• Published 1st Sep 2018
  • 1,288 Views, 21 Comments

The love of chaos and harmony or the romantic adventures of the O&O gang - Shadowlight Wanderer

As Big Mac continues dating Sugar Belle, Discord and Spike are starting to wonder about their love lives and decide to take action and win the love for themselves. Together, O&O style. What can possibly go wrong?

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Opened hearts

Chapter 1

Where we come up with a plan

Two weeks earlier...

Discord raised over Squizard’s body

„Any last words ? That will teach you not to mess with the Capitan Wuzz, the greatest archer of Spiketopia”

The paper cut-out villain laughed

„Don’t underestimate me, goat face. I am not done yet. Behold my Squid Spray of Ultimate Darkness”

The cloud of blackness exploded in Discord’s face. He quickly moved away as the dark clouds swirled around him. Squizard disappeared.

Discord shouted

„Garbunkle, where are you ? I can use some light here !”

„I am here ! But unfortunately I still didn’t find a way to remove this curse from level 17 and I can’t perform light spells” Spike said as he emerged from the clouds, supporting himself with his wand.

Discord facepalmed

„This is not good. Squizard it is on his way to Flutter...I mean Shutterfly. We have to stop him, but I cannot roll the dice for the aim in those clouds”

Spike crossed his arms

„I thought we were saving Shmarity this time, huh ?”

Discord ignored the question and kept wondering

„Maybe if you combine your abilities with Sir MacBiggun, your combined levels of experience will be able to reverse this curse.”

Spike beamed, forgetting about the “change” of the princesses.

“This might actually work. Where is he ?”

“ I didn’t see him for some time. We have to find him and quickly”


“Sir MacBiggun, there you are “said tired Spike when after twenty minutes of wandering in the clouds, he spotted red unicorn in the amour “ we need you to...”

He stopped as he saw Big Mac staring at some photo.

“OH NO, NOT AGAIN !!! I AM DONE WITH THIS !!!” Spike turned around to see Discord as he raised his eagle claw, glowing with golden light, in the air.

The golden cracks spread around them and reality broke like a shattered glass, to reveal the main hall of Twilight’s Castle.

Discord snapped his claws and the photo teleported onto his lion paw.

It took five seconds for Big Mac, who was still staring dreamily into space, to acknowledge the photo was missing. He looked angrily at Discord.

Spike flew up to see the photo from behind Discord’s back. It pictured Big Mac and his marefriend, Sugar Belle, smiling at each other. They were in the orchard at Sweet Apple Acres and at the background, there was a beautiful setting sun.

Spike sighed, feeling sadness flooding him from the inside. He was happy for Big Mac but there was still this feeling...something was missing...

“Just peachy !” snarled Discord, examining the photo “ How lovely !”

Spike looked at draconequus in concern

“Discord, are you okay ?”

Lord of Chaos facepalmed once again and sighed

“Guys, I just realized something and it is something so stupid that it has to be true. Come on, we have to have some man talk” he said as he snapped his claws making them disappear.

They reappeared high upon the castle, sitting on the cloud facing Luna’s moon hovering over the city which was preparing to sleep.

Big Mac screamed as he noticed a set of wings on his back.

Discord grinned

“I need to enchant Spike and gave you this wings so you won’t fall through these clouds. I believe that this is the most pleasant way to enjoy the night, don’t you think ? Oh, and I suppose I could just enchant Big Mac as well... but where is the fun in that ?”

Big Mac happily examined his body as he spread his wings. Then he frowned and touched his head, giving Discord the puppy eyes.

Draconequus shook his head

“As much as I would like to turn you into an alicorn, I can’t do this. I heard that you dreamt about it, but I unfortunately this won’t happen. After Twilight became an alicorn, I found the concept of changing pony’s race quite amusing so I turned almost the entire population of Manehattan into the alicorns. They all wanted kingdoms, money and coronation so Tia was literally flooded with petitions. They even attempted to storm the castle. So after Celestia reversed the spell, she warned me that if I ever try it again, she will know. And she will lock me in an enchanted room where everything is in perfect distance from other elements, all furniture is from the catalogue, all the colours are matching and...books are alphabetized” the spirit of chaos shivered.

Spike raised an eyebrow

“”You have a trauma or something ?”

