• Published 10th Jul 2017
  • 6,572 Views, 77 Comments

Lovely Hands - StoryWeaverKP

You are Anon, and you have been hired to work at the Ponyville Day Spa

  • ...

Chapter 2 - The First Day

Chapter 2 The First Day

“This is your work room,” Lotus says as she opens one of the doors in the back corridor.

You gaze into a small twenty-five foot by twenty-five foot room with a long table resting in the center of it. The table resembles many of the tables that form a perimeter around the giant tub. The room even has a small drain at the head of the table, presumably for giving shampoo services to ponies who come to the spa.

Several smaller end tables line the room, and each of them has pots containing assortments of sweet smelling flowers in them. Several cabinets are nailed to the walls.

“Do you have any questions, Anon?” Lotus asks.

You shake your head. “I think I understand how it’s going to go. You’ll send ponies to see me, right?”

Lotus nods. “Since it’s your first day, we’ll give you two or three clients, depending on how busy we are.”

She turns to go, but you call out after her.

“Hey,” you say. “What is in the cabinets? Towels?”

Lotus replies, “In one of them, yes. Another cabinet has essential oils for rubbing, and the last has bottles of shampoo and conditioner.”

She closes the door behind you, and you let out a heavy sigh. With nothing else to do, you sit on the table, and swing your legs to and fro.

How in the hell did you find yourself in this situation? There should have been at least a dozen things you could have done at the crystal castle. Heck, you might have preferred polishing the castle exterior rather than rub up on pony folk.

A slight bead of dread flickered in the back of your mind. What if some pony like Mr. Cake came in for a massage? It was bad enough that Rarity had reveled in the touch of your powerful hands, but at least she was female.

About an hour into your shift, the door to your room opens, and a wary pony steps inside.

A pair of aged orange irises locks with your own. The pony stands hunched over, and she peers up at you with a great deal of uncertainty. The old mare has light green fur, and a delicious apple pie cutie mark sits on her flank. Both her white tail and mane are tied into a bun. She’s wearing an orange shawl with red apples plastered across the fabric.

She moistens her lips before she speaks. “Y-you’re the one that’s going to give me a… whatcha’ma’call’it?”

“A massage?” you ask.

Slowly, she nods. “Yeah. That. Those two youngersters didn’t tell me some pony… er… well… they didn’t tell me you were going to do the rubbing. I’m not too sure about this.”

You had heard about Granny Smith from your friend Applejack. This wonderful, old mare had been one of the most established citizens in Ponyville. According to Applejack, she was here in the beginning before Ponyville was even a thing.
She worked hard all her life so the town and her family could flourish. If she were here to have the stresses eased out of her body, well then Celestia dammit, you were going to make her feel relaxed.

You smile as you bow to her. “I promise this will be a good experience.”

She narrows her eyes, and she stays over by the door.

“How about this,” you say. “If you don’t like it, I’ll come out to work on the Apple farm for a week for free.”

“For free, huh?” a sudden twinkle glimmers in her eyes. “Okay, sonny. You got yerself a deal.”

Granny Smith trots over to the table, and her movements are slow and drawn out. At first, you think it has to deal with her still present mistrust. As Granny Smith walks, her eyes squint every now and then, and her muscles tense along the thigh and haunches. A sudden realization washes over you.

You help Granny Smith onto the table, and she lies down on her stomach.

“Are you comfortable, ma’am?” you ask.

“As comfortable as I’m going to get, young’un.” She looks at you. “You are young for your… um… whatever you are, right?”

A wide grin spreads across your face. Granted, this is awkward, but poor Granny Smith needed some relief. “Yes, ma’am. I am.”

Granny Smith chuckles. “At least your momma taught you manners. You know, I wouldn’t have come to get this rub down if’in’it wasn’t for my grand daughter Apple Bloom winning some kind of raffle. Why that durn’d fool of a foal would use something like this on me, I’ll never know.”

“Well, you’re here, and you’re welcomed.” You hover your hands above the back of her neck, right where they meet the shoulders. “May I have your permission to start?”

Granny Smith winces. “If you have to, I suppose.” She lays her head down and closes her eyes.

Gently, even more than when you work on Rarity, you let your fingers dig into Granny Smith’s skin. She shudders a little under your touch, but she starts to calm down as you rub harder. You move your fingertips in circular motions, and then alternate with back and forth motions. Granny Smith’s skin is a little looser than other, younger ponies, so it slides more under your grip. Despite that, the worn muscles start to relax.

