• Published 19th Apr 2018
  • 2,252 Views, 54 Comments

Equestria Girls Spikebelle - Chaos04

Spike is a young boy who attends Canterlot junior making new friends and gose on adventures

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First Day Of School

The sun rose as a new day dawned. The first day since Spike lost his home and his mum.

At the moment, Spike was asleep in his new room. Though his face was peaceful, his mind was feverish with the memories of the sight of his burned house and dead mother.

The door creaked open slightly, and the room’s other occupant walked in. Slowly, she walked to the foot of the bed, and watched the young boy as he slept. She knew that in spite of sleeping he was still anguished by what had happened before. She knelt by the side of his bed, and gently jostled him.

“Wake up, Spike,” she whispered.

Spike slowly roused from sleep, and woke to see Twilight kneeling next to him.

“Is it morning already?” Spike mumbled.

“Yeah. Are you ready to start a new day?” Twilight said, with a hint of apprehension.

“Can the optimism. I’m not in the mood.”

“Sorry. I just thought that you’d need it after the day you had yesterday.”

“If it’s fake and forced, it’s no good,” Spike said, as he got out of bed.

Twilight huffed quietly, as she stood back up. She had tried to make Spike feel welcome, but failed in that endeavor. “Well, in any case, you should probably get ready for school today,” she said.

“Right,” Spike said. A thought occurred to him. “How’d you know I have school today?”

“Because I do too, Spike,” Twilight answered.

That made perfect sense, Spike figured.

Twilight left the room to allow Spike privacy to change into his school clothes. No uniform was required, so Spike changed into a pair of black jeans and a purple t-shirt, before putting on his shoes.

Spike went downstairs to sit down for breakfast. Pancakes and bangers were served with coffee for the adults, and orange juice for the children.

Breakfast time seemed very short to Spike, who said very little during the meal. Twilight’s mum introduced herself as Twilight Velvet, and exchanged pleasantries with Spike. But, that was nearly all that was said, before they continued eating. Eventually, the food was eaten, and Twilight and Spike both left out the door to go to school.

“Be careful on your way to school,” Velvet called after the children, before returning to inside the house.

Twilight and Spike remained together for much of their walk, until they reached the front gates of Canterlot High.

“Well, this is where I stop,” Twilight said. “Your school’s not far from here, is it?”

“It’s just down the street is all,” Spike answered.

“Alright. Stay safe on your walk there,” Twilight said, before she entered her school campus.

“Sure. What could happen on my way there anyway?” Spike muttered, before he started walking down the path to his school.

When he turned the corner, he found that things could go quite wrong, as he yet again bumped into somebody.

“Must be some kind of roll I’m on,” Spike thought to himself.

“Whoah! Easy there, little guy. Here, let me help you up,” said the voice of the person he bumped into.

Spike took the hand that he saw lowered to help him, and almost thanked them, until he was forcefully pulled to his feet. There, Spike found himself facing Garble again.

“I can see by your face that you enjoyed my gift,” Garble said.

Spike responded by gripping Garble’s hand as hard as he could, crushing the older boy’s smaller fingers and digging his nails into his flesh.

“Cut the crap! I knew you were trouble from the second I met you, but I never thought you’d do something so low!” Spike said.

“I’m sensing some hostility here. I thought you’d appreciate me bringing us closer together,” Garble said, resisting the strain of Spike’s grip.

“If we get any closer, it’ll be so I can gouge you with a knife,” Spike growled. “You crossed a line with me! If it takes the rest of my life, I’ll see you go down.”

“Who’s going to help? The cops? They think the fire was caused by faulty wiring,” Garble said, with a hint of gloating, as he tightened his grip on Spike, and tried to pull him forward.

Spike was never going to return to Garble, no matter how he tried to bring him back to his way of life. And Spike illustrated this by digging his nails deeper into Garble’s hand. So deeply that blood was drawn, and trickled down Spike’s fingertips.

“If the cops don’t do anything, then I will. I’ll keep pushing you the same way you pushed me. And I won’t stop until you’re six feet under!”

Spike abruptly withdrew his hand from Garble, cutting red streaks through his flesh before walking away. He knew that Garble wouldn’t follow him for now, as long as his hand was injured, but quickened his pace anyway.

Garble looked at his bleeding hand, and hid it inside of his sleeve. Spike was still resisting returning to him. No matter. There were other ways that he would get Spike back to his gang, one way or another. And he would begin with Spike’s new friends.

He walked onto campus, and caught sight of Twilight as she joined her friends. Slowly, purposefully, he walked over to them, readying his bloody hand. When he reached the girls, they all stopped their conversation to turn to him.

“What do you want, Garble?” Twilight said. Even though she had recently transferred from Crystal Prep, she knew he was bad news.

“Don’t worry about me. I’m not looking for any trouble today,” he answered.

“Then you can start not looking somewhere else,” Pinkie asserted.

“I’m just here to tell you about your new friend. The kid called Spike. At least, that’s the name he’s going by now.”

“What are you talking about?” Dash asked.

