• Published 29th Jul 2017
  • 1,109 Views, 114 Comments

Freedoms Call - Bronycommander

Occupied America 2029. America is occupied for two years now by the Greater Korean Republic. This year will be a surprise for a KPA soldier

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Chapter 14 Dark Words And Darker Deeds

Chapter 14: Dark Words and Darker Deeds

Scotch Tape’s hearing slowly got better, but while she heard clear again, her vision was still black. “Then it must be a drone.” It was the voice of the Blackjack drone. The pain subsided a little bit.

D-drone? She was confused. Finally, her vision returned. It was still blurry but became clear after a few seconds.

She looked the Blackjack drone in the eyes. The robot had a sad expression. “You're awake. I thought we couldn’t save you anymore.”

The foal got up and asked, “What do you mean with-“ She cut herself off as her voice sounded different. It was cybernetic. “What is wrong with my voice?” In shock, she looked at her body. Instead of her green fur, her body was not organic anymore but cold, green metal. Even her mane and tail were metallic in her color. Frantic, she looked into a mirror. She looked like one of them, only her right eye was still organic. “W-What have you done?” she asked, shocked.

The medical drone stepped forward. “Scotch Tape, your internal organs were so seriously injured that this was the only option to save you.” She had regret and pity in her voice but it didn't matter to the filly.

“I-I...I can't believe what you did to me!” She tried to run away, but not yet used to her cybernetic legs, she tripped and fell.

“Please, Scotch Tape, let me explain...” Her father's counterpart tried to comfort her by rubbing her back. While she could feel nothing, it was somehow nice. As comfortable as it was, Scotch Tape was still upset and jerked herself away from his grasp.

“Leave me alone! I hate you!” She ran away, having trouble keeping her balance.

She made it out of the operation room and tried to find the exit, but tripped again. The filly’s brain was so much in an information storm, that Scotch Tape didn’t even try to get up. A small tear rolled down her check, but she didn’t feel it, only noticing it as it dropped on the floor. Realizing that she couldn’t even feel her own tears, the foal broke down, crying. Then, she heard normal hoof steps. “S-Scotch Tape? W-what happened to you?” It was Fletcher Fray, shocked to see her like this, unable to process it.

Without warning, she jumped towards him and slammed right into his stomach, nearly causing him to lose his balance. Her hooves wrapped around his abdomen as she cried into his chest. He rubbed her back. “Shh, calm down.” As his hoof was on her new body, he noticed something strange. He could swear that the metal felt warm, like Body heat. He could also faintly hear a fast heart beat from her metallic chest.

It made him wonder, in shock, how much of her organic body was left, if she was forced to be like this forever.

The sound of metallic hoof steps entered his ears. Looking up, the first produced drones came into view, having guilty expressions but it didn’t matter for the Eternal Knight, his anger was taking control.

“How could you do this to her?!” The unicorn yelled at the robot ponies while rubbing the filly’s back who was crying her heart out.

“You must understand, she was dying, we had no other choice.” The Blackjack drone tried to explain but this enraged Fletcher even more.

“Choice?! You were meant to heal her! Not turn her into a weapon! You used her injury as an excuse to create another killer...like you!” Fray shouted in anger.

His counterpart stepped forward, his expression neutral. “I am a droid. I do not have the ability to think before killing. You, however, have all the thought and choice your kind are privileged to, yet you go into battle and kill regardless. By that logic, which of us is the living weapon, the creature crafted for war? I had no choice but to be the way I was designed. But you could spare every life you have taken if you had simply chosen to. Yet you didn't. I am curious to know...What made you a killer?”

I...Uh…” The green pony was lost for words.

“As I suspected. Besides, our brains and hearts are just like yours.”

That confused Fletcher and Scotch Tape. “What do you mean?” the filly asked, not able to understand.

“Let us show you our secret.” The female unicorn drone replied, the metal on her forehead and chest removed, it happened on the other 6 drones as well, revealing something that shocked both ponies.

In the heads of the drones was a human brain, protected by a glass box filled with water, small cables and tubes connected to it.

In the chests were human hearts, also in glass boxes, beating and several tubes were also connected the box and heart.

“You…You are…cyborgs?” Scotch Tape couldn’t believe it.

“Yes, Scotch Tape. We were once humans, US soldiers fighting in the Oil war. I was a Sergeant with the name Katie Brown. And the other first produced drones were my squad mates.” The Blackjack drone explained.

