• Published 29th Jul 2017
  • 1,106 Views, 114 Comments

Freedoms Call - Bronycommander

Occupied America 2029. America is occupied for two years now by the Greater Korean Republic. This year will be a surprise for a KPA soldier

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Chapter 8 First day of school

Chapter 8: First day of school?

Scotch Tape closed her eyes as she saw the shadow around the corner, hoping it would be quick. I’m sorry, daddy...

There was nothing the filly could do but wait for the inevitable death, or whatever the soldier would do with her.

She heard the click of a safety going off. “Fre-Scotch Tape?” The voice was confused and surprised yet familiar.

She slowly opened her eyes, A KPA soldier armed with a T3AK which he had lowered was in front of her.

“C-Chung? I thought you had died!” She was happy to see he was still alive.

“After I got knocked out, some of my comrades found me and took me to Philadelphia.” He explained.

The foal’s happiness changed into apprehension and disillusion. “Why? Why did you kill them? They were my friends!” She exclaimed, breaking down in tears.

Chung thought for a moment, knowing this wouldn’t be easy. “Scotch Tape, please, listen to me.” She slowly looked up, her green eyes were filled with tears. “I’m sorry but as I told you back in Montrose, I’m not in favor of this, I dislike it greatly due my decent. As I know that the Resistance is fighting for their country, I feel guilty and regret whenever I have to kill one of them. But I make sure it’s a quick death.” He tried to explain, knowing that her faith in him is shaken by this.

“Scotch Tape… please… forgive me.” Chung struggled, knowing that the chances she would were low.

“Chung… I-I….” Scotch Tape struggled before she got up, hugging him with tears of joy. “…it’s okay. I’m just so happy to see you again!”

“Me too, me too. But now, let’s take you to a safer place.” He gently picked her up and carried her outside. An armored car stopped in front of the building, a Captain stepped out.

“Damn it, they escaped! Found anything, private?”

That could mean they’re still alive. It gave her hope that her friends had survived.

“Only this lost child, sir.”

“Ah, the filly I heard about it.” The officer looked Scotch Tape into the eyes, his face emotionless, which scared her but she did not show it. “The Resistance fights without honor or humanity. They are vermin. We must give them, and those that support them, no mercy.”

“But sir, she’s still a child.”

“I know, that’s why you are ordered to bring her to safety. Don’t fail me!” He ordered in the same emotionless tone.

“Yes, sir.” Chung entered the backseat of the APC with her. As the engine made very loud noise, the driver couldn’t hear their conversation.

“So, Scotch Tape, how did you come here?” The young Korean asked her curious.

“Well, it’s kind of a long story.” She told him how Ben Walker found her, how they crossed the Mississippi River, the Nine Oh, and how she “joined” the Resistance.

“Wow. So they could capture this all thanks to you. I’m impressed. Shame about Walker though.”

“Yeah, I hope they can free them. Where is that armored car headed? I don’t want to spend the rest of my life in a prison cell.” She shivered at the thought, remembering what happened to Ned’s men.

“Don’t worry, you won’t end up in prison. We head for Ashgate Yellow Zone. That’s where I live. Chang got relocated here too for some reason.”

“Could you find anything out about Amy and Kate?” She asked with hope.

“Sadly, no.”

The APC passed the perimeter checkpoint and let the two passengers out in Ashgate Yellow Zone.

Scotch Tape looked around, it was just like Greentree, civilians roamed the streets, but she saw mostly men and woman in grey overalls like her interrogator had worn. They gave out rations, checking equipment, writing it down on notepads.

“This is Ashgate Yellow Zone, collaborator district. Even the lowest ranked Liaison officer gets a much better standard of living. This is the vision the KPA sold us when they took over. Cooperation to rebuild America. Here, people still believe it. Or at least, everyone says they do. A lot of the people here are just relishing having a little power. You can see their eyes, revenge for all the trouble they had before the KPA took over. It’s mainly officers in the Zone – but there’s some workers too. The Occupational Police Force is mostly seen in the Yellow Zones, we soldiers patrol the Red Zones but can be called in, if there is trouble in the Yellow Zones."

As Chung said this, a police officer walked up to them. “Chung, back again. Scotch Tape? I thought we had lost you!” He was glad to see her again.

“No, Walker saved me. Where do you live, Chung?”

“I show you. Want to come to, my friend?”

“Sure, why not, my shift’s over anyway.”

How comes that I didn’t notice the policemen before in Greentree? The foal wondered.

The civilians and Liaison officers didn’t notice her or seemed not to pay attention to the foal as they walked past, PA systems made pronouncements about barbeques every Friday at 7PM.

The KPA soldier leaded them to a house that was next to a multistory building with red doors.

Inside, Chung was greeted by someone Scotch Tape never thought she would see again.

“Welcome back, Chung.” Kate called out, Amy joined her.

Both were surprised, seeing Scotch Tape again. “Scotch Tape! We missed you!” The young girl hugged her tightly, the filly returned it.

“Me too! I thought you died when Montrose was burned to the ground!”

“No, our…Cooperation with the KPA, letting Chung live with us, was our salvation from it. I’m no collaborator but the KPA treats me like one, relocated me into the collaborator district, giving me a fancy place to live. I and my daughter were even allowed to take all personal belongings with us.”

“But Chung you said…”

“I lied to surprise you.” He had a smug smile.

“And it worked!” she couldn’t believe it.

Kate cleared her throat. “I think this should be celebrated.”

“All in your opinion!” Scotch Tape exclaimed happy, happy that she was reunited with Amy.

“Agreed but I think you should take a bath first, Scotch Tape. No offense.” Amy pointed out as Scotch Tape was covered in dusk from the truck explosion.

“Yeah, I would need one.”

“Let me prepare it for you.” Kate walked into the bathroom, turned the water faucet on, checked the water temperature by putting a hand in it and made sure it was at a safe height. Then she got towel out of the cabinet.

"Mind if you take your overall off, so I can clean it too?” She asked the filly as it walked into the same room.

“Not at all.” Scotch Tape took it off, letting the woman gently lift her up into the tub. The warm water felt relaxing, the PipBuck was waterproof.

“Is the water warm enough?” Kate asked with a smile.

“Yes, Kate.”

“In that case, enjoy your bath.” She leaved with the overall to clean it.

Letting out a relaxed sigh, Scotch Tape leaned back and closed her eyes, she couldn’t remember when she had such a relaxing bath. Suddenly, something touched her coat, causing her eyes to open again. “A rubber duck?”

A giggle of a girl was next to her. “Sorry, just couldn’t resist.” Amy smiled warmly at her.

“It’s okay, Amy. But please, give me some privacy.”

“I’m actually here as I wanted to ask if I could wash your mane.” Amy looked down, slightly blushing.

“I don’t mind it at all, Amy. Go ahead.” Scotch Tape smiled warmly at her.

“Okay.” Being gently, the young girl putted some shampoo on her friend’s head who had his eyes closed and massaged it in. Scotch Tape’s mane felt very soft to Amy.

“Your mane feels so soft.”

“Thanks for the compliment.”

After the shampoo was measured in, Amy washed it off while Scotch Tape had her eyes closed. Then the child helped the filly out and rubbed it dry.

“There you go. Better?”

“Much better, thank you.” The green pony smiled.

“You’re welcome.” Amy returned it as they walked out of the bath room. In the living room, Kate and Chung had selected a song for the celebration. Happy by Pharrell Williams.

“Ready to celebrate?” Kate asked with glee.

“You bet!” Both children exclaimed.

They danced happy together, with happy smiles until it was evening.

As the beautiful sunset ruled the sky, Kate had made Dinner. Pancakes.

While they dined, Scotch Tape told how the Resistance saved her in Montrose, how she helped out, travelled around with Chung and met Walker and everything after that. The part with where she was shown that she was not “real” was hard but she managed to tell it.

“I’m glad to hear that Rianna hasn’t forgotten me. I never thought I would hear from her again. I guess she and I are even now. I will thank her should I meet her again.” The woman smiled, after hearing that her school friend was still well.

“That sounds silly, but I and Chang are also Bronies. When we found you, we didn’t realize at first that…you know.” Chung explained light embarrassed.

“It’s fine, Chung.” Scotch Tape finished her meal. “I just wonder what happens now.”

“I wonder the same. If the KPA managed to get a grip here with the new technologies, they could conquer the rest of the USA with ease.” Chang figured out.

“They could. But this is a worry for another day. Let the cleaning to us, children.” Kate smiled at them.

“Yes, mommy. Come Scotch Tape, let’s enjoy the rest of this beautiful evening.”

“Sure thing, Amy.” Scotch Tape enjoyed the girl’s company.

As the two children leaved for the living room, the adults cleaned the kitchen. Upon being done with that, the policeman checked on the kids and had to smile. “Would you look at that?” He asked happy.

Chang’s and Kate’s hearts melted seeing that both children had fallen asleep on the floor. The foal had a drawn picture between her hooves.

On it was her father, Blackjack, Morning Glory, Rampage, Lacunae, and Boo. Her father had a light blue coat with a dark blue mane and blue eyes. His Cutie Mark wasn’t visible as Scotch Tape had fallen asleep before she could finish it.

