• Published 19th Jul 2012
  • 2,244 Views, 39 Comments

Imitation - FlashFoward

Spike tries to get the perfect gift for Octavia

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“This should be easy, two days to wait out until the party.” The changeling told himself out loud with confidence.

“The party is going to be great Spike!” Pinkie exclaimed, popping over the head of the changeling.

“Hey Pinkie, how’s it going?” The changeling tried to keep things friendly. He knew he couldn’t only look like Spike; he had to act like him to succeed.

“Just getting the last things to touch up the party is all. Speaking of the party, got the present for Octavia?” Pinkie had her face right in front of Spike’s. The changeling was mildly surprised to see Pinkie not losing her balance as she was upside down.

“I got it covered.” The changeling replied, thinking back on Spike’s musical session with the mares.

“Okie dokie lokie, see you then Spike!” Pinkie bounced to the floor and sprang to somewhere else.

The changeling sighed in relief; Pinkie was really troublesome with all her questions. Perhaps it would be best to go back to the library in which Spike lived in. At least there, not so many ponies would interrogate him. As the changeling entered the library, he nearly screamed at the sight of Twilight Sparkle. Wait, she was asleep. Luck was really on his side today. That or it was getting close to nighttime already.

Interesting, a letter was near her hooves. Without much fuss, the changeling removed the letter from her grasp and noticed there was the name Lawrence on it.

“Shame you don’t know who Lawrence really is.” The changeling scoffed as he placed the letter back in Twilight’s hooves.

Lawrence, or should we say a fellow changeling, had been toying with Twilight’s emotions for some time now. The original plan was to use the love in that relationship to bring back Chrysalis to full strength, but there relationship was nothing compared to Spike’s or Shining Armors. Chrysalis wasn’t willing to wait several months to let the plan bare the fruits of its labor, instead she demanded that more dramatic actions take place. Luckily there was a silver lining in the failed plan with Twilight; she constantly kept them in touch with what’s going on around her. True, some of the information she gave was right down useless such as her reading a rather old book. There were times when she mentioned her mentor, her brother or her friends.

As of late, Twilight had been informing Lawrence that Spike and Octavia had something going on. This got the attention of Chrysalis and she demanded her subjects think of a plan to capitalize on the recent events. Naturally, it didn’t take long for a few changelings to gather round and hatch a grand scheme. The leader was the changeling who had assumed the form of Spike and pretty much had made this plan happen. The others were minor accomplices that scouted the area and kept in touch with “Lawrence”, who had become a valued spy of sorts.
The group referred to the leader as “Tony”. It really wasn’t his name, but they had no idea what his real name was so they made up their own. Didn’t matter though, by the time this scheme was complete “Tony” would be the new king of the changelings.

Spike wandered over to his basket and eyed Twilight. Would it be safer to incase her in a cocoon? Twilight was the first to notice who Chrysalis really was and “Tony” knew that he had nearly two days to keep his true identity hidden. Eh, she was really into exchanging letters with Lawrence. It was more productive to keep her giving information on her life rather than have her trapped up. If that was to happen, “Tony” knew he had more than enough power stored to trap Twilight and still make his way back to the tree to regain his disguise.

“Everything’s going according to plan.” “Tony” mused to himself as he fell asleep.

“Are you done yet?” Chrysalis yelled impatiently.

“Yes your majesty. It is complete.” A weary old changeling held out a crown incrusted with jewels and the rainbow diamond had been placed at the front of the crown.

“Marvelous.” Chrysalis placed the crown delicately on her head and gave an approving nod to the elderly changeling. “A true queen needs a crown to show her value amongst her subject. Wouldn’t you agree?”

“Yes, indeed.” The changeling replied with slight impatience, giving a slight bow as he spoke.

“I don’t like the tone of your voice.” Chrysalis hissed dangerously, leaning in closer to the feeble changeling.

“I didn’t mean to insult-.” The changeling stammered before Chrysalis cut him short.

"Show your respect to royalty!” Chrysalis zapped her subject with a magic spell. The old changeling sank to the ground and did nothing more. “Take him away!” Chrysalis demanded of the changelings who kept guard of the room.

The guards slowly dragged their brethren away from the queen’s room. Once they lugged him away, the old frail body would either be fed to the children or be buried. Course, the food supplies were low and the young were the only guarantee of a future for their race. As barbaric as it was, survival was key more than ever.

“How pitiful that is.” A changeling muttered as he watched the old frail body being dragged to the feeding grounds.

“Happy that isn’t me. Anyway, he was getting high up there in the years.” Another changeling muttered back.

“How can you say that? He was one of us!” The changeling replied in disbelief.

“You said it, was one of us. Now, he is nothing more than grub to be eaten alive. Maybe, if he is lucky, he has already passed away.” The sounds of chewing could be heard bellow them. The very sounds of crunching and gnawing brought shiver down their spines.

“Hope Tony hurries up. I can’t stomach anything if I have to keep hearing that.” The changeling winced as a loud tearing sound ripped through the air.

“Don’t worry Wick, you heard him. Two more days of this madness and after that, we are in the clear.” The fellow changeling replied before venturing off deeper into the tree.

“I guess so.” Wick muttered back before following suit.

One Day until the Party...

Spike awoke later in the day than usual that is if this was the real Spike anyway. Twilight appeared long gone and Spike was grateful for that, less talking would mean less possibilities of this plan falling apart. A piece of paper was scrapping against his elbow while he wiggled around in the basket. Once Spike unfolded the paper he was surprised to see lyrics, very touching ones to say the least. A pulse of guilt and panic pierced the changeling’s heart. This had to be the original birthday present to Octavia before he offered Spike the golden cello. How sad, this thing was more touching then an instrument.
It dawned on the changeling that he might have to end up singing this song if he planned to sit through the party entirely. Ugh, a change of plans were in order. Spike clambered out of his basket and made his way to Everfree Forest to alert his gang that there needed to be some modifications to the plan they had.