• Published 14th Sep 2017
  • 9,702 Views, 285 Comments

Venomous Uprising - Paco-El-Taco

Venom, Ultimate Nemesis to Spider-Man, the Lethal Protector, one of the many great anti-heroes, are doing their job as usual. Getting stuck in Equestria, however, definitely was not what they expected.

  • ...

Chapter 18: Pink Priorities and Spider-Strangling

"Flavor?" The symbiote stared at Pinkie, who was staring back in anticipation with a wide smile that shone bright like the environment around them. It was dropped in Pinkie's dream just a moment before, and Luna had left, likely to attend to other dreams around. It also didn't understand why the pink pony asked an odd question, and thought that returning to its host's mind was best; besides, it didn't like the look on Luna's face before she left, a look of wicked humor, and knew that meant some sort of trouble for itself.

"Yeah! Like icing on a cake!" Pinkie replied with a rapid nodding, as though she was a foal on a sugar rush.

The symbiote looked back at the door with apprehensiveness, in the direction of Eddie's dream. It was more concerned about returning to Eddie than it was about a party. Having made up its mind already, the symbiote turned to the door, calling back without regret, "Must go back to Eddie." Before it reached the door, however, a pink buzz zipped past the symbiote, ending with Pinkie Pie, standing on her hind legs and blocking the door with a frown and resolved eyes.

She shook her head, saying, "No can do, buster. You aren't leaving until I get every little detail and bit I need to get a party started."

The symbiote, however, did not take kindly to this. A low growl was uttered from its mouth, as it glared at the pony before her. It did not understand that Pinkie wanted to help make it happy, only that she was keeping it from Eddie, and by doing that, separating the bond between them. "Don't try to separate us..." It spoke in a low voice, anger seeping into it. Because Pinkie was innocent, the symbiote would at least try to deter her without force to let it through.

Instead of being worried, backing down, retreating, or anything the Klyntar expected her to do, she brought a hoof to her mouth, giggling into it. She landed back on four hooves, looking up at the slightly befuddled symbiote with another smile. Not a smile of mockery, or of teasing, but a genuine one. "Aww, I see," she trotted up to it, gently placing a hoof on the white spider of its torso. "You don't like being away from Eddie too long, do you?"

The symbiote began to ease up, becoming less stiff, as it explained to Pinkie in an informative tone, "We're bonded. Shouldn't be separated too long."

Pinkie nodded, thinking she understood. "I think I get it, but," She looked up with begging eyes, doing just that, "Can't you pleeeaaassse stay until we're done?"


Before the symbiote could continue, Pinkie bounced up in the air, staying there, as her eyes lit up when she argued, "Besides, doesn't that lead back to Eddie?" She asked, pointing a hoof at the tendril connecting the symbiote to Eddie's dream.

The symbiote had forgotten about that until Pinkie pointed it out, but it was still unsure. "Yes, but--"

Again, Pinkie would not relent. "So even if something did happen here or in actuality, you'd still be with Eddie?"

"I... suppose, but--"

The faltering symbiote was interrupted yet again by the pink pony, who was leaning in closer to the symbiote with that bright smile of hers. "So don't you think it would be fine if you stayed here just for a little bit? Please?"

"I..." The symbiote was at a loss, unsure what to do. While the pink pony brought up valid points, it still wanted to return to Eddie; however, Pinkie looked like she really wanted it to stay just for a bit, and it could always go back when it pleased. "... suppose I could stay."

Pinkie landed on the floor, only to jump up again with a cheerful, "Yipee!" She then rushed past the symbiote while grabbing its arm with a hoof, yanking it across the room and into a beanbag. Recovering from the unceremonious landing and from the sudden trip of speed, the symbiote looked at Pinkie with a thin mouth and uncertain eyes, as she plopped down on the floor across from it. She reached into her mane and pulled out a notepad and pencil, both at the ready. "Alright," she started, pointing the pencil at the symbiote with an inquisitive look. "There are no wrong answeres here. Just be honest with me. This is for you, after all." After the alien nodded, she smiled with a, "Great! First question: What's some of your favorite types of food?"

