• Published 29th Jul 2017
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Freedoms Call - Bronycommander

Occupied America 2029. America is occupied for two years now by the Greater Korean Republic. This year will be a surprise for a KPA soldier

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Chapter 19 Golden Gate

Chapter 19: Golden Gate

The young pony took a deep breath. She really had come this far. There was no turning back now. At first, Scotch Tape couldn’t believe it that she had really come this far, but she was now here.

She was about to take part in the battle that could turn the war, probably even make the US military win it, driving the KPA out, reclaiming what was once theirs. Their home, their country.

“I really can’t believe we made it so far, after all we went through, we’re finally here. Can you believe it?” She asked her friends.

“We can’t believe it either, Scotch Tape. But we all have come this far, thanks to you and Fletcher. You’re the ones to credit.” Katie told them with a proud voice.

They both blushed at this compliment. “Thank you.” The foal replied.

“Now, let’s join them, shall we?” The female officer suggested and they nodded in return.

As they moved down to the FOB, they saw several US soldiers doing different tasks, like discussing tactics on a map, doing maintenance work on their AH-64 Apache helicopters or watching the bridge with binoculars.

One soldier greeted them. “You’re the child and soldiers everyone has been talking about?”

“Yes we are.” Fletcher replied.

“A great job taking those airships out for us. We wouldn’t be here now had they made it here. And just in time, the fuel trucks should arrive any minute.”

Just as the US soldier had said this, 3 KPA fuel tricks escorted by an AH-700 Scout helicopter pulled up, showing to Scotch Tape that Boone’s plan had been successful.

And she also saw her old friends, Jacobs, Conner, Rianna and Hopper again, smiling happy. “Hello, It’s nice to see you again.”

“The pleasure is all mine, Scotch Tape. We also heard what you achieved in Philadelphia and destroyed the KPA airships. Quite impressive, you can be proud of yourself.” The woman was proud of her.

“I guess. Everyone? This is Fletcher Fray?” She pointed at him. “Fletcher, those are Rianna, Jacobs, Conner and Hopper, members of the Colorado resistance from Montrose, or what’s left of it.”

He raised his hoof for a shake, smiling. “Pleasure.”

“I couldn’t believe what I heard about a talking unicorn until now. Or the reports about drones looking like ponies.” Conner commented a bit awkward about it.

Katie smiled at him. “Conner Morgan, you haven’t changed a bit, even after all those years.”

That confused the former Marine. “You know me? Wait…Katie? Is that you in there?”

“Yes, me and my squad. It’s a long story though, it has time until this is over.”


2 US soldiers walked up to them. “Hey! You guys Colorado resistance, the crew from Montrose?” One of them asked

“What’s left of us, yeah.” Rianna replied.

“Hell of a job getting us that jet fuel. Now our troops can get their air support.”

“Yeah, but first we gotta knock out those AA’s.” The other soldier added, leading them all to several AH-700 Scouts, being ready for takeoff.

“Hey! We good to go?” The first soldier asked his co-pilot who nodded, then turned to their new allies. “You two, the kid and unicorn with me.” He pointed to Conner and Jacobs to show he meant them.

“You two, follow him.” He said to Rianna and Hopper, getting into his chopper along the passengers. Katie, Jeff and Klaus got into the other helicopters, while the others used their wings.

“Rotor check. Throttle to 70 percent. Avionics are a go.” The pilot checked the instruments.

“Raptor, this is Warpath, you are cleared for takeoff. Happy hunting.” The Central Command radioed in.

“Raptor 1-1 copies.” The pilot of the chopper Scotch and Fray were in replied.

“2 solid copy. Keep the beer cold for us.”

“Hope you all don’t mind a little music.” Raptor one turned the radio on, playing a song as the helicopters took off into the skies.

The song was sitting as the US military could finally turn the tides of the way, Scotch Tape and Fletcher enjoyed it.

“This is Warpath, be advised: We have additional chopper from the 160th inbound, over.”

“Raptor copies all. Joining formation.”

“Fight’s already started for the bridge.” Rianna commented as AA fire could be seen above the bridge.

“It’s about time.” Conner added.

