• Published 1st Sep 2018
  • 1,286 Views, 21 Comments

The love of chaos and harmony or the romantic adventures of the O&O gang - Shadowlight Wanderer

As Big Mac continues dating Sugar Belle, Discord and Spike are starting to wonder about their love lives and decide to take action and win the love for themselves. Together, O&O style. What can possibly go wrong?

  • ...

Retreat or the story of Discord, toast and Luna’s pyjamas

Chapter 11

Where we face many challenges towards the way to the Tree of Harmony...

"And then it turned out that cousin Applecrisp was actually Braeburn wearing the skirt" Big Mac concluded the joke, making Discord and Spike explode in laughter.

Though Big Macintosh was not fond of talking too much, his occasional jokes were priceless. Even if some events in Apple family were...a bit odd, especially if they involved Braeburn.

"That Braeburn is such a hopeless case " Discord chuckled " I should introduce him to Smoozie, I am sure they will have fun."

Spike was about to say something but decided to remain silent. The gang continued their walk through the forest around the camp. The weather was just beautiful and the calm breath of the forest was soothing all the tensions away. And there was absolutely nothing that could ruin such a-


Suddenly, a scream was heard and from the forest emerged a pony in the cloak, chased by three timberwolves. The claws of the ferocious beasts nearly shredded the stranger to pieces.

But Discord motioned his paw lazily and three monsters shrunk to the size of small puppies. They kept barking and squeaking for a few seconds, before noticing the change in their bodies and quickly running back to the forest.

Spike ran in front of the group to the hooded figure.

"Hey, you really startled us. You should..."

"Ask all of you why it took so long !!!" the hood fall back to reveal...

Three friends gasped in shock as the pony in front of them quickly pulled a hoof to his mane

"You know, that cloak did a number on my mane. So much for intensive maintenance !"

Standing in front of them was no other that Fluttershy's infamous younger brother, Zephyr Breeze.


Discord felt the entire world spinning.

Zephyr...for all the ponies he could save...it was him.

Gods, how he hated that jerk.

"What. Are.YOU.Doing. Here ?" the spirit muttered slowly and though he was perfectly in control of his emotions, for now at least, the air got slightly colder and their breaths turned into mist.

"Ymm, I was invited of course." Zephyr answered with his typical ignorance " But it was such a shame that I couldn't go with you. I got a bit lost in the woods. It was a tragic and devastating tale of heroism and bravery. But now when it is all over, why don't you take me to the others ? And get me something to eat, I am famished."

Discord's eye twitched

"What I want..."

is to kill you and make sure I will never hear of you ever again !!!!

"...is to express my SINCERE apologies for overlooking somepony so INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT, such guest as you. In fact, I can make things right just about now."

Discord raised his eagle claw but Spike quickly dashed between him and Zephyr.

"Hey, hey, don't be too hasty here ! Discord, come with me for a moment. Big Mac, why won't you show Zephyr around ?"

Big Mac looked like he wanted to throw up but gestured Zephyr to follow him.

Discord waited until they were far enough and snapped his claws.

"There. Now no one will be able to notice their presence beside us" he muttered "The last thing I want is that idiot ruining the trip for us."

Discord glared at Spike, dangerous fire appearing in his eyes.

"Now, what's with that invitation ? I would never invite him which means that it was YOU !!!"

"Well, I simply thought that I will do you a favour since you overlooked the brother of one of the girls."

"Blast that kind of favour ! It was a blessing ! You know that I can't stand this guy !"

"Fluttershy would be upset if her brother wouldn't show up !"

"Not likely. She loves her brother but usually can't stand him just like I do "

Spike sighed

"Okay, at the beginning I didn't like the idea of the fieldtrip so I invited Zephyr to got the revenge on you. Sorry..."

Discord stared at the dragon and then started to laugh.

"Oh, you really got me " he patted Spike's shoulder as he gritted his teeth " Got me there for real..."

Then he put dragon's face right in front of his own

"But if you ever pull that off again, I will punch your little body straight into space !"

Spike rolled his eyes and saluted

"Yeah, got that"

Discord facepalmed

" So now we have to deal with him and quickly. What if send him to another realm and then alter everypony's memories ?"

Spike just gave him the look and slowly said

"Discord, if you ever want to go out with Fluttershy, you have to be in good terms with her family. And I am afraid that it also includes Zephyr. Maybe you should just talk to him."