"Brain matter."

Pinkie remained still and frozen, not breaking eye contact with the symbiote. She had asked for an honest answer, and one she got. Her stiff face broke into a grin, as she shouted, "Aha! I knew it was something you were in to that stuff! And Dashie said I wasn't taking things seriously when I was pre-planning a party." She shook her head with a chuckle, looking back to the symbiote, relaying, "Unfortunately, that's not really something we can get."

The alien figured as much. It only gave her that answer because she wanted honesty; besides, it wouldn't devour brains of innocents. While the delicious food was not an option any longer, as it was a long time ago, there was one food that had the same chemicals that made up brain matter, providing the next best food. "Chocolate, then."

"Oh! Good choice!" Pinkie scribbled down the answer on her notepad. The Klyntar swelled up with wholesome determination, and perhaps arrogance as well. It was clear that Luna had thrown it in Pinkie's dream to get back at it, but the symbiote had not endured any hardships during that time. It appeared that the pony princess's little plan failed. "Alright, next question!"

It hadn't been long at all since the Princess of the Night left the symbiote in Pinkie's dream. The princess herself had just gotten done vanquishing horrors and nightmares residing in some dreams, clearing out the ghastly corruption. While it wasn't something she would have done if other options were present at the time, leaving the symbiote with Pinkie would undoubtedly leave the alien irritated and frustrated, and she took what she could get.

She was aimlessly milling around the dream realm, waiting for a pulse of somepony's nightmare, or some unusual sorts of dreams that might have required her attention. During her trot, she was surrounded by the usual emotions of slumbering ponies from their dreams: happiness, contentedness, calmness, etc. Such things put her at ease, relaxed her as well, knowing that her subjects were safe in their sleep, bringing a small smile on her muzzle.

While wandering around, a wave of abrupt, raw, and strong feelings overwhelmed the other emotions in the realm and asserted themselves to her. She gasped from the sudden surprise, wearing an attentive face. Another, longer, more consistent wave enveloped her, and she was better able to determine the feelings. Two emotions rung out above all others: rage and eagerness. She grew curious at the odd combination, so she stood there and tried to better determine the exact emotion whilst tracking them to their dreamer. Squinting her eyes, she concentrated on the two raw feeling, digging into them, categorizing the little bits of the remains. Backing up the rage was similar emotions of anger, fury, and surprisingly a bountiful amount of hatred. Backing up the eagerness was joy, happiness, and lots of excitement. While those last three would normally be good feelings, they felt sickened and corrupted by the rage, uneven versions of themselves.

Finally, she synced all those emotions into place of exactly what the dreamer was feeling. During such, she tried to bring up memories of such emotions, seeing if she could better pinpoint what it was. It took only a moment for its identity to ring out, as if it were calling its name with pride: vengeance.

Luna's brow furrowed in thought, for not only was that a rare emotion in the dream realm, the vengeance of the dreamer definitely wasn't light or in a friendly way... all aggressiveness. Right as she finished thinking, her magic practically tugged her in the direction of the dreamer. "This is... odd." She mumbled to herself, feeling worried of what exactly the dreamer was dreaming. She only took a few steps before her eyes widened upon the sight of the door of the dreamer. Lining against the floor of the realm was the dark tendril, whirling around like a loose wire, entering a dream with an adjacent door: Eddie's dream.

More thoughts crossed and dashed through the anxious princess, mainly of what Eddie was dreaming. She had only entered his dreams a few times, but when she did, there was always something new, something exciting, whether they were good or bad; plus, his brand of dreams and memories were very different than that of an average dreamer in the dream realm. She took a breath, stiffening herself.

If he was having a nightmare, she knew it was her duty to cleanse his mind from it. While the feeling of vengeance didn't normally attribute to horror, she still felt it was best to check up on Eddie. There was no harm in it, anyways. With her mettle resolved, she marched towards the door that lead to Brock's mind. Her horn glowed, surrounding the handle of the door in the same aura, and pushed it open the rest of the way. With tentative steps, she entered.