Blackjack had a white coat, red eyes and a red and black mane. She had an Ace and Queen of Spades as Cutie Mark. Morning Glory had Violet eyes, a Bright Violet mane and a grey coat. Her Cutie Mark was a Morning Sunrise. Rampage was a pony with Pink eyes, red Mane and a cream coat with red zebra stripes. Her flank was unfinished too. Lacunae had Violet eyes like Morning Glory, a night blue mane and a dusk coat. She had no Cutie Mark. Boo’s appearance was pure white in Coat, Mane and eyes. While the word “Daddy” was under her father, the others had no words written under them, but above them all stood “I miss you.”

Also, Scotch Tape’s PipBuck played a song that fitted her situation. Way Back Home.

Seeing how the filly missed her father and friends, it broke the adult’s hearts. Chang hung the picture on the fridge up while his friend and Kate tucked the children in.

The song ended as Chung putted the bedcover over the sleeping foal. Amy’s new bedroom had a second bed for whatever reason, opposite of her bed. He didn’t care why, he was just glad to see Scotch Tape again and that she was safe and sound. “Goodnight, sweet dreams.”

Kate gave her daughter a kiss on the forehead. “Sleep well, sweetheart.”

They walked out. “It’s really sad how she misses her father and friends.” Chang let out a sigh, looking to the ground. “But I promise, I will do whatever I can to make sure she can enjoy a normal life here until they find her.”

“Appreciated, my friend. I wish you a good rest.”

“Thanks, Chung.” Chang leaved as Kate looked at the picture.

“I admit I never had much interest in the Fanfic while liking the show, but it gave me an idea.”

“And that is?” The Korean was curious.

“You’ll see tomorrow.” She replied with a grin before heading to bed.

“Well, better not ruin the surprise.” Chung talked to himself before heading to his own bed.

Scotch Tape awoke in the morning, yawning and stretching herself. Amy was still asleep. She got carefully out of the bed not to wake the young girl and walked into the kitchen to breakfast.

To her surprise, Kate was already awake, making toast. “Good morning, Scotch Tape. I made you breakfast.” Kate putted it on the table.

“Good morning and thank you. Let me guess, Chung’s already gone to work?”


A yawn filled the room and Amy walked in. “Good morning, Mommy.” She gave her mother a hug. “Morning, Scotch Tape.” She gave Scotch Tape a hug too which she returned.

“Morning, Amy.” She replied happy yet sleepy.

After Breakfast, Kate spoke up, “I have a little surprise for you. Close your eyes.” The foal did as told.

I wonder what it could be.

“Open your eyes.”

What the filly saw next filled her with happiness and joy. The surprise was a plushie that looked like a pony with light blue coat with a dark blue mane and blue eyes.

It resembled her father. It looked exactly like him in every detail, only the plushie had no Cutie Mark. “It’s so beautiful! Thank you!” She hugged Kate.

“Glad to hear that you’re like it. I had the Idea after I saw your picture.”

“I just miss them so much.” Scotch Tape admitted as a tear left her eye.

“We’re here for you.” Amy hugged her to cheer her friend up.

“I know. It’s just so difficult to not think how worried he must be about me.” The filly explained with sadness in her voice.

“Understandable. But I know what cheers you up!” Without any warning, Amy tickled Scotch Tape, who broke out in uncontrollable laughter until the filly was lying on the ground, trying to catch her breath.

“Always works.” Amy grinned.

“Yes it does.” Scotch Tape smiled, feeling happy again.

“Want to play some games in my room?” The girl asked with glee.

“You don’t have to ask me twice!”

They got into Amy’s room, Chung and Kate watched after them with smiles.

Amy’s new room was exactly like her old room but Scotch Tape saw something on a desk, she was sure she hadn’t seen before in Montrose.


“You have a PC? Can’t remember I saw one in your room back in Montrose.”

“Yeah, I got that and some games for it when Mommy and I moved here. But on console, it makes for fun for us too.”

“Right, which game do you want to play?”

“How about… a Lego game?”

“Lego?” The filly had never heard of that before.

“Just watch. Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures, one of my favorites.”

Scotch Tape looked in awe, the characters looked like toys in game, making noises instead of speaking, which leaded to humorously scenes. The Main character, Indiana Jones, reminded very much of Daring do, an adventurer in the comics of prewar Equestria.

As Amy gave her friend the second controller, the foal selected in the character selection screen the “Enemy officer”, as his weapon were hand grenades like her father used. Amy selected the “Enemy Soldier” as they played the level City of Danger.

They both had much fun, solving puzzles, defeating enemies and lots of other fun things.

While Kate did her work in the house, the doorbell ringed. Wonder who that could be.

She opened the door, a collaborator, a liaison officer was the visitor, wearing gloves, a grey cap with matching overall, a clipboard in his right hand. “Ms. Carter?” He asked friendly.

”Yes, how can I help?” She asked slightly confused why a Liaison officer would visit her. At first, she thought he was here to take Scotch Tape away, but she realized that this would be the KPA’s job, not that one of a collaborator who would friendly knock on her door.

“I’m here to tell that you that your daughters have the luck to be enrolled for school here.”

“Daughters? Pardon me, but I only have one daughter.”

“I know Ma’am, but for your loyal service to our great country, the authorities have decided that you shall be her caretaker. There’s nothing to worry, they won’t take her way, she shall see the Greater Korean Republic as America’s way to become great once again.”

“I see. Anything I need to fill out?” Kate couldn’t believe what she just heard. It would never work.

“Not at all. All the papers have been filed out already. In fact, your children are already enrolled for school. The school here in Ashgate is one of the finest of Philadelphia. I’m just here to inform you.”

“Okay, when does the school start?”

“Tomorrow. The school is just down the street of your apartment. The school supplies are provided by the GKR free of charge. I wish you a wonderful day!” He waved friendly as he left.

“Well…how am I gonna explain this to Scotch Tape?” She wondered.

Amy was educated at the Montrose Elementary School before everything went down the drain and the KPA arrived in Montrose. While she still went to school after the invasion, every friend she had back then was taken into the labor camps and the school was converted into a labor camp with the time. The journey to Philadelphia had taken some time, so Amy wasn’t in school here yet.

Scotch Tape was different. She could learn more about humanity but Kate was unsure how she would take the news, or how other children would react to her.

Still, she had to tell them, so she went upstairs, seeing that the children were playing a clapping game, happily.

“Children, I have news for you.”

They both listened to the woman with interested and attention to her news.

Amy’s eyes sparkled at the news. “I can make some new friends that way!”

Scotch Tape was not enthusiastic. “School? While I would like to learn about humanity, I don’t think that is a good idea. They could freak out.”

“It’s a risk, but you could make some new friends too.” Amy countered.

“You have a point. It’s worth a try.”

“We can use the saddle bag Chung made for you as your schoolbag. Any wishes for the colors of your pencil case and such?” Kate got a notepad to write it down.

“I don’t have a favorite color, but blue would be nice.” Scotch Tape replied as it reminded her of her father.

“Sure thing. I take care of it right away.” The woman took the phone and dialed the number of the local Community office.

After a few minutes, the doorbell ringed, a Liaison officer had brought the school supplies. “Thank you for calling. I wish your children a pleasant first school day!” He left.

What Kate knew to appreciate was the politeness and helpfulness of the Liaison officers here. She once accidently bumped into one and she expected that he would be upset as she apologized

Instead, he asked friendly if she was lost and if he could help, as he knew the area well.

Around noon, Chung returned from his shift and Kate brought him the news.

“Scotch Tape has to go to school? Wonder who came up with that, but it’s better than a lab or labor camp.”


The day was quiet, they watched Indiana Jones And The Raiders Of The Lost Ark on the evening together. A movie from 1981, where the main character, Indiana Jones, an archaeologist, was trying to find the Ark of the Covenant, a gold-covered wooden chest, a religious artifact before the bad guys could do so. Due the video game, Scotch Tape knew how the movie would go but enjoyed it still.

“A good movie.” Scotch Tape yawned.

“Yes it is, but bed time for you two, so you are rested and fit for school.” Kate looked on the clock, it was 9PM.

“Yes, mommy.” Amy leaved with Scotch Tape for the bathroom to brush their teeth.

“Anything new in the Red Zones?” Kate asked with interest.

“The Resistance tries to get a foothold in Holloway, god knows what for. I hope Scotch Tape will enjoy school here.”

“I hope so too.” They looked after the children, they were already asleep in their beds, snuggling with their plushies.

“Scotch Tape’s so cute when she’s asleep.” Carter’s heart melted.

Agreed. Goodnight.” They went to bed too.

At 6AM in the morning, Amy’s alarm clock ringed, she turned it off as she was still sleepy, trying to stay awake.

Kate opened the door. “Good morning children, are you ready for school?”

Her daughter yawned. “Yes but still tired.” She got up, seeing that Scotch Tape was still asleep.

“Scotch Tape, time to wake up.” Kate gently shook her shoulder.

The filly groaned, turning to the side, mumbling in her sleep, “No, mommy, five more minutes. I don’t want to get up…”

That caused Kate to giggle. “Sorry my dear, but school calls.” She pulled the blanket back, scooping the filly in her arms.

That caused Scotch Tape to open her eyes, sleepy but awake. “Hey,” She said in a playful tone. “Please put me down.”

The woman did as told and Scotch Tape joined Amy for breakfast. “Sorry about that, I actually dreamed of the time I spent with my real mother, I didn’t do that on purpose.”

“It’s okay, I suspected that already.” Kate smiled at her.

After the most important meal of the day, the children brushed their teeth and collected their things and putted them in their school bags. Amy asked Scotch Tape what she had packed, and she confirmed it with the inventory function of her PipBuck.










“Double check.”


