• Published 10th Jul 2017
  • 6,576 Views, 77 Comments

Lovely Hands - StoryWeaverKP

You are Anon, and you have been hired to work at the Ponyville Day Spa

  • ...

Chapter 5 - The OTP

Chapter 5 The OTP

Well, that’s strange. Normally, the door to the Ponyville Day Spa is already opened, but today it’s not.

A pair of items are stuck to the front door, one of which is a sign for the general public, and the other one is a letter addressed to you.

The public notice says “The Day Spa has been reserved for a Private Party. Please come back tomorrow during normal business hours. Thank you.”

A private party? In the entire breadth of your employment at the day spa, no pony had ever reserved the entire day spa before. Could it be someone extremely important, like a celebrity or perhaps the Roy-

Your eyes widen. Could it really be them? It kinda made sense since Princess Twilight Sparkle had been a former pupil of the mighty white Alicorn princess, Celestia, and she probably told the elder princess about this place. But why would they book the entire spa? Surely Canterlot had at least a dozen other such places within city limits.

Your stomach starts to quake, and you slowly regard your hands. A small chuckle escapes you, and start to breathe a little heavier. However, just as the thought enters your mind, you start to study the area around the Day Spa. There aren’t any royal guards about. Even though the princesses are mighty and powerful, whenever they traveled, an entourage of bulky warrior ponies usually trailed their wakes.

Maybe this was some kind of secret excursion. Maybe they wanted the kind of sensual, sweet rub downs that only you could give. Maybe you should just read the damned letter.

You pull the letter off of the door, open it, and start to read.

Dear Anon:

Today, Aloe and I will not be at the Day Spa. That does not mean you are not working though. You have been specifically requested by a special patron, and she is waiting inside. Your services have been booked for eight hours. Have fun… and well, good luck.

You are going to need it.


Aloe and Lotus Blossom

For a long moment, you just stand there, staring at the paper. Your gaze becomes harder, as if you are interrogating the letter, and any minute it’s going to divulge the truth of this bizarre situation. A full minute passes, and the words don’t change. The meaning is still clear and easy to comprehend, but your mind races with so many quandaries.
Who was this special patron? Was she really expecting you to rub on her for eight WHOLE hours? You had your limits, and you could perhaps go thirty minutes straight without needing a break, on your best day. And what did they mean by ‘good luck’?

You fold the letter and place it in your back pocket. When you grab hold of the front door knob, a sudden misty cloud of dread appears inside you. The cloud chills your internal organs, and it almost creates a minty breath sensation when you breathe in or exhale.

What were so you nervous about? You had your share of awkward experiences before. You gave Big Mac a massage, and by the end of it, he had to be left in the room alone until his stallionhood had calmed down.

Spitfire had openly flirted with you and encouraged you to rub other places besides her wings whenever she came in, and each visit made her more bold and amorous.

Now, whenever you see Starlight Glimmer, she acts all giddy and avoids eye contact with you.

You overcame those experiences, and you survived it. This client was no different, whoever she was.
You opened the door to the Ponyville Day Spa.

The entire main room is darkened and quiet. The stillness is heavy and threatening, but then music starts from somewhere in the building. It has a slow beginning, but once it gets further into the later measures, you can tell it has the sweet notes and swarthy rhythm of a love song.

Rose petals are scattered on the floor, making a path toward the back rooms.

Your heart beat thumps in your chest, and you study the path of rose petals one more time, making sure that your eyes are not playing tricks on you.

It’s clear where the rose petals lead, but the mystery still lies in who waits at the far end.

“Hello?” You say into the dark spa. “My name is Anon, and I understand you would like services from me.”

There is no response, but the music continues.

You step into the spa and start to follow the roses.

The door closes behind you.

You immediately turn around, but everything is still, and darkness has surrounded you. You can still make out the path of the roses from the windows. The curtains have been drawn over them, with the exception of slender cracks in the middle.

Light pours into the room at seemingly calculated places.