Discord groaned.

"Oh, fine !"


They reappeared right next to Zephyr and Big Mac.

"Say Zephyr, how long has it been since you saw your sister ?" Discord started the conversation in a cheerful voice

"Oh, my sis ? I think that since I graduated from Mane Therapy. What about her ?"

"Well, I don't know, what would you think about somepony...someone going out with her"

Zephyr raised his eyebrow slightly.

"Kinda random topic to bring, eh, Dis-man ? But if asked, I would say that my sis deserves the best of the best

Discord proudly presented his chest, pushed forward.


"Somepony as normal, courageous and intelligent as moi." Zephyr added bluntly.

Discord's body shivered with fury and his eyebrows caught up fire.

" Reeeeeeeealllyyyy ?" he said in a deadly calm tone " Well then, we'll see if you change your mind.

Spike exchanged a look with Big Mac. That wasn't good.

Discord put so many "e"s in really only when he was in the mood of destroying the entire armies. Who could say what he was planning now...

The said spirit conjured up a toast with cheese and levitated it to Zephyr.

"You said you were hungry. So here, have this toast"

Zephyr blinked a few times before taking the food

"Gee, thanks, I..."

"But first" Discord continued " allow me to tell you some allegory. You see, this toast is you. You can think that it's refined because of this tasty cheese and organic, bread-y apparition. But the looks can often deceive"

With small gesture, a spark burnt toast to a crisp. Zephyr gulped.

"Toast can be burned and then it's neither yummy, good looking or useful "Discord kept going " All the bread turns to carbon, just like somepony's good looks when it comes to working or fighting. And somepony's morals can melt down, just like the cheese. So you think that it's a good material for a life partner ?"

Zephyr bit his lip but said nothing

"On the other hand " Discord made a glass of chocolate milk appear in his paw "chocolate milk is a liquid, it can adapt to face the world, just as some handsome spirit I know. You can also heat the milk up and it will get even tastier. The rich flavour of the chocolate only increases the sweetness of cotton candy that goes with it. So Zeph, what will it be ? Toast or milk? Think carefully now. Very.Carefully"

Zephyr slowly pointed towards the glass

"Good choice. I guess somepony with your incredibly skill of deduction could easily see through my little food metaphor. So, if you willingly admitting my superiority, I will allow you to make your exit without damage on your health or life"

"Hey hold on right there..." Zephyr tried to protest but Discord put one claw on his forehead.

"You will forget that this conversation ever occurred and that you ever been here. You never received any invitation. But remember our little chat about toast. Never forget it. And you can have both toast and milk, no need to thank me. Bye".

Zephyr disappeared.

A bunch of confetti exploded and a flashing neon "APPLAUZE" appeared behind Discord when he turned to Spike and Big Mac

"That's what I call talking. All settled in a polite and diplomatic manner !" the spirit beamed.

Spike looked at him with arms crossed

"Well...the thing is that...it actually...it wasn't...I mean..."

"Ya suck in diplomacy" Big Mac said, expressing a bold straightforward honesty so often present in his sister.

"Oh, come on!!!"Discord shouted " Don't tell me you wanted this moron here either !!! Now he is at home, won't be causing trouble and no one knew that he was even here in a first place !"

He sighed

"And I promise that when I will be introduced to Fluttershy's parents, I will be honest, fair and square, with no magic. I Pinkie Promise !"

Spike rolled his eyes and smiled

"Fine, let's go already. We have to announce that we are moving today to the rest".

" Well spoken" Discord rushed behind his two companions " A cameo can only last that long."


"WHAAAAAT ???!!!" Pinkie Pie gasped. standing with all the campers in front of Discord, Spike and Big Mac.

"You heard correctly. For the rest of the sibling fieldtrip we decided to change the location of the camp. We will set it just in front of the Tree of Harmony."

"We also thought that I would be more beneficial for ya to take the nature in ya, so we are walkin' there. It's not so far away"

"****!!! What kind of plan is that ?" growled Limestone

"Me and my sister insisted on spending night near our old castle " Luna said calmly.

Limestone bit her lip

"In that case...pardon my rudeness, but you can shove thy ****..."

"Why don't you give it a try, Limestone ?" Maud put a hoof on her sister's back.

