• Published 14th Sep 2017
  • 9,701 Views, 285 Comments

Venomous Uprising - Paco-El-Taco

Venom, Ultimate Nemesis to Spider-Man, the Lethal Protector, one of the many great anti-heroes, are doing their job as usual. Getting stuck in Equestria, however, definitely was not what they expected.

  • ...

Chapter 3: Hello Manehattan

As Eddie trudged along, he began to wonder if other mythical creatures could exist here. It was, after all, full of magic apparently, and while Eddie didn't have a lot of experience with magic, he knew it could do a lot. The symbiote, having seen much before, told Eddie what to possibly expect. 'No matter what, always remain calm. Unless they try anything, it is important to remain calm.' Eddie nodded in agreement, keeping an eye out for anyting that might be indigenous and intelligent. As they neared, they began to notice more of those colorful ponies coming their way. They thought that perhaps the locals would be around, so the symbiote advised to try to see what the locals are like before confronting them. Eddie quickly ducked under some brush, and waited to the mysterious locals that had to have been near these quadrupeds.

It was another group, perhaps a dozen of them, but no signs of any other species around. While Eddie was still searching from the cover of the brush, the symbiote noticed something odd about these ponies. 'Eddie! Look, look at the horses. They are different.' Eddie fixed his focus on the group of ponies. At first, he did not see anything so special, other than the odd coloring and marks at their rears. But then, he noticed some of them were just with four legs, while others had wings, and others horns. Now that Eddie thought of it, perhaps the others earlier had some too.

Eddie thought to himself and the symbiote in puzzlement, 'Are those... unicorns and pegasi?' Eddie's brow knitted in confusion, wondering how many other bizarre creatures could be here, when he and the symbiote both heard something unexpected; talking, from the ponies.

"Business has been rather nice, lately," spoke an old stallion, "I think I may take the day off tomorrow." Eddie's eyes grew in surprise, as he was listening to confirm if these ponies actually talked.

"Oh yeah, its that season where ponies can't just get enough, I tell ya'."

The symbiote broke out of its silent state and stated the obvious, 'Eddie, these are the locals.' Eddie, after the initial shock passed, assumed this shouldn't have been that big of a surprise, as that griffin earlier spoke English, and was clearly sapient. Eddie's breath then caught, as he realized something.

"Those ponies from the forest... they saw us."

'They saw us, but not you.' Eddie sighed in frustration, as this would certainly make matters more complicated. He thought that those ponies likely went to a town, or at least away from them, and told others about what they saw. Listening to his thoughts, the symbiote pointed out, 'Depending how well their story, if they told, was taken, these ponies out here could have heard. We should go ahead undetected to find out.' Eddie figured this was the best plan for now, as to see if the locals knew about them or not. So when the group of ponies passed, the symbiote consumed Eddie in the same dark ooze, turning them into Venom. Venom made a quick dash for a small building, before jumping to it and leaping to the side of a skyscraper. While it was rather noisy, Venom made sure to be quite while crawling up the side of the massive building.

They both assumed that the winged ponies could fly, so they checked the sky and roof before coming on top of it. The symbiote questioned, 'Where would we find a source of knowledge where none of these ponies would be around?' Eddie knew the answer to that one rather easily, and went to the edge to look around the city. Venom saw ponies doing various things, just like that of a human. Chatting with one another, the small ones running and playing, some trying to sell their products, and other things in an average city. Eventually, Venom spotted the intended location, and so with silent leaps across rooftops, Venom crawled down a red brick wall into an alley. No ponies where in here, and Venom stayed in the shadows. The symbiote was curious why they went here, and asked, 'Why in an alley, Eddie?'

"Because," Venom webbed some newspapers, crumbled, ripped, and some in decent condition, "People, like the ponies here, throw 'yesterday's' news away, and alleys are always full of trash."

'Ah, genius, Eddie!' Though they were convinced they were well hidden, they used one of their more stealth-based powers, camouflage. If a pony were to peer into the alley, they would only see some trash, a dumpster, and bricks; if they peered into the shadowy end, they would only see a brick wall, and they wouldn't know that a beast was blending in with that wall. So, convinced that they were hidden enough, Venom started to read the papers. 'Hopefully we will find our next clue in here.'

"Indeed, we shall read on, see what these ponies are like."

