• Published 29th Jul 2017
  • 1,109 Views, 114 Comments

Freedoms Call - Bronycommander

Occupied America 2029. America is occupied for two years now by the Greater Korean Republic. This year will be a surprise for a KPA soldier

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Chapter 18 Friends In High Places

Chapter 18: Friends in High Places

Scotch Tape couldn’t believe what she just heard. The KPA ships and drones in Philadelphia were just tests? If was Archer had said was true, then the offensive of the US forces would be lost before it could even begin.

“We have to stop them! The entire US offensive is in danger if we don’t stop them!” She exclaimed, remembering what happened at the fort, not wanting that it would repeat.

“Calm down, Scotch Tape. I know you are worried but we need to find it first and you should get some rest after what you went through.” The medic advised.

Suddenly, the filly felt weaker, struggling not to collapse, Fletcher caught her. “Looks like the digoxin is wearing off. Save your strength, eat something.”

He carried her to one of the beds, Mia brought some food and water. The filly now noticed how hungry and thirsty she was, gladly taking it.

“It’s getting late, catch some sleep, we take care of it.” The medic tucked her in.

“Okay.” She understood that she should try to rest and recover, sleeping peacefully, yet hoped that the KPA reinforcements could be stopped in time.

As they had no problem to destroy the defenses in Philadelphia, it was clear that they would have no problem to destroy the US forces at San Francisco. She knew what was at stake, the USA could finally turn the war in their favor, probably even winning it. Scotch Tape helped the US troops not for herself but for Kate and Amy. They had already suffered enough, helping the US troops to win this war would end their suffering and Chung could probably live happy together with them.

Even if they would find the Airships in time, question would be how they could destroy them all. Sure, the drone Airship was heavily armed itself, enough to take on a KPA Airship, but they didn’t know how many Airships were out there, probably heavily defended.

It would be a hard battle, there was no doubt about it and most likely they had only one try. A high risk they had to take, it could be crucial for the USA’s success at San Francisco to destroy those airships.

As the young pony was sleeping, she dreamed that she and Amy played together with their friends on a Meadow, Kate and Hoang watching them with smiles, the USA’s economy going up again, free from occupation.

A dream that could come true, if they would have success in their upcoming mission.

Scotch Tape didn’t wanted to imagine what would happen if the KPA would win instead, yet wondered what would happen after this war would be over.

The others had the same thought that night, thinking about the aftermath of the Korean-American War.

Archer had to think the most about it, he had been forced by the Koreans to help them in their invasion, there was a possibility that he would be seen as traitor, getting executed for treason.

Still, his friends would help him out, he was confident of it. And he could make up for his collaborator work by helping to free his country. Wyatt had wanted it so, would he be still alive. The scientist was sure of this.

A few days passed, the former US soldiers and scientist worked tirelessly to find the airship base.

During the night, Scotch Tape and Fletcher were doing maintenance work on the engines as Joseph reported in. “We found the base, it’s hidden in the mountains of Utah.”

“Good, could you find out how many airships they have?” Fletcher asked, knowing they needed every Intel they could get for this.

“We counted 4 airships being refueled at the hidden base, if we move out now, we should be able to get there before they take off.” The scout reported.

“Question is how are we gonna destroy the airships? Only anti-air weapons can damage and destroy those things.”

The scientist joined them. “Since they got designed by me, I also know their weak points. You can destroy their engines from the inside.” Archer explained.

Neither the Eternal Knight nor the foal liked this idea. “That is too risky, it will be hard enough to infiltrate the base undetected.” Scotch Tape told with concern and doubt.

“I understand your concern but we have the darkness of the night on our side, plus the element of surprise.” Kate replied.

Fletcher thought about it. “In that case, our chances might look good. Let’s do this.” He kneeled down, so Scotch Tape could climb on him.

“For Chung! For my family and friends! Hi-Ho, Fletcher! Away!” She exclaimed, Fray cleared his throat in response. “Please, Fletcher, just give me this?” She asked with an innocent smile.

The unicorn sighed. “Fine.” Then he neighed, galloping away, the others watched with smiles.

And there goes my dignity but it doesn’t matter if it makes her happy. He thought at this.

“Archer, you and the other drones have the bridge while we are doing this.” Katie trusted him as they prepared to move out, he nodded in response, feeling honored to be trusted with something like this.

At the ramp, Fletcher asked the foal, “Do you still have the goggles I gave you?” as he putted his own on.

“Yes, why?” She asked confused.

“They have night vision, I recommend you use it too.”

The filly spotted a small button on her googles, activating them for a moment, seeing everything in green before turning it off. “Is it turned on?” She pointed to his googles.

“No, I don't normally need it.” The Eternal Knight replied.