“How…can you be alive?” Fletcher was lost for words at this.

“It’s a long story. Our organs are fed via the charging stations and improved by nanobots in our new bodies, and to supply our bodies, too. The hive mind allows us to communicate to each other telepathically, also controlling the other drones that are not cyborgs, but only normal drones.” Katie explained.

“O-okay…H-how did this happen to you?” Scotch Tape asked, not able to process what she just heard.

“We can show you it, by temporary connecting you to our hive mind if you let us do that. There’s nothing to be afraid of, Scotch Tape, it won’t hurt a bit.” The former medic explained to them.

“I would like to know. What about you, Fletcher?” The filly asked him.

“I guess it would make it easier to understand.” He replied, his voice had a slight hint of disgust.

“Follow me” The Pegasus drone took the lead, Scotch Tape tried to walk, but she tripped again.

“Let me help.” The Eternal Knight levitated her on his back.

They followed the medical drone to a sleeping quarter, pointing to two beds.

The green unicorn gently placed the filly on one bed before climbing into the other bed.

“Now that you are comfortable, let’s begin.” The robotic Pegasus attached a small circular object on Scotch Tape’s forehead, then one on Fletcher’s forehead.

“Don't be afraid, Scotch Tape. We're here to help you. Open your mind to our thoughts, and concentrate on getting well. Hear our voices. Open your mind to our thoughts. Our collective strength can heal you. You're safe with us. Feel the connection. We're with you. See who we are. Know us. You're not alone. Our strength is your strength. We can overcome your pain. We welcome you into our thoughts. There’s nothing to fear. We won't let you die.” The drones spoke together in a monotone voice, Fletcher heard the same before everything went black.

As the filly’s vision returned, she found herself in the body of a female US soldier, seeing everything with her host’s eyes, it felt strange for her. Her friend found himself in the body of a male US soldier, also feeling strange about it.

The soldiers were in a US base in a sandy environment, checking a map.

Fletcher saw that Katie had brown hair with matching eyes, armed with a shotgun, Scotch Tape looked at his host, a sniper having the same eye and hair color as Fletcher, his nametag showed that he had the name Klaus Baker.

“Reporting Sergeant, everything’s quiet.” A new voice sounded in their ears.

Turning around, they saw the rest of the squad. The demolition expert had brown hair and blue eyes, armed with a grenade launcher and a M4 with attached grenade launcher. The filly could feel how Katie’s heartbeats increased, making her wonder if they were lovers or married, as Jeff Jones, so said his nametag, had an amorous expression.

Fletcher could see two other soldiers, one male, the other female, both armed with SMGs. The male soldier had black hair and green eyes, with the name Joseph Lopez, the female soldier had blue eyes and brown hair, with the name Grace Stone.

“At ease. The enemy seems to have captured an outpost near the camp. Our orders are to recapture it.”

Scotch Tape got a good look on the rest of the squad, two female soldiers. The first was the medic of the squad, recognizable by the medic bag she was carrying and a red cross on the uniform. The medic had green eyes and blond hair, her name was Mia Mason. The other one was the support gunner, armed with a LMG, having ammo belts on the uniform, and had the nametag Ava Thompson.

“Yes, Sergeant!” They all saluted before getting into two Humvees and moving out.

They kept their distance when the outpost was insight, before getting out of their vehicles.

“Okay, Klaus, find a good position for sniping, Joseph, Grace, scout ahead and report.”

“Copy that!” All three acknowledged the order, moving out.

The Sniper moved on a hill, placing a Claymore behind him, so hostiles couldn’t ambush him easily. Aiming down the scope of his M21 sniper rifle, he spotted three Iranian soldiers, one manning a MG. “I got a visual on three Tangos, over.”

“Copy that. Take them out.” His squad leader ordered.

“Roger. But be not thou far from me, O my strength, haste thee to help me.” Klaus spoke before taking the MG gunner out, and the enemy fell backwards, blood flowing down his head.

The other two hostiles got taken out by Lopez and Stone before they could raise an alert.

“Nice work, we’re moving up.” Katie spoke into the radio as they joined the SMG gunners.

“Okay, now let’s get this outpost back!” The Sergeant exclaimed as the other enemies were unaware.

Grace grinned. “I love straightforward!” Then she stormed head first towards the enemy, firing her MP5, the rest of her squad mates followed.

