• Published 29th Jul 2017
  • 1,109 Views, 114 Comments

Freedoms Call - Bronycommander

Occupied America 2029. America is occupied for two years now by the Greater Korean Republic. This year will be a surprise for a KPA soldier

  • ...

Chapter 20 Aftermath

Chapter 20: Aftermath.

Scotch Tape couldn’t remember much. She awoke with a groan, slowly opening her eyes, hearing a ECG, the filly found herself in a hospital room, Chung and Fletcher in beds next to her.

“Scotch Tape, we’re glad to see you awake.” Fletcher said, sounding very happy.

“How long was I out?” She asked him.

“A couple of days, and so were we, having waken up just a few minutes before you.” Chung explained.

There was a radio in a table next to her bed. “This is Europa News, in London. The underground ‘Voice of Freedom’ network reports that American resistance fighters have joined U.S. Military forces in a major offensive at the Golden Gate Bridge. The coordinated attack may prove to be a turning point in America’s guerilla war against the Korean Occupation. Meanwhile, the EU Defense Council has called an emergency session to debate support for our Allies across the Atlantic.”

“That voice reminds me of Purple Patch.” Fletcher commented as a nurse entered the room and turned the radio off.

“Ah, you all have woken up. How are you feeling?” The nurse asked them.

“Apart from an aching body, good.” They all replied in union.

“Good to hear.” The woman pointed a light into their eyes for a few seconds. “Pupil reacting normally, very good. You got a lot of visitors.”

As the nurse had said this, Amy, Kate, Chang, Scotch Tape’s friends from Philadelphia, Archer, the former soldiers and the Montrose resistance walked in. “Scotch Tape! I was so worried for you!” The young girl hugged her with tears of joy.

The foal returned it. “I missed you too. But I hadn’t made it so far if it hadn’t been for my new friends.” Scotch Tape smiled at Fletcher and the cyborgs. “May I introduce Fletcher Fray to you?” She asked.

“Thank you for keeping Scotch Tape safe!” The 4 children exclaimed grateful.

With a warm smile he replied, “There is no need to thank me, children, I only did what was right.”

Then the filly noticed that Conner wasn’t along them, fear build up due not knowing what happened to him.

“W-what happened?” Scotch Tape asked, Rianna stepped forward.

“Well, Conner…” Her expression was sad. “…sacrificed himself to save us but we won the battle, San Francisco is liberated from the KPA. And as you have heard, we are about to get support from the European Union.”

That hit Scotch Tape like a brick. Conner had been a good, caring man, despite his aggressiveness, determined to free his country. She may have been known him for only a short time but she still had seen him as friend. Boone’s death had been already a tragedy. Yet, his sacrifice had saved her, Fletcher’s and Chung’s life.

“Glad to hear we have won but pity about Conner though. At least his sacrifice wasn’t in vain.” Scotch Tape said with sadness about Morgan.

“Yes. With the help off the EU, we will drive the KPA out. Don’t worry Chung, you and your friends can stay, we took care of everything.” Archer assured him.

“Thank you. Scotch Tape, I have also heard how you helped the US military before and I’m proud of you.” The Korean smiled at her.

Blushing, she replied, “Glad to hear it. I did it to find you and to help Amy and Kate.”

“And you succeeded. The entire journey was a very brave act of you, Scotch Tape.”

Now the foal was lowering her head in embarrassment, her face red as a tomato.

“And by the way, the doctor said you should be able to leave as soon as you wake up.” Mia added.

Scotch, Fletcher and Chung were happy to hear this, after they got released from hospital, they all celebrated the liberation with the crowds on the streets.

The battle was won, but the war was not over yet. Still, this coordinated attack demonstrated that the U.S. military west of the Mississippi was not eliminated as an effective force, as had been previously thought. The operation, despite incurring losses, showcased American aircraft, warships, heavy armor, and troops from all four services in an operation reminiscent of the great American military of years past. What had only previously been considered a defunct organization, the U.S. military demonstrated their continued power and relevance. The battle of San Francisco was not only the turning point of the war, but also the end of the KPA Occupation and collapse of the New Korean Federation of Occupied America due the loss of its occupational HQ.

After the celebration, Scotch Tape returned to her home in Philadelphia, Fletcher stayed with her until her real family could find her.

The US troops had already decontaminated the gassed yellow zones and restored law and order. The Eternal Knight liked Ashgate, befriending also Scotch Tape’s friends.

