• Published 19th Jul 2012
  • 2,244 Views, 39 Comments

Imitation - FlashFoward

Spike tries to get the perfect gift for Octavia

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Applejack and Spike were debating whether or not to kick down Fluttershy’s door if she wouldn’t answer soon. Eventually, Fluttershy finally opened the door ever so slightly. Her face could barely be seen due to the little amount that she opened the door, it didn’t help that her mane covered a decent amount of her face already.

“Fluttershy, you have some time to talk?” Spike asked, trying to look into Fluttershy’s cottage.

“I, um, might be a little busy.” Fluttershy replied meekly.

Angel promptly walked outside to glare dangerously at Spike. Figures Angel would be a handful. Not often you get to see a pet with that kind of attitude and influence over the owner, but Spike would bet a cave full of gems that Angel wasn’t just your average bunny either.

“You’re in luck Angel, brought some apples with me today.” Applejack handed over an apple to Angel, who feasted on the apple as soon as he touched it.

“Show some manners Angel.” Fluttershy said, trying her best to be assertive.

Angel replied by sticking out his tongue at her and jumped into one of the apple baskets Applejack settled to the ground. Apple cores were flying from the basket as Angel ate to his heart’s content.

“I thought bunnies ate carrots.” Spike asked. Angel threw an apple at Spike, hitting him right in the nose.

“My apples are top of the line. Not even Angel can resist them!” Applejack replied, taking obvious pride in her apples.

“Well, I guess now that Angel is eating I have some time to spare.” Fluttershy gestured Spike and Applejack to enter to her

“Fluttershy you’re a really good singer, so would you mind if you can help me write a song?” Spike asked meekly in a way
that could have rivaled Fluttershy’s.

“Oh, I am not that great.” Fluttershy became a bit flustered by the compliment; she nearly dropped the tray of tea that she was bringing to Applejack and Spike.

“She’s being too modest. Anyway, are you going to help out Spike?” Applejack started to nudge teasingly at Fluttershy’s shoulder.

“Sure, mind helping out Applejack? I could use all the help I can get.”

It was Applejack’s turn to think of a witty excuse. But none came. “Fine, I don’t have any chores left to do at the farm anyway.”

It seemed Angel was over hearing the conversation because he immediately stopped eating. He nearly cleaned out an entire basket of apples on his own. That didn’t seem to be a problem though Angel hopped over to a small tree that a group of birds were hanging out on. He took out a composer stick and tapped on the bark a few times to get the attention of the birds.
At first they ignored him, which was going to be a big mistake. Angel wacked a bird right on the head and stared threateningly at the rest of the group. The message was clear “Sing or else.”

“That’s one tough bunny.” Applejack muttered after watching Angel bully the birds.

“He really is a sweetie once you get to know him.” Fluttershy tried to defend Angel, who was trying to get the birds to sing in
unison. Failure to comply meant a nice whack was coming your way.

“Let’s get started.” Spike took out a quill and paper from thin air and prepped himself to write.

There was one big snag in this whole idea. Spike played the piano like a pro, but the song sounded corny. Applejack tried not to poke fun at him, seeing as he was doing this for a present. Fluttershy tried her best to bring Spike’s lyrics up to par, but it just wasn’t enough.

“Come back tomorrow Spike, we will continue from there.” Fluttershy called out as Spike was walking back to the library.

“Yeah, okay.” Spike mumbled back.

Applejack was giggling nonstop on the walk to Sweet Apple Acres. Once she bid Spike a good night, she seemed to have calmed down. Spike had a feeling she was laughing at his terrible song from earlier. Twilight was waiting expectantly at the front door of the library.

“How did it go?” Twilight asked once Spike got close enough.

“Terrible.” Spike muttered as he walked right past her and into the library.

“It couldn’t be that bad, right?” Twilight was trying to keep up with Spike’s pace as he made a beeline to his basket.

“Applejack will be more than happy to tell you. That is, if she can stop laughing.” Spike replied dryly before going to sleep.

2 Days until the party….

Spike performed his usual morning ritual, making breakfast for him and Twilight. As usual, Spike was the first up and Twilight would be coming down shortly once the smell of food reached her nostrils. Tea and some sandwiches were for breakfast. Oddly enough, Peewee was helping Spike made the tea. All Peewee had to do was take the fire form state of himself near the pot of tea and it would heat up quickly. This method was much quicker than sitting around and letting a fire warm it up.
As predicted, Twilight clumsily made her way down to the kitchen. Spike was sitting patiently at the dinner table for Twilight.

“Good morning, Twilight!” Spike cheerfully greeted.

“Same to you Spike.” Twilight replied with a forced smile.