Rainbow Dash was soaring high in the sky, searching below her like a spot light. No matter how thorough she was, she could not find a human or a horrendous black beast. She was above the edge of the Everfree, already way ahead of the squad sent to search this side. Sure, the two could be in the forest, but all the trees are too thick to see anything, and she would rather not go inside. And so with sharp eyes she kept on look out, hoping to see anything to relieve her from the torture that is boredom.

Her thoughts varied on these two, one who practically scared the crap out of a group of ponies, the other talked about among the princesses and by the guards, (the princesses decided it best to keep the information of a human in Equestria secret for the time being, as to not stir the ponies). The cyan pegasus didn't exactly trust this beast despite Twilight's reasoning. While she wouldn't attack it on the spot if she came across it, she would make it known that she would beat it to the ground if it tried anything. As for the human, Twilight told her about them, and they seemed pretty nice. She would remain cautious still, but she would trust this human more that the beast.

After a while of flying, the pegasus decided to take a quick break, and came to rest upon a cloud, letting her heart rate slow down. She was only there for a couple of seconds, until a gruff voice gasped, and spoke in excitement, "First a human, now the Element of Loyalty? My pals are definitely not gonna believe me on this." Rainbow Dash looked down to see a griffin staring up at her, and despite having never met this griffin, soaked in the pride like a sponge in a bath.

She grinned, and said cockily, "Yep! The one and only! Rainbow Da-- wait! Did you say human!?!" She quickly flew down to the griffin, and stared waiting for an answer.

"Well... I doubt you're gonna believe me, but I saw a human! We just stared at each other for a bit, before he asked me where a city was!" Rainbow quickly grabbed his shoulders with both hooves, and spoke hysterically at speeds that could rival even Pinkie's speech, "Where!?! Where did he go!?! This is really important!" The griffin slowly grabbed both hooves and lifted them off himself, while replying, "I'm pretty sure he's heading toward Manehattan, not too far now, actually."

"Thanks mister!" Rainbow Dash was about to take off to Manehattan, but stopped as her mind was in conflict. Should she go now to get the human and possibly black beast, or go back to get the guards and her friends. While option one would be faster, she would be alone in case these two proved to be hostile, whereas option two would give her lots of back up, but the human and creature could have moved on by then. Suddenly, her face lit up with an idea. "Hey! How fast are you, pal?"

"Pretty fast, why?" Rainbow then hovered in front of him to eye-level, and spoke with conviction, "I need you to do me a favor." The griffin was flabbergasted, surprised that an Element of Harmony required him to do a task.

"What is it?"

"I need you to fly to Ponyville as fast as you can! Get Princess Twilight and tell her what you told me! Tell her I sent you! This is really important!" The griffin smiled and nodded, happy to do three odd things in one day.

"You got it!" And like that, the griffin took off like a rocket to the direction of Ponyville, intent on telling Twilight Sparkle the news. Rainbow, on the other hand, looked off into the direction of Manehattan, arched her back, and shot of across the sky. She was determined to find these two, the human at least, and would make it to the city as fast as she could.

She thought to herself, 'I don't know who you are or what the other thing is, but one way or another, you're coming with me.'

Both Eddie Brock and the symbiote absorbed some useful information in the time they were reading. Through some ads and small stories, they found out this land was called Equestria, which Eddie scoffed at. They also found out that this world had princesses. How many was unknown, but at least they knew that the government was a monarch. An old atlas revealed some other big places, such as Fillydelphia, Ponyville, and others Eddie shook his head at for the odd names. But what stood out the most, was the capital, Canterlot. They now had a location to go, for surely the rulers would reside there, but they did not know which direction. Then again, they recalled that griffin telling them that the rulers were in the opposite direction which they went, so perhaps that was where it was at.

'Now we have a place to go, but we should determine if we should make ourselves known sooner or later.'

"Revealing ourselves sooner could help ease the population for when we confront the leaders..."

'While waiting could avoid any possible trouble at exposing ourselves.' Venom threw the papers in his clawed hands away, eyes narrowed while thinking on what to do; they had time to do it after all. Suddenly, they heard a loud explosion, followed by screaming. Venom's eyes grew in surprise, and looked to see the ponies out the alley were running away from something. "What's happening?"

