• Published 7th Jul 2017
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Spider-Man: Web of Magic - MetalJrock

Peter Parker must juggle being a normal teenager, Spider-Man, and a mentor when threats appear from the woodworks.

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Issue #12: Kingpin of Crime

Sometime Ago...

"So, let me get this straight... Your hands can glow now?" Rainbow Dash asked in disbelief, pointing to Sunset Shimmer's palms, which were covered in an orange aura. "So, what? Some kinda magic junk like the Scarlet Witch?"

Sunset shrugged, "Kind of? I'm not sure myself. But this is good and bad, especially with how crazy the magic has been around the school lately. I mean, maybe the rest of you have something like this. I'm not sure how it works." she added.

"If you want, I can perform some experiments to figure out how you can harness it." Twilight suggested.

Pinkie gasped, "Wowee! We may have super awesome magic powers we don't even know about!"

Sunset Shimmer smiled, "Sure. We could at least try." she decided, looking out the window of the band room. 'More magic. With how crazy the city's been... Maybe I can do something beyond the school grounds for once. To make up for the fact I brought it here in the first place.' she glanced at her open palm, the aura fading, '...Once I learn more about my latent magic.'


Spider-Man, Daredevil, Punisher and Sunset looked at the building that towered over the city, a giant 'F' seen on the center right above the top window. "Woah. Fisk is not known for subtlety." Peter commented, "An evil lair if I've ever seen one."

Castle lowered the binoculars from his eyes, "Saw some crooked cops on the top floor. According to my intel, Fisk decided to head back here right after being freed."

"And I noticed some more guards within and outside the building. Some in the rooftop entrance." Daredevil added.

Sunset raised a finger, "So, uh, what's the plan exactly? We go in, find the Kingpin, and then what?"

Daredevil said, "To learn more of his motivations now that he's out of prison. We can't do anything to incriminate him now that he has police under his payroll. The least we could do is become aware of what he has planned for the city."

Spider-Man shook his head in disbelief, "Nothing's ever easy with us. First the Big Man, now the Kingpin. I'll go out first to make an entrance. You coming, Equestria Girl? Wow, you really need to come up with a better name cause that doesn't sound right."

"It's temporary." Sunset defended.

"Then hold on!" Peter shouted, wrapping an arm around Sunset's waist, her surprised by the action, before the two jumped and Peter swung from a webline he shot out. "There we go! Gotta admit, you're a way better passenger than Norman Osborn. Cuter too." he admitted very suddenly without warning.

"W-What?!" stammered Sunset.

Peter groaned in his head, 'Smooth Parker. The mask does wonders for your talking and charisma huh?' he coughed, "Um... Anyway, what can you do anyway? Said something about magic?"

"Yeah, I really can't explain it, but lately I noticed I've been able to harness magical energy. Kinda like the Scarlet Witch, but on a smaller scale." Sunset explained, "There are details I can't share. But it's something I'm trying to get used to." Peter zipped upwards as she explained, nearing Fisk Industries.

Spider-Man nodded, jumping then swinging again, "Alright. Then we should put it to the test." he looked down, "Three guards at the entrance. I say a good push should do the trick. I'll web them up once you're done there." he said.

Sunset smiled, then stretched an arm, her palm glowing. Suddenly, a small burst of energy emitted from her hand and froze the guards in the same orange glow before they were pushed onto their backs. Spider-Man landed on the concrete, released Sunset and webbed up their limbs, eyes and mouths, keeping them from moving at all. Peter gave the girl a thumbs up, "Not bad there."

"Thanks. Still learning though." admitted Sunset.

Leaping from the last rooftop were Daredevil and Punisher, glancing at the teens, then to the door. "That was the easy part. Now we gotta get in there." Frank said sternly.

Spider-Man cracked his knuckles, "Allow me." he said, kicking down the door with a powerful thrust of his right leg. "Wow, that was a lot flimsier than I expected." he admitted sheepishly, glad that little to no noise was made from his actions.

Daredevil stepped forward, "There a few more guards in the hallway. Let Frank and I go clear the way first. Then we'll give you the signal when it's all clear."

