• Published 14th Sep 2017
  • 9,696 Views, 285 Comments

Venomous Uprising - Paco-El-Taco

Venom, Ultimate Nemesis to Spider-Man, the Lethal Protector, one of the many great anti-heroes, are doing their job as usual. Getting stuck in Equestria, however, definitely was not what they expected.

  • ...

Chapter 16: A Gracious and Glorious "Thank You"

Eddie and the symbiote weren't in the greatest shape at that time in Equestria. Not only was the symbiote out cold, but it was constricted around Eddie and hindering him from almost any movement; that plus the Xenophage dragging them across the rooftops only added on that problem. The Xenophage used its massive claws to gain a strong hold on each roof before launching itself to the next with a restricted Eddie being tugged by the arms and ankles by a few eased tentacles around him, though he was sure that the tendrils weren't going to drop him anytime intentionally.

With great strain, Eddie brought his arms up to the unwelcome tendrils around him and tried to gain a grip on them and pry them off. While he did achieve a grip on them, he did not have the strength or power to remove them. He was taken by surprise when he was nearly hurled as the alien took a sharp and unexpected turn into a wide street, though they were still at roof height. "I must admit, I did not expect to find one such as you all the way out here," The Xenophage coolly called back to its meal without a glance as though they were nothing but a dish to be served. "It was a pleasant surprise when I discovered you here."

"Screw you!" Eddie shouted back angrily. He and his other have fought a Xenophage before, and he really did not want to have to face another. Plus, his top priority was escaping the clutches of the predator that was swinging him around, not to have a casual conversation.

The alien paid no mind to his meal's banter, but he did crane his head back when he heard the flapping of multiple wing beats. Not far off, he saw, was a squadron of pegasi royal guards with spears readied in their hooves and in hot pursuit. The alien had faced local authorities on many other worlds, and the ones who tried to pursue it to capture or kill it clearly failed at the task; it would be the same for those ponies. Looking forward again, the alien calmly spoke again, "I had worked my way to earning you," When the Xenophage came across the next building that would have been used to boost itself, it suddenly rammed its claw into the structure, causing Brock to tilt his head up as best he could, then it quickly retracted its claw which held all sorts of debris: glass, stone, wood, wire, metal, all sharp and dangerous. "I'll have to work some more."

As the pegasi were closing in and preparing to use their spears to thrust them at the beast, its right arm shot behind it and past Eddie, the talons simultaneously releasing their hold of the building materials. When the guards all saw a hailstorm of debris fly right at them, they all had panicked reactions. Some tried to halt and brake their flight, some tried to veer this way and that way, and others raised their hooves up to bring at least some protection to them. All of them had looks of sheer terror on their faces, and all of them were struck by the debris. Their clean white coats and feathers became large stains of deep red as the glass shredded and tore into their skin. Their armor proved ultimately useless as stones and metals, coming at them at great speeds, burst through their armor and busted them up well; some bones were broken in the process. Their once graceful and perfect wings appeared as a crumpled up sheet of paper that was unfolded once any of the debris came into excruciating unbearable contact with them. They wanted to scream and shout, of course; but too many objects, big and small, were hitting their faces like bullets from a machine gun.

All of that happened in the span of only a few seconds, and, like a flightless pigeon falling to the earth, the pegasi found their brutalized forms plummeting to the cold, hard, Fillydelphia streets. All the while, Brock was staring at the whole scene, shocked and stunned at the few seconds of what happened to the innocent guards. He couldn't see past the razor fangs of the unconscious symbiote around his face, but he knew that the chances of those guards having survived that fall in their state wasn't a very high one; even if they survived, they would have needed immediate medical attention. He had to kill the Xenophage, that was certain for him; but there were only two ways to go about that at his given time. He could, by luck and chance, wait for some more royal guards that were capable enough to fight the alien as he could help as best he could, assuming the alien did not eat him by them. That option was not likely to him. The other was to wait out the effects of the neurotoxin. It had been many years since he and his other came across a Xenophage on Earth, but he remembered that the effects didn't last long, only a minute or two. Of course, the Xenophage could always have just blasted him again.

Between the two options, though, the second was the most likely. He would have to do everything in his power to keep the alien occupied, though that was easier said than done.

