• Published 7th Jul 2017
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Spider-Man: Web of Magic - MetalJrock

Peter Parker must juggle being a normal teenager, Spider-Man, and a mentor when threats appear from the woodworks.

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Issue #15: Transformation

Curtis Connors was the first to wake up in the morning. He raised his arm to wipe his eyes. However he noticed something was off. His other arm was raised.

And he found an arm where there wasn't one before.

Astonished, he stood up and waved it around, wondering if it was just a dream. But no, it was real. A dream he never thought would come true so soon, or ever. "Honey! Wake up!" he called out to his wife enthusiastically and holding back a relieved laugh.

Martha's eyes were opened, before shrinking at the sight of her husband's other arm. "Your... Your arm!" she said excitedly. The two embraced happily, glad that such a change randomly happened, "How did this happen?!" she asked with a huge smile on her face.

Curt shrugged, "No idea. It just sorta happened. We should tell Billy and Eddie the news!"

'You may be wondering...'

Spider-Man held onto a webline as tight as he could. His feet were stuck onto the metal lid of a trash can. The web was connected to the back of a getaway van, 'Why am I street surfing? Well, it's quite simple. My favorite rogue in quilts is trying to make a getaway with some sick tech, the same kind he and Vulture were selling before I took down him down. Seems the Big Man isn't making things easier for me. I have things to do too, darn it...'

"Wow, Shocky. It feels like we did this dance before!" Peter shouted, jumping to the side so that Shocker's vibration blast missed him, "And did you get your gauntlets upgraded? Cause I gotta say, they look a little more... comic-booky than usual!"

Shocker growled, "Shut... Up!"

Peter swerved his body to the side, so that he didn't slam stomach first onto a car. "Nah. I love getting you all riled up! Makes me feel all giddy inside!"

'So that explains it.' Trixie groaned.

'It took you this long to notice his quips?' Ned commented, 'I thought it was pretty obvious.'

'Trixie is observant. Of course she knew.'

"Uh, guys. Could do without you bickering in my head. I have to insult Schultz' life choices again!" Spider-Man mumbled. But then as he spoke, he was knocked down by Shocker's blasts, a hand losing its grip on the gossamer string, "Ahhhhhhh crap." he said, now sliding on his stomach, "Now this hurts. A lot. Ow..."

"How does it feel, Spider-Man?"

Spider-Man grumbled, "Really terrible. Agh..." he coughed, trying to adjust himself so that he was standing. "Can you slow down please? My body can only take so much abuse!"

When he didn't get a response, Spider-Man pulled on the thick string of webbing, and jumped straight into the back of the truck Shocker was standing in. His legs were extended outward so that he drove them directly into Herman's chest, knocking him down on his back. "Crap!" cursed Shocker.

Crouching down, Peter held up Shocker's gauntlets, "Nice toy, can I check it out? Thanks!" he yanked them off of Schultz, "Cool. You even got a second one to match. Shame they didn't do you any good." he threw them on the floor and webbed Herman's body. "Okay, now if you excuse me, I have a truck to stop."

"Damn it..." grunted Shocker.

The driver was focused on the road. So focused, he wasn't aware of what occurred behind him besides a few bumps and muffles. His eyes were dead set on the road ahead and the mirror where the police was already on the chase.


Hearing the young voice, the driver jumped, finding Spider-Man sitting in the passanger's seat, his feet raised. "Nice to meet you, I'm Spider-Man. You probably heard of me. Then again, I won't blame you if you didn't." he extended an arm for a friendly shake.

"How the hell did you get in here?!" the driver asked.

Spider-Man narrowed his lenses and responded, "Rude. Is that how you treat a superhero randomly sitting in your car? Be lucky I'm not the Hulk." he webbed the man's mouth and arms and moved so that his leg was on the brakes, halting the car as fast as he while steering the wheel, parkimg as best he could, "Heh. I've never actually driven before!"

'Not your brightest idea, Parker.' Trixie said.