“Raptor, this is Stalker 6-1. Snuggle up and keep a low ceiling. We’re gonna come in right under those guns.” One pilot of the 160st Special Operations Aviation Regiment radioed in, consisting of Apaches.

“Uh, we got a couple of unidentified aircraft headed toward your position. Does anyone have a visual?” Warpath informed.

“Here they come!” Raptor 1 warned as KPA fighters intercepted the US choppers, 2 choppers got destroyed, Raptor 2 got damaged, smoking from the engine.

“You’re alright, Raptor 2?” Stalker 6 asked.

“I got clipped pretty bad, losing hydraulic pressure, fire in the engine compartment…I can’t keep her in the air; gonna put her down near the convoy.”

“Don’t worry about us, we’ll see you on the bridge.” Rianna assured.

“Eyes on a couple of RPG teams on the bridge.” Stalker 6-1 warned as missiles flew past the choppers.

“Confirmed, multiple launchers from the upper deck. Hold on to something!” Raptor 1 shouted as another AH-700 got hit, spinning out of control.

“I’m hit. 1-4 is going down. 1-4-“ Raptor 4 crashed into the side of the bridge, exploding, the wreck falling burning into the water.

“Raptor 1-4 is down. I repeat: 1-4 is in the water. Over.” Raptor 1 reported.

“Copy that, sending search and rescue.” Warpath replied, Scotch Tape and Fletcher didn’t thought that anyone had survived this crash.

“RPGs on the scaffolds. We’re going guns hot.”

“Take them out, use the grenade launcher!” Conner yelled to Jacobs as the chopper flew past the RPG teams, the former pilot fired the grenade launcher on his ACR, the KPA soldiers fell down screaming to their death. Scotch Tape prayed Chung wasn’t along the regular soldiers Jacobs killed.

“This is Raptor 1-1. The LZ is too hot, over.” The pilot said as there were too many RPG teams.

“Copy, Raptor. Hang on a sec…Raptor, your new LZ is the lime point lighthouse. You need to secure the area before we roll in the heavy guns, over.”

“I copy. We got five dismounted infantry and a T-99 at the base of the north tower. Fifteen plus and two RPG teams on the road. Ten seconds.” Raptor one landed at the street leading to the lighthouse with another chopper. “Touch down.”

The 2 resistance fighters and ponies jumped out, the other chopper got destroyed by an RPG. “RPG on the balcony!” A US soldier yelled, pointing it out.

Fletcher spotted it, switching to his bow, aiming for the head of the RPG soldier, firing an arrow, hitting him between the eyes. “Bull's-eye!”

Jacobs got Scotch Tape behind a barrier for cover. “Raptor 1 providing close air support.” The pilot shouted before getting shot down by another RPG.

The enemy forces consisted of mostly 718 division soldiers with a few regular soldiers, an air raid siren was sounding. “Push up! Push up!” A US soldier yelled as they pushed the KPA slowly back, Fletcher made every shot count with his SMG, Scotch Tape pointed out enemy positions with her PipBuck, seeing that the US soldier had the rank Sergeant, his name Keyes.

“Keep moving!” A private with the name Hernandez shouted as they moved up, clearing the checkpoint. “Area’s clear!”

“Form up! South gate! Hernandez, get that gate open, now!” The Sergeant ordered.

“Yes, sir!” The private did as told, there were no enemies in sight after the gate, making the 2 ponies suspicious.

They all held their position in the court yard, four soldiers scouted ahead as a T-99 broke through the wall on the left, killing them in one shot, blasting the bodies back. “Tank!” Hernandez pointed it out.

“We need to get our hands on something to kill that tank.” Conner moved with Jacobs and Fletcher out as the tank reversed, Scotch Tape stayed with the soldiers in cover.

“Circle around to the right! Through those barracks! Follow me!” Conner took the lead. “I’ll go first, cover me.”

In the barrack, a group of 718 blocked the way, Jacobs threw a grenade to clear it. Seeing that the tank was distracted by them, the American officer ordered, “Into the next building! Go! Go!”

The soldiers and foal sprinted from cover to cover, the tank missed them but still, Scotch Tape’s ears ringed.