The grumpy earth pony stood back and muttered.

"I guess so..."

So half an hour later Discord teleported their entire camp to the gorge near the castle of the two sisters and they started to walk through the forest.


Celestia massaged her head once again

"Look, it's not like I am being overprotective...am I overprotective ? Nah, it can't be it. This is just a totally normal concern. Me and Discord knew each other for centuries...well, I mean if we count all those times that I came under his statue and wondered what kind of sick trick of fate claimed his sanity. But I just don't know...what if he gets hurt ? You could ask why do I care...well, I know...I think I know..."

She laughed hysterically and continued blabbering

"We were practically like a siblings back in the days. He was the only immortal besides me and Luna. I just don't know if he understands...and I think that Fluttershy certainly doesn't...does he even have a concept of relationship...It's not like a spent many sleepless nights thinking that I might be in love with my adoptive brother and later hating myself for hating him...it is it, isn't it ? "

Celestia looked at her companion.

Marble Pie stared at her with big eyes, as they were walking at the end of their caravan.


"Nonono..." Celestia giggled " It can't be...I am an esteemed royal, that would be simply stupid...but you know that, do you ? It's not about me, I am really concerned..."

A droplet of sweat appeared on Marble's brow as the princess hang on her.

20 meters further

"So, how is my little sister enjoying our glorious fieldtrip" Rarity asked, ruffling Sweetie Belle's mane.

"Great, I had so much fun so far "Sweetie Belle squeaked " How about you ?"

Rarity cringed a little

"Well, as much as find this holiday pleasant and enjoyable, there were some...bumps along the road".

"Lightly speaking. And you weren't the one most hurt" Sweetie Belle muttered to herself.

"Did you say something darling" Rarity asked curiously.

"Meh, nothing that important. So..."

"Sweetie, I have something important to tell you" Rarity interrupted.

"Really ? I have something to say to you too" Sweetie looked at her in awe.

"You go first" the older unicorn suddenly backed up.

"No, you go first" her sister countered.

"No, you"

"You first"

"I insist that you go first"

"I insist for you to not insist"

"OH, FINE ! I think I fell in love !!!" both of them shouted in unison and then covered their mouths.

"NO.WAY" Sweetie's eyes widened

"You too ? Sweet Celestia, you are growing up so fast" Rarity sniffed.

Both sisters grabbed each other and giggled, jumping in the air

So maybe that's why Rarity told Spike all those things. She probably found somepony and tried to tell Spike that her heart is already taken without hurting his feelings. Well, she failed but it doesn't matter anymore cause I will have Spike's heart all fixed up, now that Rarity's out of the way. thought Sweetie Belle.

Thank heavens, Sweetie Belle finally found somepony to be her coltfriend. I always believed in her. And I am almost ashamed to admit it...almost...but I feared that she may take my Spikey-wikey away. I mean, she's got the looks, she is my sister after all. But now all I have to worry about is that mysterious rival Luna mentioned... flashed through Rarity's mind.

The unicorns were walking in silence for a moment, with goofy grins on their faces, before Rarity spoke up.

"I know him for quite some time but only recently I want to be on better terms with him"

" As for me, I didn't know him very well and I didn't know how to approach him cause he seemed taken for a looooong time. But now I think I had a chance !" Sweetie's eyes lit up.

"Good luck, Sweetie Belle" Rarity exclaimed cheerfully.

"You too sis" came the reply.

High above the sisters, Discord took a bite of a cotton candy cloud he was travelling on

"They are so dense..." he sighed.

Another 30 meters further

Luna shouted

"What do you mean is gone?'

Twilight took a deep breath

"Princess, I must still state..."

"I don't know where it is but you have to find it !"

"Hi, what are you talking about ?" Spike marched to two alicorns from behind.

"Twilight here lost my favourite pyjama last night."

Spike raised an eyebrow

"Twi...you made Luna's pyjama...go away from her body."

Twilight blushed and her eye twitched as she realized the hidden meaning in the entire scenario,

"It wasn't like that idiot" she snapped "Princess Luna kindly allowed me to perform an experiment on her for the researching on the nocturnal magic but the side effect was that I...sort of... stripped...Princess Luna"

"This is like my work attire. It's the most ergonomic of all my clothes. We have to get it back. I feel naked without it" Luna squealed.

"You are naked princess" Twilight noticed.