“Triple check.”

“Okay, that’s all.” Amy saddled her red schoolbag up.

As they walked out, Kate called out, Bye, have a nice day at school!”

“Bye, mommy!” Amy responded happy.

“Bye, mom!” Scotch Tape added, which earned her confused looks from both humans. “I have to bled in, besides, aren’t you technically my mother here?” She countered.

“Right, didn’t think about that. Anyway, see you later!” Kate waved goodbye.

While they walked to school, Amy noticed that Scotch Tape was looking down at the ground, lightly shivering.

“Are you not well?” Amy asked with concern.

“I-I’m just nervous that’s all. How they will react to me and such.”

“Won’t be bad, I’m sure of it.”

“You know, I was temporarily enrolled in a school by Glory once, I failed to see the practicality of playing with colored sand as I already knew how to strip a steam-gauge assembly.” She explained blushing.

“Completely understandable for me as you were in the maintenance team. But see it from the bright side, you can learn more about humanity.”

“I guess you’re right, sister.” The filly smiled, Amy saw her already as sister, so she didn’t mind it at all being called sister by Scotch Tape.

After about 15 minutes, they arrived at the school, other Parents were bringing their sons and daughters to the school, saying goodbye to their children and walked home.

“Ready for School?” Amy asked

“Ready as I’ll ever be.” Scotch Tape replied, giving a convinced smile.

The girl took a paper out of her pocket. “Our class is in room 115. First floor.”

“Go ahead.” As they headed for the nearest staircase, Scotch Tape noticed how other kids stared at her as they walked past, as if they had never seen a pony before.

At the end of the hallway, they reached a white wooden door labeled 115. “There it is!” Amy opened the door. “Come right in.”

The classroom had four windows, letting in bright morning sunlight and 20 desks which were still empty. “Guess we’re the first, let’s take a seat, shall we?” Amy asked.

“Yeah.” Scotch Tape let out a yawn and stretched herself, as she was still tired before taking a seat at the desk closest to the door next to Amy.

Looking on the clock, they both saw it was 7:50AM.

Within the remaining time, the other students filled the remaining desks, most of them stared at Scotch Tape for short periods at a time. One kid even asked what she is and what she’s doing here. She just rolled her eyes. Just as the clock showed 8AM and the bell rang, signaling that class had begun, the teacher walked in. He was a woman with had brown hair and blue eyes just like Chung. She was not wearing a collaborator uniform, wearing normal clothes like Kate.

The woman walked up to the chalkboard, took a piece of chalk and wrote her name on the board in big letters. Ava Yun.

A Korean-American like Hooper. Scotch Tape thought, knowing that Ava was American while Yin was Korean. Ava turned towards her class.

“Good morning students! I'm your teacher Ms. Yun.” She had a slightly Korean accent. “This year we get the luck of having a special student in our class.” She said looking towards Scotch Tape. It made her nervous, not used to something like this. She blushed lightly as Amy clapped, following by the clapping of the other students.

Yun smiled at the filly. “Now, why don't you tell them your name?”

Scotch Tape stepped forward and took a deep breath. “S-Scotch Tape.”

“A pretty name! Where are you from?”

“From Equestria, Hoofington. I used to live in a Stable which is a really big underground bunker in the middle of the Hoofington wasteland.” She explained the rest without going too deep into it, leaving dark and questionable parts out.

The students were fascinated, Ava too. “That’s amazing!”

“Yes, it is!” Amy chimed up.

“Well I'd love to find out more about you Scotch Tape, but I have to teach you how interesting history and other school subjects can be!” She was full of enthusiasm.

The first lesson was history. World War 1, also known as the Great War. It was quite fascinating for Scotch Tape, This war was completely different from any, humanity had experienced before. Tanks, planes, Machine Guns, gas. New, yet deadly weapons. But nothing as destructive as the mega spells was. The First World War had some things in common with the Great War of Equestria.

New weapons that changed the world were developed, before the wars, the nation’s distrusted each other, and a political incident started the wars. In Equestria, a massacre of refugees started the war, not an assassination like it was the case with the First World War.

The filly learned that the sides of the conflict were the Allied Powers with the British Empire, The United States, the Russian Empire, the French Third Republic and the Kingdom of Italy, who actually was aligned with the other powers but did not enter the war in 1914. Instead, they joined the Allies one year later.

The other powers were the Central Powers with Germany, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire.

The war ended in 1918, with an allied victory and the End of the German, Russian, Ottoman, and Austro-Hungarian empires.

The First World War was seen as one of the most devastating conflicts in world history as over nine million combatants and seven million civilians died as a result of the war, due to the belligerents' technological and industrial sophistication, and the tactical stalemate caused by grueling trench warfare. As such, many people at the time dubbed the conflict as "the war to end all wars". While warfare would continue, the aftermath of World War I paved the way for both political and military change.

Must been pretty boring in those trenches. She thought as the first lesson ended.

“Okay class, now time for some math.” Jun announced.

Due her special talent, math was no problem for Scotch Tape, she solved geometry tasks, like calculating the circumference of a triangle, by calculating the total of the triangle’s sides. Then the area by multiplying the base with the corresponding height and divided the product by 2. While it was easy for her, the foal noticed that Amy had difficulties to calculate, as she looked at the paper, tipping her forehead with an almost desperate expression.

Before her sister could ask, the teacher was writing math problems on the blackboard. “Who wants to give it a try?” She asked friendly.

No student raised his hand, Amy’s breathing was rapid, like she was afraid of being called up. So, Scotch Tape raised her hoof.

“Scotch Tape?” Ava asked and the foal walked up to the blackboard.

Multiplication. Easy for the young child, yet fun.

2x40=80 5x50=250 6x70=420 8x90=820.

Scotch Tape slowly placed the piece of chalk down, smiling at her teacher. “Great work! You correctly solved every math problem!” Jun exclaimed, patting the foal on the shoulder. “You may go take your seat now.” Scotch Tape nodded and walked back to her seat.

Ava continued with her lesson. Scotch Tape paid attention intently as did the other students in the class.

After two lessons of math, the bell ringed for the students to go outside and enjoy recess. The other students walked out, Amy however waited outside the door for her sister.

As Scotch Tape approached the door, Yun spoke up, “Scotch Tape?”

“Yes?” She turned around, looking at the woman.

“You did an exceptional job today, young mare, and you should be proud of yourself. Most students I’ve taught usually get nervous to walk up to the front of the class like that, but you did a wonderful job.” She gave Scotch Tape a pat on the shoulder.

The filly smiled softly. “Thank you, Ma’am. Math is my favorite subject.” She let out a giggle.

Ava smiled warmly. “Well, that’s what I like to hear from my students. Now you go on outside and have fun.” Scotch Tape nodded.

She grabbed her Lunchbox, wondering what Kate could have made her.

Joining Amy, she asked, “What was wrong with you? You looked like you were about to break down. No offense.”

The girl lowered her head in shame. “I-I…”

Scotch Tape gave Amy a warm and convincing smile. “It’s okay, you can tell me. I’m your sister, remember? You can tell me.”

“I guess you’re right.” Amy took a deep breath. “I’m having a math weakness. Like dyslexia but for math, not reading.”

Scotch Tape had sympathy. “My condolences. But I can help you with the math tasks.”

“You would?” Amy asked with hope, having a hopeful smile.

“Sure, you’re help me, I help you. That’s what sisters are for, right?”

“Yes, thank you!”

“You’re welcome.”

Reaching the schoolyard, Scotch Tape and Amy immediately looked in awe at the schoolyard which also was a vast playground. There were three swing sets positioned on the left and right sides of the playground, and one in the center. There was a tetherball area, a slide, a full basketball court, and plenty of oak trees to sit at. There were also some benches too. The PipBuck showed more yellow bars then the filly could count.

The two had a seat on one bench, opening their lunch boxes. “Delicious, cheese bread! You?” Amy asked.

“Same as you. She also packed me an apple, small cut into pieces.”

“Me too.”

They enjoyed their meal, Scotch Tape had never eaten food with such a fresh taste, the recycled food in her Stable, never tasted so good.

A small group of three children, one girl and two boys walked up to them. “Hello, mind if we join you?” The girl asked polite.

“Not at all.” Amy replied friendly. The children sat down to them.

“Hello, Scotch Tape, I’m Emily.” The girl had brown hair and blue eyes. She shock Scotch Tape’s right fore hoof with a big smile.

“Pleasure. Who are your friends?”

“I’m Collin, nice to meet you.” He sounded slightly nervous and had black hair and brown eyes.

“And I’m Alex.” The other boy, having brown hair with matching eyes introduced himself.

“We hope that we can become best of friends.” Emily spoke up.

“I'd love to be friends with you, but please don't treat me any different than the others here okay?” Scotch Tape asked.

“Sure thing, we’re actually in the same class as you,” Emily replied.

“Really? How comes that I didn’t notice that?”

“Guess you lost the Overview with 18 other students in the class.”

“Yeah, could be.”

I'm already getting friends. So far my first school day goes pretty well. The young pony thought, as she had never expected it would go so well.

She really wondered what made the GKR let her register and go to school, instead of taking her away and into a lab. Maybe because she was a collaborator? They said they would contact her first but how would they do that? Don’t even think about it! She shook her head to get her mind clear.

“Something wrong, sister?” Amy noticed her behavior.

“What? Oh, nothing, just tried to get something out of my head.” Scotch Tape replied light off guard.