Luna paused once she entered to look around her. It was a calm, still setting, as she appeared to be in an old, large and abandoned warehouse of sorts. Her eyes lurked across curiously, taking in the musky room. Old crates were littered around, support beams around every so often, with dirty windows patterned on the roof. It was dark, but there was enough light to where she could at least see the whole room. Her hooves clanked on the hard and cold concrete floor, as she coughed a bit from the dust drowning the air. She hummed in thought as she looked around herself more. Other than the odd setting, there was nothing too unusual. There was no sight of Eddie or anyone else, yes, but that was it. Deciding to play it safe just in case, she called out, "Eddie? Are you near?" Taking a few more steps ahead, she called out again, "Do you--?"


A loud crash caused the startled princess to jump up with a gasp, quickly swiveling her head in the direction of the noise. "Gaaahhh!" Her body stopped in place as a red and blue suited human flew back from the window above, shards of glass flying in all directions. The human's rapid descent came to an abrupt end as he crashed into some crates, completely obliterating them and rolling like a rag doll across the floor before he came to a stop. Luna cringed at what must have been a highly painful landing. She only took a few steps forward to inspect the figure when he forced himself back up, looking around with his arms brought up in what Luna assumed was a defensive or fighting position.

Upon getting a closer look at the human, her brows furrowed and she leaned her head in, studying his very being. His costume was made mostly of red, save for the deep blue on his thighs, arms, back, and legs. Black lines displayed in a netting pattern was on top of the reds and blues, covering his whole suit. On his face were two white eyes with black lining, similar to Venom's, the main difference being that the suited man's white eyes were a bit smaller and were more round and curved, and lacked the sharp and gleaming edges. What truly caught Luna's eyes, however, was the symbol on his chest. It was a spider.

Instead of Venom's large white spider, the one on the figure was smaller, and was black, with the legs pointing up and down the suit instead of going across. When the figure turned, exposing his back, she saw a large, fat, red spider on his back. Luna's eyes lit in realization as she recalled this man from Eddie's tale of how he and the symbiote arrived in Equestria. It was the suited hero called Spider-Man.

Before she could observe him further, A large, black figure swooped in from the broken window. He landed on all fours, a short distance from Spider-Man, and slowly and deliberately rose to his full height on two legs, standing taller than the suited hero. With teeth and a grin like that, accompanied with large white eyes and a white spider on the torso, it didn't take Luna long to recognize who the figure was.

The two spider-beings stood across from one another, taking in the other. Spider-Man, despite wearing a mask, appeared both cautious and yet delivered a heavy glare. A look at Venom caused Luna to do a double take, as if she wasn't sure of her first take. He had his usual grin, yes, but something about it was different. Both grin and eyes had a harsher edge to them, much more wicked than they usually were. Sure, they didn't look pretty to begin with, but Luna was still left feeling odd about it.

With the viscous grin of his, Venom taunted, "Surprised, Spider-Man? We came to see you as soon as we could!"

Spider-Man replied in a stern tone, "How did you even get here? You--"

"Did you really think anything would hold us from coming for you and killing you?"

"This is one spider that you're never gonna squash!" As Spider-Man finished, he quickly fired a white trail of webbing from his wrist, connecting it on the white spider on Venom's chest.

Before he could have done anything, the wicked webslinger gripped the web with both hands and forcefully jerked the suited hero off the ground, causing him to sail straight towards Venom. "Such low-grade webbing!" Venom shouted gleefully, bringing an arm back with its hand curling into a fist. Spider-Man, however, had no intentions to be curbed by that fist, so with preternatural reflexes and agility, he grabbed the web with his other hand, flipped himself forward, and delivered a hard kick to Venom's jaw that knocked his head up, sent teeth flying, and had him tumble and fall on his back.

