• Published 10th Jul 2017
  • 6,571 Views, 77 Comments

Lovely Hands - StoryWeaverKP

You are Anon, and you have been hired to work at the Ponyville Day Spa

  • ...

Chapter 1 - The Job Interview

Chapter 1 The Job interview

“Trust me, darling,” Rarity says, her usual sense of undisputed correctness flittering about each word. “This will be the perfect job for you. You were born for this.”

You groan as you follow her through the streets of Ponyville. It’s still early in the morning, and the usual hustle and bustle of the ponies had not started yet.

Your name is Anon, and it was a happy happenstance that you found yourself in a world of bright colors and cheerful personalities. Two months ago, a whirling, rainbow colored vortex appeared in your bathroom. Perhaps it was the drowsiness of sleep deprivation from playing too many videogames that night, or perhaps the long curiosity as to what this portal could be, but for whatever reason, you just walked through it.

If video game logic taught you anything, it was that swirling portals were the starts to fantastic experiences… about 50% of the time. When you exited, you came face to face with a pair of pastel colored pony creatures, whose names were Princess Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer. Based upon their explanation, the portal had been an egregious arcane accident, one that was most likely never to be replicated again.

Fast forward two months, and here you are… following a white unicorn to a most unlikely of destinations.

“Are you sure about this?” You ask. “I’ve never done anything like that before.”

Rarity glances back to you and flutters her eyes, the same way that she always does when she’s about to say something seemingly saucy. She really does enjoy teasing you.

“But Anon,” she begins. “You’ve done it to me all this week, and it would be a shame for you not to share your … delicious talents with other ponies. Besides, don’t you want to have a job?”

You reply, “Well, yeah…”

“Then hurry along,” Rarity says. “I promised the girls that you’d be there by opening. We shan’t be late.”

“Okay…” you say.

Though you have not been in Ponyville, or Equestria for the matter long, you have come to realize many important truths.
One such truth was this: when Rarity puts her mind to something, few things in this world or the next can dissuade her.

It isn’t long before you finally reach the Ponyville Day Spa. It’s a unique building with crème-colored walls, blue tent-like spires jutting from the roof, and pink accents around the doors and windows. You had passed by this place many times as you walked across Ponyville, trying to find employment.

Rarity steps inside and announces, “Hello, darlings! I’ve brought him along!”

You step into the interior of the Day Spa. The majority of the spa is a large, open room with a humongous tub in the center. There are several beds lined around the room as well, and a doorway stands at the back wall, perhaps leading into other rooms.

A pair of neon-colored ponies stand in front of Rarity, and they are both giving you mixed, concerned gazes. One of the ponies has bright blue fur with a bright pink mane, and the other is the exact opposite of the first.

“Anon,” Rarity says, “This is Aloe and Lotus Blossom. They are going to be your new bosses.”

You smirk awkwardly, because it’s clear that both of these mares are just as uncomfortable about this set up as you are.

Lotus, the blue pony, lets out an awkward giggle. When she speaks, it sounds like she’s from an Eastern European country or something. “Are you sure about this? I mean… I’m sure what you are saying is true, but-”

“Trust me,” Rarity says. She peeks over at you. “I have never had a better massage in all my life.”

Aloe, the pink mare, scoffs a little, and then she turns her head away. Her accent is a little thicker than her twin sisters. “I hope you realize how offensive that is for us. Such things are our special talent, after all.”

“Oh don’t be sore,” Rarity replies. “Its because he has those things on his …” she pauses for a moment. “I believe Twilight called it a hand?” She looks to you. “What are they called again?”

A sudden chuckle threatens to bubble up from your throat. You hold up your hands. “Fingers.”

Rarity smiles. “Yes, fingers. They can do things that hoofs just can’t. Try him out for yourself, darlings! I promise that not only will you love his service, but it will take your business to the next level!”

Aloe stomps forward. “Very well, I will be the one to test him. You would massage me, and then shampoo me!” She lets out a huff as she sits down in front of you.

You swallow hard, and take a few uneasy steps toward the pink-coated earth pony. Rarity watches you, and a maddening sparkle dances in her eyes. It’s as if you were her creation, and she was fabulous mad scientist.

Lotus walks over to fetch a bottle of shampoo, and Aloe glares at you from over her shoulder.

“What are you waiting for?” Aloe asks. “You should never keep a customer waiting.”

