• Published 14th Sep 2017
  • 9,702 Views, 285 Comments

Venomous Uprising - Paco-El-Taco

Venom, Ultimate Nemesis to Spider-Man, the Lethal Protector, one of the many great anti-heroes, are doing their job as usual. Getting stuck in Equestria, however, definitely was not what they expected.

  • ...

Chapter 12: Nightmare Fuel

The night's darkness had cast its grand shadow over Equestria, as well as Luna's moon shining high in the sky. Most, if not all the ponies had gone inside for dinner, relaxation, or to call it a night. At Twilight's palace, she and Spike were having dinner with their guest, Eddie Brock. "So," Spike continued even as he jammed his face full of salad, "There was a robbery or something earlier?"

Eddie nodded as he took another bite of the salad. Twilight answered with a slight tone of displeasure, "Unfortunately, yes." Her attitude changed to a lighter one with, "But we, along with Rainbow Dash stopped them. The stolen items were returned, the bad ponies were imprisoned, and the owners were very thankful!" She finished with a smile almost like Pinkie's.

Spike shoved down the last bits of his supper down his throat before speaking, "Well, glad that everything turned out all good." He turned his head to Eddie with a smirk, "But you probably deal with stuff like that a lot, I bet?"

Eddie scoffed and looked at the drake as if he asked him if he could lift. "Are you kidding? Dealing with petty thieves is a much welcome break when compared to what usually happens back on Earth."

"Oh yeah," Spike brought a claw to his chin as he reasoned, "You probably face a lot of super villains, but that's gotta be fun!"

Eddie scoffed yet again as he finished up his salad. "You deal with that kind of stuff all the time, you won't be thinking that."

Spike opened his mouth and raised a claw in the air to offer a rebuttal, but sagged when he couldn't find any in his mind. "Yeah, okay, good point."

Eddie stood up as he took his bowl in hands, "Enjoy your days off, kid. You never know where life will throw you the next moment."

Twilight levitated Eddie's empty dish out of his hands, as well as hers and Spike's. "Oh, you mean like getting thrown into a completely different dimension where you're the only one of your kind there?" She asked with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.

The buff man lightly raised a finger at her point with an, "Exactly."

Spike hopped out of his seat as he collected the dishes from Twilight and went to wash them. When he left, Eddie released a yawn from his lips. Twilight looked up at him with a smile, "Tired?"

Eddie began to stride down the hall to his room as he looked back at the princess, "Like I said, Twilight. You never know where life might throw you next, so I'm taking advantage of times like these. Goodnight, and thanks again for the tour of Ponyville, it's a nice little town."

Twilight waved her hoof with, "It was no trouble at all. Have a good night rest, Eddie."

He waved back as he continued on, and eventually came to his room in the palace. The symbiote uncovered its guise as simple clothes and withdrew into Eddie. He went into the bathroom it had, and did all the nightly procedures everyone should do before they head to bed; the toothbrushes meant for ponies worked just fine for human teeth as well. When he was done, he briefly discussed with his other half, "Tonight, when I sleep, you know what you should do?"

'Install an even bigger lock on your door?' It spoke with tints of excitement.

Eddie sighed and shook his head as he crawled under the covers of his bed. "No. I was actually going to suggest you let Princess Luna in if she does come this time, she might've came for something last time, all right?"


Eddie nodded as he shut his eyes, and began to embrace the sweet sensation of sleep. Soon thereafter, Eddie would dream.

It was around midnight, and everypony had gone asleep by that time, with the exception of a few late-night workers.
Everything in Ponyville and around was in dead silence under Luna's night. It was the perfect time to strike.

It had waited a day to observe the odd creature, for it had never seen anything so strong, so bizarre, so spectacular, so powerful.

The creature would make a great asset to help achieve its goal.

It had waited for night, as it would be the perfect conditions to dominate the beast. Nopony up and around, not even the pathetic Princess of Friendship or her purple gecko would be able to listen, nor help.