In the second barrack, Fletcher used his Shadow strike ability, quickly taking the 718 squad out one by one, seeing a RPG on a table. Jacobs grabbed it, he loaded it.

The tank was turning his turret into their direction but the former pilot was faster, pulling the trigger, blowing the tank into pieces. “Hoo-ah! Warpath, enemy T-99 is scrap metal!” Keyes reported cheering.

“Copy, prepare to receive additional elements from 40th Id.”

“Form up! We’re gonna set up a new command post in the quad.”

They got outside as Rianna radioed in. “Conner, where are you four? We’re making our way toward the bridge with the 185th and the drones.”

“We got blown a little of course. We’ll see you up there.” He turned to Jacobs and Fray. “We’re gonna have to fight our way up the tower. Scotch Tape, stay behind us.”

“Of course.”

They moved up a ladder where the scaffolds were, stocking up on ammo. 2 red bars appeared on the filly’s PipBuck. “KPA soldiers ahead.” She pointed out.

“He’s mine!” Conner sprinted around the corner, throwing one 718 off the ledge, Jacobs took out the other with a clear headshot.

Another 2 soldiers came down the scaffolds. “Enemies on the overhead!” Conner pointed out as a squad of regular soldiers rappelled down to support the 718 soldiers.

Fletcher took them all out with well-aimed shots, showing his accuracy as they moved up, he took the lead.

“Seal team one popping victory smoke. Alcatraz has been secured. I repeat: We have taken the rock.” A Seal commander reported his success on the radio.

Getting up a ramp, a 718 rushed at the Eternal Knight with a scream, Fray quickly switched to his spear, impaling the Korean into the chest. “Not fast enough, buddy.”

They fought their way up a staircase, bullets flew past at the exit, as 718 soldiers fired from a scaffolds on the other side below the bridge deck.

An AH-700 Scout arrived, doing a strafing run on the KPA soldiers. “Hold your fire! That chopper’s one of ours!” Conner warned as the chopper cleared the way but got shot down by a Korean SU-47.

As they moved up, a US unit radioed in. “Firebase Bravo, this is Sierra Actual. Fire for effect, then rounds, hard target, Grid 5Q VJ four five niner, over.”

“Copy, Sierra Actual. DPICM in effect, ten rounds. Shots out.”

The artillery fire could be heard in the distance as they fought another 718 squad, assisted by regular soldiers rappelling down, Jacobs and Fletcher quickly picked them off.

“Adjust fire, direction 750, add 50, right 75, over.” Sierra Actual told Firebase Brave as the group moved up.


The men and 2 ponies came to an entrance of another staircase. “Toss a grenade in there.” Conner told Jacobs who did as told, the explosion, blasted a 718 member out and over the scaffold.

“Bravo, end mission. Angel Island Communications Station destroyed, estimate 15 plus casualties, out.” Sierra Actual confirmed the destruction of the target, as Scotch Tape got up the stairs with her friends.

“Warpath, this is Romeo 4-4, our position has been overrun. The LT is KIA, multiple wounded. We need CASEVAC immediately, we cannot hold the bay bridge.” A US unit reported in.

“Nearly there.” Conner said as they were now under the bridge deck.

“Five navy destroyers have broken through the san Diego blockade. The USS John Paul Jones and Milius are en route to secure the bay.” Warpath informed the attacking forces.

“Hostiles on the catwalk!” The former marine fired in 718 soldiers. “Eyes on top! They’re roping down off the deck!” He spotted regular soldiers rappelling down to assist their comrades, but got killed midair by Jacobs and Fletcher. “Push up! Just a little further and we’re on the bridge.”

As the 3 soldiers took care of the remaining 718s on the catwalk, Scotch Tape took a deep breath, glad they had it made that far. I hope the others are doing well on the bridge.

At the ladder, Fletcher checked his ammo, having still enough. Due the PWS Diablo being used by US and KPA troops, ammo wasn’t really a problem as Conner climbed the ladder up first. “Rianna, we’re at the bridge!”

“Hopper, the drones and I are at the entrance. The convoy’s just behind us.”

