank and I couldn't just ignore it. I'm lucky that Mrs Harshwinny is willing to give me one more chance though." he rubbed his forehead, "Ow, man, why did I do that?" he asked himself.

"Cause you didn't think." Trixie commented. "Being Spider-Man is going to be the end of you."

Peter blinked, "Tell me something I don't know. Being a solo act can be tough sometimes. At least I can take a small break at the FEAST thing tonight. See the city be helped another way. Maybe see how Tombstone or Fisk get the public's high opinion of them if they come, which they probably would for publicity."

"You better hope nothing happens." Trixie said. "Cause trouble seems to follow you."

"...You just jinxed it." Ned moaned, "That's the last thing you want to say. Cause now something is gonna happen."

"Seriously, Trixie." Peter grunted.

"It's true, though." Trixie said.

Ned wagged a finger, "The universe works in mysterious ways, Trixie. The jinx is a curse, especially when grouped with the fabled Parker Luck." he revealed.

The girl rolled her eyes, "Idiots. Just don't make a fool of yourself there, Parker."

"Aye aye, captain." Peter fake saluted, "I'm probably gonna hate wearing a suit though."

"Yo, Sunset. You still with us?" Rainbow Dash asked, waving a hand in front of her friend. A few days have passed since Sunset encountered the Kingpin with Spider-Man, Daredevil, and Punisher and was deep in thought about a few details and her potential with an alterego as a protector of the city.

"Huh? Yeah. I am." Sunset snapped back to reality, her mind still thinking about something. She just now remembered she was in the cafeteria with her friends.

Applejack tilted her head, "Ya sure about that? Cause it seems yer losing track'a somethin'. Is it to do with the whole standin' by with Spider-Man thing ya stupidly did?"

Sunset crossed her arms, "I told you girls, I wanted to do something with this magic. To help this city. I brought Equestrian magic here in the first place, the least I could do is use it for something good outside of this school."

"Nobody is asking you for repentance on that scale, Sunset." Rarity reminded her, "You've done your fair share of good and proved you moved on from your past."

"But seriously, Equestria Girl?" Rainbow brought up. "That's the best you got for a superhero name?"

"I-It was a spur of the moment thing. A work in progress." Sunset blurted out.

"Why not something cool, like the Sun Mage? Or Solar Eclipse?" Rainbow added, "If you're gonna be a superhero, might as well have a cool name to go with your identity."

"I don't think we should be on board with this idea, R-Rainbow." Twilight interjected.

"It was just a field test, Twilight," Sunset assured with a soft smile, "I won't be going out there on my own yet." she said. 'Now back to figuring this mystery out... Who the heck is Spider-Man? And how did he know me?' she wondered in her head. 'And was Peter really at his Stark Internship after such a dire incident?'

"Well, will you at least be up for something else tomorrow to help the city? Something less... violent?" Twilight offered, "My parents take part in this... charity, FEAST, you could donate or come to this little thing they're having. The money for tickets go to the poor, and my parents gave me an extra one since Shining Armor isn't able to make it. Maybe that'll change your mind over the superhero thing?"

Sunset tapped her chin, not wanting her friend to worry, wondering if maybe she was right, "...Alright, Twilight. I'll see if this'll change my mind. Maybe you're right."

"...Yep, I hate wearing a suit." Peter mumbled, looking at his reflection, adjusting his collar, 'Doesn't help I'm wearing my costume underneath this. I feel too stiff, like I can barely move my arms.' he thought, turning around.

"Well, don't you look handsome." May teased.

Peter sighed, "Come on, May. Can't I just go casual?"

The woman shook her head, "No can do, Peter. This is a formal event. That means suit wearing even though I know you don't like it. Just this once?"

"...Only for you, May." Peter replied, "Come on, we gotta let the star of the ball get there."

"Oh hush, you." May laughed. "I know Ben would've loved to see you like this."

"He'd probably laugh at how much of a penguin I look. I know he's watching though, and I hope he's happy." Peter replied.

"I'm sure he is. Now come on, the cab should be here soon."

Nephew and aunt stepped out of the elevator in the building, they wandered into a nice big room, decorated but not too much,just enough to set the mood though. People stood around, idly conversing with each other, 'Man, this is pretty formal. Orchestra music, tables with napkins over each plate. Makes me wonder how May got us in here... Maybe I should get a job or something to help her one day.'