'We should get to the roof, see what is going on.' So Venom scaled the red-bricked wall, until he made it to the roof. When he got to the edge, his eyes widened again. Below across the street, there was a gaping hole on the front of a bank, with ponies in odd suits coming in and out; in with empty sacks, out with golden coins, likely the currency, filled to the top. These ponies had on grey, steel-like armor covering their chests, backs, and ankles. The faces were covered with grill-masks, making them unable to tell who they were. They had spears, as well as maces with spikes adorned all around. The most noticeable pony, was a slightly larger stallion, gimped in what looked like retro-space gear. He had a smooth, navy-blue suit, with lights around the collar, though the function wasn't clear. He had a helmet with a black visor, unknown like his comrades. The largest detail, however, was a large turret on the back, that fired thick blue beams that exploded on impact.

The stallion fired a shot at the street, scaring off the ponies even more, while shouting in joy, "If you want to be unharmed, I suggest you flee!" He then followed with another shot to the fleeing ponies. Venom was shocked at first, then angry.

The symbiote shouted angrily in Brock's head, 'Thieves! No good thieves!' Venom narrowed his eyes, and prepared to go, before the symbiote spoke up again. 'While I would normally agree with this choice of action, we would be exposed as fighting ponies, even if they are being thieves.' Eddie hated to admit it, but the symbiote was right. They debated what to do, until they noticed white ponies, mostly stallions, adorned in gleaming golden armor, swarming from both sides of the street.

Venom's face lit up, as he said, "Ah! This must be like the police! The noble guardians, I suppose we are not needed to intervene." The guards held firm glares as they charged the thieves, spears raised, into combat with them. At first, the guards were pushing them back, due to their superior training. But the large blue pony laughed, and fired off other blue shots, but these ones looked like blue lightning bolts, and struck two guards as it electrocuted them. The two were sizzled, and merely fainted from the experience and pain.

The blue pony started to make derisive comments towards the guards, "Come on! At least make this a fight!" With the numbers of the guards dropping, the thieves started to push them back and beat more of them. Venom grew concerned at this show, seeing the noble guards going down. Eddie and the symbiote were still trying to decide what would be the best course of action.

'I want to help them, but what will this do to us? Besides, I think more guards are coming.'

"Perhaps, but..." That thought was stopped as Venom saw something that caught his breath. While the civilians deserted the streets, a small one, a foal it was called, watched from afar. It was a colt, dull grey coat, smooth red mane and tail, and no mark. He was watching with sorrow as the guards were being overwhelmed. But his attention was on one guard in particular, one who was pushed to the ground by one of the thieves. The colt suddenly dashed towards him, with tears stinging his eyes.

Venom was shocked, but before he could do anything, any future questions were answered when the little colt shouted, "Dad!" The guard took his gaze off the thief, as the thief did as well, and saw the approaching colt.

While the thief was confused, the guard's face took one of fear, and shouted, "North Star! What are you doing!?!" The colt came a few yards from his father, before a thief blocked his path with a spear leveled at the colt's throat. The guard was distraught, still pinned to the ground, and shouted, "Go back to your mother!" The colt backpedalled, the thief seemingly letting him go, before he bumped into a blue hoof.

The colt spun around and looked up to see the gaze of the pony who wrought so much destruction in a short span, as he stared back through the blank gaze of his helmet. The blue pony then looked at the father, then back at the colt, and chuckled. He suddenly grabbed the colt by the back of the neck, and hollered to the other guards fighting, "Look here! Put down your weapons, or the little one gets it! I know how much they love to squeal!" The guards weren't paying much attention, until they heard the little colt's scream. They turned and saw a hostage in the grip of a mad-pony. Fear was evident in their eyes, for they could not risk the life of an innocent, especially that of a foal, and realized that this was a battle they had to forfeit. So with a few grunts, sighs, and other gestures of annoyance, they dropped their spears. The blue pony saw this, and laughed more. The thieves still had their weapons trained on the guards, ready to strike at any sudden move.

The father, however, shouted with rage evident in his voice, "Let him go! He didn't do anything to any of you!"

The blue pony glanced at him, and replied, "A rebellious type, eh? I like your style. But, it appears that because of your fit, the son will have to pay for the sins of the father." The colt went wide-eyed, and squirmed for all he was worth. The father tried to charge him, but three thieves held him back, as the blue pony charged up his laser-weapon. He shouted with glee, "Does anypony else dare challenge me!?! Who would!?!" The father's world was crushed, he could not bear to see his son harmed like so, or worse.... The colt was now leaking tears, afraid for his life. The guards watched with rage, fear, and sorrow, where the thieves watched with their gazes blocked by the grill-masking.