“I had better not get murdered…” you mutter under your breath. “This is supposed to be a land of happy, friendly ponies.”

That assurance didn’t ease your tension. With each step down the rose petal path, the anxiety inside you gets a little more augmented.

Just as you suspected, the path of rose petals leads to your work room. Light dances under the door crack. The music is coming from the room as well.

“Hello,” You say. “I’m coming in. Please don’t be a murderer.”

You open the door, and your eyes open a little wider.

A thousand rose petals have been scattered all around your table. A plush, red pillow-top covers the length of your table, and it has golden yellow rope accents. The tables that usually have plants on them have tall candles standing on them, and they are all burning brightly. A record player is sitting on the far end of the room, and the beautiful music is coming from its large, brass colored horn.

A white unicorn with beautiful purple hair and a cutie mark of three blue gemstones on her flank sits on the table. Her blue eyes are locked with yours.

“Rarity,” You say. “It’s you.”

She tilts her head and smiles. “Of course it is, darling. Who were you expecting? And what’s this business about murderers?”

She snickers into her hoof as you get closer.

“Oh that,” you reply. “I honestly didn’t know what was going on. Wait a second, are you the client?”

Rarity smiles. “Well, of course I am.”

“You rented out this whole place?” You frown at her. “That must have been so expensive. Why would you do that?”

Rarity laughs a little more, but she remains perched on the table. “I did this all for you, Anon. Do you remember that time when Twilight found us during one of our delightful massage sessions?”

A deep and fiery blush covers your face. Twilight had not been pleased about what she walked in on, and well… could you blame her?

The only answer you can give her is a goofy chuckle.

“Yes, well, obviously you do remember.” Rarity takes in a deep breath. “You know, she made me promise that I wasn’t going to have you give me massages any more. She said my judgment was clouded or some such rabble. I couldn’t help it though. You have such lovely hands, and they eased me of so much stress. However, Twilight was adamant. I promised I would not accept any more ‘friend’ massages from you anymore.” Her smile widened.

So did your eyes.

“Is that why you were so insistent that I work here?” you ask.

Rarity replied, “But of course Twilight saw the trick for what it was. She watched me for months, expecting me to be one of your first clients. It was certainly wonderful for me that she lost interest in observing me in such a way. But even if she was still resolute on her task, she’s in Canterlot on royal business for the next few days.”

The door behind you closes. An icy film starts to coat your insides.

Why are you nervous? This is Rarity, your friend. Then again, the atmosphere of the room had become saturated with a kind of predatory radiation. Obviously, you were the prey, and you know it. What’s worse, Rarity knows you know it too.

You chuckle. “S-so I guess I am yours for eight hours then?”

Rarity nods. “That you are, darling. That you are.” Her horn glows, and she tosses you a small piece of fabric.

You catch it and hold it up. You start to laugh, but it isn’t the kind that is fueled with actual humor. In fact, your laugh is a borderline whimper.

“Rarity,” You ask. “What is this?”

Rarity bats her eyes at you. “It’s your uniform for today.”

You shake the garment, if it could even be called that, at the white unicorn. “I can’t wear this. I don’t even know if I can fit into this.”

In response, Rarity waves a hoof in your direction. “What do you take me for, Anon? Some second-rate fabric shrew from Appleoosa? No, no, no. We both know that is going to fit you.” She grins at you with chilling certainty in her eyes. “Secondly, I am your client. You have to do whatever I say, otherwise you’re going to be fired.”

“Fired?” You ask. “There’s no way Aloe or Lotus will fire me. I’m making them too much money.”

Rarity’s smug smirk grows a little. “Ah, but we made a wager. If you don’t get fired today, then they win, and if I do fire you, then I’ll be the only place in Ponyville that will hire you. Besides, the amount I paid the Blossom Twins covered the rate of renting out the Spa, plus enough money to pay for a month of your clients. They decided to take the money as they felt it was a sure bet.”

You ask, “A sure bet?”

