• Published 19th Jul 2012
  • 2,245 Views, 39 Comments

Imitation - FlashFoward

Spike tries to get the perfect gift for Octavia

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Soldier of Fortune

Spike was digging through his private stash of gems in the library basement. Not a soul knew about the stash, not even Twilight. At the start of every month, Spike would head out to the mountains and dig around for priceless gems that would last him a good month. Twilight would never notice him dragging a large bag filled with the supply of gems since her head would be buried in a book to notice. One of the greatest things about reading, it makes you almost oblivious to everything around you.

There it was, probably the finest gem Spike had at his disposal. The rainbow colored diamond had been sitting at the bottom of the chest for some time now. How long? Probably since Spike first started going out on his monthly gem resupply trips. It was left behind in a freakishly large cave, probably inhabited by a dragon some time ago. There were a few other gems lingering about, but the rainbow colored diamond stuck out in the crowd. Spike wondered vaguely how the diamond would taste once he picked it up and stuffed it in his saddlebag.

Sadly, eating the gem probably will never happen. He was too determined to get that golden cello and if this diamond was a fair trade for it, by all means, it was worth it. Just the reaction on Octavia’s face once he presented the cello to her would be enough. The very thought made Spike fell slightly warm and happy inside. When Spike walked back up to the first floor of the library, he was surprised to see Twilight had fallen asleep on a familiar looking book. It was that same leather bound book Spike found that letter in.

With as much stealth as he could muster, Spike tip toed his way to Twilight. Her snoring covered the faint sounds of his footsteps, but Spike wasn’t going to take any chances. There it was, a letter was sticking out between Twilight’s folded hooves. Prying the letter from Twilight’s grasp was more intense and careful than open heart surgery. Beads of sweat drenched Spike’s face as he nearly managed to pull the letter free from her grasp. That is until Twilight tucked her hooves closer to her face, thus making the letter nearly grazing her face.

Forget it; pulling the letter out might cause it to slide against her face or something. The risk was too big and Spike had a feeling Twilight might have sealed it with magic again, making the reward close to nothing. Spike gave Twilight one last disappointed before leaving the Library.

“You can’t hide it from me forever.” Spike muttered as he closed the door shut.

The trip to Everfree Forest was quick, or maybe it was partially due to Spike day dreaming about Octavia’s reaction to the cello. The gloomy and dark entrance to Everfree Forest came into view, and so did the silhouette of the stranger. Spike ran up to the figure, but soon realized it was just a shadow.

“I wonder if I was-.”


Spike collapsed face first to the ground like a sack of potatoes. His ears were ringing like an alarm and his head throbbed painfully. Ever so slowly, Spike managed to roll over to try to see the face of his attacker. It was the stranger! There was no sign of a cello and Spike could see a sinister smile forming around the darkness in the hood.

“You’re so gullible! There was no golden cello!” The stranger was laughing so hard, holding onto his aching ribs.

“You, lied?” Spike croaked.

“Of course I did! I must say though, this is a rather nice diamond.” The stranger inspected the rainbow diamond that Spike had brought with him. “A thing of beauty it is. I think our beloved queen will love it.”

“Show yourself coward!” demanded the dragon.

“Sure.” The figure pulled back his hood and Spike nearly gasped in horror. “You like?”

Spike was staring at…well, himself. Everything started to grow blurred and Spike tried to reach out to grab the robes of the stranger.

“You’re a changeling. They will figure out for what you really are!” Spike tried to give the copy of him the meanest glare he could muster, but flinched in pain.

“Perhaps somepony will figure out who I am. Still, the party is in less than two days. Two days to discover who I am and to find you. Very slim chances I fear.” The changeling replied in Spike’s sarcastic tone.

“Twilight will…” but not another word slipped from Spike’s lips. He finally knocked out.

“Yes, Twilight Sparkle will be a problem. After all, she figured out who our queen was before anypony else. But she shouldn’t be a problem, I never seen a mare exchange letters the way she does.” The changeling acknowledged grimly.

The changeling wondered if just throwing Spike in a ditch or down a waterfall would suffice. However, the chances of him yelling to others or just bumping into somepony were too great. Nah, keeping him trapped the old fashioned way would work. A green gooey substance started to form on the tip of the changelings claws. The changeling covered Spike’s body in the goo and made sure that he was completely coated in it, like a cocoon.

For as little as Spike was, the changeling found it hard to drag him around through the forest. A tall tree that had a few holes in it came in the clearing.

“Hey, I got the job done.” The changeling gestured to the cocoon.

Several changelings crawled from the holes within the tree. “That was fast. The queen will be pleased of our efforts.” One of the changelings replied.

“Our work you say? Please, I have been pulling the strings on this plan since the start.” The changeling dragging Spike’s
cocoon hissed back.

“Doesn’t matter, the queen will be pleased nonetheless.” The changeling from the tree gestured his comrades to drag the cocoon within the tree.

“Right, if you don’t mind, I’ll be delivering one of the fruits from this scheme to her.” The changeling removed the rainbow diamond from within his cloak.

“I’ll deliver it to the queen.” One of the changelings held out his hoof expectantly.

“I worked for this. If anything, I should go.” The changeling scoffed at his comrade.

“Fine, you go ahead.”

The changeling that had attacked Spike walked into a small gap in the tree. He crawled through the make shift hole and quickly tried to reach the exit. It took some time, but a light finally appeared. The changeling fell through the exit and landed promptly in front of the Queen of the Changelings, Chrysalis.

“Why do you disturb my rest minion?” Chrysalis demanded, wincing slightly as she stood at her full extent. It seemed her defeat at the wedding was still some hindrance to her.

“I bring a trophy from a scheme that I have been executing for you my Queen.” The channeling bowed slightly and held out the rainbow diamond.

“A thing of beauty it is. Perhaps, it can rival my own.” The queen chuckled softly as she inspected the diamond in her hoofs.

“This would be nice to make a crown with. You’ve done well minion.”

“I live to serve you my Queen.” The changeling bowed again.

“Now, explain to me about your disguise. I know Twilight’s assistant has a deep seated crush.” Chrysalis started at the changeling with interest.

“Crush? My queen, the dragon is passionately in love with a mare that plays the cello. The very feelings of desire and love are overwhelming in this form. I can only imagine how much powerful it will grow once the mare arrives to town in two days.” The changeling explained.

“Very good work my subject. I dare say I can feel the sense of love just pouring out around the dragon. It’s nearly as powerful as Cadance and Shining Armors love.” Chrysalis noted with approval.

“I take it this will call to utilize the invasion after the party?” The changeling asked.

“Yes, after the party is over you come back here and transfer you power to me. Then, I will be more then able to lead us to victory. This time, no pony will stop us!” Chrysalis laughed delightfully at the thought.

The changeling made his back outside and wandered back to Ponyville looking like Spike.

“My Queen, somepony will be leading our invasion. But it won’t be you. No, it will be me!” Spike laughed evilly, his eyes glowing green.