• Published 19th Apr 2018
  • 2,252 Views, 54 Comments

Equestria Girls Spikebelle - Chaos04

Spike is a young boy who attends Canterlot junior making new friends and gose on adventures

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The Beginning Of Chaos

Sombra glared at his double crossing friend from the other side of the cubicle. He looked left and right seeing the man-mountain and the waify woman.

“I see that you brought Tirek and Chrysalis,” he said, looking back to the man sitting in the seat.

“Hey...” was all the man-mountain said through the cubicle.

“Tirek. How's it going working with that double crossing, backstabbing Pharynx,” he said, coldly not happy to see his old friends. Especially Pharynx.

“Believe me, it wasn’t my idea,” Tirek said.

“Then why did you join him when you could've left?”

“Pharynx threatened us! We had no choice!” Chrysalis said, as she angrily clutched her arm around Spike’s shoulders.

Tirek said nothing, but silently agreed with the waif.

Sombra glowered behind his glass at the others.

“Tirek, Chrysalis I'm going to give you the same advice I gave my son: hold onto the things that you cherish. And steer clear of the things that drag you down the path of darkness,” Sombra said.

“Really. You really think anyone would listen to that stupid advice,” laughed Pharynx. “Show of hands here: who took Sombra’s advice, and held onto something dear?”

From his restraint under Chrysalis’s surprisingly sturdy arms, Spike raised his hand, as he defiantly started at Pharynx.

Pharynx only smirked at the sight of the one in the room with their hand up, and turned back to face Sombra.

“Well, looks like you’ve been a better dad than you thought. You must be proud of your boy for this,” Pharynx said.

“In the short time that I’ve know him, he’s shown more promise than any one of you for a future,” Sombra grimly nodded. “And it’s because of him that I won’t have anything to do with you.”

Pharynx smiled at what his old friend said, and turned to Spike.

“Seems like you had a real impact on your old man. He won’t come back to me because of you. You should feel gratified, kiddo,” Pharynx said.

Spike stopped struggling against Chrysalis’s grip momentarily. He never imagined that he would ever have that kind of effect on his dad, the worst killer in Canterlot. If he had, he was sure he would have gone to see him much more often than he did.

The door to the visitor’s room burst open, and Officer Tempest and two others pointed their firearms at the group who had entered.

“Let go of the kid and put your hands on your head!” Tempest ordered.

Discord and Fluttershy were at the coffeehouse, enjoying the late night decaf and dulcet poetry of amateur hour. For hours now, the two had been having fun and learning about one another. But, through it all, Discord was plagued with many strange feelings that ranged from passing dizziness to a tiny pang of nausea. At the moment Discord's head was pounding with a dull ache.

Fluttershy looked over across the tiny table, and saw her date with his fingers to his forehead.

“Discord? Are you okay?” she asked him, hoping that he was having a good time, since it was her idea to stay for the poetry.

“It's nothing. Just a slight headache,” he said to ease her concerns.

Fluttershy watched Discord as he exhaled loudly, and took a huge drink of his tea. When he tilted his head back, Fluttershy thought she saw something on his chest that wasn’t there before. Something that might have been a tattoo that she hadn’t noticed. She almost asked about it, but felt her phone vibrate in her pocket before she could.

She answered the phone without looking at the screen.


“Fluttershy is Discord with you!?” asked Rarity’s flustered and hasty voice.

“Yes. Why?” Fluttershy asked, growing more anxious as she watched Discord hold his head, and listening to Rarity’s voice.

“Good. We need the both of you here at my house! Now!”

Rarity hung up.

“Who was it?” Discord asked.

“It...It was Rarity. She said we needed to go to her house. She sounded really upset about something,” Fluttershy answered.

“Good. I...I think I need some fresh air right now. Just go on ahead and I’ll pay for this, okay?” Discord said.