He also deployed a like for the video games the kids showed him, enjoying them, also having to laugh at the Lego video games and proved to be a good driver in the Need for Speed game, racer and cop alike.

In the next days, the European Union were sending troops to assist, yet it would take some time for them arrive. The loss of San Francisco had broken the back of the KPA, losing control over their territories in the West of the USA, being in full retreat.

It looked like this war would be over soon. Chung, Chang, Mino and his men were granted asylum for the time being, thanks to the actions of Archer, the former soldiers and the resistance, the residents of Ashgate treated them with respect, due their relation with Scotch Tape and good will they had shown while serving in the Occupational Forces.

While Amy, Collin, Alex and Emily were young, they still wanted to know how Fletcher’s time with Scotch Tape was.

“It was quite…exciting. It’s been a very long time since I took part in such a big battle and felt so much adrenaline. And my time with Scotch Tape when not in battle was very pleasing, although I admit I was first shocked and confused upon hearing what happened in the Equestria she came from and when I saw my drone counterpart.”

“We believe you that.” The children said in union.

After this chat, they all had a party in the garden, Scotch Tape danced happy together with her sister and friends, the adults all watched with smiles.

“Despite all the pleasant time we had with her, I hope that her father finds her soon, they have been separated for so long.” Kate said with a sad expression, looking at the dancing foal.

“I agree, I enjoy her company too, but this isn’t her home.” Chung replied, hoping it wouldn’t take too long.

Then there was a knock on the door, they both answered it.

To their surprise, a unicorn with white coat, red eyes and a red and black mane, a stallion having light blue coat with a dark blue mane and blue eyes, a Pegasus with Violet eyes, a Bright Violet mane and a grey coat, and a Alicorn with also Violet eyes, a night blue mane and a dusk coat stood before them.

“Sorry to bother you, but we are looking for my daughter, is she here?” The stallion asked with concern, yet hope.

Both humans shook their heads and closed their eyes, believing their imagination was playing tricks on them but the ponies weren’t vanishing. “Yes, she’s here.” Chung replied before calling out, “Scotch Tape, someone wants to see you!”

The foal wondered who it could be as the 2 led their new guests into the garden, as she saw them, she smiled overjoyed. “Daddy!”

“Scotch Tape! You’re okay!” The daughter and father hugged each other with tears of joy, while the other ponies smiled happy at them.

“Thanks to my new friends I made!” Scotch Tape exclaimed, pointing to all her friends.

“I see you made quite some friends.” Her father was surprised, then saw his drone counterpart. “O-kay…” He sounded pretty disturbed, the Pegasus shared his reaction, the unicorn looked rather worried at her counterpart, while the Alicorn stayed neutral.

“I know it looks strange daddy, but I can explain everything, though it’s a long story.” She explained.

“If you allow me Scotch Tape, I could use a spell that makes things simpler.” The Alicorn suggested, the filly nodded and the Alicorn touched Scotch Tape’s forehead with its white glowing horn. Her father and friends could see in a dream-like sequence what the foal had experienced.

“Oh my… You truly went through a lot, Scotch Tape, but I’m proud of you. Mr. Chung, Mrs. Kate, I thank you for keeping my daughter safe, you all have my thanks.” Her father was grateful before noticing something. “How rude of me, I’m P-21, and those are Blackjack, Morning Glory and Lacunae.” He introduced himself and his friends.

“Pleasure, your daughter is quite brave for her age.” Fletcher replied, P-21 looked at him in what appeared to be confusion.

“You look familiar…”

“You seem to confound me with somepony else.” The Eternal Knight cut him off.

“Most likely, you look like somepony I saw in a dream. Coincidence I guess. Anyway, since we interrupted your party, mind if we join you before going home?” The blue Earth pony asked.

“Not at all.” Kate replied.

And so, they all celebrated happily together, Scotch Tape danced happy with her father, Blackjack with Morning Glory, while Lacunae danced alone but still had fun.

The party went until the sun was setting in the evening.

“Well, it was a nice celebration but we have to go home. Still have to celebrate your Cutie Mark, Scotch Tape.” P-21 said to her.

“Of course, daddy. Goodbye, Amy. I wish you good luck for the future. You all were good friends to me.” She hugged her sister one last time, it turned into a group hug with the other children.

“Goodbye, Scotch Tape. Thank you for everything.” Amy started to cry.

As the filly walked over to her father, he said, “Farewell. Thank you all for keeping my daughter safe.” Lacunae lightened her horn up and the group vanished in a white light.