“She really makes her role as vanguard all honor.” Klaus commented as he fired on every target he saw or Grace was firing at, with amazing accuracy, always headshots.

“And she always comes out without a scratch.” The Medic added, staying back and in cover due her role.

“By the way, Sergeant, even at this distance, you still look beautiful.” Klaus was known for his jokes and calm personality, even in the heat of battle.

“I know.” Katie replied, moving from cover to cover to get close to make her shotgun effective. She was a caring person, trying to get civilians and especially children out of danger first, also very caring for her soldiers, an experienced commander.

“And that’s why I love you.” Jeff replied, using his grenade launcher whenever an enemy tried to hide behind cover.

“We can see that.” Ava forced the enemy with her M249 into cover, so her comrades could take them out easily. She was mostly quiet, focusing on her task on suppressing the enemy.

“Wait, Sargent, they have prisoners up ahead!” Klaus warned.

“Copy that. Squad! Cease fire. We can’t endanger the lives of the prisoners.” The officer ordered and they carefully advanced as no enemy was insight.

In the middle of the outpost, they saw several women and children tied up and held at gunpoint by some hostiles, the child cried or looked at the soldiers in fear.

“Not on my watch.” Katie said with a dark tone, her expression one of disgust. We need to act fast, Jeff, smoke grenade.”

The Grenadier fired one with his grenade launcher, the Iranian soldiers coughed and the Americans moved in, quickly eliminating them.

The civilians looked at the US soldiers with fear. “We’re here to help.” The female officer said in Arabic to calm then down as Jeff defused a booby trap connected to the prisoners, showing that he was an expert with any kind of explosives, also caring for civilians and comrades, always carful of his surroundings, being Katie’s lover, having great respect for her, while it also showed that Katie was a caring person, trying to get civilians and especially children out of danger first, also very caring for her soldiers, an experienced commander.

One of the kids cried in pain and held it’s left leg, causing Mia to approach it. “Let me take a look.” She spoke in a calming voice as he disinfected and bandaged the wound. It made it clear to Scotch Tape and Fletcher that the medic was a skilled surgeon and doctor, capable of providing emergency care in the field and probably surgery as complex as organ transplants, having a good heart, managing to calm every patient she treated.

“Thank you.” One of the women smiled, hugging her child, letting out a sigh of relief.

“We only do what is right, now get to safety.” Katie replied.

“Incoming!” The vanguard yelled as another enemy squad arrived, and charged at it in an aggressively manner.

Grace was an aggressive and reckless fighter, often charging into battle without caring for her own safety but always managed to get out of most situations unharmed yet cared deeply for her comrades. She was very skilled in melee combat, especially using a knife. A hostile tried to charge at her, but it was a mistake. She swiftly blocked it, before slicing him then several others in quick succession.

Joseph, the scout of the squad, was able to go deep into enemy territory and scout the enemy out without being noticed, often tricking the enemy in the process. Like Grace, he was skilled in melee combat, lunging at hostiles that were close for melee attacks. Despite this, he was caring for his comrades, yet very quietly.

“Enemy in the window!” He pointed a hostile soldier out.

Klaus had no clear shot, a support beam blocked the view. But he had an idea. Firing at the side of the window, the bullet ricocheted off, hitting the target into the head, falling out the window.

‘Impressive.’ Both ponies thought, looking in awe at how efficient the squad was fighting through the outpost.

“Great work, squad, all hostiles are eliminated and the area is secured.” Katie reported to HQ after the outpost was recaptured.

“I love it when a plan comes together!” Katie cheered afterwards.

Another squad arrived, relieving them.

Back at the base, a general praised them. “Great work, you all did a great job for your country. Enjoy your leave, you have earned it.”

The soldiers saluted. “Thank you, sir.”

They get into a Black Hawk, flying to the next US base with an airport to bring them home.

“I really can’t wait to get home, I invite you all to a drink!” Klaus was happy to get home again.

“Appreciated but you don’t have to, my friend.” Jeff replied.

“Nonsense! We must celebrate this!” The Sniper insisted.

“If you want to do it, I won’t stop you, I really miss the bars back home.” Katie replied.

An explosion went off in the distance, all soldiers shielded their eyes to avoid witnessing the brightness of the detonation. When they were able to look back, they were shocked to see what had happened.

A Nuke had been detonating right in in the Green Zone of Riyadh, where their base was.

The mushroom cloud rose into the air as the shockwave destroyed everything in its path.

