• Published 1st Sep 2018
  • 1,288 Views, 21 Comments

The love of chaos and harmony or the romantic adventures of the O&O gang - Shadowlight Wanderer

As Big Mac continues dating Sugar Belle, Discord and Spike are starting to wonder about their love lives and decide to take action and win the love for themselves. Together, O&O style. What can possibly go wrong?

  • ...

Spike: Always there for you

Chapter 4

Where we row right into the heart...

In the time of dawn, Princess Celestia got up to rise the sun.

She exit her house made of white marble in a shape of the ancient temple, with lots of columns and arcs, with a quite simple yet expensive decor inside, a balcony with a symbol of sun and a karaoke machine. (Of course, she didn’t know how it get there. Hehe he he...)

She was under impression Discord’s ability to extract their dream houses from their minds and then bring them to life. Celestia was also capable of performing spell of that kind but she always assumed that mind extraction was a bit intimate thing. Discord of course, didn’t follow this objectives. Or any objectives, for that matter.

The houses were located in a form of horseshoe. During her walk to the lake, she passed Applejack’s mountain like hut made from wooden logs from apple trees, Rarity’s mansion masterfully carved in diamond and encrusted with many other gemstones, Applebloom’s house made of living and blooming plants, Sweetie Belle’s cute white and blue cottage with amethyst topping, Scootaloo battle arena-like house, Twilight’s library house, Pinkie Pie’s inflating castle and...Discord’s chaos dominium, floating over the ground in constant rotation.

Celestia was starting feeling dizzy and sick just watching the streams of chocolate milk going up from the ground and the windows that kept shrinking and enlarging. Not to mention that entire house was changing colour and pattern of style every five seconds.

Suddenly, the owner of the building appeared in front of her.

„What’s up Tia ?” Discord said, waving to her.

„I was up to raise the sun. I must congratulate on the camping. Yesterday everypony was exploring their houses and we all just fell asleep full of excitement about the days to come.”

„Can I go with you to watch you raise the sun”

Celestia hesitated for a moment

„Yes, you may WATCH. Please, try not to distract me.”

A halo appeared over Discord’s head.

„Of course.” he said sweetly.

Celestia and Discord reached the lake. Celestia picked the rock near the water, facing east and began a ritual preformed by her a thousand times before. She focused her attention on the east and started connecting with the sun, hidden behind the horizon. Her body absorbed the energy and power of the celestial body, wanting to unleash the force upon the world

„Burn with me” the sun princess whispered subconsciously, her eyes turning into pure gold.

That was the moment when she was reaching the top of her power as an alicorn goddess. But she knew that she had to move to the next step, if she didn’t want to self-ignite or change into something far worse.

In nature everything that is taken, must be given back.

Accumulating the solar energy and infusing her with her own magic, Celestia lowered her head and then PULLED, giving the power back to the sun, which started to appear, rising over the horizon...

„Naaats ingoyama bagithi baba !!!!” a voice sang behind her.

Celestia gasped and lost her concentration, causing sun to do a flip, set and rise once again. It took all her mind to calm the agitated magic and lock celestial body on its daily orbit

„Gratia solis, ad infinitem” she whispered, finishing the ritual

Discord stood beside her with a hi-fi base canon.

„What ? I thought this particular song will actually help you” he said innocently.

Suddenly, a small cough came from behind him and when the spirit of chaos turned around, he saw Fluttershy.

„Discord...Yesterday, I volunteered to cook breakfast and I wondered...If you can help me up. That is, if you are not busy now...” whispered the shy pegasus.

Discord smiled widely

„Of course I am not, I will be there in a moment”

Fluttershy smiled back and trotted down the hill.

Celestia bit her lip

„Discord...” she said, her voice higher than usual.

Discord looked at her

„Yes ? What is it ?”

Celestia looked at Fluttershy, returning to camp, and then shook her head

„Oh, nothing important”.

Then her horn glowed and she disappeared in golden flash.

Discord did the same, but before the white light enveloped him, he knew that Celestia was hiding something from him.

You are such a bad actress Tia. And I didn’t have to watch Horse Play to know it.


Spike finished his emerald cereals and got up from the breakfast table.

His friends were around him, sharing their plans for today. Applejack and Maud were going to hike on a small cliffs a few kilometres away, Pinkie Pie and CMCs wanted to swim, Limestone, Rainbow, Scootaloo and Princess Luna asked Discord to create a paintball arena, Twilight and Marble wanted to exchange some books and rest reading, Princess Celestia wanted to sunbath, Fluttershy was heading on nature walk with Discord.

