• Published 14th Sep 2017
  • 9,712 Views, 285 Comments

Venomous Uprising - Paco-El-Taco

Venom, Ultimate Nemesis to Spider-Man, the Lethal Protector, one of the many great anti-heroes, are doing their job as usual. Getting stuck in Equestria, however, definitely was not what they expected.

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Prologue: A Poisonous Battle

New York City, a rather busy place 24/7, where walking is faster than driving, and people are on the more rude side of the scale. Today, however, was not an ordinary day, though those days happen frequently. It was taking place in a packed street at night, where people were either running like bats out of hell, or staying at a safe distance to watch. People here really enjoy the action.

"I want that suit back!" The person who angrily shouting was covered in a large, million- dollar, radioactive-powered armor. The armor was thick, with green plating, and sharp, smooth curves. Midway along the elbows were large, golden, heavy pinchers, ones that someone might associate with lobsters. His top half of his face was covered with more green armor, but there were two orange, hollow eyes, as well as short, but sharp fins on the back with a brass color. But what stood out the most, was the large tail on the back. It was colored in a stripe pattern as the same green on the armor, and a dark, steel-like grey, with the end sporting a large, intimidating stinger.

This was Mac Gargan, or more commonly known to others, the Scorpion. He was currently battling a great foe who wielded something Mac greatly wanted back. The Scorpion would usually be a scary sight, but he could barely compare to his opponent.

"We are happy together, bonded. We cannot be separated. Eddie has fully embraced, and the symbiote will not choose you again." Spoke a voice that sounded like two voices overlapping, a bit deep, and gravelly. This being was large, as large as the Scorpion, perhaps larger. It was nearly all black, an inky-black, darker than the night itself. It had large, defined muscles. The hands had large white squares with round corners on the back of them, as well as the fingers ending in sharp claws, perfects for hacking, slashing, and impalements. Emblazoned on the chest was a great, intimidating, perfect-white spider, where when the legs ended, the pattern continued on its back. The most notable feature, however, was the face; the face, that people everywhere recognized.

It had a jaw packed with sharp, crooked, carnivorous teeth that could bend metal with a single bite. Saliva was always dripping out, but this saliva was a neon green, and pure toxic, that could burn at a touch. A long, curving, twisting, red-pink tongue hung out, and like so many other aspects of its body, ended at a point. Right above were two white patches, that twisted and curved, for a most menacing look. Those two things could only be described as its eyes. Despite the oddities, the creature was grinning, almost smugly.

This creature is not one, but two creatures. Eddie Brock, a body-builder and ex-journalist, and an alien parasite called a symbiote, or Klyntar, as their kind is called, bonded long ago because of the same hatred they shared for a certain web-head. One hated him because he practically ruined his life, and the other because he rejected it and tried to destroy it. But when the symbiote covers Eddie with itself, they become better, faster, stronger, with all the abilities of Spiderman, and more. They make a third being that exists because of their bond. Some call it a living nightmare, others say it is poison to Spiderman, but most just call them Venom.

Venom and the Scorpion were currently duking it out for one thing, the symbiote. Mac Gargan was able to track the symbiote where it is now, and ambushed Brock to gain the symbiote, for he once was attached to it, though not quite bonded, and wants that power again. Eddie would have been tackled, but as if the symbiote had eyes on all sides that could see, it warned Brock they were in danger, and to dive backwards. By that point, Brock learned to do what the symbiote said, then to look to see what is coming. He successfully dodged the Scorpion's ambush, and the two had a quick stare-down. The symbiote never really liked Gargan as a host, but had to stick with him during the time. Eddie, on the other hand, has fought this mad-man before. By that time, people were already screaming from the sudden attack, and were backing away from the man in weaponized-armor. The failed attack didn't deter Gargan, however, and he pointed an arm at Brock while shouting, "You have one chance to give me the suit, or I force it to come out!" The symbiote merely said with disgust, ( though only Brock could hear, because it has not taken physical form, thus speaking to Brock through thoughts)

'I only joined you in hopes of defeating, possibly killing Spiderman. But you couldn't even do that. I am bonded with Eddie, nothing can change that.'