Luna watched the whole thing in complete shock. It didn't take long to deduce that Eddie was experiencing another memory as a dream, but she still couldn't believe what she was seeing. When Eddie spoke of the Spider-Man in his tale, he didn't leave his input on him, but he sounded like they were sort of allies, albeit uneasy ones. Yet, there they both were, Venom having basically flat out said, "We're gonna kill you" and the two spider-beings entered and engaged brutal combat. Luna was aware that Venom had killed before, the victims having been the creatures from the Everfree and taking part in the death of the Xenophage, but she thought it was only limited to animals and those that threatened and have taken many lives, not another hero. She knew it wasn't right to view someone's memory as such without permission, but she found herself unable to leave as the fight continued.

While Venom was down, Spider-Man leaped in the air and landed on top of his foe before he brought a hard right swing into his face, knocking his head back. He punched him again with a left hook, and brought his right fist down again. That right fist, however, was caught by a larger black hand. Before he had time to counter, the arm holding the suited hero threw him off of its body, sending Spider-Man, unable to recover in time, hurtling straight into evenly set up of metal racks. Well, they were even, until his body violently crashed through them. He only stopped when a large crate abruptly halted his flight, again, leaving his suit scratched and scarred as he laid in the scattered bits of wood.

He grunted as he forced himself up again, only for a barrage of black tendrils to swarm around and consume his face. Venom stalked towards the struggling Spider-Man, the tendrils from his raised arm constricting around the hero's face. He was lifted off the ground, making muffled noises all the while. "Hhhmmllkkk!" He blindly waved his arms in a panicky way, until they found the tendrils gripping him like a person squeezing juice out of a lemon. He grabbed them and pulled with all his might to release him, but the invading tendrils proved to be much stronger.

Luna gasped in horror as she realized that the tendrils were covering both Spider-Man's mouth and nose, choking him. She wanted to turn away, to leave, to use a spell to stop the memory, anything at all to stop watching what was happening before her eyes; but, she was stuck there, her body not responding as a cold realization hit her: She was about to witness Eddie and the symbiote murder another hero, all the while wearing that wicked grin. Another dreadful thought came into mind... was that Eddie there the exact same as the one in Equestria? No. She dismissed that thought immediately. Eddie and the symbiote have done more than prove themselves as heroes and defenders of the innocents; she knew they were not evil. They had more lethal methods, yes, but defenders, nonetheless. She could only hope that there was a real good reason for Venom strangling Spider-Man.

The suited hero himself, muffling more, realized that yanking the tendrils off was as effective as pulling a face hugger off one's face. In a desperate last attempt to save himself, he flailed his arms around and shot strands of webs at whatever he could and tossed them around. When he felt a heavy object at the other end of one of his webs, he gripped the web line with both hands and swung with all his might in the general direction of Venom. The wicked webslinger's grin was wiped off his face when a large construction bar slammed into him, knocking him down and forcing him to relinquish his hold on the Spider-Man. The suited hero gasped for large amounts of air to enter his lungs as he landed on his knees. At the same time, Venom jumped back on his feet before looking back at his target. Spider-Man, too, regained composure and glared back at that most Wicked of Webslingers.

Before the two could brutalize each other, however... 'Bam!' The two webslingers spun their heads to the right to see what Luna presumed to have been Earth's police officers pouring in the large warehouse through some doors which they busted to get in. They all collectively and uniformly positioned themselves for what looked like ranged attacks, pulling out metal gadgets aimed right at the two spider-beings. "Alright!" Shouted one of the officers. "Hands where I can see 'em!"

"Hey!" Retorted Spider-Man defensively, while pointing with both hands to his foe. "He's the one who forced me into this, he's Venom!"

Venom slowly shook his head, not at the police or Spider-Man, but to himself. "We mustn't harm the police..." he muttered under his breath. Faster than the hero or cops could react, Venom leaped in the air, flipping himself so his hands and feet caught the roof. As the police opened fire on Venom, he scurried across the roof to the broken glass panel where he pulled himself up and out of. Spider-Man quickly shot a strand of web on the ceiling and yanked himself up, propelling towards the broken glass. Before he reached it, however, a black arm extended out like a battering ram, the fist in the end hammering the hero right in the face and sending him falling back down.