"I got this!" Spidey shouted, finally stopping the car. He heard sirens coming closer and shot a web-line at a building, "The cops are coming, so I hope you have a good explanation for this!" he said, swinging away, but not before hitting the wall he was jumping towards, "Oof! I'm okay... I really need to get better at this..." he whimpered, watching the cops apprehend Shocker and his assailant from the rooftop.

'Alright! Wish you were here so we could high-five, so I'll just do one over the phone!' Ned cheered. Peter chuckled.

'So what now?' Trixie asked, 'Hopefully they'll put Shocker behind bars finally.'

Peter sighed, "Not sure yet. I'm on my way back to the school though. Principal Celestia let me use the lab since there's a game going on at the field. Gotta make some more web-fluid cause my cartridges are actually running out. Hopefully no one had any strange ideas as to why white sticky liquids are in their drawers."

'...That is disgusting.' Trixie gagged, 'You're lucky I'm home and not anywhere near you otherwise I'd slap you.'

'Heh heh...' Ned snickered.

Peter turned around and smiled, "Thankfully. Now I gotta get to the school. Can't fight crime without webbing after all."

Curt wiped some sweat from his face, having challenged Eddie to an arm -wrestling contest. His family cheered him on. However, Brock slammed his hand down and smiled before saying, "Oh, uh, sorry doc." he apologized.

"You kidding? I'm glad to have an arm-wrestling contest again at all!" Curtis proudly declared, "Wow..." he held his young son, Billy, in his arms and picked him up.

"I can't believe you lost, Dad!" Billy laughed.

Martha smiled, "Maybe he'll win next time, honey."

Curtis chuckled, "Yeah, maybe. You got quite the mean arm, Eddie. Maybe we should excerise--" he halted his words, feeling a terrible stinging sensation ringing through him. At this, he dropped his son as carefully as he could and fell to his knees. Cringing in pain and holding his stomach now.

"Doc! You alright?!" Eddie asked, thinking he did something.

Doctor Connors growled as sweat poured from his face while slowly standing up again, "I'm... f-fine... Just a little cramp..."

"Curt, that's not a cramp. Eddie, sit him down, I have a feeling it's related to his arm." Martha said. Eddie nodded and held his friend's shoulders to keep him from falling again. Curtis sat on a chair and wiped his face again, feeling numb now.


Curt managed a weak smile, "Daddy's fine, Billy. Jusssssst... A little tired is all." he assured his son. He let out a random hiss, fangs suddenly appearing in his mouth before he silenced himself.

Martha placed some equipment down on the table, hoping to examine what went wrong exactly just in case it was an experiment unknowingly gone wrong. She then paused and gasped once she saw something on her husband's face.

A couple green spots. Almost like scales. And they kept growing each second.

At Canterlot High, Sunset Shimmer willed her hands to glow again, with Twilight watching. The two of them were in the lab, Sunset trying to learn how to use her powers. "Come on..." she whispered, focusing all her energy on her magic. Finally, a flask was lifted with physical involvement. Sunset and Twilight smiled, "Alright... So I'm getting better..." she gritted her teeth and levitated the flask over to another table, carefully placing it down. "I should get to some offensive spells at some point. That'd come in handy."

"Yes! At least you didn't break this one." announced Twilight proudly before frowning, "A part of me still thinks this is a bad idea though..." she added.

The fiery-haired girl looked at her palms, "I told you, Twilight, I won't do anything until I fully master my magic. Who knew being a native Equestrian in a different dimension had these perks though?" she wondered, "I'm lucky the Kingpin situation didn't escalate that bad looking back, I'll admit."

Twilight exhaled, "I know, and the fact that you have this level of magic is fascinating, it's just... It could be dangerous. Do you see what the Avengers and Spider-Man do?"

"Calm down. I'm not joining the Avengers or the X-Men... Yet." Sunset teased, "I'm sticking low. The city only. Trust me, I'm not Rainbow Dash." she chuckled. "And speaking of Spider-Man... Something strange happened right after the Kingpin incident on my way with meeting you here that night."