"So, uh, Aunt May... Is there anybody here you'd recognize? Cause as of now I'm just trying to follow your lead." Peter admitted. 'Seriously, I hope at least Harry made it. I know May will have a good time at least.' he mused.

May pursed her lips, "Actually, I'm not sure. Maybe we'll run into someone here." as she said this, Peter's eyes wandered around, before something caught his eye.

Standing across the hall was a purple-skinned girl he seemed to recognize. Except, just like him, she was dressed for the occassion. She wore a nice purple dress, heels, and her hair was kept in a ponytail, glasses propped over eyes still. The sight making Peter's heart nearly melt. Next to her was a fair-skinned girl with fiery hair also kept in a ponytail, wearing a green dress. 'Sunset and Twilight are here?! Oh man, I'm gonna look like a fool like Trixie said. Hopefully, Sunset hadn't put two and two together about my secret identity... and hopefully my brain doesn't go stupid.'

"What are you looking at Peter?" asked May, snapping the boy out of his train of thoughts, noticing her nephew's flushed face, "Oh, Mrs Velvet and Mr Light are here as well. That must be their daughter and one of her friends."

"Who?" Peter asked.

"They're over there." May pointed, "Come on, it'd be rude for me not to introduce you."

"R-Right..." Peter sheepishly smiled, following his aunt, hoping that what he was doing wasn't a mistake. "Like I said, I'm following your lead, May." he added. 'May knows Twilight's parents?! God, I really wish I wasn't jinxed.'

"Mr Light, Mrs Velvet." called out May, hoping to get their attention. Luckily she did, with Peter still walking behind her.

"Oh, Mrs Parker." Velvet said. "I didn't think we'd see you here. And who might this fine gentleman be."

May gestured to the boy, "My nephew, Peter."

Peter awkwardly waved, "Uh, hi?"

"May told us about you, Peter. Hopefully, you're doing good right?" Mr. Light said.

"Um, yeah, I am. Don'f worry." Peter said.

"Peter?" called out Twilight.

The boy's grew to saucers and he spoke back to the one that said his name, "Hey, um, uh, Twilight. Sunset. Funny seeing you two here, huh?" he asked, trying to break the ice. "You both look nice, by the way." he complimented.

"T-Thanks, you too." Twilight replied, "But what are you doing here?"

Peter shrugged, "My aunt is a part of the organization and bought an extra ticket so I can come. What brings the two of you here?"

"My parents are also a part of FEAST. I usually come along to help with organizing." Twilight revealed.

Sunset said, "I came to keep company since her brother couldn't make it this time."

"Well judging by how my aunt and Twilight's parents are chatting, they seem to get along fine." Peter replied, "Hey, at least there are some familiar faces here."

Twilight chuckled, "That is true... So, how has the Stark Internship been?"

Peter blinked, "Good. Really good actually. I'm learning a thing or two from Happy and Mr Stark. Taught me the ropes while still letting me stand on my own ground. Anyway, how about you two? I'm sure the magic thing is still going on."

Sunset sighed, "You have no idea. At least it's been lightening up at the school. Did you hear about that strange sorceror that showed up in Hong Kong? Maybe he could teach or help us with a thing or two about this magic business." she suggested.

"I doubt he's easy to reach Sunset." Twilight corrected.

"I'm sure you two and the others have it covered. Nothing's really escalated in a long time." Peter assured. "At least you got Twi here, she seems more well-versed in magic than I ever thought."

Twilight smiled, "Thanks. But it was you who figured out that it was a simple chain reaction from the portal that could've solved it."

Parker raised his hands, "Ah, but it was your research that helped me. There's no way I could've deciphered a pattern with the magic phenomenon and how to trace it properly to create a comprehendable equation. That was pretty genius." he complimented. He failed to notice the girl's cheeks becoming a slight shade of red.

"It's just hard sometimes, you know?" Sunset asked. "Having to deal with school and magic?"

"...You have no idea." Peter exhaled quietly. "At least you guys have the night. It's a good reminder to show that there are heroes not in costumes." he pointed out, sharing a quick glance with Sunset, hoping she got the message.

The fiery-haired girl blinked, "Is this about last week? Ugh, both you and Twilight."

"It was crazy to do, Sunset. Leave the vigilante stuff to Spidey." Peter lightly scolded.

"And where were you?" Sunset asked, "You just vanished when things got dangerous too."