The alien continued with its snatch to propel itself forward into someplace with no interruption, until, up ahead, it saw a large group of ground ponies on the street, both with horns and spears. It was, of course, an attack to try and stop the massive beast. The ponies must have mistaken the Xenophage for a brainless brute, for it would not fall for something as simple as that. The alien made a quick and sharp maneuver into a gap, just large enough for it to fit in, between two buildings. It then slunk over the roof of the nearest building, the creature moving across with mad and dexterous tentacles.

After a few leaps and slinks across more rooftops, the alien came to an immediate stop upon one of the taller buildings of the city. He was not being followed by any of the ponies, so he thought that the roof was a great spot for a quick, but certainly memorable, juicy meal. The alien then stood tall on his tendrils, leaning over his struggling prey, who was pinned down with minimal effort. An open and drooling maw graced the beast's face as it was coming closer to its food. When its jaws almost consumed its prey, a bright and instant purple flash ignited to the the right of the Xenophage. Not a moment after, a large and thick purple beam of steaming hot energy connected to the side of the alien's face, stopping him from finishing his paralyzed meal. Instead of being knocked back, shouting or screaming, or even wincing, the alien sighed, annoyed an unfazed, with those two details being clear when it spoke, "What is it now?"

The alien turned its head towards the direction the blast came from, Eddie having craned his head with some effort to see as well, to see the shot's origin. To the great relief of Eddie and minor annoyance of the Xenophage, a few yards off, stood Twilight Sparkle with a dozen pegasi guards around and above her.

She had teleported herself and the guards on the roof to catch it by surprise and stop it, though she was a bit unnerved when one of her more powerful blasts only annoyed the beast before her. Regardless, she stood her ground with unwavering confidence and determination. She shouted in what she thought was an authoritative tone to the Xenophage, "Release him now, you beast, and face justice for your crimes!"

The desired effect did not happen, and the alien gazed down at the ponies before it with apathetic eyes before speaking up, "Crimes? Ah, yes, those of your kind who served as bait to bring my prey here. It is wrong to you, perhaps, but it was a good method to use for me; they did their work. As for him, I will not forfeit him so easily."

Angered by the alien's downplay of the ponies and refusal to release Eddie, she spread her wings and shot above the roof before releasing a barrage of laser shots from her horn straight to the Xenophage's face. The guards took that as the signal to attack, and followed the princess in the air, readied for a fight. Though Twilight was powerful with magic, Eddie knew that, if she kept a frontal assault like she was doing, it was only going to lead to a defeat. He shouted out, hoping his voice would reach her ears, "Twilight! that won't work, you need to try something else!" Indeed, for not only was the Xenophage's exoskeleton highly durable, it had no pain receptors in them, giving it the edge in combat. The alien brought up many of its tendrils and an arm above itself as it spoke out again, "You see? even your great defender knows how futile this is."

The Xenophage made no immediate movement to stop the pegasi with spears soaring right at him, as well as the bolts of magic from Twilight's horn. When the guards came close, they assumed they where in for a swift victory, possibly mortally wounding the alien in the process. Their overconfidence, however, proved to be their downfall. For though the tendrils around the alien were stagnant then, they immediately zoomed outwards to intercept the unsuspecting guards. The tentacles came far too fast for any of them to react to properly, and thus they were all stricken and batted out of the air. They all were whipped back and into the concrete roof, some so hard as to even leave cracks and dents. When the alien viewed the defeated pegasi, it couldn't help but chuckle at how poor the land of Equestria's military were; the guards had confidence, but not the skill or strength to back it up. The alien's chuckles ceased when he noticed that a certain alicorn princess was not lying among the defeated before him. His answer to where she was came in the form of a sharp and thin beam cutting through the edge of his right shoulder, causing a streak of red blood to squirt out of it as soon as the shot came.

Though the shot gave some pain to the Xenophage, he still stood motionless and erect as though the shot did nothing to him. He tilted his head up above and to his right to see the princess hovering in place, that same look of aggressive determination adorning her face, as she stated loudly to punctuate her point, "You've harmed enough innocents, even gone as far as ending their lives, and you did all of that just so you could devour him," she pointed her hoof to the trapped Eddie. "I've seen lots of ponies and others do many terrible things just so they could benefit for themselves, but never killing. What you're doing is wrong, and I will stop you." She finished with a cold tone.