It could have dominated any creature, such as the ones from the Everfree, and it required a bit of skill for sapient ones, but they were definitely more effective. So when the odd creature came in Canterlot and showed what it was capable of, it had to have the creature. Though the chances weren't likely, in case Luna were to have come to Ponyville as it was in the process of making the creature its servant, it spread many things of nightmare fuel into the dreams of many around, as a sure way to buy it all the time it needed and even more.

It had waited enough, and it began to slink through the doors of the palace. It went along without a sound, as if it were a shadow itself. It slowly moved down the hall, the one with the creature residing in one of the rooms. There, it spotted a door cracked open unlike the others along the corridor. With no noise having been emitted, it opened the door and came in to see the odd creature sleeping soundly in a bed. It approached with eagerness, ready to have the beast as its own.

It fascinated it, really. A beast with two skins, two sides, two different things. All the more reason to have it.

As it came up to the bed, it began blooming a small amount of smoke. The small trail of smoke curved in the air, and carefully made gentle movements as it began digging into the creature's ear, slowly making its way to the brain.

The creature flinched slightly, but stayed asleep all the same.

It had completed the first step of the plan, the next step of it was to commence.


The day had been an excellent one so far. The Daily Globe was bustling with papers, papers that were not only printed a few hours before, but was the number one selling paper at the time. Employees all over the floor, the whole building for that matter, were scrambling around with the papers in hand with special tasks. Whether it was to deliver them, sell them, or display them, all those papers had a purpose.

Every worker was exhausted because of all the work, but there was one man who wasn't tired or stressed like the others. No, instead that man was almost the opposite: excited, happy, and overdosed with joy. During that moment, that man was on top of the world. He was wearing a blue suit and tie as per dress code at his little cubicle of the floor, staring at the screen of the Daily Globe website that was displaying how many copies of the papers were being sold. The reason that man was so overjoyed?

He was the one responsible for the article on the papers.

The journalist had been at that very case for a long time, but it was well worth it to him. It first came to note to him when a serial killer, the Sin-Eater, made himself known. Sure, he was no mutant, freak of nature, or some crazed scientist with a death machine, but the Sin-Eater had been very erratic with his killing spree, and was a growing threat to New York. The journalist supposed that that's what drew him to the case in the first case. He always loved to report a good story, the "big scoop", but there was another reason he did what he did.

All the rotten criminals could be caught by superheroes, sure. But exposing them to the public, to the whole world? Not only would the police be on them faster than they could react, but the public would do everything in their power as well to shut them down. Superheroes were great at stopping threats, but exposing them would completely eradicate the threat.

So when the Sin-Eater became more popular, the journalist kept him in mind in case he ever found a way to expose him. He wasn't his primary concern during his first appearance, however. No, it was the fact that, no matter how hard he tried to not be depressed or remind himself, he had been diagnosed with adrenal cancer. The doctor was brutally honest with him and told him he had about six through nine months left to live, and would take a miracle to cure it. So, he had spent the remainder of his time with his wife and trying to find that "big scoop" before he went down.

One day, he received a letter by a man who claimed to be the Sin-Eater. The letter said that he killed Detective Jean Dewolff, and to call him at a pay booth. The journalist was confused, and didn't know if he should have believed it or not; until reports came in of a dead Dewolff. He complied and contacted the man who claimed to be the infamous Sin-Eater. The man told him his name was Gregg, and that he was the one responsible for all the murders, and more. At first, the journalist didn't believe him. But Gregg told him details and patterns he had done with the murders that the journalist himself made connections to. When he asked him why he was telling him this, Gregg told him that he wanted his story to be told, his half of the story to be known.

The journalist was hesitant, but after convincing and persuasion, he gave in.

A couple days after that, the journalist released an article making sense of the Sin-Eater, and the whole time the writing was alluding to who the killer was, but not confirming at all. Those papers sold well, and soon afterwards, his boss, police, and father demanded that they tell reveal who the Sin-Eater was.