“Ah, okay.” Amy finished her meal and went for the bathroom.

“If I may ask you three, who are your parents?” Scotch Tape asked her friends, curious.

“Well, my parents are workers at the navy yard.” Emily explained.

“My parents and Collin’s parents too. What about Amy’s parents?” Alex asked.

Scotch Tape thought for a moment. “It’s complicated…”

“How’s that?” Collin was confused.

“Well, Amy’s father died during the invasion and her mother…is a collaborator but at the same time not. In order to stay at their home and not get taken into a labor camp, they had to allow a KPA soldier to live with them. I had a big journey with him.”

And so, Scotch Tape told her new friends, how she got saved by the Resistance in Montrose, travelled with Chung across the USA and how she met the Voice of Freedom.” Her friends had their jaws open in fascination.

“Sounds like you have been through a lot. Yet it’s amazing how far you got. Shame about Amy’s father though. Anyway, while you talked with Ms. Yun, we talked with the other classmates, and guess what: They’re all fans of the kids show my little pony: Friendship is magic. We too. And it’s exciting a meet a pony from the show, even if you’re an Original character.” Emily replied, trying to stay calm.

“I know, as I told you, Chung, his friend the resistance fighters who helped me, are fans too.” She replied, slightly blushing from all the attention.

Soon, all other classmates wanted to befriend her, she accepted but Emily, Alex and Collin were the only ones whose names she could keep in her memory. They chatted happy about the show and other things until a red bar showed up on the E.F.S. “What now?” She asked alerted, looking around.

The answer was a female cry of pain. Scotch Tape saw how Amy got pushed to the ground by a boy with black hair and blue eyes, wearing fancy leather clothes.

Amy landed on her belly with another cry of pain. She tried to get up, only for the boy to set his foot on her back. “You should stay on the ground where you belong! A baby, who can’t even solve the simplest of math tasks, should go back to Kindergarten!” He yelled dominant.

This action angered Scotch Tape, she saw red. “Hey! Leave my sister alone!”

“Or what, you freak?” he taunted, increasing his pressure, causing the girl to grunt in pain.

“I said, leave. Her. ALONE!” Now completely in a fury, the filly charged at the bully, tackling him to the ground, off her sister. She punched him a few times, before he hit her with his boot into her stomach, causing the air inside her lungs to escape, sending her off him. Scotch Tape gasped for air, but did not cry as she landed on her back

Amy rolled over, still in pain, her back and tummy ached. Alex and Collin helped her up by gently grabbing her arms, while Emily got help. “Don’t worry, you going to be fine.” Alex spoke consoling, as she struggled not to cry in pain. She was covered in dusk, and had suffered some cuts on her arms and legs from the fall.

The bully tried to kick Scotch Tape, however, she managed to roll out of the way, quickly getting up. “Is that all you got?” She taunted as she dodged his blows.

“Shut up!” he yelled, only to got hit into the chest by his opponent. He stumbled but quickly recovered and delivered a blow to Scotch Tape’s nose, causing it to bled, and fell on her back again.

“Pathetic!” He raised his booth as she held her nose, but flinched as someone angry was behind him.

“Mark Sunderland! How dare you to hurt the sister of a new student!” To the director, now!” Ms. Yun shouted with a very angry expression.



He left as told, cowed by the outburst of the teacher.

Calming down, she asked Scotch Tape, “Are you hurt?” giving her a cloth to stop the bleeding.

“My nose is bleeding but not broken.” She replied, as her PipBuck showed that nothing was broken.

As Ava saw Amy’s condition, she had sympathy. “Poor you. Let’s get you to the Nurse.”

Amy was assisted by the two boys, she held her gut with one hand, lightly whimpering, still struggling not to cry.

“Don’t worry, the Nurse will fix you up!” Scotch Tape consoled her sister on the way to the nurse.

At the office, Ms. Yun informed the nurse who had sympathy for both children.

“Poor you. Don’t worry, I make you feel all better.” She pointed to a pair of chairs.

The Boys helped Amy on the chair, Scotch Tape looked worried at her as she took a seat too. “It’s not that bad, okay? It’s not that bad.”

The nurse checked Amy, she had only a bruise on her tummy and back, getting treated by getting her cuts disinfected. “See? All better now.”

“By the time they came here, the bleeding had stopped and Scotch Tape had also a bruise on her tummy.

“Scotch Tape, I know to appreciate that you but I feel guilty that they will probably sentence you to detention. Because of me! I’m…”

Seeing that Amy blamed herself and was about to break down, Scotch Tape wrapped her arms around her. “You’re not a failure! You’re a sister everyone could ask for. I did it to protect you and if they sentence me to detention, so be it. I don’t mind it at all. I would do it again to help you.” She wiped a tear out of Amy’s eye.

“T-thank you.” She smiled again.

“Ms. Yun, I take the full responsibility for what happened. I lost my temper when mark hurt her.” Scotch Tape spoke in a mature manner, ready to accept her punishment.

“Scotch Tape, normally I should punish you but as it is your first day and I've verified witnesses stating you did not start the fight, I'm going to let you off with just a warning. Emily informed me as she got me. Mark, however, will be get detention for what he did. I will make sure he won’t bother you again. You could have told me about your weakness, Amy.” Ava sounded like she had sympathy.

“Yes Ms. Yun, I was just…”

“Afraid? I know you’re afraid of admitting it and getting bullied, but there’s no need to be afraid. Everyone has his weaknesses. I will forbearing when we have math the next time.”

“Thank you.” Amy smiled at her teacher.

“Anytime you have an injury, or you are sick, just come to me, and I’ll help you anyway I can.” The nurse patted on her shoulder.

As they walked out, the other students of the class started to cheer and clapped, causing Scotch Tape to blush.

“Please, I only did it to help my sister. Now, let’s go back to class.” She explained, the clapping died down, the classmates nodded and went on their way.

“What was that all about?” Scotch Tape asked bewildered Emily.

“You see, Mark is the bully on this school for quite some time, even before the KPA invaded the country. He’s the son of a high-ranking Liaison officer who is in charge of the Green Park plantation in the Washington Square. Because of his high position, many don’t want to get into a fight with Mark, fearing that their parents could get into trouble for this.”

“I see. But I think his father will have a talk with him after this.”

The next two lessons were gym with a male teacher called Mr. Jake. He had blonde hair, green eyes, muscular build and was wearing sport clothes, which made sense, as he was the physical education teacher.

“Good morning students!” He shouted. “I am Mr. Jake, and I will be your physical education instructor. As it is the first day, there won’t be any physical education, as none of you has sportswear. So, I will check the attendance list.”

He started to calling off names, and with each name he said, a random child either raised their hand, or said here. Some of them had to repeat it as they lacked attention.

Physical education, wonder if Kate could make me some sportswear, a headband maybe? Plus some sports things, like soccer I believe, could be hard for me. And the locker room, with the other girls…

“Scotch Tape!”

“Here!” The teacher had torn her out, she had almost missed it due being lost in thought.

“Okay, all are here. Sorry, to say it, but I have you to read the class matrix. You know, how you should act, what you should do, what not to do, how grading works, what to do for a missing assignment. The whole deal. And when you are done reading, if you finish, you sign your name at the bottom of the last page, and bring them home for your parent, or guardian to sign as well.” A sigh escaped the class.

Scotch Tape wasted no time, reading it through when she and Amy got theirs. “Why the sigh?” They both asked their friends.

“Well, every new year, we have to sign the class matrix, like back at first grade, get what I mean?” Alex explained.

“I see.” Scotch Tape saw Mr. Jake smiling at her.

He doesn't really seem to care about me being the only talking pony in the whole school. I’m sure sooner or later, they won’t stare at me anymore, getting used to me. Never thought I would get their respect so fast.

After the lesson was over, they headed to the cafeteria for lunch.

Scotch Tape and Amy shared a table with Emily, Alex and Collin. Out of respect for their pony friend, they had a salad and potatoes.

“…So, while I was travelling with Chung, I had a dream, where me and my father were driving around in a decaying industrial and downtown area, presented in a futuristic cyberpunk style. We got pulled over by a cop, who was Blackjack. But she looked different. She was wearing a Black trench coat, her left eye was a cyborg laser eye. Respectable and scary.” She told them about her dream.

“Sounds like Empire City from Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit.” Alex recognized it.

“What’s that?” The filly asked him.

“A Racing video game from 1998. My father used to play it when he was my age. I play it too, despite its age. Empire City is a bonus race track in the game, the Cops and the track look exactly like the ones you saw in your dream.”

“Okay, wonder how I dreamed of that.”

“Our brain comes up with the strange things sometimes.”

“That reminds me, I have this game on my PC if you want to give it a try, sister.” Amy realized as she finished her salad.

“With pleasure when I have the time.”

After lunch break, they had a lesson about basic anatomy and physiology of the human body, which Scotch Tape found very useful. May come in handy if Amy gets hurt or I get into a fight again.

The bell ringed, signaling the end of school. “Alright class, have a nice day!” Ms. Yun said goodbye.

Outside, Emily said smiling to her new friends. “That was a fun day. See you tomorrow!”

“See you!” Alex and Collin said in union before all children went different ways home.

“Well, that went pretty interesting for my first school day here. But it was fun still.”

“Indeed, Scotch Tape. Eager what we will learn tomorrow.”

Back home at their apartment in Ludlow of Ashgate Yellow Zone, Kate greeted them. “Welcome back, how was school?”

“Great! We already made some friends!” They both replied.