Too curious to where he would have gone next to have stayed in the warehouse, Luna spread her wings and took off with some apprehension. Due to everything playing out as the memory was, nobody had noticed Luna there the whole time. After shooting out of the broken window, she looked around and noticed she was in some large city like Manehattan or Fillydelphia. It didn't take her long to spot the large black figure swinging across streets, quickly putting distance from himself and the warehouse. Taking off after him, she started to pick up on a conversation he was having with himself. "... I know, I wanted to kill him there, too. But we couldn't risk harming an officer like that, or killing them. They are innocent, and innocence is a precious thing. After all... we were innocent once, before Spider-Man shattered our lives." With that, the wicked webslinger swung off and away.

The whole landscape started to waver, like water wavering when something is dropped in it. Then, the whole setting became darker, until all around it was pitch black, the city and figures within the memory no more. The only thing left in the dream was Princess Luna and Eddie Brock. The princess stood, taking in what she just saw, unaware of Eddie's presence. As for the buff man, he was on his back in simple black robes with a blank look on his face. He blinked multiple times and scrunched up his face once he realized that the memory he was reliving was just a dream. Realizing, again, that he was not in his bed, but in a familiar dark setting, he sat up and looked around himself for anything to confirm his suspicions. And it was confirmed when he spotted Luna off a few yards away, hoof brought up to her muzzle and staring into nothing with a preoccupied expression adorning her face.

He furrowed his brows, curious as to why the Princess of the Night appeared to have been heavily thinking. Any disorientation or puzzlement he might have had was vaporized in an instant as his eyes shot wide open with dread. Luna, he figured, had witnessed his memory of an older time, a time he wished to move away from. He was struck simultaneously with intense anger and concern. Both emotions tried to overpower the other, demanding for Brock to follow them. He was angry at the princess for observing him and his memory without his consent. She had done so before, yes, but those times were so she could speak to him, and even then, he was glad she came during his dream about Carnage torturing him. The memory he just came out of, however, was something personal, something she had no right to view.

He was also concerned about her, for what she saw and about what she was thinking. Still unsure of how to approach, he slowly stood on his legs and took even slower steps towards the princess. Echoes of the footsteps reached the princess, her ears swiveling towards the noise while she jerked her head up and put the hoof she had back on the ground. Her heart thumped harder in her as she saw Brock approach her, seemingly weary as well. One look on his face told her that he knew what she saw, and that he, too, was unsure of what to do.

Luna began a small, nervous trot towards Eddie, thinking of what to say to, hopefully, diffuse the awkwardness. Both human and pony were silent, even as they were right in front of each other. Luna kept diverting her eyes from his while Eddie stared at her, but wasn't really focused on her. Eddie was still unsure whether to be mad at her or try to explain the memory a bit so she wouldn't feel worried. The silence didn't last long, as Luna was the first to speak up, bringing her eyes to meet Eddie's. "I... I'm sorry, Eddie. I shouldn't have watched your memory, it wasn't my place." She looked away, trying to think of the correct words to use. She looked back at him when she brought along the first words that came to mind. "It's just... I sensed you were having a peculiar dream, so I came to check up on you. When I came in... I just... I couldn't stop watching." She looked to the ground and shook her head in shame. She then looked back at Eddie's undecipherable face with a more calm, straightened position.

She stood there, patiently, also wearily, awaiting a response. Luna's apology worked, for the anger within Eddie began to recede into a much smaller state, only feeling some agitation for what she did. His muscles loosened as he sighed, dipping his head as he felt more eased. He looked back at her with a softer face than he had before with, "Thanks, Luna. I know you didn't mean to. Just... next time, be more careful about it."