The journalist complied, he wanted the public to know after all. He didn't understand why the Sin-Eater wanted to be turned in, but perhaps it was for forgiveness. The journalist was Christian, after all.

The paper that was selling so much that time was the one about the Sin-Eater, and revealing who he was. The man was so proud of himself, to him it was his last greatest achievement before he would move on to a better place. He himself looked at a copy of the paper with a proud smile, staring at the name of the man who wrote it.

Eddie Brock.

The number of copies being sold was only growing, and the people of couldn't stop eating it up. He even planned to take his beloved wife out on dinner for celebration.

His daydreaming was interrupted when a co-worker broke him out of his trance by informing, "Hey, Brock, the boss wants to see you." Eddie blinked a couple of times before looking to his co-worker, who he noted had a tint of worry on his face. Eddie passed it off as he thanked the man and began the trek to his boss' office. He had various thoughts of what his boss could have called him for. Was it to congratulate him? To thank him? Give him a raise? Whatever it was, Eddie thought it would only be great news. On his way, he couldn't help but notice one worker out of the corner of his eye staring at him with sympathy. When Brock asked him if he was alright, the man sighed and shook his head, telling him it was all right. Eddie usually would've drove further to see what was up, but he had a place to be.

When he reached his boss' office, he took a breath for preparation while wearing a calm and collected expression, and knocked on the door. "Come in." Was the firm reply he received. He briefly wondered why his boss sounded that way, but thought he usually sounded like that anyway. He obeyed and came into his office, where there was his boss, a bald man with some brown hair growing on the sides along with side burns, glasses, a suit, a mustache, and a look of disappointment on his face.

Eddie began to become concerned, but that was not enough to shake his happiness in him. He took a seat, and his boss began the conversation. "Do you know why I called you here, Brock?"

Eddie was still excited, but controlled himself and spoke in a professional manner, "No, sir."

His boss shifted a computer monitor on his desk to face Eddie. He leaned in as saw Emil Gregg being arrested by the police at some rural district. "It's your source, Emil Gregg, he got arrested for trying to assassinate J. Jonah Jameson early in the morning."

Eddie thought he knew what his boss was going for, and stood up as he said, "I'll go to the courthouse to talk to him, I'm the only person he'll talk to--"

He was cut off by his boss with a stern, "Shut up, Eddie. Let me show you someone else. Tell me, does this man look familiar to you?"

Eddie wasn't understanding why his boss seemed so have a calm anger within him, but it was starting to make him nervous. The picture on the screen changed at a click of the mouse from his boss, to show him a picture that made him confused, appalled, worried, and even afraid.

There were two pictures on the screen. On the left half was the Sin-Eater in his outfit. A tan overcoat, brown jeans, and work shoes, with his iconic lime-green mask with angled slits for the eyes to see through. The picture on the right held the image of the Sin-Eater unmasked; there was just one thing that Eddie's mind couldn't wrap around.

That man wasn't Emil Gregg.

Eddie's mind began racing back in forth as to what he thought it could mean. He was getting the idea of what that meant, but he didn't want it to be true. "No... who--"

Eddie's denying mumbling was interrupted as his boss filled him in on crucial information. "That is Detective Stan Carter, he worked with Jean Dewolff. Spider-Man caught him just an hour ago trying to break into Jameson's vacation home."

Eddie's heart was beating rapidly, and showed no signs of stopping. That couldn't be true, he tried to tell himself. He tried to tell himself that was some cruel joke his boss was pulling. He tried to think he somehow heard and saw wrong at the same. He tried so hard to tell himself that his last great achievement was false, that he would pass away as a failure. It didn't help him that his boss continued the onslaught of words shredding his soul to pieces, bit by bit.

"Your source? He was the delusional neighbor to Stan Carter, police suspect he must've found out who he was, but wanted to pretend to be him for some reason." Eddie took one last desperate attempt to somehow mentally survive the barrage of soul crushing news, but his boss would not give. "He's the real Sin-Eater, Eddie. Your guy was just some copycat."