That was it. His chance to make a move.

„Rarity, wait up” he shouted after the departing unicorn.

Rarity turned around confused.

„Spike ? What is it darling ?”

She was looking at him with this big sapphire eyes, question lingering in the reflexes of light on a blue irises.

Nothing in the entire nature has such a beautiful shade of blue...

Spike was about to go in a full daydreaming mode, but Rarity’s question brought him back to reality.

“Spikey ? Everything’s all right ?"

Young dragon shook his head with force and answered.

“No, everything’s fine. I just noticed...that you...didn’t plan anything for today...”

Rarity shuffled the ground with her hoof

“Well...I didn’t plan anything in particular...” she answered.

“So I was wondering...” Spike continued “ what would you think about rowing around the lake ?”

Rarity smiled

“I think this is a fabulous idea. Nothing better than take in a breathtaking scenery and sunbath a little along with the best dragon I know”

Spike blushed slightly at the compliment.


Spike assisted Rarity in getting on a boat that Discord created for them. When fashionista settled on a seat under a little canopy, Spike got to rowing.

Since his molting ended, Spike strenght increased so now rowing was rather easy for him.

For a few minutes they were quiet and then Rarity broke the silence

“What are you thinking about ?”

“It is just so nice to be with you here, that’s all... May I ask you something ?”

“Yes ?”

“What is that you dream about ?”

“Pardon ?”

“I mean, you already are a famous fashion designer, known around Equestria. What else do you think would make you happy ? .”

“Well...” Rarity felt comfortable, no one asked her such a question in a long time “ I know that ponies are like crystals, shining in many hues and shades. As fabulous as I am, I have my own flaws, interests, quirks, many, many different things. I think that I would appreciate somepony to accept me whole and make me complete. Maybe that’s a lot to ask, considering how dramatic I can be but...”

“Not at all !!!” shouted Spike, a little louder than intended.

Rarity raised her eyebrow

“Is that so ?”

Spike rubbed his check, embarrassed

“Yeah, just...look at you. If someone don’t want to be around you, it’s really his loss”.

Rarity giggled, she couldn’t stop herself

“Thank you Spike, this is so sweet of you to say !”

“Even when all my reasoning why we cannot be together, he is always so... so...” the word slipped away from the purple manned unicorn.


Discord watched invisible as Spike turned the boat to the river flowing to the forest.

Till know, situation was surprisingly good. Spike and Rarity really had a good time. Maybe there was a spark of hope for that little dragon after all...

Discord twirled his beard, watching couple talking about Sweetie Belle’s and Twilight’s antics. He growled.

He didn’t resign joining Fluttershy on a nature walk to do nothing. He and Spike make a deal to sacrifice their free time in rotation, in case some of them need a help during a “date”.

But here everything was going good. Everything was so nice and friendly...

“Yeah, friendly...that idiot will never go beside a “friendship” phase if someone doesn’t give him a push in a right direction” the spirit said out loud, knowing that neither dragon or unicorn could hear him.


An idea appeared in Discord’s mind. Alongside, a hint of doubt appeared as well. That was an extremely risky plan, dangerous even. But with him executing this task, it couldn’t go wrong. Right ?

„Spike is going to kill me for this” Discord muttered.

Then he replied with a usual counterargument

„Meh, I can’t die anyway”

And with this, he snapped his claws.


„Come here Spike, I want to show you something” Rarity peaked her head over board.

„Sure, what is it ?” Spike did the same, looking at his white companion.

„I’ve been doing some research on how to improve my crystal magic and I believe” Rarity’s horn started to glow, the shine intensified. Suddenly, the river bend shone with various gemstones, shimmering in the rays of sun penetrating the water

“...that I can also raise them, not just locate them.” Rarity said, releasing the magic

Spike clapped enthusiastically.

“This was amazing Rarity. Certainly it would be very useful during our gem hunts”.

Rarity bowed her head, trying to hide her pride.

“Thank you, thank you... it is just such a shame that I don’t want my mane ruined” she looked down through the water “that sapphire looks so beautiful...

Spike thought for a moment and then said

“Rarity, I could...”

But he didn’t express his idea, because in that moment, something happened to the river.

The water, which was slowly flowing through her course, agitated, the masses of water piled up and swirled in a roaring vortexes. The waves hit the boat in fury, making her swing from one side to another.

Rarity’s went wide when the wave hit her, sending her over board.

“Spike !!!” She screamed before disappearing under the surface of water.

Spike’s eyes widened in terror as well.

“Rarity !!!” he screamed and his body reacted instinctively.