"MY SOUL IS NAKED !" Luna started to cry.

"Okay, okay, calm down !" Spike insisted gently. He usually pictured Luna as a super powerful immortal goddess, seeing her cry was disturbing on some level. "What did it look like ?"

"It's a kigurumi"

"A what ?" Twilight frowned.

"Emm... I think I might know what it is" Spike rubbed his head, looking embarrassed "It is Neighponese, it is a costume that represents somepony..."

"I know what it looks like. I saw it with my very own eyes. I just had absolutely no idea that this thing has some specific name." Twilight muttered.

"Oh yeah, it does..." Spike's mind wandered to a fateful sleepover when the O&O gang got the amazing idea of importing kigurumis from Neighpan. Surprisingly, it was Big Mac idea, not Discord's. When Discord paid for the costumes and they dressed up, they realized that they look exactly as mare of their dreams. It was something between cute and creepy, though Discord stated he once wore something like this, when he was practicing before a tea party with Fluttershy.

All was good before Discord got that amazing idea of animating the costumes. Before they could stop him, it brought disturbance to the entire new level.

Spike shivered, chasing the memory away.

"But..." he resumed " how exactly did it look like ?"

"Well" Luna said with pride " it was half mare, half-bat, with a little cape, the power of justice, the vengeance of the night, the-"

"Idiot !!!!" Twilight scream

Luna glared at her and the bookish mare realized what they were talking about.

"Sorry, sorry..." she apologized quickly " it is just that I realized what's happened to your...kiri-thingy. I focused my magic on your silhouette and external aura and it had to resonate with your magic, that I wanted to obtain for the research. And when it started to come out, it had to dematerialize your kigu-rigu...your pyjama. Don't worry though, the next time you use nocturnal magic, it will unlock the pocket dimension were it was transported".

Luna snorted with irritation

"You better be right Twilight Sparkle "

Suddenly, a scream came from the front.

"Hey y'all, we are here !!!!" Big Mac exclaimed.

17 campers noticed that they were indeed near the stairs carved in stone, descending into the deep ravine. On the bottom there were their houses and in the distance, there was an ethereal glow coming from the cave, the home of Tree of Harmony.


"Woah, it is all here. Now all we need to do is to build a fire " Rainbow Dash glanced slightly in the direction of the sun, slowly setting over the walls of the ravine.

She turned back to face Scootaloo.

"Squirt, go get some fire wood. We have to get some neat atmosphere over here and right now it is kind of gloomy here".

She was kind of right, with all the ponies exploring the ravine or staying in their houses, there was a strange silence in the air.

Scootaloo glared at the trees on the top of the walls and gulped.

Cyan pegasus rolled her eyes and said

"I know that you are not very comfortable with being in the forest after dark. So maybe I can call Applebloom and Sweetie Belle to come with you ?"

Orange filly instantly brightened up

"Yes !!! Thank you Rainbow Dash, this awesome of you !!! You are really best honorary big sister a pony can want"

She hugged Rainbow, who looked back with a little bit of a tenderness, something she rarely allowed herself to show. Then she quickly put Scootaloo aside

"Hey, let's not overdo it. I still need that wood, asap. Can you do it ?"

Scootaloo saluted proudly

"Yes ma'm !"

"That's the spirit " Rainbow cheered " Now go !"


"Scootaloo, ya do realize that is much simpler to collect the fallen branches instead of climbing the trees to break them" Applebloom said as the pegasus once more fell from the high oak.

"This is lazy. What I am doing is way cooler."

"If you fell, you won't be able to do anything cool in a long time" Sweetie Belle pleaded " Get down from there !"

"No. I am almost there..." Scootaloo reached for the branch but there the part of the tree that she was clinging onto, cracked and...


"AAAAAAAAA!!!!!" Scootaloo screamed, falling down...

Only to stop, hovering in mid air.

"If anyone is more reckless than ponies, it's younger ponies" Discord emerged from the shadow, slowly levitating Scootaloo back on the ground.

Sweetie Belle bowed her head lightly

"Thank you Discord for saving..." Scootaloo received a strong bump on the head " for saving this stupidhead"

"Hey !" pegasus recoiled" at least I have that branch now..."

"Yeah, no kiddin'. We owe you a big one" Applebloom sighed in relief before looking at the draconequus " What are ya doing here anyway ?"