Rarity replies, “Why yes. They were certain you would put on the garb. After all, we’re friends. Secondly, it’s not like we’re breaking any rules or regulations. Look at me, for example.” She stands up on the table. “I’m not wearing clothes. You want to be treated like a pony and not like some kind of freak, right?”

You narrow your eyes. “Um… right.”

“Well, if you really wanted to fit in, then you would be naked.” Rarity settled back down on the table. “However, your kind has this peculiar reservation about your bodies. The garment I gave you covers your private areas. That’s the important thing, right?”

You can feel the logic shackle closing around your neck, and Rarity’s eyes glimmer in victory.

“Riiiight?” Rarity asks.

“Right,” You reply.

She holds up a hoof. “I promise I won’t ask you to remove that garment. I’ll even look away when you get dressed. Can you blame a girl for wanting a bit of eye-candy while she gets pampered?”

You gesture to yourself. “But am I really eye-candy for you?”

Without skipping a beat, Rarity replies, “Of course you are, darling. Now, we’re wasting a great deal of time, and we’ve not even started to pampering yet. Can you please change into your uniform?”

“Fiiiine.” You head toward the door. “I’ll change in the hallway.”

Rarity watches you leave and close the door behind you. The grin on her face sends odd vibrations within you. Your heart feels like it’s in the center of a camp fire, while your bones feel as if they were chipped from ice. Your stomach is the embodiment of a tornado, and your limbs, specially your feet, feel as if they are made from rocks.

Your shirt comes off first, then your pants… and then your underwear. Of course Rarity knows your size, she made you all of your replacement clothes, including your boxer briefs. A great groan escapes from you.

“Less griping, and more dressing, darling,” Rarity calls from the other room. “After all, you’re on the clooooooock.”

You slide the silky little garment up your legs and slide them over your groin. As you let he garment go, it slaps against your skin with a sudden snap. The front of the garment has a single blue diamond, an exact replica of Rarity’s gem stone cutie mark. On the back across your ass, in bedazzled lettering, it simply says “Property of Rarity.”

You groan again as you open the door to your work room.

Rarity’s smile gets wider. Her horn glows with magic, and an ornate hair brush floats over to you.

“To start, I want you to brush my mane, coat, and tail,” Rarity says. “After that, you and I are taking a nice, long bath together. And then I want you to shampoo me. We’ll finish off with a massage, and then a nap.”

“I’m sorry,” you say. “Did you say a nap?”

The white unicorn grins wider. “Well of course. A little snuggling will be smashing. It will also energize us for tonight.”

“Tonight?” You ask. “I get off of 5:00 PM.”

“Of course you do, but I want to take you out to celebrate all of your hard work. You did just buy a house,” Rarity replies. “I can treat you because we’re friends, can’t I?”

“Are we just friends though?” You ask.

Rarity giggles a little, and her eyes become more amorous. “We are, unless you want to be more.” She lingers in silence for a moment. “You have been here for a while already. Twilight and Starlight are no closer to sending you home, so why not enjoy life a little?”

A hot blush covers your face. “Wh-what do you mean?”

Rarity’s horn glows, and your entire body is covered in her arcane aura. You are scooted across the floor so that you are right beside her.

“We can talk about that tonight.” For a brief moment, her facial expressions grow serious. “Understand that I am by no means forcing you to do any of this. If this truly makes you feel uncomfortable, I won’t press it any further, and I won’t get you fired.”

Your heart grows warmer, and you grin at her. You don’t say anything, but you take the brush, and gently start dragging it across Rarity’s back, right along her spine. Rarity closes her eyes for a brief moment, and she lets out the most dignified sigh. For a long time, it’s quiet in the room, aside from the sound of the brush scrapping against Rarity’s coat. She sits there on the table with the most appealing, joyful expression. Her eyes are barely parted, and her eyes are unfocused.

You take your time to get her torso, her legs, and then her flank.