He jumped to save her.

The water was cold, colder than he anticipated.

He located Rarity, who was fighting with all her might to go up but was still going down, despite the efforts.

He reached her when she hit the bent.

Spike grabbed something hard on the bent with one hand and Rarity’s waist with another.

Then he pulled up.

They both needed air and needed it now. Rarity’s gaze already became distant and Spike was afraid...


He swam stronger.

Nothing. It seemed hopeless.

And then he felt that his feet are pushed up by an ascending current of water and...

They re-emerged, gasping air in a greedy, exhausted fashion.

Spike was conscious enough to locate their boat, somehow not thrown upside down, and help Rarity get onto it. He quickly followed her.

When laying there and calming their breaths, the river slowly calmed down as well.

After a few minutes, Rarity faced Spike

“You saved...me “ she whispered.

Spike smiled weakly

“How could I not ? I always try to be there for you.”

Rarity leaned over and gave Spike a long, deep kiss on the cheek and Spike thought that his brain might as well became liquid along with the water.

Not on the lips, but they almost died so...

“Thank you, thank you so much Spikey” Rarity hugged him tightly.

Spike hugged her back


When they parted, Spike grinned even wider and opened his left hand.

“And also, cause I thought that this gem may be tasty”

Rarity put a hoof to her mouth as she watched the sapphire shard that she noticed earlier

“You took it.” she mumbled.

“I would grab more but there was some drowning pony there that was blocking my view” Spike said casually.

Rarity’s eye twitched

“So this is it, I see real priorities” she huffed “ you...you...meanie !!!”

She turned away , holding her nose high up.

She opened one of her eyes when Spike exploded into a fit of laughter and Rarity understood he was only teasing her.

“What...what are you laughing at ?” the unicorn said, trying to sound angry and cover her blush, clearly visible on her snow white coat.

Spike took a breath and breath fire on a gem until it started glowing with blue light. Then he started to reshape and mend the gem and after a while he cooled it with water. Then presented it to Rarity.

Rarity was stunned by the beauty of the sapphire heart that Spike presented to her. It was a little like fire ruby that Spike gave her long ago but much thinner and of course, not carved and polished so perfectly.

“Rarity” Spike said warmly “ I think that this sapphire is better to be with you than under the river. Because even when you wear all those dresses and gems, they cannot make you more beautiful. It is you that make all those things look beautiful, not the other way around. So I think that I am doing this gem a huge favour.”.

Rarity’s eyes start to water and she wanted to somehow express the feelings that exploded in her after dragon said such a heart warming thing, but then she shivered and bent in half in a powerful sneeze.

“Reshoooo !!!!”

“Oh no !” Spike shook his head “The last thing we need is you getting cold. Follow me, I have an idea “

He rowed to the riverside and when he secured the boat and Rarity got out, he told her to lay down on her side, as comfortably as she could.

“You have to trust me on this one. It is a little trick Ember taught me.”

He stepped two feet from the mare and started to firebreath into the ground, creating the circle of slightly burning dirt.

Rarity moaned when she felt her tensed muscles relax in contact with the nice heat

“Thank you Spike, I really appreciate it.” she said as she felt that she is starting to dry up.

Spike waved his hand

“Don’t say it”.

“Aren’t you cold ?”

“Nah, dragon’s have inner fire in them. It takes more than that to make us freeze”.

Then they started talking and in no time, there was afternoon.


“Spike, that day was different...and momentarily scary...but I am definitely glad that we spent it together” Rarity confessed, when they returned to the camp two hours later.

“You mean it ?” Spike beamed.

Rarity smiled as she planted a small kiss on the dragon’s cheek.

“Indeed I do”

“So...you want to spend some time together...the day after tomorrow ?”

Rarity’s eyes lit up

“I would very much like that. Now darling, I will be off to see how did others pass this glorious day. Ta-ta !” she waved at the dragon and trotted to the centre of the camping.

Spike waited till she left his area of sight and then flew up, throwing his fists in the air.


He stopped for a moment

“I wonder...maybe it was a little too easy...”

“You should never say that, you know” said Discord, floating next to Spike

“I know, I know...” Spike immediately entered the conversation. He was kinda used to Discord appearing out of the blue by now. “ I just thought...that she...well, didn’t like me in that way...”

“I wouldn’t say that. I think that since you are so nice and helpful to her, she did held a soft spot for you in heart. But she just wasn’t sure if you are mature enough to take proper care of her. But “Discord winked to Spike “I think that she will take that in consideration after today.”