“You don’t know? He used to run with a gang, using the name ‘Slayer.’ Before he was Spike, Slayer would knock over shops, rob houses, and even extort other kids for their money. As a matter of fact, he usually targeted some girls that I know you three really care about,” Garble said, pointing to Dash, Rarity and Applejack.


Spike arrived at Canterlot Elementary without incident, just as the bell rang to signal for classes to begin.

For Spike, the day passed without incident. But, unknown to him, three of his classmates recognized him from a time before.

During lunchtime, Spike was eating his food alone, until he was approached by three girls.

“What do you want?” Spike said.

“You!” said a red-haired girl with a pink bow in her hair. “Yer the one!”

“No, I’m not. Go away,” Spike said.

“Don’t think you can get rid of us that easily! We didn’t forget what you did to us!” said another girl with short, purple hair.

“I didn’t do anything to you! I never saw you a day in my life!” Spike said.

“Oh no?” asked a girl with curly hair, which was two shades of purple, “Remember this?”

The girl rolled up her sleeve to reveal a scar from a burn she received, and the memories came flooding back to Spike.

It was months ago when he was still with Garble, and he accosted a group of girls in an alleyway after they decided to take a shortcut. He demanded their money, and pulled a rusty exhaust pipe off of the nearby wall to threaten them. Through the heavy gloves Spike was wearing at the time, he couldn’t feel how hot it was, and swung it at Sweetie Belle’s arm.

The rusty pipe broke against the curly-haired girl’s arm, cutting her deeply and burning her flesh. Spike took everything they had of value just then, and left, thinking he would never see them again. Now, here he was confronted by them once again.

Nerves snapped in Spike’s brain, knowing that he was now faced with the consequences of his actions. He tried to run, but was stopped by the red-haired girl grabbing his collar.

“Don’t ya even try runnin’! This is payback! An’ we’re givin’ it in full,” she said, before shoving him over a bench, making him fall.

She and her purple-haired friend both were upon him, kicking him while he was down, careful not to hit him in any place that would leave a visible bruise.

The curly-haired girl stayed back, partly afraid of getting closer to the boy that attacked her, but partly out of a curious observation. For the brutal assault that was upon him Spike was not fighting back. Nor did he seem to be expressing any pain. Oddly, it seemed like he was accepting what was given to him, which disturbed her slightly.

“An’ that’s that!” the red-haired girl said, as she and her friend let up their assault.

“And if we see you near us, and especially Sweetie Belle again: it’ll be your head,” the purple-haired girl said.

The two girls walked off, while the third stayed behind. She simply watched as Spike stood up from the ground and brushed himself off, before he resumed eating his lunch.

There was something strange about this boy, she knew. But, she simply walked after her friends and left him alone.


Throughout the rest of the school day, Spike never let on that he was hiding bruises under his shirt. For the next agonizing hours, he stifled every groan and moan, until the school day was ended.

Finally, he would be able to take care of his wounds. He walked by the high school, and saw that many of the kids there were already outside, ready to go home. He waited there, and looked through the crowd of students, until he saw the familiar faces of his new friends.

“Twilight!” he called, before he walked over to her.

Spike noticed that immediately when Twilight saw him, she looked distressed. And it was all the more worrying when she ran over to him.

“Twilight? Is something wrong?” Spike wondered.

“Is it true, Spike?” Twilight asked.

“Is what true?”

“Are you really someone called Slayer? And are you really a robber and a thug?”

Once again, Spike felt his brain snap. They had learned about what he once was, and he knew just who had told them. But, as mad as he was at Garble, he wanted to focus on quelling his friend’s nerves.

“I...I’m not going to lie to you,” Spike said. He noticed that the other girls with Twilight were all anxiously awaiting the answer. Rarity in particular was holding tightly to a lock of her hair. “Yes. I-I used to be in a gang. And I did really bad things. But, that’s all behind me now.”

Rarity was on the verge of tears, and she loosened her grip on her hair.

“Then, it was you,” Rarity practically whispered. “You were the one who burned my sister.”

“What!?” Twilight said.

“My sister and her friends said they were attacked by a boy with green hair. Sweetie Belle needed stitches for her cut. But, the doctors couldn’t for all the deep burns…” Rarity said, as tears leaked out of her eyes.

The revelation was too much for Twilight, who had let Spike into her home, and shared her hospitality with him.

“Twilight,” Spike began, “I know what I did was horrible. And I’m really sorry for the things I did. But, I left the gang because I knew what I was doing was wrong. I wanted to make up for what happened then. And I still think I have a chance now. Especially with your sister, Rarity. I even met her earlier today. And...well...she didn’t want to talk, but I think she’d be willing to at least let me make up for hurting her. Please. Let me have this chance.”

Though the boy’s plea was earnest, nobody was sure if they could trust him.

“Spike,” Twilight said, as if she were trying to say something difficult. “I think it’s best if...if you don’t stay with me tonight.”

It was the worst that could have happened. After so many calamities, Spike was now without a home and a family again.

“Fine,” Spike said, before turning away to fend on his own.