“So why do you wear them?” The Earth pony wanted to know.

“To protect my eyes.”

“Yeah but why Night-Vision Goggles?”

Fletcher grinned. “Because Night-Vision Goggles are cool. Simple.”

As the airship was near the base, it stayed out of radar and AA gun reach, the group rappelled down.

While Scotch Tape was no soldier, she could still be useful in the field with her technical skills. The group consisted of her, Fletcher and the former soldiers, the smaller the group, the easier it would be to sneak in.

“We have built-in Night-Vision for operations at night or dark areas, so this isn’t a problem for us.” Katie explained as they moved out to a hill where they could overlook the KPA base.

Even at night, it was heavy guarded by soldiers, there were snipers and 3 checkpoints throughout the base with many searchlights. At the far end was an elevator that led to the platform where access to the airships was possible.

“Won’t be easy getting in there undetected. Do you have a plan, Katie?” Fletcher asked her.

“Of course I have one. There’s a guard post near the entrance of the base with a tank parked at it. We can use it to infiltrate the enemy without him suspecting anything.”

“Sounds good to me.” Scotch Tape liked it.

Quietly moving down the road to the guard post, they saw the tank parked, only 3 soldiers were posted at the guard post. The Sergeant made a sign for Joseph and Grace to silently take them out, they nodded in acknowledgement.

In the moment the Koreans turned their backs away from the group, the vanguard and scout grabbed them by the mouth and plunged a blade/knife through their backs, hiding the bodies.

“Okay, Scotch Tape, you drive, Fletcher, you’re the gunner, I take the commander seat.” Katie sad to them but the filly had doubts about it.

“Wait a minute, you want me to drive this thing? I don't know how. Like, at all! I've never even been inside one of these. I mean, I try to avoid ever getting close to one, really.” She protested in surprise.

“Scotch Tape, I know it sounds impossible for you, but I know you can do it. First try for everything. Trust me, it isn’t that hard.” The woman smiled at her with confidence.

“I hope so.” The filly replied unsure as she climbed into the tank on the driver seat.

“Just like old times with the steam tanks in the civil war.” Fletcher commented as he got into the gunner seat, barely having enough space for his horn.

“What about the others?” The young earth pony asked the officer.

“They will sneak their way in while we use the tank to get in.” Given that the others were able to fly and Klaus able to camouflage himself, it made sense for both ponies.

The filly looked around, there were pedals for gas and breaks, a wheel for steering and buttons to start the engine. Taking a deep breath, she pushed the button and the engine came to life.

“Okay…I got this.” She spoke to herself as he grabbed the wheel, moving the tank slowly forward.

Heh, that’s easier than I thought!

The sound of magic tore her out, noticed that the Eternal Knight was casting a spell on the cannon of the T-99. “I thought it might prove useful to increase our firepower.” He explained with a grin.

“I’m sure it will come in handy. Scotch Tape, get this tank moving.” Katie ordered.

“Yes, ma’am!” She obeyed, steering the tank towards the base entrance.

It was guarded by 6 soldiers, one of them a sniper, standing on a platform with a searchlight scanning the area.

They let the tank pass without trouble.

The next area was larger, several searchlights were scanning the area, a sniper watching too on a guard tower, on the right side was a depot with 3 parked tanks, a Gunship was patrolling the sky.

“They don’t suspect a thing, once we’re through the second gate, there’s only one gate left and we’re in the refueling station.” The Sergeant was glad her plan worked so far. “Looks like we get through without having to fire one shot.”

“Which I prefer over having to fight through every soldier.” The Eternal Knight commented before an alert went off. “Guess I spoke too soon.” He added with disappointment.

“Do you think they have discovered us or that something else has caused the alert?” Scotch Tape asked Katie with fear.

“Attention, troops! This is Colonel Jeong, this T-99 is under enemy control. Take it out, I want them alive!” A PA system echoed through the entire base, alerting the guards.

“So much for sneaking in. Fletcher, take down that chopper!” Katie yelled as the Z-10 Chimera turned into their direction.

“Consider it history!” He aimed at the gunship and fired before the pilots could react, the tail rotor got blown off, the chopper spun out of control, exploding in a fireball as it hit the ground.

Katie climbed up, manning the MG on the commander's cupola to deal with the infantry. “Keep driving, don’t stop!” She called to Scotch Tape.

Seeing that some soldiers attempted to man the parked tanks at the depot, Fletcher turned the turret at the depot. “On the way!” The shot hit the parked tank in the middle, apparently hitting the ammo as the depot exploded in a giant explosion, taking every soldier with it that was too close to it.

“You should have become a tank gunner!” The Sergeant praised him.

“I can be many things when it comes to aiming.”