Discord glared at him with irritation

“A room like this is a death chamber to my kind. If I am locked for too long in a orderly environment, I get rid of chaos. And if I am getting rid of chaos, I rip out the essence of my being. But anyway, this is not why I wanted to talk to you”

He turned to Big Mac

“I wish I could say that I am sorry for being angry, but since I am not...BIG MAC, THIS CANNOT CONTINUE ! THIS IS A THIRD TIME THIS WEEK. THAT IS SUPPOSED TO BE GUYS ONLY EVENT. ALL THE GIRLY STUFF SHOULD BE OUT. LOVE AND HUGS AND Affection a...and...” Discord was talking quitter and quitter

“So you felt it too ?” Spike asked

Discord raised his head.

“Felt ? Felt what ?”

Spike ignored him and turned to Big Mac

“Big Mac, this is not your fault and it never will be. But since you and Sugar Belle starting to date, I realized how lonely I am. And you showing affection...well, it didn’t help and...I felt jealous. I mean, I am trying to win my love for years and you enamoured Sugar Belle so fast...it is just...it suddenly seemed unfair”.

Big Mac narrowed his eyes and slowly said


“SPHAGZRGHT” came from behind

Red stallion and a dragon looked at Discord, who was now turned back from them as he muttered something under his breath.

“What was that ?” asked Spike

“SPAIZRAIT” came another mumble

Spike flew closer to Discord

“Discord, I can’t quite hear you...”

“I SAID THAT SPIKE IS RIGHT. HAPPY ??!!” Discord yelled

Spike blinked and shook his head

“Right about what ?”

Discord stretched and said

“Remember our talk a few episodes ago, over the cake ?”

“Episodes ?”

Discord smirked and waved his paw.

The voice from nothingness said

„...Love like all things warm and fuzzy, isn’t real !

Then disembodied voice of Spike answered

„...You act tough, but deep down you are softy. I mean, it is not like you have a tea with Fluttershy every week because you like tea...

The voice faded in the night.

Discord glanced at Spike, conjuring the teacup out of thin air and taking a sip

„I really do love teas” he shifted uncomfortably „but since Big Mac started go all lovey-dovey with Sweetie Belle...I mean, Sugar Belle...well, I realized that I may care for Fluttershy even more...it is just too boring, this state of waiting in between”

He finished sipping his tea and threw the teacup behind his back, where it exploded in flames and confetti.

„Well, maybe this love thing is real after all. All this relations, back and forth, drama and excitement...this is one of the most powerful forms of chaos. And it is very tempting. So what I want to say is I don’t want to sit and watch anymore. I did it through a thousand years in stone. No, I was like this ever since the beginning of this universe. But now when I met Fluttershy I don’t want to just fabricate and watch. It is time to act”

Spike nodded as he played with a fragment of cloud.

„Same here. You know, I wish that everypony could see that I really want a true relationship. But nopony believes me cause I am so little. I may look like a baby but I am a teenager in pony years. With the molt behind me, I am an adolescent, not a baby.” he clenched his fists „I may be not big yet but I still can be kind, caring and dependable. But no one wants to give me this one chance to prove myself.”

He pointed at Discord

„Before you say anything, I want to show you that I know what it is when they say „you don’t have right to be in relationship because you are different from us”. I was abused and left behind, even by my own friends, and I was furious because of it. But I decided not to be driven by revenge because this is maturity. Be better than this. But I am a pony in a body of a dragon, something in between. So I think that it is time to do something about it”.

Discord’s face lightened up

„Am I thinking the same as you ?”

Spike smiled mischievously

„We will show them that we are worthy ! We will sweep them of their hooves and show our ladies that we really care about them. And all in this in style, together ! What do you say, Capitan Wuzz ?”

Discord put his hands together

„I am in as long as I will be able to twist this a little. A romance should be an adventure and what is the adventure without a bit of chaos ? Let’s do this, Garbunkle !”

They high fived and looked at Big Mac, who listened quietly to their conversation

„Big Mac, will you help us ?” asked Spike

Quiet earth pony bit his lower lip, thinking deeply

„You know, this is something that we need to do, just for sake of our pride.”Spike continued” I know that you already found happiness so I wouldn’t like to drag you into something that you don’t like. But still, we would like to do this together, as O&O gang. And, as already dating member, you could give us some advice. So what do you say ? You’re in ?”

There was a moment of silence. Then Big Mac smiled and said:

„Yep, I am”

The three friends smiled at each other and preformed their usual dance, changing a words only a little bit

„It’s guys night, oh yeah!!! In love now, oh yeah !!!”