Eddie opened his mouth to say something, anything, to save him at all. How could that have happened? It wasn't supposed to be that way. His mind searched and raced as fast as his heart was, but found nothing to save him. His boss was silent only for a moment with his heavy frown and knitted brows, until he spoke only a few words that took part in destroying Eddie Brock.

"Clear out your desk, Brock. You're fired."

When Brock exited the office, his former co-workers saw he had a look of complete apathy on his face, but his face betrayed what he was really feeling at that moment: Anger, sadness, bitterness, depression, all the dim emotions like those. Some of his former co-workers who knew wanted to apologize to him, to tell him how sorry they were that that had to happen to him, to comfort him in his time of life that was already depressing. None of them found it in themselves to be able to do it, for Eddie just didn't want to be reminded of his failure at something he was best at. As we was begrudgingly packing his office without the optimism he had only minutes before, he heard a chuckle.

It wasn't usually an off sound in that floor, but something about it was odd. It came from everywhere at once, and bounced off all the walls and cubicles. He looked up from his task and rotated his head this way and that, but couldn't find the source. He returned to his task with a sad sigh. Only a few seconds later, a chuckle resonated again within the floor. The irritated ex-journalist got up and looked around with a glare, ready to give whoever was emitting the obnoxious laughter a piece of his mind, until he caught something at the windows.

He looked with squinted eyes, as he thought he saw that day had suddenly turned to night. He was about to question the odd occurrence, until upon further inspection, he saw not the night with the moon shining high in the sky, but a sea of black smoke of some kind, completely drowning out the sun's light. His eyes widened when the smoke unexpectedly rushed the windows and broke through them with a loud 'krtash!', the pieces of glass spraying all over the floor. Eddie would have shouted to a person in the office on what the hell that was, but a spin of his head revealed that everyone in the floor suddenly up and disappeared.

Brock slowly backed away from the smog, eyes wide, unblinking, and never having left the oddity before him. To his surprise and fear, another chuckle resonated from within the black cloud before him. Adding on to the scale, a voice hit Brock's ears from the smoke. "Well, well, well. Eddie Brock, is it? An odd name, but I won't mind." The voice was male for sure, but was almost vibrating, making the smoke sound that much more intimidating than it already was.

Brock managed to stutter out as he took more steps back, "W-what are you...?"

The smoke chuckled once more as it began creeping towards Brock, "That is a good question, but it won't matter. Soon, you shall refer to me as your master." As the entity finished, twelve, thin, wisps of smoke shot out right for the startled Eddie. Before he could so much as yelp, each wisp wrapped itself around either an ankle or a wrist, and slammed him into the furthest wall. He screwed his eyes and grunted in pain from the impact, and opened his eyes to see the dark cloud feet from his face, stalking towards him.

It chuckled again as it spoke to him again, "You are indeed an interesting one, and by this dream you had, I take it you're not from Equestria." Brock tried to push against the strands of smoke holding him, but to no avail, and was forced to listen. "That must be terrible, being on top of the world one moment, only to stumble to rock bottom."

Eddie continued to resist the smoke strands holding him as he shouted, "What do you want!?!"

The smoke gave off another chuckle that Eddie was quickly growing to hate, as he said, "What do I want? I want you." Eddie took a pause from resisting and stared at the black cloud with confusion and trepidation. "What you did in Canterlot was remarkable, I had never seen anything as great as you, and I just knew I had to have you to serve me. You will be a great help to me." Another wisp of smoke wavered out of the dark cloud, and stalked towards Eddie's face. Eddie watched the approaching wisp with nervousness, and thrashed against the smoke harder than before, but only gained the same results as before. The strand of smoke hovered down to his neck, and crawled along his skin up his face as the smoke spoke once again, "The princesses are pathetic rulers. Celestia was always too soft, which is why she always has to get help from her subjects to do her job of keeping Equestria controlled. Luna had committed great treason because the big baby was upset that everypony sleeps at night. Those are just two reasons of many," Brock looked from the corner of his eye as the wisp on his face quickly approached his ear. "But with you, I can get rid of those two miserable 'rulers' easily. Things will be how they once were, and you will be my ultimate weapon."