The others joined them, taking positions around the tank as the filly steered it towards the gate, half there as there was a strange mechanic sound coming from the engine and the tank stopped abruptly.

“What was that? What happened to the tank?” Katie asked as she fired on every soldier she saw.

Scotch Tape took quickly a look, seeing the problem. “The motor has stalled out. Just give me a moment.”

“Keep this tank running! We can’t afford a breakdown now!”

“Yes, Ma’am!”

“Fletcher! Engage all enemy vehicles coming down the road, we take care of the infantry!”

“Acknowledged!” He fired on KPA transports and Humvees bringing in more soldiers, blowing them to pieces and APCs that were easy targets for the tank.

Katie and her squad prioritized Koreans that moved in with satchel charges over the normal infantry, knowing if they would immobilize the tank completely, everything was lost. Due the capture order, using RPGs would be too risky to use for the KPA, which was one less thing to worry about.

The Eternal Knight took 5 more transports out and another IMV and IFV as Scotch Tape yelled, “Ready! Starting engine!” and the tank roared to live again.

At the gate, a hostile T-99 moved up, only to be destroyed by Fletcher with a well-aimed shot, blowing the turret off, leaving a burning wreck.

The entrance to the fueling station was insight after having passed the final gate, coming to a small urban area, the filly carefully maneuvered the tank through the streets. “Great work, we almost made it!” Katie praised her and Fletcher.

Halfway through, the engine started to smoke. “Scotch Tape! Engine status?” The officer yelled down, wondering what was wrong.

“Tank engine is failing!” The filly coughed from the smoke. “Starter one down.”

“Damn it! Get it fixed! Quickly!”

“I knew that went far too easy.” Fletcher deadpanned as he took out another tank.

“Checking manifold pressure!” The young pony worked as fast as she could, knowing that time was short, they had to reach the station before the airships would take off.

More infantry moved in, trying to flank the tank. “We need smoke cover! Fletcher, launch a smoke barrage! Quickly!” Katie ordered, he did as told, using the smoke grenade dischargers.

While the Koreans couldn’t see through it, the cyborgs weren’t hindered by it at all, having an easy time against the hostiles.

“Exhaust clean.” Scotch Tape reported, making progress with the repairs.

The unicorn destroyed another LAV as the foal had found the problem. “Here it is. Clogged fuel filter! Just give me a minute!”

“Hurry!” The robotic mare yelled as she fired at the infantry.

Fray had another tank in his sight, firing as the young filly yelled, “Ready! Starting engine!” The engine roared up a second time, moving towards the fuel station.

Reaching their destination, the soldiers cleared the entrance from every hostile they saw until it was clear.

“Clear!” Katie, Fletcher and Scotch Tape climbed out of the tank, Ava provided covering fire with her Gatling gun as they moved to the elevator, suppressing the defenders.

The filly breathed heavily from the adrenalin as they reached it and got in, moving up.

The young squad leader smiled at her lover. “You wanna, you know...”

Jeff grinned. “Ha!”

Katie now grinned. “That's a nervous chuckle. Either your computer side gets the joke or your human side likes the way I look at you.”

“Or a little of both perhaps.” He replied.

“Hey. I'm not judgin'. I'm just a good lookin' mare.” Katie countered.

Scotch Tape could imagine that Blackjack and her father could have such a talk, giggled at it.

“Hey, Fletcher, did you or Midnight ever tried that joke on White Wolf?” Klaus asked him in a joking tone.

The Eternal Knight chuckled. “If you’re really like me, you should know that this would backfire on her.”


Once the elevator doors opened, the soldiers scanned the area, it was clear, Scotch Tape didn’t saw any red bars on her PipBuck.

“Let's take them out!” Grace yelled, ready to take anyone out that would stand in their way.

“Not If I do first!” Klaus countered with a grin.

“Cut the chatter, or you forget to cover me.” Joseph reminded them as they moved down the hallway.

The foal tapped Fletcher on the shoulder. “That would be a conversation I could imagine happen between you and your friends.”

The unicorn chuckled again. “Maybe.”

Just as he had said this, red bars appeared on the filly’s PipBuck and a squad of 718 soldiers came around the corner, the grenadier fired a grenade, the explosion caused some small fires, the soldiers getting blasted out of the windows. “Watch your fire, one wrong shot and the station blows up and we with it.” Katie warned.

The defenders tried their best to keep the intruders from advancing, it was in vain as the attackers pushed further and further, reaching the first airship. “Okay, we go in and plant explosives at the engines, that should destroy the airship, the fuel should do the rest.” The officer explained, a KPA officer ran out of the airship’s door, firing his pistol at the drones and ponies, missing his shots though.

“That’s the Colonel! I’ll deal with him!” Fletcher exclaimed, going after the Korean.