The Xenophage, like the first talk, remained unwavering and motionless. It questioned her, "Wrong? Is it wrong of the lion for feasting upon a simple lamb? Is it wrong of the spider for catching an ignorant fly in its web? It doesn't matter to me what your moral is. I, like every other life, eats. And I will do many things those like you would consider evil to obtain my favored food. And to me, the ponies were just bait. You, however, are simply a fly in the way." As he finished, two tendrils shot out toward the alicorn to bat her down to the roof like the others. Unlike the others, though, Twilight disappeared in another flash, avoiding the twin tendrils. She reappeared in another flash on the left of the Xenophage, where she unleashed a powerful bolt of magic to strike its chest.

The Xenophage, however, was prepared for the shot, for it brought up its left claw and used the back of it to block the shot. Even more of the the tendrils snaked out and rushed for her. Instead of teleporting, Twilight summoned up a small purple transparent barrier around her, that was violently knocked back and cracked as the tendrils made their mark. Her small bubble shattered upon impact with the roof, where her body impacted roughly against it, causing her to yelp from the pain. The Xenophage raised its right claw in the air before clamping its arm on the spot the princess was at, the talons sinking into the roof; but no pony flesh. The alien sighed as he brought his left arm to block another shot from the princess. Finishing her would take a few seconds more than most others, he thought.

The Fillydelphia street was scattered with ponies on all sides, save for a wide circumference in the center of the street. The ponies on the outside of the circle dared a peek at what was within it, but regretted doing so soon after their eyes fell on the center. Its perimeter was blocked by some police ponies keeping the citizens out and only allowing the medical ponies in it. The third types of ponies in the circle of the street were ones trying their absolute hardest to grip onto their waning lives.

The pegasi guards who were brutalized by the debris ruthlessly thrown at them by the alien were lying on stretchers and being treated the best they could by the medical ponies. The staff would have loaded them into a carriage and taken them to the Fillydelphia hospital as fast as they could, but many of the guards suffered wounds that had to have been taken care of immediately. The medics were able to take care of most of the wounds, temporarily, at least, but some of the more unfortunate guards had to bear physical damage that was not so easy to take care of. Wings barely hanging onto their joints, long and deep gashes, chunks of flesh torn off, and various other wounds that could be fatal in not taken care of right away. Those guards were groaning from the constant waves of pain that flickered across their fragile bodies, a constant reminder of how close they were to death.

The concentration of the medics was broken when a voice, almost sarcastic like, spoke out, "Ouch, that looks like it hurts. A lot." The medics were going to respond to the crude interruption with aggressive commands to leave them to their work, but when they turned their heads to see who spoke, their eyes widened with all the anger leaving them soon after into stunned silence. The police ponies jumped in surprise when they heard a voice from inside the circle that did not belong to any of the medics, after all, nopony got past them. Yet, it appeared that an unwelcome guest was in there.

One of the police ponies jumped around while angrily shouting, "Hey! Nopony but the medics are supposed to be he--!" His speech was cut off by his own stunned silence upon the figure within the circle.

The figure responded to the officer with, "Oh, come on. You wouldn't even let little old me in?" The figure, as if he was oblivious of the guards' pain, grinned at the shocked looks on the ponies' faces. He furrowed his brows and rolled his eyes when one of the injured moaned loudly from the pain that erupted in his body again. "Jeez, you don't have to sound like a baby to get help, you know. But, being the nice guy that I am, I'll personally take care of your problem." As the medical ponies returned their focus to the wounded guards below them, a click was heard around them, then a quick and white flash erupted, and suddenly, the guards found themselves in one hundred percent working condition.

Their once crumpled wings were returned to their former state of elegance and grace. Their bloodied and shredded bodies were again restored to a healthy and pristine condition with all of the blood stains gone. Their destroyed armor, which was lying close by, returned to their bodies in their natural golden and shining condition; it was as if the guards were never struck down by the alien. Everypony their stood perfectly still, though their hearts were racing at the display. The guards, once they realized they were no longer in pain, took long and doubting gazes at their pristine forms. As if they were checking if it was a mirage, they all slowly brought their hooves down their bodies, and were even more confused when they felt none of the wounds that were there moments before. Everypony, including the guards themselves, stared at the once heavily injured guards, wondering how all the wounds could have been fixed so easily.