Eddie smirked at what the symbiote said, and muttered, "Damn right..." He merely gazed at Gargan and said, "You want it?" The symbiote then came seemingly out of Eddie, then covering him in black tendrils, that almost looked as smooth as liquid, and poured over him, consuming him in shadows. When the symbiote finished covering Eddie, they were now much taller, and muscular, and definitely scarier.

"Come and get it..." finished Venom, with a grin, as if they were eager for a battle.

As of right now, though, Gargan shouted in anger and frustration, and sent the sharp tail zooming towards Venom, to pierce them. Venom was too fast, however, and caught the tail with both hands. "We will enjoy this!" Venom shouted with glee, as he swung the Scorpion onto the road, and then threw him over his shoulder into the corner of a brick building, having that portion crumble down onto Gargan. But Gargan immediately burst out of the rubble with a shout of rage, before charging Venom head on. Venom brought his right arm forward, and shot webbing out of it on to the Scorpion's chest piece, connecting them. The powers of Spiderman were things both Eddie and the symbiote were grateful for having. Venom then brought his arm with the web connected to it back, causing the Scorpion to fly forward. Venom brought its fist back, and swung up with great strength and speed, upper-cutting Gargan in the gut, denting and cracking the armor in that area.

The Scorpion landed on a taxi cab, busting it in due to the weight of the armor and the rate which he was falling. Gargan grunted and tried to get back up, but Venom beat him to it, gripping its left hand on Gargan's arm, and lifting him up before bringing its right fist back to punch Gargan square in the face, sending him soaring in the air. But before Gargan could so much as cry in pain, two more thick string of web connected to him, one on the chest, the other on the helmet. Venom yanked him back at speeds faster than the Road Runner running from a certain coyote, and rammed its fist where it previously landed. This time , Venom broke through the armor on the chest. When Gargan landed on his back, he tried to get up, but shots of webbing coming from Venom, restrained his movements.

Venom looked down at Gargan, with that same wicked grin, and taunted "You really don't have much stinging power in you, huh? Did you think you could beat us? Alone, nonetheless?" Gargan roared in rage, and used his tail to knock Venom off. Venom stumbled back a bit, and looked on as the Scorpion roared

"That belongs to me! you abandoned it!"

Venom hissed, then said, "Eddie left us, but he came back, we bonded. The symbiote does not like you Gargan, you were merely a means to defeat Spiderman, but you failed at that."

"Who? Me? Aw, shucks. You guys are making me blush under the suit." Both the Scorpion and Venom looked up to their right, and on a lamppost was the man of the conversation, a mix of red and blue, with a black web design, and small black spider symbol on the chest. Gargan moaned in displeasure.

"Not you..." Venom had removed the sadistic grin with a scowl, accompanied with narrowed 'eyes'.

"What are you here for?"

"Well, y'know, maybe figured you guys would want to get a pizza or something," Spiderman summersaulted and landed on the road, and glanced at the two of them "But really, stopping this all before a mess really occurs." Mac Gargan scoffed.

"Says the one who always manages to break everything on those 'missions' of yours, and you wonder why the public hates you."

"Hey, you know what, you can go and suck-- gah! Just maybe bother explaining what is even going on?"

Venom then said, "Stingers here wanted the symbiote back, but he fails to comprehend that we will not separate."

"Heh, says you," the Scorpion tensed up before replying "My friend said not to use this unless necessary, but I think this is one of situations." It was at that moment that Gargan disappeared in a purple flash.

"W-what where'd he-" before Spiderman could finish that sentence, Gargan appeared right behind him, whacking him with his tail, sending the web head sailing, into a cart, busting into it and landing in a heap. The civilians that were watching each had a shocked reaction on what just occurred.

"How did he do that?"
"Did he just teleport!?!?!"
"Meh, I've seen weirder things on a Tuesday."

Gargan then appeared in front of Venom, dishing out a right hook, followed by a tail whip that knocked Venom down. Venom hissed, and tried to retaliate, but Gargan disappeared, quickly reappearing behind him, and thrust his stinger into its shoulder. Again, Venom tried to grab the tail, but the Scorpion disappeared again, only to show up in mid-air for a swift drop-kick that sent Venom into a wall of one of the buildings. The Scorpion appeared before them again for another strike, but was interrupted as Spiderman swung into his back, causing him to trip forward and into Venom's grasp. Venom was quick enough to chomp down on the left shoulder, and without breaking a sweat, ripped that part of the armor off, making the left pincher unstable, while electricity and radiation was flowing out of the gap.