Everyone, hang on!” Katie shouted before the shockwave reached the helicopter, causing it to spin out of control.

Fletcher saw that Klaus was sliding out of the chopper due to the G-forces caused by the spin, Katie lunged and grabbed him by the hand, trying to pull him back in, but the force was too strong and his hand slipped, falling out of the chopper.

Fletcher’s vision went black on impact, Scotch Tape’s host tried to hang onto the seats, then her vision blacked out upon impact.

“Poor things.” Scotch Tape and Fletcher had sympathy for them.

They shared Katie’s vision as the woman came to with great pain in the wreck, looking at her hands, the gloves were torn, cuts everywhere.

Severely injured from the crash, the soldier crawled out of the wreck, gasping twice, hearing her heartbeat.

She fell out of the wreck, hurting herself mildly. Getting up was painful, Katie looked around the darkened city. A massive white mushroom cloud was rising in the horizon from the nuclear explosion. Radioactive dust blew all around her and the city. To her right were the corpses of Ava, Grace and Lopez.

Mia was lying on the ground, losing her breath,coughing up blood before dying, Jeff was limping towards the mushroom cloud before collapsing, crawling, and then finally dying. Moments after, the officer collapsed, and looked up, her vision whiting out before dying from radiation poisoning.

As both ponies could see again, they were transparent, finding themselves next to the bodies. Several men in Hazmat suits arrived, checking the bodies. “They're still alive down there. Get them out of there, quickly!” one of them said before the bodies were brought away.

The image of the destroyed town faded, and the foal and unicorn found themselves in what seemed to be an operation room.

“Alright, let’s get this over with.” A man in doctor’s clothes spoke as the bodies of the deceased soldiers got brought in.

Both ponies knew what would happen know, Scotch Tape looked away, Fletcher covered her eyes. “Don’t look.” Both couldn’t bear the sounds of the bodies being opened, the Knight cringed at the “pop” sound as the occiput of Katie got opened.

Then, the scene changed to a house, they saw Katie and Jeff dancing together to a relaxing and nice song, while two children, a girl with brown hair and blue eyes and a boy with brown hair and matching eyes, danced too.

“I guess that was a dream of Katie that sadly, never became reality.” The filly figured out.

“I guess so.” Fletcher agreed.

“Katie…” Archer’s voice echoed, the dream faded, changing to a room in the base, the ponies saw that the scientist was looking at a Blackjack drone in a charging station, it was…smiling.

“She’s still dreaming.” Wyatt watched the woman’s brain currents on a monitor.

With a guilty expression, Archer replied, “Time to wake her up.”

Wyatt pushed some buttons, the drone’s eyes became red.

“What’s happening? Where am I?” The cybernetic voice of the robotic Unicorn asked confused.

“You were caught in a nuclear explosion, Katie. Y-you’re in a hospital.”

“Where are the others...Where are my friends?” Katie asked, her voice was a mix of confusion and desire to know.

“Calm down, listen to me, you’re okay, your squad is fine.”

“Who are you?” The woman asked, trying to understand.

“I’m Dr. Archer. I’m treating you.” The scientist introduced himself.

“Heartrate rising.” Wyatt warned.

“I can’t move.” Katie took a breath. “I can’t move.”

“I want you to relax.” Archer turned to his colleague. “Unlock her.” Wyatt did as told.

After the locks opened, the cyborg looked at her hooves and herself, trying to process what happened to her. “What… am I?”

“I-it’s you, Katie. This was the only option. We are here, to make you whole again.” Archer wasn’t sure how she would take it as her expression was neutral.

“I want you to walk. I know you can do it.” Archer continued.

The drone hesitated before slowly taking a step forward, creating a metallic sound.

Then she took a few more steps around the room. “This feels so real. I can feel all of this. But why am I in a body of a fan character of a kids show?” Katie asked confused, being a fan of the show, having read Fallout Equestria: Project Horizons.

“It’s…hard to explain. You have to understand, this is reality, no dream. The enemy detonated a nukein the Green Zone of Riyadh, killing over 200,000 U.S. troops. You and your squad are unofficially the only survivors. This ‘new’ body is part of a project that was created to balance those high losses out. Project Horizons.

“I…understand. What’s left of my original body?” Katie asked curious, wanting to know.

With a sad and guilty expression, Archer replied, I’m afraid not much. Take a look for yourself.” He pointed to the charging station, the woman walked in, a mirror was placed in front of her.