While Amy had to use the bathroom, Scotch Tape went to her room to drop her saddlebag. The plushie of her father was placed on the bed, it’s smile towards her as if it said “Welcome home, how was your day?”

The filly let out a sigh, hugging the plushie before saying, “Hello again daddy, my first day of school was great, I already made some friends.”

She talked with him about her first day in a half happy, half sad voice, missing him.

“You miss him, don’t you?” Amy entered the room, dropping her school bag, wrapping her arms around her sister in an attempt to cheer her up.

“Yes, I do. I don’t want to imagine through what kind of worry he must be.”

“I understand. Now, can you help me with my Math problem?”


The young Earth Pony gave her sister coaching, it seemed to work. “Calculating with straight numbers is quite easy, just imagine the zero isn’t there, or add it.” Scotch Tape explained, regarding calculations with numbers like 60.


“Equal 450.”

“And 5x9?”


Splendid! You’re improved! See, just think about the zero and it’s easier!” Scotch Tape was proud of Amy.

“Yes it is. Can we do some Geometry next?”

“Of course. Calculating circumference, you must calculate the total of the triangle’s sides. And for the area, you need to multiply the base with the corresponding height and divide the product by 2.”

“Okay.” Amy did as told, she did everything right.”

“You did it!” Scotch Tape smiled proudly.

She helped Amy to calculate the circumference and area of a rectangle, square, and even helped her with the formulas of cuboid, cylinder, circle and pyramid.

Amy improved greatly. “Thank you, Scotch Tape.

“No need to thank me, that’s what sisters are for.”

The doorbell interrupted them. Kate opened and before her stood a man in a Liaison officer uniform, having a beard, brown eyes and appeared to have a bald head but she couldn’t see it exactly due the cap he was wearing. Next to him was a boy with black hair and blue eyes, wearing fancy leather clothes.

“Yes?” She asked.

“Are you Ms. Carter?” He asked.

“Yes, how can I help?”

“I’m Sunderland. My son got into a fight with your daughters.”

Kate couldn’t believe what she head. “I’m sorry to hear that. But my daughters would never do that.”

“There’s no need to apologize, I’m the one who is sorry. My son started the fight by hurting Amy. Scotch Tape tried to defend her.” He explained with an honest expression.

As Sunderland had said this, Scotch Tape and Amy had joined their mother.

Mark still represented a red bar on the filly’s PipBuck. He had a neutral expression, but she could still see anger under his mask.

“I’m truly sorry for my son’s actions towards you.” He turned to Mark. “Now, I want you to apologize this instant to them.”

Mark sighed. “I’m sorry for insulting and hitting you. Ms. Carter, I’m sorry for hurting your daughters.”

The woman could tell that Mark lied but proceed to take it. “Thank you.” She turned to their daughters. “Is there anything you want to say, children?”

“Apology accepted.” They both spoke in union.

“I give him private lessons, so he won’t bother your daughters anymore. Here’s also a gift for you as my apology, He gave Kate a basket with fresh beans and corn. “From Green Park plantation. Have a nice day.” Sunderland tipped his cap before he and his son left.

“Kate, I take full responsible for what happened, I lost control.” Scotch Tape was ready to accept whatever punishment she may choose. What she didn’t expected, was that Kate smiled lightly.

“It’s alright Scotch Tape, you did it only to protect her, I had done the same if I had been in your situation. It’s alright.”

“Okay, Kate.”

In the evening, Chung returned home, they told him what happened. “Mark Sunderland? An idiot. Just because he is the son of a high-ranking collaborator, he thinks he can push everyone around. You proved him wrong, Scotch Tape, you can be proud of that.” He smiled proudly at her.

“I am proud.” She replied, feeling slightly proud of helping her sister.

For Sport, Kate had made a headband for Scotch Tape and got some Sportswear for Amy.

The next days were also interesting, Scotch Tape coaching had paid off, Amy got better in math, and sports was not as bad as Scotch Tape thought.

While the human body was surely interesting, she respected the other girls and they her. Mr. Jack mostly did obstacle parcours and sprints but also sport games like soccer and basketball. Scotch Tape had been given some perks to balance her disadvantages out in those games.

Unfortunately, due the authorities, they also had to watch propaganda movies, about how great and good the Greater Korean Republic was, which was pretty boring. That’s even more boring as Morning Glory! The filly thought as she called the Pegasus sometimes the most boring pony in the Wasteland.

Time passed, it was Friday, the students had earlier out. “Have a nice weekend!” Ms. Yun called out as they left.

“Well, it was pretty nice for my first week.” Scotch Tape smiled, she had enjoyed it, yet was glad that it was Friday.

“Yes it was. I think I have the right song for this day.” Amy selected a song from her MP3 player and gave the ear plugs to her sister. The song was Loverboy Working for the Weekend.

While rock wasn’t her taste, the filly enjoyed the song, bobbing her head to the music as they walked home. “Nice song.”

“Thank you.” Back home, both children helped on the house and enjoyed the day, until it was evening. After dinner, Amy asked, “Want to try out the game we talked about?”

Scotch Tape grinned. “You bet!”

In their Room, Amy started the computer, it ran with Windows 7. The screen was the standard imagine. The girl clicked on the symbol that said Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit. An intro played.

After it was over, a loading screen appeared, then the main menu with music. Amy selected “One player.” The race types were Single Race, Knockout Race, Hot Pursuit and Tournaments.

“Which one do you want to try?” Amy asked.

Scotch Tape though for a moment. “I think I try Single Race.”

“As track I recommend Hometown, It’s a beginner track but I like the setting and music. Featuring an iconic set of twin covered bridges, this route is set in autumn across a North American rural environment with trees and farms filling the background alongside fallen leaves cover parts of the road.”

“Okay.” The filly read through the controls, setting the driving assists on, weather off, 2 laps, direction forward, mirrored and night off. Traffic was on, full number of opponent cars and the skill on easy. The C5 Corvette in blue was her car and the opponent’s cars too. She selected automatic transmission. As she hit the RACE button, the sound of a revving engine was heard as the loading screen, consisting of a red bar showing the loading progress and a real life picture of the selected car.

Once it was loaded, the camera switched behind the car, music played. The road was near a farm, a plane was flying overhead, a cock could be heard crowing in the background as the announcer counted down.

“3, 2 1, Go!”

Scotch Tape pressed the gas button and quickly managed to get into the first place by the time she reached the covered bridges. The filly smiled happy, enjoying the game as she overtook a traffic car at the Interstate Underpass. The 90 degree turn at the main street of the town was no problem, she just hit a breaks for a second, drifting easily through it.

The rest of the track to the finish line was no problem. As the car reached it, the announcer announced “Final Lap!”

She quickly finished the final lap. “You placed first!” The announcer announced and the street switched to the Race summary, showing she was 1st place.

“Congratulations! You’re the winner!” The announcer congratulated her.

“Great work!” Amy and she did a brofirst or better said brohoof.

“Thank you. It was really fun!” Scotch Tape couldn’t remember the last time she had so much fun.

At Saturday, Scotch Tape played again the game and the same Race track but in the Hot Pursuit mode.

The race started the same, except that she raced only one opponent instead of seven and a bar with several green points was in the top middle of the screen, under the rearview mirror.

She quickly overturned the opponent, at the covered bridges, the bar blinked rapidly, the points switched from green to red as it blinked

The reason, a first generation Ford Crown Victoria crossed her way, it made a 180 turn, it’s siren blaring. “36 to country, in pursuit of a blue Chevrolet Corvette, by the covered bridges.”

“All units be advised, unit 36 in pursuit of a Chevrolet Corvette at the covered bridges.” The central informed but the Al was too slow to keep up with her.

Right after the bridges, a police Chevrolet Corvette C5 driving into the same direction as her, equipped to engage in high-speed pursuits and capable of outperforming normal police cars, turned it’s siren on.

“20 to country.”

“Go ahead, unit 20.”

“I found him, joining the pursuit of the Corvette, at the Crystal Lake Turnoff.”

“All units, unit 20 in pursuit of a blue corvette at the Crystal Lake Turnoff.” The police Corvette was too slow to react, as the filly raced past it, leaving a good distance behind as she entered the town.

“36 to country, recommend we use a roadblock.” The cop reported in.

“Unit 36, go ahead with the roadblock.”

By the time Scotch Tape leaved the town, the police lost her as the bar changed to green.

“20 to country.”

“Go ahead.”

“I lost contact with suspect.”

“Unit 20, 10-4.”

As she reached the Interstate Underpass, the police pursued the other racer, the radio buzzed nonstop.

“45 to country, in pursuit of a red corvette at the old Church.”

“All units, be advised, Unit 45 in pursuit of a red corvette, near the old church.”

“36 to country.”

“Go ahead.”

“Roadblock deployed, near the farm.”


At the farm, Scotch Tape saw a Crown Victoria and a Corvette blocking the far right of the road, the Ford stood transversely on the road, the corvette with its front towards the incoming young racer, which just steered to the left avoiding it.

“You call that to roadblock?” She taunted, the cops lost her again as she went into the second and final lap.

3 police cars, patrolling into the opposite direction, crossed her way at the highway 19 underpass, but she escaped them before they could turn around.

The radio chatter buzzed, the policemen reported in and out how they lost her, followed by the country to confirm.

The same happened at the interstate underpass before she finished the race on first place.

The race summary showed that the other racer got arrested. “Congratulations! You’re most wanted!” The announcer congratulated her again.