Peter inhaled and stumbled, "I-I was at the Stark Internship."

Twilight put a hand on her friend's shoulder, "Sunset, Peter, please. Not now."

"Fine..." Peter agreed, rubbing his forehead, "Look, I'm sorry I vanished like that without warning. I'm still getting used to it, what with juggling my resonsibilities and sometimes it pops up when it's really inconvenient, and I have my moments where I don't think of stuff like this." he admitted, 'That isn't too far from the truth. I really don't want these two figuring things out.' he cleared his throat, "Trust me, I'll do my my best to clear things up if we ever hang out again and something pops up."

Sunset pursed her lips then gave him a soft smile, "Apology accepted. And next time, I guess I'll be careful of how I handle using my magic. Deal?"


As Peter and Sunset gave each other a friendly nod, the boy looked to Twilight, who quietly mouthed, "Thank you."

Parker gave his crush a sheepish smile, a little proud. But the sound of another voice caught his attention. Looking around, he saw Harry Osborn walking by, "Looks like you're still making friends, huh Peter?" he asked, giving his old friend a handshake.

"Hey, Harry. I didn't think you'd make it." Peter greeted.

Harry shrugged, "My dad said something about publicity being good for the Osborn name, and had me come along. I know your aunt does some charity works here. At least I recognize someone here." he chuckled, patting Peter's friends.

Twilight and Sunset's jaws were agape, "You're friends with Harry Osborn?" said the former.

Peter smiled, "I could also ask how you're friends with Sunset."

"Oh, hey, girls. You didn't know?" Harry wondered, "Yeah, don't let the money and name fool you. I don't want any of that exposure. Peter, Ned, and I always used to hang out and my dad is okay with them too, which is surprising."

"Speaking of, where is your dad?" Peter asked.

"He's at a meeting back at Oscorp..But an associate is here. Mr. Lincoln." Harry pointed to a very familiar pale-skinned man in a suit. Seeing him made Peter's skin crawl.

"Uh, Peter...?" Twilight asked worriedly, "Are you alright?"

The wall-crawler blinked, "H-Huh?" he blurted out, seeing Twilight's concerned face, 'Great, my Spider-Man business is blending in now. Don't I feel like an idiot?' he thought as his face flushed, "Yep, never better, Twi. Just emptying my mind is all. Thinking about the science project we have coming up for Mr. Slott. So, what do you have in mind, girls?" he changed the subject in hopes it'd work.

"Oh, that? I was planning on doing a model on the process of photosynthesis." Twilight answered.

"Haven't decided yet. What about you?" Sunset Shimmer asked.

Peter reached for a cup, "Me? Eh, probably something to do with radiation, like gamma radiation."

"May I recommend Dr. Banner's published research on gamma radiation? It's quite fascinating how far it's gotten." Twilight suggested.

"Yeah, I can do that. His studies on radiation are quite intruging from what I hear. Hopefully it ends up good." Parker put his hands in his pockets.

Harry smirked, a thought dawning on him, "Yo, Pete. Can I talk to you about something?"

"Um, sure." Peter was then dragged by his arm, leaving Twilight and Sunset to discuss something else, and the latter gave a devious smirk of her own.

"Tell him."

"W-What?" stammered Twilight, reaching for her cup and nearly spilling it as a result.

Sunset shrugged, "Come on, Twi. Ask him out or something, it wouldn't hurt to try. This is your chance."

Twilight gulped, "I-I can't Sunset. Something like this requires time to process, to figure out. I can't just ask him like that. I don't even know if he likes me. What if I embarass myself and he rejects me?"

In an attempt to ease her friend, Sunset said, "Twilight. This isn't something that can be easily solved with research or science. You just have to trust me." she gripped Twilight's shoulders. 'I may have a hunch the feeling's mutual. I doubt he noticed I saw his thousand yard stare when he saw her. Heh. Best let her figure that part on her own though.' she thought.


"No buts, miss. You're gonna do something about this crush of yours." Sunset teased in a playful manner. "At least try. I doubt he'll reject you anyway."

"Hey, Peter. That's Twilight and Sunset right? When did you become friends with them?" Harry asked.

"Recently. It's kind of a long story." Peter admitted.

Harry put a finger on his chin, "I seem to recall Ned accidentally spilling some information when you were chasing after the Vulture to find my dad."

Peter mumbled, "...And that would be?"