"Oh, just revisiting some old memories, that's all. And you ?"

"Well, we are collecting the wood for the fire." Scootaloo gestured towards the almost full cart " we are almost finish here."

"Good. I won't have to save you anymore" Discord snarled with irritation and started to walk away.

Applebloom suddenly shouted

"Discord...can we ask you for something ?"

The spirit sighed and slowly turned around

"What is it ?"

"We were wondering if you...might help us get down to the Tree of Harmony. We would go by ourselves but that cart make it a bit difficult."

Discord twisted his head

"Why do you want to go over there ?"

"Cause it is like, the most awesome thing here. And you may not believe, but we never saw it. We are not allowed to go deep into the forest without the supervision and our sisters don't really have any reasons to go here so often. So...yeah, we really want to see it" explained Scootaloo.

Discord shrugged

"Well, if it means you will be quiet"


They repapered in the entrance to the luminous cavern.

And there it was, in all its glory, a majestic crystal tree. The crystal roots were the foundation of the shining trunk, with a symbol of the sun and moon. In the centre, a brilliant star marked the place where the branches separated and on the end of each, there were the Elements, represented by various, differently shaped and coloured gems. An apple, a lightning, a crystal, a balloon and a butterfly. Hundreds of silver leaves were hanging from the crystals wines, making the Tree even brighter.

The Crusaders stared at the Tree, amazed, before Sweetie Belle finally turned around to Discord

"You are not going to come in ?"

He shook his head

"Me and the Tree are not in the best terms so I would rather go before..."

In that moment, a wind out of nowhere started to blow through the cave.

Discord facepalmed

"Perfect, everything but that !" he growled.

"What-" Sweetie began but Applebloom quickly made her focus on the spot of light growing in the middle of the cave.

The light became a silhouette of...

"Twilight ?!!" three fillies cried in surprise.

The sparkly version of their alicorn friend shook her head

"No, I am only the physical representation of the conscience, an interface if you prefer. I am the Tree of Harmony. Welcome-come-come-come-come-come..." the avatar froze and started to glitch, repeating the syllable over and over again.

Three ponies stood frozen by fear till Discord shouted

"For real ?!!! And they say I am the one who doesn't have control of my life ! In that cave, it can't be very strong"

"What ?..." Applebloom asked.

Draconequus rolled his eyes

"What are you, stupid ? The Wi-Fi signal of course ! No wonder she is glitching ! Kick that root over there !"

Applebloom slowly walked over and bucked the root.

The avatar stopped flashing

"...come to my cave. You are very welcome to look around, sisters of my bearers."

Astral Twilight looked over fillies and noticed Discord, still standing in the entrance.

"I sensed your return, son of Chaos. I saw you coming to my roots once before." the interface looked almost...concerned.

Discord exhaled and straighten up

"Long time no seen...Harmonia. Don't get the wrong idea, I still am the Chaos and I still kind of don't like you, but...now I mean no harm to you. Promise."

Avatar nodded slightly.

"As I hoped. Remember that my Elements still a threat to you and I won't lower my guard until you opened your part at some part of my power."

Discord lowered his head

"I keep that in mind"

Sparkly phantom twisted its head

"And yet I sense...something different inside of you..."

Discord waved his paw dismissively

"Those are probably those super spicy cupcakes Pinkie Pie was serving. Harmonia, do you think a creature without a stomach can have a diarrhoea ?"

He could swore that the avatar's lips twitched in a small attempt to smile.

"Farewell then-en-en-en-en..." she lagged once again.

And then she exploded into the light.

Discord shook his head and smiled

"Never change Harmonia. Maybe someday-"

Then he froze.

The pain came so quickly that he didn't have the time to react. It flooded him like a wave of acid, burning and freezing in the same time.

His head was filled with images of something dark and cold, full of hatred and wrath. He fell on his knees, clenching his skull.

Slaughter. Fear. Revenge.

Then, it all disappeared.

"Discord !!! What happened ?"

He noticed three fillies galloping towards him.

Discord shook his head and looked at his limbs.

That magic... acid, murder....

That aura...

It couldn't be...

She wouldn't ever allow that...

He shook his head once more

"I am fine..." he got up, carefully scanning the cavern " I just felt a little weak...Let's go and light up the fire !!!

