• Published 14th Sep 2017
  • 9,700 Views, 285 Comments

Venomous Uprising - Paco-El-Taco

Venom, Ultimate Nemesis to Spider-Man, the Lethal Protector, one of the many great anti-heroes, are doing their job as usual. Getting stuck in Equestria, however, definitely was not what they expected.

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Update: NOT CANCELLED, please read

Author's Note:

Hello everybody. I know it has certainly been some time, nearly two years since the last chapter was posted. You might have forgotten all about Venomous Uprising since then, and now that you're reading this, you're probably wondering where the next chapter has been and what this update means. Well, that's what I want to talk to you all about. This story, this passion project of mine, to put it bluntly, has really gone down the gutter. Let me explain.

I think I mentioned this in the first chapter, "A Poisonous Battle", that this is my first story I wrote. I, like many other authors on their first project, was very eager to begin. If you were here since the beginning, you might recall how frequently I updated chapters, about once every other week, which was more than what I was pumping out during the later portion of the story. I was able to keep this up because I knew what the first "arc", I suppose it should be called, was in detail: Venom winding up in Equestria, (duh), and slowly progressing their way to Canterlot, all the while facing trouble on the way. People enjoyed it and I had fun, as any author should with these stories. After that, things got tricky.

I had a vague idea of what the ending would look like and my beginning was set, but I hadn't a single thought of what to put in between. So, I forced myself to write to produce better ideas. In other words, I was shitting my way through the story, and I think a lot of people caught on. Some things seemed like good ideas at first, but then I realize, "wait, what does that have anything to do with the actual story? Where is this heading? What purpose does it serve?" Questions like that. It got to the point where I scarcely uploaded because I didn't have fun anymore, but I kept at it because of those of you who liked this and want to see it to the end. Plus, I know I'm not the only one to get irritated to find a good fic cancelled or on permanent hiatus so many times.

I did this too much to a point where I essentially wrote myself into a corner. That's not the only issue, though. I've reread some parts and recall some others... just to remember how cringey some of what I wrote was. Not just those awkward moments, but OOC bits from some characters, pointless filler, an antagonist who I think was pretty smart at first but just became dumb for plot convenience, (don't you just hate it when that happens?)
A lot of other things bothered me that I'm sure many of you noticed through your reading.

I'm able to catch onto a lot of my mistakes from this story now because, even though I've been absent from this, I've been learning and practicing writing in other areas, and not to sound arrogant, but I've gotten a lot better in general. Not just with grammar, but how the writing relates to the actual story and many other things. And although it might've taken a bit to improve, you guys are the ones who gave me the push I needed.

To those of you who liked this story, thank you for your encouraging comments. They are the things I always look forward to the most when publishing a new chapter, and gave me more encouragement to keep going. You reminded me of my strengths and told me why you liked, or even loved this story.

To those of you who offered criticism, no matter how soft or harsh, thanks for calling me out on my shit. I'll admit, it was hard at first reading criticism, not because of an ego or anything like that, but because it was a truth about how much I was still lacking in overall quality. You took the time of day to tell me what I was doing wrong instead of ignoring it. I read them and sincerely took them in, and because of you my writing began to improve; perhaps not in this story but later on with my writing in general it sure did.

You all are the best, truly, you are.

Now, I know how this update may sound like it will end, but incase you didn't notice the all-caps title of this one, this story will not be gone, and I mean that in two ways. As I said earlier, I wrote myself into a corner, and pushing on would only further dampen this story, so instead I will start afresh. I won't make the same mistake I did the first time by starting too early with no clear plan in mind. I'll at least have the reboot thought out a few ways before beginning it. With a plan and greater skills than before, I'm confident that this reboot will be much better than its original counterpart. I can say this already: don't expect it to be the same story as this one; in fact when it starts, you'll probably notice some major differences right off the bat. I'm sorry if that disappoints you because you liked the original story and where it was heading, but trust me, the thoughts I have now already trump the mess that would have been.

Secondly, this story will continue to remain, even when the new one starts. This if my first ever fic, and despite its flaws and it being a reminder of my poor skills when I started, I love it and all the fun memories I had with it. It is a testament of a rough beginning, yes, but a beginning nonetheless. For those who enjoyed this, reread to you heart's content.

Now, that being said, just a few more little things I want to tell you. Firstly, I don't know when I'll start the new Venom story as I'm currently working on another project elsewhere, (I can't multitask multiple stories like some other people can) and will have to plan the story. So, if you are interested in reading it when it does release, keep this story in your "tracking" group if you haven't already. I will release a final update with a link to the new story when it does come out.

If you have any questions, I can answer to the best of my ability. In the meantime, I'm gonna try and survive this apocalypse we're all in. Again, thank you all for taking your time to read my story, comment your opinions, and checking on this update even after so long. Take care out there and try not to become infected, lest you want to see if Covid-19 will transform into a zombie virus.

All in the notes below:

Comments ( 6 )

I’ll be waiting. Keep up the good work :pinkiehappy:

Never forgot this story and look forward to the new take

Dude... I feel you, when I first came to this site, my first story didn't end as well - from the reader's response - but my planning on it was quite the opposite of your story. I originally planned mine from beginning to end, heck I even planned when to release chapters, sure it was difficult but from that one story, I made two additional side-stories and a sequel - which I need to get back on later.

I think the hardest part being a writer is finding that balance of inspiration and story-teller and it can be rare to get those moments, but when you do, let's say you can do some amazing things when just writing one large chapter or several smaller ones. My advice is that if you feel that something needs to change or improve, take your time and see things from another angle. I think what makes a good story isn't how its portrayed through one view, or how there is several perspectives, but how to meld them together that it works.

Usually these days, I don't have a lot of planning for majority of my stories, but when I do, I try to work on the world-building, whether it be simple like the background of one character, or as big as history of a organization or nation. Now I know its important to plan out how you want your story to go, but when you do, you want a clear image or at least a good starting point to bounce off; I usually write new chapters, by writing down a summary of the main/important points occurring within that chapter, and write down and add any additional details in, check for mistakes, reread, check again for mistakes, and publish.

While I don't consider myself a editor as I still need to improve my own writing, I hope you fare well with this story and future projects. Take care, and hope your rewrite goes well.

Well this is a shame but I understand the reasoning.
Perhaps it's time for a reboot eh? Or something like that.
Just keep focus and you'll be fine.

Hey author, do you know if non sentient Symbiotes (Anti-Venom) can give birth or can they not? I did some research on the thing but couldn't find anything.

Pffff I'm a huge Venom fan and this is awesome dude, I dont know if you did it in porpuse but your story could even fit between an actual story arc from the latest Venom volume.

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