"What? We can handle it." Sunset denied.

Peter raised a hand, "Let them. We'll get in on the action soon enough. Fisk should be right over there anyway." he pointed at the large doors at the other side of the hallway.

Sunset folded her arms, "Fine. But I didn't come here to sit everything out. I need to field test my powers somehow."

With a sharp annoyed inhale, Daredevil replied, "And you will. Just not now."

Peter and Sunset stayed behind near the corner of the wall. They hears the sound of metal smacking flesh, grunts, hard punches and kicks from their end. The dull noises only lasted a few moments before Daredevil walked back, "All clear."

"...That was quick." Spidey said simply.

Sunset raised a brow, "How long have you two been at this?"

"Too long." Castle muttered, "Let's just get this over with."

And so, Spider-Man, Daredevil, Punisher, and the so-called Equestria Girl walked through the hall, over and past the unconscious bodies of the crooked officers. It was a simple stroll. The Devil held up his billy clubs, Punisher raised a pistol, Spider-Man recharged the webshooters, while Sunset's hands glowed. Once they stood next to the door, Parker kicked it opened, where they were greeted to a somewhat messy room with a toppled desk.

"Whoa. Did we already make a scene here?" Spidey wondered, "Cause that's a record honestly."

Daredevil scowled, recognizing the heartbeat of the person sitting in the chair with his back turned away. "Fisk..."

"Ah, the Daredevil. Quite a surprise to see you here so soon after my return." Fisk responded, turning his chair and revealing himself. "I can't forget you taking everything from me."

Sunset clenched a fist, "You're the Kingpin?"

Fisk smiled and stood up, "...Kingpin... I like that."

Spider-Man was taken aback by Wilson's stature, "Wow. You're a lot... bigger than I was expecting. Heh, I should've prepared some index cards for this." he quipped. Frank Castle shook his head at the kid's constant need to dish out quips.

Suddenly, Fisk's usually calm demeanor morphed into an insulted look of rage, "What. Did. You. Say?" he kicked the chair all the way across the room towards the four. Luckily, with aid of Peter's Spider-Sense warning them, Sunset caught it in midair and threw it back on the floor where it belonged.

"Good goin', kid. You had to piss him off." Frank growled.

Spidey looked at Castle, "How was I supposed to know he'd be so easily triggered?" he asked.

"...What do you want with this city, Fisk?" Matt Murdock asked, "What could you possibly gain by killing Spider-Man?"

Fisk panted, "Power. I do not need you all in my way. You cannot get rid of me. It's not as simple as last time, Devil. And I haven't forgotten about you either, Castle. No... I wish to help this city. My way." he revealed, folding his hands.

Daredevil held up his weapons, "By help, you mean to control it from the ashes you'll leave? You've destroyed home developments. Communities. Paid officials to be on your side to divert attention from your illegal actions. I'm not leaving that behind this time." he referred to their first conflict that led to Matt becoming the vigilante he was.

"Just be lucky killing you would make matters worse." Punisher agreed, "Lord knows who'll take your place so soon." he knew that the consequences of leaving an even bigger power vaccuum would just make matters worse.

Spider-Man growled, "You wanted to kill me for going after the Big Man. What? Couldn't accept not going after him yourself?"

Fisk smiled, "No... No, it's not that., I wanted to prove something. To not mess with what I have built."

Sunset raised her hands and groaned, "But now you made yourself known to us. Kind of a dumb plan."

Fisk snarled, "No, it is not!"

Daredevil frowned, able to sense something coming towards them. Footsteps coming from around the hall. Nearing them. He heard a slight buzzing and recognized it, 'The frequency of a silent alarm. He knew we were here the whole time.' he thought. "We have to get out of here. Right now." he stated.

"Why? I wanted to show this big piece of lard what happens when he messes with our city!" Spidey wondered. Fisk growled at that comment, but held in his anger.

Frank turned around, spotting some guards in police uniform at the door they entered. "Crap. Looks like we aren't leaving without a fight." he realized.

"Officers... These four have invaded my building and threatened me." Fisk lied, "Perhaps you should escort them out."