“Great Job! You’re a good driver!” Amy cheered.

“Thanks, sis. I wonder, can I also be the cop?”

“Yes you can. You just need to select a police car like the corvette. I suggest you change to 8 laps, so you can bust all of them.”

“Okay.” She did as told and selected the Pursuit corvette.

She started behind 6 Corvettes and turned the siren on. A green square was focused on a green Corvette, a flashing red square inside the green one.

“20 to country, in pursuit of a green Corvette half a mile from the covered bridges.”

“All units be advised, unit 20 in pursuit of a green Corvette.” The central warned.

Scotch Tape rammed the suspect into the side, pinning it against the fence of the farm. A small in game scene showed a policeman in a blue uniform, hat and sunglasses, standing at the driver window, his right hand at his holster, while his other did a stop gesture.

“20 to country.”

“Go ahead, Unit 20.”

“I have the driver in custody.”

“Unit 20, 10-4.”

“One down, 5 left.” Amy counted.

“Yep.” Scotch Tape after her car spawned at the location of the leading racer.

She stopped the next racer at the Interstate Underpass by blocking his way, forcing him to stop. “20 to country, this boy’s done.”


The 3rd racer got arrested by the filly at the town by ramming him against a lamp pole. “This boy’s done.”

In the town, Scotch Tape deployed a Spike trip. “The Spike trip is deployed, at the town.”

As she chased the fourth racer, she yelled, “Pull over!” as she rammed his rear, causing him to crash into the wall for arrest.

The fifth was quickly stopped too at the farm. The last one however kept his car under control, no matter what the filly tried. “This guy’s tough!” But it didn’t help, he drove over the spike trip, puncturing his tires. “Gotcha!”

The screen switched to the race summary “Congratulations! You’re top Cop!” The announcer congratulated the young officer.

“Great work!” Amy hugged her.

“Thank you. I think I try Redrock Ridge next.”

“Good idea. It’s a desert themed track, 5.4 miles in length.”

Scotch Tape hit the race button, having selected the blue Corvette again, racing against an orange one. The music had also a desert theme and was nice.

She quickly took the lead, the bar blinked, as the police showed up in form of a police Eagle Talon, driving into the opposite direction, siring blaring as it made a 180 turn at the divided highway.

“46 to country, in pursuit of a blue Chevrolet Corvette, at the divided highway.”

“All units be advised, unit 46 in pursuit of a Chevrolet Corvette at the divided highway.” The central informed nearby units.

The police lost her, but another Eagle Talon made a 180 turn at the old tunnel. “37 to country, here he comes. Joining pursuit of the Corvette.”

“Unit 37, 10-4.”

Unit 37 also lost her, at the old mines, a police Corvette turned it’s light on making also a 180 turn, that was his doom, losing her too.

The police found her again at the waterfall, but lost her again, yet pursued the other racer.

Unit 41, also an Eagle Talon, patrolling into the same direction as the young child, joined the pursuit but she easy overtook the police car, evading again.

The police set up a roadblock at the Redrock tunnel, by of an Eagle Talan and a Corvette blocking the right side, standing with the rear to each other. The racer just steered to the left, dodging it without problems.

The cops couldn’t find her again for the rest of the lap, she finished it in first place.

Again Scotch Tape was most wanted. “Okay, now the other side of the law. That is really fun!” she exclaimed smiling.

“Glad to hear it.” It pleased Amy.

As the race as cop started, Scotch Tape managed to arrest the first racer by pinning him against the tunnel wall as she was at the old tunnel. The scene showed a policeman wearing black boots, a brown uniform, sunglasses and a sheriff hat, his left hand at his hip, his right arm stretched out to the right, as if he pointed to something in the distance of the rear of the car,

“This boy’s done.”

The next racer got stopped at the Canyon U-turn, by blocking his way, taking a shortcut over the sand, causing him to crash right into her and to be arrested.

“One more in custody.” Amy smiled, seeing how much fun her sister had who grinned.

Racer number 3 got stopped shortly after the canyon as she overtook him then hit the brakes, causing him to crash into her rear.

The fourth racer got arrested at the next tunnel, Scotch Tape had pinned him against the wall.

The fifth racer got arrested by the tunnel the police had set up the roadblock when the foal was the suspect, being rammed against the concrete wall of the tunnel entrance.

The last racer managed to get into the second lap and to the divided highway, Officer Scotch Tape rammed into his driver door, he lost control and got arrested as he crashed into the wall.

“Top Cop again!” Scotch Tape cheered happy.

“Yes! Still want to play?”

“You bet! I think I will try Empire City.”

“Living the dream, eh? An expert track, 4, 6 miles long. Given how you won the others, this should be no problem for you.” She alluded to Scotch Tape’s dream.

The race started, the music was somewhat scary, radio chatter could be heard at a certain part, as well a female scream could be heard at another certain part.

She took a shortcut through a side street, getting into first place, only for the police scanner to start blinking as a Crown Victoria drive in the opposed direction, turning its siren on.

“2-23 to central, in Pursuit of a blue Chevrolet Corvette in the industrial district.”

“All units be advised, unit 2-23 in pursuit of a Chevrolet Corvette.”

Scotch Tape quickly evaded the police car, only to be pursued by a police Corvette who drove into the same direction as her, just it she took the turn.

“2-17 to central. Joining pursuit of the Corvette. At the industrial district.”


They lost her and pursued the other racer.

As she got further into the town, unit 2-24 made a 180 turn, reporting in “2-24 to central.”

“Go ahead, Unit 2-24."

“I required the suspect, joining pursuit of the Corvette.”

“Unit 2-24, 10-4.”

She evaded that police officer too, but another Crown Victoria, unit 3-16 crossed her way. ”3-16 to central.”

“Go ahead, Unit 3-16.”

“I’ve got him in sight, joining the pursuit of the Corvette.”


However, the police lost her again. But as she entered a tunnel, a Police Corvette tries to block her way with the 180 turn but she avoided getting stopped.

“You have to do more than that to stop me!” she taunted with Glee. Unit 2-17 and 3-16 crossed her way once more but she shook them off as she finished the first lap.

After that she didn’t encountered any police car but the police radio buzzed something, she paid attention. “3-53 to central. The Spike strip is deployed on the left, near the Empire hotel.”

Thanks to that, she steered right at the hotel, missing the Spike strip, “3-53 to central. The Spike strip missed.”

“Unit 3-53, 10-4.”

Again, the police couldn’t find her until she reached the finish line and was winner and most wanted once again.

“Okay, now the cop!” Scotch Tape exclaimed in fun.

As the race started, she pursued a yellow Corvette. “2-17 to central, in pursuit of a yellow Chevrolet Corvette by the docks.”

“All units be advised, Unit 2-17 in pursuit of a yellow Corvette.” Scotch Tape took the shortcut she had taken a racer and rammed the suspect head on. The arrest scene showed a policeman wearing a Black trench coat, his left eye was a cyborg laser eye, both hands in his hips.

Just like in my dream. Scotch Tape thought as she pursued the next racer by the warehouse district. He was right behind her, so she hit the brakes, causing him to crash into her to be arrested.

Racer number 3 got rammed against a wall by her and arrested. “Half way done.”

“Go get them, sis.” Amy commented smiling, enjoying that Scotch Tape had fun.

Racer 4 had the same fate as the second as her car spawned in front of him.

In the tunnel, Scotch Tape pinned a red Corvette against the concrete wall, arresting him. “One guy left.”

The last race managed to get into the second lap, the filly stayed on his tail and rammed him against a traffic vehicle, arresting him.

“That was fun!” The filly couldn’t remember the last time she had so much fun.

“Indeed. You should try out the other tracks.” Her sister suggested.

The doorbell ringed again. Outside were Emily, Alex and Collin.

“Hello you three.” Kate greeted them.

“Hello Ms. Carter. We plan to do a sleepover at my home and wanted to ask if your daughters want to come too.” Emily explained smiling.

“I think they will accept your invitation.” Kate replied as their daughters joined her.

“How could we refuse? Of course we accept! When shall we meet?” Amy asked.

“8PM. My house is just down the street.”

“Okay, see you later!” Scotch Tape waved as they left.

Time passed fast. The two children got their sleeping bags, walked to their friend’s house. Amy used the doorbell.

A woman with black hair and blue eyes opened the door. “Yes?”

“Hello, I’m Amy, this is my sister Scotch Tape. Your daughter invited us for a sleepover.”

“Ah yes, she told me about you. Come right in.” They walked in. Emily’s father was sitting at a table reading a newspaper. He laid it down to greet the children. He had brown hair with matching eyes.

“Hello. You’re Amy and Scotch Tape, right?” They nodded. “Our daughter told us about us. I’m Liam and this is my wife Ava.”

“Pleasure. Both children replied.

“Emily’s upstairs in her room.” Ava pointed to the stairs, the siblings thanked and got upstairs. The woman turned to her husband. “I can’t believe she’s real. A talking filly right before our eyes.”

“You and me both. I first thought it was her imagination when she talked about Scotch Tape, but she has found herself quite the friend.”

Upstairs, Amy knocked on the door. “Come in.” Emily smiled at them after they got in. “Hello and welcome in my room. You two are the first ones here. The others should be here soon.” She got a game out of a shelf, a card game called Uno as far as the filly could tell.

Then there was another knock and Emily answered it. “Hey guys!” She greeted Collin and Alex in the doorway with a smile.

“Hey Emily.” Both greeted her.