The figure looked left and right at the ponies, waiting for them to say anything, but they all stayed in silence. He furrowed his brows again with a huff, before muttering, "Gee, not even a thanks?" He sighed and shook his head before speaking up, "Fine, but I'm looking for some beast that was just here."

Finally, one of them was knocked out of their stupor, and questioned, "Beast?"

"Oh, you know, just the thing that beat these guards and has a certain human and a..." The figure mulled over the missing word in his thoughts, until he shouted out, "Symbiote! Yes, a human and a symbiote! I wanted to visit them sooner, but this is the perfect opportunity to show them how thankful and gracious I am! So, where'd they go?"

The figure awaited with an eager grin, and one of the perplexed ponies pointed a hoof in the direction the alien went with its prey. The figure looked to the pointed direction and spoke with glee, "Perfect! Oh, I can't wait to see the looks on their faces!" Another click resonated, and the figure disappeared from sight.

The ponies blinked, before one of them spoke, "That thing is in for one heck of a ride." The others nodded in agreement.

Another tendril slammed against the purple barrier, forcing it back into the roof yet another time. Like the last time, the barrier erupted with a violent smash, and forcing the purple pony within to slam against the roof as well. The Xenophage did not bring a claw down that time; it knew exactly what to do to be rid of the pony.

Twilight, having thought that a claw would have smashed her, quickly teleported away. She reappeared in the air above and a bit away from the Xenophage. She was lightly panting, scrapes and bruises covered her body from being repeatedly slammed down on the roof.

At first, Twilight had a slight advantage against the Xenophage due to her ranged magic and smaller form, but the alien had quickly adapted to her tactics. He knew that whenever she teleported she would appear to the opposite side to try and fire a laser at his skin, but he would either evade the shot or block it with one of his claws. The alien noticed, though, that all of her magical abilities were originating from the horn on her head. And since she was in the air, and had suffered some injuries, he had her right where he wanted her.

Twilight was running out of ideas of how to take down the beast before her. She had hoped that more guards would have popped up by then, but none had arrived; though, the beast seemed to understand her attack patterns, she supposed that was why the fight did not last too long. Then, the alien did something she hadn't seen it do before: it gave off a small smile. While it did not, perhaps, mean anything, it did concern her for what the Xenophage was thinking. It was then that she saw the wire-like and bone-chained material protruding from the alien's head arc up, slink around its head to face her, then violently shot off straight towards her like a chained knife.

Twilight yelped as she made a quick flap of her wings to dash to her right. The deadly stinger at the end zipped past Twilight's head, making her heart race all that much faster. Right when she thought she avoided certain death, her right hind leg surged with an unbearable amount of pain as the stinger pierced straight through her leg. Her wings jiggled randomly as she cried out, falling down to the roof. Unfortunately for her, the Xenophage was not done with her. The stinger was still pierced through her leg, and the chained appendage whipped back up with the princess in its grip, before mercilessly slamming her back down onto the roof. The Xenophage repeated the process twice before the stinger yanked itself back out of her leg.

Twilight struggled to even move as she lied in the cracks of the roof which managed to hold under the barrage of her body being slammed against it. The Xenophage then lurked over to her, and contemplated to himself whether he should finish her or carry on with his catch. Before he could have thought much further on the subject, he felt something sharp dig into the tendrils holding his prey. He spun his head around to see his prey leaning up and digging one of his symbiotic clawed hands into one of his own tendrils, spilling out the blood.

Eddie had been waiting during the fight, waiting for his symbiote to wake up. While the fight did not last that long, it was long enough for his symbiote, despite being unconscious, to regain some movement and energy. Though he was not at one hundred percent capability, he was not so hindered as before, and had some fight back in him. He had hoped that Twilight could've lasted until the symbiote was fully conscious, but when the Xenophage brutalized her with its stinger and stalked over her, he had to act.

"Take some of your own medicine, jackass!" As Eddie finished, he brought his other clawed arm up, gripped the bleeding tendril, and, with all he could, ripped the chunk off from the rest of the tendril. Soon after, a massive claw pinned hook down, and he was forced to stare up at his predator that was staring down at him with an expression he couldn't read; if he had to guess, he'd say it would have probably been anger.