Spike rubbed his head

“If you say... you won’t believe what happened to us today.”

“I helped you save her life”

Spike stared at draconequus


“Not only watched, I also sent this ascending current of water to help you get to the surface...”

Spike jumped and flew higher to thank his friend

“This is amazing ! Thank you so much”

“...and I was also the one who agitated the river in the first place “ added Discord.

Spike quickly grabbed Discord’s goatee and pulled it down, his gratitude turning into fury.


Discord freed himself from Spike’s grasp

“No, she wouldn’t. I had everything under control. In the worst case, I could just make an entire river disappear to save you. But I wanted to give Rarity an image of you as her saviour. And it worked !”

“You...little...goat-faced...jerk !!!” yelled Spike, his tension level slowly dropping.

“You’re welcome. You will repay me in the future” said Discord, disappearing in the explosion of smoke.

Spike took a few deep breaths to calm himself.

That effort was ruined when suddenly, he was picked up into the air.

“Aaaaaa !!! What the ??!!” Spike howled and then he heard a familiar voice

“Fear not Spike !!!”

Spike raised his head and noticed dark wings flapping furiously through the air.

“Princess Luna ?” he whispered with disbelief.

He flapped his own wings and flew along the night princess.

“Spike, I need to your help !!! They got me cornered, I cannot win alone “.

“Cornered ? By who ?”

Suddenly, a burning orb flew from the cloud over them.

Luna and Spike barely dodged the projectile and looking up, they spotted the head of the lavender alicorn sticking from the cloud.

“Perfect trajectory. Now, prepare for your dooooom !!!!” Twilight laughed as her horn began to charge once again.

“Don’t take all the glory, Twilight “ said Rainbow Dash, flying from behind the cloud.

Suddenly, Luna and Spike were sucked into a rainbow-like tornado.

Luna grabbed Spike with her magic and yelled


There was a discharge of an indigo magic and the shockwave caused Rainbow Dash to crash into the cloud.

The pegasus grinned

“Oh, it is on”

then she hid back in the cloud.

“There are three teams. If somepony is hit, it is “dead” and has to land. But if somepony from the other team is shot , the other can be brought back. So what do you say ? Alliance ?” Luna looked at Spike with expectation.

Spike smiled and shook princess’s hoof.

Then he flew higher and whispered something into Luna’s ear.

The princess of the night rubbed her hooves together.

“I like your thinking “she giggled malevolently.


Princess Celestia and Scootaloo landed on the big patch of white cloud

“Come out cowards !!!” shouted Scootaloo.

“Yes, you resistance is useless !!!” Celestia joined, scanning the clouds around, her horn glowing with golden aura.

In that moment, a voice echoed throughout the sky.

“Dear Princess Celestia, today I’ve learnt...”

Suddenly, a purple alicorn jumped from behind the cloud and tackled the solar princess to the ground.

“...that it is foolish to reveal your location to enemies by shouting !!!” Twilight aimed at Celestia.

Celestia furrowed her brow

“Twilight Sparkle, your princess does not wish to see this kind of behaviour from you. Get off me this instant !!!”

Fortunately for Celestia, the respect for higher authority, ever present in Twilight, reacted and lavender mare hesitantly took a step back.

„I am sorry Princess...I-I thought that...”

“Gotcha !”

Twilight was hit by a beam of golden light, that didn’t harm but slightly burn to signalise the shot.

Twilight clenched her rib cage and fall to earth in a theatrical spirals

“Curse you !!! I will get you one day !!!” she shouted from down below.

Celestia smiled and let out a little laugh

Then she frowned as she noticed a black spot in the distance

She squinted her eyes

Was that ?...

“Luna ?!” Celestia blinked, her jaw dropping.

The younger princess was indeed flying towards her. More precisely, charging at her. Her mane was completely messed up, and her irises was shrunk to the size of miniature dots.

Celestia experienced this view many times. Luna looked like that every time when she had to be present at some daytime ceremonies and consumed litters of coffee to keep herself from falling asleep.

The ruler of the sun knew one thing. That meant trouble.

Luna rise her front legs and Celestia became even more shocked, when she noticed Spike, held by Luna by hands and tail like some sort of a machine gun.

“FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Luna cried in high pitched voice, pulling the dragon by the tail.

Spike starting to shot a balls of cold fused plasma, strong enough to stupify but not enough to really burn.

Celestia let out a shriek rather not fitting for a monarch and dodged the plasma in the last moment.

Scootaloo didn’t have such luck. Young filly didn’t even had the time to turn around when she was hit. She fell to the cloud and, in the spirit of the rules, remained there motionless.