That may have been the end, but before the blue pony could fire, a black, thick, string-like wire, shot on his face. Before he had time to question what this was, he was launched off his hooves, into a large black fist, that sent him rocketing into the wall of the bank. The guards gasped, the thieves were taken aback, but the father and son were great full. The ponies looked to the moaning pony, slowly to what did this. What the saw made some of the thieves rapidly pace backwards, gasp, or even scream. The guards went wide-eyed, their breath caught in their throats. The blue pony shook himself out of the wall he was sent into, growled, and looked up, shouting with rage, "Who did this!?! Who wants to tangle!?!" When the blue pony eventually spotted what did this to him, he went completely silent, with a chill down his spine.

One of the thieves broke out of their flabbergasted state, and screamed, "M-monster!" Before galloping off.

The black creature known as Venom took a step forward, with narrowed eyes, mouth curled into an un-amused position, spoke with anger clear in his voice, "We do." The simple words caused more gasps to arouse, ponies of both factions slowly backing up, and some thieves galloping off, where one even fainted. The blue pony was to stunned anything, and was forced to listen. "As for who we are?" Venom took another step forward. "We are Venom."

Venom brought an arm up, and shot a black web string at the blue pony, pulling the pony towards himself. Venom caught him with his other hand around the chest, as his glare bore into the pony's. "You would dare harm an innocent like that? Including these noble guardians who protect them? We will put an end to this." Venom chucked the pony into a crowd of thieves. They all screamed before they were knocked down by the blue projectile. Cracks and dents were blatant across the pony's suit. He quickly regained his senses after his initial shock, and growled. He looked at the other thieves, and shouted, "Well!?! Kill the thing already!"

A rather brave thief nodded, and threw the spear straight towards Venom's chest. Venom merely sighed, and back-handed the spear in flight, shattering it. The guards stared in awe, fear, curiosity, and uncertainty, while the thieves took multiple steps back. A group of three decided to charge the living nightmare at once, maces swinging overhead. Venom just stood there and waited for the strikes. The three jumped at once, and landed three consecutive strikes on the white spider on the beast's chest. They started laughing at first, thinking that they had mortally wounded the thing, but then they looked up at the creature, to see it was clearly unfazed. They then looked down at their maces, noticing they shattered completely. They gulped, and looked back up at Venom.

Venom taunted with, "Guns never worked anyways, what could maces do?" Before the three thieves could go anywhere, Venom shot webbing out of the back of his clawed hands, grouping them together. They grunted and struggled, but to no avail. Venom then grinned, eyes wide in eagerness, which greatly scared and worried the three thieves. He lifted them up, swung them around himself, before launching them at another three that tried to sneak along to buildings to ambush him, but quickly met their ends on that plan as they were clumped together. Venom shot more webbing to keep them their and stuck. "You should consider yourselves lucky, we used to do much worse to those like you."

The blue pony was getting more irritated and angered by the second, and shouted, "Enough of this! I shall end you myself!" He then released a hail of rapid-fire lasers, all aimed for Venom. As they hit, Venom couldn't help but laugh as he charged through the hail completely unharmed and unscathed.

"Ha! Your toys are very entertaining, mind if we show you ours?" The blue stallion didn't have enough time to dodge, as Venom rammed into him with is arm, bursting the front half of the suit completely, even breaking the helmet. Venom then gripped both hands around his throat, squeezing. "Not so tough without your special toy, huh? We wonder what we should do with you." By this point, all the thieves scrammed, and the guards got on their hooves, keeping a distance from the Lethal Protector.

The symbiote spoke within, 'We should simply web him up. Any more and it might label us as "bad" among these ponies.' Eddie agreed with this, but to put emphasis on their hatred to those who seek harm among innocent, Venom punched the blue pony square in the face just hard enough to knock him out. Venom then webbed him to the side of the bank, and thought what to do next.

The guards were still shocked on what just happened, but one spoke just loud enough, "Wh... what are you?"

Venom turned to him, which caused some to back up, and replied with that same grin, "Like I said, we are Venom." The guards were too busy having their eyes glued to Venom to notice the little colt slowly approaching him. Venom noticed and looked down, "Is there anything you need? Do you acquire assistance, or have suffered any wounds?"