Gargan cried out, more of shock than pain, and quickly teleported himself a few yards away from the spider-beings. Gargan shouted out in rage, "You cannot stop me!" He quickly teleported behind Spiderman, and kicked him forward, while teleporting to the left of Venom. Venom, however, was faster, and gave Gargan a hard elbow-blow to the jaw, causing him to trip backwards. Venom leaped, hoping to pounce him. But the Scorpion teleported out of the way, next to a car, where he struck it in an arc that would launch it at the black being. Venom quickly shot a string of web from each hand, swung the car around itself, before launching it at the Scorpion. Scorpion tried to teleport, but at that moment, Spiderman delivered a hard right hook after sneaking on him, staggering and distracting the Scorpion. It wasn't long, but long enough to where the care hit him square on the chest, busting the armor even more and causing him to fall back.

"You know, for a scorpion, you really suck at stinging your targets." Spiderman said as a joke, though a bad one at that. Gargan slowly rose up, scratches and wounds on the armor and himself, but he roared in defiance to terrible defeat. Yet again, a purple flash, and he disappeared. Brock thought 'If we can't hit him in a certain area...'

'...Then we will just have to hit everywhere at once!' finished the symbiote eagerly, ready to finally take care of this annoying pest. Eddie and the symbiote morphed black, sharp spikes to sprout all over themselves, right as Gargan teleported in front of him. Four spikes made their mark, one in the right shoulder, two on the thighs, and one straight through his left leg. "Yaaaauugghhh!" Shouted Gargan in pain.

Gargan tried to teleport, but all that came were sparks. "Brock... you didn't have to do that." said Spiderman in a rather stern tone than his usual quirky one.

"We did not know where he would pop up next, so we attacked everywhere at once, with something that would keep him down, something you seem to lack, Spiderman." Venom grinned down at Gargan's pain like a mad man. Gargan tried to teleport again, but this time sparks of purple electricity started to form along his body.

"Uhh... pal, you all right?" Asked Spiderman with concern at what was happening. All of a sudden, the electricity, quickly formed above the Scorpion a spinning purple sphere. " Oh that can't be good..."

As if on cue, the ball of energy quickly started sucking nearby objects: trash, leaves, litter, small things. But then it quickly grew bigger and more powerful, as if it were a black hole. Trash cans started to go, people were screaming, now actually fleeing instead of sticking around. Venom looked over it curiously, "What's this?"

Spiderman quickly webbed Gargan out of range, as he said, "It must have something to do with his teleporting, but when you did the spike-thingy, you must've bust something, causing THIS." Venom was about to get out of the zone, not wanting to go God knows where, when a sudden loud rumble, similar to that of thunder, accompanied the dramatic increase in size of the sphere, pulling Venom. Venom quickly dug his claws into the ground, shooting webs at a building to slowly, but surely, pull himself away.

"Eddie!" shouted Spiderman from a safe distance next to the defeated Scorpion from a safe distance. Spiderman quickly shot web strings of his own to pull Venom away, much faster than before. Venom was about to exit the danger zone, when he noticed, as objects flew by him, some civilians STILL stuck to watch, one of whom was recording the whole thing on his phone. A young girl, about a teenager, decided to take a few steps over, and examine the whole zone in which the purple malfunctioning-teleporter. The normal environment and the zone in which almost everything was being sucked was quite easy to tell the difference at first, and decided she had enough, and backed up. But with another thunderous rumble, the field grew larger, sending her screaming in.

Spiderman was too busy helping Venom get out to notice until he heard her scream pierce the sound the almost-black hole. He gasped, and was suddenly struck with sorrow, as he realized he failed to save a life, if only he had noticed.

But a man and a parasite did.

Eddie and the symbiote did not even know this girl, or why she stuck around, but seeing her, an innocent, in such fear, screaming to their death, ( both figuratively and literally ) drove an instinct to save her. Venom might be considered the ultimate foe to Spiderman, a hero, but they both valued innocence, something taken from them both, and would go at great lengths to defend them. Without even thinking, Venom released their left hand, severing the hold on one of the webs, and with great speed and accuracy, caught her with a shot of web. Venom brought its arm back, and with strength that would make the Hulk proud, launched her to Spiderman. "Catch her!" Shouted Venom.