“Just get out in time!” Katie shouted after him before he was out of sight.

Grace and Joseph entered the first airship, the crewmen fired with pistols and SMGs at them.

Both former soldiers dodged the bullets with ease, switching between their firearms and melee weapons in their fighting style, eliminating the KPA crew one by one.

The last one walked backwards until he was trapped in a corner, his eyes filled with desperation. “Die! Die! Die!” He fired with pistol until it made only clicking noises, Joseph moved threateningly closer, his blade extended.

Scotch Tape noticed that the Korean started to shake, fear taking over, seeing it in his eyes, dropping his pistol. “P-please…I surrender…. Let me live…” He begged as the scout moved his blade at his throat.

Scotch Tape stared at the man.

He couldn't have been older than nineteen. Most of his face was covered but his eyes were wide and teary with fear.

She thought back to all Joseph had lost. The hatred he felt towards the KPA, the hunger he had for vengeance.

She stared at the blade on his leg, catching the light, ready to lunge forward and slice open the boy's throat.

Please don't do it, Joe, Her heart was thumping against her chest, This isn't how you win!' The woman, along with the others, just looked neutral at their comrade.

They can’t have become cold towards the KPA! Scotch Tape feared, staring in shock at Joseph who still held his blade at the Koran’s throat, the Asian closed his eyes.

The filly was about to protest as the Scout retracted his blade. “Get out of here if you want to live.” He said to the Crewman who was relived and grateful.

“T-thank you!” he ran out of the airship, the bat pony turned to Scotch Tape.

“You really thought I would kill him?” He asked before another crewmember came around the corner, firing at the scout, he went to cover and returned it, forcing the KPA member to cover in return.

As the Korean soldier reloaded, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his forehead, his eyes went small in shock before becoming limp.

Blood flowed down his head as Grace had rammed her knife through his forehead, retracting it, the body fell to the ground. “Target neutralized.”

“Go, go!” They moved down to the engine room, Scotch Tape helped to place the explosives.

“C4 is primed.” She said after the last charge was placed.

“Okay, let’s get out of here. Fast. Fletcher, the explosives are set, what’s your status?” Jeff asked over the radio.

“Go on, I’ll join you shortly.” He replied as they made their way out of the refueling station.

In a different part of the station, the KPA Colonel known as Jeong ran through the base as his men were mostly wiped out, finding the carpool devoid of functional vehicles, all of it burning and smoldering as Fletcher Fray emerged from the flames, his face emotionless.

The officer gulped, trying to stay calm. “Mr. Fray...is it? Listen, we're both soldiers, we're both men who serve our nation till the last. These insurgent scum are pouring poison in your ears! They'll sell you out as soon as they're finished here! You think these trigger-happy fools can run a country?! You can't...”

The Eternal Knight raised a hoof to his lips. “Shh...” Quietly, he continued, “Don't talk...This is about Scotch...and what you did to her...Pick up a weapon and fight me...That's all that's going to help you now...” He raised his bow.

Jeong stared at him for a minute before he sighed and drew his sidearm. “Very well...The world's chaos will not end with us, Mr. Fray...You should hope to be gone by then...”

“Trust me, I will be long gone by then.” He said before the officer fired a shot but missed, charging at Fletcher, tackling him to the ground, making him unable to use his bow.

The Korean punched him twice in the face, Fletcher blocked the third punch and used his magic to draw Jeong’s knife from his belt, stabbing him into the side.

The Colonel let out a scream of pain, the unicorn shoved him off to the side.

As the officer clenched his wound with a painful expression, trying to pull the knife out, Fray said, “I hope you got my message. Pray that we won’t meet again.”

An explosion greeted his eyes, causing him to turn around, seeing how the refueling station exploded in a giant fireball, the airship increased the explosion.

As he made his way to safety, he saw that Jeong got caught in the blast, not thinking anyone could survive this.

Scotch Tape couldn’t help but look at the explosion in awe after they were at a safe distance, never having seen such a big explosion before. “Better than the fireworks on the 4th of July.” Jeff commented on it with a grin.

Fletcher joined up with them. “I took care of the Colonel. Let’s get out of here.” He suggestion, seeing the base in flames, smaller explosions went off, he also noticed that the sun stared slowly to rise, showing that the day was about to begin.

“Agreed. What’s that noise?” Scotch Tape looked into the sky upon hearing a strange metallic noise. Her eyes widened in horror as she saw what caused the noise.

While the airship they had boarded was in flames, a burning wreck, the other 3 raised from the smoke, apparently undamaged, flying towards San Francisco. “What?! This can’t be! This explosion should have been strong enough to destroy everything!” She exclaimed in shock.

“The only possibility I see is that they pumped out the fuel once the alert went off.” Jeff suspected.

