• Published 19th Apr 2018
  • 2,252 Views, 54 Comments

Equestria Girls Spikebelle - Chaos04

Spike is a young boy who attends Canterlot junior making new friends and gose on adventures

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Chaotic Problems

Discord and Fluttershy were running down the street. Discord had no idea what was happening, but Fluttershy’s urgent tone and pace made him try to keep up as best he could, through his recurring pains. In time, Discord had to stop to hold his churning stomach.

Fluttershy stopped running, and returned to Discord’s side.

“Discord? Are you alright?” Fluttershy asked. Between Rarity’s urgent call, and her date’s sudden malady, her nerves were completely on edge. “I know first aid. If you need anything--”

“It’s nothing, Fluttershy,” Discord groaned. “I think I just picked up some kind of bug before our date.”

His eyes glanced down to his hand, peeking out the sleeve of his jacket, Discord saw a patch of discolored skin. This, he quickly hid from Fluttershy, and stood up.

“I...I think I should go home now,” Discord huffed.

“Alright. I can walk you there, if you want,” Fluttershy offered, as she gently placed her hands on Discord’s discolored arm.

“No!” Discord said, as he yanked his arm from Fluttershy’s gentle hold. “I mean...You said Rarity sounded kind of serious. You should get to her as quickly as possible. My house isn’t far from here, so I’ll be fine. Okay?”

Fluttershy hesitantly nodded, as she swore she could see the mark from before start creeping up underneath Discord’s collar. Half wanting to stay with him, and half too scared to stay, Fluttershy ran down the path toward Rarity’s boutique.

After Fluttershy disappeared, Discord continued to hobble down the street. His head was throbbing, and his stomach was churning. His heart raced and sweat poured down his forehead, as he felt his body growing hot, then suddenly colder, and hot again.

Discord stumbled, and leaned his back against the concrete steps of a building. He looked at his hand, and saw the discolored skin had spread. It was almost to his fingertips now. When he pulled back his sleeve, he saw his entire arm was changing shape. Something that looked almost like a bird’s talon.

“What...the hell is this…?” he wondered to himself.

Unknown to him, his body was crackling with a chaotic power, which warped his mind and twisted is body.

His every thought was becoming a chaotic masterpiece, making his head feel like it was going to pop. He placed his hands over his face, as they began to warp and change according to his whims.

In his mind, Discord envisioned a strange creature. It has a head of a pony, eagle’s talon, lion’s paw, bat wings, bird wings, a draconic tail, goat legs, reptile legs. All of them merging to turn the boy to something new. Discord had been reborn.

Fluttershy had run all the way to Rarity’s home, and knocked on the door. It wasn’t long until a familiar face opened the door.

“Fluttershy!” Sunset greeted her friend. “Where’s Discord?”

“He had to go home. He got sick with something, and--” Fluttershy began, before her thoughts of what may have happened to him entered her mind.

She didn’t need to finish. Sunset knew all too well Fluttershy’s caring nature, and assumed she was making it out worse than it actually was. Without a word, she gently guided Fluttershy into the house to meet up with the others.

Everyone else was already in the room, and noticed the absentee.

“We need as much help as we can get. Isn’t there anyone else we can ask for help?” Rarity said.

“Thorax,” Twilight said. “I can ask Thorax for help.” She quickly got out her phone, and started dialing his number.

“Alright. Now, Sweetie Belle,” Rarity said, turning her attention to her sister, “Tell us all everything that you told me.”

It was many long miles, and the sun had come up when Spike re-entered Canterlot. Feeling like he was going to collapse, the boy kept going to get as far away from the terrible scene at the prison as he could.

Even though they were hardly close at all, Spike wondered what would become of his dad while Pharynx was back in his life. And what about Officer Tempest, who tried to defend him from the madman?

He continued through the city streets, making his way to the boutique. There was hardly anyone out on the street at this early hour, except for the people trying to beat the traffic.

After weaving through a few people, Spike crossed a pedestrian crossing without even waiting for the signal to walk, given the sparse traffic. No sooner did he reach the opposite curb did he hear a horrible screech.

Looking to his side, Spike saw a car come swerving toward him, as bubble spewed from its sides.

There was no time to think. Spike dove forward, just as the car plowed through the curb he was just on, took out a traffic meter, and swerved down the sudsy road.

Something was seriously wrong. Spike looked at the road he was just crossing, and saw that it had completely changed composition in the blink of an eye. “Soap?!” Spike wondered aloud.

Discord was sitting in his little golden throne, drinking a glass of chocolate milk. For the first time in his life, he was satisfied. Everything was working to his twisted whim.

He looked at the suffering citizens, and couldn't help but laugh at their despair. “Chaos is a wonderful thing,” he thought to himself.

Around his neck hung a piece of colorful stone on a chain. The power from another world that had attached itself to him, and wreaked its magical mayhem. And in his chaotic mind, he began to devise a most devious plan.