Luna exhaled, removing almost all the anxiousness in herself as she brought a small smile on her muzzle while looking at Eddie. He, too, brought a small smile to his face as well, a sign of no hard feelings. The peace did not last long, as the smile on Luna's face melted, along with the peace that was in the dream. She spoke in a worried tone, "Eddie, I know it is not my place to ask, but... well, that memory...." She stopped as she tried to bring forth a better question or explanation, but none came as fast as she had wanted.

It was not required, however, as Eddie knew what she meant. He frowned, not at her, but at what he knew he'd have to explain. He sighed again, stressed at the situation, before he began, "I know what you mean, Luna. You deserve to know some of it, at least." Luna listened with rapt attention, as Eddie rolled his hand around, his face contorted into a determining expression, thinking of where to start. "A long time ago, me and my other felt... wronged by that guy, Spider-Man. He did wrong each of us in some ways, but not nearly as much as we had originally believed." He scratched his forehead while looking away, continuing. "If it wasn't obvious already, that took place during the time we thought he heavily wronged us." He looked back at Luna, wearing an explanatory face to assure there were no questions about his memory. "Also, during that time, we were... having thoughts and ideas we believed to be good and right. Some were, but most weren't."

Luna was beginning to understand, but, to the unwillingness of Eddie, she still had questions. "I think I see," She answered truthfully. "But if this Spider-Man is indeed a hero, why would you two still want to kill him, even if he wronged you?"

"Well," he started, not wanting to delve much further into the topic, but continued regardless, "we also thought he was a threat to innocents. And before you ask, he's not."

Luna nodded in understanding. She was of course curious and interested in his past, but she knew it wasn't her place to find out about it. Only if Eddie told her willingly would it be fine to her. She sighed, also stressed, for she knew that she would make Eddie more uncomfortable, but had to ask with uneasiness, "Eddie," she began, looking back to his face. "I trust you... and I can count on the symbiote to behave--sometimes-- but I need to know... Would you two kill somepony if you felt they'd done wrong to you in any way?"

Eddie's face hardened, not from anger or madness, but from conviction. "Luna, any doubts you have are going to be put to rest now. Now and before, me and my other had good intentions." His brows knitted together, speaking with an absolute and resolved edge, "But I swear to you, that Venom," he swung his arm across the dream, where the memory of said Venom was. "And the Venom in Equestria are two different things. The one now is not naive or crazy like the old one, because both halves of him have improved themselves and their morals. The worst one of your ponies would receive if they tried anything against us would be a beat down."

Luna looked at him, impressed by his conviction, before smiling up at him. "Thank you, Eddie, that's all I needed to hear."

The buff man smiled, too, before his face scrunched in thought. He looked around his dream, left and right. "Speaking of halves, where's the symbiote?"

To his confusion, the princess chuckled, speaking through giggles. "Well..."

The symbiote knew that Pinkie meant well, it really did. She wanted to throw a celebration for it and Eddie, after all. But the symbiote was beginning to understand something called annoyance, and frustration was becoming apparent. For the whole time they were there, the pink pony would either keep spewing out questions it thought were redundant, occasionally getting off topic and rambling on about something that the alien either didn't understand or care for, especially about something called a "Gummy." Then, she insisted on playing odd games, like "20-million Questions" and such. Right there and then, for instance, she insisted that the Klyntar should join her for a sing-along, her standing while it was still sitting in the beanbag.

"Come on, your turn!" Shouted the ever optimistic Pinkie.

"Can't sing, Pinkie Pie." Responded the dull alien.

"But you'll never know 'till you try!"

"I intend to keep it that way."

"Party pooper."

"Why are you doing this?"

The sudden question caught Pinkie, causing her to tilt her head curiously. "What do you mean?"

"This. All this. Questions for a party, yes, but why? Why throw a party? Telling me about your daily routines? Insisting to play these games?"

To the bewilderment of the symbiote, Pinkie unexpectedly erupted with loud, mirthful laughter, as if the symbiote had said something hilarious, which to her, might have been. The symbiote frowned at the display, something Pinkie caught as she began stifling her laughter. Taking a breath, Pinkie looked at the annoyed alien with an apologetic look, speaking in a tone that matched it, "Sorry about that, I wasn't laughing at you. It's just that your question was funny!"