Eddie grunted as the wisp drove into his ear, and started to move about. Thoughts entered his head, thoughts of loyally serving the entity before him, to do his every command, obey every order, and take out the princesses, whoever they were. The process of domination was interrupted by a surprised, startled, and furious voice. "What the!?!"

The wisps and the movement of the smoke stopped, as the smoke asked to himself, "What? How are the memories still active?" Eddie managed to twist his head to the right to see something that made his jaw drop. A scrawny, black, humanoid thing with an enormous white spider etched onto its torso and back, and a furious expression on its face.

It pointed a claw out and shouted aggressively, "You're not the pony princess!"

The smoke retaliated, "And who the tartarus are you?" He received his answer in the form of the symbiote's enlarged fist slamming into the smoke, driving it off of Eddie, and slamming it through many cubicles, until it smashed into a wall. Eddie fell against the wall as he began panting, and looked at the symbiote. Suddenly, he remembered everything, and how the event he was experiencing happened long ago. As the realization struck him, he sighed and rubbed a hand against his forehead, muttering, "Fucking dreams..."

The symbiote looked over to Brock, arms still raised in a fighting posture, and asked with it still having had an aggressive expression, "Eddie, all right? What happened? That's not pony princess!"

Eddie stood up as he dusted himself off, "Yeah, yeah. Everything was okay until that thing showed up."

Eddie went to stand by the symbiote's side as they prepared to fight the smoke, "And it's definitely not Princess Luna."

They stood ready as the smog released a roar of rage into the room. "You dare attack me!?! You are but speck to me!"

As he finished, the smoke started to divide into smaller forms, those forms dividing, and so on. The process stopped until there were about a dozen or so smoke figures that took a humanoid shape, with sharp claws raised right at them, prepared for battle.

The symbiote looked to Brock with, "Can you fight them?"

Brock nodded while replying, "I wasn't as fit as when I was at the Daily Bugle, but now that I'm back to normal..." Indeed, Brock's usual muscle mass had returned to him after remembering the events and realizing he was experiencing a dream.

The smoke figures rushed them with silent roars, claws outstretched, half at the symbiote, half to Eddie. When three of the shadowy figures ganged up on the symbiote, stretched its jaw to proportions most would have thought impossible, and brought it down on three of the unfortunate shadowy figures. While it was chewing on them, Eddie picked up a pair of scissors from a nearby table by the blades, threw it like a throwing knife, and hit one of the figures square in the head, causing it to dissipate into smaller strands of smoke that slithered in many directions. Eddie rushed ahead and grabbed a stool as he charged a rushing shadow figure. It leaped with outstretched claws, but Eddie batted it out of track with the stool as it smashed into many pieces against it. The figure landed below the symbiote, where the symbiote shoved its claws through the shadow's face, and forced it to dissipate into wisps that retreated to the corners of the dream.

Another smoke being rushed for Brock, who was wielding a broken leg of the stool in one hand with the broken and sharp part pointed outward. Eddie did the same and charged towards the smoke being that was outstretching its claws. As the shadowy figure was about to pounce the man, Eddie's speed suddenly doubled as he rammed the figure with his shoulder, effectively shoulder checking it. It was sailing with a silent yelp before it busted a table with its own impact. Before it could get up, Eddie rushed over and brought the leg of the stool down into its torso, causing it to silently scream before vanishing into wisps of smoke.