The metal on her forehead and chest removed, showing her brain and heart, both protected by glass, connected to tubes.

“No…Holy Christ…Holy Christ…Holy Christ, there’s nothing left!” The woman exclaimed in shock, her expression horrified.

“Your body may have gone, b-but you’re still here.” It was not easy for the scientist to tell this all to her.

“That’s not even my organs!” Katie spoke disgusted, seeing the tubes.

“W-we had to repair the damaged areas but we didn’t interfere with your emotions or your intellect, understand me, Katie, you’re in control.”

“I’m in control?” Katie asked in disbelief.


“If I’m in control, then I want to die. Just unplug whatever it is keeping me alive and end this…nightmare.” Katie replied, not able to process or bear what happened to her.

“Let's say I did that, which would be almost impossible for me, what do I say to your friends, your squad?” Archer asked hypothetically.

The Sergeant thought for a moment. A tear left her right eye. “That it didn’t work. You tried. Something went wrong. You did everything you could but…I died.”

“So after all you went through, all the pain. All the hope restored, we just ripped that away. Jeff loves you, they all care for you. For your great service to your country, it gave you a second chance. I need you to take that chance.” Archer tried to give her a reason to live.

“I… understand. What is the purpose of Project Horizons?” Katie wanted to know.

“As I said, to balance those losses out. This project also uses a new technology we designed.” He explained.

“Which is this body, I assume? Cyborg technology?” Katie asked in return, not sure what to think about it.

“Yes. We were instructed to create drones that should assist human soldiers or replace them in very dangerous situations. But even the most advanced Al would be never able to do this, so, as you can see, we combined machine with human. You and your friends got selected as you are the most suitable candidates for this.”

“Makes sense, how is this supposed to work?” Katie was curious.

“Well, the body you have is the first produced one; there are 8 more. Those are normal drones. Through a…hive mind, you can share your battle experience with them, seeing what they see, making them as effective as a human.”

“That sounds very…interesting.” Katie didn’t know if she could believe this.

“You can try it out for yourself if you want.” Archer suggested, the other drones walked in, armed with shotguns, dressed in riot gear.

“Okay, I’ll give it a try.” Katie also equipped a shotgun and armor, walking to the simulator. Several enemies appeared, the HUD marked the positions of potential shooters, tracking them as they moved into position. Katie thought of using her standard tactic, moving from cover to cover to get close.

In the moment she thought, the information got preceded by the other drones, copying her tactic with deadly efficiency, she was also able to see with their eyes, enabling her to shoot without even having to physically look at the target. “This is incredible!” She was fascinated after every target was down.

“So, what about my friends?” She asked with a hopeful voice.

“I warn you, you will not like the current state of your loved one to be a comfortable sight.” He stepped aside, showing that there were 6 different drones in charging stations, 3 that resembled P-21, Morning Glory and Lacunae, while the other three looked like OCs.

Katie looked at the blue mechanic stallion, somehow knowing that Jeff was in there. “Is he…”

“I can assure you, he is alive and shall remain as such unless you would wish otherwise. But...it's not a good life, probably goes without saying. The way he now is, he will be unable to interact with you or even feel your touch. He will see and hear you but...well, it's complicated, the human psyche. He may not even be strong enough to reply to you. It will be quite unpleasant for you and worse for him...That is why I wish to consult you on an alternative solution. Now, what I'm about to suggest may be quite troubling for you to imagine...But it may be the closest chance either of you have of regaining the life you once had together.” Archer felt very guilty as he explained the situation.

“And…that is?” She asked, afraid of Jeff’s condition.

“Well, every one of you is in the ‘body’ of the suit that corresponds to your skills and abilities as soldiers. Like with the drones, you can communicate via this hive mind and see what they see. You can be work together as squad once again.”

“Can…Can I be alone with them? Katie requested.

“Sure, take as long as you need.” The two scientists left the room.

The white drone walked up to the P-21 drone. “Jeff…I don’t know if you can’t hear me and I…know this is very difficult but I…still love you. And I always will, no matter what, even in this…new body. I hope…you understand. I don’t know if Archer informed any of you of this before me but I want you to let you know, you are my friends and squad mates, my comrades. And I will always be by your side.” It was hard for her, not knowing if they could take it, she could do it due having a strong sense of duty and she'd persevere for those beside her, knowing that however hard she'd find her current state, it would be worse for her friends to deal with her death.