“God damn, that’s a long way up. We got them flanked! Lay down some fire!” He ordered as the rest got up too, being on the left flank of the defenders.

Due being distracted by the attacking US forces, the KPA troops got caught off guard by the small group, getting slowly taken out. “Convoy is in position and cleared to engage.” Warpath informed as the T-99 got destroyed by a M1A3 Abrams moving up, followed by 2 LAV-25s and 2 Humvees.

“Warpath, the enemy armor is down.” Conner reported.

“Move it up!” Sergeant Keyes ordered, the soldiers and resistance members regrouped at the checkpoint gate.

“Good to see you guys again.” Rianna and the cyborgs smiled at the foal.

“Likewise.” Conner replied.

“You all with us! We’re clearing this bridge! Everyone back away from the gate. We’re gonna bust it down.” The Sergeant warned as the tank drove forward, pushing the gate out of the way, getting destroyed by an RPG, causing Scotch Tape to cough from the smoke. “Warpath, we just lost our lead armor. We’re moving in on foot.”

Fletcher and Scotch saw now that the KPA had damaged civilian vehicles piled up to create a series of defensive lines along the length of the Bridge.

“We take care of this!” Jeff said as he and the grenadier drones fired grenades into the air, unleashing a rain of grenades which nobody could survive, clearing the way for the convoy.

“Convoy on the move! Form up! Push forward!” Keyes yelled, Fletcher and Scotch Tape used the LAVs as cover, the convoy took care of any stragglers that had survived.

“Light armor inbound!” The officer warned as a KPA Humvee came to a stop, getting instantly blown up by the LAVs. “They’re down, hell yeah!” Keyes cheered.

“Push up! Push up!” The private yelled.

The convoy stopped next to a troop transport as the filly heard a whirring sound from the next checkpoint. “Sentry towers! Get to cover!” Hopper warned as they opened fire.

Jacobs, Fletcher and the young foal took cover behind the transport as the Sergeant pointed into the sky. “Attack chopper! Fall back!”

The Z-10 Chimera fired missiles, blasting the 3 off the bridge. “Jacobs, Scotch Tape! No!” Rianna yelled in shock.

In the moment Scotch Tape was about to scream, Fletcher yelled, “I got you!” having her grabbed with one hoof, and having grabbed the railing of a catwalk with Jacobs, pulling himself and her up.

“What happened?” Conner asked over the radio.

“They went over the side! We have to-“

“They’re gone! We’ve gotta keep moving!” He replied to the woman as the 3 saw how the truck they had taken as cover fell into the water, along with a car and an unlucky US soldier.

“Let’s get back on the bridge.” Jacobs took the lead, a few 718 soldiers rappelled down to deal with them and the chopper made a strafing run with its 30mm cannon, forcing them to cover.

After the chopper flying up, the Eternal Knight had one Elite soldier in his sight, pulling the trigger, the hits throw him back, falling over the railing, the same happened with another soldier Jacobs took out.

As they moved across, the chopper made another pass, firing his MG as they were in cover before flying up once more.

“We have to move across the broken beams, don’t look down, Scotch Tape.” Jacobs said, she nodded.

They could hear on the radio how Hopper tried to explain the sentries to the Sergeant, getting cut off by Rianna, “Hopper, not now!” and Conner trying to push forward without success as they reached the ladder at the other side, hearing the scanning sounds of the turret.

It led right behind the checkpoint where the towers were, 3 elite and one regular soldier defending them, distracted by the convoy.

The pilot threw a grenade under the first sentry, the explosion knocked the regular soldier over. “Hey, one of the sentries is down!” Hopper noticed.

“Who took it out?” The woman wondered.

“Who cares! Push forward!” Conner replied.

The stallion and man managed to take out 2 718 soldiers, the last one charged at them, beating Jacobs into the face, knocking him down, then very aggressively lunged at Fletcher, knocking him down too, punching him several times, stunning both.

Scotch Tape attempted to draw her pistol as the Korean lunged at her but was to slow, he hit her into the gut, knocking the air out of her, then grabbed the filly as the 2 soldiers got up. “Stay back! Or your young friend regrets it!” He yelled, she tried to break free but his grip was too tight.