Spiderman was shocked and overjoyed, that she had been saved by Venom, And released the hold on his right web-shot to catch her with his own webbing. The webbing landed right on her stomach, and with the combined strength of Spiderman, and the momentum she had when Venom threw her, was able to pull her out. People would be cheering, if some were still there. Spiderman placed here down and shouted "Get out of here! NOW!" She nodded rapidly, and sprinted the other way.

Spiderman's joy was short lived, as he saw Venom slowly getting sucked in the bundle of sparking energy. "Eddie!" Shouted Spiderman, as he tried to web Venom, but the swirling sphere merely sucked it up, as it had gotten stronger.

Venom's hands were about to be forced out of the ground, but before that happened, he said, "Do not worry! We shall return!" Both Eddie Brock and the symbiote spoke with total confidence in their voice, as they were ripped off and sent into the sphere, seemingly disappearing. The vortex continued for a couple more seconds, before it erupted, and collapsed in on itself.

Spiderman just stood there, staring. Eddie might not have been the best person, but he did not deserve this fate, Spiderman had failed him.

'Wait.' thought Spiderman, 'If it was originally a teleporter, Eddie and all the other objects had to have gone somewhere, its the only reasonable explanation!' Spiderman looked out in the distance with newfound hope, as he made a promise to himself, one he would not break.

He would find Eddie Brock.

The symbiote has existed for a long time, possibly thousands of years. It had bonded with hosts who were noble and caring, and those who wanted to cause genocide. It had helped saved thousands, and has helped slaughtered just as many. It had been to and seen millions of civilizations, all with one goal in mind, to survive. So, the symbiote had seen a lot in its life. But where he and Eddie were or currently going through, was something the symbiote knew only one phrase, by the humans, that could describe it.

Pretty fucked up shit.

The symbiote and Eddie were going through what seemed to be a tunnel, but constantly changing colors, though a white, almost glowing circle at the end, if there even was one. Pictures and images of odd people and others constantly flying by them. A sponge with square pants, a rather annoying orange, some black guy with a red and glowing sword. 'Huh,' thought the symbiote 'This must be what that "weed" is like.' Fortunately for Eddie he was unconscious, ( though they were still Venom) and did not have to experience a headache.

What felt like minutes, but really just seconds, the white spot came closer, and was glowing, so much so that it became nearly blinding, until there was a loud 'Bing!' when the light decapitated, Venom found themselves in a forest, with the sun high in the sky, and blowing breeze, the symbiote knew they were not in New York, and only thought, 'Where are we?'

Twilight Sparkle was having a picnic with her friends, which included two earth ponies, two pegasi, a unicorn, and a dragon. They were currently by the lake, and just having a nice time. The rainbow-maned pegasus, with a cyan colored fur, named Rainbow Dash, flew up to Applejack, An orange pony, with blond hair, and sporting a hat one would find with a cowboy. "Hey, AJ," exclaimed Rainbow Dash enthusiastically, "Hoof wrestle?" She asked as she held out her hoof with a cocky grin. Applejack shot her own grin, "yer' on."

Twilight Sparkle, an alicorn with a light purple coat, with an even darker purple mane, shook her head, but smiled at her friends antics. "You two always did get pretty competitive." She was about to take a bite in her sandwich, when she sensed something...off. She felt some magic which she has never even felt before, and it felt powerful. Spike, a baby dragon, noticed Twilight just sitting there, staring at nothing, "Uh, Twi, you all right?"

Those words shook Twilight out of it, and she responded, "Yeah, yeah, just... never mind, I just felt a bit off. Lets get back to enjoying our meal." Spike just shrugged and went back to enjoying themselves, assuming it to be nothing.

Oh, how he was so wrong, for a being like no other has entered Equestria.

Author's Note:

Hey guys! This is my first story, so sorry if it feels a bit off. If you are wondering why I sometimes refer to Venom as "them, they, themselves, etc." Is the same Reason Venom calls themselves "we, us, our" Both Eddie Brock and the symbiote make up Venom. Please, if you notice anything wrong, leave constructive criticism, but don't be a jerk about it. What are your thoughts and opinions, and what do you think is going to happen? Let me know below!