“You look tired.” Spike said, pointing out the obvious.

“No need to tell me.” Twilight muttered back a little sarcastically.

Twilight was barely able to have a firm grip on her cup of tea. Spike waited to see how long it would take before she couldn’t hold on to it. Apparently, not that long. The cup of tea slipped and shattered against the floor.

“So tired you can barely hold a cup of tea.” Spike muttered as he tried to clean the mess on the floor.

“I’m sorry Spike. Here, let me fix it.” Twilight’s horn started to glow and the pieces of broken tea cup started to form together.
The spell looked like it worked, the cup of tea became whole again, but the cup broke apart again.

“Okay, you can’t hold a cup and can’t perform a simple spell properly.” Spike acknowledged.

“I have been reading all night for the last few days now.” Twilight confessed.

“No wonder. That’s it, you’re going to bed.” Spike commanded, pointing the Twilight’s bed.

“I’m the one usually making you got to bed.” Twilight teased.

“Yeah, but seriously, you need sleep.” Spike replied.

Twilight slowly made her way back to her bed. Spike was about to follow her to make sure that she did go to sleep, but the broken pieces of the cup were still on the floor. With a loud groan, Spike set to work on cleaning the kitchen. While scrubbing at a nonexistent stain, Spike’s mind wandered back to yesterday’s failed experiment. Applejack was ready to die of laughter while Fluttershy tried her best to improve his song. Maybe this wasn’t such a great idea after all. Spike checked his basket and removed the lyrics sheet from within it.

When I first met you I knew right away that you were an angel sent from above. I’ll do anything just to see you smile because that of yours smile just brightens up my world. When you’re gone I feel a little empty inside. Now that you’re back in my arms I feel that everything is right with the world. Now that we are together I hope we will never grow apart.

Well it was a little corny but it came from the heart. That’s what he wanted from this anyway. This didn’t make Spike feel any more confident about this. If Applejack was laughing, what might Octavia do? Would she like it or laugh along with Applejack? Spike slid his song sheet back in his blanket. Twilight had left a few books lying around, probably from her midnight reading sessions.

As Spike picked up one of the books, a letter slipped from within the book. Lawrence was written on the letter. Spike tried to open the letter, but Twilight seemed to have sealed it by magic. There was no way of opening it and the anticipation was killing him. But, keeping the letter around without being able to open it was pointless. Slipping the letter back into the book, another question sprang up in Spike’s mind. Who is Lawrence?

Spike wandered outside and decided a walk might help him clear out his mind. The market was busy as ever and Spike could see Applejack and Big Mac selling there apples to a large crowd. The only thing stopping Spike from going over there to say hello is that Applejack might start laughing again or might ask him why he isn’t at Fluttershy’s.

“I see you’re rather distressed.” A creepy voice snapped out of Spike’s thoughts.

Turning around, Spike noticed a hooded stallion was right behind him. His eyes were the only thing that could be seen from within the depths of the hood concealing his face.

“Yeah, I got some problems.” Spike replied cautiously.

“Present problems I take it?” The stranger asked.

“How did you know?” Spike demanded angrily

“That pink mare in Sugercube Corner was explaining to me why she was making a cake. Apparently, it’s for a cello player
named Octavia.” The stranger explained the source of his knowledge.

“Still doesn’t explain why you know me name.” Spike wasn’t going to trust this guy, not yet anyway.

“I’ve been staying here at Ponyville for a few weeks now. Saw you and the cello player named Octavia eating outside Sugercube Corner.” The stranger replied.

“Right, so, how do you think you can help me?” Spike asked a little sarcastically.

“If you must know, I used to play in an orchestra myself back in the day. I was a Cello player in fact. However, now I’m happily retired and still have the gift my friends gave me before I parted ways with them.” The stranger replied, keeping his calm composure.

“Which was?” Spike asked a little eagerly.

“A golden plated cello.” The stranger replied with a hint of pride.

“Wow.” Spike could barely keep the awe out of his voice.

“Wow indeed. Sadly, I have barely any need for it and I figure you might be able to make better use of it then I am.” The stranger replied.

“What’s the catch?” Spike asked suddenly.

“Catch? Well, considering you’re a dragon, mind giving me some jewels in exchange for the cello?” The stranger offered.

“Fair enough, where do we make the trade?” Spike could barely hide his joy. He finally found the perfect gift!

“The Everfree Forest will be the place. Carrying around a golden cello in this place is just begging for trouble.” The stranger gestured to the crowd around them.

“Guess so. What time?” Spike wanted to make sure to have time to gather good jewels for the exchange

“Does the afternoon sound good?” The stranger offered.

“It does.” Spike replied cheerfully.