Rarity raises her flank up ever so slightly, giving you a perfect vantage point to more intimate areas. At first you glance away, but Rarity stares back at you with sizzling sparkle. You wince, and then you stare at it straight on. Up till this point, you had never gazed at that part of a pony. Your eyes widen, and then you glance away. Your stomach violently twirls.

Logic in your mind blasts you with condemning lightning attacks, and yet your inner voice radiates with more than the normal amount of curiosity.

“Is it that atrocious, darling?” Rarity asks, with a slightly pouty lip.

“N-no, it’s not that,” You say. “I just have never looked at another pony’s… well, you know.”

“So I am the first?” Rarity’s voice rises in octave slightly. “And is it not appealing to you?”

You stop brushing and stare into her eyes. Are you blushing as much as she is? Probably way more.

“I’ll be honest, I don’t know what to feel.” You frown a little. “You’re not a human, and I’m not a pony. We’re two separate species, and well, where I’m from, you’re kind of an…” you wince. “An animal.”

Rarity doesn’t respond, but she tilts her head to the side slightly. Her azure eyes glimmer.

“It’s weird…” You say. “I might never get home, and so that means I’d have to go my whole life without having another meaningful connection with someone else.”

“Well, I’m not suggesting we jump into something so carnal at first,” Rarity replies. “I would prefer something more romantic, to be honest. I just wondered what you thought of me, regarding something like that.” She averts her eyes for a moment.

You say, “I don’t know how it would work. I mean, it looks very similar to a human woman’s. It’s just all so confusing and new.”

Rarity reaches over and places her hoof on your hand. “I’m willing to learn if you are.”

You gaze into her eyes.

“I really like you, Anon.”

You hear the words slip out of your mouth. “I really like you too.”

A fire explodes in your chest, but it is not all that unpleasant. If you are going to be stuck in this world, it would be nice at least to have someone, or rather, some pony to cuddle with at night.

Rarity leans up and kisses you on the cheek.

“It looks like we’re going to have a lot to discuss tonight, after all,” Rarity says.

“I suppose it does.” You laugh out loud.

She starts to laugh a little too, but she peers at you from the side.

“What is so funny, darling?” Rarity asked.

You gently start to brush her mane. “I suppose this makes us an OTP.”

“A what?” Rarity asks.

“A One True Pairing,” You answer. “It’s when two characters end up together romantically. I suppose you’re also my OTP, as in my One True Patron, since you were my first client and you’re my favorite one at that.”

Rarity’s eyes flutter. “I’m your favorite?”

You simply nod.

She starts to critically analyze you, and then she grins. “Is this OTP anything like… having a special some pony?”

“I suppose it can be,” You reply.

Rarity leans back in and kisses you gently on the lips. She pulls away a moment later. “Then I gladly accept the arrangement of OTP with you.” She waves her hoof at you. “Hurry up, Anon. I can’t wait to soak in that giant tub.”

You chuckle. “Yes, ma’am. Your wish is my command.”

The End

Comments ( 33 )

And then they fucked. The end!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
I don't intend to ever drift over into the clop realm. That is Wuten Country. :D But its totally up to the imagination of the reader. I hope you enjoyed the story.

I fixed it. Thank you for catching it. :)

8295787 She showed off her cooch. They fucked.

Edit: Yes.....very much.

Poor Annon... Wait I thought this was are own story right? When reading we think we're the human right?

Anyhow... I do wish this was a longer series were he can learn more about different ponies and use advantages of gossip to trick the ponies.

I did like this chapter, poor human he doesn't know what he got himself into.

Is it wrong that after the previous chapter I was hoping the "special client" would be Starlight? :unsuresweetie: :rainbowwild: :rainbowlaugh:

That's not wrong at all. :D I was just trying to have continuity because Rarity beamed him a predatory smile in chapter 1. :) I was considering shipping Starlight and Anon for this.

Damm dude. Well, I can't say I didn't see that. Just kinda happened. Oh well, it still feels right, so, good job. Yeah.