“Still, we have to stop them!” The filly now panicked.

“Calm down, Scotch Tape. We can still stop them.” Katie calmed her down. “Archer, we managed to destroy one airship but the others are still intact and en route towards San Francisco.”

“Acknowledged, I already alerted the US military, they send F-22s to assist us in intercepting the airships.” He replied through the radio.

After that, they got back to their airship, discussing their next move. “Our Intel says that the KPA airships are escorted by Duster drones and Su-47 Berkuts. Our airship and the Wonderbolt drones can match the drones and fighters but the KPA airships will be tough.” Katie analyzed the situation.

“Indeed it will. I guess we can only coordinate the guns and drones in the fight?” Fletcher asked her.

“I’m afraid so. Still, there could a possibility but it’s very risky.”

“And that is?” Scotch Tape wanted to know.

“Well, like our ships, the KPA versions are also armed with AA guns and MGs. One AA gun is on the rear of them. We could transport you over there, so you could take over it and fire on the other airships.” She explained, sounding unsure about it.

Fletcher and Scotch Tape thought about it. “It’s risky yes, but we have to try it. It might be the only way to stop them.” The unicorn figured out.

“Agreed. There’s no time to waste!” The filly exclaimed, knowing that this might be their only chance.

“Scotch Tape, leave it to me, it’s way too dangerous to you.” Fletcher was worried about her safety.

“We don’t know if the AA gun is operated by a gunner or by radar, if it’s the latter, I can hack it.” She countered.

“I guess you’re right.” He replied in defeat.

“We are closing in the current position of the airships.” Archer reported as he saw explosions in the distance.

“Looks like the Air Force as already engaged them. Let’s give them a hand.” The officer suggested.

“Of course.” Fletcher levitated the foal on his back, moving with the Wonderbolt drones to the ramp, Mia joined them.

“I bring you to the closest airship.” She offered, kneeling so the 2 ponies could climb on her back.

“Are you sure I’m not too heavy for you?” Fletcher asked unsure.

“My body was designed to carry wounded out of danger, it’s no problem, just hold on tight.”

“Okay.” He climbed on her, feeling a bit awkward about it.

The ramp opened, the Wonderbolts jumped out, activating their wings in flight. “Geronimo!” The medic yelled as she jumped out too, activating her wings.

The Pegasus drones had no problems in dogfighting the KPA drones and fights, providing cover for Mia to get close to the leading airship.

Scotch Tape could get a look on the AA gun, it was operated by a gunner, getting provided with data via his helmet visor. Despite this, the former medic proved to be a difficult target, being too fast for him.

“You call that aiming?” She taunted before the gunner hit her left wing, causing her to crash on top of the airship, the two ponies blacked out for a moment.

Scotch Tape groaned in pain as she came to, Fray helped her up. “You okay?” He asked.

“I’m fine. Mia?” She asked, seeing that the left wing was damaged, sparking and twitching.

“Apart from my damaged wing, I’m okay. We need to take out that flak gun! I got your back!” She pointed towards it, being on the other end.

Fletcher and Scotch Tape saw how the air battle was raging around them, the airship had taken damage, parts of the hull were torn open, and it was slightly burning but still flying.

“Don’t look down, alright?” Fletcher asked her, trying to keep her calm.

“Alright.” This scared her a bit, being Celestia knows how high in the air with planes fighting each other.

Bullets missed them by inches as they moved towards the gunner, the filly could see him in the distance as they were halfway there. “Watch out!” The woman yelled as one Berkut crashed burning towards the airship, ripping the hull, causing the foal to fall on a catwalk into the airship's interior.

“You okay?” Fletcher called down with concern.

“I’m good, I’m okay!” She replied.

“Find a way back up top! We’ll head around to the flak gun!”

The filly drew her pistol. “Okay, I’ve got this-man.” She spoke to herself.

Moving through it, she saw that some of the tanks had fallen out of their mounts, some parts of the hull were damaged, making her feel the wind brushing against her fur.

At the end of the catwalk was a dead crewmember lying with his back against the wall and bullets ricocheted off the tanks, causing her to raise her hooves for protection.

Taking a left turn, the filly noticed that some parts of the interior was on fire, seeing after a right turn how a crewmember tried to extinguish the fire with a fire extinguisher at the end of this catwalk.

Upon getting closer, he noticed her and turned around, aiming the fire extinguisher at her.

“Freeze!” He shouted before noticing his mistake and an explosion occurred, killing him, blasting his body of the catwalk.

“That was close.” Scotch Tape commented as she moved on, the hull to her left was turn wide open, making it possible for her to see the raging battle and feel the wind as she walked past.

“We got problems with the starboard ruder, repair team 2, move out and take a look.” An intercom buzzed through the damaged airship. “Weapon team 1, reinforce the front guns, reinforce the front guns.”