One of the Klyntar's eyes arced upward in questioning. "How?"

"Because, you silly, gooey alien," Pinkie began as if what she were saying was obvious. "It's clear to anypony that I'm trying to be your friend!"


"Yeah! And I think I'm doing a pretty good job so far!"

The symbiote stared at her in complete disbelief, as if she was a lunatic. The thought of such a thing was odd, weird, and likely couldn't happen. That mainly was because in the symbiote's life, it perhaps had a few, if at all, organisms it could refer to as "Friend." Allies, yes, but not many it could consider a friend. It had hosts it was fond of, the only two it could think with fondness being Eddie Brock and Flash Thompson. But it did not consider those two just friends, to it, they were something more. A form of symbiotic relationship that could be described and experienced only by a host or Klyntar, hence why such a thing is sacred to the Klyntar race. Outside of hosts, the symbiote barely had any interactions with others. It certainly wasn't friends with others of its kind; they all practically hated one another, such as was deemed by Klyntar tradition.

In that time, Discord was the only recent one that the symbiote had a liking to. It did not mind Pinkie, even if she could get a bit obnoxious, at times, but a friendship wouldn't work. How would it communicate with her? Only Discord and Luna had the ability to communicate with it via telepathic means. And the symbiote wouldn't just up and leave Eddie to join Pinkie. What would they even do anyways? It was clear that the symbiote wasn't quite fond of her special games. It did not bring the alien joy, but it would have to let the pink party pony down. It shook its head with, "Can't be friends, Pinkie."

"What?" Pinkie asked, innocently. "Sure we could! Why wouldn't we be able to?"

"Can't communicate with you outside dreams. Wouldn't know what to do. Don't have much experience with this, either." Technically, it could take physical form outside of its host's body while still being bonded to them, thus being able to communicate, but still, the symbiote saw no point.

Pinkie merely blew a raspberry at those excuses, further troubling the alien. "Maybe not when I'm awake, but in here and asleep, I'm free! You are capable to come here after all, aren't you?" She asked rhetorically.

"Yes..." The symbiote had a bad feeling that it was about to be subdued by Pinkie's logic... again.

"And in here, we could do whatever we want! It doesn't have to be games, we could even just talk and tell stories!"

Trying in one last attempt to win the argument, the symbiote brought up, "Wouldn't make a good friend. Don't know what to do."


"Hosts are different. It's something more than a friendship, completely symbiotic." It leaned up from the bean bag it was occupying in, ready to end the dispute. "We are too different, as well."

Pinkie snorted, never losing her smile, retaliating with, "No friends, eh? Then what would you call Discord?" She saw the alien's eyes twist and curve, thinking it was surprise, so she continued with, "I saw him near Fluttershy's, we had a quick chat, and oh boy, it sounds like you two sure bonded. Heh, see what I did there? Because, you know, you bond with things."

The symbiote didn't laugh or chuckle, just stared at her. "... Terrible."

Pinkie rolled her eyes before speaking again, "You probably didn't get it. Anyways, what would you call Discord, then? You two hit it off from the sound of things."

The symbiote's facade began to crack, as it tried to form a plausible answer. "We're strong allies with same interests..." Pinkie rose an eyebrow with an inquisitive expression, forcing the symbiote to continue. "We both like to fool Luna...?" Even the symbiote was unsure of itself, and Pinkie's curious stare was not helping. It frantically sat up with one last attempt. "Meat! Gave me meat! Can't refuse such a thing!"

"So..." Pinkie leaned towards the faltered alien, a small smirk growing on her muzzle. "Would you say you trust Discord?"

"... I do."

"And, even though you just met him today, would you say you're feeling happy when around him?"

The Klyntar's determination to win the battle, or what amount of it it had, was breaking down bit by bit. "He did provoke positive feelings, yes."

