• Published 29th Jul 2017
  • 1,106 Views, 114 Comments

Freedoms Call - Bronycommander

Occupied America 2029. America is occupied for two years now by the Greater Korean Republic. This year will be a surprise for a KPA soldier

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Chapter 16 The Day Is My Enemy

Chapter 16: The Day Is My Enemy

The second week had passed. Scotch Tape felt much better than last week for some reason, she couldn’t explain why, she just felt it. As such, she practiced her walking.

“Okay, one step at a time.” The filly spoke to herself, slowly bringing her hoof forward again.

Again, the hoof made contact with the ground followed by the other 3, this time, none of her legs were wobbling anymore. Then she managed to walk a few meters, steady and without tripping at all. “Better and better!” Scotch Tape cheered happy.

“I can’t say how happy I am to see that you improve, Scotch Tape.” Fletcher smiled warmly at her.

The filly walked again a few steps, like before, steady and without tripping. “This is wonderful!” She exclaimed in joy.

“It appears my diagnosis is correct, if your condition stays that way, we should be able to get you out of this case within the week.” Mia said to her, making the filly grin.

“I cannot wait any longer!” Scotch Tape exclaimed.

Katie chuckled. “I believe you that. It’s getting late, you two should get some rest.”

The green unicorn yawned. ”Yeah, we should.” He and Scotch Tape walked to the sleeping quarters, climbing into the bed while Scotch Tape got into her charging station.

“Goodnight Fletcher, sweet dreams.”

“You too.”

The next day, Scotch Tape “woke up” seeing that Fletcher was still asleep.

While having no need for food, she decided to make him breakfast, walking to the kitchen, seeing that Mia was also already up. “Good morning Scotch Tape, how are you?”

“I’m doing well! And Fletcher’s still asleep, so I thought I make him breakfast.” The filly smiled at the medic.

“Good idea, I just made him a toast and some juice.” The Pegasus pointed to a tray where said breakfast was on, the filly picked it up, carrying it to Fletcher’s room.

She heard a yawn as she opened the door, Fletcher just woke up. “Good morning Fletcher, I made you breakfast.”

He smiled upon seeing the toast and glass of juice. “Thanks.” He enjoyed it clearly as he ate his breakfast with a smile. “That was delicious.”

“Glad to hear it. Let’s enjoy the day, shall we?” The filly sounded cheerful due being able to be normal again soon.

“Of course.” He replied with a smile.

As they walked out, the filly realized something. “If the KPA had discovered this base and the drones…they could have changed the war in their favor.” She didn’t want to imagine what could have happened instead.

“Most likely, Scotch Tape. But thanks to you, this never happened.” He sounded proud, the filly smirked.

“Hey, if you haven’t been there, the battle in the city could have never changed in favor of the US troops.” She reminded him of his part. “All those men...Dead in a single day...I can't imagine what Jackson must feel every time he remembers.”

“Yes. I have seen many bad things in the war but nothing like that before. As such, I’m really relieved that you survived. No foal should suffer such an agonizing death.”

The filly hugged him. “And I’m grateful that you saved me.”

“You have your life yet ahead of you, I couldn’t let you die.”

“You know, I wonder why Archer designed an airship for the soldiers and the other drones and not a helicopter or a plane.”

Fletcher putted a hoof to his chin. “That’s a good question. We should ask Katie about this. Reminds me, I own an airship myself, it belonged to my father.”

“You do?” The filly wondered.

“Yes. Piloting airships solo is rarely ever easy. Hooves can be ungainly and using magic can prove very volatile. It took me whole decades to learn properly.”

Scotch Tape chuckled. “I can imagine that. If you don’t mind, how was your father?”

Fray smiled. “A father anypony could ask for. He cared for me and my mother like a good father and husband would. My father was one of the best archers in the world and, in my experience, one of the best ponies in general.”

“I believe you that. You are one of the nicest ponies I have met.” The young foal grinned at him.

“Thank you for the compliment.”

Later that day, the former soldiers got Scotch Tape some colored pencils, which she used to draw something. “Look Fletcher, I drew you!”

The picture showed him together with Scotch Tape, both smiling, the words ‘best friends’ under them.

“Looks very nice, Scotch Tape.” He liked it.

“Thanks! I hoped you would like it!” She exclaimed in joy.

He putted the picture in his saddlebag.

“I wonder what will happen if the US military is successful in taking San Francisco. It’s the supreme headquarter for the Korean forces in the USA but I can’t imagine that this would end the war outright or that the KPA would give up.” The filly wondered.