Unknown to Eddie, a shadowy figure had silently crept behind, and prepared to bring down the buff man with a finishing slash. Unfortunately for it, its plan was foiled when it heard a snarl, and turned its head only to be tackled down by the symbiote. Eddie heard, and turned around to see the symbiote slashing into the thing's face with its superior claws, causing it to join its brethren as wisps. Another one tried to impale the symbiote from behind, but without turning its head, it conjured up a black spike that sprouted from its back, and impaled the smoke being perfectly through the head. It stood with a scowl as it grabbed the last shadowy figure with one clawed hand before lifting it in the air, and impaled it through its torso with the other clawed hand.

Eddie and his other half looked around the wrecked floor for any other shadowy beings or smoke figures, but were relieved when none were found. Eddie huffed with a frown as he spoke, "I think we showed that idiot- whoever he or it was- not to screw with my mind."

The symbiote grinned and bobbed its head up and down with an excited, "Stupid dream invaders, how much will we have to teach them until learned?" It looked to Eddie with narrowed eyes. "Told you bigger lock was a good idea."

Before Eddie could counter, a pitiless chuckle resonated through the floor, causing Eddie's eyes to widen and the symbiote to adopt a scowl with all its teeth visible. "Pathetic..." As it finished, strands of smoke shot out of everywhere at once, and shot down to the ground. When they hit, shadowy figures spawned, the only difference being there were much more than before. A lot more. Eddie and the symbiote looked around themselves as the whole floor was being filled with foes of smoke, preparing themselves for another fight. "It's such a shame. You would have been a great warrior, but it appears that this thing ruined that. Oh, well. I can still get the job done, and with you out of the way, it'll be that much easier. Good bye, Eddie Brock and... you."

Without warning, all the shadowy figures leaped, rushed, and charged towards the vastly outnumbered duo.

"Shit!" Was the last thing Eddie shouted before he and the symbiote were tackled down by a mass of smoke people.

Eddie thought that claws would impale them, or that teeth would sink into him, but before that happened, he and the symbiote managed to see through the cracks a bright, white, light. "Leave this dream at once!" Was what they heard, before the light intensified, and appeared to burn the smoke beings in agony, until they were nothing. Eddie had covered his eyes, and the symbiote stood up to see what had happened with a confused expression.

It heard the same voice as before, but startled, "What!?! You!?! It couldn't have been that long!"

The symbiote looked around, until its eyes fell upon the one who saved them. Its jaw slackened when it saw Princess Luna, looking around the floor with a glare, and steam coming from her horn. The symbiote almost smiled from relief. Almost. "Can't believe I'm saying this, but... glad you're here!"

Luna, still having searched the dream for the one who invaded Eddie's dream, responded with a slightly surprised, "Wow, never thought I'd hear that from you."

"Don't get used to it. One time thing."

When Eddie cleared the light from his eyes, he too saw the Princess of the Night, and nodded his head in appreciation. "Thanks for the backup, princess."

Before Luna could have replied, the trio spun their heads to the sound of something akin to steam hissing, and saw the same black cloud as from before. Luna's eyes widened as she recognized it as the same black cloud from Canterlot. Her eyes narrowed and she took a step forward as she demanded, "You! Who are you, why are you here, and what were trying to do back at Canterlot?"

To her frustration, the smoke was silent for a moment, until it promised, "This is not the end." Suddenly, the black cloud itself formed the door to Eddie's dream, and rushed out within the span of two second, though Luna managed to land a shot on the black cloud. She tried chasing after it, but the door vanished as soon as it closed.

Luna grunted then sighed, irked that the entity had gotten away. Eddie approached the princess as he asked, "Princess, who or what was that thing?"

She sighed as she brought a hoof to her forehead before replying, "I wish I knew, but whoever it was, was definitely responsible for all that has recently happened in Canterlot." The symbiote joined them while staring at the spot where the smog disappeared with a growl. "However," Brock and the symbiote looked at her puzzled as she spoke with more optimism, "before it left, I hit it with a tracking spell. It's not permanent, but I can pin the location of wherever it may be at. Meaning, my sister and I, along with the Elements can bring the fight to it." She finished with a look of determination.