“Now that all are here, let’s starts the game, shall we?” Emily asked her guests.

After being introduced to the game rules, the young filly quickly started to enjoy the game. They played for some time. The girls were close to finish it compared to the boys as they were interrupted by another knock on the door. It was Emily’s father.

“Dinner’s ready, kids.” Ava had made macaroni, the children enjoyed it, especially Scotch Tape, as she had never eaten something delicious as this before.

After Dinner, they finished their game, Amy finished first, then Scotch Tape, followed by Emily, Collin and Alex.

“That was fun!” Scotch Tape exclaimed happy.

“Yep.” Her sister added.

Liam knocked on the door. „Okay kids, time for bed.”

“Yes, dad.” Emily replied and went into her bed, while her friends got in other sleeping bags.

“Goodnight, sis.” Amy whispered into her ear.

“Goodnight, Amy.” She whispered back before falling asleep.

It was a sunny and warm day, Scotch Tape played with her friends on the playground, smiling. They threw a ball to each other. The young pony giggled as she hit the ball with her head, throwing it to Amy who passed it to Emily.

She missed the ball, it rolled out of the entrance at a fence. “Don’t worry, I get it!” The filly ran after it.

After she got the ball she got back to the entrance “I got it, I-“ A sudden flash of white blended her, she heard terrifying screams of pain from her friends. Scotch Tape herself screamed in pain too, her body was on fire, her screams grew louder from the intense pain and heat as she grabbed the fence. The heat was so great that her skin was obliterated, her Skeleton was the only thing of her body left, still grabbing the fence.

Scotch Tape awoke with a gasp, breathing heavily, looking around. Her sister and friends were still asleep. It was just a dream. With a sigh, she fell asleep again.

In the morning, they breakfasted together and they, together and Alex and Collin walked home. It rained but it didn’t bother the children at all, on the contrary. Scotch Tape and Amy jumped into the puddles, laughing.

Back home, Kate and Chung greeted them. “How was the sleepover?” Both asked.

“Great! We had much fun!” They both replied. The rest of the day, the children helped out in the house, and Scotch Tape tried out the tracks Atlantica, a clean, ultra-modern city with numerous gardens along the coastline, located on a tropical coast and Rocky Pass, based in the Rocky Mountains in Canada. In Atlantica, the cops drove Ford EL Falcons and wore blue uniforms, sunglasses with a stylish hat, having their left hand on their hip, while the right hand hanged loose. In Rocky Pass they drove Land Rover Discoveries, wearing a brown uniform and winter hat, sunglasses, their right hand on the hip and the left hand pointing at the driver.

In the evening, they got ready for bed and another week of school.

“Goodnight, Scotch Tape. Sweet dreams.” Kate and Chung wished her and Amy a goodnight.

In the next morning, Kate woke up, seeing that Chung had already left for work, she checked on the kids, hearing coughing from Amy’s room.

“Children, are you okay?” She walked in, seeing that Amy was fine, but Scotch Tape’s nose was red, the coughing came from her. Amy was out of bed, ready to breakfast and get dressed, Scotch Tape was still in her bed.

“I’m good, mommy but Scotch Tape got sick.” Amy explained.

“Yeah…” The filly coughed violently. “Must be the rain yesterday.”

Chung had taught Kate some of his medical knowledge, so she could tell that Scotch Tape got a cold but nothing serious. “I’m afraid, school would be nothing for you this week.” Kate leaved to get her daughter a bottle of water and to make a soup.

“Get well soon, sis!” Amy said goodbye, leaving for school.

“Thank you.” The young pony thanked as the woman putted the bottle and soup on the nightstand.

“You welcome, drink much and the soup will also help.”

Kate walked out to do her work, leaving Scotch Tape alone.

She barely could breathe through her nose, coughing and blowing her nose into a tissue. She stared at the ceiling “Being sick sucks. But at least it’s not as bad as… no, don’t think about it.” She had once suffered something familiar, it was the most agonizing pain she ever experienced in her live, she was close to death back then.

The young woman walked in with a MP3 player. “Some Music should help you to pass the time.”

Scotch Tape selected a song. Michael Jackson-Billie Jean. The song was nice and calming, making her forget her cold.

In the noon, Amy returned from school, checking her sister. “I’m back sis, how are you doing?”

The filly let out a weak smile. “Apart from that annoying cold, fine.” She coughed again.

“I know, a cold is always annoying, your nose is dense, you can’t breathe, the most annoying cold of all of them if you ask me. Anyway, I have your homework and a get well soon card.” She putted both on the nightstand, the card was signed by all students of the class.

It pleased Scotch Tape to see that they all cared for her. “That’s nice.”

Despite being sick, she did her homework without problems.

The next day, Emily, Collin and Alex visited her. They had brought chocolate, Kate had made cookies. The children had happy conversations about things in school were. Collin had an idea.

We have an idea for next week. A roleplay. Do we have ever told you about Team Fortress 2?”

“No, what’s that?”

“A team-based multiplayer first-person shooter video game released in 2007. It received critical acclaim for its art direction, gameplay, humor, and use of character in a multiplayer-only game. In the game's fiction, the teams are composed of mercenaries hired by two feuding brothers to protect the company assets belonging to one brother while trying to destroy those of the other; the teams are thus represented by the names of these companies: Reliable Excavation & Demolition (RED) and Builders League United (BLU). There are 9 classes, categorized into the roles "Offense", "Defense", and "Support".

In attack, you can select the Scout, the fastest but lowest health class, Soldier, second-slowest class in the game, and the class with the second-highest health and the Pyro who is balanced in health and speed.

In Defense you have the Demoman, who uses explosives to provide indirect fire and set traps, the Heavy Weapons Guy, or simply the Heavy, though he is the slowest class, he can sustain and deal immense amounts of damage, and the Engineer, who can build structures to support his team: a sentry gun for defending key points, a health and ammunition dispenser, and a teleporter.

And In support, there are the Medic, who heals other players, the Sniper, killing enemies from afar and the Spy, equipped with covert tools, including a cloaking device disguised as a watch, an electronic sapper used to sabotage and potentially destroy enemy Engineers' buildings, and a device hidden in his cigarette case that enables him to disguise as enemy players. We were planning a role play based on that.”

“Sounds interesting. The Engineer suits me the most. If I’m recovered by the next week, count me in.” Scotch Tape smiled.

The next days, Scotch Tape’s friends visited her regularly, she was pleased every time. She had recovered in a week.

Kate, along with Chung, Chang and the parents of the other children went to the school to see the role play. They saw Scotch Tape on the playground, wearing custom-made welding goggles and construction worker helmet, sitting on a bench, playing a guitar. “Hey look, buddy, I'm an Engineer. That means I solve problems.” A gunshot, made out of nothing but imagination, ricocheted off the bench near her, she ignored it. Not problems like "What is beauty?", because that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy.” Two more shots ricocheted off, close to her head. She glanced briefly at it. “I solve practical problems.”

She reached for a bottle of lemonade, her sentry killed a heavy who screamed before she putted the bottle down. “Fr'instance...” A RED Sniper tried to sneak up from behind.” ...How am I going to stop some big mean mother hubbard from tearing me a structurally superfluous new behind?” The Sentry spotted the Sniper and took care of him. “The answer...” A level 2 sentry killed a scout. “...use a gun. And if that don't work...” A level 3 sentry fired rockets. “...use more gun.” She stopped playing.

An explosion could be heard and a scream, causing the filly to grin happily.

“My arm!” Someone screamed, a hand landed in front of Scotch Tape, who continued playing, her sentry targeted the hand. “Like this heavy caliber, tripod-mounted, little ol' number designed by me...” She kicked the hand, her level 1 sentry shot it out of the air. “...Built by me...” The sentry killed a soldier. “...and you'd best hope... not pointed at you.” She mimicked a Texas accent.

Amy, dressed like the medic in a blue doctor smock joined her. “Move zis gear up!” She ordered in a German accent.

Scotch Tape grabbed her wrench and prepared to move her sentry to the end of the playground where a blue briefcase was laying “Alrighty then! I’m moving nis!”

While she did this, her sister overhealed her. “You’re alright Doc. Phew! Erecting a Dispenser.”

She built everything for a defense up.

A Scout tried to capture the briefcase, only to be killed by the filly’s sentry. “How'd that plan turn out for ya, dummy?"

“Nice shot.”


“Medic!” Collin yelled and Amy moved out, leaving Scotch Tape alone. “Let’s do this Hoofington style!” She waited patiently, never letting her guard down. Alex, playing as Sniper walked in.

She became suspicious, why would he be here? So, to be sure, she hit him with her wrench, if he was real, he wouldn’t get hurt, but if it was an enemy spy, it would hurt.

And it did, the spy died dropping his disguise, but managed to sap her sentry before he got hit. “Spy sappin mah sentry!” She fixed it quickly and repaired it.

Another scout tried to get the Intelligence but got killed by the sentry too. Scotch Tape taunted, laughing evilly, slapping her knee, pointing at the dead Scout.

A voice ringed in her ears. “I got, I got I got it!” Alex cheered as he returned with the enemy Intelligence, Amy escorted him.

Ms. Yun was the announcer. “Victory!

The adults cheered, Amy and Scotch Tape did a high fire. “Nice work, sis! You too, Alex!”

“Thanks, Scotch Tape.”

Seeing Chung and Chang gave Scotch Tape an idea. She along with the other kids looked at the two Koreans. “Son! I'm gonna blow that dumb look right off your stupid face!"