“I guess we will have to wait and find out. It’s not my war but if that is the only way of seeing your 2 friends again, I will fight by your side, Scotch Tape.” He said to her, his voice honest.

Scotch Tape smiled. “Appreciated. You did pretty good back there in the city.”

“What can I say, I have experience from the civil war, having fought in many battles and experience can be the best teacher sometimes.”

“Indeed. How did you earn your Cutie Mark?” She was curious.

Fletcher was silent, trying to get up with an answer as this was a very…dark theme. “Well, you see, while I was a colt, Equestria wasn’t so safe as it is today, can’t say if it could be counted of being as dangerous as the wastelands in your Equestria are. Anyway, at the age of 11, I saved an orphanage against some nasty creatures with my bow, this is how I earned my Cutie Mark.”

The green foal was impressed. “Wow, I guess you must been a hero for the orphans!”

Slightly blushing, he replied, “Yes I was. While running home to tell my parents about my Cutie Mark, I could hear the orphans cheering my name and some fillies calling out they loved me.”

Without warning, the foal hugged him. “And you are my hero. And a good pony.”

“Thank you for the compliment. Now, let’s meet up with the others.”

As they joined the former soldiers, the officer greeted them, “Hello again, I hope you are doing well.”

“Of course we are doing well. If I may ask, what was the cause for the airship to be constructed?” Fletcher asked Katie.

“Oh, that? Well, It was clear that we needed some means of transportation and Archer got inspired by the airship you have, Fletcher. The reason was simple: A plane can’t hover in an area, a helicopter can’t transport as much troops as a plane can. While outdated, the airship can both if modified correctly. Since the drones were designed to work together with normal soldiers, the airship got equipped with sleeping quarters, cafeteria and such for a human crew.

Based on your airship and those from the First World War, our airship is heavy armed with AA guns for defense against jets and helicopters and to attack ground targets, it has bombs and MGs. Of course it is also well armored and can withstand a lot of damage but is vulnerable to enemy AA fire. At such, our tactic to deploy ground troops from a safe distance to eliminate those threats, then give air support.”

“That’s very impressive.” Scotch Tape commented in awe.

“I agree with that. I guess the big storage room was for him?” Fletcher asked the woman.

“Yes, it was constructed before everything got scrapped. But we found still use in it.”

“Really? How?” The unicorn got curious.

“In this room is now a drone we built ourselves for base defense. It is not Al controlled, instead it is controlled by an operator from the control room.”

“Sounds like an interesting idea. How do you deploy troops from the airship?”

“Simple. They rappel down, while the Pegasus drones can jump out like paratroopers.”

“Smart design, I give Archer that.” The Eternal Knight was impressed.

“Indeed, it was an idea that is very unique, it’s a pity he wasn’t here to see his masterpiece in action.” The female unicorn replied sad.

“Did you know what happened to him?” Scotch Tape asked.

“Sadly no, if he survived the riots and the Knoxville Cough, he was most likely killed during the invasion or captured by the KPA. We tried to find out if he’s still alive or not but we couldn’t find anything so far.”

“That's a real pity. Did you know Amy’s father?”

The former Sergeant smiled. “Yes I did. Despite being in the Marines and he being in the Army, we were good friends, he was a very good soldier and a good father, as well as a good husband. He really didn’t deserve to die. But, given what you told me, I can tell that Chung would make a good father for Amy and a good husband for Kate.”

The filly blushed. “He's a nice guy. He looks out for his family...for his friends...for everyone he can. He deserves better than what he has right now.”

“Completely understandable. And we are with you until the end, Scotch Tape. We will not rest until you are reunited with him and reunited with your father. And until we have driven out the invaders of course.” Katie swore to her.

“I appreciate that. What do you think could happen after San Francisco is taken from the Koreans?”

“Hard to say. It would definitely throw the enemy forces into chaos, forced to retreat and regroup I suppose. Even if the KPA would be driven out of the USA, the US military doesn’t have the resources to invade Korea and even if we would be able to do that, it could result in a nuclear war, which must be avoided at all costs.”

Scotch Tape shivered at the thought, not wanting that Amy had to grow up in a wasteland. “I hope it can be avoided.”

“We hope so too. The consequences would be catastrophic, not to mention the nuclear winter.”

It would be very difficult to survive this, would it happen, they all had no doubt about it.