"Isn't Twilight the girl you have a crush on?"

"Harry!" seethed Parker through gritted teeth.

Harry laughed, "So it's true. I didn't think Peter Parker could ever fall for someone." said teen crossed his arms, to which Osborn responded, "I'm just kidding around, Peter. The two of you seem to hit it off just fine. Why not ask her out?"

"You kidding? I can't do that! Have you seen me, Harry? I have no charisma!" retaliated Peter. "It wouldn't last."

"You're being too hard on yourself, Peter. You got friends, and a job with Tony Stark. You made it pretty far in life." Harry complimented. "Trust me, I wouldn't say this if I didn't mean it, dude. You're a cool guy, and I'm sure she knows that."

Peter frowned and breathed in sharply, "Maybe you're right, Harry. I just need time to--" he paused, feeling his Spider-Sense go off, his eyes wandered, spotting something coming towards the window they were standing by. "Look out!" he tackled Harry put of the way of something passing through the window.


Shards of glass went flying as screeches of terror were heard. Laughter echoed through the room. Peter sat up as did Harry. May and Tombstone and everyone else attending looked at the strangely-dressed man on what looked to be a glider, "Aw, am I late to the party?" he asked, his voice screechy yet deep.

Twilight and Sunset took a step back, looking at the former's parents and May worriedly. Tombstone asked, "Who the hell are you to crash in here?"

"Aw, my apologies for being so rude! I... Am the Green Goblin! And I'm hear to have a little fun with you Mr Lincoln!" introduced the Green Goblin.

Lincoln gritted his teeth, "Everybody out. I shall attend to our unattended guest!"

Everybody did as they were told and ran for the staircase. Peter and Harry ran to May, her nephew following the woman's lead. "Harry go. I'll be staying with my aunt as we leave. Just get back home." Peter said.

"What about you?"

"We'll be fine. Just get to safety." May ordered. "If you run into Twilight and Sunset or Twilight's parents and they ask, tell them the two of us are fine and that we're a little farther behind. We want everyone to evacuate first. I don't want anything to happen to you either. And tell them to go home."

Harry frowned, "Okay... Just call when you get to safety."

"You got it buddy." Peter insisted. He gently pushed his aunt near the door once Harry was gone, "Now go, Aunt May. Please."

His aunt gulped, "This isn't what I had in mind for tonight."

Peter sighed, "I know, and thank you for it. But I just can't sit by while this creep is here. Maybe my alterego can help stall time for everyone to escape. Trust me, May. I got this." the two hugged before May left for the emergency exit, leaving Peter on his own to become his vigilante identity.

"Well, well, Tomby, it seems this little party ended a little early!" Green Goblin mocked.

"Only because you ruined the night." Lincoln scolded, "What do you want with me?"

Goblin folded his hands, "Oh, quite simple. Your criminal empire. Your little weapons trade. I do know about it after all. Perhaps destroying is you is the key to getting all that." he gestured a little fingergun motion towards the Big Man.

A strand of gossamer stuck itself to the tip of Green Goblin's pointed finger. "Trust me, I want Tombstone taken down as much as the next guy, but I don't condone murder!" shouted Spider-Man, "So, I'm gonna have to put a little stop to this violent circus act."

"Ah, the little spider has crawled into my web. Now that is quite surprising." Goblin laughed, "Now do leave me be. This quarrel does not concern you."

"Oh it does. You attacked a harmless charity event. It puts you on a greater scale than Captain Planet villains!" Spider-Man quipped, swinging so that he could kick Green Goblin. But the Goblin pointed a finger, shooting Spider-Man with a finger beam, the laser striking the wall-crawler's chest. The teen fell onto a table, causing to crumble beneath him. "Ow... What is this? A censored dub of Yu-Gi-Oh? You got fingerguns."

Green Goblin smiled, "Quite marvelous isn't it? But that's not all I have!" he held something round and orange in his hands and pressed his thumb down on it, "Taste pumpkin pie, Spider-Man!"

Seeing the bomb being dropped, Spider-Man kicked his legs up and swiftly shot a web-line to the bomb, "If you wanted to bring food, you should've joined the party like a normal man!" he shouted, tossing the bomb out the window, where it exploded in a mass of green smoke, another screech heard as it went off. He faced Tombstone, "So, what's the deal? Are you on my side?"

