• Published 19th Jul 2012
  • 2,244 Views, 39 Comments

Imitation - FlashFoward

Spike tries to get the perfect gift for Octavia

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“Back so soon?” A changeling asked as Spike walked closer to the tree.

“There is a slight problem that has arisen.” Spike replied simply.

“What kind of problem?” The changeling asked in concern.

“The invasion might have to happen sooner.” Spike answered.

“Don’t be stupid.” The changeling hissed dangerously.

“I’m not. It’s either blow my cover too soon or have a diversion to get here.” Spike approached the changeling ever closer now. “Why should I be explaining myself to you? You’re nothing more than a scout.”

“You sure getting hot headed these days! Maybe somepony should put you in your place!” The changeling threatened.

“Quit acting like you have the potential to stop me.” Spike scoffed, rubbing off some dirt that was on his arm.

The changeling lunged at Spike in a fit of rage. All Spike had to do was simply side stepped to avoid the collision.

“As fun as that was, I have things to do.” Spike stomped on the changeling’s chest before entering the holes in the tree.

Spike found his way down to Chrysalis dwelling much quicker than last time. It didn’t take long for him to notice that she was wearing a crown that had the rainbow diamond as the center piece. Chrysalis didn’t take notice of Spike at first, until he faked a cough to grab her attention.

“What’s the problem?” Chrysalis demanded impatiently.

“The invasion might have to start sooner than expected, my Queen.” Spike muttered, giving a slight bow for a sign of respect.

“Why so?” Chrysalis continued to demand.

“Simply put, my cover might be blown at the middle of the party.” Spike replied.

“You fear of getting caught?” Chrysalis asked.

“No, being caught is not an issue to me. The problem is that, the Elements of Harmony might stop me before I make it here.
As you know, if I fail to make it there goes the power you could use to lead an attack.” Spike answered calmly.

“That might be a problem.” Chrysalis muttered more to herself than to Spike. “Fine, I’ll send a small attack unit to interrupt the party. They should make a nice enough diversion to allow you to come here without much problem.”

“That is an excellent idea, my Queen.” Spike gave another quick bow before leaving her room.

“Before you go my subject,” Chrysalis called out to Spike, who had his claw’s on the door knob. “I have been hearing unpleasant rumors of a rebellion as of late. Some of the rebels have been caught and been dealt with.” A loud tearing sound cut through the air. “I fear though, there might be more of them lurking about in the Hive. Do you know of any changelings trying to overthrow me?” Chrysalis eyes glowed green dangerously.

“I have no idea of such actions, my Queen. I have been putting my efforts into this plan to pay much attention to my brethren.” Spike replied dismissively.

“Off with you then. I shall await here tomorrow for your arrival.” Chrysalis shooed away Spike.

After taking another bow, Spike turned to leave Chrysalis room. Just as he closed the door behind him, two familiar changelings stood before him.

“Back so soon, Tony?” Wick teased, but wearing a friendly smile all the same.

“It’s nice to see you two again. Have any of you seen “Lawrence” lately?” Tony looked at his accomplices expectantly.

“Lawrence? Oh yeah, he’s been invited to that party you’re going to.” Wick explained.

“You don’t say? Excellent, he can help with the diversion.” Tony replied in mild surprise.

“Want us to go crash the party as well?” The changeling next to Wick asked with a sneaky smile creeping on his face.

“That would help. I need as much time to get from there to here.” Spike replied with an approving nod. “Don’t do anything to
extreme though.” Spike added quickly.

“Nah, don’t worry about it.” Wick replied happily.

“I’m not worried about you. Its Kemp here that might get out of hand.” Spike looked directly at the changeling next to Wick.

“You don’t have faith in me?” Kemp pouted.

“It’s not that, I just think you might get…carried away.” Spike replied, putting a delicate touch to his last words. “Anyway, I’ll see you guys then.” Spike departed from Kemp and Wick.

“I can’t believe the Queen is starting to crack down on rebels already. It’s like she knows this place is going into anarchy.” Kemp sighed greatly after Spike was long gone from their presence.

“It’s because she put all our resources into the wedding invasion. The situation was winner take all and we obviously were the losers.” Wick replied sadly.

“Let’s hope we don’t fail here either.” Kemp trotted away from Wick, leaving him alone with just his thoughts to consult with.
It was near the afternoon when Spike made his way out of Everfree Forest. Spike tried to walk slowly when going through the forest, to waste more time. Sadly, Spike had grown accustomed to the route to the tree back to town by now. Still, it was a decent time waster.

“Spikey Wikey, I been looking for you everywhere today!” A voice rang out.

Spike looked around and noticed a white unicorn mare galloping toward his direction. If memory served correctly, her name was Rarity. He had to admit, the mare looked rather beautiful when she wasn’t nagging.

“Wait, what?” Spike could only manage to say before Rarity dragged him.

“I have to tailor proper dress ware for you! At least you will look presentable next to that mare.” Rarity replied, scoffing slightly at the mention of the mare.

Spike could only wince in pain as a response while his faced rubbed against the dirt road that Rarity dragged him through.

“Mind slowing down, Rarity?” Spike muttered after getting a face full of rocks.

“Beauty doesn’t wait for anyone!”

“Of course it doesn’t” Spike muttered darkly.

Spike could only stand impatiently while Rarity made him try on a large assortment of silly clothes. True, it wasted time, but this wasn’t enjoyable in the slightest. Especially if she kept telling him stories of her making fabulous dresses, repeating the one about Princess Candace who knows how many times.

“No, feels too professional.” Rarity took off Spike’s suit and looked around in her shop for something else.

“Can’t I just go the way I’m right now? It’s not I’m attending a wedding.” Spike winced as Rarity nearly choked him while she
attached a cape around his neck.

“No, that’s unacceptable!” Rarity retorted angrily.

“Mind if we take a break though? I can barely breathe with this on!” Spike tried to pry off the cape with no success.

“Oh! I am sorry!” Rarity magically loosened the cape for Spike.

“That’s much better.” Spike took a deep breath of relief.

“Perhaps a bowtie is what you need! Spike, are you here?” Rarity searched around the boutique for any signs of a purple dragon. There was none.

“Fine, go to the party looking like a slob.” Rarity mused angrily.

There was one thing the bothered Rarity though. Spike's eyes flashed green when she was retelling a story to him about how lovely Candace's dress was at the wedding when they first came in. At that moment she dismissed it, thinking that the light was playing tricks on her eyes. She then remembered a surge of spite and hatred hit her as she looked at his glowing eyes. It was....unsettling.

“Thank Chrysalis that’s over with.” Spike gasped, rubbing his sore neck for relief.

Spike had taken refuge in the library again. Twilight Sparkle was nowhere to be seen, so this gave Spike a moment to take a breather. The party is tomorrow and boy did Spike look forward to it. Not only would it mark of a new era for him, it also meant he wouldn’t have to fake being a dragon for much longer. A mirror grabbed Spike’s attention his reflection was exactly what it should have been, a dragon. Still, Spike knew better. Behind that mask of the dragon was one of a changeling, his very own.

“The time for hiding will be long gone.” Spike muttered at his reflection.

There was a knock at the door and Spike quickly hid in his basket. Twilight came walking in and took notice to Spike in his basket.

“You sure are sleeping a lot these days.” Twilight looked down at her assistant rather sadly. She leaned down and gave him a soft kiss on the forehead before indulging herself in a book.

As she walked away, Spike opened his eyes. A green glow was slowly emitting out of his eyes before he closed them to go back to bed.