"Hmmm..." Pinkie leaned even closer until her face was only a few inches away from the defeated symbiote's. "... sounds to me like he's a friend alright." Pinkie giggled at the symbiote's defeated expression, as it eased back into the beanbag chair. "I might not know what it's like actually being bonded to another all the time or what sort of relationship it is, but I'm willing to bet it has a lot of the basic elements that make up friendship." She eased back a bit, looking at the alien with a patient face. "But another thing about it is compromising. It's all your choice, but maybe if you visited here sometimes, we could find something that we both would enjoy!" The alien didn't know what it was feeling when Pinkie looked at it with pleading eyes, her smile gone. "I know it might not be easy for you, but do you think you could try? Please?"

The Klyntar's first idea was to tell her no, but something didn't let it. Something within itself, the alien realized. It paused, Pinkie waiting patiently, as it realized that another odd emotion was making itself known. It finally admitted it itself, Discord was a friend. He brought positive feelings, including happiness, but a different kind. The Klyntar felt happiness before, but most of the times it was dark, twisted, and malevolent. Such as the times it and Eddie killed those who harmed the innocents in their early days as a Lethal Protector.

The happiness that Discord caused, however, was not that. It was lighter, cooler, a more calm version. It had felt it before sometimes, usually with its two preferred hosts, but rarely from someone who wasn't its host. And then there was Pinkie who, even though the symbiote displayed clear censure towards the idea at first, still wanted to be friends. She wasn't looking to use it for her own or cause harm to it or Eddie, but seemed to legitimately want to be friends. She wanted to know more about it, what it likes, where it came from, all for the sake of friendship.

The idea that she actually seemed to care for the symbiote and wanted to have fun with it brought up that same, odd emotion. There was that light happiness again, mixed with eagerness and excitement. It came to a total surprise as the symbiote realized: it, too, wanted to give the friendship a try.

But that didn't make sense. Its thoughts contradicted from its emotions; yet, thinking back on it, Pinkie hadn't been too bad. Sure, she insisted on doing things that the alien didn't consider fun. Yes, she asked a bunch of questions it thought were pointless at the time. Thinking back, again, it realized with slight shock that those questions she asked, she asked because she wanted to make it happy as if it was a friend of hers. Perhaps, it thought, she thought they already were.

Another feeling came, one that didn't feel good on itself. There was Pinkie Pie, trying her hardest to be friends, and yet the symbiote barely acknowledged her efforts, let alone returned them. Damn, there it was again: guilt. Pinkie said they could still have fun like any regular friends, and she seemed like someone one would call extra friendly. The symbiote didn't know if it could work or not, but it saw no consequence for at least trying. Besides, Pinkie was going all out, why not it? Also, these friendships weren't bad at all, the symbiote thought.

Finally, it opened its mouth, speaking with content, "I would like to try, Pinkie."

No sooner than did it finish did the pink party pony leap in the air, shouting "Yeah, alright!" Rushing up to the symbiote, she dove at its chest and wrapped her forehooves around the startled alien's torso, leaning her head against it.

The symbiote looked down in confusion, unsure of what Pinkie was doing. Was it something relating to friendship? If so, it had no idea what to do, so it voiced its thoughts, "Pinkie, what are you doing?"

"Hugging you, silly! Now you have to return it!"

The symbiote brought its arms to up to its face, looking at them, then back at Pinkie in confusion. It has seen people hug before, but has never done one before, and didn't quite know what it meant among others. So it slowly and hesitantly brought its arms behind the mare and awkwardly wrapped them around her back, locking her in its arms. "Like this?"


As they sat there, the symbiote allowed a smile to shine on its face. Luna's plan ultimately failed, for the Klyntar realized from Pinkie that Discord was its friend, and that she might also become a friend. If everything went well, it thought of thanking her, possibly.

After it would have kicked Luna's flank for ditching it, of course.

Author's Note:

Hey guys, there's that chapter! I don't really have much to say, other than the usual: What'd you think? What do you think will happen next? Please, your comments motivate me to get on the keyboard and I enjoy reading them!