“Katie…honey…” Jeff’s voice sounded weak in her head, she knew it was the hive mind and not her imagination. “I will always love you…even in this…however you could call this. My love towards you is what drives me, keeping me alive.” The Stallion formed slowly a smile.

“I love you too.” She couldn’t help but kiss him on the lips, the feelling of joy for it… was still there.

“...How do they...” Wyatt was lost for words, not believing what he just saw.

“I don't know, nor wish to find out. Let’s have them enjoy this moment.” Archer replied, slightly smiling.

“And we…are your friends…Katie. No matter what…friends stay together, helping each other. Together…we can make it through this.” The others replied in her mind together, still needing to get used to it.

Scotch Tape and Fletcher had sympathy for them, yet were impressed how they helped each other to get through this.

Then they saw how the former soldiers tested out their new abilities. “Oh man! Flying is so fun!” Grace did a loop with her wings, smiling.

“Yes it is.” Mia replied, practicing her flying, yelping as a hook missed her by inches.

“My bad! I still need to get used to this thing!” Klaus apologized.

Then the two saw how the soldiers fought together in a simulation, seeing with each other’s eyes, fighting with an efficiency they could only dream of.

After that followed the demonstration they had seen as recording.

After the scene faded again, an alert rang in their ears, seeing a blood stain on the ground. Following it, they saw a dead scientist, the Rampage drone, who was covered in blood, making her name appropriate, to Scotch Tape’s and Fletcher’s horror.

Security teams fired their weapons on it, the bullets bounced off, dealing no damage before the drone lunged at them, killing them one by one. Katie with a group of security drones arrived, throwing a grenade on it; said grenade exploded in a blue magnetic field, the drone glitching before shutting down.

“Threat neutralized.” The former officer reported.

“I want that thing to be scraped at once!” The same general from the recording yelled at Archer.

“Of course, sir. We take care of that right away.” As the general walked away, the scientist let out a sigh. “I told them it was a bad idea to design a drone after Rampage, but did they listen?”

Wyatt put a hand on his shoulder. “Relax, thanks to the quick response of Katie and her ‘security team’, it had one dead and a few wounded, could have been worse. But tell me, why did you create this one again?”

“Because someone in the department of defense complained that the White Wolf drone wasn’t ‘effective enough’ in melee combat, saying we should replace with a more deadly version, wanting that we should design it after Rampage.” Archer explained.

“Ah, yes, I remember. Good thing that we only made this prototype, Al only like with the Wonderbolt and Derpy drones.”

“Yeah. Come on, let’s get this over with.”

“Sure. Any idea how it could have malfunctioned?” his co-worker asked.

“No idea. And to be honest, I don’t want to know.”

As the base faded, they found themselves in storage room one, the soldiers in their charging stations, “sleeping.”

The two scientists were overlooking them with sad and guilty expressions. “It’s very impressive and surprising that they could adapt to their new life so well.” Archer commented.

“Yes. We did the right thing.” Wyatt replied, his guilt was not hidden.

“I’m sorry to interrupt gentleman, but I have bad news for you.” A new voice came from behind.

The general that got shown the project by them walked in, his expression half serious, half sorry, his tonefrank but uncomfortable.

“General, how can we help you?” Wyatt asked him, surprised to see him.

“We got rid of the malfunctioning drone. You have nothing to worry about, general.” Archer assured him.

“I’m happy to hear it, Mr. Archer but I’m here for a different reason.”

“What is it, general?” Wyatt asked.

“Well…as I said, I have bad news and I’m terribly sorry to say this to you, if not very sorry…I appreciate all your work, I’m a great supporter of it but…”

“But what?” Both scientists asked in union.

“This project got cancelled.” The general informed them.

That message surprised both. “Why? Project Horizons was apart from that small incident a success.” Archer could not follow.

“Yes, but due the financial crash and the crumbling of U.S. infrastructure, the founding for Project Horizons got cut.”

“You…you can’t be serious!” Wyatt couldn’t believe what he just heard.

“I am serious. But despite the economic struggles of the country, I will still support you as well as I can. I still have a lot of money on my account.

“Thank you sir, we appreciate it.” They walked out, and Archer gave the former soldiers a last look of sympathy before leaving the room.

Scotch Tape and Fletcher gasped as the flashback, memory, or whatever they could call it ended, trying to process everything.

Scotch Tape took the first word. “I’m so sorry for what happened to you.”