"...He knew my name yet I never said it to him. I don't think I've told you this yet. But he let it slip, and I intend to figure out how he did." Sunset elaborated, "It's someone we know, but I just can't figure out who it was yet."

It was at that moment the lab door creaked open, revealing none other than Peter Parker, "Oh hey girls. I thought the two of would be watching the game or something out there."

"Peter? What are you doing here?" Twilight asked.

With a shrug and a drop of his bookbag, Parker responded, "Wanted to try something out real quick. I got Principal Celestia's permission to come here, don't worry. She never told me I was gonna have company though." he leaned on the wall, "So, what are you two up to?"

They decided to keep Sunset's training a secret beyond their close circle of friends and so Twilight cleared her throat, "N-Nothing. Just working on... Lab stuff. Hehe."

The boy raised a brow as he walked towards the table he planned to work on, putting on his goggles, "Okay then..." he grabbed somethings and dropped them on the table neatly, "I assume it's magic related in that case?"

Sunset nodded, "Yep."

"Good to know. You don't need to spill all the details though, I understand." Peter assured the girls.

"What are you making?" Twilight asked curiously.

The boy blinked, "Uh... I'm trying to see if I can create a substance similar to Spider-Man's webs. I'm more than curious about the technology he has."

Sunset smugly folded her arms, "Thinking about joining Flash Thompson's Spider-Man fanclub, hm?"

"Wait... Hold on. That's actually a thing? I thought that freshman made that whole thing up." Peter studdered. 'My bully is actually a fan of my alter-ego... Go figure.' he mused in his head with a light shudder at the idea.

"No, Miles said it was real." Twilight corrected. "And Flash Sentry. They meet up every week to talk about whatever he did. Not that I partake in it of course."

Parker poured some specific chemicals into the flask and stirred, then decided to wait a moment, "Good to know."

"Do you need help with this? I'd be willing to--" Twilight offered then paused at her sudden enthusiasm. "If you want."

The boy shook his head, "I'm good. The two of you can focus on whatever you were doing."

"We were just wrapping up in that case." Twilight said.

Sunset smirked, "Actually..." she muttered out slowly, sharing a glance with her friend, whose pupils shrank to pinpricks, "Before we go, Twilight has something important to ask you."

"I-I-I do...?" she gasped out.

Nodding, Sunset gave her friend a reassuring wink, "Yeah, remember?" she nudged Twilight's elbow. Twilight shook her head. Sunset nodded back, wanting to help.

Hearing this, Peter raised his goggles and he felt his face grow warm kind of, "Uh, yeah sure, I'm listening."

Twilight felt her knees shake, she folded her hands and gulped, "I was... was wondering if--"

'It's gonna take some time to realize!' sang a muffled voice from Parker's pocket, 'But if you look inside...'

"Sorry, Twilight. Just give me a minute." growled Peter once he heard his phone ring and began digging his pocket for it, "I forgot why I have this ringtone in the first place..." he grumbled to himself. Sundet tapped her foot and groaned. "Sorry, my bad..." he apologized again, "Where the heck did I put it?"

Finally, Peter got his phone and tapped the screen, putting it to his ear and spoke, "What's up, Ned?"

'Peter... Something happened to Dr. Connors!' Ned shouted in his ear.

"Agh!" the boy recoiled in surprise by how loud his friend's voice was, "What do you mean? What happened?" Peter asked with concern in his voice.

'I don't know... Mrs., er, Dr. Connors called saying that he went nuts, changed into some strange creature and ran off without a trace. She said no one was hurt luckily.' Ned explained. 'She and Eddie are in the process of creating an antidote or something to fix whatever's wrong with him.'

"Why are you telling me this. Wouldn't she want this to be kept secret from anyone besides you and Harry?" Peter wondered.

Ned inhaled, 'I called because I wanted to know if you can go out Spider-Manning and bring him back to the lab.'

With a sharp inhale, Peter looked to the girls and at the flask, "Yeah, I will. Just let me clean and wrap up my... experiment."

'Alright, let me know. I'll be your computer-chair guy.'