“Well, it’s time for me to go to. Farewell. Live long, and prosper.” Fletcher said goodbye, preparing the spell that would bring him home, hoping he would get it right.

“Wait, Fletcher!” Katie exclaimed, tearing him out, “I thought we give you a souvenir, so your friends will believe you.”

“What kind of souvenir?” He asked confused as several hoof steps reached his ears, seeing something he never expected to see.

3 small drones, about the size of a foal, the first resembled a unicorn, the second a Pegasus and the last one like a bat pony. It took him a few seconds to realize that they resembled him, White Wolf and Midnight Blade in every detail. “Aww, soo cute!” Amy and Emily’s hearts melted at the sights.

Fletcher blushed. “You...you can't be serious…” He looked at the ground, embarrassed.

“I am serious. How else would you prove what you have experienced to your friends?” Katie countered.

“Guess you have a point, but…why those?”

Archer took the word. “Well, if you’re remembering my mentioning of this gift in the recording? It was supposed to be plushies but Katie thought it might be better this way for you.”

“Okay…Thank you very much for this gift.” Fray was a bit disturbed by this as the 3 “foals” gathered around him for the spell.

Where am I gonna' put all these? He thought as he lightened his horn up for the spell home.

The Eternal Knight vanished in a white light too. Amy sniffed. “It’s sad they that they are gone now.”

Chung gave her a hug. “It’s sad indeed, but they’re finally back home, where they belong.”

They all watched the beautiful sunset. Chang spoke up “This all is thanks to Scotch Tape and Fletcher Fray. But the war is far from over.”

The unicorn awoke slowly with an aching head, groaning as he opened his eyes, finding himself on a bed in the infirmary of his, Wolf’s and Midnight’s home, the Sunless Isle, letting out a breath of relieve, glad that it had worked, yet couldn’t see the foal drones anywhere.

The door opened, a very happy Pegasus mare came in, hugging him tightly with tears of joy. “Fletcher, you’re okay!” White Wolf exclaimed overjoyed.

Smiling, he replied, “I missed you too, Wolf.”

Midnight Blade joined them, also happy to see Fray again. “I’m also glad to see you again and safe and sound. I don’t think I could take it losing any of you after Saracen and Domino went missing.”

“Same here. How long was I gone?”

“A few days passed in Equestria. And of course, we aren’t the only ones who were worried about you.”

A green Earth pony with a blond mane and blue eyes walked in, followed by another Earth pony having a bespectacled purple and white patch-patterned coat, a long messy mane of indigo and silver streaks and matching eyes, wearing glasses and freckles on his face.

“Fletcher, I can’t say how happy I am to see that you are alive and well.” The green pony hugged him, Fletcher returned it.

“I’m glad to see you too, Wagensroll.” Wagensroll was the only relative of Fletcher’s family, despite being distant relatives, they cared for each other like brothers. “Anyway, it’s been a couple of weeks where I landed.”

“Couple of weeks? Where did the spell bring you?” The other Earth pony asked, Purple Patch, an expert in the field of Pre-Alicorn Studies, a very obscure field of study at the Royal Canterlot Academy, being Wagensroll’s friend and co-worker.

“Believe in or not, I landed on Earth, in the human world.“ Fletcher explained, surprising everypony.

“Y-you mean it...It actually exists?! This proves so much!” Patch jumped with excitement. “The stories of Megan the Mysterious a-a-and the Heartstrings Studies, th-th-the final campaign of Catseye the Conqueror, th-the Upright Ape sightings in Yakyakistan and...”

“Yes, yes, alright Patch. Remember to come up for air.” Wagensroll reminded him, causing him to stop with a blush from embarrassment.

“Yes. It was quite an eventful time.” With that, Fletcher told them all what he had experienced. It took his friends a moment to process everything.

“So...you mean to tell me...that humans in another dimension turned our world into a kid's show...” Midnight slowly putted the pieces together.

“That somehow inspired an entire worldwide fan base of all-ages and cultures that made art, literature and toys of us. In one of which, we and our adventures were featured...” Wolf tried to understand.

“Then...a paramilitary weapons designer designed automatons based on these characters from fan works which were in turn based on a kid's show, to fight a world war...” The bat pony continued.

“And now these drones have come across the characters they were inspired by, between both our dimension and theirs...” Wolf finished.

“That is, basically, how it looks, yeah.” Fray confirmed.

There was silence for a few minutes.

“Well...” Wolf shrugged. “Nope, I got nothing.”