How many decades of rigidness did this poor mare endure? You work on her back and down closer to her tail. Granny Smith breathes heavy, but she doesn’t appear to be in pain or suffering. Every once and a while, she lets out a little whimper. It’s not a sound born out of fear or pain though, but grateful relief.

You stop at the base of her tail and decide to start working on the hoofs and thighs.

“Just so you know, I am going to work on your joints and legs,” You say. “Please don’t kick me.”

“Uh-huh,” Granny Smith replies sleepily.

Back in your world, horses were liable to brutally kick people who messed with their back legs or surprised them. Those kinds of kicks were deadly. Even though Granny Smith was old, one of her hoof prints would surely leave a shiner at least.
You start at the top of the hoof and you use your thumbs and forefingers in combination to rub up Granny Smith’s leg. A soft moan ripples on the air, and the old mare has turned the head the other way. Well… at least that’s a good sign she isn’t dead.

When your hands and fingers find their way on to her thigh, you make a surprising discovery. Granny Smith’s muscles aren’t as squishy as you originally suspected. No, they are just as tight as your flexed bicep.

“Harder, young’in,” Granny Smith said softly. “I feel so tight down there. Please help me relax.”

Suddenly, the awkwardness floods over you, and yet, a smile spreads across your face. The little boy in you snickers wildly.

As per her request, you use more force, and the knots and tightness that has plagued her legs before had now become less taut.

Three legs later, you step back away from the old green mare.

“All done, ma’am,” You say.

Granny Smith opens her eyes, as if she had been completely submerged in a sweet nap. She tries to step off of the table, but nearly falls off. Panic flutters in your heart, and you manage to grab hold of her to steady her.

Carefully, you help Granny Smith onto all fours. She is wobbly at first, but then she stands up taller than she did when she first came in. A great smile creases her face and she takes a deep breath.

“Why, I’ll be…” she says. “I’ve not felt this spry since that Founders Festival twenty seven years ago. You did it, sonny!”

“I’m glad that you enjoyed yourself.” You help her to the door. “Please let me know if you would ever like another massage.”

Granny Smith nodded. “I’ll do better than that, young feller.”

At the moment, you have no idea what she means by that. You’ll find out though…

The rest of the day was fairly lax. Several other earth ponies came in, and while it was a little awkward, working on Granny
Smith showed you one thing. While rubbing on ponies made you feel weird, it was providing a much needs source of relief and relaxation for ponies who really need it. Rarity was right, this is a good job.

Your shift is close to ending, so you start to clean up your work room.

The door to your room opens up, and you turn around.

“Hi, there,” Are you here for a mass-” Your eyes open wide.

A pair of steely green eyes stare down at you. Yes, down. The massive red stallion is HUGE. There is only one pony this particular pony could be.

You swallow hard. “Can I help you?”

Big Mac steps forward. “Are you the pon-,” he pauses for a moment. “Are you the one that rubbed up on my granny?”
Legend about Big Mac usually spoke two absolute truths. One, he usually spoke in one or two word answers unless he was angry, and two, he was the strongest pony in Ponyville.

Your knees wobble slightly, and sweat coats your back. A kick from him could indeed kill you.

“Y-yes,” You say. Your muscles tense, and you wince a little.

Suddenly, Big Mac averts his eyes, and his already red skin becomes a little more red and flustered. His words come out in a low mumble, but they are still clearly understood.

“Um…” Big Mac said. “D-do you have an opening today? My thighs are mighty sore.”

Butterflies flap in your stomach, and your bones vibrate within your skin. When you smile at him, an awkward giggle comes out of your mouth.

“Sure,” you say. You gesture to the table.

Without saying another word, Big Mac gets on the table, lays on his stomach, and makes himself comfortable.

For a brief moment, you just stand there, gazing at the rippling mass that is Big Macintosh. He glances back at you over her shoulder, and there is a vulnerability dancing in his eyes.

“S-so how does this work?” Big Mac asks. “Is there anything I need to do?”

You give another awkward giggle again. Of all the ponies…

“No, no,” You say. You walk over and place your hands on his thick, strapping shoulders. “Just lie back and let me do all the work.”

After all, what choice did you have? It was your job, and your first day.

Big Mac lowers his head and closes his eyes.

You start to rub.

Coming soon… Chapter 3 – Wing Boner