While Fletcher also hoped this wouldn’t happen, there was a high probability that this could happen. “Given how you described the leader of the Greater Korean Republic, Kim Jong-un, I think he would both fight to the last man and destroy everything rather than to surrender should he lose the war.”

“Yeah, as he is a dictator, this cannot be ruled out, Hitler is a good example, destroying his country because he refused to surrender. Such people are unpredictable.” Katie pointed out.

Fletcher shivered at this. “What’s wrong?” Scotch Tape asked concerned.

“It’s just…in the civil war, one of my enemies was like this, rather fighting to his last breath than to surrender. Still haunts me to this day.”

“Sorry to hear that.” The filly gave him a hug to cheer him up.

He returned it. “It’s alright. It’s in the past now. Given how terrible the civil war was, I’ll do anything I can to prevent that Equestria would have another terrible war.”

“Makes sense. You suffered already enough.” The foal had sympathy with him.

“Yeah, I have seen a lot of bad things in my life. But that’s also the reason why I do anything I can that others won’t suffer like I did.”

The green filly giggled. “I think you and my father would make good friends.”

Fletcher smiled. “Maybe. And I guess Wolf and Rampage would make good buddies, they have some things in common. Midnight, I would say either Blackjack or Lacunae.”

“Could be. I think that you and Chung would also be good friends, Amy would like you too, I have no doubt about.”

The unicorn looked away, blushing. “Too kind. I am looking forward to meet them once this is over.”

“I’m sure they will like you!” Scotch Tape exclaimed confident of it.

The rest of the week passed very quickly, Scotch Tape felt better every day, walking normally as she was used to her temporary new body.

At Sunday, Mia checked her condition. “Good news, your injuries have completely healed, we can remove the case now.”

“Finally! Just 2 questions. Will it hurt and what about the nanobots inside of me?” She asked a bit afraid.

“Don’t worry, you won’t feel a thing. We had to act fast as we tried to safe you, so we couldn’t give you another anesthetic as we put you into the suit. As for the nanobots, we can’t remove them but they won’t interfere with your emotions or anything, rather improve your healing and reflexes.” The doctor explained.

“Okay.” She was still a bit unsure about this as she got on the operation table while Fletcher waited outside until it was done. After the anesthetic was given, Scotch Tape drifted away.

“Let’s get this over with.” Mia mumbled as they started the procedure.

After half an hour to an hour of waiting, Katie walked outside. “I’m happy to say that the operation was successful. You can see her if you want.”

“Nothing more than that.”

Inside, the stallion was happy to see the filly sleeping peacefully on a hospital bed, no longer wrapped in steel, finally herself again, her chest raising and lowering.

As he sat down next to her, a small tear of joy escaped his eye. “It’s so nice to see you again in flesh and blood, Scotch Tape.”

“F-Fletcher?” The filly awoke, still dazed from the anesthetic. “I see you twice.”

“A side effect from the anesthetic, it should soon wear off.” Mia explained, also happy for her. It did wear off after a few minutes and Scotch Tape climbed out of the bed, stretching herself.

“I can’t tell how nice it is to feel again!” She exclaimed happy.

“Glad to hear it, Scotch Tape.” The Eternal Knight smiled at her.

“Now, we should join up with the US Forces as quickly as we can to assist them at San Francisco.” The filly quickly planed ahead.

“Of course, the airship is already fueled and ready for takeoff.” Katie reported as suddenly an alarm went off in the entire base.

“What now?” Fletcher wondered, getting his bow and SMG ready.

“We are under attack! Follow me!” Katie led Scotch Tape and Fletcher to the control room, pressing some buttons on the console. KPA forces were attacking. “You two stay here, we hold them off!” The soldiers prepared their weapons.

While Scotch Tape understood that it was for her own safety, Fletcher did not. “Wouldn’t it be better if I join you?”

“While we appreciate your fighting skills, it would be better if you stay here with Scotch Tape in case the Koreans break through and to control the drone I mentioned.”

“Okay. I just hope this thing can be better controlled than automaton glider drones.” He mumbled as the others leaved, sitting down at the control panel, seeing how the camera switched on, revealing 2 cyan glowing eyes in the dark room.

The silhouette of an Alicorn in armor got slowly visible, having a black coat, and a blue violet mane.

“Nightmare Moon?!” Fletcher exclaimed in shock, while Scotch Tape looked at it in awe.

“Yes, made for base defense and remote controlled, you’re the lucky one to test it.” Katie spoke over the radio.