“Run, Cowards!” A heavy added and the KPA soldiers backed up in a playful movement before they all broke out in laugher.

After that, the children got out of their costumes and walked to their parents. “You were great!” Kate was liked it much, Chung and Chung too.

“Glad to hear it, mommy!” Amy smiled, Scotch Tape too as they walked home.

In an alleyway, the filly spotted a beggar, so she decided to give him something of her pocket money. “Here.”

The Beggar smiled. “Thank you.”

As she turned around to catch up with the others, someone grabbed her from behind, she struggled and tried to call her help but whoever was grabbing her had a tight grip, covering her mouth.

“Shh, calm down, it’s me, Brady.” She instantly recognized his voice, and stopped to struggle. He let go.

“Sorry for that, but I couldn’t risk an alert.” He had a sorry expression.

“It’s okay but what are you doing here?” Then she remembered something. “And are the others fine?”

Brady smiled. “Yes, we managed to escape in one piece. Remember the Goliath Brain we recovered? The Resistance has someone here in Ashgate who can figure out how it works.”

“I see but please, don’t cause too much trouble, my friends and family live here!” She begged, not wanting any of them to get hurt.

“I’ll be careful, I promise. And the resistance always remembers its friends. Now go, before they notice you’re missing.”

Scotch Tape nodded and left. The others weren’t far away as she caught up. “Sorry, soldier searched me.”

“It’s okay.” Kate and other believed her.

That was close. I don’t want that they get into trouble. Scotch Tape thought relieved.

Back home, the children talked about how fun the role play was, as the doorbell ringed.

Kate opened the door. Outside was a man in Liaison officer uniform. He had brown hair and green eyes. “Can I help you?” Kate asked friendly.

“Yes, Ma’am. I’m the neighbor, James Crawford.” He pointed to the multistory building with red doors. ”I thought I should visit my neighbors to introduce myself and get to know them.” He explained.

“Come right in. Do you want coffee?” She offered.

“No, thank you.” They sat down in the living room. “So, Ms. Carter, right? I would like to know how you became mother of a talking filly.”

Kate took a deep breath. “It’s kind of a long story.” She told Scotch Tape’s backstory and such. He seemed to believe her.

“I see, interesting. My condolences for what happened to your husband.”

They conversation was interrupted as the children walked in. “Who’s our visitor?” Amy asked curious.

“I’m James Crawford, the neighbor. Our mother told me much about you. You’re Scotch Tape, right?”

“Yes I am.”

Crawford? Didn’t the doc mention somebody named like this when he informed about the attack? She wondered.

“Mr. Crawford, could I speak to you alone, please?”


That confused Amy and Kate. “Everything okay, sis?”

“Yes, I want to ask him something…personal.” She lied as they went upstairs in her and Amy’s room. “You aren’t here because you’re want to know the neighbors more, are you?” She asked, raising her eyebrow after they were alone.

“You got that right. As you can see I’m a Liaison officer, a collaborator, or ‘clab’ on your resistance friend’s parlance, though I’ve been Resistance from the very beginning.”

“The Doc mentioned your name when he warned about the attack.”

“Yes. The Resistance plans to steal a Goliath to free Walker. You are going to sabotage it when the time comes.”

She couldn’t believe what she heard. “You’re a spy! A traitor!” She exclaimed yet kept her voice low, so Amy and Kate wouldn’t hear it.

“Like you. Like you, they forced my hand, I had no choice. They know about everything, I had to do it. They forced me to betray the resistance after they discovered that I’m a double agent.”

“So, you’re responsible for Ned’s death! You informed the KPA about the Armory!” She pointed disgusted a hoof at him.

“I assure you, I did nothing like that. Besides, they said they would inform you, didn’t they?” He asked and it clicked in her head. Crawford was the informant they meant.

“It's not the same! I did it to protect Amy and Kate, not for profit or anything else.” She replied lightly trembling.

“It’s alright, I also do it to protect those I love, not for profit.”

He walked downstairs and said goodbye.

This night, Scotch Tape could barely sleep, the thought of being a traitor kept her awake, rolling around in bed. Her sister noticed it.

“What’s wrong?” Amy looked at her with a concerned expression.

“It’s just…how could I say it, I’m worried about my friends in the resistance and Walker.” It was the truth, she was worried for them.

“I understand your feeling. I’m sure they’re fine.” She smiled at her. You must have faith in it.”

“You’re right.” With that, she could find some sleep.

Everything changed the next day. Brady had raised the hearts and minds of the people here too, the civilians were protesting, rioting.

Kate however didn’t take part in it, protesting was a crime in the view of the authorities and she didn’t wanted to be arrested or endanger the lives of the children. When taking prisoners, the KPA was brutal, she knew that, so she stayed inside.

Brady had kept his word, the resistance supplied them with food. None of them knew what had happened to Chung or Chang, they all prayed they were still alive and alright.

A mechanical voice could be heard outside. “This unit is now authorized to use deadly force.” Scotch Tape looked out of the window. What she saw scared her.

A KPA drone on tracks, a quadrangular turret on the top, scanning for targets as it patrolled the streets. As for as she knew, this drone was called Wolverine, not as deadly as a Goliath, but still deadly enough to tear a human apart.

Then, she spotted soldiers of the 718 Division outside. They were about to enter their house. Oh no!

The door was kicked open. Kate screamed as they grabbed her, pinning her against the wall, weapons trained at her. “I didn’t do anything!”

“Shut up!” One of the soldiers yelled as another two get upstairs to get the children.

Amy and Scotch Tape had no time to react as the 718s kicked the door open, grabbing them. The sisters screamed and struggled, the filly did even go so far that she bit the soldier who held her, but all was to no avail.

“MOMMY!” Amy screamed at the top of her lungs before one of the soldiers hit her with the butt of his gun and she blacked out. Scotch Tape suffered the same fate, not having a chance to call out to Kate.

“Please! They’re everything I have left!” Kate begged as they got brought away, her eyes tearing up.

“We handle only for the benefit of the Greater Korean Republic, American weakling!”

That insult waked a beast inside of the young woman. She was against violence but not weak, she would defend her children like any other mother would. In rage, she lunged at the soldier who had insulted her, throwing him to the ground, beating him.

“DON’T. YOU. DARE. TO. CALL. ME. WEAK!” She screamed with every punch, it took several soldiers to get her of him, only with effort they managed to keep her from beating their comrade more.

She struggled in fury, only stopping as same soldier hit her in the solar plexus, knocking the air out of her. As she collapsed in pain, the 718 soldier said cold, “I must admit that was impressive. For that, you shall live.”

They leaved. Kate cried, she had failed to protect her child, the only thing she had left. She sobbed before letting out an ear shattering scream.

Scotch Tape slowly woke up with an aching head. Must they always hit to hard? She rubbed her head, getting up. Looking around, she found herself at the athletic fields of the school, Amy, still unconscious next to her. Also, all other children from her class were here.

Sentry Towers and 718 soldiers guarded the entrances, making an escape next to impossible.

“S-scotch Tape? You here too?” Emily walked up to her, frightened, followed by Alex and Collin.

“Yes. What’s going on?” She asked, wondering why they took her here.

“We don’t know. The 718 showed up at our house and took us here.”

“Uhh…” Amy regained consciousness, Scotch Tape helped her up.

“You okay?” Collin asked worried about his friend.

“My head aches but otherwise, I’m fine.”

“Something tells me, they brought us here for a reason we won’t like.” Alex trembled in fear.

A PM system announced, “Attention. Cowardly Terrorists have killed a high ranked Liaison officer. To the atonement for this terrorist act, Colonel-Commandant Jeong has ordered the execution of several hostages.

Should the terrorists not turn oneself in until Sunset, the hostages will be shot in view of the heavy action.”

This made the children realize: They were the hostages the authorities would kill, should Brady not turn himself it. Emily had a nervous breakdown. “I don’t wanna die! I want my Mommy!” She cried, tears flowing down.

Scotch Tape hugged her in an attempt to comfort her. “Shh, calm down, It's okay, Emily. No-one's gonna' hurt you. I'll make sure nothing happens to you.” Even she was scared, but she did her best not to show it.

The other children started to give each other hope that they would be saved.

But it seemed all in avail as the sun went down.

The soldiers started to round the Children up, tying their hands and blindfolded them with bandannas with the Korean star.

Scotch Tape couldn’t see but heard the desperate pleas of parents to spare their children. She felt the trembling bodies against her body, one on her right shoulder, one to her left shoulder. “Sis, I’m scared! I don’t want to die!” She heard Amy to her right.

“I’m here for you.” She replied, her heart beating fast from the fear. She had one last prayer. “Please Daddy…remember me…”

“Take aim!” an Officer ordered. Scotch Tape at this moment, prayed it would be quick and painless, there was nothing she could do.

They all would die.

Author's Note:

Looks like Scotch Tape made some friends. What do you think of her relationship with Amy? I thought I give my first racing game another tribute, Hometown and Empire city are my favorite race tracks. Her nightmare is based on this. If I had to decide which of the TF2 classes would suit Blackjack and her friends, I would say Scotch Tape suits the Engineer, Rampage the scout, Morning Glory medic and Lacunae the Heavy. Not sure about Blackjack and P-21, the demoman suits them both. What would you say?

Ashgate was my favorite yellow Zone to be in. I kid you not, the Laison officers are really polite and ready to help, bumped once into one and he asked kindly if I was lost and if he could help, as he knew the area well.