He smiled weakly and Crusaders slowly smiled back.

They exit the cave and Discord was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he didn't notice the new addition to Scootaloo's cart.

Two minutes earlier...

As Discord started to converse with the Tree or as he called it, Harmonia, Crusaders were exploring the area near the trunk of the Tree.

"Wow, I can't believe that those leaves are so pretty" Sweetie said dreamily

"Who would thought that those seeds planted by Pillars would grow into such a powerful tree. It would be fun having something like this in the orchard" Applebloom wondered.

"Don't forget that those Elements helped defeat many villains. No that is neat"

Suddenly, Scootaloo felt something close to his hoof.

"What the-" her eyes widened

She was looking at six small logs of wood, each in different colour.

"Well, that's strange. Why did a tree, which is made out of crystal, leave behind a wooden logs ?" Scootaloo thought.

She looked at her cart

"Actually, there is still a room for it to be a complete..."

She grabbed the logs and was about to put them into the cart...

And then Discord screamed.

The logs fell to the rest of the wood.

And stayed there when the group left the cave.


"...And then, Luna told me that if she doesn't get the throne, she will bring the toilet along with her. So she did. I was so embarrassed that I let her have one" Celestia concluded her tale.

All the ponies laughed loudly as the fire cracked, giving them nice warmth and comfort.

Pinkie Pie licked her stick with melted marshmallows

"Maybe we can tell a story about how my sisters went to a hike"

"Sweet merciful cobalt, have mercy" muttered Limestone.

"Or we can play some game ? It is fun and expands your brain capacity." Twilight proposed.

"Oh, like a similarities ? Apple !" said Applejack

"Applejack !" Rainbow Dash followed.

"What an ingenious connection, I must congratulate you darling" Rarity huffed" rope !"

"Hoofcaps !" said Fluttershy.

"Now that is a chain reaction " Luna laughed.


Discord watched as the flames danced before him. He was unusually quiet the whole gathering.

His mind was still back in the cavern.

Normally would laugh the pain away but this time...

Something was off...

But what...

An acidic aura...

A reflection...


One of the problems with having a chaotic mind was that you could never know when the resolution would strike.


"So why won't we do a shadow theatre ?" Rarity raised up her hooves to create a dancing ballerina

Luna laughed

"This is a shadow play ? I will show you..."


Discord wasn't sure if time really slowed down when Luna started to summon her magic

Something that wants revenge...

There was something on the back of his head...

That magic...


And then few thing happened at once

Luna summoned the shadows and in the same time something fell from the sky on her.

Twilight narrowed her eyes

"Is that ?"

Spike blinked

"A kigurumi"

Luna started to trot around in panic

"Help, I can't see anything !!!"



A slight hint of darkness...

A biological receptacle...

Why did it sound familiar ?


Bump !!!

Luna's flank smashing towards the wood, ready to fall into fire...


A spell that complex...


A wood started to fall...


He knew.

Discord raised his head, terror igniting in his eyes.

When you add chaos and darkness, you will get...

A Dark Self spell...

A copy...

Wanting to posses...

He felt it near the Tree...

It came from down there...

Had to be stored in some sort of basic organic matter...


He looked up to the slowly falling logs. Six colourful, out of place logs.

"Like wood !!!



His mind calculated every option

Too slow

His claws crossed. Just one snap.

Still too slow.

In every surrounding reality the summary was the same.


The wood almost touched the fire


Discord snapped his claws

The ponies all looked at each other with confusion when a barrier appeared in front of them

"Discord, what are you ?"

Then all the air was sucked away as the fire exploded.

Discord screamed in pain and so did the princesses. The barrier was shook by the powerful force and started to crack.

"GET OUT OF HERE !!!" roared Discord, trying to keep the barrier up.

All the ponies started to run. Except princesses

"It burns...that hatred..." hissed Celestia

"GYYYYAAAHHH!!!" Luna screamed.

Discord confronted the dark magic with all his strength.

But then the shockwave broke through.

It came through his entire body, making it numb and weak.

He fell on the ground.

He heard a wicked laughter and noticed a streams of light in six colours flying though the forest.

Darn it, he was right.

His vision started to become blurry and spin.

He had to do something.

On the edge of passing out, he snapped his claws.

The last thing he remembered was a fragment of rosy mane and an blue eye watching him carefully.

Then everything went black.