“System online.” A female computer voice spoke, the camera switched to a POV of the Alicorn drone.

The stallion calmed down, taking a deep breath. “Okay…here we go.”

The blast door slowly opened and a song started to play, the display showed the name: The Day Is My Enemy.

The Eternal Knight commanded the drone to move out of the room, a squad of 718 and regular soldiers ran down the hallway opening fire on the Alicorn drone, the bullets bounced harmlessly off. “Let’s see what offensive capacities this thing has.” Fray pressed a button, a Gatling gun mounted on the back started to rotate, mowing the enemy down in seconds, blood strains everywhere.

“Wow…It has a lot of firepower.” The young filly was impressed.

“Indeed.” Fletcher replied still a bit uncomfortable about it as he steered the drone further down the corridor, taking out every enemy he saw, some soldiers fired sniper rifles but even that seemed not to damage the mechanic Nightmare Moon at all.

At the end of said corridor, a group of enemies came close to the drone, Fletcher pressed the melee button, causing the drone to slam it’s forelegs to the ground, creating a shockwave that sent the KPA soldiers flying against the wall.

Another enemy squad came, the soldiers stood close to each other, so Fletcher used the stun attack, the drone fired a shotgun like Taser from a second weapon on the back, the soldiers let out random gibberish, twitching, before falling over.

“All enemies are neutralized on this floor, move to the next floor.” Katie radioed in.

“Roger that.” Fletcher replied, having a slightly giddy look on his face, making Scotch Tape a bit worried about him.

“Please Fletcher, don’t enjoy it too much.”

“I'm not ashamed...at all.” He said to her as he moved the drone to the elevator, seeing that the doors were broken up, as the KPA had used the cables to get down here. “Who needs elevators?” He activated the wings of the robotic Alicorn, flying to the upper floor where he caused chaos under the enemy troops. “Run, the eternal night is coming for you!”

The filly sighed. “You're not supposed to name it. Once you name it, you start getting ATTACHED to it!”

The unicorn blushed. “Sorry, it’s just so much fun!”

The foal rolled her eyes. “You are getting way too into this, Fletch.”

“I know.” He sounded embarrassed about it as he took care of the remaining enemy troops who seemed to retreat.

“Hey, they are running!” The filly noticed.

“Yes they are! Katie, what’s the situation on the surface?”

“We hold them off so far! The enemy is retreating, the area is secure.”

“Good to hear. Now let-“

Quick as lighting, there was a blue flash, the camera flickered before it shut down, along everything else that was electrical, even the lights went out, only red emergency lights remained on.

“What’s going on?! Katie? Katie!” Scotch Tape spoke into the radio but there was no response.

“Damn it, the attack was just a ruse! Stay behind me!” Fletcher got his bow ready as he hard several boots in the distance. While Katie had told that the drones would reboot shortly after getting deactivated with an EMP, it could take several minutes to do so, enough time for the KPA to use this to their advantage.

The filly hid behind a console, slightly trembling as the sound of boots came closer. “Death before surrender. The words of heroes and villains alike.” The unicorn spoke, knowing he had to protect Scotch Tape at all cost, he was the last line of defense.

The Eternal Knights didn’t fear death, they had seen it too many times already and he was ready to die to keep her safe.

The door opened and a cylinder was thrown in, it exploded in a white flash, then eight more in fast succession, effective blinding both. “My eyes!” Scotch Tape held her eyes, her eyes ringed, everything was white, she stumbled.

“Ah! Damn it!” Fletcher cursed as he held his eyes too, unable to see or hear anything. Normally, the nanomites and his magic allowed him to recover from flashbangs and similar things very quickly but eight of them at once were even too much for him to handle.

In the moment his vision returned and the ringing stopped, something hard hit his head, causing him to fall backwards, not knocked out but incapacitated.

A squad of 718 soldiers moved in, one of them grabbed the still stunned filly, another held Fletcher at gunpoint.

She recovered, noticing what was going on, starting to struggle as she got brought away. “No! Let me go!” He tried to bite her captor but he shrugged it of thanks to his heavy armor.

“Nothing personal but orders are orders.” The elite soldiers said as his finger slowly went for the trigger of his rifle.

In the moment the soldier carrying Scotch Tape was out of sight, the unicorn heard her yell, “Fletcher!”

Author's Note:

Controlling the Spider tank in Watch Dogs 2 was so much fun! And this song suits NIghtmare Moon perfectly.