"I don't want innocents getting hurt. It's bad for business." Tombstone answered.

Peter shook his head, "Right. Money tycoon. At least you have some dignity."

Green Goblin lowered his glider, it revealing a crowbar from the front. Peter shoved Tombstone aside and backflipped, the glider getting stuck to the ground. "Ya missed, Gobby!" Spider-Man shouted, he kicked the troll-like man off his glider, knocking him on his back. Spider-Man reared his fist back as he was ready for another attack, however Goblin shot another finger laser, tossing Spidey up in the air and stunning him. Goblin then took the time to lift his glider and stand on it. "Ow... Come on, Greenie. What's the deal?"

"Power, Spider-Man. I don't have a reason other than it's fun!"

Spider-Man shot a ball of webbing in Green Goblin's direction, however, he shot another laser, and he dodged it, the webbing hitting Green Goblin's eyes, causing him to yank on it. To distract his opponent, he reached for another bomb, "Annoying spider..." he grunted, tossing it down. Spidey ran on a table to dodge the bomb, running his feet all over the food.

'Ugh. I'm so sorry people for ruining your food. My costume's gonna smell again.' Peter groaned in his head. The bomb exploded, the force pushing Tombstone through a wall in a futile attempt to dodge it. "Okay, as satisfying as that is, I'm still taking you down." he admitted.

"I'd like to see you try, Spider-Man!" Green Goblin taunted, flying outside the window to make an escape. "It's a shame your arrival had to cut this meeting so short!"

Spider-Man leaped out the window Goblin broke through, "Oh no you don't! We still need to have a tea and biscuits!" he yelled, swinging after the Green Goblin. 'This isn't how I thought the night was gonna go.' he thought. "Hey, Goblin! You forgot to leave a business card! Do you mind if I get one?"

"Aw, you want to be a repeating customer? Then step right up!" Green Goblin laughed, noticing Spidey attach some webbing to the back of his glider. Peter was being dragged behind, holding on for dear life on the Goblin's hovercraft.

Peter held tighter as Goblin swerved upwards, "Holy crap!"

Green Goblin turned his head, "Enjoying the ride? Well, buckle up! Ahahahaha!" he laughed again.

"There's no seatbelts on this thing!" shouted Spider-Man, noticing the glider reaching upwards as a wall came towards him. Unfortunately, Peter couldn't react in time and crashed right through the glass windows and landed on the office floor. Bystanders watched as the wall-crawler got back to his feet, "Sorry about the damages." he apologized, giving chase to the Goblin once again as he charged out the other side, catching up to the glider.

Using his web-shooters, Spider-Man continued his chase after Green Goblin, "I can give you a chance, Spider-Man. Let me the end the Big Man. Your war can finally end."

"Yeah, right. And let another begin? Over my dead body."

Green Goblin chuckled, "That can be arranged." he pointed at Spider-Man, but before he could shoot it, Peter zipped forward and held Goblin by his collar, "Ooh. Getting a little up close and personal hm?" he questioned. Peter punched him in the face, only to get met with a powerful right hook, throwing Spider-Man aside.

"Got a mean right hook." Peter moaned, dodging the pumpkin bombs getting tossed by Goblin, using his weblines to throw them back in midair as he stuck to the wall to avoid any collateral damage, allowing them to explode. Once the green smoke faded, he dodged another finger blast from Green Goblin. "Really? Seriously, what the heck are you using?" he wondered.

"Ah ah ah. That'll spoil the surprise!" Goblin laughed.

Spider-Man was ready to kick Goblin with a full swing, but the Green Goblin was ready for it and shot some lasers in his direction, sending more volts within the wall-crawler's body, temporarily paralyzing him before he regained his senses, "Isn't that shocking?!" Goblin quipped, flying around to tackle Spider-Man. Peter swerved his body in midair, dodging the attack.

Green Goblin turned around to face him and noticed a building coming towards him, he backflipped as high as possible, the glider driving itself into the building, where he landed on it once it exited. Peter was at a loss of words at the stunt, "Wow... Just wow." nontheless he jumped forward and shouted, "Not bad, stuntwork, Gobby. Such a shame we gotta end the dance!"

He jumped into from his swing and kicked Goblin down, using a webline to catch Green Goblin, "What?!" he shouted, noticing that Spider-Man caught him and slamed him onto a wall, the same one he was standing on, where his body was stuck. Wanting to end this, Spider-Man webbed up the Green Goblin's body, where it hung off of a roof, "There you go. Now we wait for the authorities."