"Injuries inflicted upon me will only be temporary," It then raised its other claw, the talons gleaming in the light of day as if to show off the savage fury that was about to come. "Unlike the ones about to be done to you." As he finished, he viciously brought down his claw upon Eddie's chest and the symbiote, shredding into him and his other. It brought its claw back again and repeated the process, though the alien intentionally kept Eddie alive. Symbiotes and hosts always tasted better as live food. It was careful not to dig too deep, but continued to hack and slash the man and the Klyntar as a message of who was the predator. When it was done, the face of the symbiote was ripped off, and gashes ran deep across his chest.

The Xenophage relented from his assault as he figured that would keep his prey down in his bloody mess. He began thinking on whether to eat the symbiote then and there or retreat to some other secluded location. His solution came as a low whistling sound, slowly escalating to a higher noise. Curiosity piqued, he dipped his head over the edge of the roof, and saw his escape: Some form of locomotive rolling its way from the inner city, continuing out of Fillydelphia. The contraption was very long, seeming to have no beginning or end. Not to mention its top was covered in pink with different strands of color all around it, and had a caramel-colored crusty material lining up the sides.

The alien did not care how odd the machine looked, he knew that it was heading out of the city and that it could accommodate his large form upon it. Yes, that was it. He would have his meal on the go. Gripping his claws on the edges, he leaped off of it with Eddie and the symbiote wrapped up in some more tendrils than before, and graciously landed on the roof of the vehicle, which proved to be sturdy enough to hold the Xenophage.

Eddie, through the pain of being torn into, did notice one thing. While the Xenophage landed with a loud clang onto what he assumed was another train, his landing was actually soft; he even bounced back up once before coming back to the cart. The next thing that popped to his senses what the material of the cart actually felt like. It wasn't metal or wooden, it felt like something much more tangible, even smooth and crinkly. Though he was far more concerned about the alien that was going to eat him, he spared a quick glance at the material, but when he looked, his sight was fixed on what the material was, even in his shocked state he knew the material.

The pink substance was indeed very soft, and even bent and cracked when Eddie lied upon it, but not like that of concrete or stone. And below the cracks peeked out a light tan solid that didn't appear much more firm or harder than the pink material. Littered around on the top were small colored tube-like objects that were anywhere from six inches to a foot in length. All those items combined together appeared as something edible, something anyone or pony could recognize, something Eddie knew as, "...Doughnuts?"

Before he could question the oddity, he snapped his head back up when saliva hit his chest, and saw the Xenophage with a wide open maw, jaws ready to feast. The Xenophage lowered its jaws closer and closer to its prey, until, suddenly something zipped onto its face. Eddie squinted his eyes, not to help see, but to make sure what he thought he saw he actually saw correctly. What attached to the side of the alien's face was, to Eddie's disbelief, a regular glass cup, with chocolate milk inside of it, and a cupcake on fire on the back of it. And in the drink, the milk appeared to be sizzling, bubbles forming in and about, shaking the glass.

Right as the Xenophage was about voice its irritated state yet another time that day, the cup suddenly erupted, followed by a large and fiery explosion that hurled the Xenophage off of Eddie and nearly tossing it off the vehicle as it fell down on the edge. "Hey! Didn't you read the sign? No hitchhikers, no hobos, and eating guests is not allowed!"

Eddie just lied on his back, stunned at what had just transpired. He tilted his head when he heard approaching footsteps and heard a huff, followed by a disapproving, "Really, no one has any respect for rules these days. My apologies, you two. Well, one of you is awake, anyways."

Eddie and the symbiote had encountered many odd and and flat out weird things in the past. Hell, they even once uploaded themselves to the internet to fight Carnage, because apparently symbiotes could do that somehow. But the thing that was before them was way up there on the list of 'weirdest things', probably a contender for the top ten as well. It looked like the scientist who made Frankenstein decided to make another monster by sewing on as many different animal parts as he could. A hoof here, an antler there, wings and legs, feathers and fur; it was completely unorganized. The figure only got more bizarre when it grinned down at him with a toothy grin, then lowered an arm that ended in an eagle's claw to him, unfurled and held out. "Need help, buddy ol' pal?"

Eddie stared at the odd creature and his appendage, before uttering, "Who the hell are you?"

The figure emitted a faint gasp as he smacked his forehead with a lion paw, dragging it down his face before replying, "Oh, of course, how silly of me. Where are my manners?" The creature gripped Eddie's arm with both lion paw and eagle claw, pulling him up before continuing with a wide grin while rapidly shaking his hand, "Discord, Spirit of Chaos, here to help you with your problem!"