“Y-yes, ma’am,” You say.

Reluctance builds in your stomach, but you gently lay your hands on her shoulders. Your thumbs start to press in softly, and then you use more force. Not so much to cause pain, but just enough to work out some of the tightness beneath Aloe’s skin. The hair on her coat sticks up through your fingers, and you use the other eight fingers to make little circles on her skin.

For a long moment, the entire spa is quiet, although so much can be gathered from just looking at Lotus and Rarity’s faces. Triumph radiates from Rarity’s ‘I told you so, darling’ smile. Lotus on the other hand wears a mask of utter surprise.

Her mouth is ajar, and her eyes are wide. Each of her blue irises sparkle with wonder.

It’s at that moment that you start to wonder about Aloe. Ever since you started, she has been quiet.
Just as you are about to ask if she is alright, Aloe lets out a slight and low moan. Her head goes back a little, and her eyes are completely closed.

You continue to massage, moving up to the neck. As you continue to kneed the tissue, you make sure to avoid rubbing the spine. Aloe’s shoulders slump a little, and she lets out another satisfied grunt.

“Th-that feels sooo good,” Aloe said.

Rarity laughs a little. “Oh, you have not felt anything yet. Prepare yourself.”

Aloe glances us at the white unicorn. “What do you mean?”

You already know what’s coming, and you pray that it doesn’t end like how your sessions have gone with Rarity. In the back of your mind, you already know you’re doomed.

Rarity smiles all the wider, as if she knows what you’re thinking. “Anon, why don’t you shampoo her now?”

Aloe’s eyes widen, and she peers back at you with a new-found sense of awe.

Lotus utters ever so slightly, “Sweet Celestia.”

Rarity replies, “Oh yes, darling. All of what you’re imaging and more.” She turns to you. “Chop chop. On with it then.”

Lotus leads you and Aloe over to the shampooing stall, and Aloe lays down. Her eyes quiver, and she stares up at you as if she is nothing more than a tiny filly… and you, you’re the damned Boogey Man.

You reach for a small bucket of water, and you slowly drip it over Aloe’s hair, making special care not to splash it in her face. Rarity had instructed you in how to best care for a lady over the last few weeks, so this sort of technique wasn’t new to you.

Aloe never takes her eyes off of you.

You reach for the shampoo, and squirt a glop of it into your hand. Aloe’s body shutters as the bottle empties, and her eyes become pinpricks.

A great, tenseness throbs in your insides somewhere, and you take another deep breath before you apply the shampoo to the pink mare’s mane. At first, there isn’t a reaction, but then you start lathering the shampoo and massaging Aloe’s scalp. Your fingertips press into her skin, and Aloe’s sense of composure shatters.

Her eyes flutter and close completely, and her lower legs twist and writhe. She moans loudly, and her chest heaves. You want to stop, but you really need a job, and the only other creature in Ponyville with fingers is a baby dragon. Rarity was right, this could be a good chance for you to make a lot of money.

You press your fingers harder, but again, not too hard. Each of your fingertips makes smaller, circular motions against her scalp. Every few seconds, you switch from the scalp massage to attending to Aloe’s pretty hair. Whenever you go back to her scalp, the earth pony mare resumes her screeches of delight.

Like before, Rarity and Lotus watch as this whole ordeal continues. Rarity still wears her smug grin. Lotus’ cheeks are blushing, which was kinda funny to see since she has blue fur.

You reach for a bucket of warm water, and you start washing the soap from Aloe’s mane. Just as per Rarity’s instruction, you do another deep tissue scalp massage. This time, you are a little gentler with your touch, which makes Aloe squirm all the more.

As you are toweling Aloe’s mane dry, her breathing starts to get back to a regular pace. Her cheeks are also bright red, and her pupils have nearly encompassed her irises.

When she tries to stand on her four hooves, her knees are wobbly.

Rarity turns to Lotus. “So…?”

Lotus doesn’t take her eyes off of you. She licks her lips slightly, and her blush reddens.

“He’s hired,” Lotus says.

“Y-yes,” Aloe agrees.

All you can do is grin. The awkwardness has definitely increased.

“Um, thank you,” You say. “I’ll do my best.”

Is it just your imagination, or is Rarity’s expression becoming more hungry and predatory.

Coming soon… Chapter 2 –The First Day