“And I…must apologize for calling you…” Fletcher felt very guilty for insulting them.

“It’s fine, you couldn’t know that, Fletcher, and don’t be Scotch Tape. It’s been a long time, it doesn’t bother us anymore.” Katie replied.

“Okay…How does that keep you alive? And what happened to the support the general promised?” Fletcher asked, trying to process it.

The former medic stepped forward. “As we told you nanobots are inside our new bodies, taking care of our organs, similar to your nanomites. The Charging Stations are feeding our organic parts while we are in a mental state similar to that of sleep, but remaining semi-conscious. As such, we were aware of what happened outside, the collapse of our country, the invasion of the KPA, everything. We just waited for the perfect moment to strike, and that moment came, thanks to you. As for the support, Archer tried to support us financially, but the economic and energy crisis made it very difficult less and less money came in, then it stopped entirely when the KPA invaded the USA. But we managed to supply ourselves, that’s why the emergency power was running.”

“W-what about me? I-am I forced to live like this forever?” The filly asked, afraid if she had to spend the rest of her life like this.

“It’s…difficult to explain. Please…try to stay calm. The Gas…has severely damaged your body, you can’t survive without it.” It wasn’t easy for Mia to tell her this.

“N-no…” Scotch Tape was about to cry. Fletcher hugged her in an attempt to comfort her.

“But unlike us, it isn’t permanent, Scotch Tape.” Mia replied.

That surprised the filly. “W-what do you mean?”

“You see…Your body is sealed inside to protect it from more damage, also keeping you alive. Also, nanobots inside you work tirelessly to repair your injuries but it will take some time.”

“O-o-o-okay.... Why do I have this… cybernetic eye and what happened to my PipBuck?” She wanted to know.

“Your eyes…The nerve gas damaged them so severe that you are actually blind. The cybernetic eye we gave you, allows you to see normally with your eyes, despite being blind. Your PipBuck…it was a bit difficult, but we managed to seal it too. You can access it still by thinking of it. We didn’t interfere with your emotions or your intellect, you have my word as a doctor.” Mia swore.

“How…how long will it take?” Scotch Tape asked, afraid it would be months or even years.

“If everything heals well, I-d say 3 weeks. Until then, I would suggest you use the time to rest and get used to your new body.”

“O-okay b-but…where do I sleep?” The filly asked, trying to process everything.

With an unpleasant expression, the medic replied, “I’m afraid, you have to use a charging station like we have to use. We already have that covered.” She pointed to it on the wall, next to the bed where Fletcher had been lying on, in her size.

“I see… What time is it?” Scotch Tape asked the former soldier.

“A little after midnight. Get some rest. You both need it after this bloody battle.”

“How does this work?” Scotch Tape asked, not sure how she should “sleep.”

“Simple. Step in, stand upright, facing outwards. It begins as soon as the connection with the station is made.” Mia explained.

“Okay. Can you stay with me, Fletcher?” The filly asked her new friend.

“Sure thing, Scotch Tape.” He replied with a light smile.

“That’s the reason why we set it up here.” Katie explained, knowing that Scotch Tape felt better if Fletcher was with her.

Scotch Tape tried to walk forward, only for her legs to wobble, tripping again. Fletcher helped her up, assisting her to get in. The moment she faced outwards the connection was made, and Scotch Tape heard an almost unnoticeable powering up sound, and then she suddenly felt tired, closing her eyes.

“We see you tomorrow, Fletcher. And don’t worry about the food, I’m a way better cook than Morning Glory.” Mia left with her friends for their charging stations.

“Good to know.” He spoke, unsure what to think of this before getting into bed.

He looked at Scotch Tape, the faint sound of her charging station didn’t bother him at all. While he could use the spell that would bring him home without problem, he couldn’t leave Scotch Tape alone, not after this. He wasn’t an expert in emotional support but he had to help her through this, staying by her side until she could go home. Just leaving her would be dishonorable.

Also, the loss of the troops at the fort was a severe blow for the US Military and the upcoming battle of San Francisco. Not to mention that this would delay them. But her recovery was more important at the moment.

With a sigh, he fell asleep, hoping that White Wolf and Midnight Blade wouldn’t be too worried about him. But he knew they would understand why it would take so long for him to return.

As he was an early riser, Fletcher got early up in the morning, noticing that Scotch Tape was still “asleep” but her normal eye was twitching.