"Ha. Like always." Peter chuckled. "I'll check back with you in a few." he tapped his phone and ended the call.

Putting away his device, Peter said, "Alright. What was it you wanted to ask me?"

Twilight blushed and smiled sheepishly, scratching the back of her neck nervously, "It looks like y-you're busy. Wouldn't want to bother you and stress you out." she held Sunset's wrist, surprising her as the two walked out, "Looks like we better go now, see you soon!" she studdered out in what felt like a single breath.

Once the two were out of earshot, Sunet yanked her wrist from Twilight's palm and gave her a deadpan stare, "Really?"

"What was I supposed to do? He... He looked busy with whatever his friend called him about!" Twilight defended herself. "I-I can't just butt in with... that!"

With a sigh, Sunset said, "Fine. But I'm telling you, nothing can go wrong if you just say something. I'm confident that's the case." she said with a light chuckle, "You just have to trust me."

"Okay..." Twilight squeaked out.

Sunset smiled, "Now come on, I think Rainbow's wondering why we aren't on the bleachers yet." she joked.

Peter blinked hard, swiftly mixing the chemicals to create the amount of web fluid he needed, "Huh that was odd." he told himself, taken aback by the sudden silence of the lab, the setting sun beaming through the window.

'What was she about to say... Was she actually--' he shook his head, 'No way. Why would she ever want to go out with me? I'm just old Puny Parker and she's... well, Twilight. She could go out with someone smarter and better than me. Then again, Harry did say I had a chance and should just go for it...' he mused back at the Osborn son's words at the charity event.

Peter narrowed his eyes once he saw the webbing in the cup ready to be stored, 'Well, now's not the time to focus on hypothetical romance and crushes anyway. Dr. Connors needs my help and I intend to bring him back home safely.' he announced to himself. He took the time to clean up and store the webbing in new cartridges to install in his webshooters for what he was about to do.

Taking a quick glance around, Parker made sure no one was around and reached into his bag, mask in hand. He placed the mask over his head, and felt the lenses readjust, "Suit. Call Ned." he ordered the jigh-tech cloth, putting a finger to his ear.

'Peter?' Ned responded a moment later.

"It's me, I'm ready to go." said Spider-Man, removing his clothes and stuffing them in his bag, revealing the rest of his costume. "Any updates?" he wondered.

'They're still working on a cure. You need to bring him back to the lab. Shouldn't be too hard right?'

"Ned, that's how you jinx things." Spider-Man groaned. He felt his Spider-Sense tingle, "Crap. I can feel it again. Something's here. I'll update on what it is."

Running in the shadows was a scaly green creature wearing a torn lab coat. It pounced along the grass as fast as it could and sniffed, searching. Searching for the Spider. It could sense an odd energy source too, given its origin.

It had strange visions too. It saw a man, a woman, a kid and someone else, Curt Connors, struggling to hold back his true form. It saw the man change into his inner Lizard, a result from an unknown experiment. It saw Eddie try containing him with no success.

"Stop it!" the voice of Curt echoed in its head.

"Curt!" Martha shouted.

"Daddy! What's happening!" Billy cried.

"Come on, doc! Fight it!" Eddie demanded.

The Lizard held his head, feeling the memories ringing back. Memories of his humanity. He only had so long before he lost it completely

He had to run. He had to kill the Spider-Man. It was in his nature.

Spencer tapped his chin, "My drones found Dr. Connors. The transformation was a success. He should be tracking Spider-Man in his new form like I chipped him too. The otherworldly energies resonating from that injection did its job."

Tombstone nodded, "Excellent work, Smythe. If the Spider-Man thinks he can bring about the end to what we've built then he is sorely mistaken. Tell Gargan, O'Hirn, and Marko that they will be of use to us after all for this project. And have you contacted Norman Osborn recently?" he questioned.

"I have. He said his scientist, Dr. Octavius is a nervous wreck about the project, but he'll change his weak mind soon to aid us." Spencer quoted their associate.

"Very well. Let us watch to see if your cross-species will be worth the effort."