• Published 19th Jul 2012
  • 2,245 Views, 39 Comments

Imitation - FlashFoward

Spike tries to get the perfect gift for Octavia

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The Rise of a King

“You’ll be okay?” Spike asked anxiously.

“I’ll be just fine. You have some things to worry about though.” Wick teased, a grin escaping his lips.

“True, I would have much less things to worry about if you do your part.” Spike replied, returning a grin of his own.

“Speaking of that, I should get going. I have to carry a whole lot of luggage with some other helpers.” The stallion eyed the train bitterly.

“What are you talking about?” Spike asked.

“Pinkie Pie asked a bunch of Octavia’s band mates to come here and play music at her party. Unfortunately, my group got stuck with the chore of carrying all the instruments to Sugarcube Corner.” Wick explained, looking at a fellow stallion trying to carry several violin cases.

“Sounds like a rough job. Still doesn’t explain how you’re going to sneak into the party for the diversion.” Spike pointed out the flaw in his friends plan.

“The musicians will be coming out of the train promptly. It’s a matter of picking off one by one.” Wick let out a devious chuckle before starting his labor.

Spike could only stare at Wick with a bemused smile. Tony couldn’t help but think that Wick probably could have made a scheme like this, given enough time that is. He was a pretty quick thinker, when he wanted to be. Kemp was always around to baby him and with the lack of his big brother around, Wick had to step up.

Staying in the train station was pointless now. Spike examined a clock near the exit of the station and noticed the party was only a few hours away. The library was not an option; least Lawrence and Twilight are there. The Hive was out of bounds at this point, the Queen was slowly going to realize he was the one leading the rebel along with Wick and Kemp. Perhaps it was best to make it to the party early. Besides, it’s better to be early in this case. Being fashionably late pretty much translated to the plan falling apart.

After deciding his destination, Spike started to walk to Sugarcube Corner. Good thing Pinkie dragged him along when he was around the store, finding the path back there wasn’t all that hard. There was a steady stream of ponies entering and leaving the store. It was hard to tell who was a fellow changeling or just the average citizen.

“Shake a leg Tony, we got get this fountain outside.” A mare tapped at the shoulder of Spike.

Spike turned around and noticed the fountain show cased a musical note. The fountain was missing something though.

“I know what you’re thinking, if this is a fountain where in the world is the water?” The mare gestured a few stallions to attach a pipe on the base of the fountain. “Anyway, here it is!”

Spike stuck his claw in the purple liquid, fully expecting harm to come his way. As Spike withdrew his claw, he noticed it was still intact. With a shrug, Spike licked the remaining mystery liquid that was left on his claw. It tasted very fruity.

“Punch?” Spike asked, staring at the fountain with amazement.

“It was Pinkie’s idea. I must admit, this is pretty clever.” The mare complimented.

“Just wondering, who are you disguised as?” Spike asked, eyeing the disguise with a look of interest.

“This? I really can’t say for sure. The mare I got this from came wandering into the Everfree Forest and I took advantage of
the opportunity.” The mare shrugged and continued to tinker with the fountain.

“Any others are coming?” Spike asked nervously.

“Lawrence convinced a few members from the Hive to tag along. After Kemp was taken though, a lot of changelings got involved on this.” The mare whispered urgently.

“How many are we talking about?” Spike asked, his eyes growing wide in surprise.

“I’d say about half of the Hive is walking around here as we speak. The only ones left at the Hives are the young, guards and of course the Queen herself.” The mare continued to explain, trying her best not to be overheard.

“What’s with all the whispering anyway?” Spike asked abruptly.

“I swear these ponies in this town are just too friendly. No conversation can be private while they keep walking by to say hello.” The mare replied, casting a disapproving glare at chatting group of mares.

“Don’t sweat about it, this won’t be long.” Spike tried to amend.

“I think this has gotten to the point where it’s too big to fail now. Either you capitalize on it, or somepony else will.” The mare muttered back.

“What are you trying to say? We have a traitor in the midst?” Spike demanded, angry lacing every word he spoke.

“It’s possible. Kemp and Wick didn’t get caught because they were careless. Somepony snitched on them. Maybe for payment or something, I can’t say for sure. Just keep an eye open for that.” The mare stopped speaking and attended back to the fountain, which had stopped producing punch.

Spike couldn't shake off the feeling of dread and paranoia settling in. Wick even said it; a traitor was in the Hive. Was it possible that the changeling was here? Did it just want to destroy the rebel from inside out or they got paid to do this? So many lose ends in the plan started to pop up. Abandoning it now didn’t mean a thing. Other changelings will take advantage of this opportunity that he worked hard to produce.