Spider-Man got into a battle stance, "Great. First Tombstone, now this. I can't catch a break."

Punisher sneered and raised his pistol, hitting a guard's nose with the butt of his weapon, making them stumble backwards. Sunset's pupils shrank at the action, "Why are we fighting them?! They're officers too!" she shouted.

"Heh." Fisk laughed. "You may leave now."

"Crooked cops." Punisher replied, ducking under another officer's right hook before countering with one of his own. Frank kicked the man back, making them fall on someone else. The two got up and went to go after Castle as he stepped out of the room, but Daredevil threw his billy club towards the back of one their heads, the impact knocking them unconscious immediately as it bounced back to his grip, were he firmly held it by his side.

The other one was knocked down by a few surprise hits by Spider-Man, who finished the job by webbing them up.

With his Spider-Sense tingling, Peter noticed more people coming in. They weren't wearing police uniform, but wore rugged clothes and looked scarred, them running down the hallway. "Who the heck are these clowns?" he asked.

"The Diamond Dogs gang, more criminals. Figured Fisk had them under his payroll too. Just like his alliegance to the Hand and some cops in this city." Daredevil growled loudly, "Prepare yourself."

Sunset readied her magic once again, ready for a fight too. "So much for a peaceful exit."

Spider-Man shot a web-ball, covering one of the gangster's mouths before sticking to the wall and running forward, driving his knee directly into the same one he webbed. He flipped onto his feet and webbed two of the goons' arms and yanked back, making them trip backwards as a result. Peter watched as they stood up and faced him. "Hey, looks like you gotta look where you're going."

They were about to attack in retaliation, but Daredevil went ahead and spin-kicked one in the back of the head. The Devil turned his body and drove his fist into another gangster, which was followed by Punisher headbutting them. The skull-clad vigilante swerved his body away from another punch after that, and grabbed their arm, turning it so they were held down.

Two more men came towards them. Sunset opened her palms to shot an orb of magic at them, and they were kept still as a result. Even she was surprised by this, "...Huh." she blurted out. Using her magic, she slammed the two of them on opposite walls. "I like this." she smiled, walking forward still.

Daredevil punched one more in the chest, allowing him stumble, where Punisher held him by the back of his shirt, slamming him onto the wall, where Spider-Man webbed them up next to the unconscious bodies Sunset made from her earlier magic burst. "Sleep tight. Cause it looks like you're still gonna have company." Peter quipped.

"Do you ever shut up?" Frank growled.

"...Sometimes." Peter responded.

The remaining Diamond Dogs marched forward, intending to finish the job. One branded a knife and charged after Daredevil. Matt leaned his body to the side and grabbed his blade-wielding arm and snapped it in the opposite direction, Sunset cringing at the sound. He held a billy club and reared his arm back, smacking them in the back of the head as a result while he held him down.

Another went after Spider-Man, with assistance from Sunset, she held the goon in midair with an aura. Peter made a webline onto their leg, when the girl released, allowing Parker to yank the gang member down onto the floor face first. "Taste fine carpeting." he joked with a thin smile under his mask, releasing the strand. "Actually that's not menacing enough. We should've waited outside." Sunset let out a soft chuckle at the comment, looking at the exit.

While Spider-Man and Sunset weren't looking, Frank picked up the blade and was about to stab another Diamond Dog in the shoulder, however, Peter caught Punisher's arm with a webline and forced him to open his hand, releasing the knife. "No killing, Castle. Not while I'm here." he stated firmly. Frank gritted his teeth and settled with decking the man in the face instead.

Daredevil elbowed the last Diamond Dog as they neared the exit, his body spinning around as he finished the attack, the man's body getting flung across the room right into another wall. "That's the last of them." he panted. The four vigilantes were out of the hallway and onto what looked like a helipad.

"Thank God." muttered Punisher, "Less assholes the better."

Spider-Man dusted off his shoulders, "...So, what now? Do we go and eat a cafe or something? Hang out and order a pizza and talk about the old times? Cause I'll be totally down for that."