Peter crouched from his spot, "What's so funny? I won."

Green Goblin's smile never faltered, "Oh, it's not that. It's just I left a little surprise back at the ball! A little pumpkin strong enough to paint the whole block red! It will go off by 11:00! What're you going to do, hero?"

Peter's eyes widened, and without a moment to hesitate, went back to the building.

Spider-Man jumped back into the building, seeing Tombstone trying to clean up, "Anyone else in this building has to go!" he shouted, "Wait, why are you still here?"

"I'm a man of honor, Spider-Man. Goblin came because of me. It is only fair I assist in cleaning." Tombstone said.

"...Anyway, Gobby said he left a little surprise of the kaboom kind. We gotta find it or the whole block is gonna be a little less crowded. Even though I hate the idea of working with you, at least help me with this." Spider-Man said. Acknowledging the stakes, Lincoln nodded and decided to aid Spidey just this once, telling everyone still sinde to leave as soon as possible.

The two turned every table, checked the chandelier, and every crack and crevice they could reach. However, they found nothing. Spider-Man looked at a clock, "Oh no! 10:59! Where the hell... Is it?!" he shouted, punching a wall out of frustration, 'Come on... Come on! It has to be here somewhere! Oh man! No!'

Then, the clock struck eleven... And nothing happened. "...Huh?" Spider-Man said, "Where's the kaboom? There's um, supposed to be a building-shattering kaboom."

Tombstone scowled, "If I didn't know any better, I say the Goblin was bluffing. Used it as a way to escape. You better go chase him hero. For your sake."

'Yep. That's exactly what happened.'

Spider-Man returned where he tied up the Green Goblin, instead finding tattered webbing. 'He left no clues of his whereabouts. He's a literal John Doe. I know nothing about him.' he grunted, sitting on the edge of the roof and removing his mask. 'Great. Just when I thought I was getting better, I let this guy gets away. He tricked me. I won't make that mistake again.' he clenched a fist.

'And something tells me this won't be the last time we meet.'

Peter sighed, reaching for his phone, "Guess I better tell May what happened and Harry I'm safe."

"Please don't do this, Sunset." Twilight pleaded. She and Sunset stood outside the building in a crowd, seeing Spider-Man chase the Green Goblin before leaving once they saw the situation was handled and the authorities arrived. They knew the others safe according to Harry, but they were escorted from the scene before they could get some definite answers and were waiting right outside Sunset's house to drop her off, where they had one important debate.

Sunset crossed her arms, "I'm sorry, Twilight. I know you're against it. But I made up my mind. What would've happened if Spider-Man didn't chase the Green Goblin and attacked us once he was done inside? He can't do everything by himself and we would he defenseless."

"But this is something out of our league." Twilight said, "You still haven't perfected your new magical abilities. We've only dealt with magic, not criminals!"

"...I know that. But I know enough on how to use them effectively for the time. I can't stand by while creeps like the Green Goblin are out there. I want to use my magic to do some good instead of having it be a catalyst for mayhem. If I brought it here, then I'm gonna put it to good use for this world. I made up my mind, and tonight made me realize that for good."

Twilight scowled, "F-Fine. But at least practice. Get some training before you go out there. The fact you wanted to jump into action right away last time scared us, at least prepare youself. Please."

Sunset sighed, "Alright. For your sakes. I'll hold off on it until I get a little more practice. Maybe I can see if Spider-Man can help me again." she suggested, "Would that make you feel better?"

"A-A little, yes." Twilight admitted,

"Okay then. I need you to trust me on this." Sunset eased.

"..." Twilight paused, "If you want to... Then, I guess I trust you."

"Thank you, Twilight. I promise, I Pinkie Promise, I'll hold off to train for a while."

Author's Note:

The Green Goblin has joined the action and it seems Sunset's finally beginning her journey as a magic-based vigilante. She won't join the fray right away.

In the meantime, next chapter is gonna be that interlude I mentioned, where Peter looks back to first meeting Twilight while dwelling on Harry's words in this chapter.

After that comes what I'm calling the Project: Spider-Slayer Arc, where I'll be introducing more of Spidey's familiar rogues to the mix as Tombstone tries to keep our favorite hero a little occupied.

And of course, more of Peter trying to balance his two identities and secret.