Taking a right turn and a left turn, she could see that the away leaded only forward, the AA gun straight ahead due the hull being damaged, having opened the way to it.

A hiss sound flew past her ears as 3 Crewmen fired at her, the filly dived behind a crate for cover. “You won’t escape us! Surrender!” One of them yelled.

The pony took a deep breath, using her PipBuck’s targeting system to quickly take them out with headshots. She really disliked it to kill, but there was no other way to reach the AA gun.

The gunner got killed by a bullet to the head, probably from one of the drones or US fighters, Scotch Tape took his place, firing at the KPA fighters and drones before she turned her attention to one of the remaining airships that pulled up to her left.

Bullets from it and the enemy drones and planes flew past her, missing her by inches as she fired on the airship until it exploded in a fireball, falling out of the sky.

In the moment the filly was about to focus on the planes and drones again, a crewman ambushed her, knocking her of the gun, she struggled against him.

Fletcher came from behind, grabbing the Korean, taking his helmet off, dragging him away from the filly. “I got your back!” Fray wasn’t as good as Wolf or Midnight in melee combat but could still hold his own in a fist/hoof fight, keeping the soldier busy with Mia as the other airship came into view of the right of Scotch Tape.

The AA fire tore the hull part, catching fire as Scotch Tape fired on it. The explosion of it threw her back.

This caused another problem. “Wow! What the hay?” Scotch Tape stared in awe and shock at what she had done, the destroyed airship was now a gigantic burning wreck, beginning to crash into the airship she, Fletcher and Mia were on.

“Fletcher! Mia! We have to go!” She yelled, her friends turned around, their expressions becoming fearful upon seeing the burning airship, the Korean stared also in shock.

They all wasted no time jumping of the KPA airship. But now, they were falling.

“Do you have a plan out of this?!” Scotch Tape screamed to Mia.

I wasn’t thinking that fear ahead! I hope they reach us in time!” The woman yelled back, making both ponies and the Korean wonder what she meant.

Quick as lighting, 4 Wonderbolt drones caught them swiftly, the filly was caught by a Soarin drone, Fletcher by Spitfire, Mia by Misty and the Korean by Surprise.

“T-thank you!” The foal said very relieved as the drones flew back to their airship, seeing that they were above a forest area, the KPA airships burned in the sky.

“With those airships destroyed, we will have a big advantage against the invaders at San Francisco. Thank you for the help.” The leader of the F-22s thanked them before the jets returned to their base and the battle was over.

The others already waited at the ramp for them. “With those airships out of the way, we can join up with the US forces in Sausalito, they have a Forward Operation base there.” Katie explained their next step.

“Watch out! incoming missile!” Archer yelled as a heavily damaged Berkut fired a missile at the still open ramp before going down.

It missed the ramp, exploding next to it, but the shock blasted Scotch Tape off the ramp, Fletcher tried to grab her hoof but was too slow. “Scotch Tape!” He yelled as the Soarin drone dived after her.


There was nothing she could do but scream, it felt so natural as she fell to her death, it was impossible to survive a fall from this height and her life flashed before her as the ground came closer and closer.

A part of her couldn’t believe she would die like this, after she had come so far, never seeing her father and friends again.

“Got you!” The drone exclaimed, having grabbed her just inches from the trees, trying to pull up, hitting some boughs along the way.

One bough damaged his right wing, stumbling a bit, eventually losing control, the foal cried in pain as she got scratched by the doughs, hitting the ground with a scream of pain.

Everything ached and her vision was blurry as she saw somebody coming closer before everything went black.

Slowly, warmth returned to her numb body. I am alive? She wondered, slowly opening her eyes.

Scotch Tape found herself at a warm campfire, her injuries patched up, noticing it was evening.

“Ah, you’re woken up.” A new voice said, sounding very glad about it. Getting up, the filly looked a KPA soldier into the eyes, sitting opposite of the campfire.

“Hey, I know you. You are the soldier back in the town that surrendered.” She recognized him.

He smiled. “Yes, I am. Private Park Puma. I owe you my life.”

“Scotch Tape. I guess we are even now. What are you doing here?” She asked him.

“Well, after you convinced the Americans to let me live, I tried to join up with allied troops. After I was successful with that, I got deployed to various locations to repel the US forces, getting forced to retreat every time. But this time, the squad I was in got wiped out, only I managed to survive. I found you when I was travelling through the woods. I had heard of you, how you assisted the US forces and took command of those drones, quite impressive for your age, Chung can be proud of you.” He said to her, again smiling.

“Do you know him?”

“Yes. We went to school together. Originally, I wanted to be an engineer but the KPA's policy made that impossible for me, getting drafted into the military.” He sounded sad.