“You wouldn’t dare!” Jacobs shouted in rage, Fletcher stayed calm, waiting for an opportunity to take the KPA soldier down.

“I love it when they say that.” The soldier said sadistic and cold, grabbing the foal’s right foreleg, there was a loud crack, followed by a painful scream of Scotch Tape as her captor had broken her leg.

The KPA soldier felt something hard hitting his head, falling to the ground, dropping the crying filly.

“My leg! It hurts! Make it stop!” Scotch Tape cried out in pain, tears leaving her eyes.

Jacobs and Fletcher saw that the regular soldier had taken out the 718 soldier from behind, kneeling down to the crying foal. “Shh, let me take a look.”

“C-Chung? This that you?” She asked pain.

“Yes, it’s me. Don’t worry, I have you fixed up in no time. “He carefully examined her leg as Jacobs destroyed the other tower, along his fellow resistance members and soldiers to advance.

“They’re alive!” Rianna was relieved not able to believe her eyes.

“Jacobs? That's like, the fifth thing you've fallen off of and lived!” Hooper commented.

“You are the luckiest man I’ve ever met.” Conner added.

Mia assisted Chung in fixing the child’s leg. “Good news, it’s only dislocated, we can put it back in place.” He said as Fletcher casted his sedative spell, gently holding her hoof for comfort.

“On three. One, two…”

Another loud crack followed, causing Scotch Tape to scream in a pain, then slowly noticing that it became less. “Thank you.” She was glad the pain slowly stopped as Fletcher levitated her on his back.

“Chopper’s coming back around!” Keyes warned as the same Chopper that had blasted the 3 off, started another attack, Chung pointed to a FGM-148 Javelin launcher on a crate, Jacobs took it, aiming at the chopper and fired upon having a lock on.

The Chimera got hit, burning but was still flying, Fletcher reloaded the launcher and Jacobs fired again, this time the chopper crashed burning into the sea, spinning out of control.

“Don’t move!” the sergeant yelled as Chung held his hands up in surrender. “Keep an eye on him.” He told one of his soldiers.

“The anti-air guns that are keeping our birds out of the sky are behind this gate. This is the battle, right here. Make it count.” Morgan gave a moral speech as the US soldiers were about to open the gate, Fletcher and Scotch Tape could hear the AA fire behind the gate.

“Stand back! We’re opening the gates!” Keyes warned.

In the moment the gates opened, gunfire came from the other side, killing the soldier that was guarding Chung, an RPG got fired, deafening the foal’s hearing for a moment.

Fletcher spotted the RPG user in the guard tower, firing an arrow in his direction before he could fire another shot, the young Korean took the M4 of the dead American, joining the fight on the US side, firing with hate at the 718 soldiers.

However, the defenders were well dug in, keeping the US troops at bay, even the cyborgs couldn’t break through.

All of the sudden, a squad of 5 regular KPA soldiers started to fire on the 718 soldiers, effectively clearing the way for the US forces. “I’m lieutenant Mino, we’re surrender.” The officer said, lying down his weapon, his men were Yun, Lim and Gim and Puma, were also lying down their weapons.

The filly saw now that the AA guns were the same she had seen on the mountain, the noise from them was deafening.

“Reinforcements rolling in!” Conner pointed out.

“Everyone onto the platform! Pick your sector and drop every Nork that steps into it. There’s no falling back! Hold the line!” The sergeant shouted.

“Let us help!” Mino grabbed his weapon, firing with his men on the 718 soldiers, not caring if he would die. If he would do down, he would go down for the right side of this war.

As everyone was on the platform, holding the line, Hopper had an idea. “Wait! Those guns have automated IFF. I can re-wire it to recognize our aircraft as friendly.

“In English?” Rianna asked.

“We turn their own guns against them.”

“You’ve got two minutes. Then we blow them.” Keyes replied.

While her leg was still aching a bit, Scotch Tape helped Hopper to re-wire the AA guns, covered by her friends.

They defended the platform against waves of infantry for several minutes. “How much longer?” Conner asked.