Must have had a nightmare. He thought, knowing how hard it must be for her.

The station stopped humming, the filly opened her eyes, and then the unicorn noticed that her cybernetic eye was glowing red, not green, wondering if it was malfunctioning.

“Scotch Tape, are you-“

“Let me out!!!” she screamed, slashing around, Fletcher tried to calm her down, avoiding her punches as good as he could.

“Scotch Tape! Calm down!” He yelled but the filly didn’t respond, still screaming and slashing.

The former soldiers sprinted in, pinning Scotch Tape on the ground, Mia injected a sedative and the filly calmed down, stopping to struggle. “It is as we feared…” the medic muttered with a sad expression.

“What is happening to her?” Fletcher asked, concerned about Scotch Tape’s wellbeing.

“She has psychiatric problems to adapt to it, close to going mad. Given that she’s still a child, her body and mind are still developing. It was a risk we had to take to save her.” Mia let out a sigh. “We had also psychiatric problems to adapt to it at the beginning, that’s why we regretted having to do this to her.”

“Is there anything we can do to help her get through this easier?” Fletcher wanted to help Scotch Tape in any way he could.

“Except for trying to talk to her, giving emotional support, I don’t see another way to help her to get used to it.” The medic explained, seeing no other option.

“I understand.” He gently levitated the knocked out filly on a bed, and the soldiers left while Mia prepared breakfast for their guest.

Fletcher couldn’t complain; it tasted good. “Where did you learn to cook so well?” He asked Mia.

“Well, I learned from my mother, who was a cook, I got my medical skills from my father.”

“I see, they both taught you well.”

After that, the unicorn decided to check on Scotch Tape, walking towards his room.

Quiet weeping greeted his ears as he entered, seeing that the filly was crying, sitting on the bed, her head lowered.

“Scotch Tape, I know it’s hard, but you have to keep going.” He gave her a hug to show his compassion.

“It’s just…I’m scared how my will friends react when they see me like this, if they will accept what became of me. I can’t…live like this.” She trembled slightly.

The stallion thought for a moment. “I know your feeling, Scotch Tape. Back in the civil war, I was in many hopeless situations, but I never gave up hope. Wasn’t there anypony you know who suffered a similar fate like this?”

This made her think of Blackjack. The mare had suffered major injuries, having lost her limbs and more, it got replaced by multiple cybernetic organs and limbs that saved her life. “Blackjack. She was a cyberpony, having her limbs replaced after getting severely ill and other things. It saved her life and she’s just fine.”

“See? If she made through all this, you can too, Scotch Tape. Believe in it, have hope.” Fletcher replied, slightly smiling, knowing that this raised her spirit.

“You are right. Thanks, Fletcher!” The filly hugged him happily.

“You’re welcome. If you’re ok with it, I’d say you should try to walk, to get used to your new legs.”

“Sounds good to me.” Scotch Tape tried to stand, her legs wobbled again, like a baby trying to make its first steps, collapsing, only to try it again. The child collapsed on the ground in the moment she got up.

Those little setbacks didn’t stop her from trying. Sometimes she could stand, but tripped once she made a step, falling over once again.

Scotch Tape, with support from Fletcher and the former soldiers, focused on trying to walk for the rest of the first week, it always ended when she lost her balance, falling on the ground with a grunt of pain.

“It’s hopeless…” a tear left her right eye. “I can’t feel my legs. How am I supposed to walk like this?” Her cybernetic eye became red again.

“Scotch Tape, calm down, nothing’s hopeless. Keep trying and you will succeed, we know you will.” Katie spoke for her friends.

“Scotch Tape, listen to me, please. Your life is not worth giving it up on. You are young, you have your life yet ahead of you. What would I tell your father, your friends when they arrive? You want to see them again, don’t you?” Fletcher asked her.

Scotch Tape sniffed, and her eye became green again. “Yes. I want to see them again.” Her voice was quiet but there was a slight hint of determination.

“I don’t know your father, but I’m sure he would have wanted you to survive, making it through this.” The Eternal Knight added.

“Yes, he would. I can’t give up, I have to try. For my friends! For daddy!” Scotch Tape exclaimed raising a hoof into the air.

“That’s the spirit!” Fletcher and the former soldiers said in unison, happy that they could raise Scotch Tape’s moral.

Yet, this was only the beginning of her recovery and it would be a long way.

Author's Note:

The secret is reveiled. Poor filly but we all know she can do it. Right?