• Published 10th Jul 2017
  • 6,572 Views, 77 Comments

Lovely Hands - StoryWeaverKP

You are Anon, and you have been hired to work at the Ponyville Day Spa

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Chapter 3 - Wing Boner

Chapter 3 – Wing Boner

Within a few weeks, your reputation for having magical hands has spread to every house in Ponyville. Most of your clientele are earth ponies, but one muscle bound pegasus with dinky little wings and a couple of unicorns had come in to get shampoo treatments and thigh massages.

The money you have earned from servicing the ponies of Ponyville has started to add up, and if you play your cards right, you might be able to buy your own house soon.

Today has been quiet, and so far, no one has come to visit you. It’s okay though, because you are allowed to take little naps during idle times such as these.

The door to your room opens up, and you bolt up from the table. You let out a long, drawn out yawn as you peer at the yellow pegasus who is now standing in your room’s entryway. Her mane and tail are two different shades of orange, and her orange irises sparkle with a fiery sense of arrogance. The mare’s cutie mark looks to be some kind of flaming bird.
What were those things called again? Oh well…

The pegasus grins at you, and when she speaks, her voice sounds gravely, like a dirt road being driven on.

“Well, so the rumors are true,” she says. “There really is a weird creature giving massages in town.” She waltzes over to table you’re sitting on.

A delightful sparkle twinkles in her eyes as she gently scoots you off with one of her wings. When you’re completely off of the table, she leaps into your spot and settles in.

“Um… hi there,” you say.

She peers at you. “Sup. So are you going to start with the rubbing or what? I only have so much time before I have to get back to Cloudsdale.”

“Oh sure,” you reply. “My name is Anon. and you are?”

She just smiled wider. “Enough with all this talking. My wings are very sore, so I want you to pay some extra special attention to them, understand?” With that, the yellow mare closes her eyes and lowers her head.

Much like the other massage jobs you’ve done in the past, you start with the neck and shoulders. Unlike the beefy and solid earth ponies, this pegasus mare feels leaner and much more toned. Every once and a while, the yellow mare murmurs affirmative noises and sighs. When you get to her legs, they are even leaner than her neck, back, and shoulders.

While you are rubbing each of her legs, you can’t help but stare at her wings. At the moment, they are folded against her sides. You have never been this close to a pegasus, aside from the one with the dinky wings.

Just as you finish with the mare’s last hoof, she peers up at you.

She says, “Now that the warm up is over, it’s time to get on to the main event. Do you want to start on the right or the left?”

You gaze in her direction. “Well, how about the right?”

Her right wing gracefully extends. Her beautiful feathers spread out from one another, and you can’t look away. A sense of awe flows up inside you.

The mare chuckles. “You’re liable to give a girl the wrong impression if you stare at her like that.”

“Oh sorry,” You say. “I’ve just never seen a wing this close before.”

Once more, the mare laughs. “Well…” her eyes flutter. “You had better be gentle with me, or I’ll make sure you run a hundred laps around town. If I can’t fly, then I’m useless to my team.”

“So you’re on a team, then?” You ask. “Which one?”

The yellow pegasus arches an eyebrow at you. “You mean you don’t recognize me? I’m a Wonderbolt.”

You had heard about them from your friend Rainbow Dash. Apparently, they were really good at flying or something.

“Oh!” you say. “my friend talks about you a lot. I don’t know too much about Equestian Sports.”

She opens her mouth to speak, but then she pauses for a moment. A brief silence hangs between you before she chuckles.

“If you see any errant feathers, pluck them out quick and hard, okay?” She lowered her head and closed her eyes again.

Up till this point, you had not had the pleasure or grievous responsibility of rubbing a pegasus’ wings. Slight hesitation tickles your mind, but you place your hands on the spot where her wings meet her back. You start off gently enough, rubbing with your thumbs and gripping with your fingers. Within seconds of you working on the actual appendage, the Wonderbolt star moans a little. Like her lean and toned legs, her wings are stronger than they look.

You press a little harder, and you dig your fingers in a little more.

“Please tell me if I am doing this too hard,” You say.

The mare’s tail whips about wildly, almost like a whip, but she lets out several more relief-filled moans.

Slowly you work your way to the tip of her wing, along the thick part where all the feathers jut out from. As soon as that is done, you start gently tracing your fingers along each of her feathers.

The mare makes little cooing noises, and her hind quarters start to rise up a little. Her tail whips more.

A sudden weight presses down inside you.

“Should I stop?” You ask.

“Please don’t.” She says. “You’re essentially about to prune my feathers, and I can already anticipate it.” She opens her eyes and stares at you. Urgency flickers in those irises. “Please. It will relieve so much pressure, and I’ll be able to fly at my max capabilities.”

You give her a nod, and you start inspecting each of the feathers on her right wing. About a dozen feathers stick out from the established pattern of surrounding feathers, so you take hold of them in each of your fingertips. At first, you try to wiggle the feathers back into place, but more often than not, it doesn’t work.

The yellow pegasus gives little whimpers, but she doesn’t protest. That’s when you remember what she suggested.

You wince for a moment, and then you pinch the errant feather. With a sudden tug, you pull you hand back.