Thanks. I appreciate your kind words. :)

Not a problem. You deserve them, because you have done an excellent job at keeping readers interested. You've also shown to have some consistency, which is something I appreciate very much (even if I am lacking in that department), so you keep doing what you feel is best. See ya later.

I love writing. In addition to fanfics, I've also published novels too. :-) I'm a story teller to my core. Thanks again. :-D

I liked the story, his treatments causing some "excitement" while he worked, but he stuck to his job and didn't give in. Even with Rarity at the end, she arranged things so it would happen after work(if it all).

The one thing that stuck out to me was the sudden inclusion of Twilight as an obstacle in Rarity pursuing him. That just seemed REALLY sudden and out of the blue to just toss in this close to the end of the story. Especially since the story is completed now, its like throwing in a plot point that could be used for later, then it was just abandoned.


Thank you for your feedback! :-) the logic behind briefly mentioning twilight in the end was because I wanted the focus of the story to be centered around Anon and his work with giving massages. If I revealed that Twilight was suspicious of Rarity's intentions too early, it might take away from Rarity's admission. While at first, Rarity simply wanted to be rubbed on because of the stress relief that came with it, the absence away from Anon helped her manifest that she had feelings for Anon. Also, Twilight being an obstacle for rarity was more related to 'what' she caught them doing specifically. Lol

This was a good story, until it got to the part of the sexual harassment in a workplace. Someone in a position of power over another (able to get them fired) making sexual advances like this? Bit rapey.

I'm sorry you didn't like the ending. In other Anon stories, ive seen similar sorts of plots play out, and I figured it was a staple of these kinds of tales. You do bring up a good point though. I'm sorry if you felt offended, that was not intentional.

Well, that escalated quickly. I'm not saying I didn't like the ending, but I wished the story to be longer and more detailed. It feels like the story just ended abruptly.

>I do wish this was a longer series were he can learn more about different ponies
Same thing.

>Bit rapey.
Well, I got the impression that Anon started to like the idea. So even if it was going in that direction, it ended with mutual consent actually.

>Her eyes are barely parted, and her eyes are unfocused.
Did you mean eyelids? :)

Thank you for your kind words. If you all like my version of anon, then I can write something else and tie it to this one. :-)

As for the pacing at the end, I didn't feel
It needed description of the bath, and the shampoo, and the nap. The main point is that Rarity likes Anon, and this entire ordeal was all planned out. Would you like to see more of this anon?

You could show the Twilight reaction when she knows it. Also, what was the reason Twilight didn't like it? Was she jealous? Maybe she needs a massage too? You surely forgot a chapter with rubbing an alicorn :)


Maybe so. After I finish the Scootaloo story, I will go back and conceptualize a bonus chapter. :D

And this needs a sequel, as Spitfire tries to steal Anon away.

Actually, because of popular demand, I am going to write a sequel starring this version of Anon, and he is going to do something else in Ponyville. :)

8315699 Work in Sugarcane Corner? Because nothing kneads dough like fingers. Then again, working with the crazy might make Anon move to Griffonstone.

I do agree with him though, we need more spitfire.


I did like this chapter, poor human he doesn't know what he got himself into.

Yes he does. :raritywink:Me!

Yay! I just finished and faved this story! I'm glad there will be more! <3
Will Anon and Rarity still be a thing after this, or will the sequel sort of side-step the events of this story?

Hey! Thanks for your kind words. In good hands is the sequel, so you can find out what happens next. :-)

wish there were more other ponies added to his massaged list....:trollestia:

aside from that nice fic!:yay:

Just finished this story and I liked it quite a bit! Good job :twilightsmile:

A romance novel without sex in it? Nice...

Kinda sad we didn't get a princess chapter or one with a certain hand obsessed fan favorite but this was a delightful read regardless.

That moment when you finish reading a fic about massages and their is an massage ad at the bottom of the page

This is... Good?
Yeah, it's good.


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