"Now that we know Fisk is making a play for the city, we have to keep doing what we do best: protect this city." Daredevil answered, "You already have the Big Man's empire to worry about, kid. I'll deal with Fisk. He and I already have heated history."

Punisher reloaded his pistols, "And I got scum to take care of."

Sunset folded her arms, "And what makes you think we'll just let you go, Castle?"

"I'm the one who told ya about this in the first place. Fisk and the Big Man have goons all over the city and possibly the country. Ya look like you have school tomorrow." Frank explained, "You need me if you want to get the job done."

"..." Spider-Man paused and looked to Matt, who didn't say anything to him, "Fine. For now. But just know that if you every try anything in my face, I'll come for you."

Punisher smirked, "Good."

Daredevil managed a thin smile, "I guess this is where we part ways."

Daredevil walked to the edge with Punisher and turned his head back to face the wall-crawler and mage, "Good luck, you two. It sounds like you're gonna need it." he held Frank by his coat and jumped, using the wire from his clubs to lunge forward to the next roof.

Spider-Man blinked, "Okay, that was cool." he yawned, "But now I think I should bring you back to ground level so you could go home." he stated simply.

"When can we do this again?" Sunset asked. "I... kind of want to put my powers to the test."

Peter sighed, "We are not doing this again, Sunset. Now you should get home and think twice about doing this. As you know, it's kind of a dangerous thing. And I'm usually work alone."

Sunset rolled her eyes and groaned, "Alright." she felt Peter wrap an arm around her as they jumped off the building, the webslinger adjusting his swing so that they landed close to the ground. The two landed in an alleyway, where they were able to communicate in secret, "So who are you anyway?"

"Poindexter." Spider-Man said, "Now get home, please." he pleaded before swinging away back to his apartment. This left Sunset to muse her thoughts after telling her friends that everything went well.

'My powers are working better than I thought. Maybe the rift with Equestrian magic is greater than we anticipated.' Sunset Shimmer thought, walking to Canterlot High, 'The field test was successful. Maybe I can use my powers for something greater. Like Spider-Man. I just wish he could see that.'

Then, something clicked in her mind and she held her head as she recalled what he said, '...Did he call me Sunset? How did he know that?'

Fisk and Leland sat on a small table, where the older man spoke first to calm his boss down, "Yes, I know those four were a nuisance, but I do believe I have an idea."

Wilson nodded, taking a sip of tea, "And what would that be, Owlsley?"

"Sometime ago, there were people about to catch wind of your... plan. I hired someone to... exterminate them before they could dig further. I do believe he could he a valuable asset should these vigilantes ever decide to intervene."

Fisk was interested, "And who would that be?"

Leland smiled, "He has no real name. But he refers to himself as Bullseye."

Within Oscorp, standing in the loft that consisted of a makeshift apartment, stood two men: Norman Osborn and Hammerhead. They stood in complete darkness, able to conceal themselves, "So, Spider-Man is aware of the Big Man now?" Osborn asked.

Hammerhead nodded, "Yeah, tell yer scientists to get their equipment. We need to be able to distract him before he destroys everything he's built up now."

Norman folded his hands and said, "Very well, I shall tell Doctor Octavius and Professor Smythe of this in the morning. We will need a few days to prepare everything."

"Make it quick." Hammerhead said. The gangster then made his exit, allowing Norman to look around his empty loft.

Osborn opened a bust and pressed a button once he knew he was alone. By doing this, he opened a secret compartment in the wall. Norman walked inside and found himself in a small cellar. There was wine stacked everywhere, but at the other end of the small room was a metal box, one sealed and could only be opened with a key he had. He took the key out of his pocket.

Kneeling down, Norman put the key into the keyhole and opened the metal crate. Satisfied with the contents that lay inside. It was time to do something.

Author's Note:

And so ends the Vigilante arc. Next chapter won't be the beginning of another arc, but a one-off before my flashback chapter. Basically to conclude Sunset's portion of this. And things will be looking a little green next time.

In the meantime, this won't be the last we'll see of Daredevil or Punisher too. I have a Defenders story focusing on Daredevil, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist and the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well as they defend the gritty streets of Canterlot City.