“Sorry to hear that. How’s the LP-9 drone?” The foal looked around not able to see it anywhere.

“It took quite some damage from the harsh landing. With the right tools we could repair it. I loaded it into the Humvee I use to travel.” He pointed to it, it was parked right next to them.

The Korean let out a sigh. “I’m actually on the run. After managing to retreat to safety as my squad got wiped out, I ran into a squad of the 718s who said I was a traitor, deserter, coward for not dying in battle. I could escape them. To be honest, for the KPA, the situation is becoming very bad. If the US manage to free San Francisco, we would be forced to conserve resources across the occupied territories, due relying on constant aerial and maritime reinforcement and resupply from Asia.

Kim Jong-un knows that. It is said in the news that dismantling the Demilitarized Zone and peacefully united the Korean peninsula under the Greater Korean Republic earned him the Nobel Peace Prize. Ha! In reality, he’s as ruthless as his father, continuing his country's traditional practices of censorship, oppression, and religious and political persecution whilst simultaneously maintaining the facade of a democratic Korea.

The loss of San Francisco would weaken his power and even after 15 years, there are still South Korean people who seek the old days as democratic state.”

“I see, a coup d'etat could be highly possible if he loses the war.” She figured out.

“You got it. I wouldn’t mind getting rid of him, I’d like to live in freedom like in the old days, not in fear and oppression. And I keep you save, I owe it to Chung.”

“Appreciated.” Scotch Tape replied before yawning, becoming tired. “I catch some sleep. Goodnight.”


As the filly fell asleep, she hoped that Fletcher and the others weren’t too worried about her.

In the morning, they traveled along the road, not encountering any KPA or US forces towards their journey to San Francisco until they saw a lone 718 standing on the road, making a stop gesture, Park stopped the Humvee.

Scotch Tape wondered why as she saw several yellow Bars on her PipBuck, captured US soldiers got led to a truck by several other 718 soldiers, 2 troop transports with regular soldiers stopped at the other side of the road. One of the prisoners tripped, falling to the ground.

“Take him!” One of the Koreans pointed to the truck parked at the roadside. “Quickly!” He added as a comrade kicked the prisoner and hit him with the butt of his rifle, preventing him from getting up.

Scotch Tape couldn’t watch this, the American was defenseless and possible weakened. It reminded her of Jackson. She got out of the car. “Leave him alone!” She yelled at the soldier, walking towards him, he just shoved her back, then grabbed her by the collar, making her cry in pain.

The private also got out of the Humvee, aiming his pistol at the 718 soldier. “Leave her alone!” One of the 718s hit him from behind with his rifle, causing Puma to fall over with a cry of pain.

The leader of the 718 soldiers executed the prisoner with his pistol, startling the young child, flinching. “Hang him!” He pointed at Park.

The sound of MG fire startled everyone, coming from one of the transports, the KPA soldiers dismounted the transports and an officer yelled, “Nobody will hang Koreans! Step back!” His soldiers took aim at the 718 soldiers.

Both, Scotch Tape and Park wondered what the regular soldiers were trying to do, the silence seemed like hours as the Elite soldiers just stared at the regular ones.

“This is revolt! Court-material!” One 718 soldier protested.

“Take the body away!” The 718 officer ordered, giving the regular officer a cold glare. “We’ll find you!” Then drove with the prisoners away into a side street into the woods.

“Are you okay?” Puma helped her up.

“I’m fine.”

The officer walked up to them, saluting Park, he returned it. “I’m lieutenant Mino.”

“Private Park. Thank you very much for your help.”

Scotch Tape was happy to see him again, spotting Yun, Lim and Gim along his men, they all smiled at her.

“It’s nice to see you again, although I hoped we would meet again under more pleasant circumstances.” The officer said to her.

“Same here.”

“I hope that you won’t have any trouble because your actions against the 718?” Park asked him with worry.

Gunfire and explosions echoed in the distance. “I don’t worry, my unit will drive to the front. As you can hear, front is near. American bullets are more dangerous than 718. I wish you good luck that you will meet Chung again.” Mino saluted before he and his troops got into their transports, driving off, Scotch Tape didn’t thought she would see any of them ever again.

The foal and soldier continued to travel down the deserted road, stopping for supplies at a deserted outpost of the KPA. “They scramble anything they can get to defend San Francisco, abandoning unnecessary bases like this outpost. High command knows what’s at stake.” He said to her as they loaded what they had found into it.

“It will be a hard battle, no doubt.” She replied, knowing even with the drones, it wouldn’t be easy. Several yellow Bars appeared on her PipBuck.

In the sky was the airship, Fletcher and the soldiers rappelled down. “There you are! Glad to see you’re still alive.” Fletcher was very glad that she had survived.