“Buy us a minute! We just need a password!” Hopper replied. “Come on, come on…this connects to…”

“Hurry up!”

“There done! Bingo! System’s rebooting!” Hopper cheered in success.

“Warpath, we’ve captured the battery! The guns are ours! Get those jets airborne!” Conner shouted into his radio.

“Copy that, scrambling fighters now.”

The airship and Wonderbolt drones also joined the fight, firing at the KPA jets.

Still, the KPA was still coming, as if they had limitless troops. “There’s too many of them!” Rianna got desperate.

“They’re coming from everywhere!” Private Hernandez yelled.

“There’s a friendly UCAV on site. Patching you through. KPA armor column headed toward your position. Advise you to use the UCAV.” Warpath informed the troops, Jacobs called it to destroy the armor.

“Good kill, good kill. Still some enemy armor down there, mop ‘em up. That’s another down, good shot.” Warpath commented on Jacobs kills. “UCAV is at bingo fuel. Returning to base.”

The destruction of the armor column left some fires, a few KPA soldiers screamed in pain as they stumbled out of the fire, dying a painful death, Scotch Tape felt sorry for them, noticing that Fletcher trembled. “You okay?” She asked concerned.

“Just not a big fan of fires.” He replied with a shaken voice.

“We need to get out of here now!” Conner realized that they couldn’t stay here, spotting an undamaged KPA Humvee at the gate. “I’m driving. Jacobs, man the gun!”

Ching saw a second Humvee next to the first. “I drive this one, Fletcher, you’re the gunner!” He got in with Scotch Tape, wanting to get her out of danger, Mino and Moon joined them.

“We hold the position with the US forces. Good luck!” Katie called out.

Together, they took 3 Humvees of the Korean troops out as they drove to the next gate where another Humvee blocked the way.

In the moment it got destroyed, a drone broke through the gate, having the Humvees in its sight. “Goliath!” Rianna yelled.

“It’s one of theirs!” Hooper pointed out.

“Reverse! Get us out of here!” Rianna shouted, Conner did as told, Chung did the same while Jacobs and Fletcher fired on it, using the countermeasures to avoid it’s rockets.

After a few meters, both drivers hit the brakes, the Goliath drove past them but with a terrifying roar it chased them, burning from the damage, not giving up it’s pursuit.

Chung and Conner tried their best to avoid the wrecks of cars, driving in slalom. “Conner, can’t you drive straight?” Rianna shouted.

“I’m trying! Don’t you see all this junk in my way?” The Goliath overtook the Humvees but the 2 drivers were keeping up. “It’s not getting away that easily.”

“You’re chasing it?!” Rianna couldn’t believe it.

“Damn right.”

The Goliath got stuck near an abandoned tanker truck, Fletcher and Jacobs focused their fire on it but the explosion of the tanker blasted the Goliath towards the Humvees, knocking them over.

Scotch Tape’s and Fletcher’s visions were blurry, yet they could see an enemy armor column moving in as they came to.

“This is Conner Morgan. Enemy armor column rolling in from the south. Request immediate airstrike at the mouth of the bridge.”

“Negative on the airstrike. Friendly units are danger close.” Warpath replied on the radio.

“You need to hit them now!”

“Negative! We don’t have an solid ID on hostile targets.”

“Ahh…Screw it! Warpath, fire on my position! Look for the flare!” Conner ran towards the enemy with a flare in his hands.

“Repeat that? It sounded like-“

“Drop the biggest damn bomb you got on the flare!” Conner yelled, Scotch Tape and Fletcher tried to get up but were too weakened by the explosion earlier.

“Affirmative, Airstrike inbound.”

“No! Conner, wait!” Rianna shouted in shock.

“Strike leader, confirm you have a visual.”

“Eagle 1 has eyes on the flare. Package away.” 4 F-22 Raptors dropped bombs on the enemy column, a big explosion occurred, everything was covered in smoke, making it unable to see anything.

“Conner! Can anyone see him? Conner!” Fletcher and Scotch Tape heard Rianna yell before everything went black for them.

Author's Note:

This may be where the game ends but not the story, What do you think could have happened after Golden Gate ingame?