“What can we say under these circumstances? I don't think there's any part of this situation that makes sense and yet what we see is what we have.” Fletcher replied.

“This is indeed a strange world we live in.” Midnight figured out.

“Say, those drones you brought with you, do they belong to this project too?” Wagensroll was curious.

“Well, yes, I got them as present and to proof what I had experienced. Speaking of which, where are they?”

“After you arrived, they brought you to this bed, then went into another room to build what looks like 3 charging stations if I saw that correctly.” Midnight explained.

In the moment, he had finished his sentence, said drones walked in, smiling at Fletcher.

Patch seemed visible disturbed by them. “Um...kids, don't take this the wrong way but...I'm going to run from you as fast as I possibly can...” With that he ran out of the room.

Wagensroll looked rather calmly at the drones. “Well, I sometimes tried to imagine how it would be like to have a little brother. The detail is quite fascinating.”

“I'm not cleaning up after them.” Wolf said, her expression neutral.

“..They're drones. What are they going to leave?” Fray asked, not able to understand what she meant.

“No clue but whatever it is, I'm not cleaning it up.” The mare replied in a stubborn tone.

“I know it was an accident but maybe you should stay away from the human dimension for now, Fletch. You seem to come back with something we don't know what to do with. And more importantly…” Midnight paused for a moment, trying to get the right words. “How...Shall We...Explain This...To Luna?” He wondered.

“I’m pretty sure we can think of something, right?” The unicorn asked his friends.

“Of course, dad!” The 3 drones exclaimed in union, having young, robotic voices.

“Did they just call you dad?” Wagensroll couldn’t believe his ears.

“Seems so, I guess it’s part of their programming. We should get up with names for them.” Fray suggested.

“I suppose. Makes me wonder what names they…” The Pegasus mumbled.

“Mother?” The drones asked Wolf, completely surprising her.

“Did they just… Ah, father always told me I could be a mother one day, never thought it would be that way.” Wolf mumbled in surprise.

“Uncle?” The drones looked at Midnight.

“Given that I took care of Luna when she was a foal, uncle sounds fair.” The bat pony mumbled slightly surprised to being called uncle by them.

“Has somepony called my name?” A new voice asked, princess Luna walked in, followed by a scared Patch, the Alicorn gasped and squeed. “Who are you, you adorable foals?” She asked with glee, hugging them.

“I see you already like them, princess. Fletcher brought them with him from his… accidental journey.” Midnight explained, the princess caught herself.

“I see. There’s no need to talk, Fletcher Fray, save your strength.” Luna said and casted a memory spell on him, allowing everypony to see his experiences. “Oh my…I must say Fletcher, your caring for others honors you. I’m proud of you and you can be proud of yourself. Now rest, you have earned it.” The princess leaved.

“Thank you, your highness.”

“Well, while I’m not a fan of technology as you are Fletch, I’m must admit I’m impressed at the detail and efficiently of them. My counterpart sure can fight like me. And the personality of Grace also is close to me.” Wolf admitted impressed.

“And Joseph, he sure understands his job. It’s a pity though what happened to them, I don’t think I could bear it, waking up in a drone body with only my brain left.” Midnight shivered at the thought. “Anyway, get some rest, Fletcher. You better stay away from the human world for now.” They all leaved, leaving him alone.

Still, he had a strange feeling he couldn’t describe. “Something tells me that won’t be the last time I will go to the human world.” The unicorn spoke to himself as he closed his eyes.

Later, they got up with some names for their foal counterparts. “I name my drone Fletcher Junior.” Fray announced.

“Very creative, I must say.” Midnight liked it.

“I'm gonna name mine Wolf Cub.” The Pegasus said proudly.

“Am I the only one here who's got a shred of creativity?” The bat pony asked with embarrassment.

“Well, what did you name yours?” Fletcher wanted to know, his friend stayed silent.

“I'm Mid-Mite.” Midnight’s foal drone introduced himself, causing the unicorn and Pegasus to break out in laugher.

“It’s not that funny!” Midnight exclaimed, blushing in embarrassment.

Back on Earth

A week passed since Fletcher and Scotch Tape had leaved, and things couldn’t go better. Chung and Kate lived happy together, the Korean was no longer a soldier, he worked together with Rianna and Elizabeth in the hospital, enjoying his new job. Chung worked as policeman. With the help of the European Union, the KPA got completely driven out of the USA and uprisings in the GKR’s member states weakened Kim Jong-un’s position as leader, eventually getting replaced by a new, more diplomatic leader, wanting the bleeding to end, offering a truce.