An irked symbiote piped up, "What about us? It attacked us, we should get to squash it!"

Eddie spoke after him, "I agree, we can help you guys with this."

Luna shook her head and refused, "While I appreciate the gesture, I can't allow it. You have already done enough, and you won't be needed." Eddie and the symbiote wanted to protest, but reluctantly agreed; one with a cross of its arms, the other with a nod of his head. Luna sighed as she looked to Eddie once more. "I would've been here sooner had I known, that and all the other dreams in Ponyville were plagued with nightmares. I apologize for not arriving soon enough."

Eddie shook his head with, "There's no need. None of us knew this was going to happen."

The symbiote spoke up, "Which is why I wanted a bigger lock on door."

Eddie ignored his other's thought while Luna rolled her eyes. The door to Eddie's dream reappeared soon, and Luna strolled over to it. She opened it before looking back at the duo with a, "Though your dreams may not have been pleasant tonight, I wish you a good night's rest." And with that, the Princess of the Night left Eddie's dream.

The man at the computer scrolled through various images on his screen, until his head dropped with a sigh. He turned around to look up to the man who, despite wearing a mask, had a clear expression of worry on his face. The man shook his head and spoke dimly, "We've been at it for days, but there's still no sign of an Edward Charles Allen Brock."

"Nothing at all?" Asked the masked hero above him.

"No, and neither have they." The man waved his arm across the room to various other people at computers, who were trying to find Eddie through any means. "S.H.I.E.L.D is looking for Eddie as well. Actually, they've always had eyes out when they heard that Flash no longer had the Venom symbiote." He sighed and continued, "S.H.I.E.L.D couldn't find him, police couldn't, bounty hunters didn't have much luck as well, and we certainly have no clue where he is at."

The masked hero sighed as he looked down at the papers on the desk. Venom's disappearance had caused quite a ruckus, and many agencies went looking for him, though it was probably so they knew he was in prison or locked up. The man at the desk spoke up again, "I'm sorry we couldn't do much, Spider-Man."

The Amazing Spider-Man shook his head and replied, "You all did what you could. If Eddie's nowhere to be found, then..." The man dipped his head, both in concern and respect for a man who might not have made it. Spider-Man sadly thought to himself, and perhaps to Eddie, 'It doesn't sound good for you, Brock. I still don't trust you or exactly like you, but I know you were really trying to make a change. So, if you really are gone... then may you find peace and happiness in a better place.'

The silence was cut when a man opened a door to the computer lab, looking around. When his eye's fell on Spider-Man, he held a phone out with one hand. "Spider-Man? It's for you. It's S.H.I.E.L.D."

Spider-Man strode forward as his quip-attitude returned, and said, "Someone wants to talk to little ol' me, huh?" He thanked the man as he took the phone from him.

"Hello? Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man speaking, you wanted to talk to me?"

The voice at the other end was male, fast, and straight to the point. "I came to talk to you. Something popped up relating to Venom."

Spider-Man's tone switched to a serious one as he asked, "Did you find him?"

"No," Spider-Man's hopes nearly deflated, but the man continued, "But it has to do with the teleportation device that sent him somewhere."

"What about it?"

"I don't know how smart you are, so I'm going to dumb it down. When something teleports via that device, it leaves an energy trail we can track."

Spider-Man's hopes were reignited, as he spoke with that hope, "And you're finding him with it?"

"Well, that's the thing. The trail vanished... from this plain..."

Spider-Man had a heavy feeling in his gut, he had a pretty good idea what the man was on about.

"So... what does that mean?"

"Well, we're still tracking it down through many ways. It's slow, but working." The man on the other end chuckled, "Scientists here have a pretty good theory of where Venom went." He snickered as he said, "Tell me, Spidey, have you ever traveled through different dimensions before?"

The eyes on Spider-Man's mask widened in correspondence with his actual eyes, as he could only say, "Aw, crap."

Author's Note:

Another one done!