The colt looked up shyly, and mumbled a barely audible, "Thank you for saving me and the guards, Mr. Venom"

Venom shone another smile, "No need to thank us, no innocent should have to suffer like that."

The father spoke up, "Uh... North Star... perhaps you should leave...Venom...be." He tried to make the hint more obvious to his son. As Venom thought how to go about this, they all heard a brash, female voice from above. "Hey! Leave those ponies alone!" They all looked up to see a cyan pegasus with a rainbow mane, and a hard glare, hovering in the sky. While Eddie and the symbiote had no idea who this was, the guards immediately recognized her as the Element of Loyalty, Rainbow Dash. Venom rose an eye (like a normal person raising an eye brow) in confusion. "What do you mean? We assisted them."

Rainbow Dash, having just got here, only saw the beast, with guards unequipped with their spears, and it looking down at the colt. Perhaps if she did some reasoning, or saw how the webbed up ponies were thieves, instead of thinking they were civilians, she would have known that this creature saved the guards. However, she wasn't really known for any much thinking or reasoning, so what she saw at first, and what it looked like, she thought it was so. She quickly zoomed into the face of the beast. Seeing the large, razor sharp teeth, the long tongue dripping what she assumed was something toxic, and those odd curved eyes made her not-so-confident, but she would not let fear hold her down. "Yeah, sure! Now that I know what you really do, I can pummel you into the ground!" She finished by pounding her fore hooves together.

Rainbow was mentally preparing for what may be one of, if not, the greatest battle she would be in with this creature, and how she could defeat it. While she was doing that, Venom stared dumbfounded.

The symbiote spoke, 'It should be expected that some civilians would not trust an interloper, her behavior is to be expected. But as far as we know, she is still innocent, lets try not to humiliate her too hard.'

Rainbow grew impatient, and with a huff, charged the thing's chest. As she made impact, she withdrew from the pain in her hooves. "Ow, ow, ow, ow!" After shaking her hooves, she noticed that the creature was not even fazed by her attacks, and knitted her brows in anger. "Oh, so you think you're all though, huh? I'll sh--" she was interrupted as a small patch of black webbing shot from Venom and covered her mouth. She tried to speak and shout, but the webbing refused. She was too distracted by this to avoid another web shot, this one attaching her left hind leg to the ground. Her face grew red in anger, and she used her front hooves to try and pry the black webbing off, only for those hooves to get stuck too.

Venom turned and left, while calling, "Don't worry, those webbings will dissolve in an hour or two, just have to be patient." The guards merely watched the whole ordeal with dropped jaws, the colt giggling on how an Element of Harmony was getting humiliated so easily. "We would help you guards with the fleeing thieves, but we have somewhere to go." By this time, some locals came to check on the battle, and had the same reactions as the guards and thieves upon seeing Venom. Venom brought his left arm up, and shot a web-line to a tall building, and yanked himself upwards, swinging and webbing across buildings.

The guards stared to where the creature that called itself Venom left, wondering if they should be doing something. One spoke, "What was that?"

"Apparently something known as Venom."

One simply glared at that direction and spoke with some irk, "I don't trust the hero act its putting on." Some nodded in agreement, while another spoke.

"Well, it did save us, the colt, and defeated some pony-villain." The rest nodded in agreement to that one, while the former asked in almost mock-tone, "So what, we just got saved by a super hero? Grow up."

"Well, we were attacked by a villain, that was super to the rest, making him a super villain, so..." The former simply groaned and shook his head. The others went to help Rainbow out, but the father was on a different opinion. He didn't know who or what that was, but it saved his son, and defeated a big threat to them swiftly and easily. He didn't know what the thing's motives were, but he had one thought, "It.. he... is good in my book."

Eddie was lying in a train cart, specifically one where luggage was stored. After some swinging as Venom, they both noticed the train leaving towards the general direction of Canterlot, and thought it best to hitch a ride, undetected, of course. Eddie was getting tired, so he made a make-shift bed from the luggage, and closed his eyes. As he was drifting to the world of dreams, he snorted as he remembered where this train was going along the way.


Author's Note:

Hey guys! What did you think? What do you think is going to happen next chapter? Please, I enjoy reading your comments.