• Published 19th Apr 2018
  • 2,252 Views, 54 Comments

Equestria Girls Spikebelle - Chaos04

Spike is a young boy who attends Canterlot junior making new friends and gose on adventures

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A new day started in Canterlot. The morning commute went about beginning their days, filing onto buses and cabs, crowding the sidewalks and paying not a button for the others around them.

Among the crowd, another man walked. His mind as dark and terrible as the pitch black jumper he wore, his visage shrouded by the shadowy hood. What would he do today? Nobody knew. Why he would do it? That would be for him to decide. Whatever happened, however terrible, he would be the master of his own actions.

His mind was brought to reality when his elbow bumped into a bypasser’s arm.

“Oh! I’m sorry,” said the girl he bumped into.

“Never mind it, little lady,” said the man. His face changed from a blank canvas to an intrigued smile when he saw who the girl was walking with. A man his own age, who he recognized from a long time ago. “Night Light? Is that you? How long has it been?”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t think I know you,” Night Light said, as he slowly nudged his daughter behind himself, putting himself between her and the stranger.

“Night Light, don’t you remember your old pal, Pharynx?” the man said, as he lowered his hood, to reveal his face.

The sight of Pharynx’s face sent a chill down Night Light’s spine.

“No, I don’t remember anyone named ‘Pharynx.’ And if I did, I would be so lucky to have forgotten him,” Night Light said abruptly, as he led his daughter away.

Pharynx watched the two leave, his eyes squarely fixed on them. “So, Night Light has a baby girl now. How nice.”

He continued down his way, his mind flooded with dark and terrible thoughts of what could occur during the day. And if any of them needed his hand, then so it would pass.

“Dad, who was that?” Twilight asked.

“Nobody to concern yourself about. Just keep walking, and don’t look back,” Night Light said.

“How can I not be concerned? After seeing how you talked to that man, I want to know what you have to do with him.”

“Nothing! And I don’t want you to have anything to do with him either!” Night Light said, as he and his daughter reached a pedestrian crossing.

“Dad, I really think you need to tell me about that man. I know somebody who’s done bad things before, and if I don’t find a way to help him, he and I might have the same conversation you just had with that man. Please, dad. I need you to tell me,” Twilight said.

Night Light silently waited for the signal to walk, hoping the movement through the foot traffic would diffuse the conversation in some small way. However, the lamps at the other end of the crossing remained, and he found himself fighting the nagging urge to tell his daughter the truth. However, if it would help her friend, he decided he would have to tell her. With a heavy sigh, Night Light decided to tell Twilight what he knew.

“Pharynx...is a very bad person. Back when your mother and I were attending Canterlot High, he and his friend Sombra were notorious bullies. They did every unspeakable thing you can name. And it only ever got worse after school,” Night Light said.

“Worse how?” Twilight wondered.

“Worse in ways I don’t want you to hear at your age,” Night Light answered. The lamp at the end of the crossing changed, and the pedestrians all started filing across the street. “But, I will tell you this,” Night Light continued as he and his daughter traversed the other pedestrians, “Unless you help your friend, you may soon find a trail of blood following them. And it won’t matter how much you try to help. They won’t ever return form where they’re going, no matter what you say or do.”

Twilight shuddered internally at the thought. She knew next to nothing about the man called Pharynx, but if Spike was to become like him, she knew she had to put a stop to it.

“Dad, we have to get home fast,” Twilight said.

The two of them made their way home quickly. When they entered, Twilight Velvet was keeping herself busy with housework. Before she could greet her family, Night Light quickly walked over to her.

“Twilight. Your mum and I need to have a talk. You go up to your room for now,” Night Light said.

“A talk? What about?” Velvet wondered.

“This way,” Night Light said, walking her to the kitchen.

After they disappeared, Twilight went up to her room to prepare for what she knew she needed to do next.

Down in the kitchen, Twilight’s dad readied to relay the news of the encounter they just had.

“So, what was it you wanted to talk about?” Velvet asked.

“It was just minutes ago. When me and Twily were out, we…” He prepared himself for what he was about to convey. “We ran into Pharynx.”

Velvet gasped, knowing that nothing good could be said next. The idea of Pharynx being so close to their home was truly disturbing, and could only mean trouble was to come.


In the far reaches of Canterlot, where the buildings were run down, and the people were not friendly, Pharynx walked down the darkest alley.

He knew what he was going to do. He was going to release his old friend from prison, and reunite as a family.

There would be no way he could do it alone. He would need help. And he knew just the guy and girl who were perfect for the job. After so many years, they would all be together. After all this time, the most fearsome gang Canterlot had ever known to terrorize it’s streets would be back together again.