Katie and her squad continued their duty as soldiers, being the first cyborg soldiers in the US military. Archer got chosen to be the representative in the negotiations, using the airship as transport, the cyborgs, Hopper, Jacobs, Puma, Aiden, Moni and his squad being its crew.

It would take a few years to rebuild the red zones and damage the KPA did but it looked like the economy would recover.

Chung and Kate were cleaning the house as a young voice called out, “Mommy, daddy, I’m home!”

“Welcome back, Sweetie, how was school?” Chung asked, pleased to see Amy happy.

“Great!” Emily and the others invited me for some ice cream!” The girl exclaimed, dropping her school bag and left, the 2 adults watched after her until she was out of sight.

Chung turned the radio on. “May I have this dance?” He asked and they danced happily together.

Thanks to Scotch Tape and Fletcher, they could finally live a happy life they never thought may be possible. The war was not over yet, but it looked like it would be over soon.

They all looked into an uncertain, yet hopeful, bright future.

Author's Note:

And so it ends, thank you for reading.

Comments ( 36 )

What is this Scenario, anyway?

IT's based on the movie Red Dawn. The USA's economy is weakened and both Korea's get united under North leadership, becoming a new, strong country that is far suerior in techology of the US, using the oppunity to start an invasion

I'm not exactly a huge fan of painful death, even in a video game, but the story is good.

Glad to hear you like it

But still, I hope you will enjoy the story.

I couldn't get into it as it was more or less all one big information dump

Sorry, but in the game, the reason for this war is never explained, so I needed to get up with something

Why not leave clues throughout the story

Good point, had I thought of that before. Still, Scotch Tape has some nice sister moments I hope you will like

I'm sure I would but I don't think,it will be worth it to read this just to find those moments

Still I wish you luck

Thanks, while it's only mentioned in Blood in the sand, I just thought it would help you to understand the backstory

I really liked this story and I'm still wondering, why so many dislikes? It's so good and the music chosen as the background sound and even the way you managed to make 2 references of two war stories of battlefield 1, in the chapter "desperate act "the squad in which Scotch Tape goes take control of the anti-aircraft, which that reference was of the Italian BF1 campaign in which you are a juggernaut, as well as the section of the fort in which scotch tape looks for jackson and in the chapter" friends in high places "the whole air batlla referring to the final sequence of the campaign of a pilot of a British plane in BF1, even with good references, good dialogue even the surprise of the Korean soldiers joining the US soldiers in the assault on the golden gate, even with those good factors, this story received many unfair dislikes in which I think it should have been because of the scenario that was selected for this story but in my opinion, it's pretty good and b As there was a comment that the world in conflict universe looked more credible, it would be more complicated since there is not much contact with the infantry on the subject of history but more for those who command the troops, even so Stage selection was quite good, even more so in the situation where Scotch Tape had to betray the rebels but with the intention of protecting his loved ones who helped him in his stay, although he has said it as 3 or 5 times, I liked this story a lot

Glad to hear that from you. I just took the homefront scenario because the situation of the USA is similar to Fallout Equestria and allowed me overall to build many things in. Like the friends in high place reference because of the Airships the KPA has in the reboot, and the drone technology that allows Scotch to show her engineer skills, and the oil wars and bike rm the original game and reboot that made the project possible, not to mention the raider like Survivalists. World in Conflict doesn't have this.

And I agree, many disliked because of the scenario, despite my warning not to take this seriously because it's based on a game, thus a crossover of it


Yes, it is a shame for the dislikes by the people who ignored the warning, but on the positive side, there are people who like this story including me

Thank you! I am glad to hear you enjoyed it

So, considering everything that had come to pass within our world and this one within it, it would be really nice to make a sequel, a true sequel, not that side of sawdust and napkins called The Revolution reboot...

You tell me. But sadly, the company went bankrupt, thus the Reboot. But as you saw, the Gameplay and Technology in the Reboot allowed me to Draw out the Story


Here's the thing: why rely on any company to write the sequel when the potential alone is worth exploring; as a matter of fact, what about taking human nature into account as well…?

Exactly. That's Why i Made this Story


I know; that's why I suggested that idea: things don't just disappear as soon as the mission is over...


BTW, did you ever get around to reading one of my stories recently...?

No, as i was busy with my Stories and other things

Though, i might have a few Mature Stories planend

I can send a pm if you want to know more

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