Brock, having gotten past the shock for the most part, was about to speak, when an intense bestial roar erupted from the scorched alien to their left as it picked itself up with its arms as it leaned in and looked over to Eddie and Discord. The left of the exoskeleton was completely charred in black dust, and cracks began to form along it as well. Its left arm was also a shade deeper of black from the scorch marks, heavy burn marks all around. Angered by yet another interruption, the alien charged straight after Brock and Discord. Whereas Brock took an offensive stance and prepared for a fight, confident that the symbiote had enough energy and was almost awake to take the beast down, Discord merely rolled his eyes before raising his eagle arm and snapping his talons.

In an instant, Eddie found himself along with Discord outside the Everfree forest, with Fillydelphia nowhere in sight. The Xenophage appeared soon afterwards, though it crashed headfirst into the ground. Eddie looked around with wide eyes as he tried to comprehend, "What the... how...?"

Discord raised his lion paw in the in front of Eddie's face as to shush him, as he began, "I know, I know, you're probably really confused right now, but let me explain. You've met Fluttershy by now, the nice little pegasus, Element of Kindness, and all that good stuff." Eddie was half-listening, his attention cast on the Xenophage that was pulling itself out of the crater it formed, before it shook itself and charged straight towards the two again.

Eddie pointed a talon out at the upcoming beast, shouting, "Not now! We've got to--!" Again, Discord only raised his eagle claw before snapping his talons again. That time, a large portal was brought into existence next to the charging Xenophage, where the same doughnut-train from before was hurled out of it and was rammed right into the side of it, abruptly stopping its charge and hurling it back with the train near the woods, even throwing the alien into some trees.

Discord continued with his jolly attitude, ignoring the pure dumbfounded look on Eddie's face, "Anyways, she's a great friend of mine, and I'm probably her greatest friend. Basically, she means a lot to me." Eddie slowly looked back and forth between the wreckage of doughnuts with the Xenomorph and the Spirit of Chaos before him, the furrowed brows and dropped draw, accompanied with a staggering expression, never having left his face. "So when I heard some things from this forest tried to harm her... well, I'm sure you can imagine how I felt. But when I heard some creature, something called Venom, saved her life? I was overjoyed! I mean, I would have saved her, but I was at a casino in Las Pegasus." He looked from left to right before leaning in to whisper in Eddie's ear, "Don't tell Fluttershy, because I'll never hear the end of it, but I might have a slight gambling problem." He pulled his head back as he continued in a happy tone, "I knew I had to show him my gratitude somehow, but not only did I learn that he was not only one, but two different entities, but also the first human, you, in Equestria and some new species of creatures called symbiotes?

"I couldn't just give a decent chaotic thanking, I had to go overboard to really show my gratitude! I was alone for days, trying to think of something good enough for you two, but nothing came to mind. But! Not to long ago, talk was spread about some monster with Venom in its grasp, possibly to kill him or eat him! I knew then that, not only was this the perfect opportunity for my little chaotic intro, I could give my thanks to you two for saving my dear friend and return the favor! Consider it a 'thank you' gift!"

Eddie looked at Discord, various emotions having flowed through him after Discord's talk. But, after the initial shock finally wore off, his face calmed as he stated, "Best fucking thank you gift, hell, any gift I have ever gotten."

Discord clamped his paw and claw together with a grin, "Perfect! I know I have done wonderfully, then."

Just as he finished, a loud rumbling was heard from the carts of doughnuts and trees as the Xenophage erupted from them with a massive roar that echoed across the skies. It scanned from left to right, until its gaze fell on the two again. It charged again, though it was watching for any movements from Discord's eagle talons, knowing that he was capable of outstanding magic. Discord rolled his eyes and frowned as he prepared to snap his talons, but was stopped when a clawed hand grabbed his arm. He looked over to Eddie in confusion, who was glaring at the beast ahead of them. "Thank you, I probably would've been a goner if you didn't show up. But it's time me and my other make this thing pay; then, we kill it." Despite not being at full potential due to the neurotoxin still having some effect on the symbiote, Eddie was confident that he could go up against the Xenophage, especially since it itself was wounded. Plus, the symbiote was already slowly stitching back the wounds caused to Eddie. He then charged after the beast to meet it head on, Discord looking at him with raised brows.