“Well thanks to the Wonderbolt drone, which suffered some damage from the harsh landing, and a new friend of mine.” She pointed to Park who seemed very nervous, which was understandable.

“Private Park Puma, I’m very grateful that you helped me to get the Americans to spare my life.” He saluted, trembling.

“It’s nothing. You should get going.” Fletcher said to him.

“Yeah, I should.” The Korean saw how 2 Wonderbolt drones took their damaged comrade out of the Humvee, bringing it back on the airship for repairs. “Looks like our ways divide here. Good luck, Scotch Tape.”

“Thanks, you too.” She replied as he stepped into the car and drove away.

“If you wondering how we did find you, you are still connected to our hive mind. And don’t worry, we freed the prisoners on our way to you.” The Sergeant smiled at her.

“Good to know. They don’t deserve to suffer like this.”

“Agreed. The KPA crewman we saved provided us with some Intel. They gonna reinforce the bridge with troops, the convoy is passing through here. Perfect for an ambush. Before you ask, we gave the Korean to the US troops as POW.”

She nodded before they prepared everything, Jeff placed mines on the road with the grenadier drones, Fletcher, she and Klaus went into position on a hill where they had a perfect view and line of fire, Archer brought the airship out of sight.

“I can see the convoy. Are you ready?” He asked over the radio.

“We’re ready. Wait until they are in position.” Katie said to her squad and friends as the convoy moved in, consisting of 4 troop transports transporting 718 soldiers, 2 Humvees and 2 LAV-25s, one of them being the last vehicle of the convoy.

The leading truck drove over the mine, exploding into pieces, Jeff fired his LAW on the LAV at the end of the convoy, destroying it, trapping the rest of the vehicles. “Go, go, go!” Katie ordered, opening fire on the elite soldiers.

As Klaus started to fire, Scotch Tape and Fray blinked, not believing what they just saw.

Next to Klaus was a ghost or more a spirit, looking exactly like his human form in uniform, imitating his actions of firing a sniper rifle.

It wasn’t only him.

Both ponies looked how the Sergeant was punching a KPA soldier, next to her was a spirit of her human form, imitating the same action.

The other former humans had also spirits next to them, imitating their actions.

Fletcher and his young friend shook their heads, thinking that this was only their imagination but the sprits weren’t vanishing during the entire fight.

They couldn’t get up how this was possible, maybe this reminded the soldiers of their past experiences in the oil wars? They couldn’t tell.

“You okay? You look like you have seen a ghost.” Klaus asked them with concern, tearing them out of their thoughts, they now noticed that the battle was over, all vehicles of the convoy were destroyed and burning, the Korean soldiers dead, scattered around, lying in their own blood.

“We’re fine.” Both replied in union, having recovered from their shock.

“Now that the reinforcements are out of the way, we can join the US offensive at San Francisco” Katie was satisfied with their success.

They got back onboard their airship, en route towards Sausalito, the young foal was laying in one of the beds, lost in thought. She had been through a lot but never had taken part into something like this. It was very risky for her.

“Scotch Tape, something on your mind?” The Eternal Knight walked in, having noticed her trance.

“I’m just nervous about the upcoming battle, that’s all.” She replied, getting up.

Fray sat down next to her, wrapping a hoof around her. “I know your feeling, I’m nervous too. I’m battle proven but still, sometimes, I’m nervous before a battle, wondering if I’m going to survive or not. While I have been fighting since I was a colt, my first battle in the military was nothing I’ve ever experienced before. But I stay with you until the end, Scotch Tape.” He smiled at her, showing he was honest.

“I know to appreciate that, Fletcher.” She returned a smile of her own.

They couldn’t get off directly at the FOB, having to walk to it, coming to a hill where they could overlook the city and the Golden Gate bridge. Scotch Tape turned the radio on, the Voice of Freedom had one final report.

“Once upon a time in America, our military was a well-oiled, well-funded machine capable of projecting massive power anywhere in the world. The crumbling of our nation, finished with the hammer blows of a cunning enemy, changed all that. But this country's strength has never been solely weighed by its guns and treasure. Two hundred and fifty years ago, farmers and shopkeepers, printers and blacksmiths fought an almighty empire, armed with little more than courage and a dream of freedom. Today, a new generation of civilians will join our armed forces to tear San Francisco from enemy hands. I am the Voice of Freedom, but you are its terrible, swift sword. This is a war of the people, by the people. Let freedom ring.”

Fletcher and Scotch Tape looked at Katie and her squad, seeing confidence in their eyes, the end of the KPA in the USA. Was it only a mirage? Perhaps. But on that day, in this city, their blood ran hot with dreams of victory.

Author's Note:

This is it. The battle that decides the fate of the USA