• Published 19th Apr 2018
  • 2,247 Views, 54 Comments

Equestria Girls Spikebelle - Chaos04

Spike is a young boy who attends Canterlot junior making new friends and gose on adventures

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Spike paid no mind to the man next to him. He didn’t even look up when the man in black addressed him by name.

Outside, the metro train passed through a tunnel, shrouding everything in darkness. In the dim lights of the train car, Spike glanced over toward the man in black. The man’s eyes glinted an unsettling reddish color when the lights above flickered. Spike had seen many terrible things in his young life, but the sight of the man next to him sent a pang of unease through him for the first time in his life.

“You’re Sombra’s boy, aren’t you?” the man asked.

Spike said nothing, but slightly nodded his head toward the man next to him.

“You don’t need to be so surprised. Me and your dad knew each other long before he went to the big house. We’ve kept touch even then. You’d be surprised by the things the guards overlook when they think they’re top notch,” the man continued.

The more the man spoke to him, the more uneasy Spike felt around this man. He knew nothing about him, or how he knew his dad. For all he knew, this was Pharynx he was talking to. Of all the luck, the one person his dad told him to avoid was there next to him. As frightened as he was, he remained silent. He would have nothing to do with Pharynx, if it meant ending up like his dad.

“So, Spike: where are you heading?” the man asked nonchalantly. “There can’t be many places for a kid like you to go. Not after losing both your parents, and all your friends.”

Spike gripped his hands together, fighting the urge to run from this man, for fear of what he may do.

“You know, there’s a bit of advice I like to offer to people like you. It’s not always easy to do, or even think about. But, sometimes life can take you down a dark path. And when that begins, there’s no turning back from it. Times like that, you have to let go of everything. Even the things you cherish the most. It’s because there’s nothing left for you that most people even take that path. So, I’ll ask again: where are you heading?” the man in black asked.

Where was he heading? Spike thought back to what his dad told him back in the prison, and the similar, yet starkly contrasted statement the man next to him said. He had seen the path his father walked, and saw no end through it. Just the same as the dark, twisting tunnel he was riding through now.

The brakes on the train hissed loudly, as it pulled up to a platform, and light filled the car. Spike thought to his destination that he intended in the first place. The path that would lead to Sweetie Belle. And with her, Twilight, Discord, Thorax, and all the others.

With that, he answered the man’s question: ‘where was he going.’

“Here’s good,” was all Spike answered, as he stood from his seat, and walked to the open doors of the car.

He departed with a crowd of people, and made his way upstairs to the station above.

Behind him, the man in black lingered on the platform, he was going to keep an eye on that boy. For now, he had other things to do. He still had to go meet with the others.

The hours passed. Twilight and all the others met on the beach, and began their search for Spike.

After so long of searching, waiting and wondering, no sight of him was to be found. The only clue that was found was when Sweetie Belle searched beneath a bungalow, and found her friend’s bedding tucked away underneath it. And that was all. The only trace of Spike being there that day.

She looked behind herself, and saw all of the others regrouping in the distance. With a heavy sigh, she started walking back to the others.

“Did anyone find him?” Twilight asked, when she returned with Thorax.

“Nothing. And I’ve been looking all over this place. I didn’t even find him in any of the nearby shops,” Rainbow Dash said, after she returned with Scootaloo.

“Do ya think he’s gone? Ya think he mighta actually skipped town after all?” Applejack wondered.

“No! He’s still here!” Sweetie Belle announced, as she rejoined the others. “He wouldn’t leave without packing up his bedding. He’s probably planning on coming back.”

In spite of Sweetie Belle’s hopeful attitude, everyone else knew better than to assume such a thing. In actuality, they were starting to think that Applejack may have been right.

“Oh, Sweetie Belle,” Rarity said, as she knelt down to her sister’s level. “You must realize that Spike had no real reason to stay here. He had no family. And no friends. It’s quite likely that he went somewhere else to discover them. Or to put his life in Canterlot behind him.”

“That’s not true. He had me. I know he wouldn’t leave me behind without at least saying goodbye. He has to come back here. I know it,” Sweetie asserted.

Rarity watched, heartbroken as she saw the tears leaking out of her sister’s eyes. All the others felt the profound sadness of a connection that was seemingly severed between the two. And in the back of her mind, Sweetie Belle thought her sister may be right.

With a heavy sigh, she leaned into her sister’s arms. The search had been long and tiring, but the thing that weighed the most on them was the knowledge they had failed to find Spike, and the emotional toll it was taking on one of their youngest friends.

“Come on. Let’s go home,” Rarity sighed.

They all slowly filed back to their vehicles. As the car drove away, Sweetie Belle took one last look back to the beach, as she rubbed the scar on her arm.

Spike was nowhere near the business district when he left the metro. Far from it, actually. The only reason he was now avoiding public transportation was for fear of running into the man in black again.

Hours passed, before he was anywhere near the boutique where Sweetie Belle lived. His feet were hurting from the long walk, but it would be worth it to reforge his friendship with Sweetie.

He rounded a corner, and he could see the boutique midway down the path. All he had to do now was walk inside, and hold onto what he would find within. His steps felt lighter with each step.

“Sweetie Belle!” he called to the shop, hoping that she would hear him from somewhere inside.

He was running now. His legs burned with each step, but that would not stop him when he was so close.

Spike reached the front door and rattled it loudly, finding the doors were locked tight. The boy growled quietly, and knocked loudly on the doors.

“Sweetie Belle!” he called.

He peered through the glass window, and found a slit in the curtains that allowed him to see inside.

It was dark inside the boutique. As if the shop had not even been attended that day, not even the mannequins were set out to their proper place.

This setback was not going to stop Spike. This was Sweetie Belle’s home, and she was going to return at some point or another. With a sigh, he sat down on the front step of the shop, watching the passersby as they went about their days. It was only a matter of time now. Spike knew he would be on the correct path, and avoid the one his dad had taken.

In the darkest part of town, a shadowy figure crept. Her thin, waify figure trodding silently through the darkened streets, even the scum of the city that lurked here cowered at the sight of her.

Thin to the point of emaciation, her body was seemingly nothing but long, spindly limbs that could reach out and drag anyone they ensnared to the darkest part of a room, and never return. The only volume her body even had was her long, lank hair, which wildly blew about in all directions as she walked.

One last turn, and she found herself in a familiar place. The old ‘usual.’ A place where she and the others of her gang would often meet. Only, there she was alone now. Or so she thought.

“Chrysalis. You came. And you’re looking as lovely as ever,” came a deep voice from behind her.

The woman called Chrysalis snapped her body around, and saw the form of a former cohort filling the path behind her. How someone as tall and muscular as him was able to sneak around so quietly was beyond her cognition.

The other man stepped out of the alleyway, allowing the dim lights of the back alley porches and passing headlights to illuminate his broad, bearded visage momentarily, before he returned to an enormous silhouette after the passing of the light.

“Are you the one that called me here?” Chrysalis asked apprehensively. Though they were once allies, a two-faced mountain of muscle like Tirek, her companion, was not to be taken slightly.

“Me?” Tirek asked. “I thought it was you. I couldn’t imagine anyone else being so brazen as to get the gang back together. Not after how we all parted on such cold terms.”

“Brazen? Cold? And here I was thinking that we all would be happy to see each other again,” said a third voice, as the owner walked through an open doorway of an abandoned building.

Both Chrysalis and Tirek took a step backwards when they realized who was talking to them. The one who sent one of their own to prison to save his own hide. There was Pharynx. And even they knew nothing good could come from cooperating with him.