"Kill it? You mean, not making friends with it?" His expression became relieved as he sighed in relief. "Thank goodness, I thought you were going to pull a Celly there for a moment. Go and get 'em!"

The Xenophage saw its prey charging at it, foolishly believing he could take it on in a fight; its food was practically delivering himself to it. It charged on with even greater speeds, finally able to get its meal. Right when they were yards apart, Eddie raised up his left arm, and, with some difficulty, shot out a thick wire of black webbing onto the Xenophage's face. He used the same arm to yank as hard as he could, propelling himself off the ground and towards the alien's face. The alien tried to raise up a claw to block the black projectile, but Eddie was already too close and fast, and, curling his right leg back, he kicked it out as it connected to the cracked side of the exoskeleton, bursting straight through it and the face, causing streaks of blood to shoot out. Its main defense penetrated and flesh torn into, the Xenophage screeched and reeled back as Eddie fell to the ground with a grunt.

The Xenophage brought a claw up to the shattered side of its face as it wriggled back away, thinking of how that could have possibly happened, how the prey could have succeeded in landing such an attack. Discord appeared next to Eddie in an instant and clapped, merrily speaking like a tune, "Bravo, bravo! I haven't seen such brutality in Equestria since... well, its been awhile. Point is, it's been too long since there's been a good fight." He looked over to the Xenophage, who was beginning to try and shake the pain. "But now, now is the time to finish this. I could just send it in a pit of lava or something for giggles, but that's not quite as fun. Any suggestions?"

Eddie smirked, as he spoke, "Oh, I think I know one you'll like. Killing it the same way me and my other did the first one."

"Oh? And what was it?" And Eddie told him, all the while Discord's grin grew more sinister and bigger. "Oh, I like that a lot."

The Xenophage stood there in agony, thinking of where it all went wrong. First, he had complete control of the situation, dominating his prey and all the ponies who came his way. The next, some odd creature shows up and begins beating him, even the symbiote and host fought back. He even considered retreating to live for another day. He might have done that, if a voice didn't taunt him, "Hey, ugly? Are you gonna fight, or are you going to be a baby about your boo-boos?" That was the last straw for the alien. It looked down to see Venom looking back up at him in a fighting stance, mocking the predator.

The beast narrowed its eyes as it shouted, "We'll see how much fight left you have when you are without a head!" With great speeds, the Xenophage dove down with an open jaw, and chomped with full force at Venom's neck, ripping the head off, as the alien swallowed the delicacy whole. As it traveled down his throat, though, he couldn't help but notice the odd taste; it didn't taste sweet or juicy. In fact, it tasted rather tart.

"For an intelligent alien, you guys can be dumb asses at times." The alien snapped his head up, and his eyes widened when he saw The host with the symbiote around him, perfectly fine save for the unconscious symbiote and some small gashes that were being knitted back together.

"I'll say, that was almost sad to watch. No, not really, it was hilarious." The odd creature appeared next to the human, chuckling at him. "Oh, don't worry about the flavor; there's a nice aftertaste that just explodes in flavor." The hint wasn't unnoticed to the alien, and it brought its claws up in a panicked pace as it gagged, trying to get the food out.

It was in vain, as there was an immediate eruption originating inside the Xenophage. A bright yellow glow peered through the skin before breaking from its bonds in an inferno all around the place, though Discord summoned a bubble around himself and Eddie. Fire and heat were joyfully bouncing out and further away. In perfect contrast from the intense fiery glow, black and charred bones stood out; and it wasn't just bones from the exoskeleton. The skin and hair was consumed in the flames and blast, leaving only the bones and what was left of the blood and saliva. The glowing light, like a miniature sun, receded back and into the nothing it was from. A low whistle resonated from the blast, and smoke danced up in the air around the dead beast. And the only thing that remained there were black bones with blood and saliva dripping off the bones and decorating the soil below.

Author's Note:

Hey guys, sorry this one also took so long. I had to do a lot of school work, as I am going on a cruise for a week in a few day. Because of that, the next chapter won't release somewhere between two weeks and around a month. I'm sorry for how late these chapters have been releasing from their schedules, but I do have good news. After I get back from vacation, and I have all the work mess sorted out and release the next chapter, this story should, hopefully, finally, return to its regular schedule. But please, leave a comment. I enjoy reading them!