• Published 19th Jul 2012
  • 2,244 Views, 39 Comments

Imitation - FlashFoward

Spike tries to get the perfect gift for Octavia

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“Spike, I got something for you!” Pinkie was nearly knocking the library door off its hinges.

“Pinkie, you almost kicked the door down.” Spike gestured to the nearly ripped of hinges once he opened the door.

“That’s not important right now. I got an invitation for you and Twilight!” Pinkie handed over two frilly invitations to Spike.

“What’s the occasion?” Spike eyed the invitations with curiosity.

“The occasion is a birthday party!” Pinkie replied like it was the most obvious thing.

“Whose birthday is it?” Spike asked.

“You’re kidding, right?” Pinkie immediately gave Spike an unusual serious stare.

“Nope, I’m not.” Spike shrugged.

“Never asked Octavia when was her birthday, did you?” Pinkie asked slyly.

“Not really.” Spike stirred anxiously on the spot. “So the party is for her?”

“No, it’s for Celestia. Of course it’s for her!” Pinkie teased.

“When is it? I don’t want a rerun of Note Theater.” Spike frowned at the thought of being late for his own girlfriend’s birthday.

“Don’t worry, I thought of that. You got three days to get set for the party.” Pinkie informed.

“Three days? It should work fine.” Spike mumbled.

“So, you got any ideas for a present?” Pinkie began bouncing around Spike like a spring again.

“You think I don’t know what I should get for my girlfriend?” Spike asked a little defensively.

“No idea then?” Pinkie asked, giggling a little at Spike’s defensive reply.

“Ugh, pretty much.” Spike confessed.

“Well, you got three days to figure something out!” Pinkie bounced away, leaving a trail of giggles at her wake.

Spike grumbled a bit before closing the door to the library. No sooner had Spike turned around did Twilight take notice of the invitations.

“What did Pinkie give you?” Twilight took one of the invitations Spike offered her.

“Pinkie gave us invitations to Octavia’s birthday party, which takes place in three days.” Spike explained.

“The invitation says it’s at Sugercube Corner.” Twilight took note of a passage in the invitation.

“Twilight, got any ideas what I should get Octavia for her birthday?” Spike asked anxiously.

“Why not give her a book about classical music?” Twilight suggested.

“That sounds like something you would give her.” Spike replied dully.

“I guess you’re right.” Twilight shrugged and returned to reading some books.

“Well, I guess I should get looking then.” Spike walked by to the library front door.

“Looking for what?” Twilight called out from behind her book.

“I’ll be looking for the perfect present for Octavia of course!” Spike called out, before closing the door behind him.

“Good luck with that.” Twilight muttered.

Spike wandered around town aimlessly for some time. For a while Spike considered getting Octavia a necklace that he saw through a window at a jewelry store. Once he walked into the store though, he saw that Rarity was looking at the same exact necklace.

“Oh hello Spike!” Rarity waved at Spike.

“Hey Rarity, what brings you here?” Spike asked, looking at the necklace that Rarity started to inspect.

“Well, Pinkie gave me an invitation to Octavia’s birthday party.” There was a noticeable tone of distaste in her voice. “I wanted to say no, but I couldn’t resist attending a party. So, I am here to fetch Octavia a necklace, as a present. Heavens know, she needs it.”

Spike couldn’t believe his luck. Rarity beat him to the punch on this gift. Was it possible that Rarity would be willing to negotiate for the necklace? Nah, Spike wasn’t in the mood to become Rarity’s lackey.

“I’ll see you at the party, Rarity.” Spike tried his best to hide the tone of defeat in his voice as he left the store.

Jewelry was out of the question as a gift. Spike figured Fluttershy might have an interesting idea for a gift for Octavia. After all, she came to his aid with the bouquet of flowers for their first date together. It was a fairly long walk to Fluttershy’s cottage, but Spike felt the visit will yield success. Sweet Apple Acres appeared once Spike walked over a hill. Maybe Applejack would have an idea for a gift to Octavia? Having nothing to lose, Spike made a detour to Sweet Apple Acres.

Applejack could be seen bucking away at apple trees and Spike wondered if this was a good time to ask questions. It seemed that Applejack caught sight of him and quickly gestured Spike to come over. As Spike walked closer to Applejack, he noticed how many splinters were scattered around the lavish grass. Sheesh, imagine getting hit full in the face by one of her bucks. The very thought made Spike’s snout feel sore.

“Applejack, got some time to spare? I got a question to ask?” Spike asked while Applejack continued bucking away at an apple tree.

“Can’t say that I got the time, but if you help out maybe I’ll chit chat.” Applejack replied in-between bucks. Apples began to hit the ground by just her second buck. “You grab a basket and fill em up with apples, save me the time between running back on forth with two baskets of apples on my back.”

Spike grabbed a basket and set to work picking up the apples that Applejack would knock lose. This was no easy task since Applejack worked at a quick rate. She was able to buck two trees to his once basket, which was able to hold a tree’s worth of apples.

“Applejack, did Pinkie give you an invitation to Octavia’s birthday party?” Spike managed to ask, while trying to pick up an armful of apples.

“Pinkie sure did! I got Octavia’s present all picked out already.” Applejack replied, taking time to help Spike gather up any apples he left lying around.

“Great, mind giving me an idea on what to give Octavia?” Spike asked anxiously.

“Well I got Octavia a hat, so that’s probably not a good suggestion.” Applejack mused more to herself. “You play the piano, right?”

“Sure do.” Spike replied with a note a pride.

“Play her a song then Romeo!” Applejack suggested, as if it was the most obvious thing.

“That’s a good idea actually. Thanks Applejack!” Spike finally picked the last of the apple from the ground.

“No problem and thank you too Spike! With your help, my chores are done for the day.” Applejack took note of the pile of apple filled baskets.

“I should really get going to Fluttershy’s cottage. She can help me out with lyrics with the song.” Spike made his way back to the dirt road, Applejack tagged along though.

“Fluttershy usually ask me or Mac to bring her some apples for her animals to eat.” Applejack explained while harnessing a basket of apples on her back.

Spike didn’t mind Applejack’s company one bit. In fact, she was a great travelling buddy. Applejack would tell Spike about some cool facts about the founding of Ponyville and a little bit about her relatives. When she wasn’t indulging him in some facts, Applejack would try to make Spike race with he to Fluttershy’s cottage.

“Come on Spike, it’s going to take forever if we keep walking like this!” Applejack was looking at a snail, which was passing by them. “Oh that’s it.”

Applejack went full speed and galloped to Fluttershy’s cottage with surprising speed. Spike wondered how fast she could be without all the baskets on her back. Not wanting to be left behind, Spike ran after Applejack. By the time he caught up with her, Applejack was promptly knocking at the front door of Fluttershy’s cottage.

“Go figure, you made it.” Applejack teased, staring at the panting dragon in amusement.

“If you can’t tell, I don’t run often. I am made for keeping track of a library, not this.” Spike wheezed. Applejack just giggled at Spike’s discomfort and continued to knock away at the cottage door.