After an hour of hunting down and finally “killing” Rainbow Dash, Celestia, Luna and Spike were the only ones left on a battlefield

“So it all comes down to this ? So sentimental... maybe we should settle it in an old fashion way ?” Celestia looked at her sister.

“A showdown ?” Luna gasped.

Celestia smirked

“Unless of course you got a little rusty after a thousand years on the moon”

Luna’s eyes ignited with fury

“Take it back ! “

“Only if you prove to me that I should”

Luna turned to Spike

“Spike, we are flying to the ground. This fight I must endure alone”


“I can defeat this cakeoholic tyrant by myself. Now, keep your distance please.”

When they reached the ground, two princesses quickly assumed their positions, Luna on the east, Celestia on the west.

“Celestia...”Luna muttered, narrowing her eyes.

“Luna...” Celestia glared back.

“Discord !” Discord shouted appearing between them “What an exciting ending of our little battle ! A showdown between the royal sisters... begin !!! And also, I took care of sun and moon for you, you don’t have to thank me”

With a snap, the sun started to slowly set when the moon started to rise

With this, Discord seated himself on a cinema seat with a popcorn in his paw. Twilight, Rainbow, Scootaloo and Spike were by his side.

Celestia shouted and the ground around her started to crack and melt with heat. With one swift motion, the wave of lava was thrown at Luna who shielded herself with a big shield conjured up with magic and pushed through the fire, screaming with fury. The shield changed into a scythe that nearly reached Celestia, but was caught by a weep made of flames and exploded into an icy particles. Celestia was covered in ice and froze immediately. Then her eyes turned to golden hue and she exploded in flames, subliming the ice into a mist.

Luna turned into a shadow and sneaked behind Celestia’s back only to be hit by a spear of light that threw her at the nearby tree. She quickly raised up and with a scream

„Black Velvet Inferno !!!”

all of the shadows in the forest reached out for the older princess, whose eyes widened in fear.

But only for a moment. Celestia stretched up and her body started to shine in a bright flash, brighter than anything in the visible spectrum of light. All spectators had to cover their eyes.

Luna growled as she looked at all her shadows vanishing. She assumed a different approach as she turned into a bolt of darkness and charged at her sister.

Celestia turned into a bolt of light as well and the princesses raised into the air, crashing, withdrawing and colliding with incredible speed.

After some time, Celestia reappeared again and shouted

„A Heartblazing Pandemonium !!!!!”

The setting sun shone brighter behind its ruler and all the light in the sky collapsed on Luna. It was like an entire sky fell down.

Celestia screamed and released a new wave of heat.

Luna was flooded by a storm of light and squashed to earth by the wave of fire and heat with a force of thermonuclear blast.

When Celestia descended, Luna was coughing, stretched on the ground with a smoke evaporating from her slightly burnt body. The younger alicorn absorbed most of the attack and repelled it with magic, but it still was too much to handle.

Celestia smiled triumphantly

„Give up sister ! You can’t fight in that state”

She started laughing but quickly stopped when she heard Luna’s laughter as well.

„What’s so funny ?”

„On contrary sister...” Luna gestured with her head.

Celestia turned around and gulped. The sun finally set, only moon remained. The night time has began.

„ ...I never felt more alive !” Luna collapsed into her own shadow and disappeared.

With a flash, she appeared by the edge of the lake.

„You might also noticed that tonight is the full moon. Well, let’s see what I can do with that !” Luna added.

Her eyes became white when the entire lake raised up and swirled above her head.

Twilight watched all of this with her eyes widened in amazement. She heard that, as a Moon Princess, Luna could control waters and tides, but she never believed it.

„ANY LAST WORDS ?” Luna boomed.

„Mommy...” Celestia whispered when the entire lake fell on her.

After fifteen seconds, the water was pulled back to expose a wet and miserable princess sitting on the ground

„I give up...”she mumbled, with the fish in her mane.

Discord clapped his hands

„And we have a winner!!! What a glorious fight, I didn’t see you so agitated since you met me for the first time. Now let’s fix you up.”

With a snap, all scenery, along with the princesses, returned to the state before battle.

Spike approached Celestia

„Princess, are you all right ?”

She smiled, visibly exhausted.

„Don’t worry Spike, me and Luna had to fight like this from time to time to stay in shape”

„Now why don’t we all go to the camp, eat something and get some rest. With great power „Luna yawned” comes a great need to take a nap”

Everypony agreed and headed to the camp.

Spike smiled to himself. That was a fulfilling day.

And there were still many to come.