“Alright,” Fluttershy said. She stood up and took one last look at Discord as he began to sweat. Concern welled up inside of her, and she placed her hands on top of Discord’s, “Try not to do anything that will push you too hard.”

Discord only nodded, as sweat poured down his forehead. Hesitantly, Fluttershy went to the door to wait for Discord, as he went about paying the tab for the drinks

“I said drop the kid and hands on your head!” Tempest repeated, her firearm trained directly on Pharynx.

For whatever reason, the intrusion seemed to enrage Pharynx, who slammed the phone he was holding onto the counter in front of him.

As if on a cue, Tirek and Chrysalis sprang into action.

It began with Chrysalis throwing Spike into Tempest.

There was only a fraction of a second that the officer’s attention was diverted. That was all that the criminals needed for the upper hand.

The first officer’s head was grasped by Tirek’s massive hand, and slammed into a wall. The wall broke, and what was left of the officer’s head was embedded in it.

Chrysalis leapt at the second officer, and knocked him down. She proceeded to turn his face inside-out with her heel.

At the exact same time as the others, Pharynx ripped the phone off of its cord and rushed to attack Tempest.

Spike found himself between both Tempest and Pharynx, as the madman bludgeoned the officer with the phone. Drops of Tempest’s blood dripped from the phone onto Spike’s face, spurring the boy to action.

His knee connected to Pharynx’s groin, making the madman keel over. Taking Tempest’s club off her belt, he clubbed both of Pharynx’s knees, before dropping the club to reach for the gun the officer dropped.

Spike’s hand didn’t have time to move when Pharynx punched Spike’s face. Then again and again, before throwing the boy against the cubicle’s counter.

“You stupid, ungrateful little prig!!!” Pharynx shouted. He kicked his heel into Spike’s stomach. “You can’t imagine the things I’ve done for your father, and this is the thanks I get!!” He kicked Spike again.

“Pharynx, stop!!” Chrysalis said.

“He’s just a kid!” Tirek added.

Pharynx responded by throwing the phone he held against the wall between this companions. The action had silenced their objection, and he turned back to Spike, roughly grabbing the boy’s collar.

“You’ve got a girl, don’t you kid? That purple-haired mini-tart? You should let her go while you still have the chance, or you’ll just end up like your old man,” Pharynx said.

Spike glanced over to the glass that separated the cubicles. His father sat on the other side, cut off from hearing what was happening. But, one look from his monstrous eyes, and Spike knew what to do.

“No!” Spike said.

Pharynx bashed Spike’s head against the glass, sending a ripple through the divider in front of Sombra.

“They say ‘like father, like son!’ There was a time when I was a boy and my father killed my mother!! I only went out looking for some girl to marry and kill next! And you know what my girl does? Goes off and marries your dad, then craps you out!! Don’t you see why I made him choose? Your mum needed to die! I chose her! I was going to spawn the next generation of filth! You should have been my boy! Mine!”

In all his life, Spike never felt such a fear as when he thought someone like Pharynx could have been his father. Horrible images passed through his mind, where he stayed by Garble’s side, murdered Sweetie Belle, and beget a child to take after his horrible ways.

Sombra placed his hand against the glass and leaned close, as Pharynx hovered his face over Spike’s, his face twisted by rage and madness.

“I’m going to tell you exactly what will happen: you are going to kill your friend. And you’re going to come crawling back to me, broken and desperate. It’s the same with everyone I’ve ever met,” Pharynx said.

Chrysalis and Tirek both stared in silence. Chrysalis glanced to Tempest, who was watching the scene before her play out, helpless to do anything.

Pharynx took Spike by his shirt and threw him out the door.

“Go. Live your life the way any little boy should. Just you wait. The next time I see you, you’re going to have blood on your hands,” Pharynx said.

Spike didn’t stay to see what was going to play out. He quickly got to his feet and limped back to Canterlot, just as the sun was rising.

Pharynx huffed, and turned to take one last look at Sombra, before leaving past his cohorts to finish his business at the prison