• Published 19th Apr 2018
  • 2,252 Views, 54 Comments

Equestria Girls Spikebelle - Chaos04

Spike is a young boy who attends Canterlot junior making new friends and gose on adventures

  • ...

Stone Hearted

Days passed. Spike started seeing Sweetie Belle and her friends less and less. Not only that, but he was skipping school too. Sometimes, Sweetie Belle would come to the beach for a visit, but Spike would simply avoid her until she left. Eventually, Sweetie simply stopped coming.

At the moment, he was sitting in the sand, remembering what he had said to Twilight. The last words he ever spoke to her that ended their friendship.


Spike didn’t even turn to face the owner of the voice.

“What do you want?” he asked.

“You want to go swimming?”

“Forget it, Sweetie Belle. I’m not in the mood,” Spike muttered.

Sweetie Belle sat down in the sand next to Spike.

“Spike, everyone’s worried about you. You don’t come to school. You don’t talk to anyone. We tried looking for you, but we couldn’t find you.”

“Then just give up.”

“No. Because you don’t give up on a friendship,” Sweetie said, turning Spike’s face to look at her.

“I don’t need anyone. Especially not you,” Spike said, brushing Sweetie’s hands away.

“What happened to you, Spike? Huh? Where’s the Spike I became friends with? Because right now, he’s acting more like the Spike that hurt me!”

Spike abruptly started walking away.

“Then maybe that’s the only Spike there was in the first place!” he snapped.

Sweetie Belle was left on the sand. Broken hearted, filling up with tears and despair, she walked home alone.


Spike was walking down the streets of Canterlot in a bad mood. He walked past people that stared at him, caring not a button for their stares.
“What's up?” asked another familiar voice. A voice that made Spike stop walking.

“What do you want?” Spike bitterly asked, as he turned to face Garble.

“Spike, why so bitter?” Garble asked.

“You know what. I'm ready to settle something from a while ago,” he said sternly, eyes glaring.

“Yeah? What’s that?”

“My mother's death. And, let's take this to where we first met.”

Garble paused a moment, as though he were contemplating the proposal.

“Challenge accepted,” he said, and led Spike down the alleyway he was in.

There they were again. Back to the place where Spike and Garble first met. Where things started going wrong.

Garble suddenly spun around, swinging his fist right into the side of Spike’s head.

The force of the older boy’s attack made Spike stagger to the side, leaving him open to a kick that pushed him backwards.

Spike’s back slammed into a wall. He had to quickly move his head, as Garble’s fist came smashing into the wall.

While Garble was recoiling over his injured fist, Spike took the opportunity to bash his head into the wall.

Garble elbowed Spike aside, pinned him to the ground with one hand, and punched him repeatedly with the other.

Spike felt he was rupturing under the assault. He reached to his side, hoping to find something to attack with.

His hand found a pile of rusted nails that had fallen out of the wall. Taking them in his hand, he drove their points deep into Garble’s shoulder and neck.

Garble yelled loudly, before Spike kicked him in the groin and rolled out from beneath him.

Spike picked up a rotten 4x4 and delivered a swift blow to Garble’s head. And then another. And another and another and another. He was paying Garble back in full for all the grief he caused him.

Garble’s face was swollen, bruised and bloody. An onlooker may have thought his face was turned inside-out for how it looked. Before he even had a chance to catch his breath, Spike wound up his arms and swung one last time.

For the final swing, Garble was knocked to the ground, and the 4x4 Spike held broke in two.

Spike stood over his fallen opponent, and stomped his foot hard on his hand. The very same hand he had cut with his nails earlier.

“It’s all too easy to kill you right now, Garble. And believe me, nothing would make me feel better than to see you carted off to the morgue,” Spike said, as he gripped the lumber in his hands. “But, I promised myself that I’d never be like you. So, I’m going to tell you this: get out of Canterlot. Leave. Go ruin someone else’s life if you want, but stay--out--of--mine!!!”

Spike finished the last four words by stepping off of Garble’s hand and breaking it with the remains of the lumber he held. One last hit, and Spike threw the 4x4 as hard as he could at Garble’s head, before leaving the alleyway.

Garble tried to get up from the ground, but with his throbbing head and broken hand, he was barely able to coordinate himself. However, he saw Spike turn around one last time to face him.

“And don’t let me hear about you going near those girls. Or I won’t just break that hand. I’ll cut it off!” Spike said.

Then, he was gone.

Spike returned to the street, cold and embittered. For all that was happening, there really was nothing left for him in this place.

Sweetie Belle was in her room, sitting on her bed wiping tears from her eyes. As soon as she arrived, she had closed her door. She didn’t want to talk to anyone at the moment. Not her friends. Not her sister. None of them could help her predicament.

For what felt like hours, she sat in silence, mulling over the terrible change that had occurred in Spike. Was it something she had done? Could she have prevented it?

Her thoughts ended when she heard a knock on her door. After the knock, her sister peered into the doorway.

“Sweetie Belle? May I come in?” Rarity asked.

“Sure,” was all Sweetie said. She knew her sister wanted to talk, but she was in no mood. In a few short seconds, her sister would catch onto that and leave.

Rarity took her seat on the bed next to Sweetie Belle, and looked at her sister’s sad, despondent face. She couldn’t conceive what could have gone wrong. All that Sweetie Belle had said was that she was going to go to the beach that morning.

“Darling, are you okay? You hardly said a word after returning home,” Rarity asked.

“I’m fine, Rarity. Why are you asking?” Sweetie Belle answered.

“Because you don’t seem fine.”

“Why wouldn’t I be?” Sweetie Belle said, forcing a smile to appear on her face.

“Sweetie Belle,” Rarity said, shaking her head gently. “It’s been a long time since I was a little girl like you, but I know when something is wrong. Please, you must tell me. I’m your sister after all.”

Sweetie Belle sighed deeply. The last thing she wanted to do was to relive the experience at the beach that morning. But, she had an obligation as a sister to tell Rarity what had happened.

“Rarity... You remember how I got his scar on my arm, don’t you?” Sweetie Belle asked, placing her hand over her scar.

“Of course I do! How could I forget? I was nearly in hysterics when I learned you were in the hospital for it,” Rarity said.

“Well, for the last few days…” Sweetie sighed internally. Here came the hurricane. “I’ve been hanging around the boy that gave it to me.”

Rarity’s hands gripped the sheets on the bed tightly, before she released them and abruptly stood up.

“Sweetie Belle! You’ve been spending time around that--that--that thug!? That little monster who disfigured you!?” Rarity said, pointing to her sister’s scar.

“I know what he did! And I was really scared of him at first. But, he’s not all bad. He’s been really nice to me these last few days. And...I thought we were becoming friends. But, then he started acting all mean and distant. I tried talking to him today, but he told me to leave,” Sweetie Belle explained.

“And you would do well to listen to him. No sister of mine will be staying around a brute like him,” Rarity said.

“He’s not a brute! He’s a boy who lost his way once, and now he’s losing it again! Rarity, if we don’t help him, he might not come back from where he’s headed!”


The sun was setting as Spike continued walking. He didn't even care about the blanket and pillow and left it at the beach. He simply kept walking, until he was beyond the Canterlot city limits.

With nothing on his mind except the destination, he left walking into the sunset, while Canterlot slowly faded behind him with the setting sun.