Spike settled in the store after the exchange with his fellow changeling. The guest to the part slowly started to flood in and it was only a matter of time before the birthday girl came. A stack of present started to accumulate on a large table, which was settled around one of the corners of the store. Just the very sight of the gifts made Spike twitch slightly. If he had to sing this
song, everything will fall apart.

“Spike, you look like you seen a ghost or something.” Applejack concerned voice cut through Spike’s train of thought.

“What? Oh, just nervous is all.” Spike muttered in reply. Sticking to the truth, well half of it was probably best.

“I can see that. See you round Spike!” Applejack trotted off the chit chat with a rather meek Pegasus.

Spike felt like brain might explode with all the anxiety and panic that had built up in him. So little room for error, this was ridiculous! Wick and a crowd of stallion were hanging out by the present table. The sight of them put Spike a little more at ease. This plan seemed more plausible now.

The front door to the shop opened and Octavia had just barely stepped in when the crowd within the store yelled “Surprise!” in unison. Spike felt his ears pop slightly as the crowd greeted the birthday girl. Octavia made a beeline to Spike and kissed him passionately. The familiar loving warmth spread through his body again. When Octavia parted away, she giggled once she saw that Spike had a silly grin on his face. Amazingly, not a soul noticed that Octavia’s eye’s turned green slightly as she kissed Spike. Pinkie popped by Spike’s side as Octavia made her way around to greet the guest.

“Wow, sure are a lot of ponies here!” Pinkie exclaimed, looking at the packed room with delight.

“Yeah, we could start a riot with all of them here.” Spike replied, nearly biting his tongue in half has he uttered his words.

Wick’s ears twitched and he gave a little shove to the stallions standing next to him. With a flash of light, half of them assumed there changeling form while the other half set of to alert the others. Shouts and screams could be heard as the changelings pounced and lunged at unsuspecting ponies. Pinkie’s mouth nearly dropped to the floor in surprise. Spike took advantage of the sudden chaos and slipped his way out of the store. Before Spike manages to reach to the door though, he noticed that Twilight had nearly kissed Lawrence, who turned into a changeling when their lips nearly touched. A chuckle escaped Spike as he watched Twilight’s face contort in pure anger, and then proceeded to blast the changeling with a powerful spell.

Spike couldn’t help but cackle madly as he walked towards the Everfree Forest. The plan was going absolutely perfect! All that needed to be done now was to overthrow an incompetent Queen.

“Tony, the King of the Changelings….I like the sounds of that!” Spike muttered to himself happily.

Spike walked to the temporary Hive at Everfree Forest rather quickly. The wait was killing him, he wanted what he felt like he deserved. After sneaking around the grounds of the Hive, Queen Chrysalis room came into view. There was an evident lack of guards keeping post, which could have been a good or bad sign. Spike knocked of the hinges of the door that lead to Chrysalis chamber with a powerful spell. Chrysalis looked feeble and tired, but it didn’t stop her from smiling at the sight of the dragon.

“I thought you wouldn’t make it.” Chrysalis said, taking a sigh of relief. “Now, it’s time I assume my rightful power.” Chrysalis shot a beam of green energy from her horn directly at Spike.

“I think not.” Spike replied through clenched teeth.

He shot a beam of green energy as well, from the tips of his claws. Chrysalis stared wide out at her subject with a mixture of horror and anger. Spike couldn't help but have a grin grace his lips. For so long, he had wanted to blow his Queen's ego to nothingness.

“You are the one who started the rebel!” Chrysalis screeched viciously.

“I’m afraid so. Don’t take this the wrong way, my Queen. This is for the sake of the Hive.” Spike’s beam was pushing against Chrysalis with little resistance. All too soon, the point where the beams collided nearly reached Chrysalis horn.

“You won’t get away with this! I may fall now, but the same fate will follow you!” Chrysalis yelled before Spike’s beam finally connected with a horn.

The contact gave birth to a loud explosion in the chamber. Spike was knocked flat on his back by the force that hit him while Chrysalis collapsed to the ground. After Spike regained his composure he analyzed Chrysalis, who hadn’t budged an inch. It seemed the absorption spell was reversed and Spike sapped what little energy Chrysalis had left in her. Spike removed the former Queen's crown from her head and placed it on his own. A sudden burst of power and energy coursed through his veins. It wasn’t painful, in fact, it was…wonderful.

“Not even the Royal Sisters can stop me!” Spike cackled at the sense of victory took him over.

“They might not, but I can.” A voice replied simply.

Spike turned to face the intruder and gasped at the sight of him and the mare he brought with him.