The mare yelps a little, but again, she doesn’t protest. The consecutive feathers are much easier to remove as your reluctance has vanished. The mare doesn’t openly protest either. It takes about fifteen or twenty minutes to finish working on her right wing. You move over to the next wing, and it takes about the same amount of time. Her left wing only had half as many errant feathers.

“Hold on,” you say.

You move over to one of the cabinets, specifically the one with the special oils. You open the cabinet and take out one of the bottles. A week and a half ago, you had stumbled upon these oils, labeled ‘Wing Warmer’. Putting it on your own skin revealed the oil’s intention. In the back of your mind, you suspected this oil had more applications than commercial massage.

She glances over at you. “What’s that?”

You smile at her. “This is going to make your wings feel awesome, but you won’t be able to fly until it dries.”
The once arrogant Wonderbolt winces. “Is it going to hurt?”

You open the top of the bottle, and a strong fragrance dances on the air.

The mare’s eyes open wide. “Wait… I know what that is!” Her yellow face blushes. “Y-you’re going to use that on me?”
Suddenly, you stop. “I don’t have to if you don’t want me to.”

Just as you close the top, the pegasus reaches out with her hoof.

“No… I mean,” she blushes a little more. “I don’t mind.” Immediately, she lays her head back down. Her tail whips wildly again.

You open the bottle and squeeze some of the oil into your hands. Within seconds of skin contact, your palm becomes extremely warm. It isn’t a burning feeling exactly, but it’s like your skin has become self-aware and its only feeling one sensation: pleasure. Every inch of your palm tingles and radiates with delight.

It’s too bad you couldn’t take the secrets of the oil with you back home. You could make billions of dollars, and hand lotion would go out of business.

You smother the edges of her wings in the oil, and within seconds, the mare leans her head back and lets out a long shudder.

“Oh yeah….” She says. “That feels…. Oh Sweet Celestia!”

You start to coat her feathers in the oil as well.

“The back of the bottle says that it relieves tension and bombards your nervous system with pleasure and comfort,” You say. “You mentioned that you were sore, right?”

In response, the mare’s hindquarters went up a little more, and a sudden, new aroma filled the air.

It was unlike anything you had ever encountered, and after sufficient sniffing, you discovered its origin.

Immediately, you’re face blushes, and your body reacts in a most bizarre way. You push those weird thoughts from your mind, and you take a deep breath. Rather than walk around the back of the table, you maneuver around the front so you can work on the other wing.

As much as the mare reveled in the oil on her right wing, she nearly rolled off of the table when you put it on the second wing.

The pegasus grunts loudly, almost like a horse whinny from the animals you had back home.

The door to your room opens up, and Aloe stomps in.

“What is going on in here?” She asks.

The yellow pegasus is still on the table, and she is breathing heavy. Both of her wings are completely erect, extended out beside her. Her cheeks were reddened.

“What did you do to her?” Aloe asks. Even her pink face is starting to grow redder.

You step back away from the table and gesture to the bottle. “I just used that oil on her.”

As soon as Aloe sees it, she gasps and grabs it. She sniffs it and then shakes her head. “W-where did you find this?”

You swallow hard. “Um… in the cabinet.”

Aloe locks gazes with you, and she becomes even more flustered. She averts her eyes. “So this is where Lotus hid it. How embarrassing.”

“I don’t understand,” You say. “I used some of that on my hands, and sure it feels good, but she…” you gesture to the pegasus on the table. “She really likes it…”

By this point, she has stopped breathing as hard, but her wings are still spread open. She’s averting her eyes from the both of you.

Aloe immediately bows to the yellow mare. “Miss Spitfire, I am so sorry. There has been a terrible mistake. He wasn’t supposed to use this oil on you.”

Spitfire, the Wonderbolt kept her attention focused on the corner of the room. “I th-thought as much, but I figured he knew what he was d-doing.”

“Hold on,” You say. “I don’t understand. That’s a bottle of Wing Warmer, right? It’s used for massaging pegasus wings, right?”

Aloe let out a giggle. “Well, normally yes… but you see… I emptied this particular bottle and put something else inside it.”

Dread pools in the back of your throat, and all the moisture disappears from your mouth. “S-something else?”

The room is silent for a few moments. Aloe’s words are carefully selected. “I have this pegasus lover you see, and he likes to have magical erotic oils put on him.”

It gets harder to breath.

Spitfire eased herself off of the table, but her wings are quite rigid.

“So I think I’m going to chill in here until these go down,” Spitfire says.

Aloe nods eagerly. “Yes, and consider this treatment completely complementary.”

Spitfire smiles, despite her ridiculous appearance. For a brief moment, she beams a warm, awkward stare your way. Then her attention drifts downward slightly.

She snickers. “Looks like I’m not the only one who needs to remain out of sight for a bit.”

Aloe follows her line of sight, and then her eyes open wide. “Sweet Celestia.”

A thousand needles press in on your body, from every conceivable direction.

“P-please excuse me,” you say as you turn to leave the room.

Aloe giggles into her hoof, but Spitfire just watches you with those same arrogant eyes she came in with.

Spitfire says, “I knew I was fiery hot, but who knew I could affect other species? He he he…”

As soon as you close the door, you hear both mares laugh all the harder. You learn against the door, and place your head in your hands. How can this day get any worse?

As you look up, you notice Lotus standing in front of you with her eyes wide open.

“Sweet Celestia…” she says.

Coming soon… Chapter 4 – The Horn Job